The world can only be considered as sick. By any religious, natural, earth bound, truly human, standard. Look like this! Buy that! Achieve such! Be like... WTF?! Are you deranged? Wanna watch some Ukraine War footage, complete with flags ontop, it's like a soccer game, can't go wrong. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, I trust NO ONE!
Sickness is the NORM. I accept. I'm done fighting!
God wins! I'm nothing before the most high, this world is a farce, before all Truth!
The world can only be considered as sick. By any religious, natural, earth bound, truly human, standard. Look like this! Buy that! Achieve such! Be like...
WTF?! Are you deranged?
Wanna watch some Ukraine War footage, complete with flags ontop, it's like a soccer game, can't go wrong.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, I trust NO ONE!