First check in your settings if your mic is in the output. And that the volume named VON is pretty high up to hear people. Second press comma (or apostrophe) to change channels. You will see the different channels change on the bottom left of your screen. Local is around you global is the entire server. Group is for the group your in. And more. Third change to the channel/radio channel you want to talk to. And press capslock to talk. Have a nice day.
how to open radio in arma 3
First check in your settings if your mic is in the output. And that the volume named VON is pretty high up to hear people.
Second press comma (or apostrophe) to change channels. You will see the different channels change on the bottom left of your screen. Local is around you global is the entire server. Group is for the group your in. And more.
Third change to the channel/radio channel you want to talk to. And press capslock to talk.
Have a nice day.