❖ Additional Timestamps ❖ 00:00:00 *Case 001: 42 Edgefield Road* └ 00:02:55 Wes got soup. Luckily we weren't raiding or specifically in Xera LOL └ 00:04:38 Wes finally loaded~ no crashes. We are ready. LOL. └ 00:05:15 They're singing........LOL. └ 00:05:50 Bard...learned from Odd...calling out the ghost's name so early... └ 00:07:06 Why's Wes always checking the toilets... └ 00:09:45 LOL I closed the door on Bard └ 00:11:00 Me trying spirit box again └ 00:12:12 Got the response! └ 00:20:24 It's hunting...it got Wes...T^T └ 00:25:35 We're just gonna guess~ And the ghost is actually a...! 00:29:18 *Case 002: 10 Ridgeview Court* └ 00:31:18 Money...! Ouija Board! └ 00:31:58 AHAHA sorry. I gotta touch the piano every time I see one └ 00:32:11 LOL what's happening to you guys...A ghost event I guess XD └ 00:36:05 We're getting one evidence after another~ └ 00:39:05 DOTS!! This one is really hard for me to figure out lol └ 00:39:53 Gonna wait until it hunts for more money...! Wes is in the truck XD └ 00:44:22 It hunted...we got money. We leave. Look how fast we left the house 00:47:25 *Case 003: 6 Tanglewood Drive* └ 00:49:32 Just me hesitating to go down to the basement or the garage alone... └ 00:51:37 Viz is lost...and mad XD └ 00:54:10 Just monitoring in the truck and apparently everyone else came back inside └ 00:57:15 Ghost event! └ 00:58:00 My guildies left me inside all alone again XD 01:02:15 *Case 004: Grafton Farmhouse* └ 01:03:40 First time using head gear... └ 01:07:25 LOL Wes checking out the toilets again └ 01:08:20 Found the ghost room └ 01:11:52 Brave Bard doing spirit box...alone~ └ 01:18:14 Goodbye me...the crucifixes didn't help...I was a bit too far from the actual hunting spot └ 01:19:55 Hunt again, saved Wes...! └ 01:21:50 LOL Ok...So the crucifix I was close to saved Bard...but not me XD └ 01:22:35 Goodbye Bard 01:30:52 *Case 005: Camp Woodwind* └ 01:33:12 Found the ghost room...so quickly~ └ 01:34:50 Wes and toilets...XD └ 01:35:15 Spirit box test! └ 01:36:40 UV...but there's also a ghost orb...? └ 01:37:45 Checked the truck...it is a ghost orb...We're good at figuring the ghost now └ 01:40:10 LOL Viz, pretty sure it is the mimic but yes we all agree └ 01:40:45 Incoming jumpscare...the ghost turned off the light on me T^T └ 01:44:00 Brave Viz...trying to get the ghost to hunt (there are two crucifixes inside, he'll be fine) └ 01:45:55 Yay found the bone~ more money! └ 01:48:30 It finally hunted...and Viz got lost and mad again XD 01:52:35 *Case 006: Brownstone High School* └ 01:55:00 We're already lost...where's the entrance? └ 01:58:40 Found the ghost room early again...! └ 01:59:52 LOL it's writing on the book already! └ 02:00:42 Odd trying to convince Bard to use the summoning circle...lol └ 02:05:55 Thanks Wes for the noble sacrifice 02:14:10 *Case 007: 13 Willow Street* └ 02:16:50 Wes needs more monitors instead of playing GW2 in 1:1 480p window └ 02:17:28 Wes is lost and mad XD └ 02:22:30 Bard trying out spirit box └ 02:23:22 We figured out the ghost already lol └ 02:24:47 My UV light to guide the way...and ghost event! └ 02:25:05 Cleared all missions~ Got the smudge stick too └ 02:26:03 Odd keeps trying to get us to play insanity mode...T^T └ 02:26:50 Brave Wes going back in to take pictures lol └ 02:32:23 Ending talk. Just chilling~
❖ Additional Timestamps ❖
00:00:00 *Case 001: 42 Edgefield Road*
└ 00:02:55 Wes got soup. Luckily we weren't raiding or specifically in Xera LOL
└ 00:04:38 Wes finally loaded~ no crashes. We are ready. LOL.
└ 00:05:15 They're singing........LOL.
└ 00:05:50 Bard...learned from Odd...calling out the ghost's name so early...
└ 00:07:06 Why's Wes always checking the toilets...
└ 00:09:45 LOL I closed the door on Bard
└ 00:11:00 Me trying spirit box again
└ 00:12:12 Got the response!
└ 00:20:24 It's hunting...it got Wes...T^T
└ 00:25:35 We're just gonna guess~ And the ghost is actually a...!
00:29:18 *Case 002: 10 Ridgeview Court*
└ 00:31:18 Money...! Ouija Board!
└ 00:31:58 AHAHA sorry. I gotta touch the piano every time I see one
└ 00:32:11 LOL what's happening to you guys...A ghost event I guess XD
└ 00:36:05 We're getting one evidence after another~
└ 00:39:05 DOTS!! This one is really hard for me to figure out lol
└ 00:39:53 Gonna wait until it hunts for more money...! Wes is in the truck XD
└ 00:44:22 It hunted...we got money. We leave. Look how fast we left the house
00:47:25 *Case 003: 6 Tanglewood Drive*
└ 00:49:32 Just me hesitating to go down to the basement or the garage alone...
└ 00:51:37 Viz is lost...and mad XD
└ 00:54:10 Just monitoring in the truck and apparently everyone else came back inside
└ 00:57:15 Ghost event!
└ 00:58:00 My guildies left me inside all alone again XD
01:02:15 *Case 004: Grafton Farmhouse*
└ 01:03:40 First time using head gear...
└ 01:07:25 LOL Wes checking out the toilets again
└ 01:08:20 Found the ghost room
└ 01:11:52 Brave Bard doing spirit box...alone~
└ 01:18:14 Goodbye me...the crucifixes didn't help...I was a bit too far from the actual hunting spot
└ 01:19:55 Hunt again, saved Wes...!
└ 01:21:50 LOL Ok...So the crucifix I was close to saved Bard...but not me XD
└ 01:22:35 Goodbye Bard
01:30:52 *Case 005: Camp Woodwind*
└ 01:33:12 Found the ghost room...so quickly~
└ 01:34:50 Wes and toilets...XD
└ 01:35:15 Spirit box test!
└ 01:36:40 UV...but there's also a ghost orb...?
└ 01:37:45 Checked the truck...it is a ghost orb...We're good at figuring the ghost now
└ 01:40:10 LOL Viz, pretty sure it is the mimic but yes we all agree
└ 01:40:45 Incoming jumpscare...the ghost turned off the light on me T^T
└ 01:44:00 Brave Viz...trying to get the ghost to hunt (there are two crucifixes inside, he'll be fine)
└ 01:45:55 Yay found the bone~ more money!
└ 01:48:30 It finally hunted...and Viz got lost and mad again XD
01:52:35 *Case 006: Brownstone High School*
└ 01:55:00 We're already lost...where's the entrance?
└ 01:58:40 Found the ghost room early again...!
└ 01:59:52 LOL it's writing on the book already!
└ 02:00:42 Odd trying to convince Bard to use the summoning circle...lol
└ 02:05:55 Thanks Wes for the noble sacrifice
02:14:10 *Case 007: 13 Willow Street*
└ 02:16:50 Wes needs more monitors instead of playing GW2 in 1:1 480p window
└ 02:17:28 Wes is lost and mad XD
└ 02:22:30 Bard trying out spirit box
└ 02:23:22 We figured out the ghost already lol
└ 02:24:47 My UV light to guide the way...and ghost event!
└ 02:25:05 Cleared all missions~ Got the smudge stick too
└ 02:26:03 Odd keeps trying to get us to play insanity mode...T^T
└ 02:26:50 Brave Wes going back in to take pictures lol
└ 02:32:23 Ending talk. Just chilling~
I think the soup contributed to my extra deaths but I got the high score!
It's always the soup...XD
Causing extra deaths when we play games LOLLL