Hat jemand die Parameter für einen guten "Ricky King Sound" (Spotniks, Shadows)? Hab schon ganz wunde Finger vom Einstellen, komme aber nicht gut an den Sound ran. Wer kann helfen? Does anyone have the parameters for a good "Ricky King Sound" (Spotniks, Shadows)? I've got sore fingers from setting it up, but I can't get the sound right. Who can help?
Tem como colocar distorção e compressão ao mesmo tempo?
Hat jemand die Parameter für einen guten "Ricky King Sound" (Spotniks, Shadows)? Hab schon ganz wunde Finger vom Einstellen, komme aber nicht gut an den Sound ran. Wer kann helfen?
Does anyone have the parameters for a good "Ricky King Sound" (Spotniks, Shadows)? I've got sore fingers from setting it up, but I can't get the sound right. Who can help?