Israel tensions with Hezbollah escalate further in strike 'miscalculation' that hits children

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • "The loss of all these children, of any of these children is a travesty against basic humanity."
    Tensions have worsened after a Hezbollah air strike hit a football pitch killing "on the spot". It's "hard to imagine" Israel won't respond, says Israeli-Palestinian journalist from Jerusalem Noga Tarnopolsky.
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Комментарии • 104

  • @monictom1522
    @monictom1522 Месяц назад +7

    this attack has nothing to do with Gaza children,

  • @alinurmiah6038
    @alinurmiah6038 Месяц назад +19

    How does it justify when IDF bombed and killed 36 children in one strike

    • @DvanteDealmeida-pi3uw
      @DvanteDealmeida-pi3uw Месяц назад

      Because It's not true n Israel doesn't target innocent citizens.

    • @peterwilliamallen1063
      @peterwilliamallen1063 Месяц назад

      That is War mate, innocent Children and adults died in the second world war on both sides, the easy way to stop this is for these Muslim Factions to get out of Syria and stop causing Wars

    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад

      An example of anti-Semitism, the reporter compares the children who were murdered by Hizbullah terrorists with the first intention, and the children that Hamas collects to be human shield and you compare the 2 cases as equal? Insolence and ignorance of the interviewee.

  • @Tina-bo1sf
    @Tina-bo1sf Месяц назад +18

    Golan Heights is in SYRIA. Maybe Israel shouldn’t be “occupying” Golan Heights in Syria.

    • @philipmann5317
      @philipmann5317 Месяц назад

      israel has a stronger claim to the Golan than Syria.

    • @misslittleteeth
      @misslittleteeth Месяц назад

      Maybe Syria shouldn't have invaded and lost the territory.

    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад +1

      Maybe the shouldn't start a war against israel.

  • @FireflyThereIsHope
    @FireflyThereIsHope Месяц назад +19

    All Gaza look like this football pitch. Are you guys delusional?

    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад

      An example of anti-Semitism, the reporter compares the children who were murdered by Hizbullah terrorists with the first intention, and the children that Hamas collects to be human shield and you compare the 2 cases as equal? Insolence and ignorance of the interviewee.

  • @The-Man-Right-Chea
    @The-Man-Right-Chea Месяц назад +9

    😢😢😮😮😮😮😮 The real question should be why was Israel using non Jewish children as human shields by storing a weapons depot under a soccer field of the Druze people??? Would Israel ever store weapons near the playground of Jewish children like in this situation??? Israel is to blame because to Hezbollah civilian deaths are a tragedy, but to Israel its obvious a strategy to garner sympathy 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

    • @MomentsGap
      @MomentsGap Месяц назад +2

      Druze communities traditionally refuse to evacuate unlike other residents of the North. This is not to say they're at fault. But it is their decision, because they are connected with their place and fear to desert it.your assessment is wrong.

    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад

      An example of anti-Semitism, the reporter compares the children who were murdered by Hizbullah terrorists with the first intention, and the children that Hamas collects to be human shield and you compare the 2 cases as equal? Insolence and ignorance of the interviewee.

  • @randomman9629
    @randomman9629 Месяц назад +4

    That lady are delusional😢😢😢😢😢😢

  • @mohamedhafizahmed6891
    @mohamedhafizahmed6891 Месяц назад +9

    Well some news says its from their own iron dome failure.

    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад

      An example of anti-Semitism, the reporter compares the children who were murdered by Hizbullah terrorists with the first intention, and the children that Hamas collects to be human shield and you compare the 2 cases as equal? Insolence and ignorance of the interviewee.

  • @zer0875
    @zer0875 Месяц назад +2

    This is wrong. An investigation is needed.

  • @stancromer3362
    @stancromer3362 Месяц назад +6

    Congrats to TR for getting back to real news and away from one-sided US politics.

  • @ikke12345
    @ikke12345 Месяц назад +5

    Why where those sivilians present in an occupation zone?

    • @FakenameStevens
      @FakenameStevens Месяц назад +1

      Why were those occupiers present in a civilian zone, you mean?

  • @israelbarak2124
    @israelbarak2124 Месяц назад +2

    I have never heard of a Palestinian, or any moslem with a name like Nova Tarakovsky. I have a lot of Arab friends.

    • @DvanteDealmeida-pi3uw
      @DvanteDealmeida-pi3uw Месяц назад

      Yo point

    • @The-Man-Right-Chea
      @The-Man-Right-Chea Месяц назад +3

      I never heard of Israel before 1948 but I have heard of Palestine before 1900 😮😮😮

    • @matthewhigson1232
      @matthewhigson1232 Месяц назад

      ​@@The-Man-Right-Cheawhat about the Bible ?

    • @FakenameStevens
      @FakenameStevens Месяц назад

      I know what Arab names are like, and it's occurred in Israel that a lot of Jews from the Soviet Union immigrated to Israel to escape persecution of religious minorities and wealth opportunities. Israel has a lot of Russian speakers in their population. I don't know why they'd have gone to the country getting replaced for a new life though.

  • @liveyourbestlifetoday5329
    @liveyourbestlifetoday5329 Месяц назад +10

    This is not legitimately Israel

    • @Tina-bo1sf
      @Tina-bo1sf Месяц назад +2

      Haha they call it the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Maybe Israel shouldn’t be occupying Syria in the first place.

  • @noorainee5224
    @noorainee5224 Месяц назад +7

    17, 000 falastines innocent children martyred

    • @flesz_
      @flesz_ Месяц назад


    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад

      An example of anti-Semitism, the reporter compares the children who were murdered by Hizbullah terrorists with the first intention, and the children that Hamas collects to be human shield and you compare the 2 cases as equal? Insolence and ignorance of the interviewee.

    • @flesz_
      @flesz_ Месяц назад

      @@jozef2630 your human shield statement is an utter nonsense, don't repeat isreali propaganda that is just lies

  • @rick-c137
    @rick-c137 Месяц назад

    Isaiah 2:12-16 “For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: and upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, and upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up, and upon every high tower, and upon every fenced wall, and upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.”

  • @hklassehutten1476
    @hklassehutten1476 Месяц назад +3

    Jesus christ how many Nazis are in this comment section?

    • @steve-fc6mc
      @steve-fc6mc Месяц назад +1

      Zionist Nazis you mean of course?

    • @goonerboz6023
      @goonerboz6023 Месяц назад

      Do you know about the transfer agreement between the Zionists and you know who in 1933

    • @goonerboz6023
      @goonerboz6023 Месяц назад

      Do you about the agreement between the Germany and the Israelie nationalists in 1930s

    • @hklassehutten1476
      @hklassehutten1476 Месяц назад +2

      @goonerboz6023 I am aware of the vastly superior numbers of Israelis who fought and died on the side of the allies, but are you aware of Operation Paperclip? When the West showed the world that they loved the Nazis, which they still do to this day.

    • @steve-fc6mc
      @steve-fc6mc Месяц назад

      @@hklassehutten1476 Boom💥

  • @niklaswikholm514
    @niklaswikholm514 Месяц назад +5

    Israel bombing itself more trouble, again and again, but what else can they do?

  • @lukemason2981
    @lukemason2981 Месяц назад

    I beleive nothing now … it’s too hard to make an honest assumption with the news and details were being given, politicians will say what they want

  • @johnw2758
    @johnw2758 Месяц назад

    Here we go... thats us being stuffed into giving foreign aid again...

  • @alessiogala3256
    @alessiogala3256 Месяц назад

    الوضع في الشرق الأوسط وصل إلى نقطة لا تشبه شيئًا سوى تصرفات الأطفال في رياض الأطفال. إنه أشبه بأطفال في روضة، حيث يأخذ طفل لعبة الآخر، فيقوم الطفل الآخر بهدم الأبراج التي بنوها. لكن هذا ليس ملعباً للأطفال؛ هذه أرواح حقيقية تُفقد. كيف يمكن أن يبقى البالغون الذين يدّعون أنهم قادة شعوبهم في عقلية من العصور الوسطى؟
    إنه لأمر مروع أن نرى أبرياء، بمن فيهم مئات الأطفال، يُقتلون كرد فعل على العنف السابق. الرد على قتل 300 طفل بقتل 5000 شخص آخرين ليس عدلاً؛ إنها فظاعة. هذه العقلية "العين بالعين" هي عار على أي مفهوم للإنسانية والأخلاق.
    الإسرائيليون والفلسطينيون يتشاركون ليس فقط في الجذور السامية المشتركة بل أيضًا في تقليد توحيدي طويل الأمد يوحدهم في الإيمان بإله واحد. يجب أن يكون هذا التقليد أساسًا للسلام والرحمة، وليس للحرب والكراهية. الأرض المقدسة، التي تحظى بتقدير كبير لدى الكثيرين حول العالم، في خطر أن تغرق في دائرة لا تنتهي من العنف. بدلاً من بناء جسور وتعزيز الحوار، يتم دفع المنطقة نحو حريق خطير يمكن أن يكون له عواقب بعيدة المدى تتجاوز الشرق الأوسط.
    لقد حان الوقت للقادة المسؤولين أن ينهوا نزاعاتهم الطفولية ويتذكروا القيم الأساسية التي تعلمها ثقافاتهم وأديانهم: السلام، الرحمة، والعدل. يجب أن تنتهي هذه الحرب، ويجب أن تنتهي الآن. فقط من خلال الحوار الحقيقي، الاحترام المتبادل، والاعتراف بالإنسانية المشتركة، يمكن ضمان مستقبل سلمي للشعبين. الأمر متروك لهؤلاء الذين لديهم السلطة لكسر هذه الدائرة من العنف وخلق مستقبل أفضل للجميع.

  • @kbram7363
    @kbram7363 Месяц назад

    All of a sudden the media cars about kids dying

    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад

      An example of anti-Semitism, the reporter compares the children who were murdered by Hizbullah terrorists with the first intention, and the children that Hamas collects to be human shield and you compare the 2 cases as equal? Insolence and ignorance of the interviewee.

  • @roberte.6892
    @roberte.6892 Месяц назад +17

    God, does anyone believe Israel or the United States anymore? And I'm a Jewish American, and even I don't.

    • @SpieGou17
      @SpieGou17 Месяц назад +9

      God, does anyone still believe that Islam is a peaceful religion? And I'm an American Muslim, and even I don't.

    • @Tina-bo1sf
      @Tina-bo1sf Месяц назад

      @@SpieGou17Huh? Golan Heights is in Syria and Israel took it over illegally in the first place. Israel would like to take over the entire Middle East.

    • @DvanteDealmeida-pi3uw
      @DvanteDealmeida-pi3uw Месяц назад +2

      U must be one of those woke guys who can't see the difference between good n evil. Poor soul,will pray for u.

    • @The-Man-Right-Chea
      @The-Man-Right-Chea Месяц назад

      😢😢😢😮😮😮😮😮 The real question should be why was Israel using non Jewish children as human shields by storing a weapons depot under a soccer field of the Druze people??? Would Israel ever store weapons near the playground of Jewish children like in this situation??? Israel is to blame because to Hezbollah civilian deaths are a tragedy, but to Israel its obvious a strategy to garner sympathy 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

    • @StevenLax-xt8mu
      @StevenLax-xt8mu Месяц назад


  • @rogerphelps9939
    @rogerphelps9939 Месяц назад

    It is land occupied by Israel These Israelis were complicit in he occupations. They were there at their own risk. Since it was children who were killed their parents are to blame.

  • @jozef2630
    @jozef2630 Месяц назад

    An example of anti-Semitism, the reporter compares the children who were murdered by Hizbullah terrorists with the first intention, and the children that Hamas collects to be human shield and you compare the 2 cases as equal? Insolence and ignorance of the interviewee.

  • @hyderally8045
    @hyderally8045 Месяц назад

    What are the locals' sayings? Why are they denying it was from Lebanon?

  • @user-qw4jn8wu9w
    @user-qw4jn8wu9w Месяц назад

    This is politics..

  • @PatriciaMulenga-f4e
    @PatriciaMulenga-f4e Месяц назад

    Yes what about Gaza

  • @gimmeabreak7531
    @gimmeabreak7531 Месяц назад +1

    Cancel my holiday in Lebanon...forever.

  • @bigdee1216
    @bigdee1216 Месяц назад +1

    What are idf still doing in occupied Syria?

  • @beginninginnewyork3459
    @beginninginnewyork3459 Месяц назад

    No shiek but erred.

    @SOCORROGM Месяц назад +1

    How many children in Gaza have been Killed?

    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад

      An example of anti-Semitism, the reporter compares the children who were murdered by Hizbullah terrorists with the first intention, and the children that Hamas collects to be human shield and you compare the 2 cases as equal? Insolence and ignorance of the interviewee.

  • @user-cb9rp9kw3e
    @user-cb9rp9kw3e Месяц назад

    threat threat not new ssssssssssssss

  • @flesz_
    @flesz_ Месяц назад

    Have an espresso

  • @AfsarKhan-yp7pg
    @AfsarKhan-yp7pg Месяц назад

    Seem pain plastainyan people

  • @garyclark6727
    @garyclark6727 Месяц назад +1

    interesting fact..most druze don't consider themself israeli.

    • @gj6126
      @gj6126 Месяц назад +2

      and yet many of them serve in the idf some in leading roles

    • @jozef2630
      @jozef2630 Месяц назад

      Are you talking for knowledge ? 😂😂😂😂 We have thousands of soldiers In the army end the police department.
      The are heavily involve with israeli life

    • @garyclark6727
      @garyclark6727 Месяц назад

      @@gj6126 its a job.

  • @AfsarKhan-yp7pg
    @AfsarKhan-yp7pg Месяц назад +6

    War criminal netan yahu

  • @colin7832
    @colin7832 Месяц назад

    I carnt describe gazza can you

  • @shixnazareshimov1571
    @shixnazareshimov1571 Месяц назад


  • @LadelsegundopisoeshackerFBI69
    @LadelsegundopisoeshackerFBI69 Месяц назад

    De qué habla esa mujer lo más importante son los hijos De Dios lo que se cometió ahí fue un genosidio con los niños ahí 😢

  • @LadelsegundopisoeshackerFBI69
    @LadelsegundopisoeshackerFBI69 Месяц назад

    También es una tragedia todo genosidio primero que nada es un tragedia una desgracias no importa donde quiera ejrmplo , en una universidad o escuela o hospital sería igualmente una trajedis que eso pase , no hay excusas .

  • @PatriciaMulenga-f4e
    @PatriciaMulenga-f4e Месяц назад

    Yes what about Gaza