Are we thinking about having kids?

  • Опубликовано: 15 ноя 2022
  • we wanted to be open and honest with you all about our thoughts on this topic.. we just want the best for us in our life right now! :) thank you all we love you!
    Love you all :) your favorite couple, Meg and Jack!
    Follow us on our other socials!
    Meghan's Instagram: / meghan__lane_
    Jack's Instagram: / morrisonjacktv
    Our TikTok: / meghanandjack
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Комментарии • 400

  • @Jerome616
    @Jerome616 Год назад +123

    While hardly anyone feels ready, it’s about wanting them first. Jack will be an amazing father, he’s very compassionate, patient, and fun. The perfect match for dealing with little kids.

    • @meghanandjack
      @meghanandjack  Год назад +42

      Aww thank you!

    • @Emma88178
      @Emma88178 5 месяцев назад

      Agree! Meghan would make a very fun and loving parent too.

  • @CatieMannino
    @CatieMannino Год назад +25

    I love how Jack is on the fence between 0 kids or 5 kids, no in between 😂😂😂

  • @nicolemina2374
    @nicolemina2374 Год назад +69

    I think you both are going to be excellent parents when the time comes. Never plan or rush into it. You just got married and deserve to enjoy your time as a couple before extending your family. As a single parent that went through everything you mentioned, I understand why you would feel reserved and hesistant to start a family. I commend the both of you for considering each others mental and physical health. You are amazing and love how awesome you two are.

  • @jordantaylor8614
    @jordantaylor8614 Год назад +13

    Loved this. You guys shouldn't feel rushed by people on the internet. It will affect your relationship but if you have a lot of conversations about how to handle conflict, sleep deprivation, ... communication, date nights. It will change the both of you but it can strengthen something that's already healthy if you are open and supportive. Mom anxiety and being scared is a everyday thing. Idk im a single mom to a 2.5 year old. Be married for 2-3 years, travel and have those parenting style conversations. Think about what you wanna do before your pregnant too 😂Great, open and awesome video y'all. ❤

  • @r00ben
    @r00ben Год назад +6

    The fact that you're talking about these things now shows you've got the mindset and perserverance to overcome those obstacles. Having & raising children is simultaneously the most amazing and most nerveracking thing you'll probably ever do. I firmly believe you two have what it takes, not only to be great parents, but to make it through the difficulties. Your compassion and understanding for eachother is always on display. I don't know why anyone would tell you not to have kids, maybe they had a bad experience, or maybe they see humans as a cancer on the planet, but children take after their parents, and we need more people in the world like the two of you, please do us all a favor and have kids.

  • @flamingowithaplottwist6256
    @flamingowithaplottwist6256 Год назад +11

    I had been with my spouse for 4 years before we got engaged and then after 5 years of marriage we made the decision to have/not have children. That's 9 years, don't let the pressures from people (especially the internet) get to you. Take your time to enjoy the freedom of adulthood, companionship and comradery that comes with building your marriage ❤️

    • @equivalentexchangeisalie5726
      @equivalentexchangeisalie5726 Год назад

      A decade is too long to wait for most. Especially if you want multiple children or have fertility issues, not to mention women's dwindling fertility as they hit 35. You can give it some thought but 9 years is an extreme for most people.

  • @Delicatedreamsasmr
    @Delicatedreamsasmr Год назад +7

    This was pretty wholesome 🥰 Thank you guys for being honest with your community 💛

  • @AltCenter
    @AltCenter Год назад +36

    Middle child of three boys. 🙋‍♂️
    It wasn't easy for me, but I don't know if it's because we were all boys. My older brother was seven years older than me, and my younger brother is two years younger than me.
    I think it's going to be different for everyone on how the middle child turns out. I think it also matters the mix of genders in the group, as well as the size. If I was middle of five, I actually think that would have been better than of three.
    I did not have the greatest childhood. I never really had the emotional support I needed. My older brother (probably because of the age gap) always kind of saw me as a hindrance. And I was usually on the hook for anything my younger brother did wrong. The middle child gets left out of a lot of things because no one usually sees anything special about them; first-borns are the miracles and the youngest is the baby who needs the attention. I think that's just human nature. My parents took care of all of us. But there is definitely a difference emotionally between myself and my brothers.
    I will say that having a sister probably would have been the best for all of us. I have a cousin who I've always been close to, and she's always been like a sister to me. The conversations with her and the stuff we do together are vastly different than with my brothers. I think my life would have turned out better if I had a sister to balance everything out.
    You all will do well, whatever you decide. You both are energetic and active, so I think it would be good for both you and the kids. Good luck with whatever you decide! 😁

    • @Rats1738
      @Rats1738 Год назад

      Me and my siblings are each 1 year apart and they are my best friends
      We were raised by my grandparents tho so they were chill

    • @IvyRxsesAdoptme
      @IvyRxsesAdoptme 6 месяцев назад +2

      I'm the oldest daughter of 4, three girls and one boy. I'm 1 year older than my brother, 2 than my sister, and 4 than my other sister. I know everyone always thinks it's the middle child that has problems, and I'm not saying they don't, but it isn't always that way. For my family the middle kids, especially my middle sister, are treasured. I can never seem to do anything to make my parents proud of me and nothing ever seems to be good enough for them. If I try to talk to my parents I get ignored or looked at like I'm stupid, but oh gosh if Allie says a word the world just must listen to her. I can't even tell my parents my dreams of what I want to do when I finally move out because last time I did, and every time before that, I got told that that's not who I am and that I couldn't ever do it. Last time I tried to tell my dad he tried to tell me who I was. "YOU are NOT an actress or youtuber, YOU are NOT going to do all this stuff you say. YOU ARE JUST A GIRL WHO IS GOING TO COLLEGE TO BE A VET AND THATS IT... besides I doubt you could because of your stupid anxiety. I think that's all just in your head." Then he got mad when I was crying because my dreams were crushed. Yes I have horrible anxiety and I can't even seem to get a word out when I try to talk to someone before having a panic attack. I'm not sure why, but it's been like this since the 6th grade. The ONLY people I feel I can really talk to are my Mimi and my Auntie. My moms mom and sister. My mimi is the only person who at least acts like she cares, she is the one who calls me a miracle and makes me feel happy. My aunt and I have a lot in common and I can be myself around her. I know the thing with my dad probably didn't seem so bad, but worse things happen, I was just trying to put one on here that wasn't so personal, but still hurt. I don't really understand how to explain it, but it hurts, and then I see them giving allie all the attention in the world, followed by my youngest sister, then my brother, while they get me in trouble for every little thing I do even if I didn't do anything wrong. It's like disaster starts the moment I walk out of my room, so I stay in my room,when I'm not cleaning house, but I get in trouble for that too. I feel like I ruin everything. And no, I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad for me, that's what people seem to think when I put stuff like this out here, but I simply wanted to give an oldest daughter's point of view. We aren't always considered the miracle of the family, and there is always so much pressure on some of us. I try to see the bright side though and I go through each day telling myself that even though things are hard right now, don't give up on life because you are meant for something more. And I know that might sound stupid, but it's what gets me through the day when I don't have my dog or music. I just know one day I'm going to prove them wrong and show them what I can be... I just don't know how yet, but that's alright. ❤

  • @Turnpost2552
    @Turnpost2552 Год назад +3

    This guys character is seriously something to learn from. The interactions are free flowing and genuine.

  • @IxionDLF
    @IxionDLF Год назад

    You two are so cute and loveable. I just found your channel via your shorts and you remind me of my wife and me.
    Been together for 11 Years now, married for 2 1/2 and been thorugh some really rough stuff.
    What you guys said in this video is so true. My wife and I are in our mid and late 30s and do not have children, not because we don't want to, but due to mental health issues. We both agree that we do not want our children to suffer in their life, because we couldn't fully commit to them struggling with outselves. Also nowadays their is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting children a bit later in life. Seeing the healthy way you two go about this topic, I'm pretty sure you will know the right time, when you can give yourselves to your children without it affeting your relationship as partners. Most important: always, under all curcumstances be honest to each other, never pressure your partner into anything and please, never hold grudges towards one and other.
    You guys have managed to turn long distance into something so beautiful, I wish you the best of luck and most wonderfull memories on your journey through life together.
    Hugs and love from Munich Germany

  • @kaylanoel1868
    @kaylanoel1868 Год назад +2

    Oldest of 3 girls here💁🏼‍♀️ I know my middle sister had it rough, she talked back, she stood up again injustices, her personality is strong for the middle kid. As the oldest, there was always a tie breaker needed and it was normally me. Whether it was over coloring books, movies, TV shows, roles in at-home plays, I broke the ties between my middle and younger sisters.

  • @supercalifragilisticthisbesuch
    @supercalifragilisticthisbesuch Год назад +4

    As a middle child in a family with three kids, I find that a lot of the time I feel neglected, but my parents seem to try to overcompensate for that by doing big or elaborate things for me occasionally. The thing about that is that I think I got used to not having a lot of attention so I don’t like attention

  • @TheDisabledGamersChannel
    @TheDisabledGamersChannel Год назад +9

    You guys make such a lovely couple, me and my wife are about to hit our 20th anniversary soon, been together for 23 years, and kids are a blessing, you guys remind us of ourselves just remember one thing, people grow and become different people over time, the point for longevity is to grow together, never stray apart. Edit: Another thing, never fight, if an argument arises, talk about it, never let it fester, always talk, always laugh, always trust and honor each other, for better or for worse you guys have each other, i wish you guys the best in life.

  • @aleahberylaine5311
    @aleahberylaine5311 Год назад

    Don't worry too much, life is all about learning and growing. You'll be amazing parents! Remember every relationship and seasons of life come and go. Just keep fighting together ❤️ blessings to both of you

  • @Whatsup_youwasteof_oxygen
    @Whatsup_youwasteof_oxygen Год назад +5

    Being the middle child is great, there are good sides and bad side (mostly good but ya know), some good stuff is you get to have a cool older sibling who watches you grow up and helps with homework and stuff because they already learned it and they can take you places and they will hang out with you sometimes, it’s like having a best friend waiting for you is what an older sibling is like, but the hand me downs I wouldn’t say are my favourite, my older siblings stuff is cool, there’s just stains on it. The younger sibling is great too! You get to watch your little buddy grow up and you can help them and take them places and you get to give them your old stuff. And being the middle means you have two best friends for life. It does get hard at times because the younger child needs attention and the older child sometimes seems to cool for the others, some times I feel left out but I feel that everyone feels like that at one point in their life, my parents were VERY protective of my older sibling because they were the first born and the younger one got more mum and dad time because they needed the attention, but they did pay attention to me as well, like every Friday we had movie and game night, my older sibling is 4yrs older and my younger sibling is 4yrs younger, there’s a big age gap between my two siblings but they still hung out and the eldest would babysit, even though I was left out sometimes, so were they, I became sort of independent because of this but I still love to hang out with my siblings, all of my siblings friends are my friends and my friends are their friends, we once had a sleepover with 9 kids! We all love each other very much and haven’t gone a day without texting or calling. Anyway, 3 children is a great idea and it’s totally okay to be frightened or scared for kids, it’s normal, anyway love you guys, y’all will be the best parents ❤️

  • @gracehughes9098
    @gracehughes9098 Год назад +1

    Thank you for posting this. My Boyfriend has a 3 yr old and he’s our whole world, the sweetest babe ever. But I’ve been on the fence of us eventually having another one, but my first kid biologically. I try to make sure his son feels as loved and cared for as if he’s my own son. Y’alls reaction has made me realize that I’m not alone, and my anxiety has calmed down on the matter. When the moment’s right, we’ll know. I appreciate you both immensely for that. Thank you Meghan and Jack, for always lifting my spirits up.

  • @axomamarrupohi
    @axomamarrupohi Год назад

    This relationship feels so natural and raw
    Both are really made for each other i must say.. My current fav Couple
    and Ya let's see a new member someday soon

  • @savannah0911
    @savannah0911 Год назад

    Me and my husband are trying and have been since father's day. He knew he wanted kids but didn't feel ready, I always had baby fever. After three years he felt ready, it's definitely important to wait till you both feel ready! Love these longer videos

  • @callielesch187
    @callielesch187 Год назад

    I’m new to the crew but from the love you guys show and share on the outside makes me believe that he would be there to love and support you through all of it. I had a partner who acted like it when others were around. But once I got pregnant and stopped smoking and being “fun” a switch flipped. I don’t see you guys doing that. I see you guys talking and sitting down and trying your best to really actually understand and listen to one another. My partner said yeah I here you and never did anything to change. You guys seem much better off love and relationship wise. Not to say kids aren’t crazy. They are. I have two sweet boys. Three and two. They make me lose my shit but they also remind me of what’s important. They remind me daily to be kind and gentle and loving. I think you guys will be okay. It can be scary. But from what I can tell you guys will be there to love and support and you guys may have a good support system (family) around you too

  • @guitaristshawn
    @guitaristshawn Год назад +7

    My mom is one of seven, so I have almost 30 cousins and we're all very close. I've always wanted a big family of my own and be like my grandfather. I want to be a young father so that when I have grandkids, I can run around and play with them.

  • @caitlynoneill2717
    @caitlynoneill2717 Год назад

    My siblings are older and younger and I'm in the middle . Being the middle child does come with disadvantages but I actually love it because I get to learn from them .

  • @PandaGin
    @PandaGin Год назад

    I personally think you would both make absolutely great parents. You've got great chemistry and teamwork, and you're both sure to raise incredible kids.

  • @karissaperry6743
    @karissaperry6743 11 месяцев назад

    You guys would still make a great team. I feel it.

  • @liveyourbestlife756
    @liveyourbestlife756 Год назад

    Your relationship will be tested, but it will also grow stronger, if you stay the way you are. loving and caring for each other! I truly believe A Love like yours can withstand anything!

  • @petru-vasileboicu5842
    @petru-vasileboicu5842 Год назад +1

    As a middle child I felt more responsible throughout my life than my bigger bro or my little sister. At least that's what my parents made me feel like, and I think this is the important aspect or how a child feels regarding his/her turn in the family: the way the parents treats the children and makes them feel.

  • @evethomas3205
    @evethomas3205 Год назад

    Hi Meghan and Jack! I am the middle child in a family of three. I am a girl an older and a younger brother. as the girl i felt special and don't feel ignored or left out by my parents, and i have a great relationship with both brothers, although my younger brother and i fought a lot when we were younger. But my parents really strove for us to get along and we're all best friends now. I know this experience isnt universal. But it doesnt have to be bad

  • @jakeyancey1412
    @jakeyancey1412 Год назад

    Being a middle child is awesome, having two siblings is so much fun, i have 1 little brother, 1 year younger, and a great older brother, several years above me. I think we’re all extremely close, it’s a fantastic feeling, when i think about kids, 2 is too few and 4 is too many. 3 is perfect.

  • @calebcalhoun3133
    @calebcalhoun3133 Год назад

    Don't worry about it. Yall are going too be a happy Family. The kids are going too be lucky

  • @jong2643
    @jong2643 Год назад +1

    I’ve been with my wife before she was my wife for 9 years and helped raised her two daughters. 13 and 7 so I learned a lot .2 years into our relationship I was under the assumption I couldn’t have kids well surprise our son turned 7 last week. The baby stage can be stressful and you’ll be glad when they finally sleep but watch out they’ be talking and walking quick and have fun with terrible 2s. In closing I wish you all a blessed life and happiness and when it’s time you’ll be ready god bless

  • @jayandtheboys3543
    @jayandtheboys3543 Год назад

    I can’t wait until the time comes you guys are going to be the best family ever

  • @marialujancejas5153
    @marialujancejas5153 Год назад

    Hi! Middle child here.🖐
    I'm so invisible that even my smart typing don't recognize the two words together.
    In my experience is really lonely my life. But I try to give it senses everyday.
    Love you guys! You make me smile today, with your content XOXO

  • @Runeforged
    @Runeforged Год назад

    My wife and I have been together since we were 16. 38 now with one kid and the truth is it’s both good and bad. You guys don’t know this yet but you will continue to grow and change into your 30s and having a kid ofcourse adds to that change.
    So with having a kid, My advice to anyone is to have at least 8 years living together. You’ll find a balance with eachother and that helps tremendously with life having a kid.
    Any marital problems you have will get worse with a kid. So you both gotta be rock solid with yourselves and each other. With all that, having something you both love is amazing. I hope y’all experience it one day. ❤️

  • @AdorkableArtist92
    @AdorkableArtist92 Год назад +1

    My parents had my three older siblings 3 years apart each, and then I came along 9 years after my brother! I wasn't a surprise though. My parents really did plan that. My brother and I each have a cousin less than a year apart from our ages, so that worked out nicely. Having much older siblings is great in some ways (lots of helpful advice, less sibling rivalry, and I was spoiled rotten as "the baby") and tough in others (I didn't see them as much as I would have liked because they moved out when I was still a kid, their childhood memories are SO different from mine, and they can still sort of see me as "the baby" even though I'm almost 30).

  • @tyreesetjjoyner1995
    @tyreesetjjoyner1995 Год назад +3

    Much love and support to you two. I’m a single man. I don’t have kids. Continue on your road on getting the giant gold play button

  • @mlkirkl09
    @mlkirkl09 Год назад

    My sister and I are 7 years apart and it is the best! She is the oldest. We were adopted.

  • @IGIMaster86
    @IGIMaster86 Год назад

    At the end of the day it’s YOUR decision! But I think it would be great and of course challenging for you ❤

  • @morganelizabethberry2239
    @morganelizabethberry2239 Год назад

    If you want children, definitely DO NOT listen to anyone but yourselves. No one else can make those kinds of decisions!! Kids are such a blessing! I have a 3yr old (girl) 1.5yr old (girl) 2 month old (boy) my middle is the MOST easy going out of them all!! ❤❤ I love how easy it is to relate to y’all 🥰👏🏻
    Children will only make you two MORE amazing 💪🏻
    Also, I myself have TERRIBLE anxiety. I know we are all different, but I never had any PPD with my kids. I did have PPA (postpartum anxiety) which was difficult in the beginning, but with the right medication, and regimen it was very easy to get past.

  • @vannessa2173
    @vannessa2173 9 месяцев назад

    I have 3 boys ages 24, 20 & 14 they are all amazing boys and get on very well. I treat them all equally and they will say the same thing. I believe there is a difference in girls and boys. I was foster mother of 42 kids then had my 3 boys. I believe you 2 will make great parents.

  • @cilla2f938
    @cilla2f938 Год назад

    I just had my 2nd child. It’s a lot. Be mindful of the age range. My older is almost 3 and oh baby, some days I feel like I’m going to lose my mind lol. But at the end of the day I don’t regret it and it’s the sweetest. We chose to have 2 (and stop) because we didn’t want our oldest to be alone. Especially when they’re older. I couldn’t imagine going through hard things without my siblings to help me.

  • @assasainalexgaming
    @assasainalexgaming Год назад

    middle child of 3 right here, tend to be the most sheltered/forgotten. luckily my oldest sibling is 7 years older and is married and out of the house. So, there is a slight change

  • @lushomohandila7174
    @lushomohandila7174 Год назад

    I love you guys
    I want a relationship as fun and weird and adorable and just enjoyable as yours
    Keeping being you, y'all are my inspiration and spirit animals 😂😂😂
    Love y'all

  • @valerieglee
    @valerieglee Год назад

    I am a middle child of three and we are each 5 years apart. I think 2 to 4 is a good number, I want three when I start, but what ever happens happens (more or less). Middle life isn't bad, I enjoyed the outcome, but it does depend on the parenting. I was ignored some times but never forgotten.
    Love you two!!

  • @amongleAcc
    @amongleAcc Год назад

    As a middle child of 3 boys, I would say that my life as one is definitely different from my younger and older siblings.
    It can be really hard being in the gray area, where you aren't on the older or younger side of the kids.
    Sometimes it does feel as if they are prioritized over me, but at the same time that prioritization allows me to work by myself, which is something that I like to do. At the same time, I'm not always treated with the responsibilities of my older brother, or the leniency that my younger brother gets.
    It's always felt like I'm more emotionally distant from my parents, whereas my older feels closer to my dad and my younger feels closer to my mom, and regardless of whether I try to get closer with them or not it just feels the same.
    There's a lot of pros and cons to being the middle child, and even though all of the children are equally raised, the experience is vastly different between every single one.

  • @kalebreeb6273
    @kalebreeb6273 Год назад +1

    us middle children are usually the hardest to read mainly because we are forgotten or unincluded in many many things, this is just a small portion of what happens to me on a regular basis. oh btw middle children tend to be the most unstable with their feelings just so you know. :)

  • @rilasde5809
    @rilasde5809 Год назад +23

    man i wish i had a relationship like you guys

    • @josephcrawford7922
      @josephcrawford7922 Год назад +4

      I know right I wanna be in a relationship with a girl also 😭😭😭 Even though I’ve never really had a girlfriend before and I want one bad 😔😔😔

    • @iResidentEvil92
      @iResidentEvil92 Год назад +3

      same 🥺 i feel like i won’t ever find one like them but hopefully one day

    • @rilasde5809
      @rilasde5809 Год назад +4

      @@josephcrawford7922 same as you bro i never had a girlfriend

    • @josephcrawford7922
      @josephcrawford7922 Год назад +3

      @@rilasde5809 I know bro

    • @amysue1616
      @amysue1616 Год назад +3

      @@josephcrawford7922don’t get depressed I met my boyfriend when he was 30 and he had never been on a date before he was shy and I hit the jackpot.

  • @JeremyWhalen.
    @JeremyWhalen. Год назад

    Hi twin here, my sister was born disabled but she is the greatest thing that ever happened to me, we were born to a single mother and I've turned out mostly ok, I got adhd and a few issues but overall I'm well balanced, with the two of you combined you should be fiiiiine

  • @nadinekeys1719
    @nadinekeys1719 Год назад

    I found you guys a few weeks ago and I have to say I love your vibes and love how you both are. Meghan, you said your mom was 12 years apart. My half-sibling is 21 years apart from me. 🙈

  • @erinblosser9701
    @erinblosser9701 Год назад +1

    I was a middle child for at least 10 years then my dad remarried and had more kids. As a middle child I was kinda invisible. I didnt really get attention. My older brother and younger sister tended to get it. I mainly read and was independent. Its not bad but not ideal. Love you guys and I'm sure you guys will be awesome parents but definitely take your time having them.

  • @MelonLord_Official
    @MelonLord_Official Год назад

    As a middle child, life it's kind of hard ngl, ur very often the forgotten child, youngest child usually gets the most attention and tend to be seen as the “cutest” even tho they may be a brat when others aren’t around.
    Oldest child gets a lot of responsibilities and gets rights a lot, if people meet us the oldest is usually the one remembered or introduced/focused on the most.
    However as a middle child, I tend to stick to myself and close friends/family members. Try to focus on my own personal goals and hopefully be able to benefit my own family/close friends one day ^^

  • @davidmyhra4931
    @davidmyhra4931 Год назад +1

    Have kids as soon as possible. Don’t wait,

  • @annienemos3832
    @annienemos3832 Год назад

    I'm one of six! My friend is one of 13!! My oldest sister is 16 years older than my youngest brother. I'm in the middle and I may be an exception because I don't particularly like being spoiled and I don't feel less loved.

  • @julietteshepherd8868
    @julietteshepherd8868 Год назад

    I am the 6th of 8 kids and i love it were all 2 years apart from the one before and after us and i love it. I allready know i want to have allot of kids , its so much fun!! And once my mom got to 4 it became easier cause we took care of each other and played with each other.

  • @arielgonzalez5304
    @arielgonzalez5304 Год назад

    Speaking as a parent, honestly given the character of both of you, I think you would make great parents. IF that’s what you still want in the future. People act like not having kids is a crime but it’s not for everyone. And that’s ok. I personally love being a parent.
    There are certainly a lot of challenges, and a lot of lovely moments. But watching this video, you guys seem super realistic about it. So you’re already ahead of the game. Now it’s just all about when you want. It could be 10 years from now, doesn’t matter. Your character translates into how you’ll parent, and will help during the rough times.
    Trust me, no one’s got it all figured out. But you learn more and more every day and it helps.

  • @jessecalamont9026
    @jessecalamont9026 Год назад

    I am the middle child and middle child syndrome is a thing!!! Found myself always being compared to the other kids or being forgotten about lol but we’re all adults now and the middle child syndrome goes out the window. Have an even amount of kids!

  • @lesliecampbell4522
    @lesliecampbell4522 Год назад

    I love how real you both are

  • @colyn.23loveonedirection
    @colyn.23loveonedirection Год назад

    You both be great parents ❤️

  • @Yalitza87
    @Yalitza87 19 дней назад

    I am a middle child with an older sister and a younger brother and it wasn’t bad tbh. I got the best of both worlds! ❤ I didn’t have any issues 😊

  • @stupot1393
    @stupot1393 Год назад

    im in a family of 5 not 3 but i am the middle child and life is okay so neither good nor bad there are definitely bad times but for the most part its good

  • @christophergamingchannel
    @christophergamingchannel Год назад

    My mom had 3 kids I was the oldest but I think u guys will do just fine keep up great work u guys

  • @daviddolin7487
    @daviddolin7487 Год назад

    I think you both are definitely thinking rationally about this. My wife and I went around 5 years before we started trying to have a baby. But I will tell you, it doesn't matter how ready you think you are! Because when that little bundle of joy comes, along with it comes the sleepless nights, the early morning feedings, the diapers, and the endless, " why are they crying moments"! You realize you're really not ready! However,... "you'll realize how wonderful being a parent is when they smile and coo at youfor the first time, or the first time they say dada,or momma, or they laugh hysterically at something you do ! Those times when they keep coming to your door at 3, 4, or 5am wanting to know if it's time to open presents on Christmas morning. That's when you realize you wouldn't take all the money in the world for the life you have now! The Bible says, "children are an inheritance from the Lord, blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them"! Now my quiver was full at 2, but like you Jack I came from a family of 6 kids! But because my wife and I were in our 30's 2 was enough!
    Love your videos, and I hope this helps!
    Dave D. Tipton Indiana.

  • @felicianaquinn6130
    @felicianaquinn6130 Год назад

    I can def say, I was with my husband for 2 yrs and then the yr we got married we fell pregnant , we both wanted it and trying so we were exciting. we were one and done bc he was the only boy as a middle child lol and I am the youngest of 7 so we are v much different but motherhood does change but to have a supportive partner makes the difference. also you'll never be ready lol no matter what, good luck to both of you

  • @-RubysEdits-
    @-RubysEdits- Год назад

    i am a middle child and it is AMAZING love u guys

  • @vdwhite687
    @vdwhite687 Год назад +1

    Relationship goals honestly

  • @eerie_blur
    @eerie_blur Год назад

    Ya'll are kid's you'll selves 😇❤ ILYALL

  • @hopebullard460
    @hopebullard460 Год назад

    Middle child here, I think I'm the most easy going. And I'm okay with playing/ being by myself. Nothing is fair when you see how the oldest and youngest are treated. But we get over it.

  • @Coffeemessaging
    @Coffeemessaging Год назад

    Middle child of three here. I once met a guy who was a real life POW (for six months) who was horrified by how i was treated as a child. It was that bad! If you have three, set aside a day every two weeks to only do things with the middle child, no siblings around. Set aside time to listen to what problems they are having and work to solving them. Allow them to go to places/activities they want to go to even if it is inconvenient for the other two and don't assume that an older child will teach the younger ones anything. That's your job!

  • @viojoe11
    @viojoe11 Год назад +4

    I'm the middle child, 3 years apart from both of my brothers and we got along fine growing up. I'm also the gay one though, so that puts some distance between us now as adults because of our religious background.

  • @daniellefata2881
    @daniellefata2881 Год назад

    Middle child life was rough but grateful for it all in the end

  • @allisonstone2045
    @allisonstone2045 Год назад

    My mom has 3 kids. And I’m a middle child but I’m also a girl with two brothers. I feel like on one side the “baby” of the family gets spoiled the most. But I’m also the only girl so I got to do things with my mom and I also grew up getting my own room because I’m a girl. So I guess there is pros and cons. I feel like you too will love your kids for how they are individually and your kids will grow up feeling the love from both parents so you shouldn’t worry about how many kids you have. I don’t think anyone will be feeling left out in your family.

    • @aimeesaunders1880
      @aimeesaunders1880 4 месяца назад

      I think maybe that's what was missing with me. My mom never really spent any time with me and all I wanted was to be one of the boys, to feel like I fit somewhere.

  • @seanrobinson7378
    @seanrobinson7378 Год назад

    I wish i had a best friend like you both you

  • @nicoleterry5105
    @nicoleterry5105 6 месяцев назад

    I have 4 kids, all 2 years apart 2 girls, 2 boys. I had my first at 25 years old, and my last baby I had last year at age 31. I think I could have 1 more, but, I’m content. 4 kids is perfect for me. I think if you want, and like kids you should have kids.
    The best thing in my life is my husband, and my kids. I don’t go a day without laughing. It’s hard, I won’t lie, but you honestly don’t care so much that it’s hard…it’s actually kind of incredible how much the love you have for your babies really compensates, and keeps you going when it’s tough.

  • @estradavalerie77
    @estradavalerie77 Год назад

    🙋🏽‍♀️ middle child of 3 kids.
    All 1 year and 1 month apart.
    June 1992 (girl)
    July 1993 (girl) (me)
    August 1994 (boy)
    And my mom gave me away when I was 3.. and kept my brother and sister lol so that oughta tell you something about middle children.
    No but foreal for some reason we're the most challenging/ big emotions/ but also the most loving and caring. So idk.. also depends how u raise them..

  • @saschajaschka8708
    @saschajaschka8708 Год назад

    I just wanna say that i love you guys so much. I wish i get someday a relationship like yours. ❤

  • @lovinglychaotic_
    @lovinglychaotic_ Год назад

    I’m a middle child and its pretty chill most of the time. I get a lot of alone time because most of the attention goes to the oldest and the youngest

  • @ronkon708
    @ronkon708 Год назад

    Hey, to be the middle child isn't that hard but the only think that you must to do is to understand the bigger and the little sibling.

  • @littlelamb1235
    @littlelamb1235 Год назад

    Was a middle child among two boys and then begged my parents for a sister and (already planned long ago) adopted my little sister and I now have her and it changed my whole world. I still have slight middle child syndrome but I’m so grateful for my best friend. But I stand by the decision of having 2 or 4. No 3. I won’t let my kid feel what I felt 😂

  • @jordynsmith9422
    @jordynsmith9422 Год назад

    Middle of 3 kids here. My sister is 5 years older than me and my brother is 5 years younger. Life was pretty okay but if day of you have 3 make sure to take 1 on 1 time with the middle because they will have less because with age gaps like mine my sister and brother were hitting big milestones around the same time and when mine came out want focused on as much

  • @kkitzhaber
    @kkitzhaber Год назад

    I'm one of nine. My Dad is one of 10. Take it one kid at a time. It totally transforms you.

  • @lacyshoenfelt1620
    @lacyshoenfelt1620 Год назад

    I’m the middle of 3. Wasn’t always easy but I’m the favorite of both siblings as an adult. 😅

  • @keatonmorrow8649
    @keatonmorrow8649 Год назад

    I’m a middle child of 3 and It’s not the worst, do 3, 2 is good, but you need to have then close together because if you don’t, and you wait to long, it will hurt the life youngest child.
    Basically 3 is good, and just be there for them. My father wasn’t. Have fun together.

  • @dictatorofthecheese
    @dictatorofthecheese Год назад

    Hi Meg and Jack!! It's me dictaorofcheese I watch your streams on twitch a lot Meg!
    There's something I just wanted to mention that might be important to think about when having kids. And that's what are you going to pass onto to your kids. Me, I always wanted kids, but now I don't, mainly because past few years my physical health has collapsed due to hereditary issues, genes that were passed down to me and my sister (she's sicker than i am) from our parents, that they didn't deal with but past generations have, which is something we've found out. There are tests out there that you can do to test your genes to see what physical/mental issues are in your genes (just because something is in your genes doesn't its an active gene. Some genes can be inactive in you but become active in children once you pass on that gene. We believe thats why my parents didn't deal with the same issues my sister and I are currently dealing with if that makes sense) and what you and yours are more prone to inheriting. The physical issues I inherited turned me off from having kids because I don't want to pass the issues I deal with onto my kids. I am struggling a lot, so I don't want to pass these same issues onto my kids. Adoptions is still a potential though for me. Just something I wanted to mention, that not many people think about. ❤️
    Love your guys content. Out of all the Facebook influencers I've seen and watched, you guys were the only ones I find great comfort in watching. ❤️
    You guys will make fantastic parents, and don't hesitate to ask your parents for any tips or help when you do have your first kid. My parents did that when my sister was first born. And it helped tremendously. 🙂

  • @anthonyrobbins7267
    @anthonyrobbins7267 Год назад

    you guys are going to be great parents i watch all your videos you both are so funny

  • @briannawilder1919
    @briannawilder1919 Год назад +7

    Middle child of three siblings? Is it my time to shine?🥲
    No for real though, the whole middle child syndrome thing really varies from family to family and depends a lot on YOU GUYS! I’m really close to both my older sister and my younger brother so it wasn’t hard at all for me growing up - I’m almost like the glue that holds our trio together. A big part of that, though, is how great my parents were at spending time with all of us and not giving me the chance to feel neglected. As long as you guys are intentional about loving on all of your kids individually, there’s no need to worry about a stereotype that you can’t control!:)

    • @sheenatalks8529
      @sheenatalks8529 Год назад

      This is my favorite reply to their kid question ❤

  • @derekhernandez9222
    @derekhernandez9222 Год назад

    Hey Jack and Meghan. I wanna say as the middle child out of my sibling. 4 of us. was not that good I never really hung out with them because we all have different parents and weren't around to much. But growing up as an only child was awesome lol got all the toys and a lot of food. But it is nice to have a brother. When he was born 11 years apart I had fun with him but I wasn't always around due to school. But any ways in my opinion have more than one child if you can so you won't have a lonesome child. But I know you both would be awesome parents I see that in you guys

  • @ninyu_0077
    @ninyu_0077 Год назад

    I'm the youngest of three, my brother is the middle child and i don't think it bothers him. He has an older sister and he can learn from her mistakes, and me, whom he can give advise and take care of. He's just fabolous :)

  • @yurimartinez8745
    @yurimartinez8745 Год назад

    My family forgets my birthday here 🙂 but tbh I love knowing I have an older sister to provide me good advice and my younger sister, is there for me to be silly, bully lol

  • @shot_scrap1150
    @shot_scrap1150 Год назад

    As a middle child it’s harder but the love is always around tbh

  • @No-304s
    @No-304s Год назад

    HAVE KIDS I HAVE 4 OF THEM AND IM 32 they are amazing will change your life for the better

  • @sachachaplain4826
    @sachachaplain4826 Год назад

    French viewer ! Like your videos !

  • @marilise1987
    @marilise1987 Год назад

    Middle child of 3, was perfectly fine actually 😁 always had a friend, the older or the younger one, because I was close in age to both of them.

  • @My_Treehouse
    @My_Treehouse Год назад

    As my family’s middle child, my life’s pretty great. I’m really close to both of my siblings, my older sis especially since were almost the same age. I feel like I don’t have as much responsibility as the oldest but I’m not the baby either. The only downfall is that I felt kinda looked over after my brother was born. But overall not bad💖 pretty great. I wouldn’t want it any other way

  • @TheDepressedSwine
    @TheDepressedSwine Год назад

    I am a middle child of 3, I am the only girl. I'll just say, my siblings are 100% every stereo type. I am the one who is always screwed but I will say, I love my siblings and I honestly think 3 is perfect, growing up as 3 is amazing, you can play more games, you can get more creative outcomes, I love my brother's, it was amazing growing up with them!

  • @Dbay8898
    @Dbay8898 Год назад

    Middle child here, I’m alienated from my parents. Father has never had much to do with me and mother isn’t altogether mentally stable. I’m honestly ok with it, but from my perspective, 3 is to many because it’s hard to focus on all three at times. I also have 3 children (10,8,3) it’s been pretty nice.

  • @editormaker6824
    @editormaker6824 Год назад

    I’m the oldest and all I ask is TREAT THEM THE SAME. I can’t stress this enough and don’t put to much pressure on them

  • @StealthheartDraws
    @StealthheartDraws Год назад

    Youngest child of three here. I’m not the middle child, but the age gap between my sister and I is much larger than the gap between her and my brother, so I was always a third wheel growing up. It was very lonely and I didn’t really get a good relationship with them until after we all moved out

  • @heathermagee
    @heathermagee Год назад

    I'm a middle child! My brother is younger by a year and my sister is older by 4 years. I get along great with my brother he's my favorite- my sister and I but heads. I think the age gap is a little too much and we're just different and she tried to parent us haha. But I love them both of course

  • @patorubio3608
    @patorubio3608 Год назад

    I'm the oldest out of four, including me! Three girls, one boy...the boy is the youngest! The second is one year younger and my other two siblings are eleven and twelve years younger than I am.

  • @Coolperson-bm1ze
    @Coolperson-bm1ze Год назад +2

    As the middle child of three, personaly I never found it hard. But that might be because I'm just superior to my other two siblings in every way. Honestly, you have to compensate for it by just being better than them 😂

  • @bigbadb-rob8251
    @bigbadb-rob8251 Год назад

    I’m the second oldest of 5. I will say, it can be crazy with being apart of 4 or more other siblings. But I wouldn’t trade my siblings for anything cause they’re that awesome. I will say, studies show that having at least 3 kids is the best number because 3 or more build a community and build each other up. Rather than having 2 and you don’t get that community building

  • @MarkK395
    @MarkK395 Год назад +6

    Guys, Don't let anyone else tell you when to have kids, when you are ready, you're ready. You both will be awesome parents! Love the painting of Saucy on the wall behind you btw!

    • @amysue1616
      @amysue1616 Год назад

      Don’t wait too long though because. Biology. So many women have regrets.