The Mark of the Beast, the Mysterious Number 666 and Last Day Predictions - Discoveries08 - 21

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Revelation 13. View the full series at
    (Mark Finley)

Комментарии • 411

  • @reymundol6309
    @reymundol6309 4 года назад +8

    It's been 9 years since pastors Mark Finley preached.
    Now you can read "la encicla papal laudato si" becomes a reality
    This is amazing.
    I was raised as a catholic but 10 years ago I picked up the bible and searched it. Now I do this every day and now I'm 100% sure the end is here.
    Praise God for the holy bible

  • @sassyrasta3053
    @sassyrasta3053 4 года назад +9

    I have been watching this man preaching the Gospel from I was a little girl and he is still doing it today. Preaching with a smile. Blessings Mark Finley

  • @azeeketsela514
    @azeeketsela514 4 года назад +11

    what a powerful message! Thank you for spreading the truth!! this is what every Christian need to hear in the time we live, It encouraging to be strong and have faith in Jesus!!! and prepared us to be strong and face what ever coming ahead of us in Jesus name!!!!!

  • @malimdabeshears5561
    @malimdabeshears5561 4 года назад +22

    This is so true, just happened to wake up at 3am and this was on, the Lord blessed me to see this, it is something I have always known , but hearing it makes me know I was wise enough to believe in my thinking, I am not putting down any faiith, but I was raised a Catholic, went to Catholic school through 8th grade, then went to public high school, I had always heard as I was growing up Pope Francis would be the last pope, I am 76 years old now, and that is who we now have as a pope, he is a evil person, the Cardinals have called him out on several things he is doing, I have been reading about it lately, I have said since he became pope he is the Anti Christ, he has signed a contract with many nations to have a one world Church, we are heading for a one world older, I must say I haven't been a Catholic since I got out of school, because I realized that you pray to only one person and that is the Lord, you do not go to a priest and him tell you what to do, sorry this is so long, but we are in the last days and we all need to wake up. and start praying to The Lord

    • @MrGilfred
      @MrGilfred 4 года назад +2

      The bible teaches that there are many antichrists. Anyone that is against Christ is an antichrist. Jesus said it himself either you are for him or against him.
      The leader of any church should be able to tell you what you need to do in order to live by bible standards. They should be there to help guide you on the way. Although it is up to you to live by bible standards. They can't do it for you. Praying to God through Christ is what will give you the power to live up to those standards.

    • @preparingforhiscoming3745
      @preparingforhiscoming3745 4 года назад


    • @MrGilfred
      @MrGilfred 4 года назад

      @@preparingforhiscoming3745 The bible is telling us that the Antichrist that Paul mention is a composite person. That composite person along with all of the rest of the Antichrists were back in those days. The Apostles acted as a restraint to hold back the apostasy. But when the last one died (Apostle John) the apostasy flourished. Those Antichrists are still present.

    • @MrGilfred
      @MrGilfred 4 года назад

      @arfer minute You have faith and I have works. I will demonstrate my faith by my works, James 2:18. Faith should move people to action.
      Take parents that have not only told but showed their children the dangers of smoking when their children were very young. Further let's say that the parents are non smokers. So they live by their own standards.
      Then the children tell their parents that they have faith that what they are telling them about smoking is true.
      Years later when the children are in high school the parents catch them smoking. Then they telling their parents that they have been smoking for many years in secret.
      Tell me how much faith did their children put in what their parents told them about the dangers of smoking.
      This is why faith should move people to action. Just saying I believe with your mouth and doing nothing about it is easy.James 2:19 says that even demons believe but shudder. So belief alone won't work. Neither will works alone do it either. It takes both.
      James the second chapter further teaching that just like the body without spirit is dead faith without works (action) is dead. Christianity must be a living faith.
      Even Gandhi knew that when he told Christians that he had no problems with Christ. It was you Christians because you are nothing like your Christ. They weren't living examples of Christ.

    • @MrGilfred
      @MrGilfred 3 года назад

      @arfer minute My knowledge comes from studying the bible with the help of God's holy spirit and God's spirit directed organization that is given the knowledge of the scriptures. Knowledge that can make me wise for salvation. Where I would have a good relationship with God.
      The man of lawlessness was already at work during Paul's time. There is so much more about the man of lawlessness that is contained in the scriptures than what you have been told or watched on videos.

  • @kathydayton9039
    @kathydayton9039 3 года назад +3

    Some people don’t want to hear about the truth but rather stick to traditional family habits.This is much easier to be excerpted with family and friends.I much prefer the truth

  • @kylewilliam5926
    @kylewilliam5926 4 года назад +7

    This video is from nearly 10 years ago.
    And boy does it apply to us today, the Lord's return is near!

    • @helenwayt4230
      @helenwayt4230 3 года назад

      It doesn’t matter how long it is the word of GOD will remain we will lost this world but his word will remain in the hearts of his chosen people.

  • @johnruiz3834
    @johnruiz3834 4 года назад +10

    I don't want to receive the mark of the beast, I love Jesus and I want to follow Jesus.

  • @marcusmayne3831
    @marcusmayne3831 4 года назад +6

    It's not just Catholics who need to worry and take a stand but all who worship on Sunday. Look how easily we went along with the system telling us to just ignore the Sabbath and look how long we have been doing it

    • @cindydo8781
      @cindydo8781 4 года назад +2

      So true. I pray that people hearts will receive Jesus in their hearts and eyes see this.

    • @rochellekeels8466
      @rochellekeels8466 4 года назад +1


    • @anastasiaflynn5108
      @anastasiaflynn5108 4 года назад +1

      Saturday is not in the bible Sunday is in the bible, Sunday the Resurrection of Christ Jesus the Lord the Son of God Almighty Matthew 28:1 After the Sabbath, as Sunday morning was dawning, Mary Magdalene and other Mary went to look at the tomb - 10 Mk 16:1 - 10 Lk 24:1 - 12 Jn 20:1 - 10

    • @rosemarysangle7833
      @rosemarysangle7833 4 года назад

      @@anastasiaflynn5108 Saturday is not mentioned in the Bible by name. It is understood as the 7th Day if you take Sunday as the first day. And God's fourth commandment is to obsetve the Sabbath (7th day - Satirday) and to keep it holy.

  • @28mayax
    @28mayax 4 года назад +17

    This is already 9 years sermon of Pastor Mark Finley now it takes place

    • @spazomaz
      @spazomaz 4 года назад

      @The SPIRITLIGHT Surround yourself with sheep

  • @weirdwildweed6557
    @weirdwildweed6557 4 года назад +2

    Is it not written in our Bible:
    " You shall know thy enemy""?
    Your are a True friend to our Lord.
    We must be prepared!
    I thank the Lord for guiding me to you.
    Blessed are you for doing such good work.
    Thank God for His loving ways,, we may rest in Him!

  • @nicolekinzonzi1832
    @nicolekinzonzi1832 4 года назад +16

    Published in 2011...this was the year the movie Contagion came out, about the Covid19 epidemic.

  • @benitasobrepena7343
    @benitasobrepena7343 4 года назад +2

    Pastor Mark Finley , may God pour you a double portion of His Blessings and Holy Spirit as you share and sow the Bible truth throughout the world in preparation for God's second coming. God Bless you !

    • @edaguirre8952
      @edaguirre8952 4 года назад

      Three years ago the Lord Jesus said, "Go to the phone book and call Adventist churches" because He said no one was reaching out to them. I then said, "They're good people." Then He said, "They believe lies. My response was that they say that God answers prayer on their television and radio programs. He said, "They deceive themselves."
      It seems that they are convinced Ellen White was a prophet and that her claims are true. People have placed her words above Scripture. False doctrines are lies and you know that heresy is a work of the flesh as declared in Galatians chapter 5. Heretics do not inherit the kingdom of God so this is a serious matter.
      I became familiar with the Adventists starting in 1974 when a colporteur came to the door. He said things like, do we keep nine commandments or all ten? I was unprepared for a debate, but I never once was convicted for not going to church on Saturday. Adventists believe the Sabbath(going to church on Saturday) is binding from Ellen White because the Lord Jesus did not command it. The rich young ruler asked what he must do to inherit eternal life. The Lord mentioned the commandments of which the Sabbath is excluded. Of course Ellen White didn't think so. The Sabbath is not the heart of the moral law, but rather love is: "Love worketh no ill to his neighbor, therefore LOVE IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW (Romans 13:10)." The two greatest commandments also demonstrate this fact.
      The Sabbath commandment is nowhere quoted in the New Testament. The sabbatarians wanted to kill Jesus. In Acts they stoned Paul. Sabbath keeping did nothing for them. It was for the Old Testament Jews and is not part of the gospel. Jesus is the mediator of the New Covenant, greater than Moses who mediated the Old Covenant as noted in the book of Hebrews. Jesus is the reality of things foreshadowed in the Old Testament, of which the Sabbath day was one as Collossians 2:16, 17 declares: "the Sabbath was a shadow and Christ is the substance." This fact is clearly demonstrated in the book of Numbers 28:9, 10 where two lambs were offered on the Sabbath day which looked forward to the sacrifice of Christ - the lamb of God. The Old Testament sacrifices, the priesthood and the Sabbath were abolished and Jesus became our rest. As Lord of rest, we just follow him.. He is "the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him(Hebrews 5:9)." We are to rest in His merits for we "are complete in him(Collossians2:10)" and "...By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works...(Ephesians 2:8-10)." Therefore,
      the rest of faith in Hebrews 4 is not the Sabbath day. It is exactly that - a rest of FAITH, not a day of the week. Adding to this significance, the Lord's day in Revelation 1:10 is not the Sabbath day. The Lord's day is the day Jesus rose from the dead - the first day of week. In Revelation 1:18, Jesus tells of his victory over death by his resurrection, which Christians have commemorated on the first day of the week ever since the first century. Instead of commemorating this major event with the rest of Christendom, Ellen White deceived people into idolizing a Hebrew ritual law that was fulfilled and therefore abolished according to the New Testament as noted above.
      Judaizers are accursed for pulling Christians back into the Old Testament obsolete Jewish system(see Galatians 1:6-9). The Sabbath observance was a duty for the people back then as long as the Covenant was in effect. Therefore the Sabbath was not forever, the same as the Old Testament with its animal sacrifices and Levitical priesthood. The Good Shepherd abrogated the Old Covenant by establishing the New. His sheep hear his voice and a stranger they will not follow(John 10).
      Paul went into the synagogues on the Sabbath in the book of Acts to preach to the Jews and their gentile converts as noted in Acts 13. The unbelieving Jews persecuted the apostles, therefore these were not believer's meetings, nor was the apostle Paul keeping the Sabbath. On the contrary, the believers met on the first day of the week - the day of the resurrection as seen in 1 Corinthians 16:2 and Acts 20:7. Therefore, going to church on the first day of the week is not taking the mark of the beast. Christians were meeting on that day long before the papacy came around to falsely claim they changed the Sabbath day. Furthermore, Catholics can meet for church on Saturday as well as Sunday. Ellen White invented the idea that Sunday church attendance is taking the mark of the beast, therefore it is dangerous to trust your eternal destiny on her "revelations." It looks like the mark of the beast is going to be a digital tattoo or a microchip implant. Adventists looking for Sunday laws or believe in a Sunday mark will doom themselves should they take the real mark. "...Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved...God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth...(2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)."
      Soul sleeping is a false doctrine. Jesus "brought life and immortality to light through the gospel(2 Tim. 1:10)." Therefore there's life immediately after death in which consciousness survives death. Jesus said that believers are passed from death unto life. Eternal life begins now in this life upon experiencing the new birth. New Testament examples are: When Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John, "there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him(Matthew 17:3)." The rich man and Lazarus were alive after death. Jesus said that the believing thief on the cross would go to paradise the day he died. Stephen the first martyr when about to die said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit(Acts 7:59)." Hebrews 12:22-24 tells us who are in heaven, including the spirits of just men made perfect, that is, the disembodied believers from earth. This is also taught in 1 Thessalonians 4:14: "...them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." According to 2 Corinthians 5:6-9, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Therefore, Jesus is coming with his saints and for his saints. Since there is no soul sleeping in Christ, the bodies of believers will be resurrected at the coming of the Lord. Furthermore, in the book of Revelation there are 24 elders seen in heaven as well as other men as noted in chapter 15 verse 8.
      Concerning the no meat eating doctrine: It is "giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils forbidding to abstain from meats. (1Timothy 4:1,3)". The early church Christians were told regarding food to "abstain from things strangled and from blood(Acts 15:20)."Jesus said, "Eat what's set before you, and it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what's in the heart." The Mosaic dietary laws were not brought forward into the New Testament.
      Jesus taught an endless hell "where the fire is not quenched and the worm dieth not", but Ellen White taught annihilation or no hell instead. Consciousness survives death. It's safe to only follow the Lord...His sheep "know his voice and a stranger they will not follow(John 10:4, 5)."
      The investigative judgment is nowhere taught in scripture. She made it up after the Second Coming did not take place in 1843. This is another made up heresy invented by Ellen White.
      The U.S. in prophecy is the great eagle in Revelation 12:14, not the second beast of Revelation chapter13.
      According to someone's testimony, they saw in hell the prophetess Ellen White in hell. Jesus said she is in this place for inventing heresies. She prophesied lies and still had connections with the satanists who helped [her] ministry grow. She also taught [her] members to keep the Sabbath stepping on My grace...

  • @macseagle5968
    @macseagle5968 4 года назад +10

    Seventh Day Adventist believe that saturday is the Sabbath.
    Saturday is named after the Roman pagan god Saturnus
    Everyday is a day of our Lord God. God created all the days one through seven.
    He completed creation on the sixth day and rested on the seventh.
    The observance of the Sabbath was a Hebrew commandment.
    Jesus Christ is the Sabbath, not the Gregorian calendar.

    • @misred28
      @misred28 4 года назад +4

      Macs Eagle Roman named it Saturday but the Bible calls it Seventh day. Jesus is NOT a sabbath he is not a day.

    • @misred28
      @misred28 4 года назад +3

      Macs Eagle Hebrew Commandment? The Bible says the Sabbath was made for man...

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад +4

      Yes every day is a day of God's but he only blessed and made Holy the seventh day and He called it His Holy Day, not the Jew's or Hebrew's holy day but God's Holy Day the Sabbath. Isa.58:13-14

    • @nellyrukuni5380
      @nellyrukuni5380 4 года назад +1

      What is the first day of the week ,its Sunday, dont commend without studying the word, read the 4th commandment,

    • @davidk591
      @davidk591 4 года назад

      @@nellyrukuni5380 You are the one who is having trouble reading it.

  • @benbrewer5853
    @benbrewer5853 4 года назад +8

    Some people can't handle the truth long as you preach the truth revelation and what you should be preaching now

  • @tumininu8086
    @tumininu8086 4 года назад +6

    I pray for all the saints in foreign Lands. People with the spirit of God in china,Arab empires and Russia that when the signs come and they want to change their hearts that they will not lose their lives for it.

    • @normaajarie4359
      @normaajarie4359 4 года назад +1

      My belief is living a good life to please God not man and when the time comes in what ever way u died heaven is ur home.

  • @MegaVictorias
    @MegaVictorias 12 лет назад +5

    It doesn't matter what language the Bible was originally written in. God created every language and knew that it would be translated in each language. All one needs to do is pray before reading the Bible and God will gift you with understanding, even if your Bible is mistranslated. Its not about the wording or translation. The knowledge is in the spirit, all one has to do is ask for translation from God himself and not man.

    • @narasimharaju7253
      @narasimharaju7253 7 лет назад

      God doesn't come to you and tell the Bible,He will speak through His servants.

  • @cindymiller3419
    @cindymiller3419 4 года назад

    Thanks sir for this teaching because I'm 64 and always been a Christian but you have reminded me of my childhood teachings by my pastor who preached this same type of preaching. It's great. God bless you and thank you again

  • @robinrose8131
    @robinrose8131 4 года назад +2

    Pastor Mark, I’m so happy you chose God’s seventh day sabbath at 17 years old. Pastor please pray for my son Joshua, my husband Harry and a lovely young man who seems to be in love with my daughter, but whom I will not allow to marry if they are unequally yoked. His name Peter. Please pray for these beautiful men who are still holding onto this material world.

    • @dr.ruatdiki_701
      @dr.ruatdiki_701 4 года назад

      Check out pastor dough bachelor sermons on did angels marry humans?.Bible has something to do with relationship...God bless...!!..

    • @leslieiris7093
      @leslieiris7093 4 года назад

      Robin rOse I got a question for you if we are saved by grace which we are can God still save us if we married the wrong person if I Believe and my husband doesnt

  • @TheForefrontRadio
    @TheForefrontRadio 13 лет назад +6

    thanks for posting it.. its quite long but I will watch it in its entirety when I get a chance.

    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 4 года назад

      Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ.
      George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
      Pope Benedict XVI was the "False Prophet".
      United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
      Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD.
      See the "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories' at - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce this.

  • @wendymom6294
    @wendymom6294 4 года назад +11

    I love Jesus, and I want to obey Him!!

    • @noblesessalina445
      @noblesessalina445 4 года назад

      Obey Him is to keep his commandments.Jesus Christ declares this:if u love me,then keep my commandments.Everyone who observes,the sun rest worshiped the beast and his image.Happy sabbath.

    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 4 года назад

      Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ.
      George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
      Pope Benedict XVI was the "False Prophet".
      United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
      Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD.
      See the "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories' at - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce this.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      @@BradWatsonMiami Shut up Brad. You are bearing false witness because you don't know nor understand the scriptures.

  • @nokuthulamdlalose5487
    @nokuthulamdlalose5487 5 лет назад +26

    May God continue to bless you and your family keep on inviting the Holy Spirit to bless you abundantly with such amazing revelation

    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 4 года назад

      Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ.
      George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
      Pope Benedict XVI was the "False Prophet".
      United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
      Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD.
      See the "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories' at - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce this.

    • @alanamos5158
      @alanamos5158 4 года назад

      @@BradWatsonMiami I have never heard this and it's not in the BIBLE, but the pope's hat stands for something about satan, I've heard but haven't studied this enough to be sure, and I don't think trump's any part of the beast,because he's helped this country better than any president. But I have to say this about trump, he seems like he's all about money and hurt alot of people back when he was building in Las Vegas and didn't pay them, But GOD will forgive if he repents and means it in JESUS NAME. Also I think this is the end time's, but the 2 messenger's have to come back before the anti-christ comes (Revalation? : ?-?)I will verify what chapter and verses,(from the KJV)

    • @alanamos5158
      @alanamos5158 4 года назад

      The anti-christ lands on EARTH at the temple so anyone who worships him......

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      @@BradWatsonMiami You do error not knowing nor understanding the scriptures. Listen to the video and you want have to be bearing false witness, Pastor Mark explains it very well if you would just listen and learn the truth. Daniel and Rev gives 10 characteristics of who the beast is and for it to be the beast it must meet all of these requirements, only then can you figure out what the mark of the beast is.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      @@alanamos5158 Listen to the video Pastor Mark explains it very well if you will just listen and study out what he is teaching.

  • @dollyschwall8537
    @dollyschwall8537 4 года назад +1

    LORD OPEN the eyes of my Catholic friends and relatives to know the Truth.

    • @nelsonfernandes5729
      @nelsonfernandes5729 4 года назад

      Better if you removed your Protestant specs to be able to understand and see that all the doctrines of the CAtholic church are revelations from the Bible itself.

    • @dollyschwall8537
      @dollyschwall8537 4 года назад

      I haven seen on TV your pope sitting with Indian Hindu cult leader. .and American native Indian leader smoking pipe and worship their God and Lord Jesus together .Bible says The God Who made heaven and Earth will not share His glory With Pagon God
      ONE world religion agenda bring anti Christ to the World. .hear Israel though shall not have any other God
      We born again Christians separate from world and their Pagon culture .

    • @dollyschwall8537
      @dollyschwall8537 4 года назад

      I have come out from Pagon religion ..I will not eat what I vomited ..Dogs Does not go to heaven ..I watch True Gospel preacher's teaching.

  • @audreynorton6940
    @audreynorton6940 5 лет назад +3

    What A Magnificent Explanation. Father In The Name Of Jesus Christ. Please Continue To Bless Our Pastors. Guide Each And Every One. Thank you Pastor Mark Finley. 🤗🤗

  • @malcolmsmith7748
    @malcolmsmith7748 4 года назад +6

    Very great teaching amen

  • @nobodygoody2455
    @nobodygoody2455 7 лет назад +10

    The mark of the beast and the mysterious number 666, is not mysterious at all, man's teachings will tell you it's mysterious, But God reveals in the book of Revelation what the number 666 reveals to Represents.
    But as it is, people would rather listen to man's teachings and doctrines of what the number 666 Represents, instead of listing to God in the book of Revelation.

    • @comfortablyuncomfortable733
      @comfortablyuncomfortable733 5 лет назад

      Nobody Goody great point

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      So what is the mark of the beast? Do you know who the beast is? If not then what makes you think you know what the Mark of the Beast is. Sorry if I am mis interpretation your comment.

    • @368400368400
      @368400368400 4 года назад

      Beware of spiritual pride.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      And what is God's definition of 666 in Rev.? That is if you know then please tell me so I can know also.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      @@368400368400 That is what the Sunday worshipers need to heed.

  • @elizabeth1kwesiga495
    @elizabeth1kwesiga495 4 года назад +1

    Thank Lord Almighty for this message may You please help me a me my family and those I pray for to stand for you.

  • @linegrant4605
    @linegrant4605 4 года назад +1

    God said know the truth and will set you free. So who cares if ppl get offended. That's their problem, take it to God not yours. We don't sugarcoat God's Word. Just say ouch and tell God thank you for the truth ppl.

  • @Gaga-2020
    @Gaga-2020 4 года назад +9

    Ohhhhhhhh Thank u Pastor Mark Finely. What u preached are happening now. May God bless you and keep u stand on Jesus side

  • @tylge
    @tylge 4 года назад +1


  • @nathalielouis153
    @nathalielouis153 4 года назад +7

    Pastor Mark I will pray that God helps you to preach His words more, and the Holy Spirit can inspire you always. Also, the final blessing one is for God to you give eternal life.

    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 4 года назад

      Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ.
      George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
      Pope Benedict XVI was the "False Prophet".
      United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
      Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD.
      See the "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories' at - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce this.

  • @blakkamin3452
    @blakkamin3452 3 года назад

    Thank you pastor Mark for you inspired words. it is now 2021 and is closing in on us now,.. I pray that we may stand strong,..and always keep the SABBATH holy
    watching this from Suriname

  • @veronicamatharu8097
    @veronicamatharu8097 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much pastor Mark .god bless you abundantly for helping me to understand the last chapter of Revelation. !! Keep doing the good work.

  • @alanamos5158
    @alanamos5158 4 года назад +3

    Because it's the most important thing you need to learn about THE BIBLE

  • @mariabrown8447
    @mariabrown8447 4 года назад +2


  • @franciscopietra
    @franciscopietra 4 года назад +1

    A REAL Catholic NEVER leaves the Holy Catholic Church....which the enemy has been trying to destroy for two thousand years.

    • @anndoreen2412
      @anndoreen2412 4 года назад

      I love my jesus and my holy Catholic Church.... I know.. Jesus built up the Holy Catholic Church.. Matthew 16:18_19.....and then...

    • @winelfredpasamba
      @winelfredpasamba  3 года назад

      but if you read the bible...

  • @manjuhembrom2585
    @manjuhembrom2585 4 года назад

    Thank you Pastor for the truth, the Bible, I want to have true fellowship with Christ Our High Priest and walk with Him in righteousness, please pray for me and my family.

  • @DowntownSound1
    @DowntownSound1 4 года назад

    Mark Finley used to be a Catholic !!!!!!!😯....................
    Now this is a MIRACLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    LOOK AT HIS PREACHINGS TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @princemanume6302
    @princemanume6302 5 лет назад +4

    I love pastor Mark Finley. I love this man. Always on point. God bless you richly good amen

    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 4 года назад

      Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ.
      George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
      Pope Benedict XVI was the "False Prophet".
      United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
      Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD.
      See the "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories' at - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce this.

  • @roselopez5566
    @roselopez5566 4 года назад +5

    God bless u! I would like to know more about the people who stays in the rapture n won't take the mark. What kind of persecution n torture n death will they have? Please, pray for me cause I recently gave my heart to Christ n I'm going thru alot of tribulations.

    • @renjackson3822
      @renjackson3822 4 года назад +1

      Rose, how are you?

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      There won't be a rapture before the Tribulations. See this site it will help you understand about the rapture and the Tribulations.

  • @phillexner2354
    @phillexner2354 4 года назад

    Lord Jesus , please give me the strength with all my heart to love you and follow you and do Your Will .

  • @almamagoncia603
    @almamagoncia603 3 года назад

    Thanks pastor Mark Fenley for nice message

  • @arcislegawen9245
    @arcislegawen9245 4 года назад +6

    Thank you Lord for your great ministers that you are using to preach the gospel of truth that set us free from Satan and the worlds devastating deception. I thank God for sending His one and only begotten Son to die on the cross to save me and this world. Long live! My Savior and my Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who purchased my life at the cross of Calvary who is the author and finisher of my faith. Thank you ministers!!! God bless you all.😇😇😇💞🌈👍🆗

    • @arcislegawen9245
      @arcislegawen9245 4 года назад +1

      Lord let our desire to be after your desire.🌈💟🌾

    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 4 года назад

      Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ.
      George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
      Pope Benedict XVI was the "False Prophet".
      United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
      Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD.
      See the "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories' at - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce this.

  • @evermorechindova3491
    @evermorechindova3491 7 лет назад +7


  • @wendythompson7901
    @wendythompson7901 6 лет назад +3

    Thanks for today for my savior Jesus ,I'm a ,Jesus Christ of later day saints,I want to be with my savior when he comes ,pastor you're doing a great job ,I've been looking at your broadcast in Trinidad,

  • @sariyaacaranolli8679
    @sariyaacaranolli8679 5 лет назад +3

    Thank you Pastor Mark for preaching the truth so glad i find your channel

    • @molliebanks7940
      @molliebanks7940 4 года назад

      Hope sabbath school

    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 4 года назад

      Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ.
      George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
      Pope Benedict XVI was the "False Prophet".
      United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
      Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD.
      See the "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories' at - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce this.

    • @waimuncheah9863
      @waimuncheah9863 4 года назад +1

      Trump is 777. On his 1st day in office, he was70 years old, 7 months, & 7 days.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      @@waimuncheah9863 Don't know if that is correct or not but I love your reasoning. Thanks.

    • @waimuncheah9863
      @waimuncheah9863 4 года назад

      @@ebbygshreve9577 I am correct. Trump is the anointed one & he is God's answer to prayers. Plx continue to pray for the USA & for Trump & his family.видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html

  • @raymondgriffiths7540
    @raymondgriffiths7540 3 года назад

    Every day with Jesus it sweeter and the day before

  • @blessedhighlyfavoured3697
    @blessedhighlyfavoured3697 4 года назад +4

    This man is BLESSED

    • @sarahrich7855
      @sarahrich7855 4 года назад +1

      Pastor Mark, is a chosen vessel to bring a revelatory word. God bless you. I have learned so much from your messages.

  • @rotadomoni528
    @rotadomoni528 4 года назад +3

    Preach it Pastor❤

  • @samisonimotufaga5632
    @samisonimotufaga5632 4 года назад +1

    the sabbath is a sign, and a sign carries a message. what is the message of the sign which is the sabbath? to enter Gods rest is not by works. BUT a SEAL is different, the HOLY SPIRIT is the SEAL of the BELIEVERS, He is the quarantee of the purchased possession.

  • @anithajose9822
    @anithajose9822 4 года назад

    Please pray for my Family.Sons Nikhil and Nihal salvation deliverence healing protection breakthrough own house.Thank you Jesus.God bless you.

  • @michaelwainaina4476
    @michaelwainaina4476 4 года назад +3

    Apostles and early church fathers met on the first day, irrefutable proof even by early church fathers including Johns disciple Polycarp confirm..this teaching is misleading. Two times in scripture God denounces sabbath and promises a new testament because those given the old teatament never kept it..Jeremiah 31;31

    • @RedleyOpasa
      @RedleyOpasa 4 года назад

      the 4th Commandment: Exodus 20: 8.. Rem the SABBATH-day to keep it HOLY. John14: 15: If you love me Keep my commandments. Mathew 5:17-18 Jesus says He did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it and NOT one writing shall pass from the LAW... Seventh-day SABBATH (Saturday) remains God's Holy Day of rest and is God's SEAL and SIGN. You misinterpret the scripture and worship on sunday, you are worshiping the beast and his image.

    • @368400368400
      @368400368400 4 года назад

      You are on point. Jesus is our Sabbath rest. In any case there is no person on earth who has ever kept the Sabbath or any other of the other 9 commandments properly except Jesus Christ. And if you break one you are guilty of all. Moreover, if we are able to work our way to heaven via a loveless commandment keeping, then we don't need a Saviour or redeemer. Some people worship the Sabbath instead of the Lord of the Sabbath rest.

  • @mangyanpride8769
    @mangyanpride8769 4 года назад +1

    Amen 🙏 watching from Jeddah KSA

  • @danielgallant4627
    @danielgallant4627 4 года назад +3

    THIS IS FULFILLED BY OUR REDEEMER......the substance of fulfillment is different than what was the spirit of intent........the 4th commandment SABBATH is fulfilled in CHRIST and Jesus promised to give REST......therefore ENTIRE SANCTIFICATION IS THE FULFILLMENT OF THE 4TH COMMANDMENT SABBATH

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      Wrong. You do error not knowing nor understanding the scriptures. You have been deceived by the Sunday preachers. They don't know nor understand the scriptures either. Need to quit listening to them because God is calling His people out of these Sunday churches because of their false doctrines, spiritual Babylon, Daughters of the Harlot. Rev 18:4 If only you knew and understood the scriptures you would know that Pastor Mark is telling you the truth. Read and STUDY the bible and ask God to send His Holy Spirit to lead you to the truth.

    • @danielgallant4627
      @danielgallant4627 4 года назад +2

      @@ebbygshreve9577 you did not reply to my content, but just blurted out false accusations....sad

  • @KissingEmbers
    @KissingEmbers 4 года назад

    I'm worshipping in my home, but you and me are both here.... were Churching in my house.... its his house now.

  • @evermorechindova3491
    @evermorechindova3491 8 лет назад +11

    powerful,really the time is at hand

  • @Fadcyz
    @Fadcyz 7 лет назад +5


  • @words4christ530
    @words4christ530 5 лет назад +1

    Praise the Lord

  • @dollyschwall8537
    @dollyschwall8537 4 года назад

    Wow from Germany .such a powerful preaching.

  • @byknutz
    @byknutz 4 года назад +1

    I dont believe in a Sunday church, nor a Sabbath church. The "rest" is the holy spirit, I go to church every day, I believe in an every day church. This makes a lot of sense, loud sores,.. intrest rates, people living way beyond their means, worshiping the numerical system that is in their minds, typing and clicking and swiping. I also refer to the talents. No one here in this comment section owns anything and debt is more than what they own. We have buried our talents. He'll blot our names out for this. I cant buy or sell if I refuse to worship on Sunday? Makes no sense at all. Who or what business can survive without a scanner or buy without swiping. Dang Mr Finley how much do you charge for your classes? Did Christ sell scripture? I think recieving the mark is something like not knowing what it is, and knowing what it is and Gods kingdom is not recieving it. You 7th day'rs and and your Sunday law. Sorry but the mark is not that. Jesus spoke of worship and he said his true believers would worship in spirit and in truth. Not a certain day or building. Also, the 6th commandment is now done with the mind! THE MIND! Well and or heart. So if I love God with all my heart and worship every day is that not more loving than only on Saturday? The Jehovas witness are the closest church, yet they don't emphasize in Christ. Their meetings are dry and lifeless and when they go home they ate no different from anyone else, utter a hymm in service then go home and dance to AC/DC or some Hip Hop ect. And you have to wear a suit to church? Yes, I said that right, you must follow the dress code. Where is that in Gods word. They'll say,... who out on the street or neighborhood will listen to a guy in plain clothes? No one, so you must wear a suit. Silly if you ask me. I never had a problem inviting people in plain clothes. But they pass no offering plate or beg for money, they have no payed clergy, they dont sell bibles or literature. They dont celebrate pagan hollidays. This nation is so far off, the US is a modern day Babylon. Everyone paying some dude behind a pulpit to say what anyone can say. Anyone can do weddings or go to funerals and minister to their loved ones. Wow, just wow.

    • @theicotheogenebayisingize5981
      @theicotheogenebayisingize5981 4 года назад

      It seems to be as though you are criticising what you don't know... Dear friend we use it is written but not our thoughts.... Just criticise using writings. Thank you

    • @byknutz
      @byknutz 4 года назад

      @@theicotheogenebayisingize5981 what I dont know? Everyone knows SDA are saying that if you worship on Sunday your doomed to hell, or your excepting the mark of the beast. Sad, putting me right back in religious bandage, the thing Christ is freeing us from. Thats all I'm saying. Crazy and inaccurate for Adventists to make these assumptions.

  • @5thsealministries685
    @5thsealministries685 4 года назад +1


    • @nellyrukuni5380
      @nellyrukuni5380 4 года назад

      Read Luke 23 v51 to the end ,then Luke 24 v1 -2 ,what they believe it's all written in the bible

  • @earlharrison909
    @earlharrison909 3 года назад +1

    Its sad that Black Preachers will not open there mouths on this.

  • @cindymiller3419
    @cindymiller3419 4 года назад

    Everyone please pray for our President. He needs our prayers so much because if America loses this great man then America will fall. I truly believe God put him in office to save our country. In Jesus name I pray for you Mr. Trump for a fast recovery. God bless you Mr. Finley for being a true man of God

  • @jamesmgonda
    @jamesmgonda 3 года назад

    I love how you teach

  • @winelfredpasamba
    @winelfredpasamba  11 лет назад +8

    even the misinterpretation of that prophecy is prophesied as "sweet to the taste but bitter on the belly". but God gave those people some information via a vision in the cornfield after the disappointment. check out the video "keepers of the flame".

    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 4 года назад +1

      Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist whose actions were the opposite of the Christ.
      George Walker Bush (Jr.) was the "2nd Beast"/Antichrist.
      Pope Benedict XVI was the "False Prophet".
      United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the Beast".
      Donald Trump = "six hundred sixty-six (666)" using the 'Evil=48 Code' of A=49, B50, C51...Z74. He's the current Antichrist whose actions are the opposite of the Christ, e.g. he worships GOLD not GOD.
      See the "7 Seals" revealed as 'Beyond Einstein Theories' at - only the Returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could produce this.

    • @marymogeni8050
      @marymogeni8050 4 года назад


    • @bobobowie8669
      @bobobowie8669 4 года назад

      No comment@@BradWatsonMiami

    • @keidengraves6824
      @keidengraves6824 4 года назад

      Francis’s agenda has been influenced by the coronavirus and he is having a huge meeting with world leaders

    • @linegrant4605
      @linegrant4605 4 года назад

      Antichrist points to roman catholic. Check their history on their website. 2nd beast is the USA. Bible prophecy

  • @abenajadube
    @abenajadube 4 года назад +2

    Why then does Jesus water down the 10 commandments to just 2?
    1. Love God with all your mind and soul.
    2. Love your neighbor as yourself
    Beyond these there's no greater commandment.
    Now I find this sermon more complicated than what Jesus taught.
    I don't know if it's just me.

    • @natashagooden4026
      @natashagooden4026 4 года назад +4

      the first 4 commandments is the love for god and the next 6 is the love for mankind all 10 commandments hang on love for man and love for god...james 2 vs 7 to 12

    • @msladymack1960
      @msladymack1960 4 года назад +1

      On these two hang all the rest...
      The first found commandments deal with loving GOD with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
      1) Have no other gods before me
      2)Make no graven images or idols
      3)Do not take GOD'S name in vain
      4)Keep the Sabbath GOD instituted
      To love your neighbor as yourself:
      5)Honor your parents
      6)Don't murder
      7)Don't commit Adultery
      8)Dont Steal
      9)Don't bear false witness
      10)Don't Covet your neighbors stuff
      Not complicated at all.. Pray for understanding and wisdom so that you will not be deceived...this was one of Jesus' warning for these days.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад +1

      Bell Katapa- If we love God we will be keeping the first four of the commandments we wont be worshiping idols etc.and if we love our neighbors we will keep the last six commandments.We will not be stealing from our neighbors, nor coveting our neighbors spouse, nor showing disrespect for our parents or anyone else. Thus you have what Jesus said that To love Him with all your heart and soul and to love your neighbor is fulfilling all of the commandments

    • @natashagooden4026
      @natashagooden4026 4 года назад

      @@ebbygshreve9577 wonderful amen

    • @368400368400
      @368400368400 4 года назад

      Jesus made it clear:
      Love is the fulfillment of the law.

  • @maritesblack1560
    @maritesblack1560 3 года назад


  • @nelsonfernandes5729
    @nelsonfernandes5729 4 года назад +1

    Jesus giving authority to Catholic Bishops and Priests to forgive sins--
    [John 20:23]
    If you forgive anyone's sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."

    • @marcusmayne3831
      @marcusmayne3831 4 года назад

      He is talking about sins toward each other brother. Like if your mother sinned against you're dad. He has the power to forgive the offense toward him but it's still a sin toward God and we are forgiven by God through Christ not through a priest or a pope.

    • @farwestgarohills3831
      @farwestgarohills3831 4 года назад

      @marcus mayne ! You must be SDA and so talking directly against @Nelson Fernandes, probably a Catholic, to support this SDA pastor.
      I am an SDA. Yet I'll support him, in the context of his comment (John 20:22-23).
      I read the entire chapter (John 20), and came to conclusion that @Nelson Fernandes is right.
      John 20:22 says, "he (Jesus) breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:"
      Breath = life
      Genesis 2:7 King James Version (KJV)
      7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
      Adam received life.
      John 20:23 says, "23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained."
      This is a POWER, Jesus gave them as He (Jesus) was about to send them for preaching gospel.
      Jesus also said to them to disown them, whosoever do not accept them.
      Matthew 10:14 King James Version (KJV)
      14" And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet."
      I believe 12 disciples of Jesus were given power to forgive sins (based on John 20:22-23); but do not believe Pope and his priest have the power to forgive sins.

  • @nelsonfernandes5729
    @nelsonfernandes5729 4 года назад +2

    Jesus authorizing the Magisterium of the Catholic Church founded on Peter-
    [Matthew 18:18]
    "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

    • @marcusmayne3831
      @marcusmayne3831 4 года назад +3

      Jesus didn't not authorize the Roman Catholic church through Peter. Where does Jesus say pray to his mother Mary or pray to an archangel? Just the opposite. His word tells us Jesus is the 1 and ONLY INTERCESSOR between God and man. Where does Jesus say about the Sabbath? Says keep the Sabbath holy which is Saturday not Sunday. The Roman Catholic church has authority to change the teachings of Christ and his holy word? So many other things I could mention but just these things alone should be enough. If you would like I could keep going I would like to hear you're answers please but only if they are from the word of God and not from the traditions of man. In fact Jesus tells the Pharisees that they nullify the word of God with man's traditions. Have a good day brorher

    • @TeStOs78
      @TeStOs78 4 года назад +1

      You do quote a pertinent verse which obliterates that false doctrine of Jesus authoring the RC Church, for the disciples were sabbath keepers, which is bounded both on the earth and in heaven. Not the false mark of Sunday keeping, which is bounded by the paganism of RC Church only on earth, but not in heaven.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      Jesus didn't found His church on Peter, that is a false doctrine created by the Catholic church. The Rock that Jesus was talking about was Himself, Jesus is that Rock not Peter, peter was know as a pebble not a rock. Jesus had asked Peter who Peter said Jesus was and Peter answered that Jesus was the Son of the living God and Jesus said on this Rock, That he was the Son of the living God, will I establish my church, not on Peter.

    • @nelsonfernandes5729
      @nelsonfernandes5729 4 года назад

      @@ebbygshreve9577 If you have understanding, try to understand this:
      [John 21:15-18]
      15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
      “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” 16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
      17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.
      [This is what the Church founded on Peter, the Holy Catholic Church is doing through the ages. Case closed

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      @@nelsonfernandes5729 Wrong. The RCC is the Beast of Rev 13.
      Case CLOSED Jesus did not establish His church on Peter He established it on the ROCK and Jesus is that ROCK.

  • @abjoseck9548
    @abjoseck9548 4 года назад

    CORRECTION: It is not "6,6,6" but Six Hundred Sixty Six-I hope this is not offensive to you Sir...

  • @observenotify8604
    @observenotify8604 4 года назад

    How did the people forget to worship the creator Almighty Supreme Holy Most High GOD,who created the whole universe? But worshipping his creation or the created things, like constellation, reptiles, animals,trees, and other such God created things??.

  • @debbieyerkes4117
    @debbieyerkes4117 4 года назад

    Ours Lord Jesus Christ our savior to protect

  • @evanwegjdd1786
    @evanwegjdd1786 3 года назад

    Good message what are you trying to say that there's not going to be an actual Mark just curious

  • @lindahernandez4456
    @lindahernandez4456 4 года назад +1

    scriptures tell us there's only one God & His name is JESUS - and there's only one way to be saved - ACTS @ - repentance, baptism in JESUS name, receiving the HOLY GHOST with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. without JESUS' salvation you cannot see the kingdom of heaven.

  • @donnamillermcnutt
    @donnamillermcnutt 4 года назад

    I love watching and listening to Pastor Mark! But do some research on BAPTISM. GOD BLESS 🙏❤

  • @ronaldfernandes5697
    @ronaldfernandes5697 4 года назад

    There is no ofence. That is a choices. Whether v want water or fire. Choose life or death. Jesus is not a cop carrying A gun in his hand and demanding. That is why he say. Yes or no whether you like it or not.

  • @craftrosales3017
    @craftrosales3017 4 года назад

    pastor Mark may divine aid b with U my brother c u in the new jerasulem happy new week all my brothers an sisters in the name of Jesus christ the only sin of God Almighty

  • @shaunalexanderjames.647
    @shaunalexanderjames.647 Год назад

    shalom, And four great beasts were coming up from the sea, different from one another. The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it. And behold, another beast, a second one, resembling a bear. And it was raised up on one side, and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth; and thus they said to it, ‘Arise, devour much meat!’ After this I kept looking, and behold, another one, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird; the beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it. After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet, and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns . Daniel 7:3-7

  • @lesleypaige3954
    @lesleypaige3954 3 года назад

    Yes we should keep the commandments but the mark of the beast is not the Sabbath does it matter if you go to church on Saturday or Sunday as long as you Worship the Lord the Bible is not complicated it doesn't have to be broken down into symbols is to be taken literally. It is the inspired word of God God wants us to understand the Bible it's not difficult

  • @jamesstockstill5777
    @jamesstockstill5777 4 года назад

    error can't throw ideology into the Lake of Fire but the Beast and the False prophet are throw there.

  • @glinnz05
    @glinnz05 8 лет назад +4

    look up- sign- or- seal- in the strongs concordance, and it says its a MARK.....

  • @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761
    @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761 5 лет назад +2

    No, Pastor! YOU have an obligation to tell the 'Truth' to your audience! Just because you think you know something to be true is it not your duty, as a pastor, to research all that you preach to ENSURE that you are giving not just adequate information to your audience but biblical truth to them?
    You start off by saying that you are trying to be kind to your listeners and that this is not a direct attack on belief but in my years as an adventist, it has always been an attack on the Catholic Church...It is and always has been the mission of the Adventist Church to speak untruths to it's audience when it comes to the Catholic Church. The Church speaks about nothing else and yet you rely on false "truth" from a false prophet in Ellen G. White who supposedly had more visions than all the prophets put together.
    You talk about the denial of religious liberty, denial to buy and sell, the denial of life for believing in Christ but your 'truth' falls short of reality! Yes, it is wise to understand prophecy, to study it, to know it like none other because to give untruths is to put your own integrity, no your own life on the line when it comes to Gods people.
    You begin by speaking of the Waldenses, that they were Christian people, 'the best example of Bible believing Christians', but you fail to mention that these "Christian People" were no better than the Lollards. The Lollards were the same as the Waldensians, and in a 1318 chronicle, by Du Cange, “they called the lollard also a Waldensian”. According to F. Litchenberger, the Lollards had a prophecy that “Lucifer and the demons were unfairly chased away from Heaven and will some day be restored there.” In other words, the Lollards were satanists; devil worshippers who made Lucifer into their god and the true God into a demon. This Papal, Antichrist theory was developed by none other than the Waldenses between the 11th and 16th century.
    Reference to the Mark, The bible is pretty clear about who the persecuted are…They are believers in Christ, who adhere to the Trinity…They are Christians, like you and I that refuse to take a “Mark” and It is happening in real time throughout the world in places such as Iraq, Syria, Africa, India, Pakistan and even the United States.
    The Islamic Shahada states, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger". This is the Mark that you speak of! Not some number you claim is a part of the Catholic Church.
    Revelation 20:4 "I saw the thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been BEHEADED...The only religion on this planet that beheads anyone is Islam!!
    The Mark is the Name, its a Declaration of Faith, its a Creed! In Islam they demand you believe in this Creed to become subservient to it and to give allegiance to Allah. The Greek word "Charagma", used for "Mark" means "a stamp, an imprinted mark" it is a badge of servitude that all Muslims profess and acknowledge and wear on their foreheads and right arm.
    Stop using the Catholic Church as your sounding board and give the truth to your audience because there will come a time when it will be too late to understand what the true threat is

    • @freddyrodriguez2435
      @freddyrodriguez2435 5 лет назад +2

      Sorry to say but Roman Catholicism actually completed all the Prohecies from Daniel and Revelation and there is just a few to be fulfilled but that's when the system is dethroned by Christ. Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. Almost every country is under the Roman Gregorian calendar for example, U.S, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Hondurus, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Canada, England and much more that can be listed. And look what they did with the Law of God. rearrange it's order, added laws and removed the Sabbath. All this knowledge Adventist were blessed to obtain through the Spirit of Prophecy recieved by Ellen G White. If Ellen G White was a false prophet why didn't she receive any plagues or at least a gruesome death to show us her fruits of a false prophet according to Rev 22:18? Revelation 22:18 I testify to every man who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book. If you believe she was a false prophet can you present the plagues or gruesome death she received?

    • @thevoiceofprophecytoday
      @thevoiceofprophecytoday 4 года назад

      Exactly, there is no other religious system that is accepted as having it's own Country within a Country (President (Pope)) in A country called Rome, with a Capital called Vatican and makes and enforce it's own rules including it's own Military personnel making it Religio-Political Power that is called The Papacy.
      An so Sir Pimentel read Prayerfully Revelation 13 and Daniel 7 :25 and explain to your conscience and readers, who best fit the Religio-Political figure in this end time enclosed in a symbol called The 1st Beast of Rev 13. The 2nd Beast is The USA( which is noted for RELIGIOUS LIBERTY but will one day over reach to ENFORCE KEEPING OF SUNDAY SABBATH) that will empower The Vatican to enforce THE NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW.
      Praying for U.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      So the Sunday churches final got to you? I was raised up in the Methodist church until I was about 32-33 years old and after I joined the SDA church God opened my eyes to the Sunday churches false doctrines and it was like some one flip a light switch on and I saw all of the false doctrines of the Sunday churches. Now I don't mean to be dis respectable but I believe in telling it like it is and not sugar coat it, people's spiritual lives depend on it. People that died today had plans for tomorrow so I believe we should tell them like it is and that is that the Sunday churches are deceiving them into believing a lie, Cannot understand why anyone would leave the SDA church. Rev 12"17, Rev 14:12.

  • @MissDeb-jq6nz
    @MissDeb-jq6nz 4 года назад

    Is Mark Finley a 7th Day Adventist??

  • @emmagranada2444
    @emmagranada2444 4 года назад

    Ìthañk u pastòr d wonderful message unto ùs

  • @isartoraplatz
    @isartoraplatz 4 года назад

    Why is he standing between
    Egyptian Pillars🤔😮
    What’s this about?

  • @5thsealministries685
    @5thsealministries685 4 года назад


  • @altonswaby8061
    @altonswaby8061 4 года назад

    Which is the right day for sabbath is it Saturday or Sunday.

  • @lesleypaige3954
    @lesleypaige3954 3 года назад

    This is false teaching the Bible is meant to be taken literally not symbolically . Revelation is not about symbols it true inspired word of God it's to be taken literally I believe the Bible is the true word of God and it is to be taken literally

  • @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896
    @denominationsdontsaveonlyj8896 4 года назад +1

    I have a few issues with the woman in revelation, if she represents the church how can the church give birth to Jesus when Jesus is the corner stone of the church.
    The way I see it The woman in revelation is Jerusalem with twelve stars twelve tribes that Jesus son of God was born.
    Also The Buy Sell in revelation also has another implication other than money and you will find that in mathew 25.

  • @onetruefaith5750
    @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад +3

    We see throughout the course of history what is of GOD (ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH) versus what is of "man" or NOT OF GOD (35,000 and growing Protestant divisions all stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther).
    Who absolutely loves division???
    Satan just laughs and laughs as Protestants continue to divide over the self contradictory false teaching "Bible Alone" found absolutely no where in the Bible. Satan becomes gleeful when a self righteous Protestant either ignorantly or purposely attacks the ONE and ONLY established Church of Jesus Christ being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH.
    Who absolutely loves unity and died for it???
    John 17:21-23. Jesus Christ established ONE CHURCH, prayed and died for what???
    Which ONE CHURCH that can "prove it" historically and Biblically???

    • @comfortablyuncomfortable733
      @comfortablyuncomfortable733 5 лет назад +2

      One True Faith Matthew 10:34 proves you and your satanic church wrong straight from the mouth of Yeoshua

    • @comfortablyuncomfortable733
      @comfortablyuncomfortable733 5 лет назад +2

      One True Faith sorry he did not die for the Catholic Church who is his enemy

    • @marcusmayne3831
      @marcusmayne3831 4 года назад +1

      Roman Catholic is not the one true church. You have the nerve to say the word of God contradicts itself but quote it! Lol! The " CHURCH" is his followers we are the body of Christ or the church. He isn't referring to a physical building. Christ was a carpenter he would have built the physical building himself if he wanted. The Roman Catholic church teaches against the word of God in so many ways and has been infiltrated by Satan and his demons.

    • @marcusmayne3831
      @marcusmayne3831 4 года назад +1

      @comfortably uncomfortable yes brother exactly! What sword was he talking about?? The word of God! And demons can't have peace with the word of God it's impossible. They try to attack it and change it like the Catholic church does. They teach so many false doctrines

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      The RCC is the beast of Rev13. They not God's church they belong to Old Satan. Study the prophecys of Daniel 7 and 8 and Rev 13

  • @deavenalajenio6777
    @deavenalajenio6777 3 года назад


  • @adamkadmon8413
    @adamkadmon8413 4 года назад +1


  • @patricethompson2071
    @patricethompson2071 4 года назад +1

    That's right.

  • @godswarriors7543
    @godswarriors7543 4 года назад

    May we introduce Jesus to those who do not yet know Him? Put Him on and learn from Him.
    No religion knows all the Truth, but God does and needs you to know The Truth.
    Psalms 119:151
    Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth.
    Jesus is The Word, John 1:1-5
    The Word God spoke: Exodus 20:1 (His Spirit)
    The Word God wrote: Deuteronomy 4:13(His Covenant)
    and The Word God made flesh John 1:14 (Jesus). He is our example of The Trinity. He is The Law that hung on the cross and The Law that is written in the heart.
    Psalms 40:7
    Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me
    Hebrews 10:7
    Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
    We do not work for our salvation, Jesus died and saved the world. But we can work for our protection from the plagues, those coming to steal, kill, and destroy, from deception etc.. There is nothing wrong with works for we are judged on our works. Faith without works is dead. Why would Jesus tell us to pray for workers, if no work is to be done?
    Isaiah 8:16
    Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.
    Revelation 12:17
    And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
    Come out of her (religion) and trust "in" Jesus. He will teach the children of God.
    May we all receive the wisdom of The Father in Deut. 6:8-9 and the advice of Paul and put on Jesus. Do all you do in Him. A free gift from God, gracefully accept Him. Don't just believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, serve Him. Our plea to all is to PUT ON LIFE. Let our faith work for us. Jesus, The Son is the seal of God, His Word, His Ten Commandments. He is your anointing, get in Christ. Remember, heart, mind and soul, not just the heart. Seek who He is today, not as The Son of God, Jesus, but our Lord King James.
    Always use King James Version if possible. Not the N.K.J.V.. Stay away from any copyrighted Scriptures. We conquer our enemies, sin, and the world by coming together in our Lord Jesus Christ. Our peace is found "IN" Him.

    • @graceo8166
      @graceo8166 4 года назад


  • @samisonimotufaga5632
    @samisonimotufaga5632 4 года назад

    sign and seal is not the same thing

  • @nobodygoody2455
    @nobodygoody2455 7 лет назад +1

    The SDA will tell you, If you take the name on the Pope's crown and take each letter add it by the Roman numerals. it will add up to the number 666, There is one problem with this, let's say that a person has no knowledge but is illiterate when it comes to Roman numerals, so how they to figure this out for themselves? People are not taught this, but God has already foretold what the number 666 stands for in the book of Revelation Himself.

    • @99wins
      @99wins 7 лет назад

      Dean Baker whats your point?

    • @nobodygoody2455
      @nobodygoody2455 7 лет назад

      99wins My point is, that you can not use the Pope's crown nor Roman numerals to figure out the number 666 if a person has no understanding or are illiterate of how Roman numerals works.So how are they to figure this all out.I for one have no understanding of Roman numerals, There are many people as well as me that are illiterate when it comes to Roman numerals, So how are we to figure that all out? You seem to think that everyone in the world will know about Roman numerals, unto which everyone does not know. Just so you know, God has already given what the number 666 Represents and who it stands for Right in the book of Revelation it's self.

    • @donnamusic777
      @donnamusic777 7 лет назад

      If they cannot understand what is 666 in the BIBLE because they are illiterate, then they are unable to read the BIBLE at all. Also, the truth is, it is really GOD WHO decides what every one is to understand, that is, if they are sincere in their BIBLE study. If HE wants someone to understand something taught in Scripture, there is no doubt that they will understand. No one can stop what GOD wants. No one. And JESUS taught while HE was here on earth and HE sent out the 12 to also teach. Can you say they someone not only taught you about the Roman numerals but that they also taught you others things you did not know? say, "God has already given what the number 666 represents and who it stands for right in the book of Revelation. Please tell us what the number 666 represents and who it stands for using the book of Revelation. Thanks

    • @nobodygoody2455
      @nobodygoody2455 7 лет назад

      +Donna Stohl, First let's come to an understanding that our thoughts are not God's thoughts and our ways are not God's ways. God will take what is so simple to see and make it foolishness unto the common man, the common man thinks his wisdom out stands all wisdom even the wisdom of God, For the wisdom of man's can not see the simple things that be of God, for they are foolishness to man's wisdom.Lets see if you can see the simple things that God's wisdom will give,That by man's wisdom will say that is Foolishness. Will you be one that can accept the things that comes by the wisdom of God or will you call what is given by God to be so simple that you will call foolishness. In the book of Revelation you will find 7 Seals, 7 trumpets. 7 vials. The 6th seal, 6th trumpet, 6th vial = 666 this being the mark of the beast ( Satan ) When the 6th seal is open and the 6th trump is sounded this is when Satan comes into the world to deceive by deception the world into believing that he is Christ Jesus.The 7th seal, 7th trump, 7th vial = 777 God's number of completeness, When the 7th seal is open and the 7th trump is sounded this is when Christ Jesus returns to earth.Note that in Revelation 11:15-19 the 7th angel sounded,this being the 7th trump Christ Jesus returns to earth. Note in Revelation chapter's 8-9 This is when Satan comes down to earth to deceive by deception the whole world into believing that he is Christ Jesus. Now it's your choice to whether believe the wisdom of God or believe the wisdom of man's. The wisdom of Gods, man will call foolishness. Remember it is God who gave the book of Revelation, So it will be God that will know what all those symbols Represents throughout the book of Revelation and God has given who and what those symbols Represents throughout the book of Revelation. Do you believe man would know more than God would know since it was God Himself who gave the book of Revelation, So only God will know who and what the symbols represent and God tells who and what they represent Right in the book of Revelation.God has made it so simple, but yet man wants to lean upon his own understanding and not lean upon God's wisdom to understand the book of Revelation.

    • @donnamusic777
      @donnamusic777 7 лет назад

      You are saying, to clarify, that GOD has not given man wisdom to be able to understand the symbols in the book of Revelation. First, I believe there are two things wrong with this opinion: 1. It is apparent that GOD gave us the BIBLE.... and HE wants us to understand it. But.. in order to do that, we need to go to GOD to instruct us. I think you believe that. Do you? So. if you are a true follower of GOD, and ask HIM to instruct you, HE will.. but He tells you what HE wants you to know and in HIS time. Not yours. And, these things are NOT of any private interpretation. I have never heard your interpretation of Revelation which brings me to this point....2. Revelation... means "to reveal". I believe GOD wants us to know also what is in Revelation. Not just some things... but the more we accept and do HIS will, the more HE will tell us. You are saying that Satan is the mark of the beast? I don't agree with this. Satan is certainly behind this beast but he is NOT the beast I don't believe. The BIBLE is not something that we can study and understand on our own. We need divine revelation. Also, Revelation and Daniel are books that need to be studied together. They are "keys" to each other. Like 2/3 of Revelation is taken from the rest of the BIBLE.

  • @bollekevangent7779
    @bollekevangent7779 4 года назад

    666 means infact obsessive toughts and its not mark of the beast or the devil🙏👸

  • @lesleypaige3954
    @lesleypaige3954 3 года назад

    This is ridiculipus . mark of the beast is simple the Bible is to be taken literally what the Bible says is it exactly what it is it's not some complicated symbol

  • @placentahelper1
    @placentahelper1 4 года назад

    patent number of Quantum Dot tattoo

  • @sharonwillkins5375
    @sharonwillkins5375 4 года назад

    Were three of the apostle never tasted of death.

  • @fourchrist3422
    @fourchrist3422 4 года назад

    The scripture said, And if CHRIST is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is Life because of righteousness.
    JESUS CHRIST is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
    And again the scripture said, --- O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes JESUS CHRIST was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain-- if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?-- just as Abraham believed GOD, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that GOD would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the Gospel to Abraham before hand, saying. In you all the nations shall be blessed. So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham.
    And again the scripture said, But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom the GOD imputes righteousness apart from works: Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute sin.
    ( CHRIST Death fulfilled GOD'S will, CHRIST fulfills the law. Amen.)