Back To The Roots - A documentary film about the city of Tarim in Hadhramaut, Yemen.
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Tarim (Arabic: تريم tarīm) is a historic town situated in the Hadhramaut Valley of South Yemen, South Arabia. Tarim is widely acknowledged as the theological, juridical, and academic center of the Hadhramaut Valley. An important locus of Islamic learning, it is estimated to contain the highest concentration of descendants of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (sayyids) anywhere in the world. The city is distinguished for producing numerous Islamic scholars, including Imam al-Haddad. Additionally, Tarim is also home to Dar al-Mustafa, a well-known educational institute for the study of traditional Islamic Sciences.
Proud to be from Hadhramaut .
Great video. It captures beautifully something of the essence of the true Hadhramis. As diaspora Hadhramis we often look to our ancestral homeland and way of life with intense fondness and unspeakable 💖 love. The difficult journeys undertaken by our Hadhrami ancestors to different parts of the Islamic empire and the emotions they evoke is a tapestry richly woven in symbolism. As living examples of Islamic piety we owe our great, great grandfathers and mothers every breath of praise and salawat as today we can only aspire to be mere shadows of their impeccable greatness.
proud to be a hadrami
great video
حفظ الله حضرموت بتريمها وسادتها وحبايبها ومشايخها وكل من سكن فيها ونهل من منبع العلم. وجزاء الله القائمين عليها الجنّة ونعيمها. أحبكم في الله واعشق تريم ومساجدها التي تفوق الثلاثمئة مسجد وجامع. وفيها تأسسة المدرسه الحضرميه منذُ نهاية القرن الثالث الهجري ومنها ومنها انتشروا العلماء في اصقاع الأرض. وبفضل الله ثمَ عزيمة الرجال وصلوا إلى إندونيسيا وماليزيا والهند والسند والقرن الأفريقي. هذا وما تزال تحتظن حوالي ثمان مائة طالب ومثلهم إناث. لتلقي العلم الشرعي ومعظمهم من خارج الوطن العربي. اللهمَّ احفظ مدينة العلم والعلماء وأحفظ القائمينَ عليها وصل اللهُ وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين والحمدلله رب العالمين آمين
I can't download this video... why??
Is alhabsyi from tarim?
the Adite Kings Shaddad and Shadeed conquered Iraq and Syria mixing with the Amorites and Akkadians making them Aws in origin when actual tribe of Ad perished it was the Thamud who are from Nabi Hud and are from him ,they lived from al Hijr to the greater part of Syria mixing with the Assyrians and when actual tribe of Thamud perished it was the Imliq who are from Prophet Saleh PBH that is the people of of Qays who mixed with the people of QaHtan and descendants of Abraham PBH
Bumi termiskin di jazirah Arab.. mereka banyak ke Indonesia menyambung nasib/ kaum baalawi,sampai disini mereka mengaku keturunan Nabi...setelah di tes DNA beberaps orang, ternyata palsu..
Menipu nasab dan mengajar kesyirikan serta membuat makam2 palsu. Habib Al Fulus