Bruce born in San Francisco, then brought back to Hong Kong as a baby by his parents, and only to return to USA at age 18. Therefore he spoke fluent Cantonese growing up in Hong Kong, and then English in USA aged 18 onwards.
One of the reasons Hollywood didn't give him a shot was that his accent. Back in the 60s, most American audiences were not ready for Asian actors to play leading roles, let alone a man who spoke English with an accent. Yeah, that's right. America is another racist country even to this day.
@@lmc2664 Accent may not be an issue here as Anna May Wong born and fully raised in USA and well before Bruce Lee's time in USA was never offered proper acting roles in Hollywood. Again the issue of accent doesn't hold as after completing 4.5 films in Hong Kong, Bruce was ready (with his film-making crew entourage picked) to return to USA for more movie-making (with US studios' financing and production values backing) after Hollywood came calling to Hong Kong for him after his successful box office money-making films done in Thailand, Rome, Hong Kong and Macao. Hollywood only sees $ $ in their eyes. Again accent is possibly not an issue at all as voices can always be replaced/dubbed, and especially by then Bruce was a box-office asset.
Kong Mei Choon 就是!簡直不通人情之至!自己的女兒遭到這樣大的打擊! 老實說,不管再艱難也要和女兒一起,和她渡過將來的日子! 這是天下所有母親會做,肯做的事情! 可是竟然在女兒這樣痛苦的時候,自己自殺而去?這樣的劇情不通情理之至! 而且白燕的母親肯定也是窮人家出身,怎麼會這樣一個打擊就放棄女兒孫子而去? 如果母女同心,拿了應該得的那筆錢,做點小生意,養大孩子,讓他好好受教育, 不必再走做佣人的路,這才是正路啊!且白燕也不必再嫁一個不願嫁的人。
Cheung Ying was a bit too old for this part, but most of his later roles usually were. Wong Man Li was also much too old for her role. In the novel, the step mother was much younger and closer to the age of the first son. Their respective unhappiness led them to find momentary comfort in an incestuous affair. Bruce Lee’s character as the younger brother was supposed to be 10 years younger than the older brother played by Cheung Ying. Then Cheung Ying’s character has an incestuous affair with his step sister, but in this case, he didn’t know she was related to him. The moral of this story is that the younger generation paid for the sins of the previous one. The novel was written by Ba Jin 巴金。
各位觀眾,知道我們有個清談節目叫「粵語長片是咁睇的」嗎? 如果家燕姐Captain Nancy 接受「粵語長片是咁睇的」訪問,您想問她甚麼問題?
永遠懷念 李小龍先生🕺💐🙏
From Hong Kong🌏💝🌺🥰
Die ganze Welt ist stolz auf unseren Lee Jun Fan 🐉🐲 Bruce Lee🙏🏾
Die ganze Welt ist stolz auf unseren Lee Jun Fan 🐉🐲 Bruce Lee🙏🏾
@@eddyaction5631 🤝
🙋♀️Hello from Hong Kong🌏
@@janepang484 Hello from Serbia my Friend 🙂👋🏽
Young Bruce Lee in this classic movie ...
我看過這麼多部粵語長片,有網友提為什麼演四鳳的梅綺,比李小龍大,我有上網查過,當時李小龍才十七歲而已,梅綺當時已經三十幾了,就像張活游先生是1910年出生的,跟阮玲玉小姐同年,黃曼梨實際年紀還比張活游小三歲,但是在好幾部片子裏,還演張活游的母親,當時的演員就是重複這些演員,難免會有超齡的演出,以前的電影教化意義很深,勸人為善 發憤向上,至於年紀大小就別太介意了,他她們演技比較重要,不是嗎?
@@圓滿福慧 了解,不好意思,理解錯誤,請見諒🙏🏻
小意思 別放在心上,祝福你。
Hello Hk 粵語長片台
Thank you
感謝你的意見!《雷雨 》(下集) 已上架:
飲藥嗰part 有舞台劇 feel
Bruce Lee was born in the US but his Cantonese is perfect
While born in San Francisco, he grew up in Hong Kong. He had a relatively strong Chinese accent when he spoke English.
Bruce born in San Francisco, then brought back to Hong Kong as a baby by his parents, and only to return to USA at age 18. Therefore he spoke fluent Cantonese growing up in Hong Kong, and then English in USA aged 18 onwards.
One of the reasons Hollywood didn't give him a shot was that his accent. Back in the 60s, most American audiences were not ready for Asian actors to play leading roles, let alone a man who spoke English with an accent. Yeah, that's right. America is another racist country even to this day.
Accent may not be an issue here as Anna May Wong born and fully raised in USA and well before Bruce Lee's time in USA was never offered proper acting roles in Hollywood. Again the issue of accent doesn't hold as after completing 4.5 films in Hong Kong, Bruce was ready (with his film-making crew entourage picked) to return to USA for more movie-making (with US studios' financing and production values backing) after Hollywood came calling to Hong Kong for him after his successful box office money-making films done in Thailand, Rome, Hong Kong and Macao. Hollywood only sees $ $ in their eyes. Again accent is possibly not an issue at all as voices can always be replaced/dubbed, and especially by then Bruce was a box-office asset.
@@frankyong2607 You should check out this documentary, Be Water. In it, you will see how much Bruce Lee struggled as an Asian American in Hollywood.
非常感謝你的留言及支持。由於該部份音樂涉及版權問題,故此聲音被靜音, 敬請諒解。
please upload anothers films
Thank you for your message and support. Here please find another film for 《雷雨》 下集:
@@cantonesefilm_classic please upload his last Hong Kong film before he left to USA film The Orphan very rare film he plays noble thief or a bully
内地版84年版和57年香港版相比 可能先入为主我讲广东话 还是喜欢香港版本 而且自然很多 没有多少“演的痕迹”
God bless every pass away guys ..God bless Hong Kong ❤️ 💓 💖. Jesus loves everyone. Jesus is our best friend forever ✨️
一個大好青年( 小龍)偏偏生長在K型家庭😟
@@gordontli 做電影投資者,誰人不要增加賣點,大多數以前的港星,為爭排名,爭得你死我活,做為老板,誰可以吸引觀眾眼球,誰就放到前面,不容你爭,假如你放吳回,盧敦,誰知道是誰,在商言商,當然放那個名字最吸引眼球的了,有些人為了要看李子龍的一切,會看電影,尤其年青一輩,對李小龍仰慕的,那些年青人,是消費主力,你以為你這些阿伯是消費主力?最佳例子就是星爺,拍了王晶的電影,明明是配角,怎知王晶將他的名字放在主角,將影片剪成星爺做主角,然後賣座東南亞,賺得盆滿砵滿,為此星爺與王晶反目,我偏激?還是你食古不化,以你這樣的年紀,可以記起四十年代,吳老師及盧敦,而又懂電腦,應該也是有點墨水之人,你問問你身邊的年輕人,誰人知道盧敦或吳回,又問他們誰知道李小龍?你應該得到最好的答案。知道吳回,盧敦的人,是三年班至五年班的,吳回是老師,敦叔則是演過雷雨,這些都是年輕人無興趣知道的,他們想知道的是李小龍的瑣事,他是很多現今香港,大陸乃至全世界很多人的偶像。吳及盧的名字出現在顯眼位置,沒有賣點,李小龍的名字在顯眼位置,是賣點,這就是現實。直面現實吧,假如你是電影投資者,你會明白這一點,吳或盧老師在天有靈,也應沒有異議。老板大晒,話晒事。
@@lchansocal你寫咁多嘢都係阿媽是女人嘅道理 誰不懂 係你似乎唔明白我寫乜 周冲雖然係配角 就算個扮演者後來寂寂無名都不至於沒有名字出現在演員名單上這個權利 而且故事只得八個主要角色 演員全都列出也不太過份吧
@@gordontli 我講的是排名前後,你講的是他們的名字在不在,雞同鴨講。
@@lchansocal“李小龍若不是.....他的名字就不會出現在.....” 這不就是你講??至於排名前後的道理誰不懂, 睇嚟係你語無倫次啫
Where is chapter 26 of the movie ( sister of pearls) please show chapter 26
what is the title of this movie
The thunderstorm 1957
God bless every pass away guys 🎉🎉🎉. God bless Hong Kong ✨️. Jesus loves everyone ❤️ 💗
李小龍喜欢饰演"四凤"的那位女演員!看起来好像也是大过李小龍似的! 为什么这部戏这么奇怪?安排的都是比李小龍大的人!做李小龍的哥哥和做李小龍所喜欢的人???
They were not a few years different. One was born in 1919 and the latter was born in 1940. Apparently, there was a two-generation gap between them.
我觉得白燕的妈妈! 不应該这样忍心!抛下已经够可怜的女儿白燕去寻死! 她死了!白燕不是更凄凉吗!
Kong Mei Choon
@@陌上聽風來 咁順利就無戲做啦😂
This is not full movie
李小龍饰演张英的弟弟!会不会有点离譜! (我觉得做父子比较适合吧!)
@@fongho6791 j
Cheung Ying was a bit too old for this part, but most of his later roles usually were. Wong Man Li was also much too old for her role. In the novel, the step mother was much younger and closer to the age of the first son. Their respective unhappiness led them to find momentary comfort in an incestuous affair. Bruce Lee’s character as the younger brother was supposed to be 10 years younger than the older brother played by Cheung Ying. Then Cheung Ying’s character has an incestuous affair with his step sister, but in this case, he didn’t know she was related to him. The moral of this story is that the younger generation paid for the sins of the previous one. The novel was written by Ba Jin 巴金。