MH25_Dangerous Situations in Kiteboarding - Realtalk with Aaron Hadlow & Reno Romeo

  • Опубликовано: 16 июл 2024

Комментарии • 30

  • @vinny61389
    @vinny61389 2 года назад +2

    I had my leading edge lose pressure on the water due to a faulty valve. When I went to make a transition turn to tack back to shore the kite collapsed on itself and could not be relaunched.
    I was lucky to be picked up by some boaters which really shortened my swim.
    It taught me 3 main things:
    * Always be willing to swim back the distance from shore.
    * Know the spot and its bail out options.
    * Maintain your equipment.

  • @outdoormaniac8760
    @outdoormaniac8760 Месяц назад

    Centre line wrapped round the bar is the one that no one teaches how to get out of. Nearly killed me in Tarifa. I now teach it to all my students!

  • @flo_flowhaterdenflow2021
    @flo_flowhaterdenflow2021 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for sharing the experience !

  • @Blubba36
    @Blubba36 3 года назад +3

    Big thumbs up for sharing content like this, sending us a reminder that kitesurfing can be dangerous if something goes wrong. As you said… Don‘t panic - think about plan a and be prepared to switch to plan b - even if this means to loose your kitestuff. That‘s much cheaper than to loose your life. Also try to avoid sessions by your own, keep an eye on your friends and other kiters and help each other. And sometimes it‘s better to refuse a session - it might saves you and other guys taking unnecessary risks.

    • @MarianHund
      @MarianHund  3 года назад

      thank you very much for your comment! 100%!

  • @whiplash8903
    @whiplash8903 3 года назад +1

    So lange hab ich nach einem solchen Kitevideo gesucht. Bin letztes Jahr in Holland fast abgesoffen, weil mein Kite randaliert hat und dachte mir, dass es vielleicht mal schlau wäre sich andere stories von sketchy situations anzuhören; gerne mehr davon!

  • @kilfoilc
    @kilfoilc 2 года назад +1

    My story from last year was kiting in South Africa in the Eastern Cape between Port Elizabeth and Jeffereys Bay at a lagoon called Gamtoos. The river mouth is a good 1km walk over the dunes from the parking area. I measured 20kts in the parking area so took my 11m. When we got down to the river mouth it was about 30kts which is about max for the 11m but do-able. After an hour on the water the wind had picked up to 47 knots to a point where I could hardly keep the kite under control. It was super-sketchy and I was now scared but safe while in the water. I saw a safety video by Anton Chernyshov and he had a great tip when overpowered and that is to keep the kite low on the water which worked great (Thanks Anton ). By this time my mate was also in trouble on a 9m and he lost his board in the sea so I was all alone to try get out of this situation. Cutting away onto a flag line in 47 knots seemed like a silly idea so I thought to try head over the dunes back to the parking area with less wind by walking with the kite in the air and board in one hand. Big Mistake! It went wrong, badly. When I got to the beach, I put the kite at zenith 12 o'clock and a 50kts gust picked me up about 5m high and slammed me onto the beach. I came down hard on one leg and tore my left MCL knee tendons as my leg went 45 degrees below the knee. The knee was blown. By a miracle, the kite crashed behind a sand dune and stayed down. Had it relaunched I would probably be dead! It had a grade 3 MCL tear and due to COVID I could not have surgery so it took 9 months to heal and now I must wear a knee brace when I kite, forever ! So Marian is 100% right. I should rather have lost the kite than lost a knee.

  • @Baptiste_L
    @Baptiste_L 3 года назад

    A great video with very useful information and sharing experience in order to increase safety for the rider.
    It's also a bit conforting knowing that even Aaron Hadlow also has trouble while kiting ;-)
    Keep up the great work !!

  • @Olli_Schwarz
    @Olli_Schwarz 3 года назад

    Oha, klingt echt übel! Bin sehr gespannt auf den kite bzw den product Clip 😍😏

  • @carryloon-7134
    @carryloon-7134 3 года назад +1

    Hi Marian Hund, from personal experience I can support your statement. If you lose the whole kite + bar it would be ~2,5-3k€. Helicopter rescue + hospital ~6k€, not considering any dmg to your health or long term harm. In the end the personal safety is the most important thing.

  • @reitstallraeuchle
    @reitstallraeuchle 3 года назад +10

    Hallo Marian, bitte mach doch wieder deutsche Videos. Es gibt genug englischsprachige und nur wenige in Deutsch. Grüßle Bernhard

    • @benvlog6522
      @benvlog6522 3 года назад

      Sehe ich allerdings genauso. Du warst einer der besten Deutschen Video Macher und erklärer. Englisch sprachige gibt es schon wie Sand am Meer. Ich spreche zwar fließend englisch, aber es ist schön wenn es ein paar super Erklärungen in der Mutter Sprache gibt. Oder mach einen deutschen Untertitel. Oder andersrum einen Englischen😉

    • @MarianHund
      @MarianHund  3 года назад +13

      Ja Mensch Leute, das ist alles gar nicht so leicht. So ein Video ist durchschnittlich locker mit einem Aufwand von drei Tagen verbunden. Und Kitesurfen ist eben kein mega Massending, sodass ich meine Zielgruppe durch rein deutsche Videos stark einschränke.
      Und ja es gibt viele englische Videos - aber die allerwenigsten haben das gezeigte Manöver auch richtig verstanden und können die wesentlichen Faktoren benennen. Und deshalb möchte ich das auch gerne mit nicht deutschsprachigen Teilen.
      Und Episoden mit Aaron und Reno würden dann beispielsweise auch wegfallen. Ich mache mir nochmal Gedanken, was möglich ist 🤙🏼 danke für euer Feedback

    • @internethulk5611
      @internethulk5611 3 года назад

      @@MarianHund ​ Kann das nachvollziehen und würde es wahrscheinlich ähnlich machen. Als Kompromiss finde ich die Idee mit den Untertiteln von Benjamin ganz nice. So kannst du selber entscheiden in welcher Sprache du deine Videos machst und erreichst (wahrscheinlich mit Hilfe eines Hinweises) dennoch mehr Leute. Da macht es wahrscheinlich mehr Sinn deine Videos auf Englisch zu machen, da du dann nicht so eingeschränkt bist, wenn du Leute interviewst. Weiter so, beste Grüße!

  • @Gliping
    @Gliping 3 года назад +3

    i'he also lost my board that wensday. managed to find it back like 1.5 km downwind by bodydragging. luckly Prora have long beaches and i could came out of the water - powerless. My Point- alwayse take that spots , where you can manage wrong situations

    • @MarianHund
      @MarianHund  3 года назад

      Good to hear that everything went well! 🤙🏼

  • @volkers-hamburg2390
    @volkers-hamburg2390 3 года назад +2

    Please everyone label your gear! It is a quick way to check if a kiter is safe or needs help when a kite or board is found to just phone the owner. And you can get a lost board back 👍. Facebook is full of lost and found gear; it happens to everyone.

    • @MarianHund
      @MarianHund  3 года назад +2

      Very good point! Thanks for your comment! 🤙🏼

  • @mikkel_hansen_dkk
    @mikkel_hansen_dkk 3 года назад

    sketchy stuff dude!

  • @RafCenterMyself
    @RafCenterMyself 3 года назад +2

    Last week I was kiting in 25kts+ and went for a jump. At the highest point of the jump I suddenly heard a clicking noise followed by seeing my chicken loop going right into my face... Somehow the chicken loop slided of my harness hook. And there I was still like 5m high, flying completely unhooked -.- Luckily my kite was right above my head and I could hold onto the bar and even managed to land properly... I think my hook plate got losend up after several jumps or something, because the chicken loop was still closed.
    Even if you're experienced bullshit can happen. Stay safe 🤙

    • @MarianHund
      @MarianHund  3 года назад

      Thanks for your comment! Exactly it can happen to anybody, anytime, anywhere, luckily u were able to hold on to the bar!

    • @JGrogann
      @JGrogann 3 года назад +2

      My chicken loop slides off quite often. . . .hate it! Really dangerous.
      I think the donkey stick pushes against your body and removes chicken loop from the hook, no bueno!

  • @svenpronk
    @svenpronk 3 года назад

    Very curious, when does the new hangtime model comes out?

    • @MarianHund
      @MarianHund  3 года назад

      You have to wait for official announcements 😅

  • @seand0000
    @seand0000 3 года назад

    Deathlooped twice this year. Had to release the first time and the second time managed to flag the kite. To be honest, seeing other people Injure themselves has been the biggest lesson for me. Stay safe

    • @MarianHund
      @MarianHund  3 года назад

      good to hear that you are alright!

  • @VibeSelectah
    @VibeSelectah 3 года назад

    We need a number count on word “situation” used in this video

    • @MarianHund
      @MarianHund  3 года назад +1

    • @VibeSelectah
      @VibeSelectah 3 года назад

      What’s this?