I'm from Vietnam. Great admiration and respect for Comrade CHE. "The world's no-nonsense class unites to create champion power" (Carl Marx). "Nothing is more precious than Independence - Freedom and Happiness" (Ho Chi Minh). Imperial forces are very afraid and they are trying to undermine the progress of the human world. People in the world no longer have divisive religions, wars, no more national borders, no more poverty and suffering. Only happinessand peace. Viva CHE - CHE in my heart !
I'm from Vietnam. Great admiration and respect for Comrade CHE. "The world's no-nonsense class unites to create champion power" (Carl Marx). "Nothing is more precious than Independence - Freedom and Happiness" (Ho Chi Minh).
Imperial forces are very afraid and they are trying to undermine the progress of the human world. People in the world no longer have divisive religions, wars, no more national borders, no more poverty and suffering. Only happinessand peace.
Viva CHE - CHE in my heart !
none if
Γενναίος αλτρουιστης ήρωας.Μεγαλε Τσε πάντα θά ζεις στις καρδιές όλων των ταπεινών καί αδικημένων.
No hablo mal de un hombre santo obrero y si hablo bien es un gran hombre y lleva a Cristo en su alma.
Todo a sido una tracion de Fidel a el. Che. Por qué lo vio más. Mucho. Más que el lo dejo morir. En. Mi Bolivia. Es tido