Do you do morning pages? What are the pros and cons you’ve found? P.S. Be sure to jump on my free training, “How to Use a Holistic Approach to Create a Profitable Business Without Burning Yourself Out”. Learn more and reserve a seat here:
Wow, excellent content here, not only regarding Morning Pages, but all of the concepts you addressed. "For everything there is a season". It's so easy to get stuck looking back instead of forward.
My wife brought me the book in a moment of need. I didn't manage to read it but I committed myself to 100 days of writing morning pages. I'm on the 36th day and it gives me so much order in my emotions. I find myself writing about things I didn't even bring up in the therapy I went through in the past, writing and understanding dreams and just letting off steam instead of taking it out on someone else. Wonderful.
I’ve been doing morning pages for years, and today I realized that it isn’t serving me anymore. There have been so many mornings where I feel like jumping into mind-mapping or editing right away, but I go “wait… I have to do morning pages.” And then I feel like *I already did writing* so it’s hard to find motivation to attack an actual project. I agree, it’s definitely life-changing, especially for developing a daily writing/creating habit. But I do feel like I’ve outgrown it. I searched to see if anyone could validate these feelings, and I’m relieved to have found this video. Thanks!
Morning pages are not just about brain dumping negative things though. They are to write anything and everything that goes through your mind, that includes dreams and goals or projects. In the intro to morning pages, Julia herself even says she came up with a character/plot for a novel while doing her pages. I myself have come up with plots for my stories while writing them. Just use them to write whatever!
Great point! I agree, it's not only to capture negative things, or even general things. But it often becomes a habit to capture things that aren't really helpful and focus on the less than helpful stuff. That's not the case for everyone, of course, so don't fix what isn't broken for you!
Thank you for this great video Ms. Wagner. I am always pleasantly surprised at how many small channels like yours have such great content. Congratulations on surpassing the 10k mark, I have been subbed to your channel ever since you were featured on Ms. Perkin's channel.
I know this video is old but it popped up on my feed and while I’m not into woo-woo signs I find it ironic that after doing morning pages over a month and complaining in them how boring they are and this morning deciding that my time would be better spent doing 3 pages of art studies than continue on wasting my time writing a bunch of nothing. Your video title sealed the deal for me. Thanks for that! 😊
Thank you. I so love your authenticity ❤ I’ve done 3 pages after reading Julia’s book, about 20 years ago, for a period of time. I can’t recall what made me stop. For the last few years, I’m doing a brain dump in the morning, but only one small page in a little notebook. I do it as a part of my Miracle Morning routine and I like it very much because like we empty our bowel in the morning I believe we do need to empty our brain as well😊 however, after watching your video I am realizing that I probably need to stop this kind of brain dump and start using your method because I’m looping around for some time and I need something that will help me with forward motion. So I’m going to give it a try for a period of time and I’m sure it’s gonna go great. Many thanks beautiful Tara 🙏❤️
Your video was in my recommendation feed and wow! This is exactly what I needed, I have always kept a journal but lately feel like all I do in my journal is complain and focus on the “wall” I realize maybe this is why I haven’t been enjoying it as much because all I do is dump out the bad. Your video has made me realize so much, & that maybe shifting that focus in my journal could be a lot more beneficial. Thank you so much for this wonderful video! 💜
This was really helpful - I loved doing morning pages for a couple of years (then switched to more typical “journaling” [a bit slower and no specific length] first thing in the morning), but I’ve more recently been feeling some of the same things you mentioned. Because this practice was so healing, I’ve been afraid to let it go (I’ve been afraid I’d lose touch with myself without it). I love the idea of redirecting it to be more intentional and less brain dump or past-focused! Thank you!
Same for me! In the beginning I was afraid of seeing my own thoughts on paper but it turned out to be a relief. I tend to have deep thoughts and analyse all the time and I overshare with people even though they mostly rather want to engage in repetitive conversation and small talk. Writing the pages channels my thoughts and slows them down. I feel understood by someone....myself.
This is really great to hear the different perspective of the morning Page. Im in the phase where i feels good . I had a little confusion that whether i do start writing morning page or my own scripting. I tried morning pages for a week but it didn't go as i thought so i decided to progress. I have daily event journal where i will put my thoughts which have been impacted be on that day. I have pocket journal wherever i go ,i will go with them . There is really magic in writing your own life and the feelings. So glad to get your video at the right moment ❤
TOTALLY Resonate With This. I actually have, too, been practicing morning pages for many years now, and just recently I've been feeling what one of my teachers said very beautifully: "A way that you find yourself, can eventually be a way that you lose yourself." -- Great tool for those who need it, but as you've done it for awhile, I say that staying with your creativity -- and letting it flow in the ways it wants to is the best course of action!
I justed doing morning pages, and find them extremely beneficial to my self growth, but you do make some very good points in this video about rehashing the past and not looking forward. I will take that point into my future practice ♥️
I started doing morning pages a few years ago and I find them extremely useful. I find that they are great to get things out of my head so that I can then get through to the forward planning I need to get to the next level. Some days I don’t do it because I wake up too late and I never put pressure on myself. You are right though, there are different times for different tools and finding what works for you is best. Thanks for this videos and the tips.
I know this is an old video, but I hope you see this. I have been thinking about doing morning pages but just didn't have a peace about it. Just really don't think it's beneficial to me to sit there in the negativity when I would much rather be focusing on the goodness in my life and what God is doing. I'm very thankful for what you've shared here!
I'm still doing the morning pages, it's been a few years now. But, I'm not writing 3 full pages anymore, more like 1 page (one side of the page) 😀 I have found I just don't have the time to spend right now writing 3 full pages. Also, my notebooks have become considerably smaller lol!
Ooooh glad you added this! Yes I had a period of time too where I was writing less and less. And amen to smaller notebooks. Morning Pages Arthritis is a thing. LOL
I have so much respect what you're saying. My own personal experience has been different. I find during mp, I have so many ideas for what I would like to focus on. Not making me dwell on the past. But everyone is unique. Thank you.
Pros: for people who have never journaled before and are not self aware Cons: writing is slow so it doesn’t really flow as freely and quickly as our racing thoughts. and sometimes we still end up self censoring or filtering or judging our writing. Sometimes a true brain dump isn’t even words. It feels like letting out random noises and sounds or squiggly lines I’ve been doing morning pages for years before I even knew I was doing morning pages nor came across “the artist’s way” book. What helped me was: brain dumping verbally. Instead of pen and paper writing, I just turn on my phone’s mic and let it auto-write out whatever I word-vom or vent about for 10, 15, 30 mins. It’s faster, easier, and i can do it on the go (instead of needing pen and paper or only brain dumping in the mornings). Sometimes we need to brain dump randomly while we’re out but we end up pouring it on people instead and treat others like our emotional garbage bins. So now I’ve upgraded to electronic “morning pages” and tbh “body dumping” too : physically letting out the stuff stuck inside me and my body (not just my mind). In the form of letting my body move, shake, sway, twitch etc whatever it wants for like 30 mins Tbh it should just be called morning dumps. 😂 *and I write at least 5 wishes or desires everyday. Because I got tired of complaining about the same things over again and I think this also addresses your commentary about the morning page’s lack of direction after the dumping is complete or done for the day.
I've heard of morning pages in terms of getting into the habit of writing for 30 minutes. But I haven't read the book you referenced and done morning pages and a mandatory 3 pages. I think it could be really helpful to do that 'brain drain' at the beginning of the day to get all the worries and random thoughts out so we can focus on what we want to focus on. Sometimes we need an outlet.
Yeah, it's nice to clear your thoughts, but I find it's easy to stay stuck in the negative thoughts rather than thinking about positive things afterward.
I really like your point about morning pages devolving into navel-gazing and complaining for complaining's sake for some people. It is indeed what happened to me. The pages were a geat tool for me to get unstuck and find faith in myself, but now that I'm considering my plans for 2023 I'm thinking about letting go of this practice and choosing something more focussed instead.
I'm a musician. I used to write morning pages. And there was never the next step whatsoever. Every time i finished I was like: what now? Didn't feel any relief either. It's not the same as crying on one's shoulder. And even that rarely helped long term in my case. Just've finished reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron yesterday. Even though I find it very entertaining and fun, none of the exercises really caught my attention. Everything was like skip this, skip that, meh, bah. I like the philosophy in this book, I enjoyed it, it humored me for a while but then I returned to the starting point and brutal reality. And tbh, morning pages burned me out. Writing about my pain used to be a good therapy. My morning pages used to be writing lyrics. Now? It hurts. Maybe reading what I wrote was a mistake, didn't know I'm not supposed to do that. And MP never cured or at least suppressed my depression either. Even if there was a slight relief, it lasted maybe 5 minutes after putting down the pen. It's not a lack of creativity. It's depression and different people who deceive me through all my life.
Thank you for sharing your experience! Morning pages have a time and place but it's important that other people hear stuff like this so they don't feel crazy if it doesn't click for them (or stops clicking).
@@Andrew-dg7qm Thx for replying to my super old comment. I completely forgot about that book. Gonna re-read it as far as I haven't made any progress since then
I've only started doing the Morning Pages a week or so ago, so I haven't been doing it long enough to experience these "life-changing" benefits, but I can say that I'm enjoying it so far. It does feel "freeing" in a way, I feel like I can devote more time to my other projects. And to ensure that I'm not just writing about what happened the day before, I do that at the end of the day in another entry that I'm calling the "Evening Pages." 😅
I used to do MP every morning for a long time when I was younger. I find now that I’m older, my head is not swimming full of junk as it used to be when I was younger, my life is more peaceful, and I have less need for a brain dump on the page, to get things off my chest first thing in the morning, then I used to. Because my mind is calmer and more peaceful, I find the morning pages with me, sitting there, nothing to write, no insights, no dreams, no back stories, no reviews, nothing that would help me move forward. Just page after page of pointless stupid things that don’t help me go anywhere, or unblock me. I do not feel blocked, and I am not blocked, and therefore I don’t need morning pages like I used to. So for this season of my life morning pages are not for me. However, I do keep a journal that I write in once a day, or maybe every other day, maybe five times a week, just depending on how the week goes, and how I’m feeling. I don’t make it a specific lebgth, or sit down for specific time period, so it’s not like I am punching the clock. I do find journaling helpful, but it’s normally just me writing pointless, stupid blah blah blah on the page, which is why I stopped morning pages in the first place. Thank you for your video, I thought it was very insightful, and I’m glad that I’m not the only one who has outgrown morning pages.
I tried today for the 1st time. I didn't finish my A5. Someone was ringing the doorbell and it was really annoying me. But it was a tight rule A5 so I guess in a normal ruled A5 book I would have finished it. Half of what I wrote was complaints about the exercise and that my hand hurt from writing nonstop. Looking at my handwriting I don't know if I was writing too fast or if it was just because I could barely see the page with how sleepy I was. This seems like a really big waste to me. I'm already used to write with no filters because it's for me and no one else. So what do I have to gain from this?
I will say it is often worth it to stick it out for a few weeks before judging. It def took me that long to get to the meat of it and find it often takes at least that long for others. If at that point, it's not serving you, at least you'll know for certain.
I did morning pages for the first time today. It evolved into me brain dumping about what I think about myself as that was what was flowing after I got caught on an idea. Is this wrong? I also feel like it’d be good to go back and review the thoughts. Would that defeat the purpose? Was writing down connections as they kept coming up.
Not wrong at all! It's always interesting what surfaces and the goal is to go with it as long as you find it helpful. As to reviewing them, I've saved all mine thinking I would, and while I'm glad to have those records, I never found it very useful. Trust your gut!
I would certainly try it out and see what you think. You might find it really helpful to clear your thoughts first and then go into forward thinking/scripting after.
I did morning pages years ago and was teaching my daughter how to do them, however, they just became a challenge to complete. So many things or people interrupted the brain dump and they ended up frustrating me more than helping me.
I just started this month and I have been loving it so far but like you said "interruption" and so I decided to do them when there's no more interruption,yet in the morning still
I know it's been a while since you've posted this, but this is a sign that your family and other people don't respect your time. I simply tell my daughter to go away, I'm writing, and she respects it now. It can also point to time management or self respect issues. If you read The Artist's Way along with the morning pages, Julia Cameron talks about these toxic behaviors in people. My morning pages time is my time. No one gets that time. It's the same with a job or studying for school. That's your time. Your family shouldn't bug you while you're working or studying. Why should they bug you when you're writing 3 pages.
Do you do morning pages? What are the pros and cons you’ve found?
P.S. Be sure to jump on my free training, “How to Use a Holistic Approach to Create a Profitable Business Without Burning Yourself Out”. Learn more and reserve a seat here:
Wow, excellent content here, not only regarding Morning Pages, but all of the concepts you addressed. "For everything there is a season". It's so easy to get stuck looking back instead of forward.
Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head. 😂
My wife brought me the book in a moment of need. I didn't manage to read it but I committed myself to 100 days of writing morning pages. I'm on the 36th day and it gives me so much order in my emotions. I find myself writing about things I didn't even bring up in the therapy I went through in the past, writing and understanding dreams and just letting off steam instead of taking it out on someone else. Wonderful.
I love that! I'm happy that you have found an outlet that is meaningful to you. Keep it up! :)
I’ve been doing morning pages for years, and today I realized that it isn’t serving me anymore. There have been so many mornings where I feel like jumping into mind-mapping or editing right away, but I go “wait… I have to do morning pages.” And then I feel like *I already did writing* so it’s hard to find motivation to attack an actual project.
I agree, it’s definitely life-changing, especially for developing a daily writing/creating habit. But I do feel like I’ve outgrown it. I searched to see if anyone could validate these feelings, and I’m relieved to have found this video. Thanks!
My pleasure! Keep trusting your instincts!
Morning pages are not just about brain dumping negative things though. They are to write anything and everything that goes through your mind, that includes dreams and goals or projects. In the intro to morning pages, Julia herself even says she came up with a character/plot for a novel while doing her pages. I myself have come up with plots for my stories while writing them. Just use them to write whatever!
Great point! I agree, it's not only to capture negative things, or even general things. But it often becomes a habit to capture things that aren't really helpful and focus on the less than helpful stuff. That's not the case for everyone, of course, so don't fix what isn't broken for you!
Thank you for this great video Ms. Wagner. I am always pleasantly surprised at how many small channels like yours have such great content. Congratulations on surpassing the 10k mark, I have been subbed to your channel ever since you were featured on Ms. Perkin's channel.
Aww thanks Ricardo! I appreciate that!
I know this video is old but it popped up on my feed and while I’m not into woo-woo signs I find it ironic that after doing morning pages over a month and complaining in them how boring they are and this morning deciding that my time would be better spent doing 3 pages of art studies than continue on wasting my time writing a bunch of nothing. Your video title sealed the deal for me. Thanks for that! 😊
Haha impeccable timing indeed!
I LOVE my morning pages. Started in December and they make a big difference for me. I miss them when I get away from doing them consistently
I remember that phase! They help so much!
Thank you. I so love your authenticity ❤
I’ve done 3 pages after reading Julia’s book, about 20 years ago, for a period of time.
I can’t recall what made me stop. For the last few years, I’m doing a brain dump in the morning, but only one small page in a little notebook. I do it as a part of my Miracle Morning routine and I like it very much because like we empty our bowel in the morning I believe we do need to empty our brain as well😊 however, after watching your video I am realizing that I probably need to stop this kind of brain dump and start using your method because I’m looping around for some time and I need something that will help me with forward motion. So I’m going to give it a try for a period of time and I’m sure it’s gonna go great. Many thanks beautiful Tara 🙏❤️
Your video was in my recommendation feed and wow! This is exactly what I needed, I have always kept a journal but lately feel like all I do in my journal is complain and focus on the “wall” I realize maybe this is why I haven’t been enjoying it as much because all I do is dump out the bad. Your video has made me realize so much, & that maybe shifting that focus in my journal could be a lot more beneficial. Thank you so much for this wonderful video! 💜
I'm so glad it's inspired you! Excited to hear how your new approach goes!
This was really helpful - I loved doing morning pages for a couple of years (then switched to more typical “journaling” [a bit slower and no specific length] first thing in the morning), but I’ve more recently been feeling some of the same things you mentioned. Because this practice was so healing, I’ve been afraid to let it go (I’ve been afraid I’d lose touch with myself without it). I love the idea of redirecting it to be more intentional and less brain dump or past-focused! Thank you!
And don’t forget, you can always use it when it’s helpful/needed!
I say keep going - I've had massive insights using them for brainstorming as well
Allow the universe to speak to you through them
Glad you're still loving them! Enjoy the process!
Same for me! In the beginning I was afraid of seeing my own thoughts on paper but it turned out to be a relief. I tend to have deep thoughts and analyse all the time and I overshare with people even though they mostly rather want to engage in repetitive conversation and small talk. Writing the pages channels my thoughts and slows them down. I feel understood by someone....myself.
Here’s a comment to help the algorithm! I super appreciate your videos!
This is really great to hear the different perspective of the morning Page. Im in the phase where i feels good . I had a little confusion that whether i do start writing morning page or my own scripting. I tried morning pages for a week but it didn't go as i thought so i decided to progress. I have daily event journal where i will put my thoughts which have been impacted be on that day. I have pocket journal wherever i go ,i will go with them . There is really magic in writing your own life and the feelings.
So glad to get your video at the right moment ❤
So glad you're listening to your intuition and leaning into what you're drawn to!
TOTALLY Resonate With This. I actually have, too, been practicing morning pages for many years now, and just recently I've been feeling what one of my teachers said very beautifully: "A way that you find yourself, can eventually be a way that you lose yourself." -- Great tool for those who need it, but as you've done it for awhile, I say that staying with your creativity -- and letting it flow in the ways it wants to is the best course of action!
What a great quote!
I justed doing morning pages, and find them extremely beneficial to my self growth, but you do make some very good points in this video about rehashing the past and not looking forward. I will take that point into my future practice ♥️
That's awesome! I'd love to hear how your process changes as you begin to add that into your practice.
I started doing morning pages a few years ago and I find them extremely useful. I find that they are great to get things out of my head so that I can then get through to the forward planning I need to get to the next level. Some days I don’t do it because I wake up too late and I never put pressure on myself. You are right though, there are different times for different tools and finding what works for you is best. Thanks for this videos and the tips.
Glad it was useful!
Thank you, very helpful to listen to a different perspective!
Glad you enjoyed it! Are you doing morning pages? How are they going for you?
I know this is an old video, but I hope you see this. I have been thinking about doing morning pages but just didn't have a peace about it. Just really don't think it's beneficial to me to sit there in the negativity when I would much rather be focusing on the goodness in my life and what God is doing. I'm very thankful for what you've shared here!
Listen to your instincts! They tend to know what we need better than we do!
the scripting is a great idea, i guess I can incorporate that into my morning pages, that sense of gratitude is the GOAL
Yes! You CAN do it! Gratitude is a strong morning starter - good luck to you!
I'm still doing the morning pages, it's been a few years now. But, I'm not writing 3 full pages anymore, more like 1 page (one side of the page) 😀 I have found I just don't have the time to spend right now writing 3 full pages. Also, my notebooks have become considerably smaller lol!
Ooooh glad you added this! Yes I had a period of time too where I was writing less and less. And amen to smaller notebooks. Morning Pages Arthritis is a thing. LOL
I have so much respect what you're saying. My own personal experience has been different. I find during mp, I have so many ideas for what I would like to focus on. Not making me dwell on the past. But everyone is unique. Thank you.
I love that! And absolutely, everyone is unique. This is why I stopped but we all need to take what works for us. Thanks for adding this Debra!
Pros: for people who have never journaled before and are not self aware
Cons: writing is slow so it doesn’t really flow as freely and quickly as our racing thoughts. and sometimes we still end up self censoring or filtering or judging our writing. Sometimes a true brain dump isn’t even words. It feels like letting out random noises and sounds or squiggly lines
I’ve been doing morning pages for years before I even knew I was doing morning pages nor came across “the artist’s way” book.
What helped me was: brain dumping verbally. Instead of pen and paper writing, I just turn on my phone’s mic and let it auto-write out whatever I word-vom or vent about for 10, 15, 30 mins.
It’s faster, easier, and i can do it on the go (instead of needing pen and paper or only brain dumping in the mornings). Sometimes we need to brain dump randomly while we’re out but we end up pouring it on people instead and treat others like our emotional garbage bins. So now I’ve upgraded to electronic “morning pages” and tbh “body dumping” too : physically letting out the stuff stuck inside me and my body (not just my mind). In the form of letting my body move, shake, sway, twitch etc whatever it wants for like 30 mins
Tbh it should just be called morning dumps. 😂
*and I write at least 5 wishes or desires everyday. Because I got tired of complaining about the same things over again and I think this also addresses your commentary about the morning page’s lack of direction after the dumping is complete or done for the day.
BAHAHAHA @ morning dumps! 😂 Love your insights though, thanks for sharing this for others!
@@TaraWagner 🥰🤍
I've heard of morning pages in terms of getting into the habit of writing for 30 minutes. But I haven't read the book you referenced and done morning pages and a mandatory 3 pages. I think it could be really helpful to do that 'brain drain' at the beginning of the day to get all the worries and random thoughts out so we can focus on what we want to focus on. Sometimes we need an outlet.
This is exactly what it's good for!
Yeah, it's nice to clear your thoughts, but I find it's easy to stay stuck in the negative thoughts rather than thinking about positive things afterward.
@@TaraWagner Thanks for liking my post!
😜 I liked it again!
I really like your point about morning pages devolving into navel-gazing and complaining for complaining's sake for some people. It is indeed what happened to me. The pages were a geat tool for me to get unstuck and find faith in myself, but now that I'm considering my plans for 2023 I'm thinking about letting go of this practice and choosing something more focussed instead.
What are you considering instead?
I'm a musician. I used to write morning pages. And there was never the next step whatsoever. Every time i finished I was like: what now? Didn't feel any relief either. It's not the same as crying on one's shoulder. And even that rarely helped long term in my case. Just've finished reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron yesterday.
Even though I find it very entertaining and fun, none of the exercises really caught my attention. Everything was like skip this, skip that, meh, bah. I like the philosophy in this book, I enjoyed it, it humored me for a while but then I returned to the starting point and brutal reality.
And tbh, morning pages burned me out. Writing about my pain used to be a good therapy. My morning pages used to be writing lyrics. Now? It hurts. Maybe reading what I wrote was a mistake, didn't know I'm not supposed to do that. And MP never cured or at least suppressed my depression either. Even if there was a slight relief, it lasted maybe 5 minutes after putting down the pen.
It's not a lack of creativity. It's depression and different people who deceive me through all my life.
Thank you for sharing your experience! Morning pages have a time and place but it's important that other people hear stuff like this so they don't feel crazy if it doesn't click for them (or stops clicking).
You have to do the artist dates and the walks as well. Otherwise, you’re not following the artist way
@@Andrew-dg7qm Thx for replying to my super old comment. I completely forgot about that book. Gonna re-read it as far as I haven't made any progress since then
I've only started doing the Morning Pages a week or so ago, so I haven't been doing it long enough to experience these "life-changing" benefits, but I can say that I'm enjoying it so far. It does feel "freeing" in a way, I feel like I can devote more time to my other projects. And to ensure that I'm not just writing about what happened the day before, I do that at the end of the day in another entry that I'm calling the "Evening Pages." 😅
I love that! I'm sure you'll see the impact over time (and maybe even in hindsight).
Great ideas!
I can't do morning pages. I am not able to concentrate early in the day.
I used to do MP every morning for a long time when I was younger. I find now that I’m older, my head is not swimming full of junk as it used to be when I was younger, my life is more peaceful, and I have less need for a brain dump on the page, to get things off my chest first thing in the morning, then I used to. Because my mind is calmer and more peaceful, I find the morning pages with me, sitting there, nothing to write, no insights, no dreams, no back stories, no reviews, nothing that would help me move forward. Just page after page of pointless stupid things that don’t help me go anywhere, or unblock me. I do not feel blocked, and I am not blocked, and therefore I don’t need morning pages like I used to. So for this season of my life morning pages are not for me. However, I do keep a journal that I write in once a day, or maybe every other day, maybe five times a week, just depending on how the week goes, and how I’m feeling. I don’t make it a specific lebgth, or sit down for specific time period, so it’s not like I am punching the clock. I do find journaling helpful, but it’s normally just me writing pointless, stupid blah blah blah on the page, which is why I stopped morning pages in the first place. Thank you for your video, I thought it was very insightful, and I’m glad that I’m not the only one who has outgrown morning pages.
Thank you for sharing your experience!
I tried today for the 1st time. I didn't finish my A5. Someone was ringing the doorbell and it was really annoying me. But it was a tight rule A5 so I guess in a normal ruled A5 book I would have finished it. Half of what I wrote was complaints about the exercise and that my hand hurt from writing nonstop. Looking at my handwriting I don't know if I was writing too fast or if it was just because I could barely see the page with how sleepy I was. This seems like a really big waste to me. I'm already used to write with no filters because it's for me and no one else. So what do I have to gain from this?
I will say it is often worth it to stick it out for a few weeks before judging. It def took me that long to get to the meat of it and find it often takes at least that long for others. If at that point, it's not serving you, at least you'll know for certain.
Sounds like you experienced the inevitavle creative U-turn. Julia covers that in week nine of the 12 week course
I did morning pages for the first time today. It evolved into me brain dumping about what I think about myself as that was what was flowing after I got caught on an idea.
Is this wrong? I also feel like it’d be good to go back and review the thoughts. Would that defeat the purpose? Was writing down connections as they kept coming up.
Not wrong at all! It's always interesting what surfaces and the goal is to go with it as long as you find it helpful. As to reviewing them, I've saved all mine thinking I would, and while I'm glad to have those records, I never found it very useful. Trust your gut!
How could morning pages fit into a scripting practice? Would you recommend doing it if I'm already scripting?
I would certainly try it out and see what you think. You might find it really helpful to clear your thoughts first and then go into forward thinking/scripting after.
Front and back of paper is a sheet. A page is one side
I'm afraid of others reading my pages when i'm gone.
Plenty of why you can keep them private, including destroying them. :)
I did morning pages years ago and was teaching my daughter how to do them, however, they just became a challenge to complete. So many things or people interrupted the brain dump and they ended up frustrating me more than helping me.
Do you have something else you do now instead?
I just started this month and I have been loving it so far but like you said "interruption" and so I decided to do them when there's no more interruption,yet in the morning still
I know it's been a while since you've posted this, but this is a sign that your family and other people don't respect your time. I simply tell my daughter to go away, I'm writing, and she respects it now. It can also point to time management or self respect issues. If you read The Artist's Way along with the morning pages, Julia Cameron talks about these toxic behaviors in people. My morning pages time is my time. No one gets that time. It's the same with a job or studying for school. That's your time. Your family shouldn't bug you while you're working or studying. Why should they bug you when you're writing 3 pages.
Right back atcha!!!