Dear Global Friends , Filial piety is the foremost morality of human practice, without which do not boast of one's success in spiritual knowledge or in high academic education. Filial piety comes in many forms of practices where many are unable to understand its essence meaning. What Sadhguru mentioned is generally a part and parcel of it. The mutual trust, respect, love, understanding and gratitude between parents and children in filial piety are not carried out properly in harmony, as one side is claiming the right of oneself's rights, thus leading to complications and misunderstanding. All the love of filial piety is carried out from the bottom of one's heart of moral, without any intention or purpose, pretence and rigid attachment, but with a natural action inaction. Just like black crows which know how to recognise their respective parents and be able to care for them when their parents are aging and weak. How about our present-day children or the young future generations who have so many excuses and various reasons to cover up their practices, thinking it's their democratic rights to be unfilial and ingratitude ? Parents and children should have a basic foundation of moral upbringing imbue in their blood without which mutual filial piety is not apparent, but parents are to lead by moral example for their children to emulate, without pressure or force, through loving kindness of sharing and explanation. Thank you for sharing.
我们先有想法,后有感受。我们多大数的时间, 没有看到自己的身份。我们得知道自己是谁, 想法才会有迹可找。自己的长短处, 身分 - 不是家庭社会给你的身份, 而是自己如何看自己的身份。
我和老师一样其他方面我都好, 就是怕孤单 也是一直靠亲密关系 来遮掩恐惧
我今天才看到,或許美麗的德芬已經清除了DNA 的記憶,你已經做的很好了👍在這裏分享宇宙給了一個工具(聖哲曼揚升大師的紫色火焰)祝福妳,能夠發光發亮照亮更多的人🌈🙏💞
Thank you for sharing. S
Dear德芬: I love the name of your book. I also wrote a book titled "The Alchemy of Hope". I hope to meet you one day! Sophia
老師我跟您一樣 都非常害怕孤單
以前也是用親密關係來掩蓋這個問題,我也跟老師一樣 出現空窗期
而且我很少有男性朋友 我的朋友絕大多數都是女生 不知道為什麼反而覺得跟女生當朋友讓我感到比較輕鬆自在
跟男生說話 莫名的會有一種抗拒 壓力
回想起小時候 幼稚園前的那個歲數
我因為得了癌症 因而離開家裡
長期住在醫院,那個時候的我 就感到非常孤單 媽媽也沒辦法都長期的在醫院陪我
每次媽媽要離開 我就哭得係哩嘩啦~
在此感恩老師的影片 讓我回憶起我的往事
週休更痛苦 因為只有自己
貌似听懂了 又好似没有懂。她说了那么多 中心意思是说 要接受并与之相处 不要做其他的事情 于是无补是吗 书读的少 请指教(⊙o⊙)
我的理解是 要学会跟自己的情绪相处 因为大脑会让你去做合理性得作出补偿行为 就会越来越掩饰你的情绪~ 好好回到内心接受每个自己的情绪,就可以消融你的痛苦然后保持美好状态~ 愿你幸福~
Dear Global Friends ,
Filial piety is the foremost morality of human practice, without which do not boast of one's success in spiritual knowledge or in high academic education. Filial piety comes in many forms of practices where many are unable to understand its essence meaning. What Sadhguru mentioned is generally a part and parcel of it.
The mutual trust, respect, love, understanding and gratitude between parents and children in filial piety are not carried out properly in harmony, as one side is claiming the right of oneself's rights, thus leading to complications and misunderstanding.
All the love of filial piety is carried out from the bottom of one's heart of moral, without any intention or purpose, pretence and rigid attachment, but with a natural action inaction.
Just like black crows which know how to recognise their respective parents and be able to care for them when their parents are aging and weak.
How about our present-day children or the young future generations who have so many excuses and various reasons to cover up their practices, thinking it's their democratic rights to be unfilial and ingratitude ?
Parents and children should have a basic foundation of moral upbringing imbue in their blood without which mutual filial piety is not apparent, but parents are to lead by moral example for their children to emulate, without pressure or force, through loving kindness of sharing and explanation.
Thank you for sharing.
Eddy Wang 年紀老了
你说的是 你感觉到她不快乐是吧