History Of Dark Skinned ASIAN People Until Becoming White | Black Culture

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @roperryinspirationalvoices1421
    @roperryinspirationalvoices1421 Год назад +579

    This happened all over the globe. The saddest thing is that the darker hued people in all of these countries such as India, Mexico, Brazil and even the Philippines are treated the absolute worst! Areas such as Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, have a phrase “better the race” by marrying lighter. I know this is true!

    • @michaelwright1467
      @michaelwright1467 Год назад +61

      Sad but true. My wife is from the Philippines. And you actually have beautiful brown and dark-skinned Filipinos using all kinds of bleaching and whitening creams trying to get lighter.

    • @wisdoma4860
      @wisdoma4860 Год назад


    • @RaymondBrown-bp4jj
      @RaymondBrown-bp4jj Год назад +62

      Black people be the same let’s not act like we celebrate darkskin we are all hypocrites some of us hate seeing interracial marriages with whites but love the light skin that comes with mixing the whole world views dark skin as bad including the people you just named that go through it

    • @messengerisrael3817
      @messengerisrael3817 Год назад

      HABAKKUK 1:5-12 , " 5.Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
      6For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs.
      7They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.
      8Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat.
      9They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.
      10And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it.
      11Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his god.
      12Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.
      HABAKKUK 2:8-16 , " 8.Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.
      9Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil!
      10Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul.
      11For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it.
      12Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and established a city by iniquity!
      13Behold, is it not of the LORD of hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity?
      14For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
      15Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
      16Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD'S right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory.
      SHALOM !

    • @Rodski22
      @Rodski22 Год назад +54

      💯Facts and it’s totally sad. Growing up as a Filipino we first learn that the first Filipino’s were African now we call them Aeta’s. It is said that they are seen at the very bottom of our society, I first experience it when I was a kid at McDonald’s. To survive they were singing there hearts out just to have food but people don’t pay attention to them. People don’t pay attention due to culture’s instilled ideologically that people from the slums are not to be trusted. As Filipino although something’s have been change and they being recognized more, it’s still doesn’t compare to the better treatment that American Indians received here in the USA. Like I’m tired of seeing half light skin Filipinos representing the Miss Universe, who are not even born in the Philippines. Aeta’s should be represented because they are the true ancestors, not only that but they are very talented and the real beautiful definition of Filipinos. Hopefully one day I will see that a Aeta become a president or win the Miss Universe.

  • @ZePandarr
    @ZePandarr Год назад +119

    South east asian here, I'd just like to clarify that in our history, we do have dark skinned people all over the map and they're usually people from near the equator. Our aboriginal population have dark skin with curly hair. A lot of older generations were also more tanned because of working in the fields. Sadly porcelain white korean drama beauty is now the desired standard

    • @kondensedyah9249
      @kondensedyah9249 11 месяцев назад +10

      In the 1960 in my neighbourhood in Jamaica 🇯🇲, we had a neighbour across the street who looked just as you described, and we all called him "black Chiney."

    • @Del_116
      @Del_116 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@kondensedyah9249o was about to right the same thing .

    • @DanielGomez-me9ci
      @DanielGomez-me9ci 8 месяцев назад +1

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- NOT tied to specific skin color -- as far as skin tone is concerned.

    • @TheOnlyBallout
      @TheOnlyBallout 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@DanielGomez-me9ci but they originate from black ppl. That’s the point of the vid

    • @DanielGomez-me9ci
      @DanielGomez-me9ci 8 месяцев назад

      Human Civilization originated from "Ancient MESOPOTAMIA [ Middle East ASIA]" -- That's From ADAM all the way to NOAH.
      And from NOAH's 3 "sons [ i.e. Sem or Shem or Sam, Ham, Japeth]", human race STARTED to SPREAD from "Middle East ASIA"
      to "D-I-F-F-E-R-E-N-T parts of the world".
      i.e. 1. SEM - The "eldest" son of NOAH.
      The Ancestor of "SEMITES or SEMETIC People [ Most of The MIDDLE EASTERN 'ASIAN' People]".
      2. HAM - The "middle" son of NOAH.
      The Ancestor of "HAMITES or HAMITIC People"
      i.e. a. AFRICANS [ i.e. Mizraimites ( Egyptians), Cushites, Putites]
      b. CANAANITES [ of Middle East 'ASIA']
      3. JAPETH - The "youngest" son of NOAH.
      The Ancestor of "JAPETHITES or JAPETHIC People"
      i.e. a. CAUCASIAN People [ i.e. Europeans]
      b. Most of ASIAN People
      i.e. i. White-Skinned Slanted-Eyed [ Descendants of TOGARMAH ( son of Gomer - The eldest son of Japeth)]
      * Mongols
      * Chinese
      * Koreans
      * Japanese
      * Etc.
      ii. Descendants of "MADAI [ Son of JAPETH]"
      * Persians or Iranians
      * White-skinned "Gypsies or Indians"
      P.S. * ASIAN Race - is the most dominant race -- in terms of:
      1. Populations
      2. Diversity [ From ADAM all the way to the 3 sons of NOAH]
      3. Origin [ Practically, human race 'came from ASIA ( ADAM - ancient Mesopotamia)']
      * "BROWN-skinned ASIANS
      1. "BROWN/DARK"-skinned GYPSIES or INDIANS - emerged as a result of the merging of:
      a. WHITE-skinned "Gypsies or Indians"
      b. HAMITES
      2. Pilipino, Malaysia, Indonesia" - emerged as a result of the merging of:
      a. WHITE-skinned Slanted-Eyed ASIANS
      b. HAMITES
      TIP: * Browned-skinned ASIANS, some of them, would moved to the PACIFICS, AUSTRALIA [ as Suborigines],
      AMERICAS [ as native Americans ( e.g. Apaches, etc.)], etc.
      * Later in history, somewhere around the 15th century A.D. -- BROWN-skinned Pilipinos
      would merge with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's
      great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" -- to come up with the
      "Modern-day Pilipinos [ the Asian HISPANIC People]".

  • @landahans1038
    @landahans1038 Год назад +11

    Dark-skinned Asian people exists. Lots and lots of them. But do not make a mistake of jumping right into the conclusion that they came from Sub-Saharan Africa. Being dark-skinned for Asian means that you have to work under the sun ALOT and your skin produce melanin. And that’s it. Go have a freaking look of dark-skinned North Korean farmer vs almost any South Korean stars. Their skin tone are vastly different for sure. Does that mean North Korean came from Sub-Saharan Africa recently? If you say yes, you are either crazy or on meds. Because the North is poor and alot of people has to work on the farm.

    • @LevisH21
      @LevisH21 Год назад +2

      I would rather use the example of Papuans from Papua New Guinea.
      the natives there are very dark skinned, basically look like Sub-Saharan Africans but are clearly not from Africa.

    • @MyWay-zu4go
      @MyWay-zu4go 5 месяцев назад +1

      Dark skined people and Black Africans are totally different.
      Of course Some Europeans can be dark skin .

    • @VRansom-zz5yg
      @VRansom-zz5yg 4 месяца назад

      The reason most of them won't identify with black people,, Africans,,, sub-Saharan Africans,,, is due to eurocentric thinking,, that has ingrained a sense of self hate, the people who determined they have no connection to the greater black race,, are Europeans. Most darker race don't put a lot of faith in what European say,,,, even other people who project the eurocentric thinking. I'll go with the visual,, A GREATER BLACK RACE THAT SPANS THE WORLD., and who has systematically been disenfranchised,,, brainwashed,,,,,,, by the same Europeans who tries to define their history. You have to wonder why they have a greater fear of black people than to Asians,,,, who are more populous. Just as with America,,,, who are experiencing a deluge of Hispanics but the greatest fear lay with Black people. I believe that is a genetic Factor,,,,, the black gene is stronger,,,, despite diluting it will remain black genes, ie,,, the blacks in Britain have maintained a racial identity despite years of dilutement. This is the reason why Hillary koprowski, along with the Belgian government and the University of Pennsylvania (USA),,,,, created a AIDS virus. The hunter theory holds no scientific validity,,,, it would have crossed over into the population thousands of years ago,,, the pygmies always ate chimpanzee meat. These facts are documented,,,, University of Pennsylvania,,, have conducted experiments on human beings in the United States,,,,, and Hillary Koprowski work for them,, and the Belgian government enforced The unwanted polio vaccine onto the African population of the Congo,,,,, formerly known as Zaire in the late 1950s. The purpose experiment on Afro people,,,,,, maybe because of the centuries of abuse they perpetrated on the black race, have bred a psychotic like xenophobic fear, where they feel they have to decimate the black race

    • @VRansom-zz5yg
      @VRansom-zz5yg 4 месяца назад

      @@MyWay-zu4go dark skin European,,, strictly of European descent,,??? I hope you are not trying to imply that,??? Let me interject this theory ,,, are all Caucasian people descended from the same line as Asians ??? Are they descended from the same line ?? I'll answer that for you , yes they are !! So why is it such a stretch of imagination for Black people to have some kind of common origin ??? The only reason that is not possible is some that eurocentric mindset. Some Russians and some Hungarian have some screwed up and different DNA when compared to say someone from France. The scientific community even called Australian Aborigines,, Papa New Guineanians were proto-european., to avoid the fact that a black race was present in Asia. European views when applied to non European races has always been filled with lies and deceptions

    • @vward4871
      @vward4871 2 месяца назад +1

      The East Asians had woolly hair, such as any West African, not just dark skin.

  • @athan6385
    @athan6385 3 месяца назад +7

    You know? Light skinned people can become very dark if they are exposed to the sun all day long without protection. This used to be very common in old times as labor was almost always outside and lasted all day. Nowadays you don't see it as much as most people work indoors and try not to expose themselves to the sun for too long without protection, for health and skincare reasons.

    • @samyasalama9393
      @samyasalama9393 13 дней назад +2

      They don’t want yo hear that !! Let them dream

    • @blazerstimul8
      @blazerstimul8 8 дней назад

      Nah whites came and banged the black out of them

  • @metsrus
    @metsrus Год назад +30

    anyone been to India? there are some Indians darker than Africans.

    • @Eneri-z9v
      @Eneri-z9v 11 месяцев назад +2

      I know personally I have been mistreated by dark skinned Indians. People don't forget it inside the space of a split second.

    • @theoldworldkitten
      @theoldworldkitten 10 месяцев назад +1

      I think people know this by now... if they don't then idk

    • @Eneri-z9v
      @Eneri-z9v 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@theoldworldkitten Though I have some European ancestry coursing through my entire being it doesn't make me a white person not according to the American racial code. Though my blue veins are visible I still can't pass the shameful brown paper bag test. I am about three shades darker than a brown paper bag, in winter. That is my unfortunate fact of life. Back in the 1970s I was the lightest skinned person in my biological family. In summer I dress for the sun. In all white from head to toe.

    • @theoldworldkitten
      @theoldworldkitten 10 месяцев назад

      @@Eneri-z9v ... um im confused.....

    • @Eneri-z9v
      @Eneri-z9v 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@theoldworldkitten I'm a light skinned person of color from originally a dark skin household 🧸 with demarcated hair texture as in type four. Who can grow long hair in a neighborhood where that's a prize. I had my share of issues, even to this day🧸.

  • @diaquitaquita8984
    @diaquitaquita8984 Год назад +13


    • @vward4871
      @vward4871 2 месяца назад

      East Asians were black with woolly hair less than 300 years ago. That history has been covered up.

    • @joeppg
      @joeppg 2 месяца назад +1

      @@diaquitaquita8984 right, saying black is like saying white…there was and mutations albinism

    • @Saint_Jerome
      @Saint_Jerome 5 дней назад

      ​@@joeppg If y'all don't have ancestry from Asia, ya need to pipe down. Look up Elit Honkorn a kickboxer and you can see his black feature, or T-Cambo and look at the carvings of Cambodia.

  • @thesis-and-nieces6722
    @thesis-and-nieces6722 5 месяцев назад +5

    Dark skinned in no way implies blacks. Thats a stretch of modern revisionism interpretation. The only reason you would have someone in asia who would be thought of as being black in modern standards was because of slavery. Dutch, arabs, european traveled to different places bring with them their servants. Even the dark skinned asians (cambodia, philippines, indians) are in no way considered black. But compared to Japanese or Chinese, they would think of them as being “inferior” races.

    • @VRansom-zz5yg
      @VRansom-zz5yg 5 месяцев назад

      Do you not know of the Andaman Islanders ??? The people with the oldest DNA in Asia???? If you can honestly look at those people and not see Black,, and not think African,,, that would mean you are in complete denial. We do realize that Google is free right ????

    • @VRansom-zz5yg
      @VRansom-zz5yg 4 месяца назад

      @@st019 come on let's be real,,, who are the ones determining they are not Black,??? At one time to deny dark-skinned people in Australia and Papa New Guinea,, the inhabitants were called proto European. The Spanish gave them the name negritos,,, the same name that gave to the pygmies in Africa,,, who were themselves referred to as negritos. They are not the result of two different lines developing the same attributes because of environment,,,, they try to say they aren't a direct line from Africans due to genetic,,,,, doesn't ring true. There are four distinct genetic markers in Africa,,,, the so-called Bantus,,, Nilotic,, pygmies,, Khoisan. The Khoisan DNA have some similarity with Asians,,,, but they are without a doubt the oldest DNA in Africa. There is a lot of anti African rhetoric in the scientific field. Before those people,, so called negritos,,, were decimated , the majority of the male population killed off,,, and their women somehow interbreeding with the conquerors; the fact of which is obvious when viewing them.. the only population that is pure it's on the remote islands of the Andaman Islands,,,, who without a doubt look African,;;;; and the reason why all negrito populations throughout southeast Asia live in inaccessible areas,,,,,mountains, swamps, remote Islands. All the scientific booty boop doesn't hide what your eyes see,,,,,, A BLACK RACE THE SPAN THE GLOBE

  • @jayzrat
    @jayzrat 5 месяцев назад +12

    I’ve seen dark complexion chinese. Most are laborers who get their complexion from toiling in the sun and working in the fields. They’re usually associated with the working class.

  • @tudy4564
    @tudy4564 Год назад +15

    Part II Would be wonderful thank you.

  • @tedbundy8305
    @tedbundy8305 4 месяца назад +21

    We wuz Chinese end Sheet

  • @trendystore628
    @trendystore628 Год назад +7

    Interesting history am so happy I came across this channel. Keep the history coming thanks for sharing👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    • @Ronydoo-yv2hs
      @Ronydoo-yv2hs 3 месяца назад

      This video is making people more dumb.

  • @adolfoorozco8498
    @adolfoorozco8498 Год назад +9

    WHAT IS IT WITH Black Culture, you claim to be THE FIRST ASIAN People, Mexican people, first Indian of America, and so on!!!!! IN THESE countries you change color???? but in Africa YOU STAY BLACK???? THEN YOU HAVE JAMAICA, HAITI, USA THAT DONT CHANGE CCCCOLOR WHY???? AND MANY MORE PLACES!!!! JUST WANT TO KNOW...

  • @ArnoBach
    @ArnoBach Год назад +15

    Just because someone has darker skin, does not automatically mean they are black...

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

    • @Dehema00
      @Dehema00 4 месяца назад

      So black people from the usa are not black ?

    • @Dehema00
      @Dehema00 4 месяца назад

      Why do we call black people from america black?

    • @Dehema00
      @Dehema00 4 месяца назад

      A dark skin means your black its that simple

    • @neglectfulsausage7689
      @neglectfulsausage7689 4 месяца назад +1

      To Afrosupremacists, dark skin = "has african in them".

  • @cherllowe-johnson7630
    @cherllowe-johnson7630 Год назад +75

    As I traveled thru Asia from 1989-2002 with Northwest Airlines then 2008-2013 with United Airlines as Crew, I was always treated with warmth & smiles by my Asian passengers. China, Korea, Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, and parts of the South Pacific. Many shared a meal with me on my stayovers or toured the cities as guides. I was treated as an old friend or family member who had come home. Great memories of dancing with the Highland Tribes in the Philippines, talking to youth at Windows of the World in Shenzhen or eating at Teahouses in Korea. I believe we are only a few degrees from being related -- just like family in Africa or the Caribbean!!

    • @iasiaware3797
      @iasiaware3797 Год назад

      Then clearly you don't know history from the days of Noah and the flood up until this very day🤦🏽‍♀️ best you seek the answers from the most high YAHWEH than kean onto your own understanding and wolves in sheep clothing 🤷🏾‍♀️ you have no idea who these people are! Those ares you named is Jaspth children and those land they live on is stolen territory by their father Jaspth and his sons MOG amd Gof etc etc. To the other side from where their at from India is the land of Cannon which was stole by Cannon the cursed son of Ham andnHam his father like scriptures says. And you can read the book of JUBILEES for further details on GOD'S WORD! This just so happen to be one of the books of sound doctrine the wicked Vatican tool OUT of scripture when they were creating their "Bible"!

    • @geraldboykin6159
      @geraldboykin6159 Год назад +5

      Compliments from the Tonga Islands!

    • @dianhamilton9953
      @dianhamilton9953 Год назад

      The San people of South Africa look Asian!

    • @iasiaware3797
      @iasiaware3797 Год назад +2


    • @iasiaware3797
      @iasiaware3797 Год назад

      @@Nagin-zt6sc an opinion DON'T OVERIDE a FACT 🤷🏾‍♀️
      Instead of trying to have an opinion; try READ'SEAECHING. WHAT GOOD IS IT TO BE IGNORANT DUMMY😩✌🏿

  • @Kingofthepeople
    @Kingofthepeople Год назад +50

    I'm black and proud and I love all my Asians brothers and sisters and I'm a stop Asian hate support we my not look the same but together we have alot in common.

    • @wewereblack
      @wewereblack Год назад

      Nah these Asian now days ain’t ya brotha unless they have that dark brown skin look up the khoisain tribe of Africa oldest people on earth those are real Asians and our Brothas and sistas

    • @av_67721
      @av_67721 Год назад +2

      Thank you. ❤ i am Haitian and Chinese (german too but anyways) i am very grateful for your kindness, as someone who is Chinese.

    • @Kingofthepeople
      @Kingofthepeople Год назад

      @@av_67721 I appreciate your words brother.💛🖤

    • @ChiagozieMartins-us7eb
      @ChiagozieMartins-us7eb Год назад +3

      I am black and I am proud to be a Nigerian.❤❤❤

    • @tonyswe9463
      @tonyswe9463 Год назад +5

      I am Asian and I grew up in a black neighborhood. I love y’all.

    @REALSTREETNIGGAMUZIK 11 месяцев назад +23

    “We scrutinize history here to bring the Black culture on the surface again.” ✊🏿💯

    • @teresafernandez9849
      @teresafernandez9849 9 месяцев назад +1

      What black culture? The cullture of culture vultures? That's what you are!

    • @basetomar6447
      @basetomar6447 7 месяцев назад +1

      Black Culture in Asia 💀

  • @alexusbrooke
    @alexusbrooke 11 месяцев назад +56

    It is important to note that Asia is a vast continent with a rich diversity of ethnicities and cultures. The term "Asian" encompasses a wide range of people from different regions such as East Asia (China, Japan, Korea), Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia), South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), and West Asia (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia). Each region has its own unique history and migration patterns that have contributed to the formation of Asian populations

    • @rickyrosst
      @rickyrosst 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @alexusbrooke
      @alexusbrooke 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@rickyrosst what was funny about my comment u must laugh at yourself sometimes I see 😂😂

    • @rickyrosst
      @rickyrosst 8 месяцев назад

      @@alexusbrooke 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @rickyrosst
      @rickyrosst 8 месяцев назад

      @@alexusbrooke you're so clever 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    • @adegirly
      @adegirly 7 месяцев назад +6

      true! the same way that Africa is so rich and diverse, it's not a country but 55, rather a continent, indeed

  • @Ughiphop80
    @Ughiphop80 Год назад +16

    Nice Nice Nice..... I'd love to see a part 2

  • @vereen70
    @vereen70 Год назад +4

    Very compelling, so much so you just earned a new subscriber. ✌🏾❤️💪🏾

    • @VerbalWarrior162
      @VerbalWarrior162 Год назад

      We can break down their Asiatic Stone Age DNA, they have no haplogroup from Africa.

  • @SistaSol
    @SistaSol Год назад +18

    While making this case, please do not use this to erase Asian culture in the process.

    • @Miraclesylva
      @Miraclesylva Год назад +9

      You’re right African Americans do that a lot

    • @lynn-_-1883
      @lynn-_-1883 11 месяцев назад +7

      We can’t erase those whom exist till this day and that’ve paved a way darling. They’re here to stay boo

    • @kiyoshi6500
      @kiyoshi6500 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@Miraclesylvathis is not facts… we aren’t not like white conquistadors … be fr

    • @Assata_Shakur
      @Assata_Shakur 11 месяцев назад

      @@Miraclesylva We definitely don’t! We are watching out culture being stolen right in front of our eyes! From ROCK, JAZZ, and now HIPHOP, it’s being HIJACKED! At the end of the day, the EARTH was melanated at one point! Those that are now lighter colored are the product of recessive genes being mixed into the mix.

    • @northsyda1732
      @northsyda1732 11 месяцев назад

      @@kiyoshi6500y’all are getting there. Revisionist history is wild with y’all. Just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks

  • @jamesbush5411
    @jamesbush5411 Год назад +8

    It's good that you are airing this exact topic to show African/ Asian First Humanity Linkage.

    • @Jah_AP
      @Jah_AP Год назад +1

      Not African Just Asian Chill Wit That

    • @roboparks
      @roboparks Год назад

      But he doesn't prove when that Happen ? Through actual Science (DNA , Archaeology , Sociology) . He shows pictures and Writings from the 1800 and early 1900s . And gives youa story. Homo Erectus migrated to Parts of Asia 1.75 million years ago is that your case ? And then ignore Human Cross breeding with Humanoid types?

    • @DanielGomez-me9ci
      @DanielGomez-me9ci 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- NOT tied to specific skin color -- as far as skin tone is concerned.

  • @MichaelSmith-to6ll
    @MichaelSmith-to6ll Год назад +35

    I love this keep up the great work. I'm not doing to well in life. But listening to things like this is soothing. It helps me remain confident in my faith and my belief. Nothing is as it seems. Bc man has been on this planet alot longer then we understand

    • @lynnwoodcarter3486
      @lynnwoodcarter3486 Год назад +3

      Facts they've turned us into monsters the good struggle

    • @birdielee6718
      @birdielee6718 Год назад +3

      Hi Mike. Praying that you'll feel better and things get better for you👍🏿🙋🏿‍♀️

  • @idratherbeaphilthanajustin9533
    @idratherbeaphilthanajustin9533 Год назад +16

    Melanesians in the Pacific Ocean doesn't mean that Asia was black! It's like white people claiming to be Japanese because they have light skin - people are so ruled by their skin colour they 'miss all that heavenly glory' as Bruce Lee once said!

  • @Napoleonicarmee
    @Napoleonicarmee 11 месяцев назад +3

    My mom is from Northern thailand, She is a Dark skinned asian. Amazing topic, People dont often think that im asian because of my skin so this is a amazing topic

    • @DanielGomez-me9ci
      @DanielGomez-me9ci 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed, and DID NOT originate from Africa, but from "Ancient MESOPOTAMIA [ i.e. Middle East ASIA (from The House of NOAH)]"..

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @euariaeu8873
    @euariaeu8873 Год назад +7

    lol😂 what are you smoking thats some high quality

  • @chinweokwuasimonye8871
    @chinweokwuasimonye8871 Год назад +36

    China's first dynasty and emperor founded by King Tang (or Ta) was black.
    Also the ancient buddhas were black
    The Xia and Shang dynasties were founded by Black tribes living in ancient China
    There are other info about the ancient Chinese people too

    • @VerbalWarrior162
      @VerbalWarrior162 Год назад

      There’re no evidences of black people had migrated from Africa to China 3,500 years ago.

    • @dennismoose2152
      @dennismoose2152 Год назад +1

      But how come modern Chinese are frail small and not brown @ all

    • @dennismoose2152
      @dennismoose2152 Год назад +1

      And the cultural background has 0 similarities as far as black people living in Central America goes idk about blacks from Jamaica or the Native American blacks even

    • @sharonivy888
      @sharonivy888 Год назад

      Same reason you walk into a kindergarten class in black community and more than half the class is light skinned or biracial. Euro features are being sexually selected for. What mean chose to procreate with is increased. Breeding out the black been happening thousands of years as well as genocide against Aftican descended people.

    • @tc2334
      @tc2334 Год назад +14

      China's first Dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, was founded by Yu the Great. He was born in China and he wasn't black.
      Buddha was born in Nepal and was a prince, so he may have had light skin that darkened due to his intense penance and relinquishing of royalty.
      However, there have let's be clear. There have been human remains found dating back from the Shang and Xia in China. The people are all Sino-Tibetan. Please don't spread misinformation.

  • @vaughnb142
    @vaughnb142 Год назад +9

    Very informative. Thank you for your work, 🙏 keep it them coming.

    • @BlackCultureDiary
      @BlackCultureDiary  Год назад

      Thank you! Will do!

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @budokanmetal4999
    @budokanmetal4999 5 месяцев назад +7

    Nice try. No it wasn't. Keep dreaming though, that's therapist gold.

  • @michaeldiggs3009
    @michaeldiggs3009 Год назад +5

    Black and white photography can make light skin people look darker and darker people lighter. Just saying...

  • @themoonisalwaysfull6480
    @themoonisalwaysfull6480 Год назад +10

    Definitely do another melanin video this is amazing . I had my DNA done in 2016 I am HAHN Chinese also and I know I have black ancestors why else would I tan so Mexican looking all
    Summer and lighten up until I move to Florida 🤣🤘🏽👊🏽

    • @roboparks
      @roboparks Год назад +4

      EVeryone has Black Ancestors (Even White People) . Homo-Saipan Migrated from African 100,000 years ago and mix with Homo-Neanderthal and Homo-Denisovans who had been Europe and Asia for 300.000 years or more .

    • @nitaseely6830
      @nitaseely6830 4 месяца назад

      evolutionary process: Australian aboriginals -> blacks -> pacific islanders -> south Asians -> middle easterns -> southeast Asians -> Caucasians -> east Asians.

  • @rashiqs4400
    @rashiqs4400 21 день назад

    Most definitely like to part 2, great show 👍

  • @Babyhulk24
    @Babyhulk24 Год назад +19

    I've known this over 5 years now. Thanks for your channel ❤

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      10 days ago
      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @nakialindsey5684
    @nakialindsey5684 Год назад +26

    I love ❤ the narrator voice this was excellent and to the point Black Asia exists its in many of our DNA 🧬 I would love a second video this was intriguing and not the least bit shocking thank you 😊.

    • @phyllislittlejohn7281
      @phyllislittlejohn7281 Год назад +2

      It is not shocking if you know something about the culture. So much was hidden but since this is now the age of revelation, the true is being exposed which is a good thing regardless of whether it is good or bad. There's always something new to be learned. The problem is are willing to accept it (the truth)?

    • @TheWeaponx9
      @TheWeaponx9 Год назад +4

      Correction.. they have the black woman DNA by way of the Khoisan people of Africa which is the eldest & most replicated in all human genes. I learned this from Dr Malachi Z K York

    • @VerbalWarrior162
      @VerbalWarrior162 Год назад

      Original Africans were white people.

    • @erich4812
      @erich4812 Год назад +2

      Voice is AI

    • @dawnhoward53
      @dawnhoward53 Год назад +1

      @TheWeaponx9 you are correct. I just read about the Khoisan people a few days ago.

  • @sunyamookaji2402
    @sunyamookaji2402 Год назад +8

    Love this. I was blest because my father taught me about the African origins of all human beings. This may not be new to many but for a child growing up in the 1960’s. This was radical because here in England they thought of black people as being inferior. They taught us the whitewashed version of Kemet . It’s a delight to see history being shared . The unadulterated truth, free of the lies that the colonialists spread. I hope that truth seekers maintain their focus on truth and not become entrapped in the dishonesty that has pervaded the oppressors and their “white lies”, their tarnished view of history.

    • @simeonnjegovan1133
      @simeonnjegovan1133 Год назад

      White lies and yet , you still live with those white devils. Why so insecure?

  • @Elleboogie621
    @Elleboogie621 Год назад +3

    Nice, but this video does not definitively prove that china's ancestors were black or that Africans were first to people and establish china!

  • @ttp436
    @ttp436 Год назад +6

    This is fascinating. Thank you for sharing

    • @Ronydoo-yv2hs
      @Ronydoo-yv2hs 2 месяца назад

      😂😂😂 you guys believe in nonsense so easily.

    • @vward4871
      @vward4871 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Ronydoo-yv2hs How is this nonsense?

    • @Ronydoo-yv2hs
      @Ronydoo-yv2hs 2 дня назад

      Evolution and genetics don't work like that. Only poorly educated people would believe this nonsense. Asian is Asian and black is black. This is obviously made up. Sorry for late reply.

  • @ronaldwoodard6427
    @ronaldwoodard6427 Год назад +3

    I'll never forget reading about an Asian geneticist who traced his Asian heritage and found that the origin of the Asian people began in Africa.

    • @DanielGomez-me9ci
      @DanielGomez-me9ci 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed, and DID NOT originate from Africa, but from "Ancient MESOPOTAMIA [ i.e. Middle East ASIA (from The House of NOAH)]"..

  • @tetkofi4049
    @tetkofi4049 Год назад +35

    Just amazing. Great research . Thank you.

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

    • @Ronydoo-yv2hs
      @Ronydoo-yv2hs 2 дня назад

      😂😂😂 dummy.

  • @coquireport
    @coquireport Год назад +7

    All the Chinese in the video that you say are Black look Chinese with straight hair..They don't look Subsaharan African.. Just because their skin might be a little darker doesn't make them subsaharan Black..

    • @Beechpliss
      @Beechpliss 11 месяцев назад +1

      We indigenous southeast asians are austronesian from originated from Taiwan. We are pacific islanders that are part of Polynesia which includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Samoa and Micronesia to name a few. We are dark skinned and also have light skinned. We have coiled hair and also straight hair. We are seafaring people and our dna can be found in Madagascar.

  • @alphamsesay3289
    @alphamsesay3289 Год назад +10

    I find this fascinating, I look forward to watching the second episode

  • @henrybaker3320
    @henrybaker3320 Год назад +6

    Please do another video, with more photos!!

  • @AzureRoseMarshal
    @AzureRoseMarshal 3 месяца назад +7


  • @trueelementsoul3527
    @trueelementsoul3527 Год назад +22

    Wow, very well, documented. As a teenager, I remember living in a neighborhood that were predominantly Vietnamese and Cambodian. So I would say to myself a lot of them had black features with dark skin As I became friends with a lot of them, they would show me pictures of their great-grandparents and mothers & fathers aunts and uncles. And what I saw in those pictures were African people. And they admitted it that was crazy.💯💯💯💯👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

    • @simeonnjegovan1133
      @simeonnjegovan1133 Год назад +1

      Yes , because negritos , ex-yoruba , emigrated from Afrika to south-east Asia 30 thousand years ago and they mixed with some asians. Not all asians.

    • @trueelementsoul3527
      @trueelementsoul3527 Год назад

      @@simeonnjegovan1133 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💯💯💯

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @HalKick2000
    @HalKick2000 Год назад +7

    You're confusing black with working in the rice patty fields and getting a sun tan.

  • @talk2atech
    @talk2atech Год назад +8

    Very informative video... Thank you... I also heard that in order to be a Samurai warrior... a person would have to have some African in their ancestral history... It seems like all races have ancestors that came from Africa if you look far enough back in their family trees... Everyone used to be African in the past... We all descended from the same people in Africa... before it was called Africa.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      No they did NOT but they seem similar only because they came from the same PROGENITOR-ADAM and EVEN but NOAHIDES were BORN of CAIN+SETH=Genesis 6 and BANTU were born of BANTU of ITURI(so-called "Africa") LONG AFTER SETH as Genesis 5:4 shows...so NO COMPLETELY different peoples. IF people accept that HAM is NOT SHEM and SHEM is NOT JAPHETH and JACOB is NOT ESAU why mongrelise BANTU with HAM/CUSH Darkskin NOAHIDES just because of skin colour? HAIR tells the DIFFERENCE! The one BLACK is NOT the OTHER BLACK as STRIAGHT hair NOAHIDES are NOT 4C SUPER CURL hair BANTUS
      he is CONFUSING the DARKSKIN-BLACK-AFRICAN mingled different types of BLACKS with the BANTU who were taken into slavery type of BLACKS. HAM and CUSH are BLACK but INDO-EUROPEAN and NOT BANTU black!T hese are NOT the same peoples...he is misinformed. those in "Africa" KNOW for a FACT that the NOAHIDES are NOT BANTU peoples!lol
      SOOO WRONG! total MISINFORMATION! The BANTU are NOT the SAME as "blacks"(these are Intermingled INDO-Euro-Asian peoples) and "African" refers to slavery and colonialism BANTU Intermingled with NOAHIDES. BANTU are NOT CHINESE or INDIAN, both CHINES=SINITES hence DOWN SYNDROME face types that are NOT BANTU faces at all, and INDIANS=CUSHITES are INDO-EUROPEAN NOAHIDES. SO this ""they are black" is MISGUIDED since HAM and CUSH were BLACK NOAHIDES but NOT BANTU who are 4C HAIRED peoples.
      Genesis 10:14 The Chinese are NOT MONGOL-ASIANS, they are CANAANITES, who InterMarried and WHITENING and CHANGING the PHENOTYPE of the MANCHU AINU, CATALAN, MONGOLS. The CHINESE in Gensis 10:14 are the SINITES originally in SINAI region, hence they are SINITE=SINESE=Chinese CANAANITES. And CANAANITES are HAMETIC. HAMS sons who are INDO-EUROPEAN; the SONS Of HAM are CUSH=BLACK-INDIA; MIZRAIM(Medes=Mitra=Mithra=Mizra)=red brick brown -Egytians; PHUT =light brown skin CARTHAGINIAN VANDALS of Libya, Tunisia; and CANAAN the JEBUSITES HITTITES, SINITES etc=who are modern EUROPEANS the BLOND BLUE EYED peoples whose EYE and HAIR change if they marry DARKSKIN peoples, but also they give birth to DARKSKIN but BLUE EYED and BLOND or FLAME RED Hair=these Intermingled with NEANDERTHALS hence the ALIEN GENES. JAPHETH are the BLONDEST YELLOW Race=these InterMarried with DENISOVANS hence the Yello-Red Hair and Yello alien genes...THESE are NOAHIDES including SHEM=modern JEWS & ARABS who are a HALF CASTE RACE of JAPHETH(Tubal-Grecian) + HAM(Cain-Roman)
      The BANTU, so-called NEGRO by the NOAHIDES=Japheth, Ham and Shem, are GENESIS 5:4 OTHER "sons and daughters of Adam and Eve" who were born AFTER the SETH and DID NOT InterMarry or Intermingle with CAIN+SETH in Genesis 6; or with SEMITIC(HalfCaste Jews) in Genesis 36 or 1 Kings 11 like SOLOMON, hence the 4C SUPER CURL Bantu HAIR type that drives the HAIR POLITICS where NOAHIDES try to FORCE BANTU people to COVER their ORIGINAL HAIR that PROVES that they DID NOT Intermingle with the NEANDERTHAL and DENISOVANS that the NOAHIDES Intermingled with HENCE the STRAIGHT HAIR and COLOURFUL EYE types...

    • @xenomorph6961
      @xenomorph6961 Год назад

      DNA would beg to differ. Also, the 'out of Africa' model is indeed being questioned due to more evidence coming from research using DNA.
      That would now suggest that there was a move back into Africa by modern humans; the original expansion out of Africa was not by modern humans, but one of their ancestor species. The idea, for example, that Westen Europe was seeded by black Africans is nonsense. The Western Hunter Gatherers (as the earliest people are known) have no sub-Saharan DNA in them at all.
      Most North Africans from @3000 years ago have no sub-Saharan DNA in them, they were either Middle Eastern/Arab or Mediterranean. Where sub-Saharan DNA has been found it has been as a result of sexual relations with individuals resulting in trace DNA (in other words an ancestor of this individual had been born to a sub-Saharan parent and a non-sub-Saharan parent) which does not give evidence of a sub-Saharan community interacting with the main population. There is more DNA found in modern times but sub-Saharan DNA is still mainly trace levels. Just because someone is described in modern times as African, does not mean they were black e.g. Berbers…
      The idea that Samuri Warriors needed to prove a sub-Saharan ancestry is ludicrous! Can you offer any evidence other than hearsay that what you said is true?
      It is important to understand that dark skin does not equate to sub-Saharan ancestry. Consider the Tamils of Sothern India who have darker skin than most sub-Saharan Africans. Their DNA shows a closer link to Europeans than sub-Saharan Africa.

    • @dc7848
      @dc7848 11 месяцев назад


    • @noobnagaplayz
      @noobnagaplayz 9 месяцев назад

      Hell no that's the biggest lie I heard you black people are a joke 🤣

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @alexusbrooke
    @alexusbrooke 11 месяцев назад +9

    As these early humans moved into Asia, they encountered diverse environments and adapted to different ecological conditions. Over time, distinct populations emerged within Asia, each with their own unique genetic makeup and cultural practices. These populations eventually gave rise to the various ethnic groups we recognize today as Asia

    • @DanielGomez-me9ci
      @DanielGomez-me9ci 8 месяцев назад +1

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- NOT tied to specific skin color -- as far as skin tone is concerned.

  • @dwaynejones2349
    @dwaynejones2349 Год назад +60

    Please do more videos, talk about the negritos of the Philippines. Also I met a girl while in the military that had asian features with long black straight her and jet black skin. She was one absolutely gorgeous, she told me she was Cambodian.

    • @marmara9741
      @marmara9741 Год назад

      Anyone "black" in Asia are of African colonists descent. Read how the Africans colonized Asia and killed to extinction 1000s of Asian communities.

    • @KdamSamout
      @KdamSamout Год назад


    • @demonzakariaalphadragongre8481
      @demonzakariaalphadragongre8481 11 месяцев назад +6

      @@KdamSamout What's funny? The original Cambodians are dark skinned brothas and sistas, and the pale skin people that are on the lands are Orientals, they are not indigenous.

    • @KdamSamout
      @KdamSamout 11 месяцев назад

      @@demonzakariaalphadragongre8481 jajajjaajjajajaja bruh you people are so unlikeable some people who are black I met are chill but u guys so hateable really ruining all black people reputation fr lol ,it is giving that African girl look at the Egyptian sculpture with the sign saying this is my ancestors lol

    • @KdamSamout
      @KdamSamout 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@demonzakariaalphadragongre8481 bruh I don't give a f if their skin tone is rainbow , I have seen video of black people claim every culture on this planet as their ancestors fr from Egypt to middle east to even Europe south east Asia, Australia to now even the east Asia jajajajaja

  • @sistersmiley5
    @sistersmiley5 Год назад +46

    When I looked up our last name my grand father name: I did a ancestry on his last name and it went to China and I informed other Family members that last name shows up in China: no one questioned it but I always ponder on it but I didn’t push it.
    Here in America if anyone with our last name shows up: we are kinfolks it’s a unique last name with a different punctuation and we always have to correct people.

    • @sistersmiley5
      @sistersmiley5 Год назад

      @@yehengmusic3521 Winda

    • @truthgreatheart2514
      @truthgreatheart2514 Год назад +5

      Also, Obama is an African as well as a Japanese name

    • @DebbiePumphery-tf7yt
      @DebbiePumphery-tf7yt 11 месяцев назад


  • @kskkwok
    @kskkwok 11 месяцев назад +2

    Just by looking at these ancient black-and-white photographs, it was concluded that these people were black ?!😂

  • @HeatherHeadley-cn1ss
    @HeatherHeadley-cn1ss Год назад +11

    Made that discovery ages ago. The Book, ' The Origin of Mankind' by Richard Leakey

  • @akanfoyawu1072
    @akanfoyawu1072 Год назад +37

    Excellent broadcast. Also in the early Mandarin pictographs the characters are African as well as the I Ching table. "Kung Fu" techniques can be seen on Egyptian reliefs to show origin of martial arts introduction

    • @henrybaker3320
      @henrybaker3320 Год назад +1

      Like South American Marshal Arts Fighting Styles too😍🥰😎

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @ElementalLAWS
    @ElementalLAWS Год назад +33

    Excellent presentation!! We need more investigation and awareness of our global roots and connections 👍🏾🎬

    • @dennismoose2152
      @dennismoose2152 Год назад

      Where were the first tribe of people from, wouldn’t make sense that people just started popping up out of nowhere

    • @anthonyproffitt5341
      @anthonyproffitt5341 Год назад

      This video ignores the fact that not all Africans are “black”. They come in many shades of brown. Asians came from multiple branches of the migration out of Africa. Also the Asian slave trade of Africans happened before the colonial slave trade in equally staggering numbers. There are many reasons why you have darker people in Asia and it’s much deeper than this video goes. It wasn’t modern day African people that suddenly turned white in the last hundred years. Asian people are the result of migrations out of Africa over the past 70,000 years or so. DNA shows many different haplo groups that dominate certain areas. They also reveal that they mixed with Neanderthals, Denisovans, and possibly other related homo species/subspecies.

    • @dennismoose2152
      @dennismoose2152 Год назад

      @@anthonyproffitt5341 how could you possibly know what went on 70,000 ago

    • @anthonyproffitt5341
      @anthonyproffitt5341 Год назад

      @@dennismoose2152 do you live in a box? There are lots of scientific studies available to be read, and many are discussed in you tube videos. Information is out there.

  • @cosmicrifo
    @cosmicrifo Год назад +5

    Finally, I can say the N word

  • @joshpowers3315
    @joshpowers3315 10 месяцев назад +11

    Black washing history

    • @americansfirst1095
      @americansfirst1095 2 месяца назад +1

      Trying to be relevant.

    • @Mark-b8b
      @Mark-b8b 23 дня назад

      @@joshpowers3315 please don't be bias, educate and research

  • @VulcanM61
    @VulcanM61 Год назад +6

    Another title: Vikings where black until they became white. 😂

  • @dwaynejones2349
    @dwaynejones2349 Год назад +18

    I knew this, and I'm glad it's finally coming to light.

    • @deborahwhitney9427
      @deborahwhitney9427 Год назад +3

      What this video is saying is a load of BS.

    • @ForemanFitness52
      @ForemanFitness52 Год назад +2

      ​@@deborahwhitney9427What do you see that's B.S about this video? Otherwise you're just talking b.s yourself.

    • @Salik96
      @Salik96 Год назад +1

      ​@@ForemanFitness52 They say the same thing every video.

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

    • @camfreed9829
      @camfreed9829 6 месяцев назад

      @@deborahwhitney9427REAL PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE, TEXTBOOK CITED SOURCES, ETC. ALL FACTS. Meanwhile….everyone should just believe you because “you said so”. You must be “white” right? No else knows history but you right?

  • @justinklinck6575
    @justinklinck6575 Год назад +6

    What's next? The orignal Vikings being black too?

    • @simeonnjegovan1133
      @simeonnjegovan1133 Год назад

      Yes , they were , Thor was black 😂

    • @Hamui-kk8mw
      @Hamui-kk8mw Год назад +2

      They have claimed the Vikings were black already.

    • @justinklinck6575
      @justinklinck6575 Год назад

      @Hamui-kk8mw well they're wrong. Lol literally 1 source on Google supports this claim, and it isn't backed up well. Everything else says their original description of appearance was Blonde or red hair, blue/green eyes, pale skin. Norway is where wh*te people began I'm pretty sure.

    • @justinklinck6575
      @justinklinck6575 Год назад

      @Hamui-kk8mw how the hell could anyone have black skin in the Nordic countries? It's cold, pretty dark, and way the f*ck away from the equator. There's hardly any sunshine, so you would not get the nutrients from the sun. Melanin isn't needed in that region. Over time, Black people would start getting lighter skin due to lack of sun.

    • @Hamui-kk8mw
      @Hamui-kk8mw Год назад +4

      According to them, everyone was black in ancient times. I know it’s ridiculous but some black people believe it.

  • @OracleTreehouse
    @OracleTreehouse Год назад +29

    Yes! Please do more videos on Black Asians. I personally have always wondered. For me I have a fascination with China and India. I have seen pictures and videos of dark skinned people from India. So I always wondered why are there not dark skinned people in China. But I love this video. So yeah please make more. We have to let the world know dark skinned people are all over the globe 🌎.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 Год назад

      Only if he can tell the FACTS because he is misiinformed. those in "Africa" KNOW for a FACT that the NOAHIDES are NOT BANTU peoples!lol
      SOOO WRONG! total MISINFORMATION! The BANTU are NOT the SAME as "blacks"(these are Intermingled INDO-Euro-Asian peoples) and "African" refers to slavery and colonialism BANTU Intermingled with NOAHIDES. BANTU are NOT CHINESE or INDIAN, both CHINES=SINITES hence DOWN SYNDROME face types that are NOT BANTU faces at all, and INDIANS=CUSHITES are INDO-EUROPEAN NOAHIDES. SO this ""they are black" is MISGUIDED since HAM and CUSH were BLACK NOAHIDES but NOT BANTU who are 4C HAIRED peoples.
      Genesis 10:14 The Chinese are NOT MONGOL-ASIANS, they are CANAANITES, who InterMarried and WHITENING and CHANGING the PHENOTYPE of the MANCHU AINU, CATALAN, MONGOLS. The CHINESE in Gensis 10:14 are the SINITES originally in SINAI region, hence they are SINITE=SINESE=Chinese CANAANITES. And CANAANITES are HAMETIC. HAMS sons who are INDO-EUROPEAN; the SONS Of HAM are CUSH=BLACK-INDIA; MIZRAIM(Medes=Mitra=Mithra=Mizra)=red brick brown -Egytians; PHUT =light brown skin CARTHAGINIAN VANDALS of Libya, Tunisia; and CANAAN the JEBUSITES HITTITES, SINITES etc=who are modern EUROPEANS the BLOND BLUE EYED peoples whose EYE and HAIR change if they marry DARKSKIN peoples, but also they give birth to DARKSKIN but BLUE EYED and BLOND or FLAME RED Hair=these Intermingled with NEANDERTHALS hence the ALIEN GENES. JAPHETH are the BLONDEST YELLOW Race=these InterMarried with DENISOVANS hence the Yello-Red Hair and Yello alien genes...THESE are NOAHIDES including SHEM=modern JEWS & ARABS who are a HALF CASTE RACE of JAPHETH(Tubal-Grecian) + HAM(Cain-Roman)
      The BANTU, so-called NEGRO by the NOAHIDES=Japheth, Ham and Shem, are GENESIS 5:4 OTHER "sons and daughters of Adam and Eve" who were born AFTER the SETH and DID NOT InterMarry or Intermingle with CAIN+SETH in Genesis 6; or with SEMITIC(HalfCaste Jews) in Genesis 36 or 1 Kings 11 like SOLOMON, hence the 4C SUPER CURL Bantu HAIR type that drives the HAIR POLITICS where NOAHIDES try to FORCE BANTU people to COVER their ORIGINAL HAIR that PROVES that they DID NOT Intermingle with the NEANDERTHAL and DENISOVANS that the NOAHIDES Intermingled with HENCE the STRAIGHT HAIR and COLOURFUL EYE types...

    • @isabellamarvel9400
      @isabellamarvel9400 Год назад +2

      The dark skins in India are located in the south, but when you meet a lot of Indians in other countries, I notice they mainly from the North who are light skin.

    • @thewhatorwhy
      @thewhatorwhy Год назад +5

      @@isabellamarvel9400 No, there are dark skinned people across India, and the north is generally much hotter than south India, not counting the Himalayan region.

    • @VerbalWarrior162
      @VerbalWarrior162 Год назад

      We can break down their Asiatic Stone Age DNA, they have no haplogroup from Africa. Don't associate everything dark with Africa.

    • @demonzakariaalphadragongre8481
      @demonzakariaalphadragongre8481 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@isabellamarvel9400 Them pale skin people in them lands are not Indians in India, they are Orientals and Saxons in them lands.

  • @BlueAlien1313
    @BlueAlien1313 Год назад +18

    There are very dark skin curly hair Chinese people in Jamaica and some of them were my friends. This is the power of Melanin and It is in all things even plants. What we see is variations of it and it sits in the core of all people. Someone needs to school the Japanese as well on their history. The Ainu people were once very melanin rich but they acting like they never existed. Just look at the Ainu history and drawings it is very similar to some of tribes in Africa and the Americas. We have far more in common than we don't.

    • @loorye1
      @loorye1 Год назад

      Of course, we have far more common. God created them man and woman... they had children from every colour😊

    • @BlueAlien1313
      @BlueAlien1313 Год назад

      @@loorye1 That is that all-powerful source again. Today we call it melanin or photosynthesis.

    • @patriciahercules6852
      @patriciahercules6852 Год назад +2

      The copy now hates the original.They know what they did to our ancestors.

    • @BlueAlien1313
      @BlueAlien1313 Год назад

      @@patriciahercules6852 There are no copies. They just have amnesia but time reveals all secrets.

    • @tc2334
      @tc2334 Год назад +3

      Dark-skinned curly-haired "Chinese" people in Jamaica are most likely mixed race Asian and African as historically, when Chinese came to Jamaica, only men came, so they mixed with the local population.

  • @asdg2271
    @asdg2271 Год назад +6

    "Asians were BLAKK! Please accept this single B&W photo of a sun-tanned asian person as evidence"
    I'd like to see the narrator go to China and tell them this enlightened philosophy. I'm sure they would be thrilled to hear it :)

    • @Holistichart868
      @Holistichart868 Год назад

      You clearly didn’t watch the video. I know Cambodians, Vietnamese and Filipino people that have don’t their ancestry and found African. That seems like a nervous laugh. You are afraid that the people you’ve been brainwashed to believe are inferior to you are your ancestors. Well dear, don’t believe what you were taught by your history teacher in school.

    • @simeonnjegovan1133
      @simeonnjegovan1133 Год назад +1

      ​@@Holistichart868Negritos exist but all asians were not black. Black people of Amandman and Sentinel island exist but they are not same as Vietnamese or majoritiy of philipinos , where negritos also exist.

    • @Holistichart868
      @Holistichart868 Год назад

      @@simeonnjegovan1133 all people were mobile. That’s my feeling. All people were everywhere.

    • @Beechpliss
      @Beechpliss 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@Holistichart868we indigenous Southeast asians are austronesian pacific islanders. We are seafaring people and you can find our dna in madagascar. We can be dark and we can also be lighter. Pretty interesting to research!

  • @bakoguy5330
    @bakoguy5330 11 месяцев назад +1

    First video powerful articulation! Good job

  • @lotusnegra100
    @lotusnegra100 Год назад +3

    Yes. I would appreciate a second video!

  • @sirajjordan2847
    @sirajjordan2847 Год назад +3

    I'm very excited to see that my research of my own before the flip phone before Twitter before Google is coming to light when I only had books to read I never needed anyone's degree to tell me who I am as far as it comes for research of my culture everything you were saying makes me delighted I'm a old photographer and a journalist master of none but research all things master of none thanks for your due diligent work

  • @lovellesokan9107
    @lovellesokan9107 Год назад +11

    In Liberia, West Africa. When we would watch movies from China. Especially surrounding Vietnam, we knew they were black,/ dark/ brown skinned people. Infact Vietnamese language sound like one of our indigenous native languages ( samevsound,/ tune/ similar words..like chien.chin.cha.la.tchien.wen nyen yen.nyuan. nyeun. OR NYGUEN ETC.ETC...😊

    • @FreedomBiafra
      @FreedomBiafra Год назад +4

      They're not black smh

    • @evilformerlys4704
      @evilformerlys4704 Год назад +3

      ​@@FreedomBiafraBruh, every human on Earth is black by way of same original ancestors from Africa, now either you embrace fact or continue in your fictional ideology of this foolishness called "race".

    • @FreedomBiafra
      @FreedomBiafra Год назад +3

      @@evilformerlys4704 bruh go read, all human beings are not black. SMDH

    • @serenitysubs933
      @serenitysubs933 Год назад +2

      ​@@FreedomBiafrawe had to descend from somewhere stop being sad

    • @FreedomBiafra
      @FreedomBiafra Год назад

      @@serenitysubs933 yes, Afrika. Stay sober

  • @khaihoanpham9845
    @khaihoanpham9845 Год назад +8

    You are wrong all life begins in africa that doesn't mean that all race is african today because of the continental break. All race before and today are not african

    • @blacklyfe5543
      @blacklyfe5543 Год назад

      They are because their of African descents

    • @ladyproverbs
      @ladyproverbs Год назад

      The different races of today have African genotype (the genes in their DNA i.e. haplo group etc.). But their phenotype (their physical features) is something different in today's population. There are hidden gems deep within.
      All life from Africa still holds true.

  • @SmallTownResident
    @SmallTownResident 7 месяцев назад +7

    Tokyo alone has a higher GDP than all of Africa.

    • @darylridgell6253
      @darylridgell6253 3 месяца назад

      Do you know why

    • @SmallTownResident
      @SmallTownResident 3 месяца назад

      @@darylridgell6253 because the Japanese are smart and diligent? 🤷‍♂️

    • @darylridgell6253
      @darylridgell6253 3 месяца назад

      @@SmallTownResident and the many different people of the continent of Africa aren't? Do some research and stop making ignorant ass statements

  • @kingjams
    @kingjams 11 месяцев назад +2

    Serious questions:
    Did the black Africans in China not build anything of significance like the Africans in Egypt, if it was them that built the Pyramids, for the modern day Chinese people to not want to claim their work or ancient ancestry?
    When you look at what's happening in Egypt, the modern day Egyptians want to be so badly tied to the Ancient Kemet people, even though their ancestry doesn't go back that far. They want to be part of the people who built the wonderful Pyramids and all the brilliance.
    I think it's fascinating how, when it comes to Black African Culture, different races want to steal from us, we never do the stealing because we are the originators of almost everything. Africa's trajectory got derailed by the colonisers and different empires that came and brought their influence to the continent.

  • @Black-Hebrew-Idiots
    @Black-Hebrew-Idiots Год назад +3

    Milk was black before it was white. So was snow.

  • @lilflo1236
    @lilflo1236 Год назад +1

    You will see evident Black features in Southeast Asians. I am Filipina and I look beige skin but with an African nose & lips so I believe we lightened up over centuries lol

    • @Beechpliss
      @Beechpliss 11 месяцев назад

      We indigenous southeast asians are austronesian originated from Taiwan. We are pacific islanders that are part of Polynesia which includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Samoa and Micronesia to name a few. We are dark skinned but we also have light skinned. You can even find our dna in Madagascar!

  • @MichaelSmith-to6ll
    @MichaelSmith-to6ll Год назад +19

    I'm 1/2 Korean. But this shit is dope. I grew up influenced by the 5 percent nation. I think about the asiatic black man and believed for the longest they was talking about Buddha and not Jesus. Baukaw is a great example.

    • @BlueAlien1313
      @BlueAlien1313 Год назад

      It seems the Koreans are more open minded to their true origins and is completely submerged in black culture. The Japanese want no part of it for some reason.

    • @BlueAlien1313
      @BlueAlien1313 Год назад

      @@WorldWithoutApples Dude then I cannot help you. Have you not seen the dance culture competitions?? Music and the dating scene with Koreans dating and marrying blacks??

    • @josephevaristi8923
      @josephevaristi8923 Год назад

      As Norwegian I approve this as truth😁😁

  • @mindislife2.084
    @mindislife2.084 2 месяца назад

    My mum told me she had a neighbour long time ago, a girl with dark skin. Then she went to UK to study and migrated there. When she came back decades later, nobody recognised her because she became white as a British.

  • @franciskabiawu
    @franciskabiawu Год назад +13

    Thanks a lot for this edifying content.

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @lindajohnson561
    @lindajohnson561 Год назад +2

    Thank you so much for showing this video it is a educational resource for everyone to learn and see
    Much more thank you

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @windicold4682
    @windicold4682 Год назад +4

    Absolutely remarkable!!

  • @NormanReaddis
    @NormanReaddis 7 месяцев назад +4

    Sorry indigenous tribes in Asia have dark skin because their tanned. And yes I came from the place where those indigenous tribes live.

    • @rinkohorowitz
      @rinkohorowitz 5 месяцев назад +1

      Yes. Especially as they worked outside the majority of the time, and so would develop a tan in the hot sun.

  • @juanitafite701
    @juanitafite701 Год назад +9

    Shalom Brother King 🙏🏽👑
    I would love to see more videos like this to help us share our own history!

    • @MyWay-zu4go
      @MyWay-zu4go 5 месяцев назад

      Your "True history" is NOTHING with China and Asia!!!

  • @applemazing8429
    @applemazing8429 5 месяцев назад +3

    You guys are really ridiculous.🤣🤣🤣 I am from Hong Kong(Chinese University of Hong Kong). My major is Chinese History. What you are saying is a complete fabrication for the sake of internet traffic.
    First of all, it is difficult to tell the actual colour of the skin in a black and white photo. You mentioned photos of Chinese Manchus and domestic helpers on the side, and some peasants. In ancient feudal China, the vast majority of people were constantly working under the sun, fishing and ploughing the fields (ancient China was the pinnacle of agricultural society). Long hours of exposure to the sun. So of course their skin was darker than the nobles who didn't have to work. It's not a matter of race. The Qing Dynasty was only 112 years ago. There was also the Manchukuo, which lasted until 1945, only 79 years ago. It's impossible for there to be any racial changes.
    Moreover, because the Manchu population in the Qing Dynasty was only a few million, and there was no difference in appearance, it was difficult to manage a population of over 100 million. It was difficult to manage a population of more than 100 million at that time (peaked at 400 million), so the policy of merging the Manchus and the Han Chinese could only be introduced. Except for the emperor, almost all of the royal family married Han Chinese as concubines. In the end, even after the emperor abdicated, he married a Han Chinese wife. Why was the royal family not afraid of delaying the bloodline? Because there was no difference. And most of the beautiful women were Han Chinese.

  • @sallybal6249
    @sallybal6249 Год назад +5

    I could say that south East Asian have dark skin but not “black”

    • @Beechpliss
      @Beechpliss 11 месяцев назад

      We indigenous southeast asians are austronesian originated from Taiwan. We are pacific islanders that are part of Polynesia which includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Samoa and Micronesia to name a few. We are dark skinned but we also have light skinned.

    • @Eneri-z9v
      @Eneri-z9v 11 месяцев назад +2

      Excuse me for begging to differ. Then what am I then?

    • @patriciajackson6285
      @patriciajackson6285 10 месяцев назад +1

      It is amazing after this researched clip and documentation shown that their DNA goes back to Africa. But, they are in denial their facial features aren’t black. But, it is so historical that they are black in his research.

    • @DanielGomez-me9ci
      @DanielGomez-me9ci 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed, and DID NOT originate from Africa, but from "Ancient MESOPOTAMIA [ i.e. Middle East ASIA (from The House of NOAH)]"..

  • @nanacheryl1
    @nanacheryl1 Год назад +7

    Love the history you are sharing keep sharing more , Jesus was brown skin not white , love you sharing black Asian people.

    • @joemama4473
      @joemama4473 Год назад +3

      Jesus was brown not black like subsharan African, he was Arab.

    • @loorye1
      @loorye1 Год назад

      Not really Arab tho, the same shade, yes.

    • @TheIsraelProphetess
      @TheIsraelProphetess Год назад +2

      Jesus was not Arab. He was Jewish. But semetic, yes. As they are both Semites. As for his skin color? Likely a bronze tone. Well the book of revelations calls it bronze. Which is essentially a golden tone to the skin with blonde hair. Many people of the Mediterranean region have that look. Greek and Italian look.

    • @alphacharm
      @alphacharm Год назад

      Jesu wasn’t real…

    • @reload.8056
      @reload.8056 Год назад

      @@joemama4473 Jesus is a Israelite from the southern kingdom of the tribe of Judah. Most arabs are from Ishmael not Israelite. Jesus as it is written in the book of revelation has wool like hair and skin of like it was burned in a furnace. He is NOT a Ishmaelite!

  • @platinumtp
    @platinumtp Год назад +5

    Second Episode Please!

  • @AngelEyez727
    @AngelEyez727 6 месяцев назад

    I am Puerto Rican (we are heavily mixed people). My great grandmother on my mom’s side was very dark skinned & “East Asian” looking with very high slanted eyes and monolids. She was almost full indigenous (we would later find out there was also Chinese & Japanese ancestry). The relatives she grew up with in her generation looked like her, same features. Very beautiful !!
    I always look forward to learning more about the history of Indigenous people because as it turns out, 67% of their ancestry is of EAST ASIAN decent…The more you know….

  • @tuperz
    @tuperz Год назад +9

    The headline is wrong, and the content purely fictional.

    • @Miraclesylva
      @Miraclesylva Год назад +1

      It’s 50/50 there are dark skinned Asians,north Americans,South Americans and Australian but more all of them are from Africa

    • @Miraclesylva
      @Miraclesylva Год назад +2

      He made the video weird and prideful

    • @Beechpliss
      @Beechpliss 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@MiraclesylvaWe indigenous southeast asians are austronesian originated from Taiwan. We are pacific islanders that are part of Polynesia which includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Samoa and Micronesia to name a few. We are dark skinned but we also have light skinned.

    • @Miraclesylva
      @Miraclesylva 11 месяцев назад

      @@Beechplissyou’re right

    • @neglectfulsausage7689
      @neglectfulsausage7689 4 месяца назад

      No you dont get it, black people existed in china and were the entirity of the people until 100 years ago then suddenly their skin morphed and their eyes morphed like magic into the asians we know today. Durrr.

  • @deepone5005
    @deepone5005 Год назад +3

    Truly agreed! Nature is such a beautiful force tranforming the good Chinese people from black-skin coiled-hair ,large-eyes people to fair-skin , straight- hair and almond-shape slanting-eyes in less than 200 years. Grandma would like to borrow yr story book for her night time reading to the babies.

    • @Chokolatepeach
      @Chokolatepeach Год назад

      Why stop at good ole Grandma? Have it available at every level in schools 😏

    • @deepone5005
      @deepone5005 Год назад +1

      @@Chokolatepeach Because it is a grandmother's fairy tale that delights kids, and without fail, sending them into dreams...zzzzzzzzz.

    • @Chokolatepeach
      @Chokolatepeach Год назад

      @@deepone5005 well it can delight kids and young adults before recess and lunch that way it becomes common knowledge like "Mary had a little lamb."

    • @deepone5005
      @deepone5005 Год назад

      @@Chokolatepeach that would be immoral. It is called indoctrination of impressionable and vulnerable young minds.

    • @Chokolatepeach
      @Chokolatepeach Год назад

      @@deepone5005 if it's false information, yes...

  • @bmatta-ue6kf
    @bmatta-ue6kf Год назад +5

    Lol just no. Stop trying to change history with zero facts

  • @ChosenLove7
    @ChosenLove7 Год назад +3

    Thank you for an intersting video 🖤🤌🏾

  • @muhammadabuzarkhan7450
    @muhammadabuzarkhan7450 Год назад +2

    The dark skinned Asian weren't similar to Sub-Saharan African other than the fact they were Humans. These people still exist it's just they existed in China thousand of years ago and their diet change gave them a fair skin because they lived in colder region.
    They can not be counted into the 'Black Culture' as they do not show any similarity to anyone from Africa. They made their own pyramid like structure without getting any inspiration from anyone. Created paper much better in quality then Egypt without taking paper making tips from Egypt. And made invention no one in Africa made anything similar too until the European who took those invention made slight variation brought it with them to Africa for the cheap labor to help them mass produce the product derived from them.

  • @samuelwilliams4978
    @samuelwilliams4978 Год назад +4

    %100🎉, i'd like a second episode regarding black asians

    • @johngomez3895
      @johngomez3895 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed -- and did NOT originate from AFRICA, -- but, rather like africans, are DESCENDANTS of The "House of NOAH [Ancient Mesopotamia (Middle East ASIA)]"..

  • @Anthony-bz5bu
    @Anthony-bz5bu 11 месяцев назад

    This is an absolutely enlightenment message, providing that black people were all over China. And Asia.

  • @leostgeorge2080
    @leostgeorge2080 Год назад +7

    The very first explorers to reach the east described the peoples of China and Japan as yellow skin. not black, brown or white. Some of the island people had a much darker skin. Such as the Philippines. The pictures taken depicted both light and dark skin. This however was long after travelers had visited the east for hundreds of years. Bringing black with them. I can't nor do i wish to change what anyone thinks. The truth just needed to be said.

  • @kirbyjoseph7335
    @kirbyjoseph7335 Год назад +14

    Being black is a bless from God.🙏💯

    • @loorye1
      @loorye1 Год назад +5

      Being a human IS a gift, the colour shade is irrelevant.

    • @YelFlux
      @YelFlux 10 месяцев назад


  • @nenesmith1178
    @nenesmith1178 Год назад +3

    Yes please do a video on the paintings and sculptures of the magao caves in China which feature soooo many dark skinned and coily haired individuals drawn over very various dynasties. Beautiful art and culture. Some as old as 4th century AD.

  • @ThomasGaitherJr
    @ThomasGaitherJr Год назад +3

    This is awesome!👍🏾

  • @kayru516
    @kayru516 10 месяцев назад +3

    The darkest Asians I've ever met we're Cambodians and some were darker than blacks.

  • @marvallifejs
    @marvallifejs Год назад +1

    Yeah in Asia in a lot of the villages, you still get a lot of dark skin people.. they just never showed it on TV

  • @leongay3767
    @leongay3767 Год назад +7

    Keep it coming! Black Everywhere.

    • @VerbalWarrior162
      @VerbalWarrior162 Год назад

      Original Africans were white people.

    • @evilformerlys4704
      @evilformerlys4704 Год назад

      Funnily enough, all humans alive today are by default descended from African original. Science spent a lot of time denying their findings and then searched everywhere for missing links and other humans to say otherwise. Came up with nothing, even ancient Greeks knew black was the original and first civilizations, but in the 21st century we have ignorance everywhere.

  • @lokkomotive8153
    @lokkomotive8153 5 месяцев назад +1

    Bro. All being black is an adaptation of being closer to the equator. Malaysians aren’t black but Asian. The darkest Indian man isn’t black but the lightest light skin is black. “Black” just means Sub Saharan African or Sub Saharan African descent.

  • @tammyboyd1113
    @tammyboyd1113 Год назад +19

    A lot of these people look like my Grandmother & her siblings & the rest of me & my family. Their mother was Asia last name Lee💜💜🤜🏾🤛🏾💜💜🙏🏾

  • @papi-sauce
    @papi-sauce Год назад +2

    btw those asian are not black they just work in the farm all day and got super tanged, is still the same in china rit now haha.

  • @BobbyMelvin-s9d
    @BobbyMelvin-s9d Год назад +5

    Yes, let's see more black asians

    • @DanielGomez-me9ci
      @DanielGomez-me9ci 8 месяцев назад

      Noah's great-grandson "TOGARMAH [ Japeth's grandson]" had produced the "LIGHT-skinned slanted-eyed ASIANS [ e.g. Mongols, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc.]". When some of "HAM's [Noah's black-skinned son ( AFRICANS Ancestor)] descendants" had mixed with some of these Light-skinned Asians, such union produced "BROWN-skinned ASIAN people [ e.g. Pilipino, Malaysian, Indonesian]". Some of these BROWN-skinned ASIANS went to PACIFICS, Austrialia [ i.e. as Suborigines], AMERICA [ e.g. as Apaches or Indians, etc.]. Later in history, these brown-skinned Pilipinos were mixed with the colonizing "SPANISH people [ the descendants of Japeth's great-great-grandson TARSHISH]" somewhere in the 15th century A.D. -- so as to produce the "MODERN-DAY Pilipinos [ the Asian Hispanic people]".. Thus, asians are highly diversed, and DID NOT originate from Africa, but from "Ancient MESOPOTAMIA [ i.e. Middle East ASIA (from The House of NOAH)]"..

    • @basetomar6447
      @basetomar6447 7 месяцев назад +1

      There are none wtf

  • @Romaneze
    @Romaneze Год назад

    There are plenty of dark skin Asians till this day 🤷‍♀️ From India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar just to name a few. These Chinese completion probably changed because of their environment. Loved the video.