When you experience the “ugly” side of waiting periods in life…. Deanna Lorea | Dahter

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Spiritual anxiety or just anxiety period is a very real thing. This has little to do with this video and more about WHEN those moments come…
    Remember what He already did for you. Read about what the blood covered and how you’ve already been proven pure…
    In those anxiety filled moments… rest in what was done and BE HERE.
    Sometimes it’s more than ok to take a break from spiritually heavy conversations, messages, etc. that keep you focused on the “performance” of this relationship with Him.
    I’ve had to learn that I don’t have a healthy balance with hearing messages taught and NOT feeling the need to do something to prove myself to the Lord…
    I’m learning this place in my life isn’t about having conversations with God on what He will do but I’m constantly reminded to revisit the blood…
    It calms every fear.
    It releases every worry.
    It defies every unworthy thought.
    It keeps me.
    When anxiety comes during ANY season of life…
    Be still.
    Know He is God by revisiting what He has already done that makes you pure, worthy, and wanted.
    There’s nothing to prove. 🫶🏾

Комментарии • 136

  • @Vessel_of_honour
    @Vessel_of_honour 8 месяцев назад +263

    Just minutes ago, I told God you promised me rest, freedom, light, abundance, just give it to me now. I dont have strength left to pray, fast or study the Word. Everything feels forced. Hope deferred makes the heart weary but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Lord just do what you promised, the excess wait isnt strengthening my faith, isnt going to make the result more wow. Its just making me feel I'll always have to get to depletion before you show up and thats not good. God please just show up. I dont need another Word or message or encouragement. You know when your child has grown weary, I'm weary so please just turn up. Thank you.

    • @exoticclan68
      @exoticclan68 8 месяцев назад +51

      I just went through this experience and IT SUCKS, the feeling SUCKS, but I recently shifted out of it!
      Stay in His presence. Continue to stay disciplined, even if you don’t feel like praying or reading the Word, just stay.
      Let loose ALLLLL your anxieties, ALLLLL your EMOTIONS onto Him, He can handle your emotions, and then do your best to hold onto His peace through His strength and have hope in Him.
      The Lord IS brining you through, you WILL NOT stop here.
      1 Peter 5:10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUST IN HIM

    • @TheDricaK_
      @TheDricaK_ 8 месяцев назад +45

      I truly felt this, every word, every sentence. I just had a moment like this as well. I’m so burned out. I’m so weary. I feel like I’m being tortured. I felt like I’m the only one who has felt this way about God and how he works…I’m so drained….I feel so stupid…I’m sleeping on a couch, and all my things are in trash bags…This year has already gone bad, and I thought this was suppose to be the year for happiness for me. Ever since my daughter died in 2019 life has not been fun. I hate living, I’ve been praying to die! I am tired, like so tired….im depleted idk what to do. I use to want kids but not anymore because life is hard, and I wouldn’t dare want my child to experience life the way I have experienced it….

    • @exoticclan68
      @exoticclan68 8 месяцев назад +48

      @@TheDricaK_ I just prayed over you and the previous comment to the point my knees hurt haha! The Lord has you and the fellow sister in Christ originally commenting. You just do not know the good things the Lord has in front of you.
      Your healing, restoration, provision, satisfaction, peace and strength is in Him. Continue pressing, ask Holy Sprit to give you HIS perspective of what’s going on. It won’t be long now before the breakthrough happens after you’ve suffered a little while the Lord WILL ESTABLISH you! 1 Peter 5:10.
      I know you’re wondering “LORD WHY!” I know it sucks and I know it HURTS. Just wait on the Lord and He will renew your strength and you will soar on the wings like an eagle and run & not be weary and walk & not faint after you’ve waited on the Lord.
      Do not stop in the middle of this when the Lord has everything & more for you right there at the end.
      The enemy will try to fill your mind with so many lies that it becomes like TORTURE, you must be EQUIPPED WITH THE WORD OF GOD to counter the enemy’s attack who waits like a prowling lion hoping to devour you my sisters in Christ! He wants to leverage that pain of your daughter being gone, trying to lie saying God doesn’t care for you, lie saying God doesn’t love you, DO NOT GIVE HEED TO THOSE LIES Satan wants you to die spiritually for the Lord and turn away! You will NOT give into that!
      Stay pressing to the Lord and I promise, you will get through this season as I have just passed through. I love you so much. The Lord LOVESSSSS you so so much and He knows it hurts right now, come & stay in His presence. ❤️

    • @Brotha_Allen
      @Brotha_Allen 8 месяцев назад +5


    • @Vessel_of_honour
      @Vessel_of_honour 8 месяцев назад +21

      @@TheDricaK_ I'm led to pray for you. I don't know how I'll manage to, in my current state but I will. God really needs to come through NOW for his kids. We can't be outside homeless or struggling, depleted or weary, heartbroken and in mourning, doubtful, anxious and exhausted when our Father is KING! It just feels sooooooo wrong. Like, our Father is literally KING, dear Dad, pls pause all the lessons for now and let your kids know your kindness and goodness. Lavish it on us! We don't deserve it but duurrrhh, that's the whole point of Jesus?!

  • @daniellean5769
    @daniellean5769 7 месяцев назад +45

    You aren't lost. You are just in the uncomfortable place of the inbetween- your old self is gone but your new self hasn't been fully realized. It's springing forth, wait on it. 💕💐

  • @suzannemikula
    @suzannemikula 7 месяцев назад +33

    Exactly what I’m going through right now. Having these same conversations and tears with God in a waiting season that feels never ending. Thank you for sharing your words and seeing all the comments here is comforting in a way. As usual, the children of God are always sharing in their spiritual growth collectively, and remembering that we are not alone on this journey is comforting. Sending everyone here who’s in this difficult waiting season a big hug. God is here with us and we are here with each other too. 🤍

    • @ItsToyaRenee
      @ItsToyaRenee 7 месяцев назад

      Jesus! So comforting... 1 Peter 5:9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." Keep pushing and choosing God every time, sis... We got this!!!

    • @xolisatshingana4416
      @xolisatshingana4416 7 месяцев назад


  • @lloollaa
    @lloollaa 8 месяцев назад +46

    This was honestly what God taught me this weekend. I was waiting and waiting and I was losing hope and I was getting mad at myself for that and I was getting grumpy and impatient and doing things to try to make something happen and wondering if I did something wrong....God was so patient with me....I asked are you disappointed in me cause of my tantrums? He said to me that he never stopped loving me even n the middle of it. He showed me that he was with me even then and he was teaching me that he loves me even in my human moments he doesn't expect me to be perfect and he taught me he loves and is patient with me and I don't have to pull away from him cause I'm being human and expressing the human emotions that he gave me ...what he wants to do is to explain them to me and give me wisdom as to see what I'm really feeling so I can come to him honestly about what it is that I'm feeling (honestly I was really scared it just came out as anxiety and anger and sadness) and He helped me through them I'm so grateful for the amazing God we serve❤

  • @daniellerochester2936
    @daniellerochester2936 8 месяцев назад +42

    " Don't run when you're in that place. I'm SIFTING out this need for you to PROVE yourself TRUE, to prove yourself PURE because I Already Know the END!" THIS! WORD! AMEN 😢😊❤

  • @1MrsBriJonas
    @1MrsBriJonas 7 месяцев назад +13

    Wow so we all needed this huh 😭. God got us all in a waiting season

    • @ItsToyaRenee
      @ItsToyaRenee 7 месяцев назад +4

      Yessssss!!! 1 Peter 5:9 "Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings."

    • @kha1026
      @kha1026 7 месяцев назад

      I just was praying and asked God to give me confirmation to keep going and this video popped up. 🙌🏾

    • @SleeplessinOC
      @SleeplessinOC 4 месяца назад

      I’ve been in a perpetual waiting season my entire life sadly .

  • @I_promise_today_
    @I_promise_today_ 8 месяцев назад +31

    The weight of the wait, the multiplication comes in the breaking. Beautiful ❤

  • @kyramichelleee
    @kyramichelleee 7 месяцев назад +9

    it’s crazy how we’ll feel like we’re the ones who’re supposed to be driving & we don’t even rlly realize it.. I’ve been tryna fast for the longest thinking I had to in order to get the demons out or put my flesh down or get answers from Him & it’s bc I always hear things abt “principles” “laws” etc but maybe that part just isn’t for me yet.. maybe I just need to keep reading & praying instead tryna force something from Him lol. this is the most mind boggling journey I’ve ever been on😅 worth it tho!

    • @kha1026
      @kha1026 7 месяцев назад

      I can relate to you on trying to fast. I have fast but I always think I should fast again. “Maybe I’m not sacrificing myself enough for the Lord.” I need to be giving more of my money and time because I’m not doing enough. I think a lot of us in the comment section and from the video is realizing we don’t have to force it. In God’s timing his promises will be fulfilled and he will lead us to complete a fast.

  • @SylensApex
    @SylensApex 7 месяцев назад +5

    I’ve been in this place for over a year it’s so excruciating I can’t take it anymore I don’t know what I’m supposed to discover all I can see is pain and darkness I give him everything I submit myself to him all my energy is going towards remaining loyal to Him

    • @DR.WISDOM444
      @DR.WISDOM444 7 месяцев назад


  • @bhbh820
    @bhbh820 8 месяцев назад +19

    I'm in this exact position right now and there have been moments when I've felt crazy but I know He Is here with me...

    • @sunnerman_
      @sunnerman_ 8 месяцев назад

      Yes, I feel the best way to tap one's self to ensure sanity is intact is by appraising the same cause that set you on this path over and over- The Word of God.

  • @sonerithageises4441
    @sonerithageises4441 8 месяцев назад +17

    Yesterday, I cried in my car after work because of this same experience. I went through what you are explaining and I yelled why can't I just be guided to the answer to these trials I keep on facing. I was and am still tired of this and not of the waiting but the feeling I encounter while I wait. I asked if the textbook could be thrown at me so I can move past what I need to learn. In that moment, i let myself finally go and just said how I truly felt to God. This video is almost a little reminder from God of what I needed to remember. Thank You❤

  • @sunnerman_
    @sunnerman_ 8 месяцев назад +10

    Ma'am you've got no idea how your analogy of the LORD's Glory about Lazarus has just uplifted my faith. Thank God, thank you.

  • @marlafrange8106
    @marlafrange8106 7 месяцев назад +3

    Gosh, this video and the comments just moved me to tears. It's exactly what I needed to hear in this moment. I was also put through a waiting season, and I'm ashamed because I wasn't nearly as obedient or faithful as I should have been during that time. I was trying so hard at first, but it felt like the days only dragged on longer. The frustration got to me, the loneliness, the confusion--the silence where it felt like I couldn't see Him, couldn't hear His voice. I let doubt and anger fill my heart, and I'm devastated that I let it push me away from Him. But I realize where I failed in that season. Rather than question myself, pressure myself--criticize myself--turning to myself for answers--maybe all God wanted from me then was just my surrender, my trust. To come to Him with that anger and loneliness as David in the Psalms--where he would bear his heart to the Lord with tears in his mouth and heaviness in his chest. We think that it's only us holding onto Him, when He's the one holding onto us.

  • @Thepisceangem
    @Thepisceangem 8 месяцев назад +13

    You’ve spoken to the situation I’ve been in for the past two years. Very much dislike who I’ve become and am becoming in this season of my life. It’s like I’m being unraveled but almost being consumed by the darkness that God is bringing to the light of my consciousness to be seen and healed. I pray everyday for restoration and healing from this liminal space that has delivered a huge blow to my faith. Going to therapy. Doing what I know how to heal. It’s hard not to grow weary while waiting for God’s restoration.

  • @NiceandEasyChristianSchool
    @NiceandEasyChristianSchool 7 месяцев назад +4

    Bruh.....huh.... like how.....how did you perfectly describe exactly, exactly what I'm going through at this very point in time. Word for word. Bar for bar. Thank you sis. Thank you. I really really needed this.

  • @shannonwhite6963
    @shannonwhite6963 7 месяцев назад +2

    We just gotta enjoy life, trust it will come and be grateful and by the time you get the promise it'll be like you didn't have to wait at all. Love you and God bless you guys!

    • @Neesha242
      @Neesha242 7 месяцев назад

      That’s exactly what it is! I’m not religious, but if people live that way their life would be much better

  • @damarisndjebayi2868
    @damarisndjebayi2868 7 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for sharing this. I feel like I just wanted to hear this right now in my life. May God strengthens us.

  • @Tyshaemariah
    @Tyshaemariah 7 месяцев назад +6

    Took all the words right out my mouth.. Woke up today and this has been my very mood and im soooo tired but I know God has a purpose for all of this and I just keep trusting Him more and more everyday and know that it wont be much longer 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @Noble-light01
    @Noble-light01 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you so much for this piece - Waiting on God leads to finding value within yourself before the promise comes to present itself physically

  • @freshliving4199
    @freshliving4199 3 месяца назад

    Temptation lasts right up to your last breath you will ever take.
    It’s vital.
    Without temptation you have nothing to resist or overcome.
    No temptation, no test.
    No test, no growth.

  • @kaysense6136
    @kaysense6136 7 месяцев назад

    This hits so hard… I was waiting and waiting for God to show up and heal my baby. But he didn’t and she passed, a day before 2 months old… now I am waiting to know what the whole purpose was ….. just getting angry and slowly becoming a mess…

  • @HisGodLiiSoldier
    @HisGodLiiSoldier 7 месяцев назад +3

    This was powerful and much needed. I'm in this very place of the unknown and trying to make sure everything is correct and not feeling I have. Amen . Thanks Deanna and Glory be to God

  • @IcedCoffeeandChaplaincy
    @IcedCoffeeandChaplaincy 7 месяцев назад

    In my relationship with the LORD GOD, I found my lament regarding my anxiety or anger about my waiting is what gave me patience and peace! GOD is powerful and gives strength in our weakness. #LamentOn

  • @Nabs1980
    @Nabs1980 7 месяцев назад +2

    I'm in that very place right now. Thank you for describing it so beautifully. 🙏

  • @aliyahbrvown
    @aliyahbrvown 7 месяцев назад +1

    i’m still overcoming the thinking process of trying to be “good” proving something… not to get something but like am i doing this right. now in all honestly i’ll go one day without praying so i just talk to God about this feeling i have inside its def a heart problem
    i’m a self critic about myself and it’s so overwhelming.
    change is so easy when it’s just my mouth talking but action is so tough. but i want to get there. i always just focus on my outcome but God only knows.

  • @Wifeysmitty
    @Wifeysmitty 7 месяцев назад +1

    In times like these, go deeper into your word. This season has been incredibly difficult and uncertain for me. However, when I feel that little pinch of uncertainty or when it hits me how bad my current situation is, I speak proverbs 3:5-6 out loud. Trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. Speak it. Feel it. Praise God for it. We will come out of the other end. When you feel anxious, speak Philippians 4:6 out loud and cover your home and your space. And since you are in Philippians, read 4:12-14. We are not exempt from pain and suffering because we are Christians. Life happens. Journal, pray, and let go of what you thought your life should like and embrace what God wants you to do in this season. ❤❤

  • @justinesiegfried4893
    @justinesiegfried4893 7 месяцев назад +1

    Wow did I need this - you articulated exactly where I’m at. Thank you so much. This waiting has felt so long and so lonely.

  • @SpeedbirdAfrica
    @SpeedbirdAfrica 7 месяцев назад

    I needed to see this because I feel i am in a "No man's land". It is exhausting

  • @Openreality
    @Openreality 7 месяцев назад +2

    I so needed to hear this. Thanks for listening to the Holy Spirit and sharing this.

  • @justme-zu8vf
    @justme-zu8vf 7 месяцев назад +3

    Do I just wait because It feels like I'm fighting God in this season.i feel like I know enough,but the bible says that a man doesn't know what he ought to know yet,but yet still I'm scared going for more cause I might go in for something that's not from him.

  • @Divinechristian-in8wm
    @Divinechristian-in8wm 7 месяцев назад +2

    All i can say is thank you sis for allowing God use you to speak to us. This waiting period and the desperation isnt easy ans it seems consuming but God knows the end and we are victorious. I am victorious

  • @josephinekalds1688
    @josephinekalds1688 8 месяцев назад +2

    😭😭😭 wow this made me cry like a baby perfect timing of what I am going through

  • @Dee-ll6th
    @Dee-ll6th 7 месяцев назад +1

    BEAUTIFUL ❤so many times. But God, is faithful 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾Hallelujah. Thanks for sharing ❤

  • @RepeatAfterMe-sirekawg
    @RepeatAfterMe-sirekawg 8 месяцев назад +1

    Ughhhhh yesssssss. This is my current. Ughhh I'm trying so hard to not get angry, but crap. Lord, Lord, Lord... I am worried I'll reach for something or someone that is no bueno.

  • @healwithmusic93
    @healwithmusic93 7 месяцев назад +1

    I needed this word. Set. Thank you Lord

  • @patricia6224
    @patricia6224 8 месяцев назад +2

    Beautiful and (such a) relatable reflection. I loved the way you wrapped it up in the end. God bless you and May he give us peace grace and rest in this jorney of being transformed into His image as we wait hard on his promises 🙏💖

  • @rebeccca7188
    @rebeccca7188 7 месяцев назад +1

    So timely and well put. Thank you for sharing. Revisit the blood!

  • @sallykabukuru1638
    @sallykabukuru1638 7 месяцев назад

    Amen! What a blessed message! God continue to bless your Minstry!

  • @breemaycock474
    @breemaycock474 8 месяцев назад +2

    This is kinda crazy I stumbled on this after a prayer I wrote last night feeling like this

  • @SuckerPunch92
    @SuckerPunch92 7 месяцев назад

    This where I am. I don't like who Im becoming while waiting. Im anger has turned into rage. I don't like thinking about it because I get so sad. Im trying but it's hard.

  • @Matt-ml4el
    @Matt-ml4el 7 месяцев назад

    Great job on describing this waiting period in such detail.

  • @Lovely-iw6hb
    @Lovely-iw6hb 7 месяцев назад

    OOOooooooohhh😢😩😫 if you you know you know !!!this video I have no words !!!she says it all for us!!😮

  • @user-cd5cz2pg3d
    @user-cd5cz2pg3d 7 месяцев назад

    I completely feel this, but I just don’t want to do this anymore.

  • @ayeem4142
    @ayeem4142 7 месяцев назад

    God sent. I wanna listen to this over and over. God's grace is sufficient. Wow

  • @riiyaahdior3922
    @riiyaahdior3922 8 месяцев назад +1

    Currently in this place. This is an encouragement

  • @ellamay9771
    @ellamay9771 7 месяцев назад

    I think I relate to this, and it feels encouraging, but I think you're talking about something I've not experienced. I honestly feel like I've failed against every temptation, I don't see myself holding fast to what's good and right. I just see failure..

  • @Disciples143
    @Disciples143 7 месяцев назад

    Wow! This is me! Like what I have been going through and feeling to the t! THANK YOU JESUS CHRIST FOR ALWAYS BEING WITH US!!NEVER FORSAKING US! 🌹🌹🌹🌹

  • @katherine4283
    @katherine4283 7 месяцев назад

    I’m in that spot now and yes I’ve done all that I can think of and that I can but while waiting I’m afraid that I will lose patience and return to old ways; Maybe I didn’t go the right way I’m afraid of not being good enough

  • @nosiphomleiva
    @nosiphomleiva 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you! I needed to hear this today 🙏❤️.

  • @GodsSoldierGirl
    @GodsSoldierGirl 7 месяцев назад

    I feel all of this so deeply ❤

  • @VictorNolochemical
    @VictorNolochemical 8 месяцев назад +2

    Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die... Can't even be indignant and grumpy in peace cause I know how many people I care about might be saved 😭🤣 .. the old parts of us have to die for the Glory of the Kingdom.

  • @PrincessHardwaremn1zf
    @PrincessHardwaremn1zf 8 месяцев назад +1

    Always remember guys, if God was patient with us, then let’s try to be patient with him 💎🖤

  • @UCHPodcast
    @UCHPodcast 7 месяцев назад

    Geese! This is amazing! CA2B! Channel About 2 Blow!

  • @felicierroco
    @felicierroco 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this video, I've often been in this very place, but thank you for letting me know it's not only just me.

  • @Godschosen2727
    @Godschosen2727 8 месяцев назад

    Very on point I just recently found you and God directed me to your page like a week and a half ago and all the videos I clicked on is what I needed at the exact time in human for and explanation your efforts are not wasted and your words are freedom for people you have never met or no I dea about keep going your an amazing child of God such grace and truth the Lord's hand is all over you as well as his anointing

  • @priscillaxsafi
    @priscillaxsafi 7 месяцев назад

    My soul feel seen & understood

  • @rosannapuentes
    @rosannapuentes 8 месяцев назад

    My Lord thank you. How timely. How exact this is 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤

  • @mohauwamorena
    @mohauwamorena 7 месяцев назад

    This was so relatable and much needed❤
    Ps: I don't mean to change steer away from the amazing words shared. Is there a reason why you are looking to the side when talking? It can feel like as viewers,we're listening in on a conversation (eaves dropping) as opposed to being talked to or being part of the conversation. Looking at us directly may be much effective?
    Thank You for helping me not view God as far fetched and too mighty to reach me, He feels so near now. May you be richly blessed and given more wisdom🌻

    @SERVANTYARAIMIS 7 месяцев назад

    AMEN! I NEEDED THIS! Thank you Abba

  • @user-fq2be7rc1j
    @user-fq2be7rc1j 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for sharing this. Just knowing someone else has endured this is just priceless

  • @ccrandolph118
    @ccrandolph118 7 месяцев назад +1

    Omg I JUST came out of this!

  • @Pale977
    @Pale977 8 месяцев назад

    This is such an incredible word. Just what I honestly needed. Thank you ❤

  • @titilayooyewo
    @titilayooyewo 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing this.❤

  • @dabygrace
    @dabygrace 7 месяцев назад

    Gosh I needed this.

  • @Kay_DT
    @Kay_DT 7 месяцев назад

    I needed this🙏🏾🙏🏾🤎

  • @agnessmpoto9200
    @agnessmpoto9200 7 месяцев назад

    I truly needed to hear this. Thank you❤

  • @unbelaneablebeautyy
    @unbelaneablebeautyy 7 месяцев назад

    I’m crying so hard

  • @Hddhjnfstjnddf
    @Hddhjnfstjnddf 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you sister

  • @shironjagi
    @shironjagi 7 месяцев назад +1

    "Look what happened when I showed up"
    That part!

  • @lwinston5950
    @lwinston5950 7 месяцев назад

    What are you waiting for exactly ? Because if it's marriage God doesn't promise everyone a spouse. So you have to stop being in the waiting phase because he only promises us salvation

  • @ladonnalisby7817
    @ladonnalisby7817 7 месяцев назад

    Yes.....Thank you Jesus 🙏🎉❤

  • @kellykgopana
    @kellykgopana 7 месяцев назад

    “Maybe I did something to disqualify myself”😥 I felt that so much last week!!
    He gave me Matthew 6:25-34
    He says if we truly honestly with our whole hearts yield and give ourselves to God and trust our Heavenly Father, we too will be incapable of worrying just as it is for the lilies and birds!
    He will perfect all things that concern Me🤍

    @TEWMUCH 7 месяцев назад

    Relatable. ❤

  • @nompumelelomdodana3867
    @nompumelelomdodana3867 7 месяцев назад

    how did you just describe me and what I'm going through, in just 3 minutes😥

  • @teetotee
    @teetotee 7 месяцев назад +1

    Broo I can't listen to you with earbuds 😭 the sound only comes out of the right ear, please fix this!

  • @collabmakescents
    @collabmakescents 8 месяцев назад

    Shine on!

  • @nickdanalis99
    @nickdanalis99 7 месяцев назад

    Awesome ❤

  • @kimbunting3229
    @kimbunting3229 8 месяцев назад

    This😩Is so true

  • @daniellerochester2936
    @daniellerochester2936 8 месяцев назад

    Yes! This 😢

  • @yiwo-numenyi-nnely-shey
    @yiwo-numenyi-nnely-shey 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @kingdombusiness6080
    @kingdombusiness6080 8 месяцев назад


  • @mahletadamu2602
    @mahletadamu2602 7 месяцев назад

    Maybe you are the. 1 you are waiting for..and not anyone or anything outside of you

  • @AyanaInChrist
    @AyanaInChrist 7 месяцев назад

  • @jamesberryiii
    @jamesberryiii 7 месяцев назад

    I believe if Pac had a daughter.. she’d look like you✨🫵🏽✨

  • @taniaamandamatiso918
    @taniaamandamatiso918 7 месяцев назад


  • @DemonDavisK
    @DemonDavisK 7 месяцев назад

    Everything is futile till you die.

  • @alexander-psalm23
    @alexander-psalm23 4 месяца назад

    It's all about Jesus always all the time, the less you focus on Jesus the more you fall into sin, I've struggled with unforgiveness and self hate because i sin over and over and over again and the more i sin do the more i hide and run away from Jesus because i feel so evil, bad and wicked and he won't ever forgive someone like me but that's NEVER EVER true he is always there for me with Love and Mercy all i need to do is just submit/surrender to him and receive his Forgiveness. Stop looking at Self and look at Jesus always no matter what.

  • @nombulelozicina9654
    @nombulelozicina9654 8 месяцев назад


  • @AmichaiDaArtist
    @AmichaiDaArtist 8 месяцев назад +2

    If "Fishers of Men" was a carnal statement.
    You're a beautiful young lady but being in The Body of Christ, you will definitely cause a man to lust with your choice of clothing. I'm telling you this as your brother in CHRIST.🙏🏾
    Matthew 18:7
    7 “Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!

  • @lovelyp8952
    @lovelyp8952 7 месяцев назад

    For me 🫶🏿 thank you.

  • @TheRightlyGuided2029
    @TheRightlyGuided2029 7 месяцев назад

  • @kayishaedwards5962
    @kayishaedwards5962 7 месяцев назад