EVERGLOW | 'Bon Bon Chocolat', 'La Di Da', 'First', 'Pirate' MV's | REACTION | Just WOW!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 328

  • @some-g1rl
    @some-g1rl Год назад +736

    Imagine not going through Dun Dun or Adios and landing directly on First. It would definitely feel like a kick in the face, haha
    But that's why I like this group. They're so kick ass!

  • @anetasz7759
    @anetasz7759 Год назад +591

    I'm pretty sure "First" is choreographed by someone who also makes choreos for ATEEZ! I love how powerfull it is, almost not like "typical girl group choreo"

    • @chisan3354
      @chisan3354 Год назад +44

      They did, they hired ATEEZ Choreographers 😆💗. Hopefully they do it again. They did a really good job with this choreography

    • @KallenSC
      @KallenSC Год назад +7

      Yes that was the best boy group song in 2021;)

    • @guisas123
      @guisas123 Год назад +6

      Everglow choreo is always powerful

    • @natd602
      @natd602 Год назад +5

      I think they also might’ve used the dancers that ATEEZ also use

    • @CarterLa_14
      @CarterLa_14 Год назад +1

      Yep your exactly right!

  • @mariamomo5824
    @mariamomo5824 Год назад +511

    Everglow forever let's gooooooo

  • @odgykins
    @odgykins Год назад +259

    “It’s 2023 now and I’m assuming they probably did something in 2022” 😭😭😭😭😭 Everglow stans have been put through the absolute ringer since Pirate came out. They have not had an official comeback since Pirate and we are patiently waiting for our girls to come kick us in the face yet again. I MISS THEM 😢

    • @giddy7079
      @giddy7079 Год назад +9

      is there ANY update?????? I'm not even an everglow stan and I miss them lmaaaao

    • @fm.9783
      @fm.9783 Год назад +3

      @@giddy7079same like

    • @itsfossette
      @itsfossette Год назад +4

      @@giddy7079they are coming back this month!

    • @xiuminthroughthesky9405
      @xiuminthroughthesky9405 Год назад +1

      @@itsfossette woohooo!!!!

  • @xperson5043
    @xperson5043 Год назад +138

    La di da was actually chosen by billboard as the best 2020 kpop song

  • @gila2753
    @gila2753 Год назад +127

    Are we ready to admit that “first” is the BIGGEST kpop serve ever? I mean come on! Visuals, vocals, choreo!! And the production of the song AND video?? COME TF ON EVERGLOW.
    The production is amazing, the church bell on the post chorus and the ah ah ah on the bridge, and the alien noise when the bridge starts! OH MY GOD

  • @Barbz_03
    @Barbz_03 Год назад +131

    Their first win was Adios by them and First was their second win. The song and video for first for me is so unique, they have the hardest choreography for a girlgroup in kpop for me

    • @duchessliz2415
      @duchessliz2415 Год назад +5

      Dreamcatcher's choreo looks harder, but Everglow is definitely second for me.

    • @user-tw1zv8ki9q
      @user-tw1zv8ki9q Год назад

      @@duchessliz2415and pixy more than both probably

  • @indi90air
    @indi90air Год назад +36

    3:05 not only can she break an apple open with her hands, they were on a show with Dreamcatcher where they had to break a watermelon and she split hers open with the first punch. And she's one of the tallest female idols. Literally an amazon warrior.

    • @shineinstars
      @shineinstars Год назад +2

      she and jongho should have a fruit breaking competition

  • @glitterriddler
    @glitterriddler Год назад +196

    i need them to comeback this year, 'cause they didn't do anything in 2022 (no official comeback), they were on hiatus, one member was in china for a long time but now she's back so comeback maybe? please?

    • @victoriab98
      @victoriab98 Год назад +11

      i hope so, i miss them 🥺

    • @missbabydoll1001
      @missbabydoll1001 Год назад +2

      I hope so to

    • @miam_k
      @miam_k Год назад +23

      they are gonna have a comeback i think jiwon or/and another member said that they’re working on a new comeback (i think they said it on bubble but i’m not sure)

    • @glitterriddler
      @glitterriddler Год назад +3

      @@miam_k omg yes, can't wait

    • @juliasvyrydova7222
      @juliasvyrydova7222 Год назад +30

      I cannot wait for them to come back, they are such hit makers, I'm not even a fan, but I missed them so much. Bon bon chcolate and ladida are some of my most favorite kpop songs ever.

  • @7reasonsssssss
    @7reasonsssssss Год назад +135

    I knew you would like La Di Da 🥺🫶🏾 it's my favourite song by them

    • @田田-h7j
      @田田-h7j Год назад +3

      Ladida choreography studio version (with their dance instructors) is my favorite ❤

    • @7reasonsssssss
      @7reasonsssssss Год назад +2

      @@田田-h7j the studio choom one?

    • @田田-h7j
      @田田-h7j Год назад

      @@7reasonsssssss ruclips.net/video/6fdXsoVNJis/видео.html
      This version 💕

  • @gothmelk
    @gothmelk Год назад +69

    Bon Bon Chocolat, one of my favorite gg debuts

  • @Samy.10VE
    @Samy.10VE Год назад +116

    I barely knew about them and did a quick run through their titles tracks because I went to a festival they were performing in, they ended up being my favourite performers of the night and their songs were so incredible and hype during their set it was exhilarating!

    • @5166y
      @5166y Год назад

      by any chance did you go hallyu pop fest? :)

  • @apapaputrh
    @apapaputrh Год назад +51

    oh this group deserves more recognition

  • @elfhchan
    @elfhchan Год назад +71

    Everglow never released a song I did not like. Also their mvs and choreo? OUT OF THIS WORLD FANTASTIC.

  • @nalalala7584
    @nalalala7584 Год назад +212

    I love everglow!! They’re such a solid group My bias is aisha the baddie in the vent at 12:44😂😍 her voice is so pretty and distinct in their songs I feel and her presencee is strong

    • @Viyanca
      @Viyanca Год назад +17

      Baddie in the vent is a WILD descriptor lmao

  • @Sunny-bc2mu
    @Sunny-bc2mu Год назад +25

    Forget world peace, this video reminded me that what the world needs right now is an Everglow's comeback

  • @poushaldas7897
    @poushaldas7897 Год назад +27

    If they debuted under SM , they should be a great group by now

    • @joohoneybun
      @joohoneybun Год назад +16

      so sad people won't give them a chance because they're from a chinese company. they're extremely talented and never disappoint.

  • @denise3233
    @denise3233 Год назад +20

    Pirate pre chorus has that 2010-2012 edm sound, that’s why it’s so familiar and nostalgic 😭

  • @wondertwin7911
    @wondertwin7911 Год назад +82

    I love Everglow, they have great discography that sadly gets overlooked a lot as happens with B sides. But it is so worth a listen. Everglow title tracks are very much about putting off haters and embracing yourself. Thanks for the reaction

    • @marque6732
      @marque6732 Год назад +4

      All their 'B' sides are A+

  • @pinkbloodsquad7766
    @pinkbloodsquad7766 Год назад +23

    I like the tutting and voguing in their choreos. Their song always so nice and get you hype. Listen to their song while walking make me feel like a badass lol

  • @gerliejamonong5397
    @gerliejamonong5397 Год назад +6

    Everglow is one of the underrated gg, their talent is crazyyy

  • @radlikewhoa
    @radlikewhoa Год назад +3


  • @gowonlesbic.6514
    @gowonlesbic.6514 Год назад +8

    Everglow is definitely one of the best groups I've ever seen!

  • @victoriab98
    @victoriab98 Год назад +18

    everglow forever let’s go! ladida is honestly one of my favorite kpop songs 😩

  • @nanawilliams
    @nanawilliams Год назад +9

    First time watching anything Everglow but damn, I was pleasantly surprised. They're badass.

  • @yennyyyseo18
    @yennyyyseo18 Год назад +2

    La Di Da and First is THAT STRIKING FOR ME!

  • @hayralouro
    @hayralouro Год назад +32

    YAAAY! you finally reacted to Everglow!! can't wait for you to do Dun Dun as well (to me it's their best title track along with LaDiDa and First)

  • @SallieAndrea
    @SallieAndrea Год назад +18

    Everglow are amazing. People need to stop sleeping on them

  • @Jaehyuns_Dimples
    @Jaehyuns_Dimples Год назад +14

    Ah! Everglow my 2nd fav girl group I love them! First is my favorite song and Sihyeon is my bias her voice is so beautiful!

    • @wondertwin7911
      @wondertwin7911 Год назад

      They are my second favorite too! Right behind Mamamoo. Who is your fave?

    • @Jaehyuns_Dimples
      @Jaehyuns_Dimples Год назад +1

      @@wondertwin7911 Itzy

    • @wondertwin7911
      @wondertwin7911 Год назад

      @@Jaehyuns_Dimples Itzy is my third but honestly these three constantly threaten and swap places with each other

    • @Jaehyuns_Dimples
      @Jaehyuns_Dimples Год назад +3

      @@wondertwin7911 Id say my top 5 at the moment would be Itzy, Everglow, Dreamcatcher, Purple Kiss and (G)I-dle

    • @lawtraf8008
      @lawtraf8008 Год назад

      No Blackpink I'm surprised. I thought BP was Number 1 girl group, even all round group for most people

  • @allons_y1001
    @allons_y1001 Год назад +17

    "We could be anything, anything!"
    Annnnd we choose space pirates!
    😄 I love the song, but that's what runs thru my head every single time. 'First' is seriously one of the coolest gg mv's ever. Anytime I get the girlies with more hard-hitting "boy group type" choreo, I am happy!

  • @icyboi13
    @icyboi13 Год назад +12

    Everglow are aggressive in the best way. 😅😜😹😻 La Di Da is so *chefs kiss* & a dance practice is a must. I love how speechless you were & how you had to stop & begin again. That’s Everglow. 😹😻 First is def a grower. It’s very chaotic, so it needs a few listens, but it’s such an anthemic song, & their dancing is just power.
    I honestly can’t believe you didn’t do Dun Dun, which is iconic (& it’s not at all my fave. It’s just really wow). Also, Adios, which is another smack in the face song.
    Everglow will hit you & you will thank them. Yes ma’am.

  • @marque6732
    @marque6732 Год назад +6

    Yiren's smirk in 'First' always gets me

  • @mars1198
    @mars1198 Год назад +3

    its actually crazy bc i was obsessed with the First choreography when i first saw it and when i saw the dance move at 19:15 I immediatly thought about San cause that's one of his signature moves and then i see in the comments that ateez's choreographer did the choreo for first😭

  • @celticsb
    @celticsb Год назад +10

    i really miss them gg music isn't the same without them

  • @wondertwin7911
    @wondertwin7911 Год назад +3

    "What in the leg lift?" My new favorite quote!

  • @allaboutjjong
    @allaboutjjong Год назад +10

    I saw everglow live last year and even tho they performed just a few songs because it was a event, they were so great and such a good stage presence I absolutely love their music style 🤗

  • @b7ueRL
    @b7ueRL Год назад +8

    La Di Da is by far my fav song from them!

  • @joohoneybun
    @joohoneybun Год назад +4

    everglow the queens of tutting 🤩❤️

  • @ffbeexaid4509
    @ffbeexaid4509 Год назад +3

    They just got an award in HMA and finally performed with all 6 on stage, hope they will have a comeback soon. Yes Mia is the main dancer AND the main vocal crazy eh?

  • @fatmcgee509
    @fatmcgee509 Год назад +1

    You instantly win because you caught the Sin City influence to the La Di Da video. Great reaction as always!

  • @pinkiepiereincarnate2291
    @pinkiepiereincarnate2291 Год назад +22

    I don't really stan them but they literally never disappoint🥳🥳🥳

  • @taykaygalaxy
    @taykaygalaxy Год назад +5

    “i swear this pre-chorus melody sounds like something from the early 2000s”
    for me personally i was getting early 2010s, the EDM style reminds me of something that could be on say, Britney Spears’ femme fatale album. and it’s my fav title track for it!!! also kinda funny it’s called pirate considering their previous comeback, they worked with ATEEZ’s choreographers. :)

  • @a4235
    @a4235 Год назад +1

    The bon bon chocolat choreo still remains one of my personal favs in Kpop

  • @xperson5043
    @xperson5043 Год назад +2

    The girl that you like at 13:50 is Aisha, the lead rapper. And fun fact she's the tallest active female idol at the moment.

  • @gt420cool
    @gt420cool Год назад +9

    FACT.... "FIRST" is AAA (Asia Artist Awards
    ) Best Music Video of 2021 & 'LADIDA' is Billboard No. 1 Best KPOP of 2020. There whole discography are bops and banders.

  • @Glowz_
    @Glowz_ Год назад +2

    Sihyeon is the leader who sings the pre-chorus of Pirate and that has the line you like in First. Her and Yiren the maknae were both on the survival show Produce48 which was the show that made IZ*ONE which is crazy how things connect

  • @Minmarky
    @Minmarky Год назад +8

    I discovered your channel a few days ago and I can't stop watching your videos. I've been a kpop fan for 8 years now and tbh I feel kinda burned out and don't find myself heavily stanning particular groups anymore but it feels so refreshing watching you discover all these talented groups and artists. It's so fun to watch cause your reactions seem very genuine and the fact that you really wanna learn about these groups makes it fun to watch. Keep up the great work, you found yourself a new subscriber!

    • @rjkpop
      @rjkpop  Год назад +2


  • @kyrat6079
    @kyrat6079 Год назад

    La di da had me hooked in the first 10 seconds just by music. Idk what i was doing but i remember listening to it for the first time and being blown away

  • @daniyalshah4338
    @daniyalshah4338 Год назад +1

    This group is stupidly underrated
    Stan these queens

  • @Victoria-bl3tn
    @Victoria-bl3tn Год назад +2


  • @drewlopez1621
    @drewlopez1621 Год назад +2

    Being into kpop for over a decade now, and Everglow is one of my favorite girl groups ever. I think their sound is theirs and theirs only. I can’t wait til they comeback. It’s been over a year. Check out their bsides. Some of the best in the game!

  • @cyb333rchai
    @cyb333rchai Год назад +2

    i just wanted you to know i really enjoyed watching this and i hope you continue to make reaction content! it was really impactful how attentive you were and how you noticed all of the little things - it made me, as a fan and a musician, very excited to hear! i look forward to seeing more reactions :)

    • @rjkpop
      @rjkpop  Год назад

      💙 Thank you!🤗

  • @rtd3146
    @rtd3146 Год назад +4

    Everglow forever lez go

  • @MsKareboo
    @MsKareboo Год назад +2

    EVERGLOW !!!

  • @Ēgøxxyz
    @Ēgøxxyz Год назад +1

    everglow forever....

  • @SoyLaBrasileña
    @SoyLaBrasileña Год назад +4

    Everglow FOREVER LET'S GO 🔥❤❤❤

  • @byelmoreira1690
    @byelmoreira1690 Год назад +3

    29:05 I think you are remembering some Zedd/Calvin Harris/Avicii song from early 2010's because this is my favorite EDM type of song and Pirate remembers me a lot of these 😍

  • @ivegyattocomment
    @ivegyattocomment Год назад +2

    To this day i think Everglow is still and underrated group. Can you believe that LA DI DA didn't win ANY korean music shows when it came out? but did so well outside of Korea. it's 2023 and i am still disturbed by that fact.

  • @ameliahust3422
    @ameliahust3422 Год назад +1

    Hi RJ, Loved your reaction. I saw them live last year in Sydney, Australia. They are even better live. Yes, that is possible. Looking forward to your reaction journey with Everglow.

  • @PlatypusGuitar
    @PlatypusGuitar Год назад +3

    Ive heard many rumours of Everglow disbanding soon, mainly because they havent had a comeback in almost 500 days and their last tour was cancelled because the tickets werent selling. I hope it doesnt happen, it would be a shame because they are such a good group. I think they just need their record label to promote them better and work on a comeback, like yesterday.

    • @allmymya
      @allmymya Год назад +2

      those rumors are just made up by people on here and tiktok😭 the tour thing is a little more complicated than just tickets not being sold. the reason why they weren't selling is because the tour was poorly planned, they announced the tour very late and southeast asian forevers had been vocal since the start that it was not enough time for them to call off work, and it made it even harder since the dates were on weekdays. on top of that, the promoters and yuehua did absolutely nothing to promote the tour, most people didn't know it was happening until it wasn't. as for the comeback, they couldn't have one since yiren was in china, but now that she's back they've been working on one since the start of this year! unfortunately yuehua will never promote them in the way they deserve, but please keep an eye on them and support them when they do comeback❤️

  • @mx_5-fy9gx
    @mx_5-fy9gx Год назад +2

    They are the best group ever i don't know why they are not much famous in south Korea 🥺✨💜

  • @TheTarcaina
    @TheTarcaina Год назад

    Thank you so much! Every single dance practice is also worthy to watch. Adios and Pirate are my favorite from their tittle tracks; but their b-sides are all so good too

  • @audreyemberson9351
    @audreyemberson9351 Год назад +1

    This is my first time coming across your channel, but I'm so glad you decided to check out and react to Everglow! I've been with these 6 girls since 2019 and they rose so quickly to ult group status for me since then. They definitely deserve all the love and support they can get since they tend to get left out of 4th gen kpop conversations/rankings. I've always considered them to be concept chameleons from the way they always adapt to whatever they're given whether it be a title track, b-side, or cover (cute/bright, sexy/mature, girl crush, or just straight up powerful). Everglow is just one of those groups that is very well rounded (especially in dance) and has an insane amount of charisma & energy when performing that never fails to get you hyped. They are also all so cute and funny off stage (and on stage sometimes too) which can be quite the contrast from what you saw here and even surprises the other idols/entertainers they interact with lol. I can't wait for when you eventually get to their other two title tracks Adios (song that got them their first win. First was their second win) and Dun Dun in addition to their Unicef campaign/project song Promise. Their discography is absolutely golden imo, where they have something for everyone. The girls have performed a good chunk of their b-sides (on music shows, concerts, and even have some dance practices) so if you ever want to give those a shot, go ahead! P.S Everglow is actually preparing for a comeback right now with all the members posting pics from the practice rooms and recording studio. No official date has been given yet, but it's definitely soon so keep on the lookout for it

  • @melisadetter1071
    @melisadetter1071 Год назад +1


  • @baconloverr5
    @baconloverr5 Год назад +2

    I love Everglow❤ they have so many bangers but I think my fav is still Bon Bon Chocolat. It’s just so iconic😮‍💨

  • @blinklisa6790
    @blinklisa6790 Год назад +2

    Everglow is underrated groups 😔💜

  • @marktomarong3008
    @marktomarong3008 Год назад

    This group is so underrated. The got super good music and top tier production honesty.

  • @laberin
    @laberin Год назад +4

    la di da their best song hands down

  • @spoutingfiction
    @spoutingfiction Год назад +2

    Can’t wait for part 2!

  • @wren842
    @wren842 Год назад

    By far my favorite song about pirates. Jokes aside, the simple hip sway is one of my top moves in choreo. Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls is probably my favorite example.

  • @raincath
    @raincath Год назад +1

    congratulations, you just found a gem of kpop.

  • @denabach
    @denabach Год назад

    And that's what makes KPOP unique, not just the music but the dancing that goes along with it. The music videos will put any western ones to shame making it even more interesting to the eyes and ears. In todays world of technology we have the means to enjoy both at the same time (visual and audio). As far as this song goes, it doesn't need a video to be enjoyed because it has a catchy hook.

  • @allmymya
    @allmymya Год назад +1

    oh how i wish they had a comeback in 2022😭😭 they had a collab song with thefatrat, but there is no mv and yiren was not part of the collab since she was in china. they've been working hard on a comeback since the beginning of the year though, several of them have posted selfies from their recording studio. now we just have to wait for the official announcement 🫠

  • @gabrielayovita8413
    @gabrielayovita8413 Год назад


  • @taistelubanaani420
    @taistelubanaani420 Год назад +1

    Their debut was pretty huge for group who didnt debut under big 3!! they were always compared to itzy, thats how big they were, but in 2022 they had no offical promotions, so people forgot about them

    • @Lisaonda-xg
      @Lisaonda-xg Год назад +2

      At first I thought that they would be like bts a non big 3 group that would become a hit ( global +sk) but sadly their company ruined that
      Now the competition 🔥

  • @ijreen
    @ijreen Год назад

    la di da literally my favourite “retro” kpop song of ALL TIME

  • @santiagomorenoarevalo8409
    @santiagomorenoarevalo8409 Год назад +1

    La di dadidada ladida dida (ladidadida ldaidadida) everglow forever lets go

  • @IkigaiKK0
    @IkigaiKK0 Год назад +3

    I’m so glad I discovered this channel 🥲💜

  • @sailormoon1013
    @sailormoon1013 Год назад +3

    Everglow is near and dear to my heart. They are very much girl crush but their b-sides are on the softer side. It’s crazy to think you didn’t have Dun Dun and Adios in between and you went straight to First. I’d love to see what you think about their other title tracks.

  • @anabarbara1799
    @anabarbara1799 Год назад

    Ladida is literally one of my favorite songs ever

  • @hiroshijinn
    @hiroshijinn Год назад +1

    It is illegal that you skipped their bangers, Adios and Dundun 😊

  • @evelynhakyo2245
    @evelynhakyo2245 Год назад +1

    I'm so glad you like them!! Their really talented

  • @rechelleaurora4772
    @rechelleaurora4772 Год назад

    That girl who is Main Dancer, Main Vocalist and Sub rapper is Mia and she is given the nickname by the knetz as the 4th Gen Ace

  • @cesar12050
    @cesar12050 Год назад

    Everglow forever lets gooiiii

  • @nelisavaldez5901
    @nelisavaldez5901 Год назад +1

    You definitely need to listen to Adios and Dun dun. Those songs solidified me as a Forever

  • @carsforever4002
    @carsforever4002 Год назад +1

    Love your reaction! I think you’ll love Adios and Dun Dun by them too!

    • @carsforever4002
      @carsforever4002 Год назад

      Omg update you did a video on it I’m gonna see it!

  • @law4ahyc
    @law4ahyc Год назад +1

    La Di da forever

  • @blackqueen1973
    @blackqueen1973 Год назад

    Thank you I'm very happy to see you react to Everglow, I wish they had more prominence

  • @MelancholyPancake
    @MelancholyPancake Год назад

    La Di Da is my jam. I blast it and dance period 😂

  • @ivy_tae
    @ivy_tae Год назад

    The only reason Everglow isn't on everyone's lips right now because of the company. Istg when the debuted, they were such a hot topic.

  • @armandofuentes7899
    @armandofuentes7899 Год назад +1

    Let's go!! Been waiting for this and you delivered it so well! Thank you!

  • @Mike-yc3lu
    @Mike-yc3lu Год назад +1

    LA DI DA is the best song ever

  • @zachh3210
    @zachh3210 Год назад +1

    everglow is great for the gym

  • @liyaliya947
    @liyaliya947 Год назад +4

    I forgot how good bon bon chocolat is😍

  • @HJ_24S
    @HJ_24S Год назад +14

    Dun Dun and Adios please

  • @uncchristine99
    @uncchristine99 11 месяцев назад

    The Pirate prechorus reminds me of Ian Van Dahl's Castles in the Sky. See if that's what you were thinking too.

  • @manifest3695
    @manifest3695 Год назад +1

    17:54 2nd win actually they got their first win with adios

  • @metricsmileyahya4222
    @metricsmileyahya4222 Год назад

    Everglow : adios, dun dun is a must check song of them 💖

  • @markfranciss1696
    @markfranciss1696 Год назад

    Omggggg finally my EVERGLOW 😭🥰
    Next is Dun Dun. I knew it, you'd like La Di Da. Dun Dun too will blow your mind 🥳

  • @tiabroom4764
    @tiabroom4764 Год назад

    La di da was my favourite but when first came out I think it topped all of them for me 💕💕 my girls