Audi Logo Effects Effects | Preview 2 Effects

  • Опубликовано: 16 дек 2024

Комментарии • 19

  • @MediaWindowsMaker
    @MediaWindowsMaker 8 месяцев назад +5

    Nice job dev

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    G major 4
    G major 4 - g major 4
    Confusion g major 4
    Confusion g major 4 - g major 4
    Devil blast - g major 4
    Chorded - g major 4
    G major - g major 4
    Crying - g major 4
    Intel inside g major 4
    Dma g major 4
    G major 2 - g major 4
    Invert color g major 4
    RGB to RGB g major 4
    RGB to RGB g major 4 reverse
    RGB to RGB g major 4 confusion reverse
    Black and white g major 4 reverse
    Sponge effects - g major 4
    Pitch black - g major 4
    Crazy diamond - g major 4

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    G major
    G major g major 4
    Confusion g major
    Confusion g major g major 4
    Devil blast g major
    Chorded g major
    G major square
    Crying g major
    Intel inside g major
    Dma g major
    G major 2 g major
    Invert color g major
    RGB to RGB g major
    RGB to RGB g major reverse
    Confusion RGB to RGB g major reverse
    Black and white g major reverse
    Sponge effects g major
    Pitch black g major
    Crazy diamond g major

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    Confusion g major 4
    Confusion g major 4 square
    Devil blast g major 4
    Confusion chorded g major 4
    Confusion g major g major 4
    Confusion crying g major 4
    Confusion intel inside g major 4
    Confusion dma g major 4
    Confusion g major 2 g major 4
    Confusion invert color g major 4
    Confusion RGB to RGB g major 4
    Confusion RGB to RGB g major 4 reverse
    Confusion black and white g major 4 reverse
    Confusion sponge effects g major 4
    Confusion pitch black g major 4
    Confusion crazy diamond g major 4

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    Devil blast
    G major 4 devil blast
    Confusion devil blast
    Confusion g major 4 devil blast
    Devil blast square
    Chorded devil blast
    G major devil blast
    Crying devil blast
    Intel inside devil blast
    Dma devil blast
    G major 2 devil blast
    Invert color devil blast
    RGB to RGB devil blast
    RGB to RGB devil blast reverse
    Confusion devil blast RGB to RGB reverse
    Black and white devil blast reverse
    Sponge effects devil blast
    Pitch black devil blast
    Crazy diamond devil blast

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta 18 дней назад

    Sponge effects
    Sponge effects g major 4
    Confusion sponge effects
    Confusion sponge effects g major 4
    Sponge effects devil blast
    Sponge effects chorded
    Sponge effects g major
    Sponge effects crying
    Sponge effects Intel inside
    Sponge effects dma
    Sponge effects g major 2
    Sponge effects invert color
    Sponge effects RGB to RGB
    Sponge effects RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion sponge effects RGB to RGB reverse
    Sponge effects black and white reverse
    Sponge effects square
    Sponge effects pitch black
    Sponge effects crazy diamond

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    G major 4 chorded
    Confusion chorded
    Confusion chorded g major 4
    Devil blast chorded
    Chorded square
    G major chorded
    Crying chorded
    Intel inside chorded
    Dma chorded
    G major 2 chorded
    Invert color chorded
    RGB to RGB chorded
    RGB to RGB chorded reverse
    Confusion RGB to RGB chorded reverse
    Black and white chorded reverse
    Sponge effects chorded
    Pitch black chorded
    Crazy diamond chorded

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    G major 4 dma
    Confusion dma
    Confusion g major 4 dma
    Devil blast dma
    Chorded dma
    G major dma
    Crying dma
    Intel inside dma
    Dma square
    G major 2 dma
    Invert color dma
    RGB to RGB dma
    RGB to RGB dma reverse
    Confusion RGB to RGB dma reverse
    Black and white dma reverse
    Pitch black dma
    Crazy diamond dma

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    Invert color
    G major 4 invert color
    Confusion invert color
    Confusion g major 4 invert color
    Devil blast invert color
    Chorded invert color
    G major invert color
    Crying invert color
    Intel inside invert color
    Dma invert color
    G major 2 invert color
    Invert color square
    RGB to RGB invert color
    RGB to RGB invert color reverse
    Confusion RGB to RGB invert color reverse
    Black and white invert color reverse
    Sponge effects invert color
    Pitch black invert color
    Crazy diamond invert color

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    G major 4
    Confusion g major 4
    Devil blast
    G major
    Intel inside
    G major 2
    Invert color
    RGB to RGB
    RGB to RGB reverse
    RGB to RGB confusion reverse
    Black and white reverse
    Sponge effects
    Pitch black
    Crazy diamond

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    Confusion g major 4
    Confusion normal
    Confusion devil blast
    Confusion chorded
    Confusion g major
    Confusion crying
    Confusion intel inside
    Confusion dma
    Confusion g major 2
    Confusion invert color
    Confusion RGB to RGB
    Confusion RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion black and white reverse
    Confusion sponge effects
    Confusion pitch black
    Confusion crazy diamond

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    G major 4 crying
    Confusion crying
    Confusion g major 4 crying
    Devil blast crying
    Chorded crying
    G major crying
    Crying square
    Intel inside crying
    Dma crying
    G major 2 crying
    Invert color crying
    RGB to RGB crying
    RGB to RGB crying reverse
    Confusion RGB to RGB crying reverse
    Black and white crying reverse
    Sponge effects crying
    Pitch black crying
    Crazy diamond crying

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    Normal confuse crazy diamond
    G major 4 confuse pitch black
    Confusion confuse sponge effects
    Confusion g major 4 confuse black and white
    Devil blast confuse confusion RGB to RGB
    Chorded confuse RGB to RGB
    G major confuse RGB to RGB
    Crying confuse invert color
    Intel inside confuse g major 2
    Dma confuse dma
    G major 2 confuse Intel inside
    Invert color confuse crying
    RGB to RGB confuse g major
    RGB to RGB confuse chorded
    Confusion RGB to RGB confuse devil blast
    Black and white confuse confusion g major 4
    Sponge effects confuse confusion
    Pitch black confuse g major 4
    Crazy diamond confuse normal

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    Confusion crazy diamond RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion pitch black RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion Sponge effects RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion black and white RGB to RGB
    Confusion RGB to RGB square RGB
    Confusion RGB to RGB
    Confusion RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion invert color RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion g major 2 RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion dma RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion Intel inside RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion crying RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion g major RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion chorded RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion devil blast RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion g major 4 RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion g major 4 reverse
    Confusion reverse

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    RGB to RGB
    G major 4 RGB to RGB
    Confusion RGB to RGB
    Confusion g major 4 RGB to RGB
    Devil blast RGB to RGB
    Chorded RGB to RGB
    G major RGB to RGB
    Crying RGB to RGB
    Intel inside RGB to RGB
    Dma RGB to RGB
    G major 2 RGB to RGB
    Invert color RGB to RGB
    RGB to RGB square
    RGB to RGB square reverse
    Confusion RGB to RGB square reverse
    Black and white RGB to RGB reverse
    Sponge effects RGB to RGB
    Pitch black RGB to RGB
    Crazy diamond RGB to RGB

  • @DiandrawiraArganta
    @DiandrawiraArganta Месяц назад

    Crazy diamond RGB to RGB reverse
    Pitch black RGB to RGB reverse
    Sponge effects RGB to RGB reverse
    Black and white RGB to RGB
    Confusion RGB to RGB square
    RGB to RGB square
    RGB to RGB square reverse
    Invert color RGB to RGB reverse
    G major 2 RGB to RGB reverse
    Dma RGB to RGB reverse
    Intel inside RGB to RGB reverse
    Crying RGB to RGB reverse
    G major RGB to RGB reverse
    Chorded RGB to RGB reverse
    Devil blast RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion g major 4 RGB to RGB reverse
    Confusion RGB to RGB reverse
    G major 4 RGB to RGB reverse
    RGB to RGB reverse

  • @TrầnCaoMinh-o2g
    @TrầnCaoMinh-o2g 26 дней назад

    Nice job dev