'Saudis will rise against US-backed brutal Al Saud monarchy'

  • Опубликовано: 11 фев 2012
  • Press TV has conducted an interview with Stephen Lendman, writer & radio host from Chicago, to further discuss the issue.
    The following is a transcription of the interview.
    Press TV: We seem to be witnessing an escalation of violence in this crackdown on the Saudi protesters. In your perspective, why aren't we hearing any type of condemnation, even mildly, from the United States in dealing with Riyadh? And welcome to the program, sir.
    Lendman: Thank you again for getting me on. There's no surprise about that.
    Before I comment on Saudi Arabia, can I just say very briefly, I'd like to extend my best to all Iranians on your historic 33rd anniversary. And I'm writing about it tomorrow. I call it, my article, "Iran's historic anniversary". And I compare today's Iran with America, and I don't have very much to say about America - the reason why Americans have nothing to celebrate.
    As far as America commenting on Saudi violence, my goodness, America supports Saudi violence. America for many years has supplied Saudi Arabia with many billions of dollars of weapons and munitions. Saudi Arabia is a valued regional ally supporting US imperialism.
    Although I must say, the Saudis are saying a little more, at least marginally saying no today, where in the past they virtually gave America a blank slate. It went along with everything it did. It's exerting a modest amount of independence now. Maybe at some future point they might get themselves in trouble, we'll see.
    Press TV: With this situation in Saudi, do you think that we're going to end up seeing an escalation there in violence, in general, as we are not getting that reaction, you just said, from the United States or from anywhere else condemning what the regime is doing?
    Of course, we see the same thing happening in Saudi Arabia being involved in Bahrain, no condemnation, now inside its own country as the world continues to be silent. How likely are we to see an escalation of the violence?
    Lendman: I think it will escalate! The Saudi repression has been extreme for many, many years. The Saudi people know what's going on in the region. And I'm sure they know what their own forces are doing in neighboring Bahrain. I mean, brutal repression has gone on for a year - the Saudi troops in the streets, just brutal stuff.
    And this is going on now with Saudi Arabia; again, total suppression of this in America including Bahrain. You just hear nothing about this.
    But I think the protests will escalate. Look what's going on in Egypt for the past year - and today.
    I think this will come in greater force in Saudi Arabia. And they would be very wise to realize they can be brutal, nasty and crackdown on this.
    But once the people get in their minds the idea they simply don't want to put up with this anymore, they will go out and they will resist, and they will continue their ["courageous impressive"].
    I think the Saudis will end up being as courageous as the Egyptians, the Bahrainis, the Yemenis, and they should understand this.
    Press TV: OK, we'll keep our eyes on what's going on, of course, in Saudi Arabia. And on behalf of all Iranians here, we appreciate you giving us congratulations on the anniversary of the revolution.

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  • @Hussain5572
    @Hussain5572 12 лет назад

    Saudi Monarchy is a Curse which must be eliminated.