Hea teostus tõesti. Pikkuse kohapealt päris hea, vaadates lühifilmina toob tõesti esile poindi ja ei hakka ka ära tüütama. Paneb mõtlema ja vaatama seda Eesti elu, kõik elavad käed silme ees.. Tubli lõputöö!
The greatest gift a soul can receive while alive on this earth is: SALVATION, a free gift from GOD. ruclips.net/video/phnW4y46YG0/видео.html ruclips.net/video/oYDd-1qCjfU/видео.html To all gamers, a one question: why to you like to learn to kill, steal and destroy? Since almost all games are wicked, meaning, teach us to kill, steal, destroy and yes, i once too was a gamer. In fact i spended 10 years of my life playing online/video games. I repented and stop being a gamer, because i did and still do find these an evil garbage. Being rich and famous is the American dream and one must be asleep to believe it and to reach it, one must be in a club named: FREEMASONS. That is the only way out from being poor, but do not be a fool, there is a price to pay, a big price. A price not all are willing to pay. - just to let you know. And it is a good saying for those who are after rich and fame. Therefore a wise soul seeks out GOD and the way to get to know HIM and forget carnal toys. But the only way to expose the evil doers is; learning to know the signs and symbols through which they communicate. Transgenderism = an agenda of freemasons. Transhumanism = also an agenda of freemasons. COVID is an agenda of freemasons. In short: none of it is real. But the price to pay is VERY REAL: www.realnotrare.com/ www.canwetalkaboutit.org/ ruclips.net/video/wIX9QUFzykA/видео.html so you all here, seeking the truth and uncover the lies, or you gladly stay believing the wonderful, yet lives destroying lies? ruclips.net/video/TgK0nHnP8Rc/видео.html ruclips.net/video/ttviqvfTBTg/видео.html brandnewtube.com/watch/vaccine-secrets-what-parents-should-know-before-they-vaccinate-their-kids-2021-documentary_anBfMxpVTNO1nx2.html brandnewtube.com/watch/jabs-may-be-the-death-of-you_brs52KQ7bARi7Rw.html brandnewtube.com/watch/the-children-of-the-nephilim-are-real-proof_5wHXr1pCjH3yzAE.html Many CHRISTIANS leave us in RAPTURE and the last CHRISTIANS leave the earth through being beheaded. " do not understand how Christians are not rising up." - these sound more of a lukewarm ones. Real ones are on fire for GOD. For CHRISTIANS: - Philippians 2:12 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. - be hot, on fire for GOD, because being found lukewarm (nor hot nor cold) places us among the cast away`s. How can one believe, what one ain´t fully read? One page ain´t enough, the whole book is a MUST read. ruclips.net/video/QVYbdtgM__0/видео.html One page ain´t enough to decide about the bible. It is a foolish move to not to read the BIBLE. It is foolish to perish just because we like to be ignorant and keep wondering about staff that`s already cleared out. ruclips.net/video/FuZ3nk9ObEw/видео.html Perishing without knowledge, many among us don`t know nor care to know, what do they in reality worship. Many have made up a "god" and therefore think that they worship their own imagination. I had a communication with my brother, few months back and i found out that he had made up a "god" and worship his own imagination. He still missing the hunger of truth and seems that, he also missing the FEAR OF GOD. Today, he /as i have heard/ he is 3 times "vaccinated" aka poisoned. His health is still fine, therefore i believe that maybe he was that lucky to get the Platseebo aka the fake deal in that 3 times. He is a man made science believer, he look up to these evil ones: who are in the "governments" all around the world. He is carnal minded soul as are many other family members. None of them want to hear nor know that GOD has to say about all things, only that the witches and card moors has to say, Estonia popular card moor is : MARILYN KERRO. I am watching a tv - series named: GRIMM - and here i have a question: that movie is about the VESSENS aka hybrid beings, so that means that this movie, tv show show us how many and different kinds of hybrids are among us (and of course as it is a tv show, therefore something is added and something is taken away).but still the question remains. ruclips.net/video/NSOoUfPNcgI/видео.html in marriage, both, male and female are called to help and to be there for one to another, in health and in sickness, in joy and in sadness. Both eat - fact. Both bring forth garbage - fact. Both need resting time - fact. Both are HUMANS - fact. (or maybe, if we bring forth BIBLE and accept the reality that hybrid beings (half dog - human and ..... are also real like we are, but since they , hybrids, hide themselves under a hologram, named: human flesh or the image of a man. Therefore there is 50 - 90% a chance one ain+t human and that`s one of the reasons why problems appear and of course our laziness and sinful nature have also part in pointless dramas. ) (and yes, once a soul understand the bible 100%, then one realize that BIBLE can`t no longer placed back among other books and just leave it there, no, BIBLE suddenly have a point and part about every moment in one`s life. Bible then ain´t no longer just a book, (it never was just a book) now it has become a instructor, tutor, lighten the road). GOD ain´t asking any of us to be a religious, HE is asking us to LIVE IN THE REALITY. "When mankind learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. Then they will know the truth, and even more, they will realize that the truth has been unacknowledged in the world from the beginning, except by a small but gradually increasing number, whom the Lords of the Dawn have ordained to minister to the needs of human beings in distress. regain consciousness of their divinity." - Manly P. Hall dear, soul, why trusting and turning to many bibles when in fact GOD ONLY GIVE US ONE. Your SPIRIT knows,when you are dealing with the real one, so trust your GOD GIVEN GUT. and pray and fast and :Philippians 2:12 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. The truth is HARSH, therefore the BIBLE GIVES US ALSO HARSH TRUTH, that many do not like. What a real BIBLE SPEAKS ABOUT?: - Mankind being in a fallen state /wicked sinners and in need of repentance and to born again, to became a new creature. - warning us about GOD`S prison, Hell and the Lake of fire and also pointing out the ONLY way to get SALVSTION AND PASS TO HEAVEN. THROUGH AND ONLY THROUGH JESUS CHRIST - WHO IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. - Sharing us the true picture about our earthly future: - In tribulation period: (if RAPTURE IS MISSED): - hunger for death, (or shot, beaten to death) - freezing to death( or shot, beaten to death) - BEHEADED. Suffering and extreme suffering for 7 years, awaits all those who miss the RAPTURE and reject the mark of the beast (MOTB). Nowhere do we read, that Christians aka CHRIST followers can have dwelling on earth, as a rich, famous and powerful man. The only thing this world will ever give us is: our persecution.
Vaatasin ja vaatasin natuke veel. Imelik, ma pole inimene, kes kommenteeriks üldiselt internetis, kuid täna miskipärast tundsin, et on aeg öelda sõna sekka. Film on super, kurb, et pole Eesti maastikul säärast reklaami, et see ei jookse Jannipäeva eelsel nädalal telekastist,äkki hoiaks mõne hulljulge "enesetõestamise" viisi ära,säästaks perekonda ja sõpru,aga eelkõige iseend! Olen ilmselt vaid mõni aastake vanem kui noormehed,kes video valmistasid, kuid on hea meel tõdeda, et noored mõtlevad!
Inimene jääb selleks kes ta on ,mis vahet on, kas ta saab käia või on ta ratastoolis. Ega tema mõistus viga ei saanud ,vaid tema jalad.. Vapper poiss..
Mannu M ma ise liikumispuudega inimene kuid kõnnin, ma ei mõista oma eakaaslasi, kes mõnitavad, narrivad ja pilkavad endast erinevaid inimesi! Masendav. Ma ise 26 ja abielus täiesti terve meesterahvaga. Pea püsti poiss!
Väga tubli töö! Mõtlema panev film ja kiitussõnadest jääb puudugi:) Selliseid tublisi poisse võiks Viljandis rohkemgi olla:) Tubli,Tubli,Tubli! Ka viljandlane;)
Kui ise olla selle poisi asemel, kes ratastoolis oli ja mõelda nagu tema sel hetkel mõtles, kuyi sõber oli talle valetanud, oleks sul olnud sama paha olla, kui temal! Lühifilm, kes me kõik seda vaatasime, oli super hästi tehtud! 5+
Väga hästi tehtud ja kurb film, see on väga ebaõiglane, et inimestega, kes on ratastoolis suheldatakse teistmoodi kui nendega, kes ei ole, inimesed on seest ikkagi samasugused!
Tekkis kohe endalgi kysimus, et kas ta on päriselt ka rattastoolis , aga kui lugesin alt kommentaare sain aru , et ei ole . See film on niii tõeline v nh tundub :D , Algus tundus tore olevat, aga pisara võttis silma siis kui ta selle poisiga kohtus ja too pani et teised ei tahtnud, seee võtttis tõsiselt pisara silma ... Neeed laused mis ta ytles, need lksid kuidagi niiii sydamesse ja kahju hakkkas : ) Aga tõsiselt suppper film
@ProductionsBlack Jaaa, kusjuures see ongi see kõige raskem osa selle juures!! Me tegime ka pmts 3 nädalavahetust seda. Väga hull värk:D Aeg on see mida jääb puudu!
Vaatasin,uuesti vaatasin ja nutsin ka natuke. Väga kurb,ylimalt päevakohane-jaanid ja joogid ja hulljulged noored. Tore,et on inimesi,kes sellise filmi tegid-hoiatuseks ja õpetuseks. Sõbrad on inimeste elus tõsine väärtus-tõelised sõbrad.
@ProductionsBlack Jah, sellesuhtes Sul on õigus, oleks saanud pingutada rohkem statiiviga ja zoomimisega! Aga osades kohtades tahtsime, et jääkski selline, et tekitada sellist paanikat:D Jah, ma aitasin sõbral kunstiajaloo eksamiprojekti teha ning Sa tabasid täpselt ära, et nendes kaadrites ongi probleemile keskendumine ja mõtlema panemine peamiselt. Aitäh Maksim!
Olgu, sellisel kujul on asi isegi selge ja saan te mõttelahendusest ja teostusest aru. Tuult tiibadesse ja jään uusi projekte ootama! Uh, leiaks ka aja, et midagi suuremat käsile võtta ja teostada see asi nii, kuidas ideed on :)
Ma ei lõpetaks sõprust ära kui mu sõbraga juhtuks nii ma aitaks teda kui vaja 😭 ma nutsin kui vaatasin seda mul nii kahju inimestest kellel on selline asi juhtund
Mõte ja teostus on hea, parajalt sügav. Kohati oleks võinud statiivi kasutada ning zoomimist korrigeerida, liigne jõnksutamine oli sellega. Video pikkuse kohta, mõningas kohas oli liigne tegevusetus, aga võib-olla oletegi asja nii teostanud, et inimene saaks just samal ajal kogu probleemile keskenduda. Muidu aga tõeliselt head kaadrid, tegite mingi konkursi raames või lihtsalt? :)
Jeesuse juurs pole kunagi halb .Tema on kõigeparem sÕber .Minulgi krislasel pani .see film mõtlema .Palju meil kristlastel on seda suurt Armastust abivajajatele.Õpetlik film!
Hea teostus tõesti. Pikkuse kohapealt päris hea, vaadates lühifilmina toob tõesti esile poindi ja ei hakka ka ära tüütama. Paneb mõtlema ja vaatama seda Eesti elu, kõik elavad käed silme ees.. Tubli lõputöö!
The greatest gift a soul can receive while alive on this earth is: SALVATION, a free gift from GOD.
To all gamers, a one question: why to you like to learn to kill, steal and destroy? Since almost all games are wicked, meaning, teach us to kill, steal, destroy and yes, i once too was a gamer. In fact i spended 10 years of my life playing online/video games. I repented and stop being a gamer, because i did and still do find these an evil garbage.
Being rich and famous is the American dream and one must be asleep to believe it and to reach it, one must be in a club named: FREEMASONS. That is the only way out from being poor, but do not be a fool, there is a price to pay, a big price. A price not all are willing to pay. - just to let you know.
And it is a good saying for those who are after rich and fame. Therefore a wise soul seeks out GOD and the way to get to know HIM and forget carnal toys. But the only way to expose the evil doers is; learning to know the signs and symbols through which they communicate.
Transgenderism = an agenda of freemasons.
Transhumanism = also an agenda of freemasons. COVID is an agenda of freemasons. In short: none of it is real. But the price to pay is VERY REAL:
so you all here, seeking the truth and uncover the lies, or you gladly stay believing the wonderful, yet lives destroying lies?
Many CHRISTIANS leave us in RAPTURE and the last CHRISTIANS leave the earth through being beheaded. " do not understand how Christians are not rising up." - these sound more of a lukewarm ones. Real ones are on fire for GOD. For CHRISTIANS: - Philippians 2:12 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. - be hot, on fire for GOD, because being found lukewarm (nor hot nor cold) places us among the cast away`s.
How can one believe, what one ain´t fully read? One page ain´t enough, the whole book is a MUST read.
One page ain´t enough to decide about the bible.
It is a foolish move to not to read the BIBLE. It is foolish to perish just because we like to be ignorant and keep wondering about staff that`s already cleared out.
Perishing without knowledge, many among us don`t know nor care to know, what do they in reality
worship. Many have made up a "god" and therefore think that they worship their own imagination.
I had a communication with my brother, few months back and i found out that he had made up a "god" and worship his own imagination. He still missing the hunger of truth and seems that, he also missing the FEAR OF GOD. Today, he /as i have heard/ he is 3 times "vaccinated" aka poisoned. His health is still fine, therefore i believe that maybe he was that lucky to get the Platseebo aka the fake deal in that 3 times.
He is a man made science believer, he look up to these evil ones: who are in the "governments" all around the world. He is carnal minded soul as are many other family members. None of them want to hear nor know that GOD has to say about all things, only that the witches and card moors has to say, Estonia popular card moor is : MARILYN KERRO.
I am watching a tv - series named: GRIMM - and here i have a question: that movie is about the VESSENS aka hybrid beings, so that means that this movie, tv show show us how many and different kinds of hybrids are among us (and of course as it is a tv show, therefore something is added and something is taken away).but still the question remains.
in marriage, both, male and female are called to help and to be there for one to another, in health and in sickness, in joy and in sadness.
Both eat - fact.
Both bring forth garbage - fact.
Both need resting time - fact.
Both are HUMANS - fact. (or maybe, if we bring forth BIBLE and accept the reality that hybrid beings (half dog - human and ..... are also real like we are, but since they , hybrids, hide themselves under a hologram, named: human flesh or the image of a man. Therefore there is 50 - 90% a chance one ain+t human and that`s one of the reasons why problems appear and of course our laziness and sinful nature have also part in pointless dramas. )
(and yes, once a soul understand the bible 100%, then one realize that BIBLE can`t no longer placed back among other books and just leave it there, no, BIBLE suddenly have a point and part about every moment in one`s life. Bible then ain´t no longer just a book, (it never was just a book) now it has become a instructor, tutor, lighten the road).
GOD ain´t asking any of us to be a religious, HE is asking us to LIVE IN THE REALITY.
"When mankind learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. Then they will know the truth, and even more, they will realize that the truth has been unacknowledged in the world from the beginning, except by a small but gradually increasing number, whom the Lords of the Dawn have ordained to minister to the needs of human beings in distress. regain consciousness of their divinity." - Manly P. Hall
dear, soul, why trusting and turning to many bibles when in fact GOD ONLY GIVE US ONE.
Your SPIRIT knows,when you are dealing with the real one, so trust your GOD GIVEN GUT. and pray and fast and :Philippians 2:12 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
The truth is HARSH, therefore the BIBLE GIVES US ALSO HARSH TRUTH, that many do not like.
- Mankind being in a fallen state /wicked sinners and in need of repentance and to born again, to became a new creature.
- warning us about GOD`S prison, Hell and the Lake of fire and also pointing out the ONLY way to get SALVSTION AND PASS TO HEAVEN. THROUGH AND ONLY THROUGH JESUS CHRIST - WHO IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.
- Sharing us the true picture about our earthly future:
- In tribulation period: (if RAPTURE IS MISSED):
- hunger for death, (or shot, beaten to death)
- freezing to death( or shot, beaten to death)
Suffering and extreme suffering for 7 years, awaits all those who miss the RAPTURE and reject the mark of the beast (MOTB).
Nowhere do we read, that Christians aka CHRIST followers can have dwelling on earth, as a rich, famous and powerful man.
The only thing this world will ever give us is:
our persecution.
Vaatasin ja vaatasin natuke veel. Imelik, ma pole inimene, kes kommenteeriks üldiselt internetis, kuid täna miskipärast tundsin, et on aeg öelda sõna sekka.
Film on super, kurb, et pole Eesti maastikul säärast reklaami, et see ei jookse Jannipäeva eelsel nädalal telekastist,äkki hoiaks mõne hulljulge "enesetõestamise" viisi ära,säästaks perekonda ja sõpru,aga eelkõige iseend!
Olen ilmselt vaid mõni aastake vanem kui noormehed,kes video valmistasid, kuid on hea meel tõdeda, et noored mõtlevad!
Inimene jääb selleks kes ta on ,mis vahet on, kas ta saab käia või on ta ratastoolis. Ega tema mõistus viga ei saanud ,vaid tema jalad..
Vapper poiss..
Mannu M ma ise liikumispuudega inimene kuid kõnnin, ma ei mõista oma eakaaslasi, kes mõnitavad, narrivad ja pilkavad endast erinevaid inimesi! Masendav. Ma ise 26 ja abielus täiesti terve meesterahvaga. Pea püsti poiss!
Väga tubli töö! Mõtlema panev film ja kiitussõnadest jääb puudugi:) Selliseid tublisi poisse võiks Viljandis rohkemgi olla:) Tubli,Tubli,Tubli!
Ka viljandlane;)
Kui ise olla selle poisi asemel, kes ratastoolis oli ja mõelda nagu tema sel hetkel mõtles, kuyi sõber oli talle valetanud, oleks sul olnud sama paha olla, kui temal! Lühifilm, kes me kõik seda vaatasime, oli super hästi tehtud! 5+
Väga südantpuudutav lühifilm, pani mõtlema. Tubli teostus!
Väga hästi tehtud ja kurb film, see on väga ebaõiglane, et inimestega, kes on ratastoolis suheldatakse teistmoodi kui nendega, kes ei ole, inimesed on seest ikkagi samasugused!
Omg mis sõbrad siuksed on . Nii nõme . aga muidu ülihea lühifilm ;)
Tekkis kohe endalgi kysimus, et kas ta on päriselt ka rattastoolis , aga kui lugesin alt kommentaare sain aru , et ei ole . See film on niii tõeline v nh tundub :D , Algus tundus tore olevat, aga pisara võttis silma siis kui ta selle poisiga kohtus ja too pani et teised ei tahtnud, seee võtttis tõsiselt pisara silma ... Neeed laused mis ta ytles, need lksid kuidagi niiii sydamesse ja kahju hakkkas : ) Aga tõsiselt suppper film
Väga hästi tehtud film. Ole tubli.
Viljandi!!!! :)
Hästi südamlik. 😢Pisarad tulid lausa silma
@ProductionsBlack Jaaa, kusjuures see ongi see kõige raskem osa selle juures!! Me tegime ka pmts 3 nädalavahetust seda. Väga hull värk:D Aeg on see mida jääb puudu!
Kiitus poistele ! Kui vähemalt 1 inimese paneb see film mõtlema , siis on juba küll hästi :)
Väga südantliigutav !
Vaatasin,uuesti vaatasin ja nutsin ka natuke.
Väga kurb,ylimalt päevakohane-jaanid ja joogid ja hulljulged noored.
Tore,et on inimesi,kes sellise filmi tegid-hoiatuseks ja õpetuseks.
Sõbrad on inimeste elus tõsine väärtus-tõelised sõbrad.
nii kurb 😢(ma mõdlen päriselt)
@ProductionsBlack Jah, sellesuhtes Sul on õigus, oleks saanud pingutada rohkem statiiviga ja zoomimisega! Aga osades kohtades tahtsime, et jääkski selline, et tekitada sellist paanikat:D Jah, ma aitasin sõbral kunstiajaloo eksamiprojekti teha ning Sa tabasid täpselt ära, et nendes kaadrites ongi probleemile keskendumine ja mõtlema panemine peamiselt. Aitäh Maksim!
Olgu, sellisel kujul on asi isegi selge ja saan te mõttelahendusest ja teostusest aru. Tuult tiibadesse ja jään uusi projekte ootama! Uh, leiaks ka aja, et midagi suuremat käsile võtta ja teostada see asi nii, kuidas ideed on :)
Ai mul tegi valu sõber ytles et on vanaema juures aga tegelikult ei ole ajavad teise inimese nigu nurkka 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@JouJanar Poiss on ratastoolis filmi jaoks. Tegelikus elus on ta terve.
Hästi tehtud.
POV: pead seda 9 aastat hiljem inimeseõpetuse tunni raames vaatama.
Jp ja selle pärast ma siin olengi
Film on hea ja teostus on kaa, kuid kui paljud tegelikult reaalsuses sellest aru saavad enne kui midagi juhtub .. ?
kus pilt on?
@bumbaibum No loodame, et vähemalt mõnedki võtavad seda tõsiselt:)
Ma olen inimene kellel on igast inimesest kahju isegi kui tal on nohu ja ma realselt nutsin
@mustsurm ei elagi:D
kümnel inimesel pole südant!
plääd ma olen ise su sõber =D
Plääd ei kirjutata kirjutatakse blyat
@Toredake Oleme väga tänulikud!
Ma ei lõpetaks sõprust ära kui mu sõbraga juhtuks nii ma aitaks teda kui vaja 😭 ma nutsin kui vaatasin seda mul nii kahju inimestest kellel on selline asi juhtund
puudega inimest hakatakse paratamatult tervete poolt vältima. See lihtsalt on nii...
Need maailmad on sageli liiga erinevad
Mul sellest inimesest kahju natuke
Häid inimesi on ikka eestis olemas
Mõte ja teostus on hea, parajalt sügav. Kohati oleks võinud statiivi kasutada ning zoomimist korrigeerida, liigne jõnksutamine oli sellega. Video pikkuse kohta, mõningas kohas oli liigne tegevusetus, aga võib-olla oletegi asja nii teostanud, et inimene saaks just samal ajal kogu probleemile keskenduda. Muidu aga tõeliselt head kaadrid, tegite mingi konkursi raames või lihtsalt? :)
nemad on siiski näitlejad
küsimus: kas ta jäi auta alla
ruclips.net/video/RoCRO37XpAg/видео.html Luuka evangeeliumi järgi!
ruclips.net/video/M_nucqyMerI/видео.html Johannese evangeeliumi järgi!
Väga kahju 😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😟😟😟😫
ma olen vist südametu :(
@fr33kgirl Suured tänud!
@Er1ckEh aitäh!
Mul on sust nii kahju ja sa oled nii armas ma hakkasin selle video peale nuttma
Kus se video tehtud on?Mis linnas??
Mängude Maailm | jah, Viljandis
Väga südamlik ja kurb film. Väga hästi tehtud, kohe nutma ajas.
väga südantliigutav isegi 9 aastst hiljem
vaatake kahevahel ka se on nii kurb ma nutsin lõpus aga muidu olen tüdruk
Mis linnas see filmitud on?
tundub et viljandis
Jeesuse juurs pole kunagi halb .Tema on kõigeparem sÕber .Minulgi krislasel pani .see film mõtlema .Palju meil kristlastel on seda suurt Armastust abivajajatele.Õpetlik film!
Ma mõistan seda
mul oleks umbes 9 aastat tagasi sama asi juhtunud aga läks õnneks
@PLIKSPLAKS1 Filmimeeskond tänab
kuidas saavad nad nii südametud olla
Mis sull juhtus
@5239717 Õige sõber:D
Kurb video
@Renzu0 Ära muretse
5:32 Se naine oli vist väga ehmunud:o Et miks filmitakse ratastoolis olevat inimest?
Ma ka nutsin
sama küsimus kas oled päriselt ratastoolis ja kuidas sa sinna sattisid
Mis ajast sa minu tänaval elad :D????
tekkis küsimus sulle et kas sa oled päriselt ratastoolis?
Mis juhtus et ratastoolis oled
Mis sitt see on?
Vaatasin terve asja ära ja mingit pointi ei ole.
Raid L. Sa oled südametu