The orb ideas may look cool but I think any orbs that is very, very strong might cause the player to dislike it and can look a bit bad in gameplay so I think it's best to adjust the strength of those orbs accordingly.
No pink orb was in 1.1 because in time machines 2nd or 3rd coin they had pink orbs and blue pad was in 1.0 because in back on tracks 1st coin you need to go on the blue pad.
0:43 touch triggers exist lol bro 💀😭🙏
0:33 robtop confirmed he will never add black pad
The orb ideas may look cool but I think any orbs that is very, very strong might cause the player to dislike it and can look a bit bad in gameplay so I think it's best to adjust the strength of those orbs accordingly.
1:19 i was gonna make that. 💀💀☠️☠️
for the direction dash orb, someone already made that, i think it was bli
Robtop actually accepted some
1:28 caught using forse block
Yea because it was for the new orbs
If you want to play this level too, type the ID, 111334490!
No problem
Pin your comment bro
It worked 😮😊😊
No pink orb was in 1.1 because in time machines 2nd or 3rd coin they had pink orbs and blue pad was in 1.0 because in back on tracks 1st coin you need to go on the blue pad.
wrong, secret coins were added in 1.6
Roptop be like: i won't add these thing in the game because you can do it in 2.2 -_-
Ik bruh
I played this level before it was recorded to youtube😧
Pink orbs are 6 days older than me
That's my sound
Oh really?!? I didn’t know..
is delete
The upwards dash orb is the most useless one because you can just rotate the normal dash orb 90 degrees.
i keep seeing you you just commented on my vid😭
Super Jump orb make them 100 Jump DangerOrb is dangerous if you touch it its make you 100 DAMAGE
1:21-1:40 super high
In every video like this there is direction dash orb
That is kind of true…
This is the same thing as the mirror portal
Bro 124% ☠
Ain’t no way I’m gonna hit 300
Kill orb
I could add that…
the level id was false >:(
Try again
It was right
What!? The id us 111334490?!