Georgian Singer in Voice of Ukraine - Megi Gogitidze - Грузинка в Голосе Украины - Меги Гогитидзе

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2022

Комментарии • 2

  • @christian78478
    @christian78478  Год назад

    1) Exocrine secretory epithelial cells
    1. Brunner's gland cell in duodenum (enzymes and alkaline mucus)
    2. Insulated goblet cell of respiratory and digestive tracts (mucus secretion)
    3. Foveolar cell (mucus secretion)
    4. Chief cell (pepsinogen secretion)
    5. Parietal cell (hydrochloric acid secretion)
    6. Pancreatic acinar cell (bicarbonate and digestive enzyme secretion)
    7. Paneth cell of small intestine (lysozyme secretion)
    8. Type II pneumocyte of lung (surfactant secretion)
    9. Club cell of lung
    2) Barrier cells
    10. Type I pneumocyte (lung)
    11. Gall bladder epithelial cell
    12. Centroacinar cell (pancreas)
    13. Intercalated duct cell (pancreas)
    14. Intestinal brush border cell (with microvilli)
    3) Hormone-secreting cells
    Enteroendocrine cell
    15. K cell (secretes gastric inhibitory peptide)
    16. L cell (secretes glucagon-like peptide-1, peptide YY3-36, oxyntomodulin, and glucagon-like peptide-2)
    17. I cell (secretes cholecystokinin (CCK))
    18. G cell (secretes gastrin)
    19. Enterochromaffin cell (secretes serotonin)
    20. Enterochromaffin-like cell (secretes histamine)
    21. N cell (secretes neurotensin)
    22. S cell (secretes secretin)
    23. D cell (secretes somatostatin)
    24. Mo cell (or M cell) (secretes motilin)
    25. other hormones secreted: vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, alpha and gamma-endorphin, bombesin
    Thyroid gland cells
    26. Thyroid epithelial cell
    27. Parafollicular cell
    Parathyroid gland cells
    28. Parathyroid chief cell
    29. Oxyphil cell
    Pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans)
    30. Alpha cell (secretes glucagon)
    31. Beta cell (secretes insulin and amylin)
    32. Delta cell (secretes somatostatin)
    33. Epsilon cell (secretes ghrelin)
    34. PP cell (gamma cell) (secretes pancreatic polypeptide)
    4) Exocrine secretory epithelial cells
    35. Salivary gland mucous cell
    36. Salivary gland serous cell
    37. Von Ebner's gland cell in tongue (washes taste buds)
    38. Mammary gland cell (milk secretion)
    39. Lacrimal gland cell (tear secretion)
    40. Ceruminous gland cell in ear (earwax secretion)
    41. Eccrine sweat gland dark cell (glycoprotein secretion)
    42. Eccrine sweat gland clear cell (small molecule secretion)
    43. Apocrine sweat gland cell (odoriferous secretion, sex-hormone sensitive)
    44. Gland of Moll cell in eyelid (specialized sweat gland)
    45. Sebaceous gland cell (lipid-rich sebum secretion)
    46. Bowman's gland cell in nose (washes olfactory epithelium)
    5) Hormone-secreting cells
    Anterior/Intermediate pituitary cells
    47. Corticotropes
    48. Gonadotropes
    49. Lactotropes
    50. Melanotropes
    51. Somatotropes
    52. Thyrotropes
    53. Magnocellular neurosecretory cells, secrete oxytocin and vasopressin
    54. Parvocellular neurosecretory cells, secrete thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), vasopressin, oxytocin, neurotensin, and prolactin
    55. Chromaffin cells (adrenal gland)
    6) Epithelial cells
    56. Keratinocyte (differentiating epidermal cell)
    57. Epidermal basal cell (stem cell)
    58. Melanocyte
    Trichocyte (gives rise to hair and nail cells)
    59. Medullary hair shaft cell
    60. Cortical hair shaft cell
    61. Cuticular hair shaft cell
    62. Huxley's layer hair root sheath cell
    63. Henle's layer hair root sheath cell
    64. Outer root sheath hair cell
    65. Surface epithelial cell of cornea, tongue, mouth, nasal cavity, distal anal canal, distal urethra, and distal vagina
    66. basal cell (stem cell) of cornea, tongue, mouth, nasal cavity, distal anal canal, distal urethra, and distal vagina
    67. Intercalated duct cell (salivary glands)
    68. Striated duct cell (salivary glands)
    69. Lactiferous duct cell (mammary glands)
    70. Ameloblast (deposit tooth enamel)
    7) Oral cells
    71. Odontoblast (tooth dentin formation)
    72. Cementoblast (tooth cementum formation)
    8) Nervous system
    Sensory transducer cells
    73. Auditory inner hair cells of organ of Corti
    74. Auditory outer hair cells of organ of Corti
    75. Basal cells of olfactory epithelium (stem cell for olfactory neurons)
    76. Cold-sensitive primary sensory neurons
    77. Heat-sensitive primary sensory neurons
    78. Merkel cells of epidermis
    79. Olfactory receptor neurons
    80. Pain-sensitive primary sensory neurons
    Photoreceptor cells of retina in eye:
    81. Photoreceptor rod cells
    82. Photoreceptor blue-sensitive cone cells of eye
    83. Photoreceptor green-sensitive cone cells of eye
    84. Photoreceptor red-sensitive cone cells of eye
    85. Proprioceptive primary sensory neurons
    86. Touch-sensitive primary sensory neurons
    87. Chemoreceptor glomus cells of carotid body cell (blood pH sensor)
    88. Outer hair cells of vestibular system of ear (acceleration and gravity)
    89. Inner hair cells of vestibular system of ear (acceleration and gravity)
    90. Taste receptor cells of taste bud
    Autonomic neuron cells
    91. Cholinergic neurons (various types)
    92. Adrenergic neural cells (various types)
    93. Peptidergic neural cells (various types)
    Sense organ and peripheral neuron supporting cells
    94. Inner pillar cells of organ of Corti
    95. Outer pillar cells of organ of Corti
    96. Inner phalangeal cells of organ of Corti
    97. Outer phalangeal cells of organ of Corti
    98. Border cells of organ of Corti
    99. Hensen's cells of organ of Corti
    100. Vestibular apparatus supporting cells
    101. Taste bud supporting cells
    102. Olfactory epithelium supporting cells
    103. Olfactory ensheathing cells
    104. Schwann cells
    105. Satellite glial cells
    106. Enteric glial cells
    Central nervous system neurons and glial cells
    Neuron cells (large variety of types, still poorly classified)
    107. Basket cells
    108. Cartwheel cells
    109. Stellate cells
    110. Golgi cells
    111. Granule cells
    112. Lugaro cells
    113. Unipolar brush cells
    114. Martinotti cells
    115. Chandelier cells
    116. Cajal-Retzius cells
    117. Double-bouquet cells
    118. Neurogliaform cells
    119. Retina horizontal cells
    120. Amacrine cells - Starburst amacrine cells
    121. Spinal interneurons - Renshaw cells

    • @christian78478
      @christian78478  Год назад

      Principal cells
      122. Spindle neurons
      123. Fork neurons
      Pyramidal cells
      124. Place cells
      125. Grid cells
      126. Speed cells
      127. Head direction cells
      128. Betz cells
      129. Stellate cells - Boundary cells
      130. Bushy cells
      131. Purkinje cells
      132. Medium spiny neurons
      133. Astrocytes
      134. Oligodendrocytes
      135. Ependymal cells - Tanycytes
      136. Pituicytes
      Lens cells
      137. Anterior lens epithelial cell
      138. Crystallin-containing lens fiber cell
      9) Metabolism and storage cells
      139. White fat cell
      140. Brown fat cell
      141. Liver lipocyte
      10) Secretory cells
      Cells of the Adrenal cortex
      142. Cells of the Zona glomerulosa produce mineralocorticoids
      143. Cells of the Zona fasciculata produce glucocorticoids
      144. Cells of the Zona reticularis produce androgens
      145. Theca interna cell of ovarian follicle secreting estrogen
      Corpus luteum cell of ruptured ovarian follicle secreting progesterone
      146. Granulosa lutein cells
      147. Theca lutein cells
      148. Leydig cell of testes secreting testosterone
      149. Seminal vesicle cell (secretes seminal fluid components, including fructose for swimming sperm)
      150. Prostate gland cell (secretes seminal fluid components)
      151. Bulbourethral gland cell (mucus secretion)
      152. Bartholin's gland cell (vaginal lubricant secretion)
      153. Gland of Littre cell (mucus secretion)
      154. Uterus endometrium cell (carbohydrate secretion)
      155. Juxtaglomerular cell (renin secretion)
      156. Macula densa cell of kidney
      157. Peripolar cell of kidney
      158. Mesangial cell of kidney
      11) Barrier cells
      Urinary system
      159. Parietal epithelial cell
      161. Proximal tubule brush border cell
      162. Loop of Henle thin segment cell
      163. Kidney distal tubule cell
      Kidney collecting duct cell
      164. Principal cell
      165. Intercalated cell
      166. Transitional epithelium (lining urinary bladder)
      12) Reproductive system
      167. Duct cell (of seminal vesicle, prostate gland, etc.)
      168. Efferent ducts cell
      169. Epididymal principal cell
      170. Epididymal basal cell
      13) Circulatory system
      171. Endothelial cells
      14) Extracellular matrix cells
      172. Planum semilunatum epithelial cell of vestibular system of ear (proteoglycan secretion)
      173. Organ of Corti interdental epithelial cell (secreting tectorial membrane covering hair cells)
      174. Loose connective tissue fibroblasts
      175. Corneal fibroblasts (corneal keratocytes)
      176. Tendon fibroblasts
      177. Bone marrow reticular tissue fibroblasts
      178. Other nonepithelial fibroblasts
      179. Pericyte - Hepatic stellate cell (Ito cell)
      180. Nucleus pulposus cell of intervertebral disc
      181. Hyaline cartilage chondrocyte
      182. Fibrocartilage chondrocyte
      183. Elastic cartilage chondrocyte
      184. Osteoblast/osteocyte
      185. Osteoprogenitor cell (stem cell of osteoblasts)
      186. Hyalocyte of vitreous body of eye
      187. Stellate cell of perilymphatic space of ear
      188. Pancreatic stellate cell
      15) Contractile cells
      Skeletal muscle cells
      189. Red skeletal muscle cell (slow twitch)
      190. White skeletal muscle cell (fast twitch)
      191. Intermediate skeletal muscle cell
      192. Nuclear bag cell of muscle spindle
      193. Nuclear chain cell of muscle spindle
      194. Myosatellite cell (stem cell)
      Cardiac muscle cells
      195. Cardiac muscle cell
      196. SA node cell
      197. Purkinje fiber cell
      198. Smooth muscle cell (various types)
      199. Myoepithelial cell of iris
      200. Myoepithelial cell of exocrine glands
      Blood and immune system cells
      201. Erythrocyte (red blood cell) and precursor erythroblasts
      202. Megakaryocyte (platelet precursor)
      203. Platelets if considered distinct cells, currently there's debate on the subject.
      204. Monocyte (white blood cell)
      205. Connective tissue macrophage (various types)
      206. Epidermal Langerhans cell
      207. Osteoclast (in bone)
      208. Dendritic cell (in lymphoid tissues)
      209. Microglial cell (in central nervous system)
      210. Neutrophil granulocyte and precursors (myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte)
      211. Eosinophil granulocyte and precursors
      212. Basophil granulocyte and precursors
      213. Mast cell
      214. Helper T cell
      215. Regulatory T cell
      216. Cytotoxic T cell
      217. Natural killer T cell
      218. B cell
      219. Plasma cell
      220. Natural killer cell
      221. Hematopoietic stem cells and committed progenitors for the blood and immune system (various types)
      16) Germ cells (primordially not)
      222. Oogonium/Oocyte
      223. Spermatid
      224. Spermatocyte
      225. Spermatogonium cell (stem cell for spermatocyte)
      226. Spermatozoon
      17) Nurse cell
      227. Granulosa cell (in ovaries)
      228. Sertoli cell (in testis)
      229. Epithelial reticular cell (in thymus)
      18) Interstitial cells
      230. Interstitial kidney cells