Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Wokeness is a gift to Islamism

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 797

  • @UnHerd
    @UnHerd  2 года назад +57

    Are lone-wolf terrorists really "a fallacy and a fantasy"?

    • @jamesbond4810
      @jamesbond4810 2 года назад +16

      Anglo-Saxon countries are still taking it lightly by saying there's no such thing as Political islam, while countries like France, Greece, Denmark, Belgium, India & China knows how dangerous it is. It's like a cult.

    • @brother1ray
      @brother1ray 2 года назад +4

      Yes, because no individual who is only invested in his individual interests will EVER become a suicide bomber!
      Or as Chris Hitchens put it: "It takes religion to make ordinary people do terrible things!"

    • @jamesbond4810
      @jamesbond4810 2 года назад +6

      @@brother1ray It's easy for you to quote Chris Hitchens' words because you are an atheist but how will you explain to these religious fanatics who are emotionally attached to their respective cults.

    • @brother1ray
      @brother1ray 2 года назад +17

      @@jamesbond4810 it is perfectly reasonable to judge the worth of a tree by the fruit that it bears...........And the fruit of Islam is very, very rotten........everywhere!

    • @jamesbond4810
      @jamesbond4810 2 года назад +4

      @@brother1ray I guess you haven't heard of these classic lines viz. "HIJAB IS FEEDOM", "Billions of books but none comes close to the Holy Quran", "THEY PLAN BUT ALLAH ALSO PLAN & HE HAS THE BEST PLAN FOR ALL", etc. Religious ridiculousness is embedded in it.

  • @sanitene6039
    @sanitene6039 10 месяцев назад +20

    Madam I salute you and your courage ,unlike the wimps in the UK you are a bright light of truth ..

    • @coolassprov
      @coolassprov 6 месяцев назад

      She entered Europe with lies.

  • @heygoober1653
    @heygoober1653 2 года назад +100

    Wokeness is a gift to Islamism. Ayaan is a gift to the world.

    • @majdavojnikovic
      @majdavojnikovic 2 года назад +1

      No thanks. She is a proven liar.

    • @Marjorydawesy
      @Marjorydawesy 2 года назад +10

      @@majdavojnikovic As I’m sure you would be or are

    • @majdavojnikovic
      @majdavojnikovic 2 года назад

      @@Marjorydawesy believe whatever and whoever you want to believe.
      I was following her while she was a major political attraction in The Netherlands.
      She had to flee the country because her many lies came out. They even wanted to take her Dutch nationality back because it was given on the ground of those lies.
      So, believe what you like to believe
      You wouldn't be the first idiot.

    • @Frost-uy9me
      @Frost-uy9me 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@majdavojnikovicAre you a Muslim?

  • @dancewomyn1
    @dancewomyn1 11 месяцев назад +12

    And....Here we are now..a year later (2023)with people hardened in their positions right after a gruesome attack by Hamas in Gaza! She was right!

  • @hasanmahmud6998
    @hasanmahmud6998 2 года назад +39

    I predict UnHerd will become big in a few years. People are hungry for honest, authentic and important conversations.

  • @DieFlabbergast
    @DieFlabbergast 2 года назад +101

    How many "lone wolves" does it take to make a wolf pack?

  • @RobinLaverick
    @RobinLaverick 2 года назад +162

    Islamic bullies all over these comments. They follow Aayan all over the net to try to discredit her because they are terrified of the way she exposes them and their real intent.

    • @dragonofchaos7843
      @dragonofchaos7843 2 года назад +9

      She discredits herself with all her lies

    • @RobinLaverick
      @RobinLaverick 2 года назад +10

      @@dragonofchaos7843 Islam discredits itself with lies. The book lies and then Imams lie about what it says. It's a joke but a dangerous one.

    • @schechter01
      @schechter01 2 года назад +11

      @@dragonofchaos7843 Alright then, what has Ayaan Hirsi-Ali lied about? If you have the inside dope, surely you can share it with us.

    • @yasarmajid134
      @yasarmajid134 2 года назад +1

      I hate islamic fundamentalism but this woman is just factually incorrect about nearly everything she has said

    • @Danilo44
      @Danilo44 2 года назад +1

      I'm Dutch, not an islamic bully at all.
      And I know that she is a UN liar.
      Her task was to divide People here in the Netherlands. Her dearest friend Theo van Gogh Who got "killed" 🙄 by an islamic was one big hoax.
      Because tell me Ayaan,
      If somebody gets slaughtered with a knive shouldn't there be at least little bit of blood on the streets?
      Shouldn't the clothing be dripping of blood?
      Well, none of that showed on and around the body of Theo van Gogh.
      And if People don't believe me you can Google Theo van Gogh murder and tell me what you see. They say that Mohammed B. (The murderer) slid his throat open....so.....tell me what you see.
      Ayaan is a secret service agent who threat on us Dutch People.
      She better stay in the US if you ask me.

  • @davepangolin4996
    @davepangolin4996 2 года назад +44

    It is no surprise that this Woman is ignored by the mainstream media channels…

    • @zamzamadam2034
      @zamzamadam2034 2 года назад

      i guess so, i mean i remember wen she was trending all channels wanted the islam bashing chick, who was herself ex muslim, so she went on spread her hatred for islam, till it started to sound repetitve as time went on people just got tired of hearing how muslims are terrorist its now an open secret, lol so the media moved on to next trending thing . the rise of woke culture and wokeness. they say GOD works in mysterious ways but this was twist no hollywood director cud hv thought of, the ppl pointing fingers to extremism actually become extreme themselves. goodness talk about karma

    • @thebergbok8279
      @thebergbok8279 2 года назад +1

      ​@@zamzamadam2034 I disagree with your view. Western society has become so blunted, so deculturized that reflecting on the why,s & wherefores is just too tedious for the average citizen to deal with. The press are financially acutely aware of this, so thank heavens for the rise of social media .
      We like druggies depend on the highs , sensationalism, entertainment & leave our children by & large in the foster care of institutions to be raised with leftist anti Western (white) educational flagellation ideas by an entire hierarchy of such Wokists. Any reigning in of the powers of this generational cancer of our schools & universities would create a governmental crisis.
      Perhaps Islam could borrow an idea from the West,the creation of monastery like institutions where young men who are religiously passionate about Islam could isolate themselves from the world & its temptations & devote their lives to self reflection, religious practices & learn the skills of calligraphy, (the Quran) cultivating the earth, animal husbandry in order to reach a more balanced ,wise state of mind

    • @dragonofchaos7843
      @dragonofchaos7843 2 года назад +1

      Yes because she’s clearly an idiot

  • @raymondbacon7947
    @raymondbacon7947 2 года назад +117

    Ayaan literally has all the answers on the subject. How can we mainstream her?

    • @secularvalue1114
      @secularvalue1114 2 года назад +13

      You can't. She's been branded as an islamophobe by the left.
      Shutting people like Ayan is going to be suicidal for civilization.

    • @megg.6651
      @megg.6651 2 года назад +18

      Buy & read all of her books, talk with your friends about her, share these videos

    • @ruhloflaw6709
      @ruhloflaw6709 2 года назад

      @@secularvalue1114 Going to be? You sound like the Wine Mom thinking about putting her catatonic teen in therapy once she started willing away her favorite toys.

    • @nonfictionone
      @nonfictionone 2 года назад +2

      @@secularvalue1114 suicidal for o u r civilisation. Damn good news for others.

    • @Anicius_
      @Anicius_ 2 года назад

      @Boo Baal could you talk about your determine concussions? Tell me what you disagree with

  • @sithewiseguy
    @sithewiseguy 2 года назад +143

    The quality of guests on this channel deserves much higher viewership.

    • @varunarya922
      @varunarya922 2 года назад +9

      That's exactly why the algorithm suppresses it!

    • @Rayblondie
      @Rayblondie 2 года назад +9

      Ayaan Hirsi Ali is amazing and gets right to the point. Surely this is the way to go. Well done Unherd for hosting this. Will our our leaders listen or will they go on in the same old way?

    • @formercanadiancitizen4756
      @formercanadiancitizen4756 2 года назад +2

      Most people are allergic to critical thinking

  • @kevanbodsworth9868
    @kevanbodsworth9868 Год назад +7

    In Germany last week a " refugee" of muslim faith just rampaged a train with a knife killing a couple just a few weeks married and wounding many more. But not for the great courage of some passengers who overwhelmed and disarmed him it could have been much worse .. These kind of incidents just keep happening , I live in N Neuköln Berlin I have often been told when asking for respect in our communal Hof that German law does not apply in this yard fronted by Arabic businesses and threatened should the police come ,, They claim an Arab muslim colony the laws of the land not applicable.. My experience confirms all the warnings of Ayaan .. " Your laws not ours " is commonly heard ..

  • @davidlillecrapp2960
    @davidlillecrapp2960 2 года назад +30

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali has to travel with security wherever she goes. Why?
    Islam; that's why.

    • @marioluigi9599
      @marioluigi9599 2 года назад

      No its because she's really offensive to everyone that's Muslim and frankly she deserves it and I'm glad
      Just because she's had a bad childhood doesn't mean everyone's life is like that and it certainly doesn't mean that she now gets to talk down to everyone that's Muslim, in front of the camera no less, trying to make everyone that's Muslim appear like a horrible person. It's really disgusting and it does nothing except feed into the latent Islamophobia of people. You can't listen to it for long. It's REALLY toxic

    • @marioluigi9599
      @marioluigi9599 2 года назад

      People that listen to idiots like her constantly live "under the fear of Islam" like a muppet because they perpetuate that in their own heads. Meanwhile completely ignoring the fact that there's plenty of evil people in the world.
      All that sort of behaviour achieves is, making them resent anyone out in public that's Muslim every time they see them. Giving them all sorts of negative thoughts about them. That's disgusting and it's toxic to societal cohesion.

    • @marioluigi9599
      @marioluigi9599 2 года назад

      So yeah, she IS really toxic and Douglas as an intelligent person really needs to get over his own Islamophobia as well. Not even Richard Dawkins is as bad as him
      The difference with him is, he only gets hysterical when exposed to he influence of people like her. Most of the time he's fine and he's intelligent and he talks sense. Sometimes though his conversations can really just downgrade to toxicity and it's pathetic.
      Get over it Douglas and learn how to be a decent person. You have no chance continuing like this and you know it's more toxic to you than anyone. At some point you really need to put that pride away.

    • @KJ-lb4tj
      @KJ-lb4tj 2 года назад +10

      @@marioluigi9599 she's quite obviously not an idiot. It's an easy lazy argument just to assume someone you disagree with is an idiot. She's an articulate intelligent woman from an Islamic background with an Islamic family.

    • @marioluigi9599
      @marioluigi9599 2 года назад

      @@KJ-lb4tj yeah here we go again "from an Islamic background with an Islamic family". Yeah YOU'RE the idiot. Not to mention extremely prejudiced and condescending, making these disgusting remarks with no shame, to deride anyone that's Muslim and put them into the same category as her "muslim" family.
      You've clearly never had any Muslim friends. Probably never even met one in your life. You're not important and your opinions are vile and extremely toxic. I can't believe in this day and age we still have toxic Nazis roaming about in society spreading this filthy propaganda. They should have all been eliminated after world war 2. It's a cancer on civilisation

  • @lmn6440
    @lmn6440 2 года назад +86

    This lady knows what the right questions are

  • @davidharbison5722
    @davidharbison5722 2 года назад +117

    Netflix should make a mini series of her life , read her books and her life is almost unbelievable, her story needs to be brought to the attention of the world , she is amazing

    • @jakoflynn2560
      @jakoflynn2560 2 года назад +2

      Wow can you imagine the film of her life so far

    • @farleymarly2575
      @farleymarly2575 2 года назад +5

      I don't think we should it would expose her as a liar. She speaks well but every Somali knows she makes up a lot of lies. She ain't no Malala zai that's for sure

    • @jakoflynn2560
      @jakoflynn2560 2 года назад +12

      @@farleymarly2575 about ☪️ she does not lie. Clitorises are cut off, child brides are not uncommon, women don’t have equal voices, gays are living in terror, Christians are murdered, ISIS have sex slaves, I could go on …but that would be an overkill …If you excuse the pun!

    • @schechter01
      @schechter01 2 года назад +7

      @@farleymarly2575 Okay, let's hear it. If you can pinpoint the lies Hirsi-Ali has supposedly spoken, then surely you can do a little mythbusting for those of us who aren't hip to it. Tell us, farley...what has she lied about?

    • @HR-sg7ug
      @HR-sg7ug 2 года назад +5

      She lied to the Dutch people for many many years.

  • @newrick57
    @newrick57 2 года назад +83

    This is why we must first fight woke culture

    • @jw-vx8im
      @jw-vx8im 2 года назад +5

      I wish Australia would wake up.

    • @AC-mp7cx
      @AC-mp7cx 2 года назад +1

      Islam will win

    • @newrick57
      @newrick57 2 года назад +7

      @@AC-mp7cx win what?

    • @dontTalkBullshit
      @dontTalkBullshit Год назад +6

      @@AC-mp7cx Nonsense and terror never wins my friend but for some time they may spread and can hide the sun of knowledge but when the sun of knowledge arises it eats all darkness, nonsense and madness. This is what ultimately has happened in the world and this is what will keep happening in the world ultimately knowledgeable people from each corner of the world will come and they will destroy this madness.

    • @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv
      @RedbadvanRijn-ft3vv Год назад +1

      Islam wil be over in +- 20 years.
      If Iran have now 10% muslims,its much.

  • @pablopumarestaminiau7512
    @pablopumarestaminiau7512 2 года назад +52

    So are the 2 dislikes from the Woke or the Islamists?

  • @juegacomocampeon4493
    @juegacomocampeon4493 2 года назад +124

    Stay visible Ayaan and Freddie. Please. We need you both.

    • @lisadabbs2181
      @lisadabbs2181 2 года назад +6

      I wish I was as optimistic as you are.
      Someone made a comment about a publication in Dubai where they cited ""106 reasons people have given for converting to Islam""
      Reading that list makes you realize how dark the future looks for the next generations.
      I have never seen so much stupidity contained in one single page.🤣

    • @lizzylass4805
      @lizzylass4805 2 года назад +2

      @@lisadabbs2181 still bigger problem is that our idiot leaders welcome these scumbags and do their bidding in the west. and if we dare to complain we are called racists. that shuts most of us up nicely.

    • @lisadabbs2181
      @lisadabbs2181 2 года назад +4

      @@lizzylass4805 Yes, and you can read their comments here on how much they hate this poor woman.
      Too bad they don't love Science with the same passion they hate her

    • @Omton1
      @Omton1 Год назад

      @@lisadabbs2181 I actually read it, pretty decent things to convert to Islam for, you yourself seem pretty stupid for trying to downplay Islam and calling it “dark”. You are the type of people that should be given a real education and not follow random pseudo scholars who don’t even know what the first verse is from the first Surah.

  • @shivermetimbers3585
    @shivermetimbers3585 2 года назад +33

    On the subject of Eric zemmour, why is it so extreme to say that if people come here, uninvited, and then expect the indigenous population to change to accommodate them, including adopting ideas and ideals that are frankly less evolved than the ones they have themselves, then that is unacceptable. Japanese people have Japan, Indian people have India, Nigerian people have Nigeria, but western European people are being denied their own lands and customs. That's not extreme, as most people want their homes to be as they would chose. House guests, invited or not, eventually make most people feel less comfortable than is ideal.

    • @SA_SovereigntyForPatriots
      @SA_SovereigntyForPatriots 2 года назад +2

      shiver metimbers, with that in mind, please explain COLONIZATION by Western and Asian countries in the past? Do you think that KARMA has a hand in all this disruption
      thats taking place in the world? Because if you do, then its time to sweep our backyards first before nosing into other people's business. DON'T YA THINK?!!!

    • @yucafries7681
      @yucafries7681 2 года назад +2

      @@SA_SovereigntyForPatriots whataboutism isn’t an argument. Take your woke bullsh*t, and ‘decolonize’ your own mind. Countries have an inherent right to set immigration policy. Melting pot > multiculturalism

    • @rosem5041
      @rosem5041 2 года назад +1

      Europe and USA have colonised many countries especially war crimes committed in Iraq, Afghanistan.

    • @mugikuyu9403
      @mugikuyu9403 2 года назад +1

      I think the use of Nigeria was a bad idea. Most Nigerians don’t identify that strongly with Nigeria, they have various ethnic identities that supersede the national one. Nigeria is, in fact, a colonial construct created by The British. So a bad example tbh.
      And I wonder whether you feel as strongly about people having their own homelands when it comes to those who were colonised by Western Europeans? For example, do you believe that the Dutch should leave South Africa? Should the America’s begin back to the natives? Should Australia and New Zealand by vacated by the English? I’d be interested to hear your answer.

  • @LusciousTwinkle
    @LusciousTwinkle 2 года назад +77

    I have adored Ayaan for so long, hers seems like the face of an old friend. Please keep safe Ayaan. We need you.

    • @Ryan-rm6dh
      @Ryan-rm6dh 3 месяца назад +1

      Her face seems like the one of an old friend

  • @matthewbrooker
    @matthewbrooker 2 года назад +46

    What a clear, refreshing realuty based perspective. How to stop this? How about enforcing the law and using the prison and deportation system. Law abiding people will have nothing to fear. Why fog criminality with a pretence of dark, irrational belief systems?

    • @Badabinger
      @Badabinger 2 года назад +8

      Because "bigotry of low expectations". The woke zealots feel sorry for all minorities and don't dare put any demands on them because they're "victim". Similarly to children, if they're pandered and given things for free, they become entitled and empovered in their delusions. Same goes for all people. To fix a problem you first have to identify it. And and a big part of the problem is Islam and the culture that's imported with it. To delude people into thinking otherwise is disingenuous at best, and people are dying as a consequence.

  • @bobnordstrom5944
    @bobnordstrom5944 2 года назад +39

    This wonderful lady is my hero .

    • @edoboleyn
      @edoboleyn 2 года назад +4


    • @majdavojnikovic
      @majdavojnikovic 2 года назад

      You are been fooled.

    • @bobnordstrom5944
      @bobnordstrom5944 2 года назад

      @@majdavojnikovic Islam is for fools that are too lazy to research the cult they belong to . They are afraid of the truth .

  • @iseektruth64
    @iseektruth64 2 года назад +22

    I see Ayaan Hirsi Ali...I click... I'm from East Africa and I know that what she says is absolutely spot on!

  • @agnescraig2912
    @agnescraig2912 2 года назад +34

    Was born in India and baptised as a Catholic , convent boarding school and lived in the UK for four decades and lived in various parts of the world including the Middle East and am glad to be in the UK and no longer religious. All the Immigrants be it first second or third generation need to ask themselves why they chose and still to this day choose to immigrate to the West if their cultures and religions are their priority. Stay where you are comfortable in every sense of the word. Do not immigrate Stay where you are.

    • @lisadabbs2181
      @lisadabbs2181 2 года назад +5

      It's very simple. They are paving the road for the Islamic take over of the world. Everything is going according to plan with the help of the gullible useful idiots of the west.
      It's as easy as a Sunday stroll in the park. I feel bad for the next generations.

    • @amindra963
      @amindra963 2 года назад +3

      I too was born to a RC family in Sri Lanka RC boarding school and my family emigrated to Canada. They all went back home, some to the U.S.
      You are right! never emigrate from your beautiful birth country thinking the White man is kind hearted and generous.; especially if one is Christian.What a joke!

    • @AC-mp7cx
      @AC-mp7cx 2 года назад +1

      Sorry we will take your land. Stay mad

    • @MisyeDiVre
      @MisyeDiVre 2 года назад +4

      I think religion can be quite valuable for the individual and the civilization, but fundamentalism is the source of many ills.
      I have been an atheist for over a decade. These days, however, through my observations, I am beginning to think that some religion is better than no religion.

    • @IbrahimIslam-q7o
      @IbrahimIslam-q7o 2 года назад +1

      they immigrate because of the benefits of immigrating: opportunity, education, etc

  • @davidhunt7427
    @davidhunt7427 2 года назад +11

    *_Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. - In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal._*
    ~ Karl Popper, 1945
    I have gotten far more likes with this quote from Karl Popper than any other quote I have ever posted. Keep up the tradition!

  • @KeepingTheIronThroneWarm
    @KeepingTheIronThroneWarm 2 года назад +46

    "We have this problem, we need to address it." That is in itself insufficient. The problem of violence will not go away. Violence in Islam got baked into the religion at its inception.

      @GEZZMOND 2 года назад


    • @rtlau-mk4di
      @rtlau-mk4di 2 года назад +4

      @@GEZZMOND Look at the Quran itself, and read about Muhammad and what he did. How he beheaded the Jewish men of the Banu Qurayza tribe and took their women as slaves, and how the Quran says that God turned Jews into apes and pigs. The Quran also states that stoning and cutting off feet and hands on opposite sides is a proper punishment.

    • @farleymarly2575
      @farleymarly2575 2 года назад +1

      Well stop supporting wars against Muslim countries then you won't create terrorist. Simple as.
      Drones on Pakistan
      Drones on Somali
      What did you expect?
      You create them then you say they have a problem. I voted against the war in Iraq Blair and bush went in and guess what no WMD
      So you tell me who the real killers are.

    • @anaibarangan4908
      @anaibarangan4908 2 года назад

      True, while Christians were dying in Roman Empire coliseums, accepting to just be martyrs with the promise of eternal life, until The Templar Crusader period changed it all. God's salvation. A quick explained difference.

    • @KeepingTheIronThroneWarm
      @KeepingTheIronThroneWarm 2 года назад +3

      ​@@anaibarangan4908 There is a great deal of hypocrisy among Westerners who use the Crusades as a case against the Church. Those same people, when given a choice to live under Islam or Christianity, would pick Christianity in an instant. Rightfully so.The Islamic world is a grand mess, has been for more than a thousand years, because it lacks basic rights that allow cultures to evolve, chief among them freedom of speech. That said, many people will disagree with my statement, and it's safe to assume every single one of those people never left the comforts of the West. They have no actual life experience to back up their hollow convictions. Go live in the East and you'll see what I mean. Until then, you don't know what you're talking about.
      The violent spread of Islam across multiple continents was not lost upon the northern Europeans of the Medieval period. They'd seen the Byzantine Empire fall under Ottoman invasions, which went all the way up to the Iberian Peninsula. Muslims did not absorb any of these places peacefully. The Muslim takeover of the Holy Land was but one more blow, albeit the most crucial one. Knights rushing off to route the Ottomans was right and just. To defend the Ottomans is to defend an altogether totalitarian invasive culture.

  • @martinheath5947
    @martinheath5947 2 года назад +15

    We need less talk, less compromise and more action

    • @martinheath5947
      @martinheath5947 2 года назад

      @Me Too If you expect a full answer on here you are the kind of person who only posts to try and look clever 👎

    • @sbwlearning1372
      @sbwlearning1372 2 года назад +1

      @Me Too Follow China. Expel Eradicate Expunge

  • @theglanconer6463
    @theglanconer6463 2 года назад +128

    Inspirational and incredibly courageous woman. She is more Dutch than most of mine spineless country fellows who stopped talking about any sensitive subject since a green terrorist slaughtered Pim Fortuyn (our next pm) and an islamist Ayaan's friend the filmmaker Theo van Gogh. We have become a weak, sad, pathetic and illiberal country.

    • @frankgradus9474
      @frankgradus9474 2 года назад +9

      It's a good job that there are courageous women such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
      Asra Nomani, a woman of spirit, fights back against this madness too.
      "Angels on Earth -- Love Letter to Lily", Asra Nomani, YT. Recommended.

    • @formercanadiancitizen4756
      @formercanadiancitizen4756 2 года назад +5

      I found the same living there for some time

    • @SR-mv2mf
      @SR-mv2mf 2 года назад +5

      Green terrorists are SUCH big bullies. I feel sick to my stomach and angry at this religion of “peace”

    • @MrClingclong
      @MrClingclong 2 года назад +12

      The same has happened here in the UK. Politicians, (most) media, police, local government, refuse to discuss Islamofascism, (which is exactly what it is, fascism as a 'religion').
      When member of parliament Sir David Ames was murdered by a Koranic knifeman, the BBC just didn't want to talk about the teachings of Islam, it concentrated on 'on-line hate towards MP's and other public figures, completely side-stepping the real reasons.
      British authorities have closed down debate on Islam, meanwhile, people are being raped and murdered.

    • @frankgradus9474
      @frankgradus9474 2 года назад +10

      @@MrClingclong The UK is on a slippery slope. The rest of Europe too.
      "David Amess and the terrorism amnesia industry. Why the elites are so desperate to avoid discussing radical Islam.", Brendan O'Neill - spiked-online

  • @sinuesireli7012
    @sinuesireli7012 2 года назад +25

    One of the unique and rare authentic human on this planet is Ms Ali. 👌🏾❤️

  • @jacquesd5781
    @jacquesd5781 2 года назад +71

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a hero. Her courageous insights are very much needed in this day and age. Too bad so many refuse to listen because it is unpopular - and dangerous - to talk about these issues in our current state of affairs, engulfed by the insanity that has corrupted much of the political discourse. My gratitude and respect for this woman are boundless.

  • @awakenthesleepinglion6377
    @awakenthesleepinglion6377 2 года назад +63

    A woman of pure courage.

  • @redpill2097
    @redpill2097 2 года назад +15

    Anythin woke turns to shit

  • @TheForkhandles
    @TheForkhandles 2 года назад +19

    Ayaan is a voice of reason and sanity. That's why you never hear her on the BBC or other woke media.

  • @evacastle4496
    @evacastle4496 2 года назад +5

    Thank you Freddie and your Unherd team for all your helpful depth and breadth of knowledge and wisdom that you share with us.
    Thank you to your guests -
    (that you interview) for being willing to join you in this quest.

  • @CS-cn6bh
    @CS-cn6bh 2 года назад +52

    Amazing woman.

  • @demammoet
    @demammoet 2 года назад +19

    The bombers of the airport in Belgium walked around being helped in the Molenbeek city quadrant, an Islamic colonised area in Belgium for a long time before authorities caught on.

  • @DashingPartyCrasher
    @DashingPartyCrasher 2 года назад +101

    As someone in the US who usually empathizes with wokeness, I was surprised at how much I agree with all of her points. Brilliant analysis, thank you.

    • @LusciousTwinkle
      @LusciousTwinkle 2 года назад +50

      Most people you see as anti-woke are not against the things the woke believe....they are against the way they are being implemented. They are against Critical Race Theory but not pro-racism. They are pro-womens rights but don't believe in the "wage gap"....They are not against transpeople but don't agree with kids being given puberty blockers. I find the whole woke movement as very conceited and classist.....and ignorant. They think they are the only good ones. It's like a religion. I'm glad you've looked outside the box.

    • @patriciasalas4210
      @patriciasalas4210 2 года назад +24

      Usually people who agree with wokeness is because they have not gone deep into the subject.It seems to be a very good path, but if you really thought about it , you would realize it is not a good road to go .

    • @DashingPartyCrasher
      @DashingPartyCrasher 2 года назад +13

      @@LusciousTwinkle Makes sense! Thanks for taking the time to write such a well thought-out comment.

    • @LusciousTwinkle
      @LusciousTwinkle 2 года назад +25

      @@DashingPartyCrasher Thank you. As a traditional left winger I feel very strongly about how the left has changed. The whole #NoDebate thing is particularly worrying....

    • @DashingPartyCrasher
      @DashingPartyCrasher 2 года назад +10

      @@LusciousTwinkle I feel your concern too. We need dialogue, not division. Otherwise our country and our planet will keep getting screwed.

  • @jakoflynn2560
    @jakoflynn2560 2 года назад +8

    Brave isn’t the half of it we salute your integrity & courage for protecting free speech without which we can’t function as a society

  • @fraserbailey6347
    @fraserbailey6347 2 года назад +48

    As always, Ayaan talks perfect sense. She is one of only a very few people capable of doing so. Sadly, and as always, she will be ignored and vilified by the left and the Woke. (I know 'liberals' in the Netherlands who detest her). The fact is that all those in charge of the West have lone since ceased to believe in the ideas and values of the West. This applies particularly to those who run our education systems, and most of the media. The results are catastrophic and getting worse.

    • @majdavojnikovic
      @majdavojnikovic 2 года назад

      You have to know that she made a career with invented story of her life, and left The Netherlands to USA when her lies were exposed by some investigative journalists.
      She was never forced to marry, she was not circumsided, she is just very good in manipulating people. She ran away when one not left but rightwing politician required from the government to take away her Dutch nationality.
      She is very skilled to say elegantly what some people want to hear.
      Now she works for some notorious right wing think-tank and I see, widening her repertoire.

  • @MrClingclong
    @MrClingclong 2 года назад +56

    A great, great lady. This is a lady that young people can and should look up to.
    Totally unlike the celebrity half-wits we seem to be surrounded by these days.

  • @mabelheinzle8758
    @mabelheinzle8758 2 года назад +10

    Freddie - you are a superb interviewer and your guest is wonderful

  • @mabelheinzle8758
    @mabelheinzle8758 2 года назад +14

    Wonderful interview and admirable guest

  • @indoorgangster
    @indoorgangster 2 года назад +4

    Ayaan, het is mooi om te zien dat het goed met je gaat en dat je je nog steeds een dapper strijder toont. grt A'dam.

  • @uusrano
    @uusrano 2 года назад +21

    This is the same as with China. The politicans were wrong about China becoming more liberal as they get richer. They are also wrong about such different communities adopting if they stay here long enough.

  • @bh_486
    @bh_486 2 года назад +33

    Why do Somalian citizens travel all the way to the UK, when they could live a life far closer to their known cultural habits, by just moving to their neighbour country, Kenya?
    Whilst Kenya doesn't have the same financial opportunities of the UK, it is, on the whole, relatively safe.
    And there are plenty of their countrymen there already.
    Kenya, and Africa as a whole has not ye yet been taken over by the woke fantasy idealism.
    The everyday struggle to survive keeps their feet on the ground.

    • @ExaoSS
      @ExaoSS 2 года назад +6

      two words, money and fame.

    • @brother1ray
      @brother1ray 2 года назад +8

      They heard the UK had a shortage of useless, unskilled and largely illiterate feckers on welfare, so thought they could help fill the shortage!

    • @bh_486
      @bh_486 2 года назад +1

      @@DonBean-ej4ou - Our politicians have, over the decades, slowly morphed into creatures that prefer the easiness of low grade, mongrel problems. That require little quality of character, just virtue signalling bluster.
      The country's problems slowly degenerate into tangled webs, and the solutions equally tangled, until all that is left is impotent ugliness.

    • @rubytimms3932
      @rubytimms3932 9 месяцев назад +1

      Ayaan actually lived, with her parents, in Kenya as she was growing up. There is a long and interesting story there which will explain why she is now here.

  • @tonyhay4183
    @tonyhay4183 2 года назад +24

    Some of the best and most thoughtful content on the internet. Well done.

  • @chrisg307
    @chrisg307 2 года назад +19

    "What is the animating principle?" Where have u been, unherd? The stated goal of Islamism is world domination.

    • @tombristowe846
      @tombristowe846 2 года назад +7

      Yes; Many of them come here because it's much nicer, but they're still intent on forcing their ideology onto us. They are never going to become western liberals.

    • @FA6682
      @FA6682 2 года назад


    • @IbrahimIslam-q7o
      @IbrahimIslam-q7o 2 года назад


  • @marcelgirard5162
    @marcelgirard5162 2 года назад +39

    Such a well spoken and courageous young woman…listening to her: yes there is hope.

  • @CNoone-mc8dn
    @CNoone-mc8dn 2 года назад +16

    I love this woman, she speaks so such sense amongst a sea of BS!
    (Real shame about the amount of adverts you have, they stop me watching a lot of your content).
    Would it be possible to just put ads on at the beginning and end?

    • @spikey_labrys
      @spikey_labrys 2 года назад

      if you use google chrome, you can use an ad blocker. I do this because the adverts infuriate me.

    • @CNoone-mc8dn
      @CNoone-mc8dn 2 года назад

      @@spikey_labrys Ooh can u tell me how?

  • @Mark-hu9tf
    @Mark-hu9tf 2 года назад +22

    She's right. The gutless politicians don't want to tackle it so it will remain a part of our lives.

    • @chris-mg5ui
      @chris-mg5ui 2 года назад +1

      Exactly. How must these people feel when they escape to the west in the hope of gaining a better life, to find when they get there, that the west is busy destroying itself

    • @Designsy-wl9nr
      @Designsy-wl9nr 2 года назад +1

      @@chris-mg5ui This is why Im not too worried about immigration. Most immigrants arent woke. I am still for strong border security but from a political perspective the immigrants have seen what garbage government/ideas really looks like so they dont want that to go away. If the anti-woke reached out to the immigrants I think the woke may just get swallowed up.

    • @Eve7007
      @Eve7007 2 года назад

      @@Designsy-wl9nr The news has been out but buried from past few years. The US border is very important. This group has been working to convert at the border. Some of these people, males, have been cropping up on this platform. That group only accepts what their own laws say. Anything else means nothing to them. Law is govt. Sieve borders and these movements over the yrs are part of their processes.

  • @danielposavec7215
    @danielposavec7215 2 года назад +49

    Hey Freddy, change the hashtag #wokness to #wokeness. Wokness sounds like a hashtag suitable for an asian cuisine video 😁

    • @danielposavec7215
      @danielposavec7215 2 года назад +1

      Ok, they changed it now.

    • @Individual_Lives_Matter
      @Individual_Lives_Matter 2 года назад +2

      That’s what I think when I see people type Wokism instead of Wokeism.

    • @poorvasharma8807
      @poorvasharma8807 2 года назад +2

      I'm an "Asian" (indian) and have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe you mean Chinese which isn't equivalent to Asian

    • @danielposavec7215
      @danielposavec7215 2 года назад +3

      @@poorvasharma8807 oh boy, you Indians are so insecure. Please, don't get offended by everything so easily.

    • @formercanadiancitizen4756
      @formercanadiancitizen4756 2 года назад


  • @R14-m4z
    @R14-m4z 2 года назад +44

    There is nothing wrong with loving your people, especially when your people are Europeans who have contributed so much to history. Why is saying that you love your ancestors such a "hostile" message to people?

    • @nonesuch27
      @nonesuch27 2 года назад +6

      Because our superiority as Europeans over other peoples was so total, so overwhelming that to acknowledge *any* of it would be unbearable to them.

    • @Simon.the.Likeable
      @Simon.the.Likeable 2 года назад +15

      That superiority ended over a lifetime ago. The people who were responsible have all passed away. No one today should be encumbered with the guilt of things over which they had no control. It defies all logic. By the same token, not one iota of history should be obfuscated.

    • @kipwonder2233
      @kipwonder2233 2 года назад +4

      @@nonesuch27 Fascinating position. Actually, Asian peoples have dominated human civilization for approximately the last 5000 years...with the exception of the last 500 years. Moreover, all indicators point to Asian ascendancy currently. So, there's that.

    • @ClayMastah344
      @ClayMastah344 2 года назад +2

      If you believed this sentiment you would support CRT. But something tells me you don’t.

  • @Barbaralee1205
    @Barbaralee1205 2 года назад +30

    Always brilliant. Many of us have lived in secular west (specifically California for me) and found it to be a spiritual and moral desert! I now live among a group of strict Amish and looking outward from within them I see an America crumbling due not to differences in politics or policy but to profound lack of spiritual and moral backbone. We don’t need the law to enforce right behavior. We need a transcendent guide and the moral fiber to follow it.

    • @LusciousTwinkle
      @LusciousTwinkle 2 года назад +3

      What a sanctimonious and limited attitude. The Amish have just the same misogynist doctrine that Ayaan has spent her life campaigning against. The truth is that the world is run by psychopaths...and that includes any religion with any power. Until we do something about every position of power being filled by someone who covets power and has no functioning empathy, we are lost. What you mean by spirituality simply helps to enforce this status quo. Basic psychology is far more helpful than any spiritual teaching.

    • @Barbaralee1205
      @Barbaralee1205 2 года назад +6

      @@LusciousTwinkle name calling will not make the desert of moral spineless ness go away. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That’s a moral precepts that proceeds from a spiritual belief. The psychopaths you think are the power hungry are merely humans doing what animals without a moral conscience do BY nature. Religion civilized us. The best religions made us the best humans. This is a deep principle the Plain people I live among know. As a result they act in ways that are extraordinary good. I did not find that anywhere in secular society. And I have expressed my thoughts here now without calling you any complicated and derogatory psychological names. Indeed, I thought Ayaan brilliant in her analysis of how a socially deficient culture can breed an extreme reaction and fall prey to the worst of religious teachings.

    • @LusciousTwinkle
      @LusciousTwinkle 2 года назад +1

      @@Barbaralee1205 Sorry but we were still hang,draw and quartering when religion was in power. The rejection of religion ie the Enlightenment is what brought about civilization as we know it. I didn't namecall. I said it as I see it..And psychopaths are like animals! That's my whole point!. They are not suitable for the positions of power they hold.And your do as you would be done by is all very well until you meet one with a knife in a dark alley ... I suppose you are going to treat them with the same respect? In Europe we have done just fine with less and less religion....There are several channels on RUclips about the abuse and misogyny with the Amish communities....and for all their morality they actually have a class system....It's just another kind of Wizard of Oz....All is not as it seems and behind it is fraudsters pulling their levers like they always have since the first conman invented God.

    • @LusciousTwinkle
      @LusciousTwinkle 2 года назад

      @@Barbaralee1205 Very sorry you have such a limited vocabulary. Try a dictionary maybe?

    • @chriscoffee9070
      @chriscoffee9070 2 года назад +3

      I couldn't be doing with the religious aspect but having lived on a tiny island with no police or motor vehicles for a few years, I can heartily recommend the low-tech small town moderating itself lifestyle.

  • @fraserbailey6347
    @fraserbailey6347 2 года назад +25

    As someone who has lived in the Netherland, I have followed Ayan for many years. She is a true hero. The killing of David Ames was forgotten after a couple of days. The same will happen with the next Islamist killing, and the next, and the next. The politicians of all parties, across the West, have decided that we must gradually submit to Islam, and there is nothing you can do about it. This has been obvious for many years.

    • @sbwlearning1372
      @sbwlearning1372 2 года назад +2

      China seems to be the only one standing firm. Personally I think it has the might to challenge Islam. I did believe once the oil ran out the world would collectively destroy suadi. But it's sent it's footsoldiers to every corner and now I think only China is the beacon

    • @MAX-tw3qz
      @MAX-tw3qz Год назад

      Until that certain moment arrives when we do something about it. It will come.
      Islam will be unveiled and exposed and we will see it annihilated and become nothing more than a museum piece.

  • @amarieski5832
    @amarieski5832 2 года назад +20

    Nowadays, i seem to be an everythingist.... just a normal everyday person working to live and get by helping others everyday. All the Ism's and phobias are just used as a weapon it seems! Just because they can and be rewarded for it.

  • @ronaldsitlhou9086
    @ronaldsitlhou9086 2 года назад +5

    A movie should be made based on her biography.

  • @drstrangelove4998
    @drstrangelove4998 2 года назад +14

    Can we not find another less glamorous sounding appellation than ‘lone wolf’ for the cretins. Btw, the so-called Prevent programme is never going to work.

    • @stevechurch4728
      @stevechurch4728 2 года назад +4

      no system can work, the left woke won't allow it, they want it all to fail that's the point of woke- destroy the values and institutions of the west.while the far left stop the west from acting fully to defend itself the problem will grow within it.

  • @gopalramanathan7062
    @gopalramanathan7062 2 года назад +3

    Ayyan is brilliantly articulate. The problem discussed throws up one obvious solution- stop being ‘politically correct’. Will we???

  • @marieparker3822
    @marieparker3822 2 года назад +8

    A few hours ago I accused Henry VIII of having expelled the Jews from England. This, of course, is wrong. It was Edward I in 1290 (Edward Longshanks, the Coloniser of Wales, the Hammer of the Scots). It was the Roman Catholic Church that Henry was against. Oliver Cromwell readmitted the Jews in 1650. I apologise for this egregious error, which I blame on hypoglycaemia.

  • @gennasommers8485
    @gennasommers8485 2 года назад +8

    Thanks for this!

  • @sueshrubsole3712
    @sueshrubsole3712 2 года назад +20

    I agree with her. When people come here they are welcome but need to accept our culture as it is and not want to change it. If they do not like it or want to bring concepts not acceptable to our culture then maybe it is time to say you are no longer welcome and should look for somewhere more suited.

  • @ChayaFellerman
    @ChayaFellerman 2 года назад +10

    Bang on the money as usual!!

  • @bear-tv
    @bear-tv 2 года назад +41

    God help the UK.

    • @mel3004
      @mel3004 2 года назад +5

      I think about you guys quite frequently. I feel for the whole of Europe. This caught up with USA on 9/11 but now we're so "woke" we don't know our ass from a hole in the ground and it's just a matter of time before we have another 9/11. God help the USA too.

    • @fionagregory9376
      @fionagregory9376 2 года назад +4

      God is a man made myth like 🎅 but I prefer Santa 🎅.

    • @fionagregory9376
      @fionagregory9376 2 года назад +4

      God does not exist so you may as well piss in the wind.

    • @bear-tv
      @bear-tv 2 года назад +3

      @@fionagregory9376 "The Kingdom of God is inside/within you (and all about you), not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone. (When I am gone) Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift the/a stone and you will find me."

    • @mel3004
      @mel3004 2 года назад +1

      @@bear-tv That's beautiful. Is that from the Bible?

  • @askidja
    @askidja 2 года назад +4

    It’s Christmas Eve prayers for Sir David Asman and particularly for his family wife and children 🙏🏽 watching a live stream Christmas Mass from Bethlehem

  • @fionagregory9376
    @fionagregory9376 2 года назад +6

    Why can't people live in this century and not the middle ages?

    • @sbwlearning1372
      @sbwlearning1372 2 года назад +2

      People are sheep sheep need shepherds shepherds lead sheep to the slaughter

  • @drPiotrNapieraa
    @drPiotrNapieraa 2 года назад +4

    this woman is a treasure

  • @Fritz999
    @Fritz999 2 года назад +2

    It's even simpler:
    Anything that isn't against Islam,
    is supporting Islam.

  • @lh317
    @lh317 2 года назад +3

    Havent heard her name in ages, big name back in the netherlands, great to see she's doing well

  • @frankmolnar2459
    @frankmolnar2459 10 месяцев назад +1

    We are battling people with a safety fetish, Ayaan. Their fear has stopped their ears. There is no way to get through to them. Take care!

  • @ingrid20234
    @ingrid20234 10 месяцев назад +1

    Divided nations, which is what wokeness, multiculturalism, uncontained immigration and accepting of unlimited refugees (or non-refugees) and infighting amongst politicians are doing, is a gift to the ideologies of fundamentalist and radical islamists.

  • @marieparker3822
    @marieparker3822 2 года назад +6

    The extent of the censorship of the algorithm on this channel is astonishing. I have expressed a *fact* (not opinion) three times - even censoring myself the third time - only to be deleted each time.

    • @frankgradus9474
      @frankgradus9474 2 года назад

      Is that news? Saying "gender is a fact" [Dave Chappelle had the guts to say that] is considered hate speech these days.
      It's a good job that there are courageous women such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She knows Islam inside out - was Muslim herself, was subjected to some cruel and abusive aspects of the islamist ideology. Muslim reformers must be supported by the West, otherwise the West will be destroyed from within in a jiffy.
      Asra Nomani, a Muslim woman of spirit, fights back against this 'woke' madness too.
      "Angels on Earth -- Love Letter to Lily", Asra Nomani, YT. Recommended.

    • @brother1ray
      @brother1ray 2 года назад +2

      How dare you criticize StasiTube for correcting your thinking errors!

  • @pamelaroyce5285
    @pamelaroyce5285 6 месяцев назад +1

    Watching this in March 2024, as pro-HAMAS protests swamp London streets and young wokeists are joining dawa-ists without even knowing which river and which sea are referred to in their chant, it seems to me it’s time for an update to this particular discussion. In the nicest possible terms, she told us so.

  • @rosyrussell5209
    @rosyrussell5209 2 года назад +4

    Love this woman.

  • @ethelbramston4882
    @ethelbramston4882 2 года назад +12

    Wokeness is in no way accepted by me.

  • @youtubeyoutube936
    @youtubeyoutube936 2 года назад +6

    What is crazy is that if I wanted house mates I would chose people who would fit in. Whereas in immigration it’s what qualifications one has which do not reveal how likely they are to fit in. I bet no woke person would house share with a conservative but somehow they would say ok to someone who would ultimately like todo away with the way they would like society to turn out

  • @FeCiriaco-h6q
    @FeCiriaco-h6q 16 дней назад

    Wow....what a conclusion... very very true Ali..we love your truthfulness. !!!

  • @chriscoffee9070
    @chriscoffee9070 2 года назад +24

    A fantastically brave lady, I saw one interview with her a couple of years back bought her first book instantly. Infidel is a hard read, but should be on everyone's list who wants to have an informed view on these issues.

  • @cptsteele91
    @cptsteele91 3 месяца назад +1

    It's funny, I've had a friend who worked for GCHQ and a teacher who worked in military intelligence and they both on separate occasions have told me the same thing, which was that the general public have no idea how close they come to seeing major terrorist attacks almost every day, and the reason the general public don't know that is that so many are very narrowly avoided EVERY DAY that most of us would never sleep, eat or even leave the house if we did

    • @mariaobeirne514
      @mariaobeirne514 10 дней назад

      After what happened last October, I started to think, it's only a matter of time before we see the mother of all terror attacks here. I now live less than a 10 min walk from the office. Still I don't feel safe, but I can't stay in doors. I live in London. I also go into Central London once a week. Every time I get on a bus or train I am looking at the people around me. Before I didn't bother.

  • @jakoflynn2560
    @jakoflynn2560 2 года назад +3

    She’s the best let’s combat extreme theocratic inspired violence

  • @elainebrown7959
    @elainebrown7959 2 года назад +15

    She is so good.....Put her in charge.....

    • @zootsoot2006
      @zootsoot2006 2 года назад

      She seems pretty uncomprehending of the contradictory nature of liberal society though. "Do what you want but only within the limits of what other people want to do". As wonderful an idea as it is, it doesn't work and has the seeds of its own destruction within it, always susceptible to more forthright ideas that seek advantage. I'm surprised she's married to Ferguson, he's much more 'based' about life and history.

  • @fionagregory9376
    @fionagregory9376 2 года назад +6

    I heard of her first through following Geert Wilders in the Netherlands.

  • @bobjamesjohn
    @bobjamesjohn 2 года назад +2

    clear & sensible thinking woman....👍..

  • @mel3004
    @mel3004 2 года назад +12

    She's an amazing woman but we've been playing this game with them since before the Crusades. They haven't listened yet. I know it's good to be hopeful but what makes her think they will listen now? Some things remain hopeless. We forget that at our peril.

    • @shaggyrandy1264
      @shaggyrandy1264 2 года назад +2

      the sword and the scimitar
      Informative book military history

    • @Individual_Lives_Matter
      @Individual_Lives_Matter 2 года назад +6

      The woke are fundamentalists as well. They will not listen either. Everything they do is in service of gaining power. Their dishonesty is becoming more obvious but too many people still take their words at face value. I shudder to think what they will do should they ever hold all of the levers.

    • @mel3004
      @mel3004 2 года назад +3

      @@Individual_Lives_Matter Well said. The newest political party called the IDIOTS. We are becoming an IDIOCRACY. I shudder with you.

    • @sbwlearning1372
      @sbwlearning1372 2 года назад +4

      China is showing the way to deal with it

  • @bingflosby
    @bingflosby 2 года назад

    Greetings from America the world needs to hear this

  • @einsteinwallah2
    @einsteinwallah2 2 года назад +3

    no better person to know islam from inside but ayaan and also she knows lunatic fringe on liberal side too

    • @zamzamadam2034
      @zamzamadam2034 2 года назад

      ofcourse, muslim scholars and theologians are lining up just to learn from her majesty. lol give me a break

    • @einsteinwallah2
      @einsteinwallah2 2 года назад

      @@zamzamadam2034 muslim scholars have their heads firmly planted in unmentionable place inside al qurran ... it is a dark place where no (en)light(enment) reaches

  • @jayblack5474
    @jayblack5474 2 года назад +1

    Jihad is not terrorism, jihad is Islam.

  • @stud6414
    @stud6414 2 года назад +14

    Millions of Somalians imported into the UK... and what has the UK gained?

    • @dreamdiction
      @dreamdiction 2 года назад +6

      Destruction of Western Civilization is the aim of the New World Order.

  • @kechu289
    @kechu289 5 месяцев назад

    Surely not just projecting what Britain stands for but ensuring that they do not practice what they have run away from.

  • @JohannaCTjia
    @JohannaCTjia 2 года назад +3

    Dankjewel, Ayaan.

  • @mr.145
    @mr.145 2 года назад +2

    The Mayor of Zaltbommel flattened the community centre given to the North Africans,after they turned the place into a crime centre...he waited till the place was empty though.

  • @ogreunderbridge5204
    @ogreunderbridge5204 2 года назад +1

    Need more people like her. She makes me less of a racist

  • @YonieZukowsky51
    @YonieZukowsky51 4 месяца назад

    Neither woke nor Islamism has much good to offer the modern world.

  • @liszaf3976
    @liszaf3976 2 года назад +4

    Amazing reporting from a very brave women and a great explanation of what is really happening our government needs to listen to her!

  • @dannyhughes4889
    @dannyhughes4889 10 месяцев назад +1

    Arabist Dr. Mordechai Kedar speaks of the period that Muhammed preached in Mecca as being one where his teachings were rejected as nothing new and him being accused of merely 'copy/pasting' from Jewish and Christian sources.
    He was especially influenced by a Jewish Rabbi formerly from Yemen who taught him the 'Jewish ropes'.
    This utter rejection 'at home' reflected in his change of direction when finding greener pastures in Medina.
    Dr. Kedar is one to look into......heaps on RUclips.

  • @yvonnesmith2115
    @yvonnesmith2115 2 года назад +2

    Woke is self hatred

  • @prismgems
    @prismgems 2 года назад +4

    What kind of religion is it, that everyone, even its adherents, has to fear members of that religion becoming too pious [1]? That is the problem with the cult (death for apostasy, death for blasphemy) of islam. At its core, it is not a religion, but a fascist political movement masquerading as a religion. When I read the koran (even the corrupt, scrambled koran, but moreso a chronological koran, a koran in the order that mohammed channeled it), I found its central message to be hate. Hate for the unbeliever. The unbeliever is the other, the ignorant, the lesser, the evil, and it is our (members of the cult) duty to allah to subjugate them to the cult of islam by any means. That is succinctly expressed by the 'sword' verse, sura 9:5 in the corrupt koran that can be paraphrased as 'kill, enslave, or forcibly convert the unbeliever'. In the allah koran, that verse is 113:5 (second last chapter in the koran), and because of the principle of abrogation, that later revelations nullify earlier relevations on the same topic, that is the final creed of the cult of islam. 1400 years of history demonstrate that. They also demonstrate that the cult of islam creates destructive, dysfunctional societies.
    To summarize, the problem with the cult of islam for civilized countries is that the jihadis are the true members of the cult. The so-called 'moderate' members are those who practice a fantasy religion that they call islam, but it isn't islam, especially not the islam that mohammed practiced. That can't be changed, because mohammed declared himself the last prophet, and the koran to be the final and perfect religion for all mankind. Anyone who tries to change either will be declared a blasphemer and apostate, because they are claiming they know the will of allah better than mohammed. The cult of islam is incompatible at its very core with the individual rights of civilized countries.
    The solution: The cult of islam has to have all formal recognition as a religion removed unless / until they remove the hate, intolerance, incitement to violence, female apartheid (separate and lesser) and support for slavery from their scriptures. Yes, that will never happen, because if all that is removed, there is no cult of islam. So, it has to be decertified as a legitimate religion, and all consideration of its views removed from any political consideration. The same way that no one considers a much lesser cult like scientology in public policy.
    1. It is a false religion. No religion whose scriptures teach that the killing of another human being is an act of worship lauded by its deity and prophet can be considered a true religion.

  • @5starrater1
    @5starrater1 2 года назад +2

    Amazing woman! thank you x

  • @sifridbassoon
    @sifridbassoon 2 года назад +3

    Ayaan is my true hero. She is such a treasure. She inspires me when I'm depressed or sad.

  • @fionagregory9376
    @fionagregory9376 2 года назад +3

    Television taught me as much as school did, but it taught me how to spell at least.

  • @2Hesiod
    @2Hesiod Год назад +2

    It is tribal instinct, not lone wolf. The tribe is Islam.

    • @WillScarlet1991
      @WillScarlet1991 Год назад +1


    • @2Hesiod
      @2Hesiod Год назад

      @@WillScarlet1991 Wokeness is very tribal Leftism.

    • @WillScarlet1991
      @WillScarlet1991 Год назад

      @@2Hesiod Get a life 🙄

    • @2Hesiod
      @2Hesiod Год назад

      @@WillScarlet1991 Islam is an albatross around the neck of the Left.

  • @wongwong3514
    @wongwong3514 3 месяца назад

    Those who criticize the religion of peace needs protection is it really a religion of Peace