Probably because she is not realy good ad yousing Lunas Dream Powers...i wonder if Lunas Failure to save somone from there Nightmares contributet in creating Nightmare Moon.
What if Starlight feared daybreaker existing but when Celestia got there and nightmare moon showed up Celestia thought "what if that was me?" I mean she was in luna's hooves in that moment so it would make sense that daybreaker existing in starlight's nightmare was caused by extreme negative emotions considering that is what caused nightmare moon.
"Why is everyone afraid of the princesses?" Later in the review, talks about how one bad day can turn two of the most powerful figures in Equestria evil.
Celestia and Luna deemed it okay to put Cozy Glow in a cage in Tartarus right nect to Tirek a convicted felon, who was somehow her pen pal. They're forgiving to mistakes but if your not apologetic for your actions, you're going to be sorry for whole a new reason.
I liked daybreaker because I've never heard that much true emotion from her except in this episode. That makes me a bit sad.... also she looks amazing for a villan
@@janes_dick5843 Calm down a bit.😰 Yes, I agree, Starlight should have been punished for her actions in some Form, but THAT is way too much. I really don't like her and don't think she deserved to be part of the main Cast, but I wouldn't want her to be tortured!
When Luna talked about a nightmare damaging a person's psyche, it reminded me of her past and how there is no one around to monitor /her/ dreams. It could be that she knows this information from what has happened to herself, not from her having seen this happen to someone she couldn't help.
Dreams and nightmares can be reflections of our own trauma. A lot of this was building up in Starlight throughout the entire episode... and I think this was a culmination of things. Her regret with brainwashing an entire village, nearly destroying time, and even her own magical screwups in "Every Little Thing She Does" and "All Bottled Up". She keeps seeing time and again how her actions have ruined things, and it seemed like this was close to her breaking point. I could imagine if this didn't get fixed, she'd probably have a mental breakdown in the waking world and it could've caused her to feel like she wasn't worthy of friendship...
@@eaglehood224 I don't think Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Sombra were "taken care of" by Luna and Celestia at any point, not in living memory at least? Discord though, they turned him to stone for like a thousand years.
@@IceRiver1020 I think it was implied. Or at least they did cast Discord into stone. Plus, I don't think they fear punishment necessarily but power. Power is something to be afraid of, especially if you just pissed off the most politically and magically powerful people in your country any impulsive reaction from them could cause you serious trouble.
10:08 If I could offer a possible explanation: Did anyone have that moment when they were kids? You know the moment; you do something bad, but the parent replies with, "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed." The ponies relationship with the Princesses (especially that of Celestia) seems to be along the vibe of children blessed with a caring and adoring mother. Everyone loves Celestia so much that the idea of even disappointing her fills them with fear and loathing for themselves. Maybe they're less afraid of her actually punishing them, and more afraid of earning her ire, thus excluding them from the 'herd' of ponies that are considered to be 'loved' by her. It's less fear of physical retribution, and more psychological manipulation. What do you think?
*John King* Your comment should be discussed in Brony Convection. We can take physical pain, but hurtful words can stab you quicker and precise in the heart. I.e: *One Piece.*
Celestia having to be perfect for the ponies also adds to this. I distinctly remember when I was younger and believing my mother was flawless, and finding out that was false was earth-shaking. Twilight has a bit of a hero-worship problem, sure, but Twilight having her as a sort of a surrogate mother, combined with her acting perfect around other ponies means that Twilight's "worship" is a lot more understandable.
NickyV: *It could have a grave consequence on Starlight's psyche? That raises even more questions! The way she said it. It sounded like someone who learned that from experience plus I don't think anyone's given Luna a manual on dream scaping. So this statement implies that Luna's failed helping some pony's dream at some point and it permanently hurt them. If so, who?* Me: *Tempest Shadow*
I wonder if that failure helped in creating Nightmare Moon. That she failed and Celestia was simpley so caught up with her one duties that she was not able to help Luna get over it.
I don’t want to listen to pony politics either. Not because it would be boring, but because Princess Spike established all pony delegates are more useless at their jobs than the royal guard. I freaking hate Princess Spike.
Just gonna throw this out there: Daybreaker makes a return in the MLP comic Nightmare Knights. True, it’s an alternate version of Celestia from a universe where the Pony of Shadows kidnapped her and Luna at a very young age and trained them to be evil, but it’s still Daybreaker.
BeatKiller Awesomeness Because it kind of is. Heck, because she was trained at such a young age, when she was called “Celestia”, she didn’t know that was her real name till she was told.
And alternate celstia almost kill alternative Luna knowing what happens to one happen to the other and pinke pie saying you can't do that this is a kids Comic
I thought of a concept for Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker in a parallel universe where they're basically the same roles as Celestia and Luna, but more tyrannical; and being against a rebellion lead by Sombra.
I wonder those that Dream confirme that he realy IS a Time Lord? One Fan Theorie says he acually IS the Doctor who crash landed in Equestria and decides to just stay there.....i cant even blame him i mean no Daleks, No Cyberman, No Sontarans, no Weaping Angels, all Threds are taken care by somone else and he can completley focus on going on small Advantures and discovering a brand new World.
I wasn't 100% sure if they were joking about thinking Luna was laughing at the word "duties" rather than at the thought of her sister having responsibilities equivalent to hers.
My interpretation has always been the "You are not real" was directed at Daybreaker and the "and you will never exist again" was aimed at Nightmare Moon. One detail I found interesting is that Celestia and Luna have very much been shaped by their duties and they both fail when they try the same approach when attempting the opposite task. Celestia is a diplomat, she's accustomed to putting on a mask of calmness and talking to people to work out confrontation. When she tries this during Starlight's dream her passiveness and Luna's magic allows her to become part of the dream and the situation gets turned on her, feeding off her own fears and insecurities. Luna, on the other hand, is accustomed to dealing with nightmares, she makes a big entrance and asserts dominance immediately making it clear she's in charge and puts being comforting second. When she applies this in the waking world she ends up scaring people (Luna Eclipsed) or over extending herself by trying to hard as we saw here. This episode really shows how their falling out came to pass, not only are they working opposite shifts, so the only times they have to interact is when one of them is exhausted and irritable, but it's impossible for them to switch or cover for each other to take some time off because their magic is too specialised. Celestia had no idea what dealing with pony dreams actually entailed and outright dismisses it to Luna's face! And Luna only got to see glimpses of what celestia deals with, and of course it looks like fun, Celestia doesn't want to offend her guests.
Dude! The fact that you favorited Vedues’ World of Matchsticks story is AWESOME! He’s my best friend, and seeing his story get plugged like that is just going to make his day! I can’t wait to tell him! Josh, you are awesome!
I always imagined that if Princess Celestia did turn evil, it would be in response to the people who tried to slander her as a cruel tyrant no matter what she did. "If everypony wants me to be the Solar Tyrant, then THAT IS WHAT I SHALL BE!"
Dream interpeters believe that losing teeth is caused by a feeling of not being in control. Much like she would feel after not having the control to fix her own mistake.
Firebrand: "Strawberries can go die a horrible painful death, they are a terrible fruit." Me: 9:28 Also: *inhales* Firebrand... strawberries are not a fruit, they are berries. Hence the name: strawBERRIES!!!
Actually, strawberries are not berries. They're an aggregate fruit, as they come from flowers with multiple ovaries. Raspberries are another example of an aggregate fruit.
"It's been how many years in this show?-" Oh God, here we go. A season of the show is not a year in- "- At least two." Ah, oh... Huh. Acknowledgement. That's... Really nice actually. I don't know how to feel right now.
@@7Seraphem7 My little pony timeline shenanigans :) I'm currently working on one myself, Just started putting my season 6 notes together today and it is actually pretty close to a 1-1 ratio so far overall but not individually. That is seasons 1-4 take place over roughly 2 years but season 5 by itself also takes nearly 2 years. So things actually seem to be setlting and slowing down as the show progresses. Which I'm curious if this trend will continue with the later seasons.
@@liamwarner5749 but season 3 and season 7 are also somehow a year apart. More specifically, Sleepless in Ponyville and Campfire Tales. No, I have no idea how that works, but their trips are annual and it is made very clear that the previous trip was Sleepless in Ponyville.
@@brolytriplethreat Hmmm I'll have to check that when I get up to episode 16. However to me it seemed the opposite. The conversation at the start uses terms like "First time we did it" not "last time we did it" or "remember last year when" as you'd expect if Sleepless was only last year. Then there's the "The more we do it the better we get." and "we should do our annual trip every weekend". Of course I'll need to rewatch and make notes on the whole episode before a final decision as I could be wrong. In my timeline currently (still a work in progress as I said) season 1-3 take place over a year and a half, season 4 over one summer, season 5 over 2 years and season 6 over a year and a bit with a few episodes occuring in the same 2 year period as season 5. Timeline shenanigans as I said. Maybe I should blame Starlight for creating a time boom like in the DC paradox film :).
@@liamwarner5749 "Scootaloo:We aren't gonna tell scary stories like our last camping trip, are we? It's bad enough just being in here!" The transcripts on the mlp wiki are very useful. One thing you should consider is that not all episodes are necessarily in chronological order. I am told that the first three seasons last a year. In fact there is confirmation that some are out of order in the case of Winter Wrap Up and Fall Weather Friends, where the writers decided that Winter Wrap Up did a better job of introducing the way the seasons work in that universe than Fall Weather Friends and thus they aired it first. In other cases though it's probably a lot less intentional and a lot more "Ooh, let's make a Christmas-esque episode!" In the case of Campfire Tales, I suppose you might be able to work around the timing by saying the episode actually takes place after Crusaders of the Lost Mark but before the winter episode of Season 6. The real bottom line though is that the writers didnt exactly plan it all out beforehand and any proper fluid timeline will involve a lot of macgyver-ing episodes around.
I love how the skits amidst the review have something to do with the episode being reviewed nowadays. It's subtle, but makes for some great comedy among the review. Always looking forward to more!
A real problem was definitely my favorite episode and season 7 and I'm as happy as everyone to finally see a Dark version of Celestia that's Canon & in the series! Ashley made a list of how many differences in contrast between Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon: - armored wings and bat-like wings - the contrasting/opposite color pallets of their coats & eyes - their armor being symbolic to their drive with Nightmare Moon being simple and empty with daybreakers being complex and dominant - a calm and haunting star gazing Mane versus a wild and fiery Mane - one craves the attention and Power that was denied her and the other abuses the power that she has and fully utilize it to have full Authority and oppression - A subtle approach and toys with her opponents with nightmares and psychological intimidation vs a Headstrong assault by unleashing their full Wrath and cocky attitude without holding back! - And finally: Nightmare Moon is a redeemed villain being brought to life by Luna in the real world. Daybreaker is a True Villain by being a separate entity from Celestia within the dream world & Mirror Dimension.
An amazing and spectacular video as usual guys i love it, and at least the episode had a good ending with Celestia and Luna gaining a new respect and or appreciation for one another.
Waaaaiiitttt.... in season one it was a hundred moons, so a moon is ten years,???????!!!??? But in gift of maud pie the shop keeper was our for a few moons!!!!!!!!!!!I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!
I love the Celestia-Superman comparison, mainly because I’ve made a similar comparison myself. Not so much the slipping into the deep end, but just their desire to protect and spread peace to everyone. Especially for Celly, that goes in some interesting directions when you realize she achieves this not through her power like Supes, but through her example and teachings. Queen For One Less Day did an excellent job showing this off.
What a lovely video! :D I find the switch very interesting, not only does it mirror the situation that the princesses are in, it's also delightfully surreal to hear Josh's voice come out of Arau's muzzle. Loved it!
18:06 "Celestia: you may know everything that I'M going to do but that's going to help you since I know everything YOU'RE going to do! Strange, isn't it?!"
Can pineapples do that... I ate a lot of them when I was little I think I should check if pineapples can do that on google if I don't respond saying if they can rip me
I wonder if that'll be addressed... Rarity got over here frequent drama-fests, Fluttershy has gotten assertive in cases other than dealing with her family, but why hasn't Twilight dealt with her panic attacks?
Recently, I got to that level of paranoia. And basically, I had to take medicine to keep it low. Those ponies would need some of that medicine. Makes you think if the Humane 7 takes them.
Given that Day Breaker was inside Starlight's dream I don't think we will see her again. But, though it's unlikely to happen by the end of season 9 / end of the show, the potential still exists that in the show's version of "reality" there could, under the right wrong circumstances, be a real Nightmare Sun.
What I immediately thought watching this episode and haven't seen anyone talk about is "Oh, was that the final spell from Magical Mystery Cure?" because it did kind of the same thing but in a more controlled way
This episode makes Celestia look WORSE in hindsight. 1) Surprised at ease of raising moon vs sun. 2) How she doesn’t make sure Luna is adjusting well to her return to the SAME JOB that made Luna feel unappreciated to begin with. 3) Celestia’s complete disregard for any input by same sister. Prophetic dreams aside, a different perspective is good counsel on issues. Could Celestia’s emotional neglect to make sure Luna is really alright and her rush to get back to business as usual/keep up appearances be the reason why Luna became bitter about her position and the cycle is repeating itself here? It does in a future episode, but it’s something to ponder as we get more moments with these two.
Suddenly the phrase, “I bet you wish I never came back so you could still rule day and night!” comes off as a lot more sad coming from Luna. Also yeah, Celestia was being a little snarky in pointing out that the moon was easier to raise than the sun. Like we get it! You raised it for a thousand years, you don’t have to say it! Probably not what the show writers were going for, but cannon-wise, there’s no reason she should of been surprised.
There's also a brief bit of Time Turner being chased by statues in his dream. If I have to tell you what that is a reference to, I will be VERY disappointed in all of you... Still wonder what the Pony version of a Dalek or a Sontaran would look like...
Hmmmm....oh! I bet a pony sontirn. (Sorry I can spell all these doctor who names T^T) would be like a ..... ahhh man!!! I had one and i just forgot!!!!
Firebrand before your video fully uploads I just want to say I love your content congratulations on your wedding and I know you would see this because I'm literally the ninth person to comment
Also, I loved day breaker because I've never heard this much emotion from her, even as a villain, she just kinda seemed like a awesome charecter to flesh out
Here’s a fun fact; when people have nightmares about them falling, it shows their anxieties and them “falling” to an unknown outcome. In Starlight’s case, she’s been doubting her decision to switch the Cutie Marks of the Royal Sisters. With Luna’s nightmare of her teeth falling out, it shows that one feels powerless to change or prevent something. In Luna’s case, it’s failing the students who didn’t get to go on their field trip. Dream science! Yay!
Hahahaaa!!!! That is do true. Yes all x rated stay there until you get appropriate ship stuff... or is inappropriate because of your conntent...... hmmmm. Never mind lolol
An excellent episode that portrays both the lives of Celestia & Luna with starlight at least trying her best to help them. Even if her solution was a little much but still she gets an A for effort in my book 😊👍🏻
16:14 And in Injustice, the Joker (Who was famously known for having the sentiment that it only takes one bad day to become like him) tricks Superman into killing Lois Lane and his unborn child. The result was nigh identical to the Justice Lords (replaced with the One Earth Regime) Except Batman wasn’t part of it (Who led the Insurgency against him).
Honestly, Injustice embodies everything I dislike about modern DC. It's way too dark and depressing and I'm sick of the heroes being enemies with each other. The only thing I really like about Injustice is Robert Englund as the Scarecrow.
This is probably one of my top 5 episodes, it would also be nice if they gave us an episode on there pasts, like what happened to Applejack's parents and Celestias and Luna's pasts before nightmare moon
Instead of cosmic power, I'd say the map called starlight because she had studied cutie marks enough to be able to switch them. And the fact that unlike Twilight she would actually do it. And does anyone else want to know who did Luna's patrolling of the dream world while she was gone? Maybe some other ponies (possibly after taking control of their own nightmares) got night-magic related cutie marks? Heck, what about Moondancer for instance! Name and cutie mark is a moon and stars ('coincidentally' the original plan for Twilight's) Oh, maybe they help outside Canterlot. Cuz Celestia only helped out Starlight, who was near her... Princess of Friendship should get them together with Luna sometime. They would totally hit it off. (Quote from where Twilight is deciding where to send Starlight) There's probably a lot of them, considering according to the episode where Rainbow learns history, it used to take 5 unicorns plus Starswirl to raise the sun
As a twin who once switched lives for a day with my brother (because we have opposite talents, tastes and personalities) I can say this sums it up we actually look more different now as his hair became more Auburn and I'm Dirty Blonde but it was HARD my brother had to do academics and humanities whilst I did athletics and computing it was AWFUL
The thing is, that long-term ambiguity in the worldbuilding makes for _wonderful_ fanfic fodder. Answering those lingering questions can lead to all kinds of incredible works. It's one thing to propose a fan theory. It's quite another to see it fully fleshed out in its own world, facing the implications head-on in a rich narrative. Er, no offense to the analyst community. You guys do good work too.
Also why do I feel the anger of a psychotic fake ace detective bastard child who wields the Norse God of Mischief after seeing Celestia toss those delicious pancakes
The _Equestria at War_ mod for _Hearts of Iron IV_ pretty much laid out what it would take for Daybreaker to rise, A Conventional War with the Changling. The stress prosecuting said war causing Celestia to either Snap and go Mad or Embarrass her Darker Side to Protect the Ponies of Equestria (Depending upon how you want to play it) You can also make Luna a Field Marshal Before hand but she'll flee the now _Solar Empire_ if Celestia become Daybreaker. But If that's not your fancy, you can make New Mareland colony (a non-cannon/mod only country Loosely based off Australia) go full _1984_
This was a very fun review and very insightful. Love how you brought in fandom as well. And I absolutely LOVED the story in the summery. It gave so many Superman feels, especially with the nod to the cardboard speech tailored perfectly to Celestia, and it was so satisfying to see Celestia go all out and see that's why she can't handle the conflicts herself, because it would be too dangerous for others for her to do so. If I was an artist I'd love to draw fanart of it.
I still find it hilarious how Starlight is so good at magic she can swap Alicorn cutie marks just casually. Like, no physical exersion from her, no panting, no sign of strain, just a cast spell and bam, alicorn magics swapped.
2:28 Fire Brand.....buddy....Bubala; try as I might I can't take you seriously with that eye color. Lord have mercy if I ever switched with Da Missus. *Random cowgirl boot sails through the air and beans Battle Cross in the head* Ow! Gosh darn wife ears!
Oh great, that’s another one to the list for Bliss to put in for revenge on Josh. But then again he was Aramau, so Aramau may need to owe Bliss BIG time. Like really big
8:13 IN MY BELLY!!!! Lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol Sorry sorry I died so hard
I still believe that Celestia's presence in Starlight's dream contributed to Daybreaker. Her own fears got added to Starlight's.
Probably because she is not realy good ad yousing Lunas Dream Powers...i wonder if Lunas Failure to save somone from there Nightmares contributet in creating Nightmare Moon.
@@neptuneplaneptune3367 what if Nightmare Moon's existence also caused the tantabus from do princesses dream of magic sheep
What if Starlight feared daybreaker existing but when Celestia got there and nightmare moon showed up Celestia thought "what if that was me?" I mean she was in luna's hooves in that moment so it would make sense that daybreaker existing in starlight's nightmare was caused by extreme negative emotions considering that is what caused nightmare moon.
@@awolvesarecute9531 Im pretty sure luna made it not nightmare
@@awolvesarecute9531 the comics confirmed that nightmare moon is the combination of Luna and a smoke demon from the moon in the nightmare rarity arc
"Why is everyone afraid of the princesses?"
Later in the review, talks about how one bad day can turn two of the most powerful figures in Equestria evil.
Celestia and Luna deemed it okay to put Cozy Glow in a cage in Tartarus right nect to Tirek a convicted felon, who was somehow her pen pal. They're forgiving to mistakes but if your not apologetic for your actions, you're going to be sorry for whole a new reason.
I liked daybreaker because I've never heard that much true emotion from her except in this episode. That makes me a bit sad.... also she looks amazing for a villan
@@janes_dick5843 Calm down a bit.😰
Yes, I agree, Starlight should have been punished for her actions in some Form, but THAT is way too much. I really don't like her and don't think she deserved to be part of the main Cast, but I wouldn't want her to be tortured!
@@janes_dick5843 I think you might have a Problem...
When Luna talked about a nightmare damaging a person's psyche, it reminded me of her past and how there is no one around to monitor /her/ dreams. It could be that she knows this information from what has happened to herself, not from her having seen this happen to someone she couldn't help.
Dreams and nightmares can be reflections of our own trauma. A lot of this was building up in Starlight throughout the entire episode... and I think this was a culmination of things. Her regret with brainwashing an entire village, nearly destroying time, and even her own magical screwups in "Every Little Thing She Does" and "All Bottled Up". She keeps seeing time and again how her actions have ruined things, and it seemed like this was close to her breaking point. I could imagine if this didn't get fixed, she'd probably have a mental breakdown in the waking world and it could've caused her to feel like she wasn't worthy of friendship...
"It's not like they've actually punished anyone."
You mean, aside from Celestia banishing Luna to the moon for a thousand years?
Or Tirek, Cozy Glow or Sombra... And they say the show has inconsistencies.
@@eaglehood224 I don't think Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Sombra were "taken care of" by Luna and Celestia at any point, not in living memory at least? Discord though, they turned him to stone for like a thousand years.
@@IceRiver1020 I agree with most of that except the Cozy Glow one. She WAS personally sent to Tartarus by Luna.
@@eaglehood224 Ah, that's right.
@@IceRiver1020 I think it was implied. Or at least they did cast Discord into stone. Plus, I don't think they fear punishment necessarily but power. Power is something to be afraid of, especially if you just pissed off the most politically and magically powerful people in your country any impulsive reaction from them could cause you serious trouble.
Nicole Oliver deserves some sort of award for roasting herself as Daybreaker.
ShinyGaara65 yeah agreed!
I mean, she did get a nomination for one.
She's my favorite voice actress in The Dragon Prince as the voice of Zubeia.
"Fanfic writers! To your keyboards!"
Waaaaaaaay ahead of you.
Wow how did you know?
Saifullah Habid there a fan fix writer. -_-
@@tammykat9257 ummmm I was being sarcastic bro
Whoosh! 😉
O shit I didn't read that propally. I didn't know he wa refering to me
10:08 If I could offer a possible explanation:
Did anyone have that moment when they were kids? You know the moment; you do something bad, but the parent replies with, "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed."
The ponies relationship with the Princesses (especially that of Celestia) seems to be along the vibe of children blessed with a caring and adoring mother. Everyone loves Celestia so much that the idea of even disappointing her fills them with fear and loathing for themselves.
Maybe they're less afraid of her actually punishing them, and more afraid of earning her ire, thus excluding them from the 'herd' of ponies that are considered to be 'loved' by her. It's less fear of physical retribution, and more psychological manipulation.
What do you think?
Makes sense to me.
*John King* Your comment should be discussed in Brony Convection. We can take physical pain, but hurtful words can stab you quicker and precise in the heart. I.e: *One Piece.*
@@JaimeD. I agree!!!!!
Ponies seem to treat her as a god, so it's possible
Celestia having to be perfect for the ponies also adds to this. I distinctly remember when I was younger and believing my mother was flawless, and finding out that was false was earth-shaking. Twilight has a bit of a hero-worship problem, sure, but Twilight having her as a sort of a surrogate mother, combined with her acting perfect around other ponies means that Twilight's "worship" is a lot more understandable.
I love this episode and I LOVE Daybreaker's design so very much. Very Empress of the Sun. A mare that you do NOT mess with.
Agreed about Daybreaker.
Agreed tho daybreakers colour scheme is literally an inverse nightmare moon
Tho why that name
Highly agree
NickyV: *It could have a grave consequence on Starlight's psyche? That raises even more questions! The way she said it. It sounded like someone who learned that from experience plus I don't think anyone's given Luna a manual on dream scaping. So this statement implies that Luna's failed helping some pony's dream at some point and it permanently hurt them. If so, who?*
Me: *Tempest Shadow*
I wonder if that failure helped in creating Nightmare Moon. That she failed and Celestia was simpley so caught up with her one duties that she was not able to help Luna get over it.
@@neptuneplaneptune3367 Your theory is not that far out in this possibility.
P.S: Nice image profile. 😊
@@JaimeD. Nepu! Thank.
Neptune Planeptune you know that NMM debuted 1000 years before Tempest was born right?
How about Luna herself? Remember the whole tantabus thing?
Still think Day breaker should have been called Solar Flare. But thats just my opinion. Loved this episode. It reminded of me and my siblings.
Me too
thats the name of spit fires mom
My guess is perhaps copywriters reasons why they didn't.
Although I do love Tien.
there was a concept for an Evil Celestia in the card game years ago called Nightmare Star
yeah i'll take Daybreaker
Ok but Might Mare Noon?????
I don’t want to listen to pony politics either. Not because it would be boring, but because Princess Spike established all pony delegates are more useless at their jobs than the royal guard.
I freaking hate Princess Spike.
Princess Spike has been struck from my mind. I don't even remember what it was about, just some vague events that were terrible.
So like real life except our Army is usefully
Firebrand: that was a Royal wedding.
Me: Hahahahahaha a what
Firebrand: Oh
They skipped derpys dream!!!!!! T^T
@@ScytheOfPrussia1947 oorrr wedding problem? Lol
amber margheim get tf over it. You can’t always get what you want.
@@PuffyOne1898 um.... harsh? I mean no offence, but u was just mentioning it. I didn't mean to come of that upset ok?
Just gonna throw this out there:
Daybreaker makes a return in the MLP comic Nightmare Knights.
True, it’s an alternate version of Celestia from a universe where the Pony of Shadows kidnapped her and Luna at a very young age and trained them to be evil, but it’s still Daybreaker.
Why do i find that so messed up
BeatKiller Awesomeness Because it kind of is. Heck, because she was trained at such a young age, when she was called “Celestia”, she didn’t know that was her real name till she was told.
And alternate celstia almost kill alternative Luna knowing what happens to one happen to the other and pinke pie saying you can't do that this is a kids Comic
I thought of a concept for Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker in a parallel universe where they're basically the same roles as Celestia and Luna, but more tyrannical; and being against a rebellion lead by Sombra.
Thumbnail: Why is Aramau in Firebrand's place?
Actual Video: Oh.
me too
I hoped she would actually reveiew. Also her voice sounds a bit ... different
Thats why you watch the video b4 you comment. But that was a halrious comment /)(\
@@ambermargheim5726 haha
@@tsunsu well I had seen the thumb nail. That's why j hoped. Also I didn't say she Did. That I wished she did.
*Sees lavender*
[Plays the lavender theme.]
“Clever boy.”
Does lavender have the same effect on horses?
Top five in series, no question. Starlight is best sledgehammer.
Yep she's best sledgepony.
@@janes_dick5843 awwwwwwwww don't be salty, she Did get the stares of death from the two royal sisters. So plz don't hate her
13:51 Doctor Hooves dreaming of being himself
and not even 5 seconds afterward, Princess Derpy
Actually if you check the crown and the fact that she is holding the Twilycane, I would rather go with Queen Derpy.
All hail Queen Derpy!
I wonder those that Dream confirme that he realy IS a Time Lord? One Fan Theorie says he acually IS the Doctor who crash landed in Equestria and decides to just stay there.....i cant even blame him i mean no Daleks, No Cyberman, No Sontarans, no Weaping Angels, all Threds are taken care by somone else and he can completley focus on going on small Advantures and discovering a brand new World.
@@neptuneplaneptune3367 Watch Doctor and his Assistant. They are still in Equestria, just in their own part of the multiverse
"I can sneak in back later if you want"
THAT, was a burn !
I mean, it wasn't even sneaking, I asked the front desk where to find them and were just like "yea, that way, dont be evil."
I wasn't 100% sure if they were joking about thinking Luna was laughing at the word "duties" rather than at the thought of her sister having responsibilities equivalent to hers.
Sounded like the former to me.
2:22 Wait, so the Mane 6 is officially called the Council of Friendship now? I thought I was the only one who called them that.
At least that is a council and not just two talking
Get the reference?
My interpretation has always been the "You are not real" was directed at Daybreaker and the "and you will never exist again" was aimed at Nightmare Moon.
One detail I found interesting is that Celestia and Luna have very much been shaped by their duties and they both fail when they try the same approach when attempting the opposite task.
Celestia is a diplomat, she's accustomed to putting on a mask of calmness and talking to people to work out confrontation. When she tries this during Starlight's dream her passiveness and Luna's magic allows her to become part of the dream and the situation gets turned on her, feeding off her own fears and insecurities.
Luna, on the other hand, is accustomed to dealing with nightmares, she makes a big entrance and asserts dominance immediately making it clear she's in charge and puts being comforting second. When she applies this in the waking world she ends up scaring people (Luna Eclipsed) or over extending herself by trying to hard as we saw here.
This episode really shows how their falling out came to pass, not only are they working opposite shifts, so the only times they have to interact is when one of them is exhausted and irritable, but it's impossible for them to switch or cover for each other to take some time off because their magic is too specialised. Celestia had no idea what dealing with pony dreams actually entailed and outright dismisses it to Luna's face! And Luna only got to see glimpses of what celestia deals with, and of course it looks like fun, Celestia doesn't want to offend her guests.
Makes sense
Well Firebrand it could've been worse... you could've swapped bodies with Silver Quill
Great review!
Imagine this scenario: Lightning Bliss and _drumroll_ DustyKatt!
@@SuperJames526 no Lightning Bliss swapped bodies with Silver Quill lol.
And then everyone died
@@briansivley2001 or if lightning bliss and keyframe think they have it worse due to their size so they get swapped
What if Fire brand needed to use the restroom while in Ari's body would it be like that one scene from jumanji welcome to the jungle
5:05 That was singlehandedly the best use of the WASTED joke I've ever seen in my life.
Gotta agree
15:10 They can take our show...but they'll never take OUR FANFICTION!
Friendship is Magic Forever! Can I get a Hallelujah!
@@kalainreinard8421 HALLELUJAH!
Dude! The fact that you favorited Vedues’ World of Matchsticks story is AWESOME! He’s my best friend, and seeing his story get plugged like that is just going to make his day! I can’t wait to tell him! Josh, you are awesome!
Vedues by another name here, and thanks for telling me about this. You're right, it did make my day!
I always imagined that if Princess Celestia did turn evil, it would be in response to the people who tried to slander her as a cruel tyrant no matter what she did. "If everypony wants me to be the Solar Tyrant, then THAT IS WHAT I SHALL BE!"
Dream interpeters believe that losing teeth is caused by a feeling of not being in control.
Much like she would feel after not having the control to fix her own mistake.
Firebrand: "Strawberries can go die a horrible painful death, they are a terrible fruit."
Me: 9:28
Also: *inhales* Firebrand... strawberries are not a fruit, they are berries. Hence the name: strawBERRIES!!!
Actually, strawberries are not berries. They're an aggregate fruit, as they come from flowers with multiple ovaries. Raspberries are another example of an aggregate fruit.
If berries aren't fruits and mushrooms aren't vegetables....
@@BronyNumber4096 berries are fruits. And mushrooms aren't even plants; they're fungi.
*I am a Shadow, the true self...*
Glad i was not the only one who as thinking that.
I'm afraid I don't get the reference. Could you please explain it to me?
Liam Lightwolf
Persona 4
@@SciRei7H3dEG3NeR4T3 ah, thank you!
I absolutely love just seeing these two playing off one another and being actual characters. Also... Twilight, never change.
I still have most of this episode memorized...
17:40 Or the Tantabus incident.
"It's been how many years in this show?-"
Oh God, here we go. A season of the show is not a year in-
"- At least two."
Ah, oh... Huh. Acknowledgement. That's... Really nice actually. I don't know how to feel right now.
By that point it had to be at least three, to account for how many time Hearthswarming Eve came around.
@@7Seraphem7 My little pony timeline shenanigans :) I'm currently working on one myself, Just started putting my season 6 notes together today and it is actually pretty close to a 1-1 ratio so far overall but not individually. That is seasons 1-4 take place over roughly 2 years but season 5 by itself also takes nearly 2 years. So things actually seem to be setlting and slowing down as the show progresses. Which I'm curious if this trend will continue with the later seasons.
@@liamwarner5749 but season 3 and season 7 are also somehow a year apart. More specifically, Sleepless in Ponyville and Campfire Tales. No, I have no idea how that works, but their trips are annual and it is made very clear that the previous trip was Sleepless in Ponyville.
@@brolytriplethreat Hmmm I'll have to check that when I get up to episode 16. However to me it seemed the opposite. The conversation at the start uses terms like "First time we did it" not "last time we did it" or "remember last year when" as you'd expect if Sleepless was only last year. Then there's the "The more we do it the better we get." and "we should do our annual trip every weekend". Of course I'll need to rewatch and make notes on the whole episode before a final decision as I could be wrong.
In my timeline currently (still a work in progress as I said) season 1-3 take place over a year and a half, season 4 over one summer, season 5 over 2 years and season 6 over a year and a bit with a few episodes occuring in the same 2 year period as season 5. Timeline shenanigans as I said. Maybe I should blame Starlight for creating a time boom like in the DC paradox film :).
@@liamwarner5749 "Scootaloo:We aren't gonna tell scary stories like our last camping trip, are we? It's bad enough just being in here!"
The transcripts on the mlp wiki are very useful.
One thing you should consider is that not all episodes are necessarily in chronological order. I am told that the first three seasons last a year. In fact there is confirmation that some are out of order in the case of Winter Wrap Up and Fall Weather Friends, where the writers decided that Winter Wrap Up did a better job of introducing the way the seasons work in that universe than Fall Weather Friends and thus they aired it first. In other cases though it's probably a lot less intentional and a lot more "Ooh, let's make a Christmas-esque episode!"
In the case of Campfire Tales, I suppose you might be able to work around the timing by saying the episode actually takes place after Crusaders of the Lost Mark but before the winter episode of Season 6.
The real bottom line though is that the writers didnt exactly plan it all out beforehand and any proper fluid timeline will involve a lot of macgyver-ing episodes around.
Loved this episode. I love to see more about Luna and Celestia
New episode of season 9 is full od that ;3
I love how the skits amidst the review have something to do with the episode being reviewed nowadays. It's subtle, but makes for some great comedy among the review. Always looking forward to more!
A real problem was definitely my favorite episode and season 7 and I'm as happy as everyone to finally see a Dark version of Celestia that's Canon & in the series! Ashley made a list of how many differences in contrast between Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon:
- armored wings and bat-like wings
- the contrasting/opposite color pallets of their coats & eyes
- their armor being symbolic to their drive with Nightmare Moon being simple and empty with daybreakers being complex and dominant
- a calm and haunting star gazing Mane versus a wild and fiery Mane
- one craves the attention and Power that was denied her and the other abuses the power that she has and fully utilize it to have full Authority and oppression
- A subtle approach and toys with her opponents with nightmares and psychological intimidation vs a Headstrong assault by unleashing their full Wrath and cocky attitude without holding back!
- And finally: Nightmare Moon is a redeemed villain being brought to life by Luna in the real world. Daybreaker is a True Villain by being a separate entity from Celestia within the dream world & Mirror Dimension.
An amazing and spectacular video as usual guys i love it, and at least the episode had a good ending with Celestia and Luna gaining a new respect and or appreciation for one another.
Waaaaiiitttt.... in season one it was a hundred moons, so a moon is ten years,???????!!!??? But in gift of maud pie the shop keeper was our for a few moons!!!!!!!!!!!I'M SO CONFUSED!!!!
I love the Celestia-Superman comparison, mainly because I’ve made a similar comparison myself. Not so much the slipping into the deep end, but just their desire to protect and spread peace to everyone. Especially for Celly, that goes in some interesting directions when you realize she achieves this not through her power like Supes, but through her example and teachings.
Queen For One Less Day did an excellent job showing this off.
What a lovely video! :D
I find the switch very interesting, not only does it mirror the situation that the princesses are in, it's also delightfully surreal to hear Josh's voice come out of Arau's muzzle. Loved it!
*Jams a Snickers bar into Nickyv's mouth*
You aren't yourself when your hungry bud
"I can sneak in another time, it really wasn't that hard."
I died.
Actual conflict between the princesses, who'd ever saw that coming. 😁👌
I didn't really like how they started getting conflict, but it does kind of give personality
I'm just surprised that this episode didn't happen sooner.
Good sir, have you heard of Nightmare Moon?
this is probably one of my favorite starlight episodes which is saying a lot cause I love almost all of her episodes
"Celestia: you may know everything that I'M going to do but that's going to help you since I know everything YOU'RE going to do! Strange, isn't it?!"
A Royal Wedding. 😂 Why?!
Also I would love see Twilight and her crush again someday.
Nate Adams I think you need rereread your comment buddy
Nate Adams ya just said twilight is male
Sorry. Mistakes were made.
I loved the framing device of this review. I hope that rock stays around for possible future use
Pineapples also have meat eating enzyme in them.
That tingling sensation? It's the pineapple eating you back
Can pineapples do that... I ate a lot of them when I was little I think I should check if pineapples can do that on google if I don't respond saying if they can rip me
@@coal9205 bite the pineapple the pineapple bites back
The boop was sooooo sooooo cute and I want to see more
Twilight's paranoid level were up to over 9000
I wonder if that'll be addressed...
Rarity got over here frequent drama-fests, Fluttershy has gotten assertive in cases other than dealing with her family, but why hasn't Twilight dealt with her panic attacks?
Recently, I got to that level of paranoia. And basically, I had to take medicine to keep it low.
Those ponies would need some of that medicine. Makes you think if the Humane 7 takes them.
I would not be suprized if they do. Even pinkie... especially pinkie. What would happen if the high school her didn't have it.... *shudders*
Great attention to details with the traded magic colors around the horns between Brand and Ari!
Finally! Someone does a review of “A Royal Problem”. I couldn’t believe that one was so hard to find until now.
Given that Day Breaker was inside Starlight's dream I don't think we will see her again. But, though it's unlikely to happen by the end of season 9 / end of the show, the potential still exists that in the show's version of "reality" there could, under the right wrong circumstances, be a real Nightmare Sun.
What I immediately thought watching this episode and haven't seen anyone talk about is "Oh, was that the final spell from Magical Mystery Cure?" because it did kind of the same thing but in a more controlled way
14:51 “Yes, but can you handle…”
*Ad break* “Smile direct club!”
FOB: " Even when evil, shes still the roast queen. "
Me: " Trollestia strikes again! "
This episode makes Celestia look WORSE in hindsight.
1) Surprised at ease of raising moon vs sun.
2) How she doesn’t make sure Luna is adjusting well to her return to the SAME JOB that made Luna feel unappreciated to begin with.
3) Celestia’s complete disregard for any input by same sister. Prophetic dreams aside, a different perspective is good counsel on issues.
Could Celestia’s emotional neglect to make sure Luna is really alright and her rush to get back to business as usual/keep up appearances be the reason why Luna became bitter about her position and the cycle is repeating itself here? It does in a future episode, but it’s something to ponder as we get more moments with these two.
Suddenly the phrase, “I bet you wish I never came back so you could still rule day and night!” comes off as a lot more sad coming from Luna. Also yeah, Celestia was being a little snarky in pointing out that the moon was easier to raise than the sun. Like we get it! You raised it for a thousand years, you don’t have to say it! Probably not what the show writers were going for, but cannon-wise, there’s no reason she should of been surprised.
YES!!! I’ve been waiting for him to review this episode!
So to me, it seems like Luna’s job at night is a dream-walking therapist.
Much like another person on the moon Eris Morn.
Yes, she’s a glorified therapist
Oh boy this episode .... I will say is pretty much sums up sibling relationships/rivalry
Including turning in crazy superforms, threatening the whole of existence. Yep. Sums it up pretty accurate.
@@robertnett9793 yeah
hold up did anybody else see Derpy dreaming of being royalty in Twilight's castle
Princess Derpy
There's also a brief bit of Time Turner being chased by statues in his dream. If I have to tell you what that is a reference to, I will be VERY disappointed in all of you...
Still wonder what the Pony version of a Dalek or a Sontaran would look like...
Aaaa I see you also enjoy culture
Hmmmm....oh! I bet a pony sontirn. (Sorry I can spell all these doctor who names T^T) would be like a ..... ahhh man!!! I had one and i just forgot!!!!
And her eyes were normal.
Firebrand before your video fully uploads I just want to say I love your content congratulations on your wedding and I know you would see this because I'm literally the ninth person to comment
Brony notion theory on the sisters hair confermed at 18:29
Also, I loved day breaker because I've never heard this much emotion from her, even as a villain, she just kinda seemed like a awesome charecter to flesh out
@@ambermargheim5726 true
@@ggthefurry1155 I hope they use this somehow.
@@ambermargheim5726 thank you
Here’s a fun fact; when people have nightmares about them falling, it shows their anxieties and them “falling” to an unknown outcome. In Starlight’s case, she’s been doubting her decision to switch the Cutie Marks of the Royal Sisters.
With Luna’s nightmare of her teeth falling out, it shows that one feels powerless to change or prevent something. In Luna’s case, it’s failing the students who didn’t get to go on their field trip.
Dream science! Yay!
Firebrand and Ary switch bodies?? G-R Rated Fanfic Writers, CHAAAAARGE!!!.... Except you X fanfic writers, you stay in the corner.
Hahahaaa!!!! That is do true. Yes all x rated stay there until you get appropriate ship stuff... or is inappropriate because of your conntent...... hmmmm. Never mind lolol
A royal wedding, eh?
Buttercupkat Productions ; Didn't Josh just marry Aramau; maybe THAT's what he was referencing.
@@frankbrislin4378 No, I think it just slipped his tongue. :P
Frank Brislin Wedding is later this year!
Aramau the Fiery Secretary congrats ari.
An excellent episode that portrays both the lives of Celestia & Luna with starlight at least trying her best to help them. Even if her solution was a little much but still she gets an A for effort in my book 😊👍🏻
I luved this episode so much! And Starlight makes an effective sledgehammer
16:14 And in Injustice, the Joker (Who was famously known for having the sentiment that it only takes one bad day to become like him) tricks Superman into killing Lois Lane and his unborn child.
The result was nigh identical to the Justice Lords (replaced with the One Earth Regime) Except Batman wasn’t part of it (Who led the Insurgency against him).
Honestly, Injustice embodies everything I dislike about modern DC. It's way too dark and depressing and I'm sick of the heroes being enemies with each other. The only thing I really like about Injustice is Robert Englund as the Scarecrow.
Oh wow that intro with brand and his wife swaping pony bodys so awsome.
And this review was amazing.
Keep up the amazing work.
This is probably one of my top 5 episodes, it would also be nice if they gave us an episode on there pasts, like what happened to Applejack's parents and Celestias and Luna's pasts before nightmare moon
There's an episode in Season 9 that is basically a pseudo sequel to this one, and it's great!
Don't worry. I won't say anything else.
It's the vacation one right?
@@brysonturner6019 Yes.
13:35 WOWOWOW, wo wo... wo.
I knew she was probably one of if not the youngest on the bunch, Yeah.
Oh man, this was a fun one. Great to see such an enjoyable review for one of my favorite episodes in the show!
Instead of cosmic power, I'd say the map called starlight because she had studied cutie marks enough to be able to switch them. And the fact that unlike Twilight she would actually do it.
And does anyone else want to know who did Luna's patrolling of the dream world while she was gone? Maybe some other ponies (possibly after taking control of their own nightmares) got night-magic related cutie marks? Heck, what about Moondancer for instance! Name and cutie mark is a moon and stars ('coincidentally' the original plan for Twilight's) Oh, maybe they help outside Canterlot. Cuz Celestia only helped out Starlight, who was near her... Princess of Friendship should get them together with Luna sometime. They would totally hit it off. (Quote from where Twilight is deciding where to send Starlight) There's probably a lot of them, considering according to the episode where Rainbow learns history, it used to take 5 unicorns plus Starswirl to raise the sun
I love how there's an orange flare over daybreakers cutie marks they question the black blob around Luna cutie mark
*sees Ari on thumbnail*
Ooh it’s gonna feature Ari!😃😃
*sees video*
Well it kind of did
Skylar Sky I am always here. I am eternal.
*”Fan fiction writers, to your keyboard!!”*
Me, already on my keyboard: “One step ahead of ya”
You just lost points with me for your strawberry hatred Josh
Really? He gained points for me! ...which is great, as he lost some on his love for pineapple. Seriously, what happened to plain old chocolate chips?!
Yeah, I like strawberries.
Arin Lewis I love Strawberries.
Strawberries and cream crepes from IHOP are the best things in the world.
Change my mind.
K4RN4GE911 I never had them. I had homemade ones by one of my uncles once though. :)
daybreaker if she's legitly celestia's inner darkness celestia is more powerful then we realized. i loved this episode
This is one of the best ones, simply due to the review intro.
As a twin who once switched lives for a day with my brother (because we have opposite talents, tastes and personalities) I can say this sums it up we actually look more different now as his hair became more Auburn and I'm Dirty Blonde but it was HARD my brother had to do academics and humanities whilst I did athletics and computing it was AWFUL
A.T.T.G that’s amazing that you did that. I can only imagine how eye opening that was.
The thing is, that long-term ambiguity in the worldbuilding makes for _wonderful_ fanfic fodder. Answering those lingering questions can lead to all kinds of incredible works. It's one thing to propose a fan theory. It's quite another to see it fully fleshed out in its own world, facing the implications head-on in a rich narrative.
Er, no offense to the analyst community. You guys do good work too.
I was confused when i saw the thumbnail thinking "wait, she does reviews too?"
Little Kalila Ari has been in two reviews now
@@AzureMoebius22 *i need to go on the channel more ._.*
This was actually the first video on this channel I saw soooo I thought that was normal
Also why do I feel the anger of a psychotic fake ace detective bastard child who wields the Norse God of Mischief after seeing Celestia toss those delicious pancakes
The _Equestria at War_ mod for _Hearts of Iron IV_ pretty much laid out what it would take for Daybreaker to rise, A Conventional War with the Changling. The stress prosecuting said war causing Celestia to either Snap and go Mad or Embarrass her Darker Side to Protect the Ponies of Equestria (Depending upon how you want to play it)
You can also make Luna a Field Marshal Before hand but she'll flee the now _Solar Empire_ if Celestia become Daybreaker.
But If that's not your fancy, you can make New Mareland colony (a non-cannon/mod only country Loosely based off Australia) go full _1984_
Nicole Oliver must of had a lot of fun doing this episode 😁
OMG WHO EVER VOICE MAUD PIE MAKE A GREAT VOICE OF THE CHARACTER also celestia WTF face in minute 5,23 is pure gold 😅
I don't know who this guy is but I love his humor and bravado. And a fan of world building?! Yes!! I'm an instant fan.
Me too
8:04 Death by acid is slow and painful, agreed
That Wasted joke was funnier than literally anything I said in the video
NickyvMLP False but you are entitled to your wrong opinion.
@@AramautheFierySecretary I appreciate that, all I'm saying is whoever made that wasted joke is a genius and it wasn't me
NickyvMLP aw fine
The name Daybreak sounds almost like Dawnbreaker from skyrim
She learnt the fire shout, Yol Toor Shul.
*Dragonsoul absorbed*
" A NEW HOOF TOUCHES THE BEACON", "Hear me mortal listen and obey! " enjoy! :D.
Or a dawnblade super with a very similar name.
Lightning bliss has to get more therapy because Firebrand traumatized her!
I have a feeling lightning bliss might need more than one appointment
"Why is Aramau in that photo and why is she talking like Firebrand?"
And that was a royal wedding-
Me: **sighs**
My friends: **plays loud Alabama music**
This was a very fun review and very insightful. Love how you brought in fandom as well. And I absolutely LOVED the story in the summery. It gave so many Superman feels, especially with the nod to the cardboard speech tailored perfectly to Celestia, and it was so satisfying to see Celestia go all out and see that's why she can't handle the conflicts herself, because it would be too dangerous for others for her to do so. If I was an artist I'd love to draw fanart of it.
I still find it hilarious how Starlight is so good at magic she can swap Alicorn cutie marks just casually. Like, no physical exersion from her, no panting, no sign of strain, just a cast spell and bam, alicorn magics swapped.
Me every time I find new fanfiction or fanart that I absolutely love and will eventually become obsessed with. LOL
Fire Brand.....buddy....Bubala; try as I might I can't take you seriously with that eye color. Lord have mercy if I ever switched with Da Missus.
*Random cowgirl boot sails through the air and beans Battle Cross in the head*
Ow! Gosh darn wife ears!
I think you should have expanded on Twilight's obsession with worshipping the ground that the princesses walk on
Especially Celestia
Oh great, that’s another one to the list for Bliss to put in for revenge on Josh. But then again he was Aramau, so Aramau may need to owe Bliss BIG time. Like really big
"Fanfic writers, to your keyboards" is my new calling card.
That moment when the magic test is done by Trixie of all ponies. (I know she does have magic but apparently she’s not good at detecting it.)
Lol, I'm not dead, just been on guard duty
Probably did a better job then the rest of that lot.
8:13 IN MY BELLY!!!! Lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol lololololololololololololololololololol
Sorry sorry I died so hard