postcrossing with me | decorating postcards 📬

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
  • Di video aku kali ini, aku mau nunjukkin gimana caranya aku dekor kartu pos. Sebenernya aku agak kesusahan mau nulis apa di kartu pos, karena tempat nulisnya terbatas jadi gabisa cerita banyak hal. Jadi biasanya aku cuma perkenalan diri, bahas sedikit tentang kartu pos yang aku kirim, dan ngomongin soal cuacanya lagi gimana pas aku nulis di kartu pos itu wkwk random banget emang 😂
    In this video i want to show you how i decorate my postcards. It's pretty hard for me to write things on postcards, because there aren't many space so i couldn't tell about a lot of stuff. So I usually introduce myself, write a bit about the postcard that i send, and talk about how's the weather when i'm writing the postcard lol very random conversations 😂
    🍡 instagram 🍡
    ukiyyow :
    [ / ukiyyow ]
    🍑 shopee 🍑
    [ ]
    📷 filming & editing 📷
    camera : xiaomi pocophone f1
    editing : vn, vllo
    thumbnail : snapseed, phonto, sketchbook autodesk
    📨 contact 📨
    (only for business)

Комментарии • 44

  • @Foksmarket
    @Foksmarket 3 года назад +11

    ОБОЖЕМОЙ! Волшебный почерк! Все бы так писали на открытках, а то частенько всё выглядит так, будто открытку подписывал врач спешащий на поезд :)

  • @nancyvanderlinden2766
    @nancyvanderlinden2766 3 года назад +11

    You make the back of the cards so beautiful with the decorations. So much effort!!. I love the way you do this.

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад +1

      Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it! 🤗🌸

  • @paritoshdabral2946
    @paritoshdabral2946 9 месяцев назад +1

    Your decoration of the cards is beautiful!
    As a new postcrosser, i learnt a lot from your video 😊.

  • @springbokspringbok3249
    @springbokspringbok3249 2 года назад +3

    You have some beautiful handwriting, I hope to receive a card like that someday! I need to learn from you!

  • @michievous30
    @michievous30 2 года назад +3

    Lovely to see! I hope one day I will be lucky to get a beautifully decorated card too:3c I like to draw on mine and write all the text in color but now I also want to decorate with paper bits like you doo

  • @lunamestrela
    @lunamestrela 3 года назад +4

    Your decorations are so lovely! 💖 Everything is very neat and pretty. Good job!! And I really enjoyed watching it, so relaxing 💕

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад

      I'm so happy you enjoyed my video 🥺💕

  • @cutegirlTina14
    @cutegirlTina14 3 года назад +5

    Oh wow this is beautiful, you are so artistic and you put so much effort in your postcards! I hope people appreciate it, I know I would ☺️☺️

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад +1

      Thank you! 🤗 i hope everyone who receive my postcards will be happy to see some decorations 😆

  • @jill4225
    @jill4225 3 года назад +2

    All of these are so cute! Many nice greetings from a german postcrosser!! ☺️

  • @manishkapgate881
    @manishkapgate881 2 года назад +2

    Wonderful decoration. Thanks for video, I will try something like this ☺️

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  2 года назад

      have fun! :)

  • @loveforpaper6203
    @loveforpaper6203 Год назад +1

    Love these

  • @evestudies430
    @evestudies430 3 года назад +1

    This is so beautiful!!!

  • @flowerfairymood
    @flowerfairymood 2 года назад

    This is so wonderful!!

  • @loveforpaper6203
    @loveforpaper6203 Год назад +1

    New subscriber friend! Thanks for sharing

  • @Itagorter
    @Itagorter 3 года назад

    Loveeeee it wow,😍😍💖✨🌸

  • @БарсикУкушевич
    @БарсикУкушевич 3 года назад

    VERY COOL!!! I really like your video

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад

      Thank you so much! 🤗

  • @michellereyes8973
    @michellereyes8973 Год назад

    What do you use to hold the items on the back? Double side tape? Glue? You make beautiful postcards!! You are very creative! =)

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  Год назад

      Thank you! ♡
      I used glue to stick the deco on the postcards 🤗

  • @dianebaugher3919
    @dianebaugher3919 3 года назад

    very nice...I bought a French dictionary at a used book store and tear that up I also add bits of lace

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад

      I'm sure it turns out pretty 🤗🌸

  • @fatimahwardhana8385
    @fatimahwardhana8385 3 года назад +1

    Halo kak kiyo, aku baru join postcrossing nih. Jadi lagi belajar decorating postcards. Thanks for the video yah. Btw how about the address? Do you print them or you just write them on the decorative paper?

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад

      Sama2 semoga membantu yaa 🤗 Kalo aku biasanya ditulis di kertas hiasannya langsung, pake pulpen item biar bold dan jelas alamatnya. Cuma kalau alamatnya dalam bahasa China atau bahasa asing lain dan takut salah dalam penulisan alamat, aku saranin print ajaa biar lebih yakin bisa sampe alamat tujuan! 😆

  • @KimTaehyung-gs7lc
    @KimTaehyung-gs7lc 3 года назад +1

    Hallo kak, aku mau coba postcrossing sama temen aku
    Tapi aku ga tau sama sekali cara ngirim dan membeli postcard sama perangko ny kak
    Mohon bantuan nya kak 🙏

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад +1

      Halo jugaa 🌸
      Kalau aku biasanya beli postcardnya di shopee nama tokonya postaleid, harganya 3500 per kartu pos.
      Nah kalau untuk perangkonya aku beli langsung di kantor pos, kalau ngirim kartu pos dalam negri itu perangkonya 6000 cukup, kalau keluar negri kisaran 7000-8000 tergantung negara mana.
      Kalau mau lebih yakin bisa kamu tanya langsung ke petugas yang ngelayanin kamu di kantor pos pas mau beli perangko :)
      Siapa tau tarifnya udah berubah 🌸
      Semoga membantu ya! 🤗

  • @MissMichelsen
    @MissMichelsen 3 года назад +3

    Love it! Such pretty Cards! I hope you pick up my address some day. Fingers crossed.

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад

      Thank you! Hopefully one day 🙈

  • @01aureliafebby16
    @01aureliafebby16 3 года назад

    Halo kak, aku baru join postcrossing. Dan bingung soal perangko dan cara kirimnya kak, bisa tolong dibantu?🙏

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад +1

      Halo jugaa ^^
      Kalau aku biasa liat tabel harga (di google) itu kisaran 6000-8000 yang perlu ditempel di kartu posnya, tergantung kamu mau kirim ke negara mana. Kalau kirimnya tinggal kasih ke petugas di Kantor Pos Indonesia yang terdekat dari tempat kamu tinggal 💕
      Kalau kamu mau tabel perangko yang aku pake, boleh dm di instagram yaa! Nanti aku kirim foto tabel perangko yang aku pake. Semoga membantu penjelasannya 🤗

    • @bundasamarah6447
      @bundasamarah6447 3 года назад

      @@ukiyyow kak aku mau nanya, postcard ku blh di hias kayak kakak ??? Dan KK tulis alamat di memo nya ya ??

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад

      Bolehh koo, iyaa aku nulis alamatnya di memo 🌺

  • @marlabartolaba4898
    @marlabartolaba4898 3 года назад

    can we swap postcards?🥺❤️

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад

      YESHH 😆💕 please dm my ig 🤗

  • @ЭрикаЩурова
    @ЭрикаЩурова 2 года назад

    Hi, I would like to exchange postcards with you, how do you look at it?

  • @soni_fain
    @soni_fain 2 года назад

    Can I get a postcard from you 😊☺😚😘

  • @nabilahrachmayanti7898
    @nabilahrachmayanti7898 3 года назад

    Hii, do you interested for swap postcard?✉️✨

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад

      Yeahh i'd love to 🐱💕

  • @edenlopez7920
    @edenlopez7920 3 года назад

    😍😍😍. Nicely done 🥰How can I swap with you? postcrosser florenzeden

    • @ukiyyow
      @ukiyyow  3 года назад +1

      Maybe you can DM me on ig and we can exchange address 🤗🌸

    • @edenlopez7920
      @edenlopez7920 3 года назад

      @@ukiyyow sure