Thomas Sowell, who has been censored for his entire career has moments with biden that you can still find here. biden would refer to him as fella and actually used the n word.
Because the race card is all leftists have. Much like climate change. It's not based on facts or common sense. So they can pick the winners and losers.
@lancesouth Not only that, the liberals have a huge superiority complex to not do their due diligence to reflect that MAYBE they are the root of every problem we are facing. EVERY PROBLEM.
So he called black folks stupid as well, that's fucked up. If your not one of the dumbass blacks voting for me then you ain't really black cause your not stupid.
They heard him say these things--it just that they are more interested in maintaining the Leftist Tribal Orthodoxy, than actually holding on to the truth. They know he said these things, but they selectively forget them because "OrAnGe MaN bAd..."
He's been saying this racist crap for 50 yrs. Called the leader of the kkk his role model when he spoke at dudes funeral. Somehow everyone's ok with that, bc someone told them to hate Trump
It's a bit sad that some people have never heard any of these comments. Us conservatives have known about these comments since 2019 and we've been screaming from the mountain tops but the MSM drowned us out
Not only MSM add to that Social Media would ban anyone who dared utter a negative comment about Hillary, Obama and Joe. I've been in FB jail so many times, I've lost count. I refuse to give up my freedom of speech to those tyrants.
My personal favorite: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Oct. 24, 2020.
Biden has also said “They gonna put y’all back in chains”, “America can be defined in a single word: Asnifutifut, asnifut, at the foot of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping” 😂 my favorite: “I may be Irish but I’m not stupid!”
I have a Black friend who used to be the chef at a hotel Trump visited during his 2016 campaign, and he said Trump shook hands with everyone and then when it was his turn to shake hands, Trump turned and said he did not shake hands with Black people...yet he does when the cameras are on. Maybe we have two racists political leaders?
What is shocking, is that someone thousands of miles away, who has never been here, can be so absolutely sure of their assumptions. How do you know it is not all lies to make you feel better in your crappy little country that NO ONE is making RUclips comments about?
@@aardqueDo some simple research and you will discover that those people who are thousands of miles from you as you described , are much more informed and much smarter than you.
@@themostamazingwoman "Informed" as in "simple research?" Pleonasm much? What I really want to know is how you got so smart, as to know how smart perfect strangers are, simply based on the contents of their RUclips comments. Do tell.
@@aardque other countries reporters don't get paid by your corrupted gov to feed the people propaganda and lies..the truth IS out there, but you wont find it on ANY mainstream News broadcasting in your own country.. Unless they're totally independent of greasy gov monies.
Their willful ignorance is why this stupid country will eventually collapse. It's so bad that I've given up. I am not planning for my retirement in the next 30 years. There won't be anything left to look forward to. I still can't afford a house with prices skyrocketing and record breaking inflation and soaring gas prices. I have no future. I won't put any effort into chasing a dream, it's never going to be possible. I'm done. I'll just live out the next few decades of my life and die. My future is very bleak if there is one...
1977 he said that he didn’t want desegregation because he didn’t want his kids to go to school in a “jungle”. Lots more. He’ll just deny it no matter what evidence is brought up. The “nobody said that” ridiculous defense he always uses.
It would be very hard to do if not impossible. But that's why you just change the definition of what's racist then start holding people accountable today for comments made 20 years ago based on the new meaning of these terms.
The only ones I can think of that could be considered even remotely racist are “kung flu” and the whole, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” but even then, I don’t think these are nearly as bad as anything Joe Biden has said.
Trump has people employed from all over the World. The suugestion he is racist is no longer a thing used by the Democratic party, because they know t is crap.
Not to mention him calling our servicemen "stupid bastards' to their face before falsely accusing President Trump of dissing our fallen; which most everybody from the event in question said he never said, including one guy who HATES President Trump.
Hey listen here you lying dog pony face soldier.... What? Anyways. Come on man you know the big guy upstairs? you know come on man. If you don't vote for me then you ain't black 😁 Famous words from joe biden 🤣
Believe you me if Trump ever had said something racist it would have been out when running for the Presidency..He's had thousands of people working under him, and no one ever came forward accusing him of racism..
The Race Card is dying a slow death. In the next ten years after the deaths due to age of Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson it will have lost its community pillars.
The one that bothers me the most is when Joe Biden said “I don’t care if you think I’m the devil”. This while on national TV. That really told me everything I needed to know about the traitor of all traitors.
Don't get me wrong. I think Biden is just a big old goof ball! I can't stand the guy. But Trump is also guilty of some really stupid quotes. For example, didn't he say while campaigning for president something like, "They all love me. I could kill someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, and they will still love me!" I'm like....WTF?! That's the dumbest thing a politician could say in front of the camera! And don't forget Trump's stupid remark about how he's so rich he can grab any chick's pussy in the world and get away with it because he's so rich and powerful. Bottom line is these politicians think they are immortal and invulnerable. They think they are above the law and can come and go as they please. Total narcissists. Total ego. Total bullshit. It's on both sides. It's a Democrat problem, but it's also a Republican problem. That's why unfortunately I think America is going to eventually just fall. Stupid people and stupid, selfish, greedy leaders. It's really sad.
Yes we already knew Trump was the devil. So Biden is a traitor because the GOP makes up lies and lacks any evidence while Trump tried to burn down the Constitution and they have evidence even from his own mouth. Got it you need someone to hold your hand while you discover what a POS Trump is.
Most people on the left don't care what 'their people' do or say; AnYoNe BuT tRuMp! I've asked several Biden voters what they liked about him and they've all had the same answer; it wasn't Trump. Not a single person pointed to any positive attribute about Biden. In contrast, when asking people why they voted for Trump, everyone pointed to things they liked about his policies and desires for our nation.
Agreed. I voted for him and I validate this insult. I am horrified in retrospect. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for this. Tho tbf I don't believe he won anyway.
@@hannaheye Have a thumbsup for coming clean. Happy to not live in the US these days. Laid back Europe seems much more quiet and enjoyable, also the white noise from divisive elements is almost inexistent here.
Exactly.. and still so stupid for defending him. I mean, the dude gets a pass on every single fk'g thing. It's beyond disgusting.. all because the D next to his name. So pathetic.
@@hannaheyewell, there are many people like myself who can appreciate your honesty and your integrity to stop defending him just because he has a D by his name. Regardless the party, it should be a good leader.. and Biden is NOT.
Reminds me of Kelly Osbourne saying on live TV "if you kick Latinos out of this country, who will clean your toilet?". 🙄 These left-wing self-righteous people are worse than those they are trying to demonise.
"So I learned about cockroaches and kids climbing on my lap and I've loved kids climbing on my lap." - Joe Biden. Cockroaches is Biden's term for black children.
I'm amazed any adult who has survived high school can't recognise the red flags, that is the smarmy, sleazy, narcissistic, manipulative demeanour. Anyone who is fooled by the 'trust me, I'm a nice guy' tac, shouldn't vote.
Joe n his entire family sooo disconnected with public n average citizen..they absolutely mingled wt they own circle n society..that why he easily dividing group of poor peasant,colour and white...they white..not ordinary whites in low n middle class group...white elites n colour rep obama
They watch too much news. The American news is all liberal propaganda. CNN could report that aliens are invading earth, and these idiots would automatically believe it, and start buying up all the toilet paper like they do when they're in a panic.
The one that really got me was from last year and he said that there were no more segregationists in the DNC, because they had all died. Then he mumbled, "I wish we could bring them back." 🧐
Segregationists are alive and plentiful right now, they are the blacks. Wouldn't you call BET, The Black Information Network, Black History Month, The United Negro College Fund, Ebony, and the list goes on. These are all founded by blacks to segregate themselves from everyone else. This is why racism still lives in the black community. And now we have inclusion and diversity programs in the work place and everything else, but it only includes blacks. All this will eventually lead to a race war, and blacks will lose.
It's sad that they're so ignorant to what an evil man JB is. There are about 20 videos or more of him being racist, or sexually harassing women and kids, or just being a mean nasty person in general.
Biden as the "grandfatherly" moderate is a total invention of Demedia. He was always a mean-mouthed, rabid junkyard dog, hyper-partisan leaving a 50 year trail of slime for anyone who actually looks for it. Train wreck Hunter demonstrates what kind of parent Joe is.
I think Joe Biden himself made crystal clear the issue when he said "If you don't know whether to vote for me or Trump you ain't black." Blacks already KNOW that blacks vote Democrat. Period.
@@tonydenaro6600 Nope. Not a Trump supporter anyway. I have no Idea what a "Pom" is in this context. I am actually against any and all politicians. They are all corrupt.
This quote should be very well known. It's been referenced many times. The ignorance of my fellow Americans is dismaying. The fact that these ignorant people vote is more dismaying.
I saw the photos BEFORE the election. About a week before on a Taiwan web site. I said I saw them and 'Nah, those are fake'. Now, it's Nah, they don't mean anything. Same as Biden, "I never talked to Hunter's business associates" gets changed to "I never talked business with Hunter's business associates".
Pretty sure they’ve got access to the internet, just like the rest of us. I’m Australian and even I have known about his racist comments and creepy sniffing for years.
He should show these people videos of the things Biden has said. It's out there on the internet for all to see. Mainstream media will never cover what he says.
That’s the problem. You can only find those things if you know to look for them. If you are too busy listening to msm and the group thinkers, you’ll never know that there are things to uncover. Secret truths, buried. They simply don’t know, what they don’t know.
I think Blacks will always Democrat no matter what is said or done. Biden was close friends with Senator Robert Byrd, who was a a member of the KKK. Biden was also close friends with Strom Thurmond, one of the most racist Senators of the 20th century. Biden sponsored a Bill in 1994 that put thousands of Blacks in jail for doing the exact thing his son, Hunter did. This is very common knowledge. After all that 91% of Black voters voted for Biden.
Americans are like the blind leading the blind. Most of them stand for nothing. As long as they have food on the table and a dollar in there pocket all is well and most cannot even tell you what is going on in this country and they believe whatever you tell them. They don’t notice when prices go up and rarely look at a price tag before they buy something because they charge it anyway. They can file bankruptcy and do. When the boom drops they won’t know what hit them and then they may march on Washington.
@@rightherethereeverywhere Main Stream Media Has Been Turned into Nothing More Than Communist Subversive Talking Heads, That Clearly Manipulate Stories To Benifit The Diabolical Communist Democrat Party! Their Obvious BIAS Is Blinding!
That's how the democrat party Bait's people Into Voting & Sadly it works on a lot of Poor fools. You slap free on anything and people Turn into mindless drones 🤣
When LBJ Created and Initiated the Welfare Act in the 60's, He Stated, "That Will Keep Those MFR's on The Plantation For The Next 100YRS"! Strange How The Government Always Says That SSI IS Going Broke, But There is NEVER The Same Said About The Welfare Program! 🤔
They tried to get me in that trap when I was 17, I was on the street after my dad threw me out for fighting back from a beating. I just needed food stamps to help while I worked part time & was finishing school. They said I couldn't get help unless I went & got pregnant, then proceeded to tell me how to do it 🤦 My reply was if I can't take care of my self to the point I'm here talking to you why would you think I could care for a baby properly 🤬 I nearly died on the street but I wasn't trapped by government cheese!
@djb5320 If You actually Tried Some Real Research, You Would Find That President Trump Has Never Uttered a Racist Comment in His Public Life! I challenge you to find otherwise!
It says as much about the voters as it does about the media as examples of Biden being racist are not hard to find if you make the slightest effort. Meanwhile examples of "Trump's racism" don't exist.
Please make it happen.. don't wait for someone else to see your suggestion and fight the war for you, find a way to crowdfund it and make it real! Your one action could just be the tipping point that saves America in the end, but you'll never know unless you do it. I'm in the UK but we're in the same boat.. the free world NEEDS Donald Trump's 2nd term.
Another thing that isn't really talked about that much is the 1994 crime bill when Biden was Senator. Father's taken away from their children and serving several years to a decade or longer for a simple drug possession, while his son Hunter is free to have whatever quantity and types of drugs he pleases while giving America the middle finger knowing he'll never step foot inside a jail or prison. And a significant portion of those incarcerated because of the 1994 crime bill were African American, and often lived in poverty-stricken areas. The war on drugs was lost before the ink dried and Americans who paid attention will always see the dark stain left behind.
What is most astonishing is that most Americans have never heard these quotes, most are easily available on the Internet, im from the uk and have heard these words coming from JB's mouth many , many times
While my hat is off to Sky News Australia for reporting this, it's a stain on the mainstream media in the United States that they never reported on it.
“It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re the victims of society, I don’t want to ask, ‘What made them do this?’ They must be taken off the street. Lock the SOBS up”-Joe Biden, 1993
But, but, but, JB can do no wrong, he would never say stuff like that, he's an honest, trustworthy, respectable, non-judgemental, non-racist, how dare you..... at least that is what so much of the biased media would have you believe.
It because he knows he can, because he always has. ....Except for that time in '87 when he got busted for lying about his education and got thrown out of the '88 election
My favorite is “My children will not go to school in a racial jungle”. Said that on the Senate floor and voted for segregation. Most raciest president we have had in a very long time. He has taken us at back at least 100 years. 100 years
Says it all: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." Unbelievable.
Still can’t believe that it’s 2023 and people are still this ignorant. Everybody has a computer in their pocket now. No excuse for being misinformed or mislead on anything.
That's what I keep saying😂 I just learned using a cell phone three years ago & I know more than a liberal at this point🤣🤣They have the same technology at their finger tips & they use it for TikTok & games🤦🤦
Agreed. Craig Robertson, from Provo, UT, was killed today by the FBI during a raid after he made threats against Biden and yet the Orange Turd makes the same threats against the Judges and their families and nothing happens!
They watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc.. It's a really long list, of media outlets, It would take far too much time and effort to list them all.. This people were never taught to read between the lines. They also don't really know the difference between "News" and "Opinion".
@@Antposseit’s public information, it’s not like they were stored in a vault somewhere. We judge a person by their actions, not by some obscure comment. And Biden has done more to support good cause than Trump, who only cares about big businesses and campaign contributors. Trump has a lot more racist actions and welsher lawsuits to his name than anyone.
"I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle" yes he actually said that.
If you dont vote Democrat You aint Black!
He wasn't wrong.
Thomas Sowell, who has been censored for his entire career has moments with biden that you can still find here. biden would refer to him as fella and actually used the n word.
Yea, Joe called that one. We have to give him positive credit for that one.
Because the race card is all leftists have. Much like climate change. It's not based on facts or common sense. So they can pick the winners and losers.
"If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black"
- Joe Biden
Finally a commenter gets the quotation right. Many got the spirit, but you quoted it. Kudos.
There's a new meme of biden saying 'lf your crackhead son gets his felony drug charges dropped by the DOJ, then you ain't black'
Because of the algorithm no liberals will see this post anyway
@lancesouth Not only that, the liberals have a huge superiority complex to not do their due diligence to reflect that MAYBE they are the root of every problem we are facing. EVERY PROBLEM.
So he called black folks stupid as well, that's fucked up. If your not one of the dumbass blacks voting for me then you ain't really black cause your not stupid.
I’m staggered that I have heard these comments by Joe Biden for years and yet Americans have not.
Cnn watchers are another level of idiocracy
Oh, a Iot of us know... The others just refuse to hear us. This man has a long history of saying this garbage.
They heard him say these things--it just that they are more interested in maintaining the Leftist Tribal Orthodoxy, than actually holding on to the truth. They know he said these things, but they selectively forget them because "OrAnGe MaN bAd..."
@@osmadchloVery, long history.
He's been saying this racist crap for 50 yrs. Called the leader of the kkk his role model when he spoke at dudes funeral. Somehow everyone's ok with that, bc someone told them to hate Trump
He's been saying racial comments for years, the media does a great job protecting him
You must get rid of Biden he could start a war.
The redpill moments in realtime are fun to watch click. There's the expression like Samuel L Jackson "Motherf***er!"
No, you are just an IDIOT to believe anything to see on SKY NEWS. THE FOX NEWS of Australia is completely full of $hit.
For decades
It's a bit sad that some people have never heard any of these comments. Us conservatives have known about these comments since 2019 and we've been screaming from the mountain tops but the MSM drowned us out
People are so brainwashed by the left-wing MSM, very sad world.
Do you mean Left Wing Media? There is nothing "mainstream" about them.
Hillary Clinton had a racist mentor.
Sadly most of these were made during live broadcasts and yet people still either don't know or remember him saying them.
Not only MSM add to that Social Media would ban anyone who dared utter a negative comment about Hillary, Obama and Joe. I've been in FB jail so many times, I've lost count. I refuse to give up my freedom of speech to those tyrants.
My personal favorite: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Oct. 24, 2020.
He said that on TV , HE ADMITTED IT , 2020 ELECTION.
He had that right.
And barrack Obama said in 2017 he would like to have someone he could command from his basement using an earpiece.
Biden has also said “They gonna put y’all back in chains”, “America can be defined in a single word: Asnifutifut, asnifut, at the foot of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping” 😂 my favorite: “I may be Irish but I’m not stupid!”
@@GenericRUclipsGuy So that's why Biden can't talk.
I am Black, I live in NYC, and I knew about everyone of his racist quotes! And I didn't vote for him! I voted for Trump!
I have a Black friend who used to be the chef at a hotel Trump visited during his 2016 campaign, and he said Trump shook hands with everyone and then when it was his turn to shake hands, Trump turned and said he did not shake hands with Black people...yet he does when the cameras are on. Maybe we have two racists political leaders?
If people have been paying attention, they know. He has a slew of them, in his history.
@@Ineden774 So does Trump and so does DeSantis.l.they all do.
You're Human...😶🧂
@Jeanettesboxingchannel Let's hear some Trump and DeSantis racist quotes. We'll all wait here for you to try and make some up.
What is more shocking is that these people have no idea who they are voting for and what they stand for.
That is how the demoncrats like it. That is what they have always counted on.
What is shocking, is that someone thousands of miles away, who has never been here, can be so absolutely sure of their assumptions. How do you know it is not all lies to make you feel better in your crappy little country that NO ONE is making RUclips comments about?
@@aardqueDo some simple research and you will discover that those people who are thousands of miles from you as you described , are much more informed and much smarter than you.
@@themostamazingwoman "Informed" as in "simple research?" Pleonasm much?
What I really want to know is how you got so smart, as to know how smart perfect strangers are, simply based on the contents of their RUclips comments. Do tell.
@@aardque other countries reporters don't get paid by your corrupted gov to feed the people propaganda and lies..the truth IS out there, but you wont find it on ANY mainstream News broadcasting in your own country..
Unless they're totally independent of greasy gov monies.
I'm so continually disgusted by people's willful ignorance.
Their willful ignorance is why this stupid country will eventually collapse. It's so bad that I've given up. I am not planning for my retirement in the next 30 years. There won't be anything left to look forward to. I still can't afford a house with prices skyrocketing and record breaking inflation and soaring gas prices. I have no future. I won't put any effort into chasing a dream, it's never going to be possible. I'm done. I'll just live out the next few decades of my life and die. My future is very bleak if there is one...
That's the republikkklan base for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Easily the most ignorant people in America.
Same makes me angry
You voted for a corrupt moron facing 91 felonies, professor.
I mean, "ignorance" implies ignoring, so it's always willful.
1977 he said that he didn’t want desegregation because he didn’t want his kids to go to school in a “jungle”. Lots more. He’ll just deny it no matter what evidence is brought up. The “nobody said that” ridiculous defense he always uses.
Well, Give Joe some credit on that one. He was right.
@@oldsalt8011 True enough
The problem for him is, there is video evidence of most, if not all of these things. lol
People are probably "even more astonished" that it wasn't Trump who said it, although no-one can probably find any racist quote by Trump.
It would be very hard to do if not impossible. But that's why you just change the definition of what's racist then start holding people accountable today for comments made 20 years ago based on the new meaning of these terms.
The only ones I can think of that could be considered even remotely racist are “kung flu” and the whole, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” but even then, I don’t think these are nearly as bad as anything Joe Biden has said.
Trump has people employed from all over the World. The suugestion he is racist is no longer a thing used by the Democratic party, because they know t is crap.
Even if these people knew Biden said these things, they would still vote for him. Many people don't want to leave the democrat plantation.
There isnt any and Lord knows theyve tried to find something!
Not to mention him calling our servicemen "stupid bastards' to their face before falsely accusing President Trump of dissing our fallen; which most everybody from the event in question said he never said, including one guy who HATES President Trump.
I’ve lived in Delaware since the 80’s and Joe was always racist and always will be, I’ve never understood why the media protects him and his family.
Because it's corrupt.
@@janc8199 I remember back in the 80’s when it was in all the papers here when he made fun of the clerk in the 7/11, he’s a real piece of work.
They only made Biden Obama's VP appease the true racists.
They're all p 3 do s. 🤢
I’m from PA and we LOATHE him
He’s been saying this crap since the 60-70’s yet everyone wants to turn a blind eye bc orange man bad 🤦♂️
I'm very curious how many minorities BIDEN directly employs.
bidens been nuts foorever but its allll trumps fault 0--sure when pigs fly.people are sooo dumb '''orange man bad''' ... stupid public
Hey listen here you lying dog pony face soldier.... What? Anyways. Come on man you know the big guy upstairs? you know come on man. If you don't vote for me then you ain't black 😁 Famous words from joe biden 🤣
Biden also said back then and during Obama's presidency that he wanted to remove social security for retirement too.
Just goes to show you how many people really don't know what's going on in their own country..
I am over 60 and I never ever heard anyone ever accuse Trump of racism until after he announced that he was running for the presidency.
Believe you me if Trump ever had said something racist it would have been out when running for the Presidency..He's had thousands of people working under him, and no one ever came forward accusing him of racism..
Sleazy griffter Al Sharpton used to go to Trump all the time for donations he's so slimmmmy. People need to wake the f up
The Race Card is dying a slow death. In the next ten years after the deaths due to age of Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson it will have lost its community pillars.
The blacks think everything is racist when they are the most racist group of individuals
Blah pfft
The one that bothers me the most is when Joe Biden said “I don’t care if you think I’m the devil”. This while on national TV. That really told me everything I needed to know about the traitor of all traitors.
Don't get me wrong. I think Biden is just a big old goof ball! I can't stand the guy. But Trump is also guilty of some really stupid quotes. For example, didn't he say while campaigning for president something like, "They all love me. I could kill someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, and they will still love me!" I'm like....WTF?! That's the dumbest thing a politician could say in front of the camera! And don't forget Trump's stupid remark about how he's so rich he can grab any chick's pussy in the world and get away with it because he's so rich and powerful. Bottom line is these politicians think they are immortal and invulnerable. They think they are above the law and can come and go as they please. Total narcissists. Total ego. Total bullshit. It's on both sides. It's a Democrat problem, but it's also a Republican problem. That's why unfortunately I think America is going to eventually just fall. Stupid people and stupid, selfish, greedy leaders. It's really sad.
Yes we already knew Trump was the devil. So Biden is a traitor because the GOP makes up lies and lacks any evidence while Trump tried to burn down the Constitution and they have evidence even from his own mouth. Got it you need someone to hold your hand while you discover what a POS Trump is.
he is the devil,and a traitor to his own race
He is a minion of the devil!!
I agree he's probably one of the most evil presidents ever
Most people on the left don't care what 'their people' do or say; AnYoNe BuT tRuMp! I've asked several Biden voters what they liked about him and they've all had the same answer; it wasn't Trump. Not a single person pointed to any positive attribute about Biden. In contrast, when asking people why they voted for Trump, everyone pointed to things they liked about his policies and desires for our nation.
We were all better off under President Trump.
Or “I don’t like him or Trump, they’re both old, but I think Biden is better”
They called Trump a racist for years and then voted for an actual racist.
Funny stuff.
Super summary in 14 words. They should be repeated ad infinitum.
Right and Trump is the only president who’s ancestors never owned slaves!
"They've called Trump a racist for years......" No. No they haven't. All these bullshit racist accusations came only in the last few years....
The public has been lied to for so long that they can't discern their own reality, they have to wait for someone else to tell them what is real.
sad but true for most , those of us that don't watch the fake news know the truth ..
As long as we keep telling the reality, the fakery will disappear.
They should be startled by a lot more than that. Unreal. WAKE UP AMERICA.
Biden's quote about Obama is the least offensive racist comment he's ever made. Biden is not only a racist but also a misogynist.
and a serial 'sniffer'! who knew that could be a thing lol...
Joe is a racist and a misogynist. But, I still don't like him. 😜
@@barne3668Biden sniffing kids‼️
And a pedo.
And a pedophile
Love it! How this President gets away with this is nonsensical. This isn't a news flash. It proves how stupid Americans were in voting for him.
Agreed. I voted for him and I validate this insult. I am horrified in retrospect. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make up for this. Tho tbf I don't believe he won anyway.
@@hannaheye Have a thumbsup for coming clean. Happy to not live in the US these days. Laid back Europe seems much more quiet and enjoyable, also the white noise from divisive elements is almost inexistent here.
Exactly.. and still so stupid for defending him. I mean, the dude gets a pass on every single fk'g thing. It's beyond disgusting.. all because the D next to his name. So pathetic.
@@hannaheyewell, there are many people like myself who can appreciate your honesty and your integrity to stop defending him just because he has a D by his name. Regardless the party, it should be a good leader.. and Biden is NOT.
Correction: How stupid, ignorant, and ill-informed DemoKKKRATS ARE in supporting him...
These aren't blunders by Biden, they are glimpses into his heart.
Biden’s mentor was a former triple K member. Former Senator Robert Byrd.
That's B.S.! These were blunders... Biden has supported African Americans his whole life. Everyone puts their foot in their mouths once in a while.
Exactly...Joe has NO IDEA how insulting his thought pattern is.
Reminds me of Kelly Osbourne saying on live TV "if you kick Latinos out of this country, who will clean your toilet?". 🙄 These left-wing self-righteous people are worse than those they are trying to demonise.
"So I learned about cockroaches and kids climbing on my lap and I've loved kids climbing on my lap." - Joe Biden. Cockroaches is Biden's term for black children.
Very sad😢😢how could he? Sending 🙏❤ to everyone. Maria
I tried to tell people this, even shared the videos. Over and Over... People dont do thier research, typical... Sheep !!
I'm amazed any adult who has survived high school can't recognise the red flags, that is the smarmy, sleazy, narcissistic, manipulative demeanour. Anyone who is fooled by the 'trust me, I'm a nice guy' tac, shouldn't vote.
your right about that , but they are so convinced Trump is racist.. smh
Amen to that
@@gumshoe7237 The left wing press has done it's job. TO brainwash America.
It's not people don't do thier research, it's people who refuse to open their eyes to the truth, every libtard acts exactly the same
The one that stuck out for me was a white house clip where Biden said that Spanish people think as individuals but that all blacks think alike.😅
Oh my word! I hadn’t heard that before. Ughhhh!
@@tampatish honestly if ever I heard a smug bigot remark from a politician that was it👀
you know who is not startled by Joe's quotes? Smart people, because we've heard them before and didn't vote for him.
Spot on Rob 100%
You voted for a corrupt moron facing 91 felonies, professor.
And he wonders why EVERYONE says FJB!!!! Take a POLL
"Poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids." - Joe Biden (2020)
One of my personal favorites.
One of my favorites, too. Lol, it doesn't really make any sense.
Chapelle’s Show worthy
mine too
I like to click on comments like these and see if liberals replied.
Joe n his entire family sooo disconnected with public n average citizen..they absolutely mingled wt they own circle n society..that why he easily dividing group of poor peasant,colour and white...they white..not ordinary whites in low n middle class group...white elites n colour rep obama
Most of these young people do not watch the news. They will never know what is actually happening.
I you don't watch the news you'll be uninformed. If you do watch the news you'll be misinformed.
I was dating a lady, I'm almost 60, and she is almost 50....she votes democrat. I asked her why? "Because my dad does". ...We have since parted ways.
They watch too much news. The American news is all liberal propaganda. CNN could report that aliens are invading earth, and these idiots would automatically believe it, and start buying up all the toilet paper like they do when they're in a panic.
The one that really got
me was from last year
and he said that there were
no more segregationists
in the DNC,
because they had all died.
Then he mumbled, "I wish
we could bring them back."
whaaaattt?!? i wish i culd find the clip
Segregationists are alive and plentiful right now, they are the blacks. Wouldn't you call BET, The Black Information Network, Black History Month, The United Negro College Fund, Ebony, and the list goes on. These are all founded by blacks to segregate themselves from everyone else. This is why racism still lives in the black community. And now we have inclusion and diversity programs in the work place and everything else, but it only includes blacks. All this will eventually lead to a race war, and blacks will lose.
@@DAVIDMAINORD Yes he said that, I remember it too 😂
😮 I missed that one but it doesn’t surprise me.
It's sad that they're so ignorant to what an evil man JB is. There are about 20 videos or more of him being racist, or sexually harassing women and kids, or just being a mean nasty person in general.
Throw in a few trips to a certain "friend's" island.
Biden as the "grandfatherly" moderate is a total invention of Demedia. He was always a mean-mouthed, rabid junkyard dog, hyper-partisan leaving a 50 year trail of slime for anyone who actually looks for it. Train wreck Hunter demonstrates what kind of parent Joe is.
I think Joe Biden himself made crystal clear the issue when he said "If you don't know whether to vote for me or Trump you ain't black." Blacks already KNOW that blacks vote Democrat. Period.
The thing is that much of Washington DC is colluded with him. Why?
😂 I worry that many people haven't heard those quotes. It is scary that so many people in the United States of America are so uninforme.
Sad that the Australian media has a clearer view of American politics than the American media. Thank you for speaking out!!
Says another MAGA refugee from reality!
@@tonydenaro6600 Pretty sure you're the "refugee" here.
Australia is a racist country. Ask the Aboriginal people their.
@@brutishfossil5022 A Pom and a Trump supporter I assume? 'Thoughts and Prayers! !!!
@@tonydenaro6600 Nope. Not a Trump supporter anyway.
I have no Idea what a "Pom" is in this context.
I am actually against any and all politicians. They are all corrupt.
The MSM always covers for Biden
How are there still Americans who aren't familiar with those quotes??? HOW????
That's shameful.
It's crazy how multitudes of Americans don't know much about their President than I, an Asian, do!
America has gone nuts!
That is simply because they have allowed their media to make them stupid.
It’s crazy how bad you are at driving tho
NASCAR needs to find some Asian drivers/
Good drivers with bad intelligence
This quote should be very well known. It's been referenced many times. The ignorance of my fellow Americans is dismaying. The fact that these ignorant people vote is more dismaying.
That's the danger when the left controls 95 % of msm and social media coupled with Obama signing the Smith Mundt Modernation Act of 2012 into law.
I believe we are living in one of the dumbest time period on earth. The zombification of people is just astounding
"You probably shouldn't assume i'm not corrupt."-Joe Biden, 1974
" Don't under estimate Joe Biden to screw things up " - Barrack Obama. This is has got to be the greatest premonition in American history.
"I'd like to snip his nuts off" Jesse Jackson, speaking of one of the Obamas.
The scary part is he isn’t finished
A trumper quoting Obama??? ok
How this guy is the President instead of an inmate is a mystery, (in my opinion.)
I couldn’t believe everyone was okay with Jao Xiden saying “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”-🤡
If you dont vote for me then youre aint black. Oh brother🙄 cant people open their eyes?😳
This has been common knowledge for years, these people refuse to pay attention.
And when you tell them about the contents of Hunter's laptop, they refuse to believe it.
I saw the photos BEFORE the election. About a week before on a Taiwan web site. I said I saw them and 'Nah, those are fake'. Now, it's Nah, they don't mean anything. Same as Biden, "I never talked to Hunter's business associates" gets changed to "I never talked business with Hunter's business associates".
the stupid it burns
There’s no proof connecting Joe. Ughhhh!
The Press Protects this Man from all and everything!
We need more of these. Lefties need to see this.
Because the news isn't getting out there (or allowed to get out there) !!! California is a bubble !!
Pop the bubble!
The People's Republic of Commiefornia
Pretty sure they’ve got access to the internet, just like the rest of us. I’m Australian and even I have known about his racist comments and creepy sniffing for years.
@@lonnie224 and our internet aint that great--still we know
He should show these people videos of the things Biden has said. It's out there on the internet for all to see. Mainstream media will never cover what he says.
That’s the problem. You can only find those things if you know to look for them. If you are too busy listening to msm and the group thinkers, you’ll never know that there are things to uncover. Secret truths, buried. They simply don’t know, what they don’t know.
I think Blacks will always Democrat no matter what is said or done. Biden was close friends with Senator Robert Byrd, who was a a member of the KKK. Biden was also close friends with Strom Thurmond, one of the most racist Senators of the 20th century. Biden sponsored a Bill in 1994 that put thousands of Blacks in jail for doing the exact thing his son, Hunter did. This is very common knowledge. After all that 91% of Black voters voted for Biden.
Americans are like the blind leading the blind. Most of them stand for nothing. As long as they have food on the table and a dollar in there pocket all is well and most cannot even tell you what is going on in this country and they believe whatever you tell them. They don’t notice when prices go up and rarely look at a price tag before they buy something because they charge it anyway. They can file bankruptcy and do. When the boom drops they won’t know what hit them and then they may march on Washington.
They don't even cover the border invasion.
Main Stream Media Has Been Turned into Nothing More Than Communist Subversive Talking Heads, That Clearly Manipulate Stories To Benifit The Diabolical Communist Democrat Party!
Their Obvious BIAS Is Blinding!
Ignorance is bliss.
Concerning busing, "I don't want my kids going to school in a racial jungle," Joe Biden. "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." Joe Biden.
These people are the very definition of “low info voter”.
Knowledge is power.
_These people are the very definition of “low info voter”._
What makes you think they vote?
@@bouji_ Good point.
Power is freedom. They always leave that part out.
You voted for a corrupt moron facing 91 felonies, professor.
Bro how cool getting out there amd waking people up!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! GOD BLESS
What a lot of people don't realise is that Joe was the last of the segregationest as well.
They still going to vote Blue for the promise of free money😂😂😂
That's how the democrat party Bait's people Into Voting & Sadly it works on a lot of Poor fools. You slap free on anything and people Turn into mindless drones 🤣
When LBJ Created and Initiated the Welfare Act in the 60's, He Stated, "That Will Keep Those MFR's on The Plantation For The Next 100YRS"!
Strange How The Government Always Says That SSI IS Going Broke, But There is NEVER The Same Said About The Welfare Program! 🤔
They tried to get me in that trap when I was 17, I was on the street after my dad threw me out for fighting back from a beating. I just needed food stamps to help while I worked part time & was finishing school. They said I couldn't get help unless I went & got pregnant, then proceeded to tell me how to do it 🤦 My reply was if I can't take care of my self to the point I'm here talking to you why would you think I could care for a baby properly 🤬 I nearly died on the street but I wasn't trapped by government cheese!
Thank you! People have no idea..smh.
The fact that they don't know this is ridiculous. Trying paying attention
One my all time favorite Gibberish Joe quotes is; "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids"
If they're shocked by that, they should have a listen to what he said when just starting out his political career.
Sleazy, had long been labeled a racist.
itd been proven again of such. His
quotes, demeanor shows he is a Racist.
What does Trumps quotes and demeanor say about him
@@djb5320 That he's a thousand times better than Joe Briben.
@@panthersblow Tell us Yank. Are MAGAs born morons or are they just wilfully ignorant certins!
If You actually Tried Some Real Research, You Would Find That President Trump Has Never Uttered a Racist Comment in His Public Life!
I challenge you to find otherwise!
It says as much about the voters as it does about the media as examples of Biden being racist are not hard to find if you make the slightest effort. Meanwhile examples of "Trump's racism" don't exist.
By now, everyone should know that the left always accuses everyone else of being exactly what they themselves are. Classic projection.
It’s sad that as an American, I go to Australia for real American news. America has fallen so far.
MSM and social media conditioning right there. Even after hearing this they will still go vote for Biden, because Trump is bad orange man, and stuff
I'm still voting for 'orange man bad' over 'white man corrupt, racist, and stupid.'
the shock and amazement on these people's faces tell it all.
"I don't want my kids growing up in a racial Jungle."-Joe Biden, 1977
When people say trump is racist, i always asked "what did he say that was racist" and they can never tell me... bunch of sheep
Exactly. I ask the same question and they can’t say anything
Billboards in every major city with Biden's picture and his quotes like that would be money well-spent.
I agree, but the Republicans are not that smart.
Yes, the billboards are an excellent idea.
Please make it happen.. don't wait for someone else to see your suggestion and fight the war for you, find a way to crowdfund it and make it real! Your one action could just be the tipping point that saves America in the end, but you'll never know unless you do it. I'm in the UK but we're in the same boat.. the free world NEEDS Donald Trump's 2nd term.
I think many cities like New York or San Francisco will take them down because they are "too offensive".
The billboard companies won't do it because they're left wing, or they will be shut down for it.
Another thing that isn't really talked about that much is the 1994 crime bill when Biden was Senator. Father's taken away from their children and serving several years to a decade or longer for a simple drug possession, while his son Hunter is free to have whatever quantity and types of drugs he pleases while giving America the middle finger knowing he'll never step foot inside a jail or prison. And a significant portion of those incarcerated because of the 1994 crime bill were African American, and often lived in poverty-stricken areas. The war on drugs was lost before the ink dried and Americans who paid attention will always see the dark stain left behind.
What is most astonishing is that most Americans have never heard these quotes, most are easily available on the Internet, im from the uk and have heard these words coming from JB's mouth many , many times
Who is surprised? Kamala said he was a racist on the debate stage years ago 😂
and that would be about the only time she ever told the truth besides when being asked if she gets high . .
and obama did not support him until Kamala was named his running mate. now we know why.
All part of. Venn diagram no doubt 🫣
That’s the only thing she ever said that made any sense.
"You can't go into a 7-11 without having an indian accent"
- Biden
"If you have a problem voting for me then you ain't black"
Sick old man, so sorry they, whoever they are, didnt let you go home to your basement and be taken care of
While my hat is off to Sky News Australia for reporting this, it's a stain on the mainstream media in the United States that they never reported on it.
“It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re the victims of society, I don’t want to ask, ‘What made them do this?’ They must be taken off the street. Lock the SOBS up”-Joe Biden, 1993
Its interesting how some people have no discernment and are ignorant to truth and in character.
But, but, but, JB can do no wrong, he would never say stuff like that, he's an honest, trustworthy, respectable, non-judgemental, non-racist, how dare you..... at least that is what so much of the biased media would have you believe.
Remember If you don't support joe then you ain't black😂
He's a concert narcissist, and people LOVE those. So charming...
hes a bloody criminal full stop
If you have a D after your name, you're above the law, and there's "Nothing to see here..."
And he gets away with everything. Insane!
It because he knows he can, because he always has. ....Except for that time in '87 when he got busted for lying about his education and got thrown out of the '88 election
Should've hit them with this one: "I don't want my children growing up in a racial jungle." -Sen. Joe Biden
My favorite is “My children will not go to school in a racial jungle”. Said that on the Senate floor and voted for segregation. Most raciest president we have had in a very long time. He has taken us at back at least 100 years. 100 years
This stuff needs putting out there because the MSM won’t say it
He also said "i dont want my kids living in a racial jungle". These quotes should be played in a loop on a tv ad.
It's scary how effective the MSM is then, isn't it.
This right here! Exactly. Propaganda 24/7 and you can't find a single lefty that doesn't use the buzzwords they push.
Indeed. Especially the 7+ years of brainwashing the public that Trump is a racist. Apparently brainwashing works very well on the ignorant.
They don't call te-lie-vision programming for nothing.
correct you are
I live in Ireland and I knew that. Where have these people been?
Plenty who heard the quotes simply can't accept and won't acknowledge.
Says it all: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." Unbelievable.
Maybe they are surprised but they will still vote for him again if he is the nominee.
Still can’t believe that it’s 2023 and people are still this ignorant. Everybody has a computer in their pocket now. No excuse for being misinformed or mislead on anything.
too many idiot's glued to that fake news , and parrot it all day everyday .
That's what I keep saying😂 I just learned using a cell phone three years ago & I know more than a liberal at this point🤣🤣They have the same technology at their finger tips & they use it for TikTok & games🤦🤦
propaganda rules--they firmley believe in their own lies
Tell it like it is! I am older….this has been going on for DECADES!
There is a clear double standard here.
Agreed. Craig Robertson, from Provo, UT, was killed today
by the FBI during a raid after he made threats
against Biden and yet the Orange Turd makes the same threats against the Judges and their families and nothing happens!
Just shows how many people are uniformed. Just imagine how many are missinfomed.
81,000,000. 😂😂😂
People are sheep
They think like they are told by others
People have lost the ability to listen to THEMSELVES
I loved when he yelled at a factory worker in Michigan that he works for Joe Biden not Joe Biden works for him.
Let's not forget that Joey delivered a eulogy for Democrat Senator Robert Byrd who was an "Exalted Cyclops" in a West Virginia KKK Chapter.
I remember that. I was a fan of Rob Byrd, good fella. Miss him.
Hillary's mentor...
…they just swept that under the rug EVERY TIME it was brought up.
This guy wanted Segregation in the late 70's and early 80's Not much changes
Wake up America! For heavens sake!
When he said the first quote,i really thought, "Wow,this dude just ended his career!"
When that creep was "elected,"
I knew the fix was in.
It just goes to show that censorship and deplatforming of truthtellers is at least partly effective.
Because most people here in the States walk around with their heads up their behinds !
Reporter: "How is it nobody's heard of these insane, insane Joe Biden quotes?"
Us: "Could be the voters you interviewed are ignorant & uninformed?"
Could be the MSM never showed any of FJB's derogatory comment's about any minority
Like the majority in this country!?!?!!!
They watch CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc.. It's a really long list, of media outlets, It would take far too much time and effort to list them all.. This people were never taught to read between the lines. They also don't really know the difference between "News" and "Opinion".
@@MissPrissy6688 yes, the majority of Democrats in this country are ignorant & uninformed.
@@Antposseit’s public information, it’s not like they were stored in a vault somewhere. We judge a person by their actions, not by some obscure comment. And Biden has done more to support good cause than Trump, who only cares about big businesses and campaign contributors. Trump has a lot more racist actions and welsher lawsuits to his name than anyone.