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They say other personality types are scary when triggered. Dont get me wrong, they are right. But what they dont know is when a INFJ releases out there anger. Things are going to be really scary, take it a little more. It can be terrifying
as an intp, i genuinely tear up whenever i’m angry, like *really* angry. it’s annoying cause people think they hurt my feelings, but really i’m just ready to go berserk
Intriguing. As an intp, I didn't notice that before, but my experience can confirm this is definitely true. Two months ago when someone triggered me, I wept a lot but didn't cry. I didn't feel emotional hurt, but everyone in the room treated me like a fragile baby afterward. Don't know how to do about that !
As an INFP, I can relate. I cry when I get angry because I feel if I show my real feelings, no one will ever like me again and I'll die alone and unloved. It's better to look like an unstable mess for a few minutes than risk saying something you can never take back. I know it sounds completely irrational but that's just how emotions are.
As a INTP I only cry when I am frustrated. Yesterday I was taking a test. It was extremely uncomfortable because it mainly focused on my speech. I take this test mainly because I used to be in Special Education. It to test for problematic speech. I hated so much. Good thing I only take it like every 3 years.
OH MY GOODNESSS I can never have an argument and get angry without at least getting choked up! I just want to be angry right now, not crying!!! It's kind of embarrassing XD
Basically, when logic fails, rage quit the conversation. The trick for me is to escape while my emotions are still in check because the switch from mildly annoyed to exploding is sudden and unpredictable (luckily also very rarely flipped).
@@GeekNewz Yeah but people always have a crazy way of making their bullshit my problem. This whole year what with the election and pandemic has been exhausting with the amount of ignorance I've needed to surmount.
Me as an INFP when I get triggered at home: there they go again Me as an INFP when I get triggered outside of home: ... that's out of character of them??
LOL. Sounds about right. My senior once told everyone that he values my opinions and takes my jokes seriously because i am the quietest staff nurse they ever had. At home and among friends, they’re like, “when where you an introvert? You always wear your heart on your sleeve.”
As an INFJ, I feel like my anger is a little baby and my morality is a big, muscular guy. I'm VERY surprised how people can offend me severely and I just forgive, like 5 seconds later. And when anger clouds my judgement, oh boy someone gonna get consequences.
One time i did give someone consequences. Never had my judgment so clouded until that point, regret it now of course being the softy i am. But boy did they feel it.
yeah I've always found it weird how quickly I can forgive. Seriously when I was younger I tried to hold grudges sometimes against my family members to make a point but could barely last a couple of hours.
Lol Samee... I wonder how people go on holding grudges for several weeks and sometimes even months... I can't even be angry at someone for even damn 1 hour!
As an INFJ imagine how much harder it is when you're literally not allowed to get angry when growing up because you're family can't handle emotions, or even you beginning to raise your voice. Repressed anger issues?!? What are they?!?
@Barba Moj Kind of. It's very much a work in progress. And the theory is way easier than practice. With being an INFJ with lots of different life experience. I can see issues for others and help them but reaching out for and getting the help for myself that's a different story altogether. That said, I've gotten to a point now where it's basically I pretty much know it's that feel the fear and do it anyway situation. There are people around me who I know genuinely care about me and want the best for me, but opening up and being honest and real is scary, but I know I have to, to move forward. It really is just easier said than done though. But getting closer bit by bit. Honestly my faith is the one thing that's helped me the most. I'm not sure if I'd still be here if it wasn't for that. Not trying to preach, just being real. God's the only one I could vent to and know I was understood. (Yup, I know there'll be some people that will think "well that's as helpful as talking to an imaginary friend",) but with few to no people to really be open up to, the only reason for me being as together as I am is because of God. Again not trying to preach just trying to be real and honest. All that to say it's as I finally open to the people around me that I believe the repressed anger will finally be able to come out more fully. I am able to vent now to some extent, have 1 or 2 close friends in beginning to be able to do that with, but still lots more progress needed. But getting there. Should also maybe say understanding my parents personality type and background has also helped dramatically. I don't hate my parents I've actually got a growing new found respect for them. Especially for my mum, though she still can't cope with me getting angry, but I understand why now, and that really helps.
@@civilizedmonster I totally get that. But remember your parents will struggle to give you what they never received, or if they either grew up with seeing either no anger or too much with no one to actually listen to how they were affected, they weren't given the tools they needed to cope when seeing you angry or be able to help you work through it. It hurts, it sucks, but they can't do something they don't know how to do. Hope you've got people now that can help you work through any anger issues you have now too.
@Barba MojThanks for your response. I love that song and yes the more I give Him access to the wheel to steer it as He wants the better things get and will get. By the way, re your first comment, yeah have struggled with depression and anxiety but a lot of that I think comes from having to repress my feelings and emotions for so long, but as that changes I believe that will improve things massively.
@@nehalilisays I can relate to that too. In fact is only recently that I actually realised that something I would joke with others about was maybe an issue. I'm someone who basically had always cried profusely at happy endings and happy things, just not so much when I was sad, upset or stressed or for those kind of feelings. But when your parents can't handle emotions themselves, and they also don't know how to comfort you and have issues that make it hard for them to do that you learn basically there's no point to crying. Studies re children who have lived without being comforted often stop showing signs of sadness. But as Pixar's film 'Inside Out' shows, Sadness and being able to cry and acknowledge our pain and express that to others and it being accepted and us having those emotions being validated, accepted and comforted is so important. Hope you have already found, or will soon find people who can help with that, without judgement.
As an INTP, that's why I hold my anger back. It's visually better to just snap out of anger a few times and say irrational things than mumble nonsense out of frustration while crying in front of someone else. If I ever arrive to the point of crying I'll just... you know... jump from the nearby window. No one can see me crying. Ever.
As an INTP And all the INTPs Ive met one thing we all did was push our emotions to the back of our brains and then just snap and start yelling and having an urge to scream
@@chibee8739 I'm an INFP but i can switch between doing literally anyone of INFP ENFP INFJ or INTP when i get triggered sometimes a mix of all of them at the same time and yeah i only ever cry when i'm actually sad never out of anger or frustration, i just snap instead.
@@NewWorldLies Can’t speak for everyone but I just like striking conversations in bars while playing pool or out and about doing anything. You won’t get into deep conversations all the time and some people will think you’re weird (it’s not like their opinion holds any long-standing value just that brief moment in time) but some people will like your charm or have the same interests. I’m an ENFP what’s yours?
And then my family members come in my room thinking they are helping me while I just want to throw them out of the window and finally try to find inner peace
Mhm, ISTP here too, and personally that's because I either don't care enough to continue another argument, or it's because I'm frustrated to the point of tears
Once one of my classmates told me he's scared of me when I'm sad and when I breakdown. I asked him why and he said you scold ferociously while you're heavily crying. I'm an INFJ😂
I remember I was mad after failing a test and one of my friends started teasing me and I said something like "go crash your car fuck face" and my other friend was like holy fuck thats brutal
Absolutely relate. I had 2 customers arguing with each other a couple of weeks ago, then one began arguing with other staff members and a manager, a full scale commotion, and I just sat there without a care in the world. Like "I'm paid to sit here 'til 6 anyway, so it's only your time that's being wasted." If it doesn't affect me directly, I don't care.
I feel like Frank must have a close friend or relative that's an ENFP because the accuracy is 100% 👌 I've actually said the same thing more times than I'd like to admit. And ENFP's hoodie looks cozy.
@PestoMayo Yes. It can be quite unsettling. I've felt like a horrible person for many years, only to find there are other people just like me; a particular type. Bizarro, eh?
as infj i rarely yell at ppl when i'm mad nowadays. i usually just go entp/infp mode when i'm mad. i shredded people with the things they said or did and made them eat their own words. then i left. but of course after i tolerated them for long period of times and many chances (trial period as i called them).
The people who often push me that far are the ones who like to poke a bear with a stick and then cry victim when the bear growls at them. I used to feel bad about snapping at them (and usually end up apologizing even though they provoked the lash out). Nowadays, I've learned that if I ask to them to stop, tell them to stop, and then warn them- if they succeed through those three passes then they deserve the lashing for overstepping my boundaries :)
Well I am an ENTP, and I have never ever had an emotional explosive outburst, like ever in my life. I guess I would be like the INFJ in that case, if I ever somehow explode, like I would be more confused about me exploding than anything, lol. But if I get mad, my Ti goes like "Woah woah woah, wth are you doing? who said you were allowed to be mad?" And I either leave, or just go full Ti mode to the other person.
I'm an INFJ and I know how to yell! When I was younger I melted down privately and rarely at anyone else. Now there's probably a viral video somewhere of me losing my sh*t at the DMV.
@@mflow6485 I'd like to see the video please lol, but seriously, I didn't consider my childhood, I think I might've screamed at a girl once in middle school, but she had it coming sooo, but it's not like a casual thing
OMG!!! As an INFJ, I remember being triggered so much by my brother that I started screaming and I couldn't stop for 30 minutes straight, even after he was gone... Scary😅
Is the INFJ rant a thing? If not, I feel like it should be. I do the same thing, usually followed by feelings of guilt, relief, and justification--haha.
@@mflow6485 Honestly, it's only happened once to me, and I definitely felt the guilt, relief, and justification though. I usually have a very high anger threshold, but with my family it's like they just know how to push the buttons. And they like doing it
My brother is an ENTP (now I realize) one time he made me so angry I just started kicking him on the heel, repeatedly, while screaming why he had to always bother me on purpose, he was so surprised as I'm always calm 😂 (on my defense, we were both teenagers, but he did left me in peace for a while)
I am so excited I found your channel. These short sketches are absolute gold. As an INFJ, the 'do you know how much you have to bother me for my anger to override my fear of conflict' was so on point :P
As an INTJ, I can confirm, I never involve myself with other people’s problems. Until the very second it becomes even a slight inconvenience for myself. Yall can be as trashy as you want until it starts to effect other people.
"Everyone makes mistakes, it's only human, but that doesn't make it acceptable." - You understand me soooo well. ENTJ is always accurate... That's a little bit creepy, but cool, but creepy.
As an ENFP I can't count the number of times I've felt that people are taking me for granted (I am kinda like the class clown girl and I think people just keep me around for my jokes. They think I'm funny and sweet but that's it. I don't think they have really accepted me as a friend😪The thing about being a very friendly person is, you never know if they really consider you as a friend or not😐)
Aww. As an ENFP same, though I’m oblivious most of the time when people are mean and don’t realise until someone points it. But sometimes it’s obvious and it really hurts.
Being on the other side of the MBTI spectrum, I feel it is hard to become close with people that have too many friends... I mean, when someone is a country, you will never be more than one of their citizens...
Exactly I think us infps in general are much more in touch with our deep emotions and we're not ashamed nor are afraid of our emotions but other people don't feel things the same as us so they think it's overreacting or that it's not real. Also we put too much value on the meanings of each word that people usually choose very carelessly so we tend to get triggered by things that the person didn't really intend it to be hurtful( but I believe we deserve to be triggered by this...! Like please choose your words wisely! it affects people -_- )
Honestly... if I get upset, you’ll probably never know, because I don’t like upsetting other people, and I don’t like sharing my feelings. -Me, an INFP
The INTJ one was kinda accurate XD. We don't like neither be a bother or be the one who get bothered. I also don't like people telling me what to do all the time.
Yeah, so accurate. We do get triggered by that. It stems I think, from the immediate question of, ‘and why is it that *you* think you have the credentials to think *you* should tell me how to do something? like, let’s see how well you manage your life shall we? oh yeah i thought not’.
ENFP here and when I’m hurt I always think about leaving and wanting everyone to realise!!! Most of the time it’s just me not contacting anyone and when no one notices I’m even more hurt and angry because guys,,,, notice me and my painnnn, you need meeee don’t youuu???
Aww my poor little enfp, I feel you buddy. Everyone takes us for granted and treats us badly and they think we’re fine, but by the time they realize we aren’t okay, we’re gone. -enfp
I didn't realize that any other people used it, or that it was a INTJ habit. My people! 💕 I'm also a bit weirded out that FJ knew this. He's discovered our secrets!😬
INFJ is to relatable. I can be super calm even if I'm upset...because I HATE conflict. If I have to defend myself or if backed into a corner though I might get "triggered."
dear INFJ, i feel you, ISFJs dislike conflict too.. ;) "life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend; we can work it out, we can work it out" (why there's always a song in my mind as a response?)
So true, I'm an ISFJ. I really hate conflict and I will avoid it at all costs but when I'm really pushed so far and can't take it anymore, it's really bad.
It is always easy to spot the ENTP sketch. Because, I know before hand that the ENTP sktech will always have something to do with arguing and or being an asshole, lmao. Which just makes me wonder if FJ has ever met an actual ENTP.
Lol same. I'm also expecting that all these yelling were only inside of his mind, but then remembered that I myself, couldn't be able to shut my mouth or keep my tone lower when I'm super mad and it's not all just in my head 😂
Same as the INTP in the sketch above, I’m easily sensitive... sometimes I just burst out when my reason gets questioned... sometimes I just shut myself down and do not talk to anyone else for a matter of time
I am an INFJ going through a divorce, and yeah, I hit that triggered point and screamed at my soon-to-be ex husband after a 23 year build-up. I absolutely lost it. He had asked for a divorce 2 months before and was acting as if nothing had changed, he had done nothing toward a divorce, yet, he could go out and pretend to be single. Being the mouse that I am, trying all those years to make him happy, no one expected me to explode, most certainly not him. Except for my daughter. She saw it coming. XD Afterwards of course, I broke down, shocked at myself, and kept apologizing. XD Thank goodness it's over.
So sad I can’t do that in the city. Literally yesterday had a breakdown at a workplace and all I could do was punching the wall and doing pushups while crying in unoccupied room. Luckily my supervisor let me go home early cause I couldn’t work in that condition :^)
I feel that deeply :c I''ve been suggested to do arts and crafts to cool off but my entire body gets too tense when angry and I start accidentally-not-accidentally ripping everything apart :c
I trigger my ENFJ sister on a daily basis. Its not pretty I dont do it on purpose she says that im just more annoying to her than normal people cause we’re siblings
ENFJ with ESFJ mother, ISFJ sister and INFJ best friend...all very true, all absolutely terrifying 🤣 (Though in my experience ESFJ and ISFJ were swapped) First time I experienced my sister lasted 3 days and I shrunk. First time with the best friend, wasn't directed at me but I froze in fear -especially coz he managed to get himself under control but the anger was like a low rumble under the surface.
I think this is my favorite video 😂 The INFJ was spot on. I feel so ill and scared when I'm THAT angry. My blood pressure goes up, my voice shakes and everything feels wrong in my body and mind 💀
Right! It feels like the only thing that will make it better is to burn something down or blow something up (which I've never done:-)) or an exorcism. -INFJ
Love the content Frank! I would also be interested in the following topics: - 16 personalities as entrepreneurs - 16 personalities as doctors - 16 personalities as their stereotypes - 16 personalities as a couple of the same type - 16 personalities as celebrities
@@maurivanhanen9208 I think we get triggered on other people's behalf. What is the worst possible way that one person could interpret what this other person is doing/saying. Random person experience following where I think that's what happened; When In college, finishing as the first lockdowns started, I played a part in organising a full class whatsapp group as basically noone was getting notifications of zoom meetings. Problems came where I recognised 4-6 different social groups within the class (just sitting observing over the previous years) and 2 in particular that had conflicting characteristics/properties that I didn't want getting in the way of the class group chat functioning as it needed to (through emotional arguments starting or similar and everyone getting notified every time someone replies or posts an unrelated detail to begin with (a couple left initially after certain social fluff was posted)), a one stop shop for the whole class knowing about a zoom meeting if only 1 or 2 get the college email. Not being in person with these people and having the groups all collectively there, all social filters were down, so they got the full concentration of an INFJ trying to mediate bold characters (so equally bold counter actions were a subconscious mimic/mirror reaction) by stopping the solely social interaction in the full class group that had the potential to cause problems. The good news, they remained united as a class to the end of those months... ...against me, each with their stories to tell in the final zoom meeting with the tutor present (can't remember what triggered it), and I couldn't 'defend' myself because for one, my laptop's mic didn't/doesn't work, and two, I didn't have time to plan a response and got overwhelmed hearing it all when all I was trying to do was prevent conflict. Apologies for that.
@@Joshy2-E How does that make one more susceptible to irrational emotional reactions? (Btw I was asking about getting triggered easily, not about hiding it; I think you might've not answered my question.)
@@maurivanhanen9208 there's a difference between getting triggered and being susceptible to irrational emotional reactions. There can be a lot of reasons to get triggered in a day, whether it's injustice happening around you (big or small) or ignorance and hypocrisy or people misunderstanding you. These are just a few examples. Apart from that, it is a normal tendency to get irritated. Also, INFJs with their fourth slot Se are likely to be HSPs, which makes them easily bothered by sensory stimulations. And because they want to maintain harmony, they keep all these little bouts of frustrations repressed.
As an INFJ I'm scary when pissed off limit. I won't be petty but very barbarous! I mean this ain't often case ,I've high tolerance but it ain't eternal tho.
Hello, INFJ here. This is so accurate lol. I literally realized the other day that *no one*, not even my siblings, has ever seen me truly angry. Incredibly annoyed? Yes (again, I have siblings). Frustrated? Yes. But I've only been really angry once before, and I was all alone (thank God lol). Why are we like this? 😂
I think we’re better at hiding our annoyance than we think. So many of my friends tell me that I’m a very calm person but actually half of the time I’m really annoyed with people or I’m panicking about something lol
@@micahsnow346 I have learned to take that as a sign I should leave the current company and go to nature or something. I used to be really caught up in affective empathy, but now that I spend time in nature and with positive people - as opposed to staying in the city and hanging out with any random person that starts talking to me - I'm much more logical and grounded. I believe all INFJs are extremely analytical if given the right emotional atmosphere. In MBTI terms: remove Fe problems; give space for Ti.
I love how Frank always chooses plain black T-shirts for the INTJs. Sincerely, an INTJ with enough same plain black T-shirts to wear everyday so I don't get to waste time deciding which dark-pale coloured T-shirt to wear every day.
Well, I'd LOVE to wear plain black shirts every day, but my mum picks t-shirts for me from the stores (EVEN WHEN I DON'T LIKE THEM) AND NOT ONE OF THEM ARE BLACK. I do have a navy blue t-shirt which is very close to black, and it's my favourite shirt - an INTJ
I'm so fucking mad about the INFP one because literally when I saw the title of this video I was like "Oh that's not cool, thats a medical term for people with mental health issues, I'm so upset now." How dare you know my inner thoughts and the way my mind works, for the first time I'm actually resenting being understood.
Dang. Just when I’ve been wondering if I really am an enfp this comes along. I literally this morning received a dismissive remark and in my head was like “Fine, I’ll move so far away you won’t be able to find me.”
What I like about your performance and the writing is, not only are you getting noticeable better each week, but it's fun to look for the different layers on top of the obvious overlying one. A subtle nod to another RUclipsr, Kramer, whatever. Holly and you are really hitting it.😂
I'm an INTP and it's true, I cry when I'm frustrated. Just last week, I have to take care of my grandma who has dementia while my mom is away. My grandma only feels calm around my mom, but not me (usually I'd be in my room all day). She kept asking where my mom at, ask about surroundings and everything she sees, while I try to study for a quiz the next day. It repeated so many times, I answered until I cried. Though I was pushing my emotions back as much as possible, I cried out of frustration. Glad that my grandma didn't notice I was weeping. She became quiet when my mom came home lol
Classmates : talking that they have depression but actually not Me an INFP with depression : Gives a whole lecture about it explaining which terms to use where and how many people suffer through it . PERIOD👁👄👁 Why everyone's replies are tearing me up , you guys understand me more than ppl in my life do 🌸💜
I am an INFP without depression but when I hear people saying stuff like, "Why are u depressed?", "I am so depressed" I FEEL TRIGGERED. I give them a lecture on it too. Depression is an emotional disorder and stress reaction not mere sorrow. I hope you recover soon❤. Sending virtual hugs 🤗(if only you like hugs cuz i dont like them😂)
I am INTP and I do get angry when somebody pretends to have depression or basically any form of mental illness. I do not care if it is for social media clout. Because it is not cool nor "quirky". Besides I may not have depression but I really hope you are doing well. ❤👍🏻 Also I agree with @Anshika. Why make the consumption that somebody is depressed when it can just be some sorrow.
@@vibhatripathi48 Depression is not a disease, it’s a reaction. I am an INFP who has been through depression and it triggers me just as much when people call it a disease. It is not a disease, it’s a reaction to a severe amount of stress
@@vibhatripathi48 anyone can become depressed. It is not sadness and it is not a disease. It’s shock, despair, grief. Something everyone is capable of experiencing and or being put through
I do agree with educating people about depression. It is not a disease but a disorder. Its more than being sad or feeling down.. i hope everyone gets better.... 🤗
I shut up when I get mad. I stop talking to whoever it was, and - depending on what's happened - I'll leave the room to cry alone or explode into a ball of righteous fury. And yes. I'll think, "If they don't like me then i won't bother them with my stupid ideas anymore so they can live their lives in peace!" - sincerely, a grateful to be understood ENFP
Yes I am the same, or I just start making jokes because i get uncomfortable. And I’m like “I don’t care that people don’t like me, really I’m fine” and then start laughing like the joker or something. But also I’m like if they don’t like me I just stop being my enfp self around them. Like people who see me as me are my friends and family. Everyone else I dial it down.
@@Meg_intheclouds Absolutely agreed. If i annoy people by getting excited about things or talking too much, them i won't get excited/talk too much around them. And laughing is the defense mechanism of the ENFP.
@@alverrann3097 yes! So glad we get each other. But yeah if people get annoyed at me for being too loud or whatever chances are I won’t be that around that person again. We are all super sensitive I feel like. Like Fi gets bruised easily
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This video and super introvert are my favorite 😍
I like the negative aspects of each personality.
FJ, I legit thumbs-downed the vid shortly after starting because of your misuse of the word “triggered” 😂 - Love, an INFP
ENFP is so KRAMER hahahhaha the hair shake, oh myyy... ;) spot on.
Frank James can you do 16 Personalities Procrastinating please?
"Are you dumb, or does stupidity run through your veins."
-me who uses this to win against the imaginary person in my imaginary argument.
lmaoo i get unreasonably mad for the argument that I created in my head.. no one but entps understand this struggle
@@cansyoruk INFP here, just wanna say, we understand
@@cansyoruk lol I actually made up this line for an entp character I created for some random reason. It's his signature line.
@@mandotory6728 i hope we can all achieve mental stability one day lol
@@hanse.1576 thats a really accurate line for an entp I'd definetly use it
i just love how he just puts the INFJ at last, lmao he's a true INFJ.
Oh my word! You are right! I'm an INFJ so I always feel like the end is the grand finale😂😂😂
@@kaydincathey lol ikk
Introverted iNtuitive Frank James = INFJ.
Duh. 🤣
@@user-ln4ev9me7v lol yall
Thanks for the spoiler 😭😭
Ahah 😄
Hahah I thought the exact same thing!! That’s me!
They say other personality types are scary when triggered. Dont get me wrong, they are right. But what they dont know is when a INFJ releases out there anger. Things are going to be really scary, take it a little more. It can be terrifying
as an intp, i genuinely tear up whenever i’m angry, like *really* angry. it’s annoying cause people think they hurt my feelings, but really i’m just ready to go berserk
Intriguing. As an intp, I didn't notice that before, but my experience can confirm this is definitely true. Two months ago when someone triggered me, I wept a lot but didn't cry. I didn't feel emotional hurt, but everyone in the room treated me like a fragile baby afterward. Don't know how to do about that !
As an INFP, I can relate. I cry when I get angry because I feel if I show my real feelings, no one will ever like me again and I'll die alone and unloved. It's better to look like an unstable mess for a few minutes than risk saying something you can never take back. I know it sounds completely irrational but that's just how emotions are.
I've always chalked this up with repressed aggression.
@@WifeOfTheBeast same, but I’m an INTP as well so it might just be a trait.
Time stamps
0:00 ESTP
0:14 INTJ
0:22 ESTJ
0:38 ISFP
0:50 ESFP
1:09 ISTJ
1:20 ENTP
1:33 ISFJ
1:49 ESFJ
2:05 INTP
2:16 ENFJ
2:27 ISTP
2:33 ENFP
2:47 INFP
3:10 ENTJ
3:27 INFJ
Thanks :3
The music for the ENFJ had me rolling!
Thank you time stamp person, you have done a great service 😁
not me relating reaal hard to Entp, Infp, Intp and Isfp
INTPs crying out of frustration is the truest thing I've Ever seen
As a INTP I only cry when I am frustrated. Yesterday I was taking a test. It was extremely uncomfortable because it mainly focused on my speech. I take this test mainly because I used to be in Special Education. It to test for problematic speech. I hated so much. Good thing I only take it like every 3 years.
@@icannotcomeupwithanything4609 I feel you man :(
I’m an INFP, but I related to that on a spiritual level 🥲😢😭😭😭
@@ritaruggerone4434 😭😭 infps and intps are quite similar in some ways
I didn't know it was an INTP thing lol
when Im triggered / angry at someone else, I am always the one who ends up crying AGHHH
I'm a frustrated crier.
and I am the one who make other person cry. I hope you won't have to argue with me
Me too
OH MY GOODNESSS I can never have an argument and get angry without at least getting choked up! I just want to be angry right now, not crying!!! It's kind of embarrassing XD
@@tracyzimmerman7912 Ive tried pinching myself to prevent myself from crying but it doesnt work very well
“I’m just sick of talking to you”. As an INTP I feel that phrase is so accurate lol.
Basically, when logic fails, rage quit the conversation. The trick for me is to escape while my emotions are still in check because the switch from mildly annoyed to exploding is sudden and unpredictable (luckily also very rarely flipped).
@@harmonicarchipelgo9351 yup, I just agree with people to get them to not try and debate with me.
I'm an INFP, and I relate to this more. I can't cry, due to trauma reasons, but I still feel intense rage bubbling up.
INTJs be like all the time: mind your own business, DO NOT tell me what to do.
intjs would also wont tell others what to anytime it doesnt effect them
@@GeekNewz Yeah but people always have a crazy way of making their bullshit my problem. This whole year what with the election and pandemic has been exhausting with the amount of ignorance I've needed to surmount.
As an INTP, I do that I evolving?
It’s kinda like, do not force me to do things your bullshit inefficient way or otherwise waste my time.
True, it's like " I know what I have to do and how, so stop bossing me around and just let me get it done"
Me as an INFP when I get triggered at home: there they go again
Me as an INFP when I get triggered outside of home: ... that's out of character of them??
I agree. What are you doing outside?!
@@fishnewt1331 I meant in general. I don't usually go outside now because.
My face when I get triggered at home: (-_-)
Pandemic, a perfect excuse to avoid socializing for introverts
LOL. Sounds about right. My senior once told everyone that he values my opinions and takes my jokes seriously because i am the quietest staff nurse they ever had. At home and among friends, they’re like, “when where you an introvert? You always wear your heart on your sleeve.”
His hair is very jiggly in this one
It is appreciated lol
As an INFJ, I feel like my anger is a little baby and my morality is a big, muscular guy. I'm VERY surprised how people can offend me severely and I just forgive, like 5 seconds later.
And when anger clouds my judgement, oh boy someone gonna get consequences.
One time i did give someone consequences. Never had my judgment so clouded until that point, regret it now of course being the softy i am. But boy did they feel it.
yeah I've always found it weird how quickly I can forgive. Seriously when I was younger I tried to hold grudges sometimes against my family members to make a point but could barely last a couple of hours.
@@Maple_Breeze my record for holding grudge against my highschool classmate was 2 minutes. Needless to say I was proud of myself 😜😜😜😜🤣
Lol Samee... I wonder how people go on holding grudges for several weeks and sometimes even months... I can't even be angry at someone for even damn 1 hour!
I'm an INFJ that holds grudges. I really dislike that about myself.
INFP: "You're gonna need to apologize, not just to me."
I use "not just to me." As an scapegoat 😂 so people would think twice lol
As an INFJ imagine how much harder it is when you're literally not allowed to get angry when growing up because you're family can't handle emotions, or even you beginning to raise your voice. Repressed anger issues?!? What are they?!?
@Barba Moj Kind of. It's very much a work in progress. And the theory is way easier than practice. With being an INFJ with lots of different life experience. I can see issues for others and help them but reaching out for and getting the help for myself that's a different story altogether. That said, I've gotten to a point now where it's basically I pretty much know it's that feel the fear and do it anyway situation. There are people around me who I know genuinely care about me and want the best for me, but opening up and being honest and real is scary, but I know I have to, to move forward. It really is just easier said than done though. But getting closer bit by bit.
Honestly my faith is the one thing that's helped me the most. I'm not sure if I'd still be here if it wasn't for that. Not trying to preach, just being real. God's the only one I could vent to and know I was understood. (Yup, I know there'll be some people that will think "well that's as helpful as talking to an imaginary friend",) but with few to no people to really be open up to, the only reason for me being as together as I am is because of God. Again not trying to preach just trying to be real and honest.
All that to say it's as I finally open to the people around me that I believe the repressed anger will finally be able to come out more fully. I am able to vent now to some extent, have 1 or 2 close friends in beginning to be able to do that with, but still lots more progress needed. But getting there.
Should also maybe say understanding my parents personality type and background has also helped dramatically. I don't hate my parents I've actually got a growing new found respect for them. Especially for my mum, though she still can't cope with me getting angry, but I understand why now, and that really helps.
Once i got angry for a reason, and my parents told me they got scared by my anger and rage. -_-
@@civilizedmonster I totally get that. But remember your parents will struggle to give you what they never received, or if they either grew up with seeing either no anger or too much with no one to actually listen to how they were affected, they weren't given the tools they needed to cope when seeing you angry or be able to help you work through it. It hurts, it sucks, but they can't do something they don't know how to do.
Hope you've got people now that can help you work through any anger issues you have now too.
@Barba MojThanks for your response. I love that song and yes the more I give Him access to the wheel to steer it as He wants the better things get and will get. By the way, re your first comment, yeah have struggled with depression and anxiety but a lot of that I think comes from having to repress my feelings and emotions for so long, but as that changes I believe that will improve things massively.
@@nehalilisays I can relate to that too. In fact is only recently that I actually realised that something I would joke with others about was maybe an issue. I'm someone who basically had always cried profusely at happy endings and happy things, just not so much when I was sad, upset or stressed or for those kind of feelings. But when your parents can't handle emotions themselves, and they also don't know how to comfort you and have issues that make it hard for them to do that you learn basically there's no point to crying.
Studies re children who have lived without being comforted often stop showing signs of sadness. But as Pixar's film 'Inside Out' shows, Sadness and being able to cry and acknowledge our pain and express that to others and it being accepted and us having those emotions being validated, accepted and comforted is so important. Hope you have already found, or will soon find people who can help with that, without judgement.
LOL! As an INFJ, I can honestly say that is the MOST ACCURATE I have seen. Only my siblings can push me that far!😂😂😂
Same. It takes a lot to make me tip. Has happened rarely.
@@JustHereToHear same. I can really only think of one instance where I got MAD!😂
same. for me it's my parents lol.
yeah same only my brother and my father can really push me there...but I will say, I do NOT have such a fear of conflict.
SAME 😂😂😂
As an INTP, that's why I hold my anger back. It's visually better to just snap out of anger a few times and say irrational things than mumble nonsense out of frustration while crying in front of someone else.
If I ever arrive to the point of crying I'll just... you know... jump from the nearby window.
No one can see me crying. Ever.
* a virtual hug from an infj even though you may not be comfortable with a real one *
As an INTP And all the INTPs Ive met one thing we all did was push our emotions to the back of our brains and then just snap and start yelling and having an urge to scream
@@chibee8739 I'm an INFP but i can switch between doing literally anyone of INFP ENFP INFJ or INTP when i get triggered sometimes a mix of all of them at the same time and yeah i only ever cry when i'm actually sad never out of anger or frustration, i just snap instead.
lol same!!!!!!!!!!!
As an ENFP this is so accurate 😂😂😂😂 "It's okay but Im gonna start a new life" 😂😂😂 "hey what happened to that cool guy...?"
JAJAJAJAJAJJAJA i laughed so hard,that where me just today 🤣
So out of curiosity,.. how do you guys make friends?? Cuz I keep failing at that while searching for new places to run to
@@NewWorldLies Can’t speak for everyone but I just like striking conversations in bars while playing pool or out and about doing anything. You won’t get into deep conversations all the time and some people will think you’re weird (it’s not like their opinion holds any long-standing value just that brief moment in time) but some people will like your charm or have the same interests. I’m an ENFP what’s yours?
i thought it was gonna be infp 😭
As a ISTP when I’m upset I just ghost everyone and stay in my room until I calm down lol
Me too but i never leave my room anyway lol
And then my family members come in my room thinking they are helping me while I just want to throw them out of the window and finally try to find inner peace
Mhm, ISTP here too, and personally that's because I either don't care enough to continue another argument, or it's because I'm frustrated to the point of tears
Once one of my classmates told me he's scared of me when I'm sad and when I breakdown. I asked him why and he said you scold ferociously while you're heavily crying. I'm an INFJ😂
They also told me that, a classmate when I corrected him, the whole class looked at me a little scared
Lol my parents got scared seeing my anger and rage😂
I remember I was mad after failing a test and one of my friends started teasing me and I said something like "go crash your car fuck face" and my other friend was like holy fuck thats brutal
🤣🤣🤣 So true!
They said me i was scary too lol
As an ENFP, that is too accurate. I keep saying I’m gonna move away and I never do. One day they’ll appreciate me! LOL
as an intj i cant relate more, and i dont think that there is anyone who wouldnt agree with it
Right, the only thing I wonder is why did he put us as burger place worker. 👀
Indeed. My motto: do whatever you want just leave me out of it! :)
@@suzanna3838 well my motto is: "let me fail as much as i want any time thete it doesnt effect you and if you want to fail dont take me with you"
Absolutely relate. I had 2 customers arguing with each other a couple of weeks ago, then one began arguing with other staff members and a manager, a full scale commotion, and I just sat there without a care in the world. Like "I'm paid to sit here 'til 6 anyway, so it's only your time that's being wasted." If it doesn't affect me directly, I don't care.
@@roonarific1086 i have a problom if its too pathetic because then it effects my silens
I feel like Frank must have a close friend or relative that's an ENFP because the accuracy is 100% 👌
I've actually said the same thing more times than I'd like to admit. And ENFP's hoodie looks cozy.
Same here
Here too
Yeah, that was scary :')
Why do we run away though… 🤔? I need answers!
Your INFJ held it together pretty well, actually. If it were me being triggered, I'd be a bit louder🤭😆👍
Right? I was about to comment "Frank, that wasn't loud enough"
@@lynef Yeah, he held back for the audience's sake.🤣
@PestoMayo Yes. It can be quite unsettling. I've felt like a horrible person for many years, only to find there are other people just like me; a particular type. Bizarro, eh?
"You can't fix stupid...but I'm going to keep trying gosh darn it!"
--the quintessential ENTP mindset
I feel like infj can also relate here...
Enfp relatable , but only if that person is a absolute stupid ding dong , if they r not that stupid I'll be like they will learn some day
As an INFJ, I feel like my tolerance power has decreased if someone make me yell at them🙂
as infj i rarely yell at ppl when i'm mad nowadays. i usually just go entp/infp mode when i'm mad. i shredded people with the things they said or did and made them eat their own words. then i left.
but of course after i tolerated them for long period of times and many chances (trial period as i called them).
The people who often push me that far are the ones who like to poke a bear with a stick and then cry victim when the bear growls at them. I used to feel bad about snapping at them (and usually end up apologizing even though they provoked the lash out). Nowadays, I've learned that if I ask to them to stop, tell them to stop, and then warn them- if they succeed through those three passes then they deserve the lashing for overstepping my boundaries :)
@@mmwoodcockart SAME!!!
@@spreadlove867 I hear ya. That's the dichotomy of INFJ. 🙃 Love your username. Is my personal motto.💜
That INTJ is scaringly accurate.
I love how infj doesn't even know how to yell😂❤️
Well I am an ENTP, and I have never ever had an emotional explosive outburst, like ever in my life. I guess I would be like the INFJ in that case, if I ever somehow explode, like I would be more confused about me exploding than anything, lol. But if I get mad, my Ti goes like "Woah woah woah, wth are you doing? who said you were allowed to be mad?" And I either leave, or just go full Ti mode to the other person.
@@farrex0 lol I get that, I'm an enfp and I don't exactly remember losing my temper ever, especially not from anger
I'm an INFJ and I know how to yell! When I was younger I melted down privately and rarely at anyone else. Now there's probably a viral video somewhere of me losing my sh*t at the DMV.
@@mflow6485 I'd like to see the video please lol, but seriously, I didn't consider my childhood, I think I might've screamed at a girl once in middle school, but she had it coming sooo, but it's not like a casual thing
@@mflow6485 I love how you said you know how to yell, with an exclamation mark... as if you were yelling it, lmao.
OMG!!! As an INFJ, I remember being triggered so much by my brother that I started screaming and I couldn't stop for 30 minutes straight, even after he was gone... Scary😅
Is the INFJ rant a thing? If not, I feel like it should be. I do the same thing, usually followed by feelings of guilt, relief, and justification--haha.
@@mflow6485 Honestly, it's only happened once to me, and I definitely felt the guilt, relief, and justification though. I usually have a very high anger threshold, but with my family it's like they just know how to push the buttons. And they like doing it
Same with my brother.
Same thing happened to me. Both my parents got scared 😂
My brother is an ENTP (now I realize) one time he made me so angry I just started kicking him on the heel, repeatedly, while screaming why he had to always bother me on purpose, he was so surprised as I'm always calm 😂 (on my defense, we were both teenagers, but he did left me in peace for a while)
I'm not crying, you're crying! :'(
How to know your personality type?
@@ezzyleen you can search "16 personalities "on google
@@Feironms thanks 💗
@@ezzyleen do not search 16 personalities, its an inaccurate test, you should search sakirnova functions test, which actually gives you your type.
@@ezzyleen yrwlcm😊
I am so excited I found your channel. These short sketches are absolute gold.
As an INFJ, the 'do you know how much you have to bother me for my anger to override my fear of conflict' was so on point :P
I’m infp but I basically act like the enfp here haha 😹😹
Saaame lol
Same. Somewhere between ENFP and INFJ. Usually I just yell at people in my head for a few days when they make me mad. 🙃
I’m ENFP, but my stages are like ENFP then INFJ (I really hate conflict, thanks to me 9w1 enneagram lol)
As an INTJ, I can confirm, I never involve myself with other people’s problems. Until the very second it becomes even a slight inconvenience for myself. Yall can be as trashy as you want until it starts to effect other people.
"Everyone makes mistakes, it's only human, but that doesn't make it acceptable." - You understand me soooo well. ENTJ is always accurate... That's a little bit creepy, but cool, but creepy.
I'm surprised how calm the ENTJ is in this one. I am one but when I'm triggered, I'm more like the ENTP. Minus the last phrase.
God I wish I was that cool and collected under stress.
I found that phrase a little attractive," and I'm not an ENTJ.
As an ENFP I can't count the number of times I've felt that people are taking me for granted
(I am kinda like the class clown girl and I think people just keep me around for my jokes. They think I'm funny and sweet but that's it. I don't think they have really accepted me as a friend😪The thing about being a very friendly person is, you never know if they really consider you as a friend or not😐)
Aww. As an ENFP same, though I’m oblivious most of the time when people are mean and don’t realise until someone points it. But sometimes it’s obvious and it really hurts.
Being on the other side of the MBTI spectrum, I feel it is hard to become close with people that have too many friends... I mean, when someone is a country, you will never be more than one of their citizens...
And an INFP same.
Omg same
INFP: If someone says i'm triggered i get triggered no upset because they're think they know how I'm feeling,like you don't know me.
Why are you triggered tho? Just kidding, I had to do it.
So what I'm hearing is that technically they're not wrong...
@@dudeinadoughboy4327 even if they are, i'll just deny it
Exactly I think us infps in general are much more in touch with our deep emotions and we're not ashamed nor are afraid of our emotions but other people don't feel things the same as us so they think it's overreacting or that it's not real.
Also we put too much value on the meanings of each word that people usually choose very carelessly so we tend to get triggered by things that the person didn't really intend it to be hurtful( but I believe we deserve to be triggered by this...! Like please choose your words wisely! it affects people -_- )
Honestly... if I get upset, you’ll probably never know, because I don’t like upsetting other people, and I don’t like sharing my feelings. -Me, an INFP
Was searching for this comment
I'm an INFP too, but I CAN'T act like nothing happened for my life so people knows anyway LOL x'D
THIS! But if I'm really angry i would do a stupid thing to get attention and then leave my town 😂 (INFP/ENFP mystery )
@N Harris ya I do tell them later on when I got my mind in control.
I share everything with my mother
@N Harris Trying to explain to an INxP how to NOT be and INxP. They all just retreated into their rooms after that.
The INTJ one was kinda accurate XD. We don't like neither be a bother or be the one who get bothered. I also don't like people telling me what to do all the time.
Yeah, so accurate. We do get triggered by that. It stems I think, from the immediate question of, ‘and why is it that *you* think you have the credentials to think *you* should tell me how to do something? like, let’s see how well you manage your life shall we? oh yeah i thought not’.
@@nurainiarsad7395 true.
ENFP here and when I’m hurt I always think about leaving and wanting everyone to realise!!! Most of the time it’s just me not contacting anyone and when no one notices I’m even more hurt and angry because guys,,,, notice me and my painnnn, you need meeee don’t youuu???
LMAO same bro that's literally me fuck
I'm an INFP but related more to the ENFP in this situation.
I hate that fkn type of pain
Someone triggering ENFP: i don't know you and I'm gonna go away from here and start a new life.
It’s my melodramatic ENFP side for me hahahaha
It is what it is
I always thought I'm the only one 😂
"Taking me for granted "
"Move away "
My everyday line 😂
Aww my poor little enfp, I feel you buddy. Everyone takes us for granted and treats us badly and they think we’re fine, but by the time they realize we aren’t okay, we’re gone. -enfp
Intj really just hitting us with the GOOD SIR!
I didn't realize that any other people used it, or that it was a INTJ habit. My people! 💕
I'm also a bit weirded out that FJ knew this. He's discovered our secrets!😬
INFJ is to relatable. I can be super calm even if I'm upset...because I HATE conflict. If I have to defend myself or if backed into a corner though I might get "triggered."
I'm just not good at conflict because I only have two settings: (1) total surrender and (2) nuclear. -INFJ
I think of myself as 90% patient and 10% explosive.
So what type are the BOSSY HYSTERICAL SCREAMERS that team up to attack the quiet non conformists for being quiet non conformists please
dear INFJ, i feel you, ISFJs dislike conflict too.. ;)
"life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend; we can work it out, we can work it out"
(why there's always a song in my mind as a response?)
Thank you dear ISFJ 🥲
My mom is an ISFJ and I just love you guys. I feel like we (INFJs) can relate a lot to you!😄
So true, I'm an ISFJ. I really hate conflict and I will avoid it at all costs but when I'm really pushed so far and can't take it anymore, it's really bad.
ENFP is so right I love letting people miss me as I vanish for good 🙃
INTJ - that's almost word-for-word what I said to my ex when I dumped him!! 🤣🤣🤣
WOAH! An INTJ in a relationship? That's creepy! - INTJ
I see you have spared the public of the true darkness of an INTJ getting triggered, thank you for your consideration - INTJ
It's not my type, but I related to it so much.
“ I need to go to my happy place!”...(runs away into a forest to aggressively dance and sing)
Yep...that place is usually in my head tho 🦄🧚♀️💃🌳🎶💖😊
@@ritaruggerone4434 same here, I personally do both😌🌳🎼🧚🏼♀️💃🏼
Are u a maladaptive daydreamer like me?🤩
@@sevin6060 yes very much so , always daydreaming , deep thinking, plotting....
I was truly feeling like I was being taken for granted by a good friend and I came to RUclips to calm down. Thank YOU, Frank!
ENFP here
You know you're habitual of FJ's comedy sketches when you can guess the personality type even before the name is displayed. xD
At least I can always spot a INFP... because of that shirt😂
@@sidratehreem6574 INTP as well 😂 because of the NASA t-shirt.
It is always easy to spot the ENTP sketch. Because, I know before hand that the ENTP sktech will always have something to do with arguing and or being an asshole, lmao. Which just makes me wonder if FJ has ever met an actual ENTP.
ISTP in flannel 😉
INTJ in black shirt and ESTP in red hoodie😄
I was kinda expecting INFJ to stand in the frame silently, with angry and tired eyes, and then leave the frame
The ocean of rage in the INFJ's eyes, but they can't say anything because they don't want to hurt the person in front of them.
Lol same. I'm also expecting that all these yelling were only inside of his mind, but then remembered that I myself, couldn't be able to shut my mouth or keep my tone lower when I'm super mad and it's not all just in my head 😂
Yes because that would've been the SMART thing to do .. but we're not always smart
Same as the INTP in the sketch above, I’m easily sensitive... sometimes I just burst out when my reason gets questioned... sometimes I just shut myself down and do not talk to anyone else for a matter of time
Yeah that hitted hard
Same . I am sensitive that makes me sometimes questions if i am INFP
@@blackbat121 yeah me too😅
INTP: I am not crying okay! You are crying!
*that hits hard*
And when the anger overrides the fear of conflict... the voice starts trembling too lol.
I'll say! I start with yelling, then end up in a puddle of tears.😭😂
@@StephanieJeanne ah yes, absolutely... But the person has to be close enough if I've to start crying hehe
@@chaoticbreeze6262 Yes, me too.😊✌️💜
Ahhhhhhhh, yess but I just hate this🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am an INFJ going through a divorce, and yeah, I hit that triggered point and screamed at my soon-to-be ex husband after a 23 year build-up. I absolutely lost it. He had asked for a divorce 2 months before and was acting as if nothing had changed, he had done nothing toward a divorce, yet, he could go out and pretend to be single. Being the mouse that I am, trying all those years to make him happy, no one expected me to explode, most certainly not him. Except for my daughter. She saw it coming. XD Afterwards of course, I broke down, shocked at myself, and kept apologizing. XD Thank goodness it's over.
" Good sir, my dear sir, my dear,... " that's how I call some people when I'm mad at them
Well, DEAR, you see-
Well, DARLING, here’s the thing-
@@StellaLoreley happy to see I'm not alone.
“did u heard me clear, HONEY”
“that’s not what i meant, DEAR”
i second that -ESFJ
0:00 ESTP
0:13 INTJ
0:21 ESTJ
0:37 ISFP
0:48 ESFP
1:08 ISTJ
1:19 ENTP
1:32 ISFJ
1:49 ESFJ
2:04 INTP
2:16 ENFJ
2:26 ISTP
2:33 ENFP
2:47 INFP
3:10 ENTJ
3:27 INFJ
You just killed every personality my friend!!!!!!
And that's how the ISTP went home to throw axes at trees in the "having a meltdown" sketch.
Imagine a group of ISTP getting triggered at the same time and after you offend them they march in a symmetric form confronting you.
So sad I can’t do that in the city. Literally yesterday had a breakdown at a workplace and all I could do was punching the wall and doing pushups while crying in unoccupied room. Luckily my supervisor let me go home early cause I couldn’t work in that condition :^)
Oh. Also kicked stair railing, so it’s a little damaged from now on :^(
I feel that deeply :c I''ve been suggested to do arts and crafts to cool off but my entire body gets too tense when angry and I start accidentally-not-accidentally ripping everything apart :c
@@iamnotuta2658 It really depends on just how and why you triggered them XD Still, just a group glare from ISTP's is scary as hell XD
Dang xxFJs being triggered to their limits are scary!
And IT IS ALL TRUE (from an ENFJ 😉)
@@wilbeugre Especially the part "A full scale campaign against you and everything you stand for"😂😂
I love that about ENFJs
I trigger my ENFJ sister on a daily basis. Its not pretty
I dont do it on purpose she says that im just more annoying to her than normal people cause we’re siblings
ENFJ with ESFJ mother, ISFJ sister and INFJ best friend...all very true, all absolutely terrifying 🤣
(Though in my experience ESFJ and ISFJ were swapped)
First time I experienced my sister lasted 3 days and I shrunk.
First time with the best friend, wasn't directed at me but I froze in fear -especially coz he managed to get himself under control but the anger was like a low rumble under the surface.
fear esfj and enfj
I think this is my favorite video 😂 The INFJ was spot on. I feel so ill and scared when I'm THAT angry. My blood pressure goes up, my voice shakes and everything feels wrong in my body and mind 💀
Right! It feels like the only thing that will make it better is to burn something down or blow something up (which I've never done:-)) or an exorcism. -INFJ
It’s kind of rare to see some of them mad, but they’re super scary when they snap!
Which ones?
Love the content Frank!
I would also be interested in the following topics:
- 16 personalities as entrepreneurs
- 16 personalities as doctors
- 16 personalities as their stereotypes
- 16 personalities as a couple of the same type
- 16 personalities as celebrities
OMG ENFP is so accurate, that is what I think everytime I get stressed out at my office 😲 😲 😲
I was about to comment exactly what the INFP said and ask you to change it to "when angry". Good thing I waited until the end
Hey intj here! I knew the intj was me before the letters come up. I've said and thought that so many times.🤦😂😤😩
It was so accurate that I started to believe that Frank J is actually ENFP like me 🤣
INFJs legit get triggered very easily (internal screams only) T_T
Why do you think that is the case?
@@maurivanhanen9208 Because we care about how we impact others more than we care about how we feel.
@@maurivanhanen9208 I think we get triggered on other people's behalf. What is the worst possible way that one person could interpret what this other person is doing/saying.
Random person experience following where I think that's what happened;
When In college, finishing as the first lockdowns started, I played a part in organising a full class whatsapp group as basically noone was getting notifications of zoom meetings. Problems came where I recognised 4-6 different social groups within the class (just sitting observing over the previous years) and 2 in particular that had conflicting characteristics/properties that I didn't want getting in the way of the class group chat functioning as it needed to (through emotional arguments starting or similar and everyone getting notified every time someone replies or posts an unrelated detail to begin with (a couple left initially after certain social fluff was posted)), a one stop shop for the whole class knowing about a zoom meeting if only 1 or 2 get the college email.
Not being in person with these people and having the groups all collectively there, all social filters were down, so they got the full concentration of an INFJ trying to mediate bold characters (so equally bold counter actions were a subconscious mimic/mirror reaction) by stopping the solely social interaction in the full class group that had the potential to cause problems.
The good news, they remained united as a class to the end of those months...
...against me, each with their stories to tell in the final zoom meeting with the tutor present (can't remember what triggered it), and I couldn't 'defend' myself because for one, my laptop's mic didn't/doesn't work, and two, I didn't have time to plan a response and got overwhelmed hearing it all when all I was trying to do was prevent conflict.
Apologies for that.
@@Joshy2-E How does that make one more susceptible to irrational emotional reactions? (Btw I was asking about getting triggered easily, not about hiding it; I think you might've not answered my question.)
@@maurivanhanen9208 there's a difference between getting triggered and being susceptible to irrational emotional reactions. There can be a lot of reasons to get triggered in a day, whether it's injustice happening around you (big or small) or ignorance and hypocrisy or people misunderstanding you. These are just a few examples. Apart from that, it is a normal tendency to get irritated. Also, INFJs with their fourth slot Se are likely to be HSPs, which makes them easily bothered by sensory stimulations. And because they want to maintain harmony, they keep all these little bouts of frustrations repressed.
A round of applause!! The INFJ is perfectly done!
I'm an INFJ but I related to so many of these it's embarrassing
As an INFJ I'm scary when pissed off limit. I won't be petty but very barbarous! I mean this ain't often case ,I've high tolerance but it ain't eternal tho.
“You used a medical term to minimize my righteous anger”
I feel that one on a spiritual level
As an INFP, I definitely do this and this definitely occurred yesterday 😂 I always explain why it’s not just insulting to me but also to _____.
Hello, INFJ here.
This is so accurate lol.
I literally realized the other day that *no one*, not even my siblings, has ever seen me truly angry.
Incredibly annoyed? Yes (again, I have siblings).
Frustrated? Yes.
But I've only been really angry once before, and I was all alone (thank God lol).
Why are we like this? 😂
Hello, zuko here.
Do people mistake your incredible annoyance for anger? Even my mild annoyance seems to slap people across the face.
While at the same time we can care a lot, we really don't give a sh*t.
I think we’re better at hiding our annoyance than we think. So many of my friends tell me that I’m a very calm person but actually half of the time I’m really annoyed with people or I’m panicking about something lol
@@micahsnow346 I have learned to take that as a sign I should leave the current company and go to nature or something. I used to be really caught up in affective empathy, but now that I spend time in nature and with positive people - as opposed to staying in the city and hanging out with any random person that starts talking to me - I'm much more logical and grounded. I believe all INFJs are extremely analytical if given the right emotional atmosphere. In MBTI terms: remove Fe problems; give space for Ti.
I love how Frank always chooses plain black T-shirts for the INTJs.
Sincerely, an INTJ with enough same plain black T-shirts to wear everyday so I don't get to waste time deciding which dark-pale coloured T-shirt to wear every day.
same, except I have about 5 shirts that look practically exactly the same, with like 7 pairs of black pants. I just wear that every day.
Well, I'd LOVE to wear plain black shirts every day, but my mum picks t-shirts for me from the stores (EVEN WHEN I DON'T LIKE THEM) AND NOT ONE OF THEM ARE BLACK. I do have a navy blue t-shirt which is very close to black, and it's my favourite shirt - an INTJ
I'm so fucking mad about the INFP one because literally when I saw the title of this video I was like "Oh that's not cool, thats a medical term for people with mental health issues, I'm so upset now."
How dare you know my inner thoughts and the way my mind works, for the first time I'm actually resenting being understood.
As an infp: people think nothing fazes me. They think i am so peaceful😂
Same lol😂
i'm ENFP, and i can't count the times that I literally said that 😂 this is the most relatable thing i've ever seen!!
I've said it before, i'll say it again; these just keep on getting better!
All of it, the production quality, the relatability, the humour
Dang. Just when I’ve been wondering if I really am an enfp this comes along. I literally this morning received a dismissive remark and in my head was like “Fine, I’ll move so far away you won’t be able to find me.”
What I like about your performance and the writing is, not only are you getting noticeable better each week, but it's fun to look for the different layers on top of the obvious overlying one. A subtle nod to another RUclipsr, Kramer, whatever. Holly and you are really hitting it.😂
I always end up crying as an INTP through frustration. Then people think I'm admitting I'm wrong or they won the argument just because I'm crying.
I’m an INTP and a little ashamed to admit how insanely accurate this is
I'm an INTP and it's true, I cry when I'm frustrated. Just last week, I have to take care of my grandma who has dementia while my mom is away. My grandma only feels calm around my mom, but not me (usually I'd be in my room all day). She kept asking where my mom at, ask about surroundings and everything she sees, while I try to study for a quiz the next day. It repeated so many times, I answered until I cried. Though I was pushing my emotions back as much as possible, I cried out of frustration. Glad that my grandma didn't notice I was weeping. She became quiet when my mom came home lol
Finally someone who believes that INTPs have emotions and that we can cry (and actually do it a lot when mad)
"can't change stupid people" *ENTP* : (new fear unlocked)
Omg, I'm an infp and the whole video i was thinking the same about the word trigger!!!! How do you read my mind frank?! 😂😂😂
INTJ anger: so very accurate.
Classmates : talking that they have depression but actually not
Me an INFP with depression : Gives a whole lecture about it explaining which terms to use where and how many people suffer through it .
Why everyone's replies are tearing me up , you guys understand me more than ppl in my life do 🌸💜
I am an INFP without depression but when I hear people saying stuff like, "Why are u depressed?", "I am so depressed" I FEEL TRIGGERED. I give them a lecture on it too. Depression is an emotional disorder and stress reaction not mere sorrow. I hope you recover soon❤. Sending virtual hugs 🤗(if only you like hugs cuz i dont like them😂)
I am INTP and I do get angry when somebody pretends to have depression or basically any form of mental illness. I do not care if it is for social media clout. Because it is not cool nor "quirky".
Besides I may not have depression but I really hope you are doing well. ❤👍🏻 Also I agree with @Anshika. Why make the consumption that somebody is depressed when it can just be some sorrow.
@@vibhatripathi48 Depression is not a disease, it’s a reaction. I am an INFP who has been through depression and it triggers me just as much when people call it a disease. It is not a disease, it’s a reaction to a severe amount of stress
@@vibhatripathi48 anyone can become depressed. It is not sadness and it is not a disease. It’s shock, despair, grief. Something everyone is capable of experiencing and or being put through
I do agree with educating people about depression. It is not a disease but a disorder. Its more than being sad or feeling down.. i hope everyone gets better.... 🤗
I've never seen something so accurate about ISTPs
I am an INTP.. But I felt like ISTP in this case..
We are all HUMANS..🤐
@@dctdude3342 We are similar, But ISTPs care a little less about others opinion and...has (even) less tolerance to people in general
I shut up when I get mad. I stop talking to whoever it was, and - depending on what's happened - I'll leave the room to cry alone or explode into a ball of righteous fury. And yes. I'll think, "If they don't like me then i won't bother them with my stupid ideas anymore so they can live their lives in peace!" - sincerely, a grateful to be understood ENFP
Yes I am the same, or I just start making jokes because i get uncomfortable. And I’m like “I don’t care that people don’t like me, really I’m fine” and then start laughing like the joker or something. But also I’m like if they don’t like me I just stop being my enfp self around them. Like people who see me as me are my friends and family. Everyone else I dial it down.
@@Meg_intheclouds Absolutely agreed. If i annoy people by getting excited about things or talking too much, them i won't get excited/talk too much around them.
And laughing is the defense mechanism of the ENFP.
@@alverrann3097 yes! So glad we get each other. But yeah if people get annoyed at me for being too loud or whatever chances are I won’t be that around that person again. We are all super sensitive I feel like. Like Fi gets bruised easily
INTJ female here, and you have pegged it exactly. I have said that exact thing to a few clueless co workers last week.
2:04 Who said us INTPs are robots? No, that doesn't hurt my feelings. AND I'M NOT CRYING OK😭!!!
Infj here. I kinda identified with a couple of the other types and then you got to mine and it was so perfect!
ISFJ is soooo accurate 😂...feelings are subjective but you can't argue against facts 🤷♀️🙈😂
One of the bests!
I will campaign against everything you stand for 😂 omg that was the best
"I guess my mama was right, you can't fix stupid. But I'm gonna keep trying, gosh darn it" is so me lmao
YEP, I'm definitely ISFP/ESFP
ISTJ-T here. Glad this is just a video. I can pause and replay it and make new conclusions. By myself. Alone.