I can't but feel that the Q&A session would have been faster and more cohesive without the moderator's interruptions. Sir, sometimes when we have complicated questions, we need time to create the foundation for that question. Please allow us time to lay that foundation otherwise context can and will be lost.
Not if you understand his rationale for converting (reverting) to Orthodox. He has spoken of his view of his own culture and kinship sweeping over hundreds of years. His family was Orthodox 250 years ago. And he continues to identify as Yugoslavian. This shows long-term continuity of deep culture that is sustained over centuries. Not a modernist viewpoint, of course.
@@Redesignresearch You sound like a non-Balkan man which tells me Google is your best friend. Emir aka Nemanja Kusturica was born to a Muslim dad Murat and Orthodox mom Senka. He didn't revert to anything, today's Muslims were not Catholic or Orthodox. They were however a specific sect of Christians. Another old name for Bosniaks was Bogumils. Kusturica was born in Sarajevo and grew up there which makes him a Bosnian. Cinematography aside, Emir is a clown to say the least.
@@alexcarter8807 It's obvious that English is not his first language, so instead of calling out bilinguals on youtube, try learning another language besides "murrican".
@@KikaKika94 Calling English "murrican" shows you know very little about the English language, and therefore might not be the best person to call out other people on cultural knowledge.
I believe that Kustorica did not answer the question posed at 31:13 and I'd like to help. Question how I understood was "If there was a decade or a segment of time of lack of good education in primary school system and higher education was set aside than critical thinking is overwhelmed by emotive thinking" I believe the questioner was totally right. The lack of education in that segment of time brought about people of fighting age and non educated people of surrounding areas to huddle around educated nationalists and religious fundamentalists that spoke emotionally. That itself was a big factor of many and therefore the questioner hit the point on the head and it should have been pondered more by K before answering.
The moderator Andre Liebich is spreading an atmosphere of fear and cold rationality in the room. This discussion would have run smoother without him for sure.
Mr Kusturica is one honest man who supports truth against political or ideological propaganda. Multiculturalism was possible only in Yugoslavia; however, Muslim nationalists from Bosnia, who call them selves "Bosniaks", decided to destroy Yugoslavia along with Croatian nationalists, and created Croatia and Bosnia as an independent countries without Serbs or against Serbs. Their goal was to create ethnically clean country, such as Croatia, or push Serbs to minority group and create Muslim country, such as Bosnia. If some kind of multiculturalism exists in any ex- Yugoslavian country, it still exists in Serbia since many refugees had to come to Serbia running from the war to the safe place, and no any nationality group was pushed to leave Serbia. On the other side, many Serbs were killed or persecuted from territory controlled by Croatians or Bosnian Muslims.
The international criminal tribunal found the Serb leadership responsible for genocide and destruction in Bosnia and for all the wars in Yugoslavia Serbia was responsible. So don't come here talking garbage but humble yourself instead.
BiH Robotics William Schabas the biggest expert on international human law said that there was no genicide in Srebrenica by definition! If we take the whole world into account, the majority of countries say that there was no genocide! Go and read the definition, before you open your mouth!
Emir Kusturika made some valid points, multiculturalism is a utopia, it only works if majority of people and society are prepared for it. At minute 46.00 he brilliantly identified the problems of this new surge of forced "multiculturalism" and how empty and dangerous it is. On the negative side he seemed very difficult at times to understand (maybe because of his limited English) and come of a bit of a elitist.
Interesting to hear Kusturica. funny behavior from this moderator, kind of unaware of his unsensible and unpolite aggressive attitude with the public. Giving a weird image of this Institute...
It's probably an American right-wing front institute who's just hosting him because they're hoping he'll advocate for a pure-white country pure-Christian and just the right kind of Christian too.
Sistem obrazovanja se raspao jer se komunizam kao kompletni sistem raspadao tako da staviti sve na raspad obrazovnog sistema je naivno,sve se raspadalo ne samo obrazovanje.
Mozda sam naivan. Mozda nisam. To nema nikakve veze. Ja govorim sta vidim. U SAD isto se deshava posto skolanstvo pada pa deli ljude na veoma lak nacin. Opet religija a ovde boja i koze. Opet kazem glupi ljudi prate stvari sto nema nista sa zivotom
Tesko je praviti paralelu sa SAD-om jer tamo nijesuzivot zavisio od bezbedonosnog pritiska a u Jugi jeste.Onog momenta kada je "stari" crko poceo je da se urusava bezbedonosni sistem redom od tajnih sluzbi preko vojske do policije a onda se to prosirilo na sve ostalo ukljucujuci i obrazovanje ali to je bila tek krajnja manifestacija tog raspada. To ti je kao da ti se ne daj boze srusi kuca a ti ne gledas uruseni temelj nego se cudis sto su se urusili prvi sprat ili krov,bez Tita i pritiska UDB-e Juga nije mogla da opstane.
"To ti je kao da ti se ne daj boze srusi kuca a ti ne gledas uruseni temelj nego se cudis sto su se urusili prvi sprat ili krov,bez Tita i pritiska UDB-e Juga nije mogla da opstane." Izvini na osmeh ali cujem "ne daj boze za ovo , ne daj boze za ono" Vrucina.............To je bog hteo. Ladnoca.....................To je bog hteo. Zemljotres.......................Bog nih ili nas mrzi. Izvini, samo mala digresija. Ali opet se vracam na znanje. Ako ga porusish, onda mulsiman je nesto opasno, sbin nesto drugo opasno a..............onaj sto pljacka i krade hleba od svih.........on je ok..............samo da je nas. TO JE TA GLUPOST STO JE ZAVLADALA BEZ JAKE SKOLE. Ja vidim u SAD da se ogromno predevaljju. Zashto. U zadnji 18 godina skolanstvo je palo na dno i jedino dobija religija i politicari i naravno veliki bisnis.
Vidi brate ako si ti neki satro ateista pa ti svako pominjanje boga dize krvni pritisak ja ti tu nista ne mogu,to je samo uzrecica za mene i nista vise jer ja u crkvu ne idem. Kamen temeljac Titove Juge je bila UDB-a isve ostale je bilo sagradjeno oko nje i Titovom smrcu je pocelo njeno cepanje a od nje se krenulo dalje. Opet ti kazem paralela sa SAD ne drzi vodu jer iako ne znam sve sto se desava tamo znam sta se desavalo ovamo i nemaju bas velike veze jedno sa drugim.
In 20/20 retrospect Yugoslavia's unification after WWII was not organic so it was never going to work unless forced by threat or coercion - which was how it was able to exist. The x yugoslavia is where it is now - split - and already a generation now having babies do not remember it or care for it. Time takes away visceral relevance - thank god. and so... We find ourselves in a momment where Yugoslavia has been split (this is reality) and people from all its entities should wish each other luck and move on because the kids today don't give a fuck unless their parents planted seeds of hate in there souls. Take a real long look in that mirror and be honest about the legacy you are leaving to your children by what you say and do while they are around you - do you speak ill of the opposing people on the balkans? Do you plant in them hate? Do you have a right to plant in them seeds that may one day lead to you grand-children's blood to flow into the deep soil into the already blood soaked soil of the Balkans? Mr Kusturica is right... under-educated, easily minipulated, un-thinking people have too much power. The purest thought on the next generations if you care to listen - ruclips.net/video/ByPOnZqICfs/видео.html or Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. (Kahlil Gibran On Children) What festers from the past is something that will only vanish if the people who occupied that space in time of a Yugoslavia makes the choice to let the next generation be good and respectful neighbours. That act of choosing a different way of being. To not be hate and fear filled is the balm and it is a choice per individual. Time cannot turn back it can only move forward and we can negotiate only the now. I noticed on the Balkans parents like to talk things in front of their children about old enemies which will upset the emotional state of those children absolutely because that idea of " them and us" is used as a way to help each child self-identify. The child know what it is in the context of the collective by the comparison of the others who happen to be enemies in neighbouring countries they share close borders with. Now it is not the uneducated man being influenced by a corrupt initiated few with an agenda... It is entire nation of ethnic parents doing the same with their children. Teaching your children how to hate is the most abusive act of a parent to a child. In my mind it is worse even than pedophilia. If you teach your child to hate, you rape their souls today so you can taste your revenge through their sacrifice not yours tomorrow ... War is the only end to any hatred nurtured on the Balkans. In the reality of right *Now* good and respectful neighbours is all the former states of Yugoslavia should be and if they cannot be respectful at the very least, the fever in the wound will spread to the point of another erruption of puss as it has always done before. So people from the Balkans all live with the choice of being mother fukers literaly or being respectful. Choose. Everyone has a choice. Which brings me to my idea of Multi- Culturism - interesting he mentioned politics as a form of market where trade happens. i like that. I think Multi-Culturalism is one of those isms politicians thought up, to make us all chase our tails like a dog who has been serverely inbred - this insane circle of chase happens to be the state of ideas if it comes from only the political sphere of reality. we are meant to think about it to solve the how of it, while they make the tax on everything higher. Multi-culturalism is something that can exist only in the case of pure respectful behaviour, thoughts and emotions from each individual rendering the collective automatically coherent - which makes it a bit of a purple unicorn skating on a river of iced champagne in the middle of summer singing the dirty version of "Forget you" by Cee Lo Green on every alternate Tuesday if it rains. And round and round we go... as I wish the people on the Balkans no more wars.
Totally underrated comment! Thanks for taking your time to leave this here. Read this comment above, couldn't explain it any better. Prestanite vise biti primitivni, nacijonalizam nikuda nevodi, mlade se srame za stariju generaciju, nece i nemogu vise da se identifikovaju sa ovakvom pokvarenom identitetom. Bjezaju u zapad, ne samo zbog posla... nakon vise od 20 godina poslje rata... Druge evropske zemlje nam se smiju koliko se primitivno ponasamo! Katastrofa.
I doubt Kusturica is eligible to talk about multiculturalism, as he represents the establishment in former Yugoslavia, and now in Serbia which denies all kinds of multiculturalism in ex YU with their blatant agenda of neglecting and denying any nation other than Serbs. For Kusturica Bosnian nation does not exists. He even does not respect the right of people to define themselves....since for him, like for the Serbian nationalist establishment, they are all Serbs with different religions.
The "multiculturalism" he talks about in ex-Yugoslavia is a fiction. As any other communist country you couldn't be what you wanted to be, you couldn't say what you wanted to say. Let me give you an example: a muslim man that i knew who in 60's was going to serve the army, couldn't declare him self as a muslim, you could only choose to be serbian or croat!!! Emir Kusturica is a pretentious man who loves to listen to himself while trying to WOW the ignorant.
Moguce, ali je cinjenica da vise niko na Zapadu ne pominje multikulturno drustvo, a mediji koji se kleli u njega pre 10-15 godina, kao B92,... su umukli sa te strane. I tek ce da umukne zapad sa mnogih strana, jer se Amerika urusava, a Evropa bez Rusije moze da se slika. PLUS Kina.
Pa normalno da nisi shvatio profesora jer moras imati IQ visi od makar 100 da bi razumeo bar neku poentu....posto je tvoj IQ kao i vecine koja pljuju Kustu manji od 60 nemate nikakve sanse da ga razumete...ali i dalje ga pljujte to samo govori da profesor itekako pogadja sustinu....vozovi prolaze a kerovi i dalje laju...
@@SportBilly-hk8lz To samo govori kakve budale ga pljuju....bez osnovne skole i bez imale trunke mozga a o intelektu da se ne govori...nasle se neke budale sa brda i sela da pljuju jednog od naj-nacitanijih intelektualaca ovog doba.... To jeste najzalosnije sto ti isti kao i ovaj bolid gore koji ga naziva desnicarem a Kusta je u milion prilika rekao da je on zaljubljeni socijalista i da naginje na levo....iako je isto tako milion puta rekao da se protivi boljsevizmu...a sta ces, nezasluzuju oni njega, oni od dzamije dalje nemogu da beknu...
"Poluobrazovani desnicar" je za tebe nepismenog institucija. Covek iza sebe ima svoju karijeru, nagrade i ime. Ovaj covek ne trazi priznanje od jednog pisaca komentara na internet platformi on jensvoje priznanje dobio u Kanu, u Veneciji, u krugu umetnika, reditelja i tamo gde pripada.Tvoj um opterecen mrznjom i nacionalizmom ne moze razumeti sta on prica. To sto ova institucija ne prica sta bi ti hteo da cujes je dokaz tvoje ogranicenosti. Potices iz zemlje u kojoj slavni hrvati i oci hr drzavnosti nisu neki knjizevnici, umetnici, prosvetitelji naroda, sveci, naucnici, vladari vec sve do jednog koljaci Srba. Potices iz zemlje koja dva dobra filma nije snimila, serije da ne pominjem pa je razumljivo sto ne mozes da dosegnes do vrednosti ovog coveka a tvoj um sputavan mrznjom ne moze prvo da mu oprosti sto se uzjasnjava kao Srbin i tu se svaka prica zavrsava. Prekorevas nekog kao desnicara a sam si zagrizeni nacionalista, ali to je hrvat najlicemerniji narod, narod bez stida
I would love to ask Mr. Kusturica when exactly was Ivo Andric baptise in Orthodox Church? People without identity, like Mr. Kusturica, can’t tell us nothing about how important is to have identity in multicultural world! He knows a lot but he also talks a lot of nonsense! It would be better for all that he just makes a movies! He was the best for that job!
You like many morons do not understand what Kusturica is saying....so i suggest that you expand your miniscule mind by reading literature go vet insight into human nature.....Kusturica is extremely well read and his theories are based on human nature and how we humans act in our environment....so before you critique one of the most talented and well read intellectuals of our time you should at least try fo understand what he is saying...and for that you need to have a functioning brain.
1. Ne razumijem zašto mi odgovaraš na engleski kad vidim da čisto ok pišeš hrvatski? 2. Zašto mi nisi odgovorio/la na pitanje kada je to točno Ivo Andrić kršten u pravoslavnoj crkvi? Ili bilo kojoj crkvi uopće? 3. Zašto nemaš ime i prezime pa da onda palamudis okolo? 4. Samo vrijeđanje drugo osobe ili neistomišljenika bez ijednog argumenta govori puno o tvojoj inteligenciji! 5. Samom Kusturici se gade osobe poput vas. (Stoka bez identiteta koja traga za svojim spasiteljem jer sama nije u stanju razlučit šta jest a šta nije a u stanju je drugom pametovat)
@@mirkomarjanovic505 Pre svega ja razumem Srpski jezik.... hrvatski jezik ne govorim. Drugo odgovorio sam na engleskom jer si ti svoj komentar ostavio na engleskom... koliko glup moras da budes da bi tako nesto shvatio? Trece Ivo Andric je uvek za sebe govorio da je Srbin iz Bosne.... cak je objavljena njegova licna karta gde se jako lepo vidi da pored rubrike "nacionalost" pise Srpsko.... to mozes da nadjes i na google ako te bas zanima....na ostala pitanja nemam sta da ti odgovorim jer su besmislena.
Dva najpoznatija pisca na prostoru bivse jugoslavije Mesa Selimovic i Ivo andric su bosanci iz Bosne!Ali naravno kusturica to ne pominje:) kao ni najpoznatije slikare Safeta zeca ili Mersada Berbera.. i mnoge druge..
Nadji mi ili tonski zapis ili sta je konkretno napisao Ivo Andric[Hrvat iz Bosne] i Mesa Selimovic o njihovom ''srpstvu''?.. nego samo govore kojoj grupi pisaca pripadaju!
Pa sta je Bosanac drugo nego Srbin? Sta je Bavarac drugo nego German/Njemac? Sta je Svajcarac drugo nego Njemac, Francuz ili Italijan. Tako si i ti prijatelju moj Srbin po etnicitetu, pricas Srpskim jezikom, zivis Srpskim mentalitetom sa ponekim Turskim obicajima ali si po vjeroispovjesti Musliman Siit. Tu nema nikakve dileme. Bosna je isti sinonim za Srblje kao Duklja, Raska, Zahumlje, Zeta, Travunija...dakle ti si jaro moj iz srca Srblja ;)
Bas juce sam jednom hrvatu odgovorio na te vase istorijske zablude ali tu se vise radi o svjesnim historijskim pretenzijama! On napisao izmedjuostalog ''o izgradnji "novokomponovanog"identiteta i nacije'' apropo nas Bosnjaka A ja mu napisao...da se ne bi i s tobom zajebavao evo ti kopija u zagradi [ Bosnjaci u Bosni su autohtoni narod i nase porijeklo za razliku od vaseg u hrvatskoj i srbiji nije diskutabilno!!O cemu pise bosanski genijalac Mesa Selimovic i drugi u svojim romanima?Pise o Bosnjacima-bosancima i zemlji Bosni!Zemlji u okviru Turskog carstva[ko danas Kalifornija u okviru USA],koja ima Kadije [sudije] policiju,vojsku,birokratiju,red i zakon [naravno sve se drukcije tada zvalo] pise o Bosni i bosanskom covjeku!Pise o dogadjajima, o dozivljajima pojedinaca,plemenitim ljudima,junacima,dobricinama A i o spijunima,prevarantima,kockarima,hajducima,ubicama itd...o ''spletkama na dvoru'' zavjerama,tragedijama!Pise o bosancima, nigdje srbina ni hrvata ni za lijeka, zato sto nisu ni postojali,postojao samo bosanski covjek,Bosnjak-musliman,pravoslavac-katolik...bosanci koji su u odredjenim historijskim trenucima uzimali razlicite vjere-religije!Najpoznatiji srpski nacionalista tog vremena Ilija Garasanin pise u svom ''Nacertanije'' ''u Bosni zive Bosnjaci katolicke,Bosnjaci muhamedanske i Bosnjaci nase pravoslavne vere''!U 19 vijeku jacanjem Srbije, bosanski pravoslavci polako ali sigurno postaju ''Srbi'' a jacanjem hrvatskog nacionalizma bosanski katolici-sokci postaju''Hrvati''[franjevci nisu bili nikakvi hrvati nego bosanski katolici]!Kako i zasto su bosanski muslimani-Bosnjaci masovno uzeli Islam opisuje u ovom kratkom videu dr Muhamed Filipovic!ruclips.net/video/Tj7ZSvTBlUo/видео.html ] sad Nidzo mozes fino bananu da pojedes!;)
haris spahic Prijatelju ja predajem istoriju na katedri za Vizantologiju u Kelnu. Doktorat sam pisao kod Markusa Koller-a koji je Orijentalista i ozenjen Muslimankom iz Bosne. Molim te postedi me propalih profila SDA kao sto su Filipovic i ostali. Pricam 5 jezika medju kojim su i 3 mrtva (starogrcki, hebrejski i latinski). Ni jedan izvor ne spominje Bosnu kao nacionalnu drzavu vec iskljucivo u Srpskom korpusu pocevsi od Herodota, Konstantina Porfirogenita itd.. Bosnom za vrijeme Turaka je vladao vezir koji je uvijek bio poturčen Srbin sa najpoznatijem primjeru u Mehmed Paši Sokoloviću. Potičem od slavne porodice Radenovica/ Pavlovica koja je vladala Istočnom Bosnom i Vrhbosnom kada Osmanlije nisu ni postojale.9.000.000 Turaka u Turskoj su cisto Srpskog porijekla. Ali da ti ne bi navodio 30 primarnih i 100 sekundarnih izvora procitaj od Markusa Kollera "History of the Otoman Empire & Modern Turkey" i "Coronation of Stefan Tvrtko Kotromanic and Adoption of the Royal Coat of Arms" Brate ako zelis o istoriji samnom, bolje se pripremi. Svako dobro.
I can't but feel that the Q&A session would have been faster and more cohesive without the moderator's interruptions.
Sir, sometimes when we have complicated questions, we need time to create the foundation for that question. Please allow us time to lay that foundation otherwise context can and will be lost.
Hijo da puttra !
He is prime example of multiculturalism, born of one religion and nationality and change it for another nationality and religion later in his life!
Not if you understand his rationale for converting (reverting) to Orthodox. He has spoken of his view of his own culture and kinship sweeping over hundreds of years. His family was Orthodox 250 years ago. And he continues to identify as Yugoslavian. This shows long-term continuity of deep culture that is sustained over centuries. Not a modernist viewpoint, of course.
@@Redesignresearch You sound like a non-Balkan man which tells me Google is your best friend.
Emir aka Nemanja Kusturica was born to a Muslim dad Murat and Orthodox mom Senka.
He didn't revert to anything, today's Muslims were not Catholic or Orthodox. They were however a specific sect of Christians. Another old name for Bosniaks was Bogumils.
Kusturica was born in Sarajevo and grew up there which makes him a Bosnian.
Cinematography aside, Emir is a clown to say the least.
Emir Kusturica is unquestionably talented and highly inspired but he remains an enigma regarding his stance : a tormented-looking person.
aj ne seri.
He red more books than evrery single one of these people in this room. A figure like Dostoewski.
He's certainly "red" more books than you, bubba.
Reading is something that only people who never read consider smart.
@@alexcarter8807 It's obvious that English is not his first language, so instead of calling out bilinguals on youtube, try learning another language besides "murrican".
Best comment....
@@KikaKika94 Calling English "murrican" shows you know very little about the English language, and therefore might not be the best person to call out other people on cultural knowledge.
I believe that Kustorica did not answer the question posed at 31:13 and I'd like to help.
Question how I understood was "If there was a decade or a segment of time of lack of good education in primary school system and higher education was set aside than critical thinking is overwhelmed by emotive thinking"
I believe the questioner was totally right. The lack of education in that segment of time brought about people of fighting age and non educated people of surrounding areas to huddle around educated nationalists and religious fundamentalists that spoke emotionally.
That itself was a big factor of many and therefore the questioner hit the point on the head and it should have been pondered more by K before answering.
The moderator Andre Liebich is spreading an atmosphere of fear and cold rationality in the room. This discussion would have run smoother without him for sure.
Mr Kusturica is one honest man who supports truth against political or ideological propaganda. Multiculturalism was possible only in Yugoslavia; however, Muslim nationalists from Bosnia, who call them selves "Bosniaks", decided to destroy Yugoslavia along with Croatian nationalists, and created Croatia and Bosnia as an independent countries without Serbs or against Serbs. Their goal was to create ethnically clean country, such as Croatia, or push Serbs to minority group and create Muslim country, such as Bosnia. If some kind of multiculturalism exists in any ex- Yugoslavian country, it still exists in Serbia since many refugees had to come to Serbia running from the war to the safe place, and no any nationality group was pushed to leave Serbia. On the other side, many Serbs were killed or persecuted from territory controlled by Croatians or Bosnian Muslims.
The international criminal tribunal found the Serb leadership responsible for genocide and destruction in Bosnia and for all the wars in Yugoslavia Serbia was responsible. So don't come here talking garbage but humble yourself instead.
BiH Robotics William Schabas the biggest expert on international human law said that there was no genicide in Srebrenica by definition! If we take the whole world into account, the majority of countries say that there was no genocide! Go and read the definition, before you open your mouth!
@@Sardiatae lol Internationale crime tribunal what a joke, the true criminals
@@hardnigga5109 Lol, based on what? Shoudln't kill so many civilians and you should be fine.
@@Sardiatae That wannabe court is a political court of the same US/UK NATO Nazis you by same propaganda brainwashed.
Emir Kusturika made some valid points, multiculturalism is a utopia, it only works if majority of people and society are prepared for it.
At minute 46.00 he brilliantly identified the problems of this new surge of forced "multiculturalism" and how empty and dangerous it is.
On the negative side he seemed very difficult at times to understand (maybe because of his limited English) and come of a bit of a elitist.
So from the Nile, he replied, I bet it was built in the hardest possible way.
Is it possible to cancel that f***ing moderator? I would love to see him try to moderate Zizek.
how to completely ruin a joke, lesson 1
great talk btw
Lecture preparation was due
Interesting to hear Kusturica. funny behavior from this moderator, kind of unaware of his unsensible and unpolite aggressive attitude with the public. Giving a weird image of this Institute...
It's probably an American right-wing front institute who's just hosting him because they're hoping he'll advocate for a pure-white country pure-Christian and just the right kind of Christian too.
Kusturica talked 24 mn but told nothing. Maybe he should try it next time in his mother tongue.
Sistem obrazovanja se raspao jer se komunizam kao kompletni sistem raspadao tako da staviti sve na raspad obrazovnog sistema je naivno,sve se raspadalo ne samo obrazovanje.
Mozda sam naivan.
Mozda nisam. To nema nikakve veze. Ja govorim sta vidim. U SAD isto se deshava posto skolanstvo pada pa deli ljude na veoma lak nacin. Opet religija a ovde boja i koze.
Opet kazem glupi ljudi prate stvari sto nema nista sa zivotom
Tesko je praviti paralelu sa SAD-om jer tamo nijesuzivot zavisio od bezbedonosnog pritiska a u Jugi jeste.Onog momenta kada je "stari" crko poceo je da se urusava bezbedonosni sistem redom od tajnih sluzbi preko vojske do policije a onda se to prosirilo na sve ostalo ukljucujuci i obrazovanje ali to je bila tek krajnja manifestacija tog raspada.
To ti je kao da ti se ne daj boze srusi kuca a ti ne gledas uruseni temelj nego se cudis sto su se urusili prvi sprat ili krov,bez Tita i pritiska UDB-e Juga nije mogla da opstane.
"To ti je kao da ti se ne daj boze srusi kuca a ti ne gledas uruseni temelj nego se cudis sto su se urusili prvi sprat ili krov,bez Tita i pritiska UDB-e Juga nije mogla da opstane."
Izvini na osmeh ali cujem "ne daj boze za ovo , ne daj boze za ono"
Vrucina.............To je bog hteo. Ladnoca.....................To je bog hteo.
Zemljotres.......................Bog nih ili nas mrzi.
Izvini, samo mala digresija.
Ali opet se vracam na znanje. Ako ga porusish, onda mulsiman je nesto opasno, sbin nesto drugo opasno a..............onaj sto pljacka i krade hleba od svih.........on je ok..............samo da je nas.
Ja vidim u SAD da se ogromno predevaljju. Zashto.
U zadnji 18 godina skolanstvo je palo na dno i jedino dobija religija i politicari i naravno veliki bisnis.
Vidi brate ako si ti neki satro ateista pa ti svako pominjanje boga dize krvni pritisak ja ti tu nista ne mogu,to je samo uzrecica za mene i nista vise jer ja u crkvu ne idem.
Kamen temeljac Titove Juge je bila UDB-a isve ostale je bilo sagradjeno oko nje i Titovom smrcu je pocelo njeno cepanje a od nje se krenulo dalje.
Opet ti kazem paralela sa SAD ne drzi vodu jer iako ne znam sve sto se desava tamo znam sta se desavalo ovamo i nemaju bas velike veze jedno sa drugim.
In 20/20 retrospect Yugoslavia's unification after WWII was not organic so it was never going to work unless forced by threat or coercion - which was how it was able to exist.
The x yugoslavia is where it is now - split - and already a generation now having babies do not remember it or care for it. Time takes away visceral relevance - thank god.
and so...
We find ourselves in a momment where Yugoslavia has been split (this is reality) and people from all its entities should wish each other luck and move on because the kids today don't give a fuck unless their parents planted seeds of hate in there souls. Take a real long look in that mirror and be honest about the legacy you are leaving to your children by what you say and do while they are around you - do you speak ill of the opposing people on the balkans? Do you plant in them hate? Do you have a right to plant in them seeds that may one day lead to you grand-children's blood to flow into the deep soil into the already blood soaked soil of the Balkans?
Mr Kusturica is right... under-educated, easily minipulated, un-thinking people have too much power.
The purest thought on the next generations if you care to listen - ruclips.net/video/ByPOnZqICfs/видео.html
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
(Kahlil Gibran On Children)
What festers from the past is something that will only vanish if the people who occupied that space in time of a Yugoslavia makes the choice to let the next generation be good and respectful neighbours. That act of choosing a different way of being. To not be hate and fear filled is the balm and it is a choice per individual. Time cannot turn back it can only move forward and we can negotiate only the now.
I noticed on the Balkans parents like to talk things in front of their children about old enemies which will upset the emotional state of those children absolutely because that idea of " them and us" is used as a way to help each child self-identify. The child know what it is in the context of the collective by the comparison of the others who happen to be enemies in neighbouring countries they share close borders with. Now it is not the uneducated man being influenced by a corrupt initiated few with an agenda... It is entire nation of ethnic parents doing the same with their children.
Teaching your children how to hate is the most abusive act of a parent to a child. In my mind it is worse even than pedophilia. If you teach your child to hate, you rape their souls today so you can taste your revenge through their sacrifice not yours tomorrow ... War is the only end to any hatred nurtured on the Balkans.
In the reality of right *Now* good and respectful neighbours is all the former states of Yugoslavia should be and if they cannot be respectful at the very least, the fever in the wound will spread to the point of another erruption of puss as it has always done before. So people from the Balkans all live with the choice of being mother fukers literaly or being respectful. Choose. Everyone has a choice.
Which brings me to my idea of Multi- Culturism - interesting he mentioned politics as a form of market where trade happens. i like that.
I think Multi-Culturalism is one of those isms politicians thought up, to make us all chase our tails like a dog who has been serverely inbred - this insane circle of chase happens to be the state of ideas if it comes from only the political sphere of reality. we are meant to think about it to solve the how of it, while they make the tax on everything higher.
Multi-culturalism is something that can exist only in the case of pure respectful behaviour, thoughts and emotions from each individual rendering the collective automatically coherent - which makes it a bit of a purple unicorn skating on a river of iced champagne in the middle of summer singing the dirty version of "Forget you" by Cee Lo Green on every alternate Tuesday if it rains. And round and round we go... as I wish the people on the Balkans no more wars.
Totally underrated comment! Thanks for taking your time to leave this here.
Read this comment above, couldn't explain it any better.
Prestanite vise biti primitivni, nacijonalizam nikuda nevodi, mlade se srame za stariju generaciju, nece i nemogu vise da se identifikovaju sa ovakvom pokvarenom identitetom. Bjezaju u zapad, ne samo zbog posla...
nakon vise od 20 godina poslje rata... Druge evropske zemlje nam se smiju koliko se primitivno ponasamo!
Huge comment
Kusta je veliki covek i veliki umetnik! Sta tu nije jasno?! I kome......
I doubt Kusturica is eligible to talk about multiculturalism, as he represents the establishment in former Yugoslavia, and now in Serbia which denies all kinds of multiculturalism in ex YU with their blatant agenda of neglecting and denying any nation other than Serbs. For Kusturica Bosnian nation does not exists. He even does not respect the right of people to define themselves....since for him, like for the Serbian nationalist establishment, they are all Serbs with different religions.
The "multiculturalism" he talks about in ex-Yugoslavia is a fiction. As any other communist country you couldn't be what you wanted to be, you couldn't say what you wanted to say. Let me give you an example: a muslim man that i knew who in 60's was going to serve the army, couldn't declare him self as a muslim, you could only choose to be serbian or croat!!! Emir Kusturica is a pretentious man who loves to listen to himself while trying to WOW the ignorant.
There is difference between nationality, citizenship, ethnicity, religion...
Bahaha wtf is up with this moderator
Engleski govori kao Bik koji sjedi.A organizatori ovog skupa se pravo osramotili.Doveli ovu kreaturu da prica o muktikulturalizmu,koji promasaj?
Bio sam na predavanju. Prazno i besmisleno trućanje jednog poluobrazovanog desničara. Ništa novo, ništa mudro ....
Moguce, ali je cinjenica da vise niko na Zapadu ne pominje multikulturno drustvo,
a mediji koji se kleli u njega pre 10-15 godina, kao B92,... su umukli sa te strane.
I tek ce da umukne zapad sa mnogih strana, jer se Amerika urusava, a Evropa bez Rusije moze da se slika.
PLUS Kina.
Budalo, Kusta je ljevicar, ali sta ti vrijedi objasnjavati kad si neobrazovan.
Pa normalno da nisi shvatio profesora jer moras imati IQ visi od makar 100 da bi razumeo bar neku poentu....posto je tvoj IQ kao i vecine koja pljuju Kustu manji od 60 nemate nikakve sanse da ga razumete...ali i dalje ga pljujte to samo govori da profesor itekako pogadja sustinu....vozovi prolaze a kerovi i dalje laju...
@@SportBilly-hk8lz To samo govori kakve budale ga pljuju....bez osnovne skole i bez imale trunke mozga a o intelektu da se ne govori...nasle se neke budale sa brda i sela da pljuju jednog od naj-nacitanijih intelektualaca ovog doba.... To jeste najzalosnije sto ti isti kao i ovaj bolid gore koji ga naziva desnicarem a Kusta je u milion prilika rekao da je on zaljubljeni socijalista i da naginje na levo....iako je isto tako milion puta rekao da se protivi boljsevizmu...a sta ces, nezasluzuju oni njega, oni od dzamije dalje nemogu da beknu...
"Poluobrazovani desnicar" je za tebe nepismenog institucija. Covek iza sebe ima svoju karijeru, nagrade i ime. Ovaj covek ne trazi priznanje od jednog pisaca komentara na internet platformi on jensvoje priznanje dobio u Kanu, u Veneciji, u krugu umetnika, reditelja i tamo gde pripada.Tvoj um opterecen mrznjom i nacionalizmom ne moze razumeti sta on prica.
To sto ova institucija ne prica sta bi ti hteo da cujes je dokaz tvoje ogranicenosti.
Potices iz zemlje u kojoj slavni hrvati i oci hr drzavnosti nisu neki knjizevnici, umetnici, prosvetitelji naroda, sveci, naucnici, vladari vec sve do jednog koljaci Srba.
Potices iz zemlje koja dva dobra filma nije snimila, serije da ne pominjem pa je razumljivo sto ne mozes da dosegnes do vrednosti ovog coveka a tvoj um sputavan mrznjom ne moze prvo da mu oprosti sto se uzjasnjava kao Srbin i tu se svaka prica zavrsava. Prekorevas nekog kao desnicara a sam si zagrizeni nacionalista, ali to je hrvat najlicemerniji narod, narod bez stida
I would love to ask Mr. Kusturica when exactly was Ivo Andric baptise in Orthodox Church? People without identity, like Mr. Kusturica, can’t tell us nothing about how important is to have identity in multicultural world! He knows a lot but he also talks a lot of nonsense! It would be better for all that he just makes a movies! He was the best for that job!
The fact that you don't understand doesn't say anything about the strength of his arguments, it says rather something about your lack of education.
i. czv just becouse you live in a vrong country doesnt mean you know something! ;)
You like many morons do not understand what Kusturica is saying....so i suggest that you expand your miniscule mind by reading literature go vet insight into human nature.....Kusturica is extremely well read and his theories are based on human nature and how we humans act in our environment....so before you critique one of the most talented and well read intellectuals of our time you should at least try fo understand what he is saying...and for that you need to have a functioning brain.
1. Ne razumijem zašto mi odgovaraš na engleski kad vidim da čisto ok pišeš hrvatski? 2. Zašto mi nisi odgovorio/la na pitanje kada je to točno Ivo Andrić kršten u pravoslavnoj crkvi? Ili bilo kojoj crkvi uopće?
3. Zašto nemaš ime i prezime pa da onda palamudis okolo?
4. Samo vrijeđanje drugo osobe ili neistomišljenika bez ijednog argumenta govori puno o tvojoj inteligenciji!
5. Samom Kusturici se gade osobe poput vas.
(Stoka bez identiteta koja traga za svojim spasiteljem jer sama nije u stanju razlučit šta jest a šta nije a u stanju je drugom pametovat)
@@mirkomarjanovic505 Pre svega ja razumem Srpski jezik.... hrvatski jezik ne govorim. Drugo odgovorio sam na engleskom jer si ti svoj komentar ostavio na engleskom... koliko glup moras da budes da bi tako nesto shvatio? Trece Ivo Andric je uvek za sebe govorio da je Srbin iz Bosne.... cak je objavljena njegova licna karta gde se jako lepo vidi da pored rubrike "nacionalost" pise Srpsko.... to mozes da nadjes i na google ako te bas zanima....na ostala pitanja nemam sta da ti odgovorim jer su besmislena.
Dva najpoznatija pisca na prostoru bivse jugoslavije Mesa Selimovic i Ivo andric su bosanci iz Bosne!Ali naravno kusturica to ne pominje:) kao ni najpoznatije slikare Safeta zeca ili Mersada Berbera.. i mnoge druge..
Mesa Selimovic i Ivi Andric su se sami izjasnili da su Srpski pisci.Pa necemo mrtve ljude maltretirati.
Nadji mi ili tonski zapis ili sta je konkretno napisao Ivo Andric[Hrvat iz Bosne] i Mesa Selimovic o njihovom ''srpstvu''?.. nego samo govore kojoj grupi pisaca pripadaju!
Pa sta je Bosanac drugo nego Srbin? Sta je Bavarac drugo nego German/Njemac? Sta je Svajcarac drugo nego Njemac, Francuz ili Italijan. Tako si i ti prijatelju moj Srbin po etnicitetu, pricas Srpskim jezikom, zivis Srpskim mentalitetom sa ponekim Turskim obicajima ali si po vjeroispovjesti Musliman Siit. Tu nema nikakve dileme. Bosna je isti sinonim za Srblje kao Duklja, Raska, Zahumlje, Zeta, Travunija...dakle ti si jaro moj iz srca Srblja ;)
Bas juce sam jednom hrvatu odgovorio na te vase istorijske zablude ali tu se vise radi o svjesnim historijskim pretenzijama! On napisao izmedjuostalog ''o izgradnji "novokomponovanog"identiteta i nacije'' apropo nas Bosnjaka A ja mu napisao...da se ne bi i s tobom zajebavao evo ti kopija u zagradi [ Bosnjaci u Bosni su autohtoni narod i nase porijeklo za razliku od vaseg u hrvatskoj i srbiji nije diskutabilno!!O cemu pise bosanski genijalac Mesa Selimovic i drugi u svojim romanima?Pise o Bosnjacima-bosancima i zemlji Bosni!Zemlji u okviru Turskog carstva[ko danas Kalifornija u okviru USA],koja ima Kadije [sudije] policiju,vojsku,birokratiju,red i zakon [naravno sve se drukcije tada zvalo] pise o Bosni i bosanskom covjeku!Pise o dogadjajima, o dozivljajima pojedinaca,plemenitim ljudima,junacima,dobricinama A i o spijunima,prevarantima,kockarima,hajducima,ubicama itd...o ''spletkama na dvoru'' zavjerama,tragedijama!Pise o bosancima, nigdje srbina ni hrvata ni za lijeka, zato sto nisu ni postojali,postojao samo bosanski covjek,Bosnjak-musliman,pravoslavac-katolik...bosanci koji su u odredjenim historijskim trenucima uzimali razlicite vjere-religije!Najpoznatiji srpski nacionalista tog vremena Ilija Garasanin pise u svom ''Nacertanije'' ''u Bosni zive Bosnjaci katolicke,Bosnjaci muhamedanske i Bosnjaci nase pravoslavne vere''!U 19 vijeku jacanjem Srbije, bosanski pravoslavci polako ali sigurno postaju ''Srbi'' a jacanjem hrvatskog nacionalizma bosanski katolici-sokci postaju''Hrvati''[franjevci nisu bili nikakvi hrvati nego bosanski katolici]!Kako i zasto su bosanski muslimani-Bosnjaci masovno uzeli Islam opisuje u ovom kratkom videu dr Muhamed Filipovic!ruclips.net/video/Tj7ZSvTBlUo/видео.html ] sad Nidzo mozes fino bananu da pojedes!;)
haris spahic Prijatelju ja predajem istoriju na katedri za Vizantologiju u Kelnu. Doktorat sam pisao kod Markusa Koller-a koji je Orijentalista i ozenjen Muslimankom iz Bosne. Molim te postedi me propalih profila SDA kao sto su Filipovic i ostali. Pricam 5 jezika medju kojim su i 3 mrtva (starogrcki, hebrejski i latinski). Ni jedan izvor ne spominje Bosnu kao nacionalnu drzavu vec iskljucivo u Srpskom korpusu pocevsi od Herodota, Konstantina Porfirogenita itd.. Bosnom za vrijeme Turaka je vladao vezir koji je uvijek bio poturčen Srbin sa najpoznatijem primjeru u Mehmed Paši Sokoloviću. Potičem od slavne porodice Radenovica/ Pavlovica koja je vladala Istočnom Bosnom i Vrhbosnom kada Osmanlije nisu ni postojale.9.000.000 Turaka u Turskoj su cisto Srpskog porijekla. Ali da ti ne bi navodio 30 primarnih i 100 sekundarnih izvora procitaj od Markusa Kollera "History of the Otoman Empire & Modern Turkey" i "Coronation of Stefan Tvrtko Kotromanic and Adoption of the Royal Coat of Arms" Brate ako zelis o istoriji samnom, bolje se pripremi. Svako dobro.
This host is representing a white old man perfectly...?! And Emir is talking so arrogantly.. why was he invited again??
Are you serious? Have you checked this guy history? Wtf are you doing?
jaoj Boze skloni ovo kustu odradio je sta je trebalo sad nek ide Boze
To sto ste napisali uopste nije lepo. Ima mnogo nas koji ga volimo!
Prodo Vjeru za veceru
Vratio se čovek svojoj veri. A i ti bi mogao jer imaš krizu identiteta.