I'm 26 and last September I also lost my hearing. I was born deaf in my left ear, and one day I got a flu shot and woke up with SSNHL the next morning. Everything sounded distorted. I heard double voices, like a robotic demon sound paralleling over people's voices, music and all noise. Everything was just a garbled mess of noise and loud pounding with humming sound that stayed 24/7. It got worse for 4 days and eventually I had hyperacusis. Every noise brought me to my knees. Planes flying in the sky, peeing in the toilet/flushing the toilet, music, people talking; everything was too loud and made my head feel like it was about to pop. Not to mention that with all of this I had overwhelming vertigo. I got into my ENT after going to the ER, and was given prednisone. It cleared about slightly on about day 5, and a fter about 8 days it started to return to normal with slight sound sensitivity. It's been over a year now and (Thank the Lord) my ear is at about 100%. I have extreme PTSD from the situation and fear every day that the SSNHL will come back one morning when I awake. Even though my ENT has told me the chances of this coming back are almost non-existent. He said he's never seen a case of SSNHL "just come back" and that of all the symptoms I had, the hearing should be okay. We discussed the possibility of meniere's disease. Around october of this year I awoke with clogged hearing and bad vertigo, but NOTHING compared to what it was in 2019. He still doesn't suspect meniere's, but wants to run tests. How do you guys cope with the fears and anxiety that came along with it? Are you able to control your stress and live a normal life? If so, please give me advice.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
You have been lucky, thank you for your story. I lost my left ear two years ago, got one treatment but it is not going any better. I was a very sociable person before, and now I prefer not be in big groups.
Me too. I lost my right ear about 7 years ago when I was in the last semester of Junior high school. Back then, I didn't accept my condition even I blamed myself very often. I did any treatments but it did not work. I lost my hope to get my right ear back. Being in senior high school with one ear left, gave me so much pressure and it got me frustrated even I isolated myself to not meeting any people. Day by day, I realized that I couldn't be just blaming myself for whatever life has given me this way. And I accept my conditions and let this life run with only one ear hearing. I know that this is not easy. But accepting the situation gives me more power to bounce back! I do socialize again with my surroundings and got so much support from them when they know my conditions.
@@jainulabidin3 don't lose hope bro, keep fighting. You could pray to God instead. Nothing is impossible, if you just believe you could restore your hearing back.
@@jainulabidin3 I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
i lost hearing in left ear in January this year. it was sudden and i was shocked and anxious. i went to an ENT doctor and he diagnosed mild hearing loss in my left ear. my right ear is working fine. the hearing never came back i have moderate hearing loss in my left ear and it is due to damage to nerves in my ear. don't wait if you suffer sudden hearing loss get it checked immediately
Same, I suffered from a mild hearing loss in my left ear after I got an ear infection. Since I was too busy with all of my college life and stuff, I did not go to see a doctor or anything coz I think the infection isn't that bad anyway. Now I'm 30% deaf on my left ear, and I wish I had acted differently.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I'm 22, and deal with tinnitus in my left ear from the aftermath of sudden hearing loss. Last September, just after my 22 birthday, I instantly went deaf on my left side while at the gym. I went to a doctor after work the next day who said It was simply an infection...one week later it was no better. So I went to my family nurse practitioner and she immediately gave me oral steroids', and got me to an ear nose and throat doctor who doubled the dosage. My hearing is back, however the tinnitus is bad at times and comes in waves depending on how loud things are, the louder the worse. I've lost my upper range of hearing as well...its frustrating to say the least.
30 here and the same thing happened to me 6 months ago. The tinnitus is the worst and I have it in both ears now. If you were using earphones at the gym then it might've been caused by noise damage.
I'm 26 and last September I also lost my hearing. I was born deaf in my left ear, and one day I got a flu shot and woke up with SSNHL the next morning. Everything sounded distorted. I heard double voices, like a robotic demon sound paralleling over people's voices, music and all noise. Everything was just a garbled mess of noise and loud pounding with humming sound that stayed 24/7. It got worse for 4 days and eventually I had hyperacusis. Every noise brought me to my knees. Planes flying in the sky, peeing in the toilet/flushing the toilet, music, people talking; everything was too loud and made my head feel like it was about to pop. Not to mention that with all of this I had overwhelming vertigo. I got into my ENT after going to the ER, and was given prednisone. It cleared about slightly on about day 5, and a fter about 8 days it started to return to normal with slight sound sensitivity. It's been over a year now and (Thank the Lord) my ear is at about 100%. I have extreme PTSD from the situation and fear every day that the SSNHL will come back one morning when I awake. Even though my ENT has told me the chances of this coming back are almost non-existent. He said he's never seen a case of SSNHL "just come back" and that of all the symptoms I had, the hearing should be okay. We discussed the possibility of meniere's disease. Around october of this year I awoke with clogged hearing and bad vertigo, but NOTHING compared to what it was in 2019. He still doesn't suspect meniere's, but wants to run tests. How do you guys cope with the fears and anxiety that came along with it? Are you able to control your stress and live a normal life? If so, please give me advice.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
Thanks for posting. I was experiencing ringing last week and thought it was an infection or allergic reaction. Then i lost hearing in my right ear a few days later. I went to a quick care who gave me antibiotics but nothing else. I tried scheduling with ENTs but they were all trying to set appointments 2 months out. I felt so hopeless and ended up going to the ER in sheer desperation. They thankfully got me on a steroid treatment and set me up with an ENT tomorrow. I never heard of sudden hearing loss until now and I'm only 29. Without a doubt this is the scariest thing that has happened to me so far, but I've sort of made peace with it. Whatever happens, God is in control and has a purpose in everything.
if its 2m onths there is no use of steroids, its best to take steroids within 2 weeks of sudden hear loss, i have it and steroids didnt worked as i started too late
@@TONYGTONYG I am also going through it. I posted above about what happened to me. For a solid week, I was an emotional wreck. I have never felt so depressed in all my life,. Like I was wishing I fell asleep and just didn't wake up. But I have been doing the oral steroid treatment for 10 days now. I had sudden deafness in my right ear as well. I am just doing what the ENT wants me to do. The relentless high-pitch ringing is the hardest thing. I have constant anxiety about whether this will be for the rest of my life or not. Not knowing if the treatment will really help. I have not seen any major improvement. However, it has not been quite 3 weeks, and I shouldn't expect this to be corrected in a short span of time. Research has led me to believe this can take months to get better - if it gets better. I never knew that you could hear perfectly one day, wake up, and lose a significant amount of hearing. No warning. No progressive hearing loss. It is as if the light switch was suddenly turned off.
@@80sWavrDude I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.ask me ok
I had sudden deafness in my left ear 22 years ago. I wasn't diagnosed for about 2 weeks, and the subsequent steroid and other treatments only led to very minor improvement, about 5% hearing. I have continuous white noise in the affected ear, which in the beginning was very frightening, and I thought it may drive me mad. Now I don't really notice it until talking about it like now., your brain learns to ignore it if you just try to carry on with life and stop looking for a cure. So for anyone who has this, get treatment asap. but if treatment doesn't work, it is not the end of the world, you will be fine, just stay calm.
@@lifecontent6525 I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
Thank you for sharing your experience. My friend has sudden hearing loss in his right ear 6 months ago and also has constant noise in his ear. He can only hear vibration, nothing else in his right ear. He went to a hearing doctor within a week of this happing, the steroids didn't help him at all. Every day is a struggle. It's hard for him to go to sleep, to hear people/ conversations, but you just have to deal with it.
@@havva8675 Hi Yeva, yes it is very difficult at first. The noise seemed overwhelming, and hearing people waa very difficult. As I said above, keep calm because it will become manageable as your brain adjusts. My noise is still there after 23 years, but I honestly don't hear it for days/weeks on end...at this moment I do, because we are discussing it. Your brain chooses to ignore it and you get better at hearing through it. I still struggle hearing people when there is background noise, but it isn't something that has a big effect on my life. For someone recently diagnosed, the hearing aid that detects sound in your bad side and transmits to yoyr bad side may well be something to investigate. My specialist told me not to bother after all these years as my brain had adjusted and I was managing fine. So I repeat, tell your friend to stay calm, don't fight it but accept it, and it will gradually, but definitely, get easier and become manageable.
I did all of the treatments and timing of this video. I’m 5 weeks and two shots in and have recovered about 5% of my hearing. More work needs to be done to understand each cases cause instead of just throwing cortisone at it.
I sensed this in my ear and called a doctor after 2 days of clogged ear and worsened tinnitus. They gave me an appointment after 7 days. Doctor checked for wax, but that was not a problem. She ordinated 7 days of rest and the to checkup if there was a change. So 14 days after initial contact I met another doctor that, by my "suspicion of this thing I found on internet called sudden deafness" sent me to specialist the same day. They test me but say it's not worth putting me on oral steroids this late in (16days). 20 days in I get a hearing test made that confirms partial hearing loss. 26days later I meet a specialist again that repeatedly explains that steroids will no none or very little change. I insist because of my occupation. I'm now on my 3rd day with steroids and hoping for the best. Im a municipal employed guitar-teacher and professional musician in Sweden. I am grateful for the Healthcare we have here and I belive my case is amongst the the unfortunate few. However..I will be looking into private health insurance. Good luck to all of you.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
@@arthursimsa9005 I bought a signia pure charge &go hearing aid and while it's a very minor hearing loss it still helps maintaining the illusion of my normal hearing. I hope wider bandwidth will be availible in hearing aids in the future.
Wing it same for me form 30 years ago and told by some of the best doctors that nothing they could do. Thankfully the other ear has served me well over the years.
@@swisstrader 4 months in, indeed tinnitus gets better as in less intrusive, doesn't affect me when im focused or distracted but is definitely annoying while chilling in a quiet place. one more question, if i may, any advice on how to keep the other ear working fine for the years to come since this is my no 1 health priority? also, do you remember popping sounds in the beginning? I know its 30yrs ago but my deaf ear pops multiple times per day, can only describe it as listening to soft drink in a glass - bubbles popping as they reach the surface. can also feel the pops, but most of all i feel intense inner ear pain every other week that gets better after ear pops multiple times. weird, right?
rrs f4i let me start by saying I hope you’ve found yourself a decent ENT. On my end, I did not have popping noises or anything like that in my bad ear. With respect to how I’ve kept the other ear safe for years, I will say a couple things: 1) my ENT at that time indicated that there was a VERY slim chance of whatever it was that affected the one ear will affect your good ear, 2) I am WAY over cautious with my good ear...won’t listen to music w earbuds on, no live concerts, wear ear protection at sporting events, have a set of noise cancellation headphones next to my bed in case fire alarm goes off and just using a lot of caution.
I am so lucky. This happened to me on Christmas day '18. Within the span of 1 hour, I had lost 60% of hearing in one ear. There was a strong buzzing sound in that ear as well. I did not take it as seriously. Luckily, 24hrs later, it began to reverse and completely reversed by the third day. The main reason I did not take action is because I attributed it discontinuing the medication Mirtazapine a few days prior. If this happens to you, go to the ER immediately, only about 3 in 10 cases resolve on their own like mine.
This. Go to the ER, skip your regular doctor or clinic. They will generally take the wait and see approach if lucky, suggest a hearing test. But the clock will be ticking. Don't leave it to others, they won't care as much as you do about your health.
I'm happy for you. I just went deaf on left ear 2 days ago. I'm going through the process now. What makes it uneasy is that it came from nothing for no reason. Just all of a sudden I'm deaf. Very very frustrating... 😔😔😔
One week ago when I woke up. I lost my hearing. Same day I rush to doctor. He did his normal treatment and given steroid to eat. Aftet 4 days no effect. Than again I went and he send me for hearing test. Its showing that I have lost around 80 - 90 %.. Doc told me to continue with the same med. But no diff. I am 29 years old. Feeling so depreased. Its really effecting my personal and professional life. Feeling like loosing my confidence. Still hoping Good from GOD.
I lost my hearing in left and mild hearing loss in the right ear when i was 17 suddenly due to severe viral infection. Its been 6 years from the incident. Struggling ever since that day. I also have severe tinnitus which drives me insane. I am a bit envious. It would be better if my tinnitus gets in control. Just hoping for the best.. :)
@@MM-qs8io just visit any ENT doctor, they will give you them steroid if you need it. But don't wait tho, as steroid is only used to reduce the inflammation, and the inflammation isn't treated fast it may permanently damage ur ear
I hope my hearing comes back eventually. I did everything that was mentioned in the video. I seeked out medical evaluation within a week since it started and after multiple steroids (Both Oral and Tympanic injections and MRI which came back normal) still haven't recuperated my hearing. It's Sad yes, brain kind of adjusts after a while, tinnitus gets less noticable but still there. I'm closer to 4 months since it began and no change. Trying to get a second opinion just to make sure nothing was missed. But kind of dealing with the fact that it may be permanent and looking into cros hearing aids.
@@yukineko7386 6 months and nothing. Mine may be permanent unfortunately. I have gotten used to it though. I don't get dizzy anymore, the ringing is there but I don't usually notice it. I have made some life adjustments. Looking into BiCros hearing aids in the future.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I hope someone somewhere in the world is studying SHL and can some day help everyone who suddenly lost their hearing. If anyone has success stories please share under this comment
Same thing ... Left ear .... All doctor said was that there was nothing he could do. Well, he did do something. He charged me two grand for his 30 second diagnosis.
I'm currently suffering of this. Im going on my 4th week. Just received my 3rd and last cortisone injection. No improvement so far. MRI came out normal and there's is no explanation for my hearing loss. Here's hoping I just have to be patient and it'll come back eventually.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I am 48. On 31/08/2021, after a short afternoon nap, I suddenly could no longer hear from my right ear. The conduit to the tympan had been swollen for a couple of days but nothing serious. I went to the ER and diagnosis was otitis (there was redness surrounding the tympan) with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops for 5 days. No change. Went back to the ER. Now prescribed oral antibiotics for 5 days. Amoxicillin. No change. Finally went to my GP who diagnosed SSHL and immediately put on oral steroids by an ENT specialist for 10 days 60mg of Prednisone. I did get more flexibility in the ear but no change as to my hearing. Oral steroids were extended for another 4 days at the same dosage and tapered for 3 days. No change. First injection into the ear via the tympan. 1 week later no change. Audio still shows -60 to 80 db for lower frequencies and between -60db and -120db for higher frequencies. Now on a further 7 days of oral steroids, 60mg Prednisone. No change. Absolutely devastated. A buzzing noise in my ear outside when there is a lot of traffic. And it feels blocked.
Wow. I on almost extra same track as you. Just a couple days off. Same age (48) too! I first noticed around September 24th. Now on second week or oral steroids followed by one shot. So far no improvement.
@@joshua1332 No change, 8 weeks on. Totally depressing. I am told an hearing aid will ONLY work if the inner hairs of the Cochlea have not been damaged i.e. those transmitting messages to the brain. Otherwise, the sound will be amplified but that's it.....that's where the word recognition test comes into play....Still cannot get to grips I had NO WARNING! You have a veil across your eyesight, you immediately go to an eye specialist to check for cataract. Its a progressive illness. Plus no one has ever heard of SSHL in the medical community! Its like, oh, you lost your hearing. Nothing we can do about it....
I lost hearing In my left ear after years of tinnitus. I was diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss. At first I was given cortisone then an MRI for possible tumour. Then checked d’or Meunières disease. Eventually told nothing can be done. Same diagnose when I went to see specialist in Cuba. Overtime I’ve withdrawn socially as dining in restaurants or being with more than two people were difficult due to inability to follow conversations. I need to have the captions on TV and I can’t follow conversations with any background noise. People who mumble or have heavy accents are difficult to follow. I’m actually preferring my isolation.
I’ve had sshl to my right ear for 3 weeks. Finished Oral steroids, and now on 2nd ear injection. I would like to know , how many people here with sshl have high cholesterol? I’m just curious.
Hi! I am in treatment at about where you were when you posted this (but only with moderate loss). What was the final result? Did you get any hearing back?
I got this exact type of sudden hearing loss (not full hearing loss, just around 6000+ hz ) about 7 weeks ago and wasn’t able to get a proper diagnosis until this week from an ENT. He said nothing could be done at this time. Is that true? Can nothing really be done to restore all or at least almost all of my hearing?
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I'm.just 19 and I got hearing loss problem in my right ear I got no pain soo its lyk more I don't kno I'm.lyk deppresed tensed my doctor said me there's no treatment for it and that let me more down ....feel.low loneliness please help me I want to be normal.I can go through any pain to get rid of it ...I'm.from.nepal..please suggest me ...
How are you people? Happened to me 2 months ago, I woke up with severe tinnitus dizziness and vomiting, no hearing on right ear. Then it lasted a few days really bad. Then symptoms slowly faded away but hearing did not return. Just got a diagnosis yesterday from ENT; labirynthitis caused by virus, hearing nerve damaged. Even hearing aid wont really help.. Anyone reversed hearing loss later?
i had audiologist report do said admixture hearing loss i had another done there was slight improvement i said any is better than none last test was done this month if you had email i could show you them thanks
+Andrew Norris You can reach us by email at scheduling@azhear.com. I'll be sure to pass along your information to our providers and see if we can offer some advice!
+Arizona Hearing Center hi. I'm from Argentina and I have chronic otitis media in both ears. I'd like to know if having chronic otitis media makes me more prone to suffering damage to the inner ears. even though I have middle ear problems my biggest fear is to suffer from some damage to the inner ears. by the way, I have non suppurative chronic otitis media. I haven't had an infection in 3 years.
I got sudden deafness 2 weaks ago. And get vertigo too. But my my doctor did not give steroids through the ear but through the blood. is there the same?
@@ojodumeh3063 hello! I was given oral steroids but that didn't help. I have been using the supplement ginkgo. That helps me with ringing in ears and has been shown to help with vertigo.
@@ojodumeh3063 no sorry I mean an oral steroid called Prednisone. It is designed as far as I know to help with conditions In the ear that cause hearing issues and help elevate the symptoms. The supplement ginkgo I find effective for tinnitus and vertigo.
@@funshanpunjabivideo8957 I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.ask me ok
@@funshanpunjabivideo8957 If you surfing from tinnitus hearing Ringing use this 1, ginkgo biloba 2,black cohosh( root) 3,lesser periwinkle 4.acawu abime you can consult Dr oboh you can order the treatment from him directly(+2348083114591)
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
So easier to say and beautiful to listen but reality is hell out there,, I m just 46 yrs tinnutus in right ear only if that bustard evil not enough then tingling on face n head n pain , I m dealing everyday with this hell , I wish I m long dead pray I die n end this all torcher, So if you have above problem n pain n fukin ringing ear how can you fight this inner fight everyday, tingling on face , head ringing ear have encountered that's worst it even takes out emotion to feel normal makes paralysis, someone here with this kind if mind problem living a happy life Then inspire me But above motivation is for others weak chickens not for ppl like us
@@rrsf4i I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I went deaf in my left ear four years ago today. I woke up at 530am, fell on my face, I yelled to my boyfriend and said i couldn't walk or hear... he thought I was joking. I couldn't walk, I was spinning, I started puking. He rushed me to ER. They thought i had an ear infection. I couldn't walk, eat, shower myself, feed myself, go to restroom .... they tried steroids, then sent me to an ENT, did steroid injections... nothing...I still couldn't walk, lift my head.. they sent me to a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.... for 30 days. Nothing. Im 100% deaf in my left ear, they referred me to UofM Ann arbor hospital, I go through vestibular therapy for my balance every 3 weeks. They made me a cross fit hearing aide. People talk in my left hearing aide, I hear everything in my right hearing aide which is the transmitter. I developed tinnitus in my deaf ear, it rings all day all night, loud loud. UofM said I had a rare virus called "labrynthitis." But through much research, it does not add up. I know it was a sensionneural hearing loss..... but labrynthitis? They said this virus happens to 4% of US a year. I was never sick, I never felt anything until this morning I woke up and couldn't walk. I have balance issues, and my immune system has been horrible since...
Amber Demars mine was from a seizure, iwent to emergency room and it was a small cyst/tumor on stem of cerebellum.i had emergency surgery to remove it. Now I’m learning to walk again and have hearing aids prescribed for me
Hello sir I have sensorineural ear desease 1 & half month ago started. Is there any permanent solution for this & I have tinnitus also. Plz could you suggest
For my SHL and tinnitus, treatment was hearing aids. Since then I've had 15 decibel extra sudden loss more in one ear and after testing had to adjust the aids to compensate, 2 weeks too late for steroids. The issue with hearing loss is atrophy of brain and possible precursor to dementia. The tinnitus is the way the brain deals with the loss of hearing. All rather interesting albeit frustrating.
@@TONYGTONYG My ears are back to 90% better now after having two corticosteroid shots and a 10 day prescription of corticosteroid. I'm blessed that I can hear again!
@@najeebkr within 10 days after my 1st shot and taking those oral pills my ears were 70% better. Then I had my 2nd shot but no more pills....my hearing gradually improved over a month period and now its about 85-90% back to normal.
One week ago when I woke up. I lost my hearing. Same day I rush to doctor. He did his normal treatment and given steroid to eat. Aftet 4 days no effect. Than again I went and he send me for hearing test. Its showing that I have lost around 80 - 90 %.. Doc told me to continue with the same med. But no diff. I am 29 years old. Feeling so depreased. Its really effecting my personal and professional life. Feeling like loosing my confidence. Still hoping Good from GOD.
+Andrew Norris We're very sorry to hear of your experience. Since a few months have passed, we believe a series of transtympanic infusions would not benefit your situation however, unless you have a comprehensive exam and determine the severity, it's unfair to diagnose you online without concrete details to support said diagnosis. You can visit azhear.com and learn more about sudden hearing loss, or give us a call and discuss your situation at 602.313.1367. One thing to remember: it's NEVER too late to do anything. Stay positive, and know you're not alone. We hope the best for you and your journey!
I'm too deaf for 10 years . Even God cannot cure this or He doesn't take responsibility of any mechanical diffect in your later life. He is only for punish us and put on to hell. That's all about His role . Thank you
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I'm 26 and last September I also lost my hearing. I was born deaf in my left ear, and one day I got a flu shot and woke up with SSNHL the next morning. Everything sounded distorted. I heard double voices, like a robotic demon sound paralleling over people's voices, music and all noise. Everything was just a garbled mess of noise and loud pounding with humming sound that stayed 24/7. It got worse for 4 days and eventually I had hyperacusis. Every noise brought me to my knees. Planes flying in the sky, peeing in the toilet/flushing the toilet, music, people talking; everything was too loud and made my head feel like it was about to pop. Not to mention that with all of this I had overwhelming vertigo.
I got into my ENT after going to the ER, and was given prednisone. It cleared about slightly on about day 5, and a fter about 8 days it started to return to normal with slight sound sensitivity. It's been over a year now and (Thank the Lord) my ear is at about 100%. I have extreme PTSD from the situation and fear every day that the SSNHL will come back one morning when I awake. Even though my ENT has told me the chances of this coming back are almost non-existent. He said he's never seen a case of SSNHL "just come back" and that of all the symptoms I had, the hearing should be okay. We discussed the possibility of meniere's disease. Around october of this year I awoke with clogged hearing and bad vertigo, but NOTHING compared to what it was in 2019. He still doesn't suspect meniere's, but wants to run tests.
How do you guys cope with the fears and anxiety that came along with it? Are you able to control your stress and live a normal life? If so, please give me advice.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
Holy crabapples. I got the flue rn and my ears stopped working.....
Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video. It is very much appreciated, and has helped so many people 😊
You have been lucky, thank you for your story. I lost my left ear two years ago, got one treatment but it is not going any better. I was a very sociable person before, and now I prefer not be in big groups.
Me too. I lost my right ear about 7 years ago when I was in the last semester of Junior high school. Back then, I didn't accept my condition even I blamed myself very often. I did any treatments but it did not work. I lost my hope to get my right ear back. Being in senior high school with one ear left, gave me so much pressure and it got me frustrated even I isolated myself to not meeting any people. Day by day, I realized that I couldn't be just blaming myself for whatever life has given me this way. And I accept my conditions and let this life run with only one ear hearing. I know that this is not easy. But accepting the situation gives me more power to bounce back! I do socialize again with my surroundings and got so much support from them when they know my conditions.
@@jainulabidin3 don't lose hope bro, keep fighting. You could pray to God instead. Nothing is impossible, if you just believe you could restore your hearing back.
Keep us updated bro
@@jainulabidin3 I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
@@norway3399 yes a lot
i lost hearing in left ear in January this year. it was sudden and i was shocked and anxious. i went to an ENT doctor and he diagnosed mild hearing loss in my left ear. my right ear is working fine. the hearing never came back i have moderate hearing loss in my left ear and it is due to damage to nerves in my ear. don't wait if you suffer sudden hearing loss get it checked immediately
Same, I suffered from a mild hearing loss in my left ear after I got an ear infection. Since I was too busy with all of my college life and stuff, I did not go to see a doctor or anything coz I think the infection isn't that bad anyway. Now I'm 30% deaf on my left ear, and I wish I had acted differently.
Same for me but it’s the right ear
Same for me but both ears😭
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
Same happen with me 2days ago I lost hearing in left ear in February this year 😢
I'm 22, and deal with tinnitus in my left ear from the aftermath of sudden hearing loss. Last September, just after my 22 birthday, I instantly went deaf on my left side while at the gym. I went to a doctor after work the next day who said It was simply an infection...one week later it was no better. So I went to my family nurse practitioner and she immediately gave me oral steroids', and got me to an ear nose and throat doctor who doubled the dosage. My hearing is back, however the tinnitus is bad at times and comes in waves depending on how loud things are, the louder the worse. I've lost my upper range of hearing as well...its frustrating to say the least.
30 here and the same thing happened to me 6 months ago. The tinnitus is the worst and I have it in both ears now. If you were using earphones at the gym then it might've been caused by noise damage.
I'm 26 and last September I also lost my hearing. I was born deaf in my left ear, and one day I got a flu shot and woke up with SSNHL the next morning. Everything sounded distorted. I heard double voices, like a robotic demon sound paralleling over people's voices, music and all noise. Everything was just a garbled mess of noise and loud pounding with humming sound that stayed 24/7. It got worse for 4 days and eventually I had hyperacusis. Every noise brought me to my knees. Planes flying in the sky, peeing in the toilet/flushing the toilet, music, people talking; everything was too loud and made my head feel like it was about to pop. Not to mention that with all of this I had overwhelming vertigo.
I got into my ENT after going to the ER, and was given prednisone. It cleared about slightly on about day 5, and a fter about 8 days it started to return to normal with slight sound sensitivity. It's been over a year now and (Thank the Lord) my ear is at about 100%. I have extreme PTSD from the situation and fear every day that the SSNHL will come back one morning when I awake. Even though my ENT has told me the chances of this coming back are almost non-existent. He said he's never seen a case of SSNHL "just come back" and that of all the symptoms I had, the hearing should be okay. We discussed the possibility of meniere's disease. Around october of this year I awoke with clogged hearing and bad vertigo, but NOTHING compared to what it was in 2019. He still doesn't suspect meniere's, but wants to run tests.
How do you guys cope with the fears and anxiety that came along with it? Are you able to control your stress and live a normal life? If so, please give me advice.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
Thanks for posting. I was experiencing ringing last week and thought it was an infection or allergic reaction. Then i lost hearing in my right ear a few days later. I went to a quick care who gave me antibiotics but nothing else. I tried scheduling with ENTs but they were all trying to set appointments 2 months out. I felt so hopeless and ended up going to the ER in sheer desperation. They thankfully got me on a steroid treatment and set me up with an ENT tomorrow. I never heard of sudden hearing loss until now and I'm only 29. Without a doubt this is the scariest thing that has happened to me so far, but I've sort of made peace with it. Whatever happens, God is in control and has a purpose in everything.
if its 2m onths there is no use of steroids, its best to take steroids within 2 weeks of sudden hear loss, i have it and steroids didnt worked as i started too late
How are you doing now?
It's 2 am and I'm in stress mode waiting for my 9am appointment. Thank you for this video,it is helping some
I just dealt with this, myself, 10 days ago. Right ear, heavy ringing, electrical type beeping noises.
@@TONYGTONYG I am also going through it. I posted above about what happened to me. For a solid week, I was an emotional wreck. I have never felt so depressed in all my life,. Like I was wishing I fell asleep and just didn't wake up. But I have been doing the oral steroid treatment for 10 days now. I had sudden deafness in my right ear as well. I am just doing what the ENT wants me to do. The relentless high-pitch ringing is the hardest thing. I have constant anxiety about whether this will be for the rest of my life or not. Not knowing if the treatment will really help. I have not seen any major improvement. However, it has not been quite 3 weeks, and I shouldn't expect this to be corrected in a short span of time. Research has led me to believe this can take months to get better - if it gets better. I never knew that you could hear perfectly one day, wake up, and lose a significant amount of hearing. No warning. No progressive hearing loss. It is as if the light switch was suddenly turned off.
@@80sWavrDude - any news?
@@80sWavrDude I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.ask me ok
I had sudden deafness in my left ear 22 years ago. I wasn't diagnosed for about 2 weeks, and the subsequent steroid and other treatments only led to very minor improvement, about 5% hearing. I have continuous white noise in the affected ear, which in the beginning was very frightening, and I thought it may drive me mad. Now I don't really notice it until talking about it like now., your brain learns to ignore it if you just try to carry on with life and stop looking for a cure. So for anyone who has this, get treatment asap. but if treatment doesn't work, it is not the end of the world, you will be fine, just stay calm.
I have had same thing for 10 years now.
@@lifecontent6525 I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
Thank you for sharing your experience. My friend has sudden hearing loss in his right ear 6 months ago and also has constant noise in his ear. He can only hear vibration, nothing else in his right ear. He went to a hearing doctor within a week of this happing, the steroids didn't help him at all. Every day is a struggle. It's hard for him to go to sleep, to hear people/ conversations, but you just have to deal with it.
@@havva8675 Hi Yeva, yes it is very difficult at first. The noise seemed overwhelming, and hearing people waa very difficult. As I said above, keep calm because it will become manageable as your brain adjusts. My noise is still there after 23 years, but I honestly don't hear it for days/weeks on end...at this moment I do, because we are discussing it. Your brain chooses to ignore it and you get better at hearing through it. I still struggle hearing people when there is background noise, but it isn't something that has a big effect on my life. For someone recently diagnosed, the hearing aid that detects sound in your bad side and transmits to yoyr bad side may well be something to investigate. My specialist told me not to bother after all these years as my brain had adjusted and I was managing fine. So I repeat, tell your friend to stay calm, don't fight it but accept it, and it will gradually, but definitely, get easier and become manageable.
@@havva8675 if you are suffering from tinnitus and you want to get rid of it watch this video.ruclips.net/video/00p22O_4J8Y/видео.html
I did all of the treatments and timing of this video. I’m 5 weeks and two shots in and have recovered about 5% of my hearing. More work needs to be done to understand each cases cause instead of just throwing cortisone at it.
I sensed this in my ear and called a doctor after 2 days of clogged ear and worsened tinnitus. They gave me an appointment after 7 days. Doctor checked for wax, but that was not a problem. She ordinated 7 days of rest and the to checkup if there was a change.
So 14 days after initial contact I met another doctor that, by my "suspicion of this thing I found on internet called sudden deafness" sent me to specialist the same day. They test me but say it's not worth putting me on oral steroids this late in (16days).
20 days in I get a hearing test made that confirms partial hearing loss.
26days later I meet a specialist again that repeatedly explains that steroids will no none or very little change. I insist because of my occupation. I'm now on my 3rd day with steroids and hoping for the best. Im a municipal employed guitar-teacher and professional musician in Sweden.
I am grateful for the Healthcare we have here and I belive my case is amongst the the unfortunate few. However..I will be looking into private health insurance. Good luck to all of you.
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
How did it turn out for you?
@@arthursimsa9005 I bought a signia pure charge &go hearing aid and while it's a very minor hearing loss it still helps maintaining the illusion of my normal hearing. I hope wider bandwidth will be availible in hearing aids in the future.
After 26 years, yesterday was the day I found out I loss of sense of hearing for my right ear.
Wing it same for me form 30 years ago and told by some of the best doctors that nothing they could do. Thankfully the other ear has served me well over the years.
@@swisstrader any advice for a new guy? 1month in, the tinnitus is worse than the lack of sound on the left
rrs f4i hang in there...took a few months for my brain to get used to the tinnitus, but eventually it did.
@@swisstrader 4 months in, indeed tinnitus gets better as in less intrusive, doesn't affect me when im focused or distracted but is definitely annoying while chilling in a quiet place. one more question, if i may, any advice on how to keep the other ear working fine for the years to come since this is my no 1 health priority? also, do you remember popping sounds in the beginning? I know its 30yrs ago but my deaf ear pops multiple times per day, can only describe it as listening to soft drink in a glass - bubbles popping as they reach the surface. can also feel the pops, but most of all i feel intense inner ear pain every other week that gets better after ear pops multiple times. weird, right?
rrs f4i let me start by saying I hope you’ve found yourself a decent ENT. On my end, I did not have popping noises or anything like that in my bad ear.
With respect to how I’ve kept the other ear safe for years, I will say a couple things: 1) my ENT at that time indicated that there was a VERY slim chance of whatever it was that affected the one ear will affect your good ear, 2) I am WAY over cautious with my good ear...won’t listen to music w earbuds on, no live concerts, wear ear protection at sporting events, have a set of noise cancellation headphones next to my bed in case fire alarm goes off and just using a lot of caution.
I am so lucky. This happened to me on Christmas day '18. Within the span of 1 hour, I had lost 60% of hearing in one ear. There was a strong buzzing sound in that ear as well. I did not take it as seriously. Luckily, 24hrs later, it began to reverse and completely reversed by the third day.
The main reason I did not take action is because I attributed it discontinuing the medication Mirtazapine a few days prior.
If this happens to you, go to the ER immediately, only about 3 in 10 cases resolve on their own like mine.
This. Go to the ER, skip your regular doctor or clinic. They will generally take the wait and see approach if lucky, suggest a hearing test. But the clock will be ticking. Don't leave it to others, they won't care as much as you do about your health.
I'm happy for you. I just went deaf on left ear 2 days ago. I'm going through the process now. What makes it uneasy is that it came from nothing for no reason. Just all of a sudden I'm deaf. Very very frustrating... 😔😔😔
How are you now ? Can you hear m
Any updates? Same thing going on a month now
Bro r u fine now??
I m also suffering from this for 10 days
@@abhishekYadav-ss8dz I just woke up like a few weeks ago and could not hear out of my right ear
One week ago when I woke up. I lost my hearing. Same day I rush to doctor. He did his normal treatment and given steroid to eat. Aftet 4 days no effect. Than again I went and he send me for hearing test. Its showing that I have lost around 80 - 90 %.. Doc told me to continue with the same med. But no diff. I am 29 years old. Feeling so depreased. Its really effecting my personal and professional life. Feeling like loosing my confidence. Still hoping Good from GOD.
Suffering from the same brother... Totally frustrated now...
Im suffering from that right now.
Its been 5 months for you...any updates?
@@MsCubanmex T
Today again I did my hearing test. 10 to 15% improvement is there. No treatment available.
I am facilng same problem..... I have already frustrated and i have no hope..... Plz someone advice me
Did you recover??
I lost my hearing in left and mild hearing loss in the right ear when i was 17 suddenly due to severe viral infection. Its been 6 years from the incident. Struggling ever since that day. I also have severe tinnitus which drives me insane. I am a bit envious. It would be better if my tinnitus gets in control. Just hoping for the best.. :)
Same my guy, same... although my tinnitus might not be that severe. I only hear it if the room is really quite or when I'm about to go to sleep
Hey im also 18 i was also afraid that im going to get it
Did you took those steroid injections
@@MM-qs8io just visit any ENT doctor, they will give you them steroid if you need it. But don't wait tho, as steroid is only used to reduce the inflammation, and the inflammation isn't treated fast it may permanently damage ur ear
@@BayuSenoadi I am fine bro normal hearing 15 DB and im same since one month but im afraid that suddenly I will lose my hearing
I hope my hearing comes back eventually. I did everything that was mentioned in the video. I seeked out medical evaluation within a week since it started and after multiple steroids (Both Oral and Tympanic injections and MRI which came back normal) still haven't recuperated my hearing. It's Sad yes, brain kind of adjusts after a while, tinnitus gets less noticable but still there. I'm closer to 4 months since it began and no change. Trying to get a second opinion just to make sure nothing was missed. But kind of dealing with the fact that it may be permanent and looking into cros hearing aids.
Did your hearing get better now ?
@@yukineko7386 6 months and nothing. Mine may be permanent unfortunately. I have gotten used to it though. I don't get dizzy anymore, the ringing is there but I don't usually notice it. I have made some life adjustments. Looking into BiCros hearing aids in the future.
no changes you mean no improvement ? Kinda sad :(
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
what about dizziness and vertigo? did you have those symptoms, if you did , did it pass?
I hope someone somewhere in the world is studying SHL and can some day help everyone who suddenly lost their hearing. If anyone has success stories please share under this comment
Same thing ... Left ear .... All doctor said was that there was nothing he could do. Well, he did do something. He charged me two grand for his 30 second diagnosis.
I'm currently suffering of this. Im going on my 4th week. Just received my 3rd and last cortisone injection. No improvement so far. MRI came out normal and there's is no explanation for my hearing loss. Here's hoping I just have to be patient and it'll come back eventually.
How are you now? Do you have tinnitus?
How are u now ?
Bro how are u now
Hey how r u now
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I am 48. On 31/08/2021, after a short afternoon nap, I suddenly could no longer hear from my right ear. The conduit to the tympan had been swollen for a couple of days but nothing serious. I went to the ER and diagnosis was otitis (there was redness surrounding the tympan) with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops for 5 days. No change. Went back to the ER. Now prescribed oral antibiotics for 5 days. Amoxicillin. No change. Finally went to my GP who diagnosed SSHL and immediately put on oral steroids by an ENT specialist for 10 days 60mg of Prednisone. I did get more flexibility in the ear but no change as to my hearing. Oral steroids were extended for another 4 days at the same dosage and tapered for 3 days. No change. First injection into the ear via the tympan. 1 week later no change. Audio still shows -60 to 80 db for lower frequencies and between -60db and -120db for higher frequencies. Now on a further 7 days of oral steroids, 60mg Prednisone. No change. Absolutely devastated. A buzzing noise in my ear outside when there is a lot of traffic. And it feels blocked.
Wow. I on almost extra same track as you. Just a couple days off. Same age (48) too! I first noticed around September 24th. Now on second week or oral steroids followed by one shot. So far no improvement.
@@joshua1332 No change, 8 weeks on. Totally depressing. I am told an hearing aid will ONLY work if the inner hairs of the Cochlea have not been damaged i.e. those transmitting messages to the brain. Otherwise, the sound will be amplified but that's it.....that's where the word recognition test comes into play....Still cannot get to grips I had NO WARNING! You have a veil across your eyesight, you immediately go to an eye specialist to check for cataract. Its a progressive illness. Plus no one has ever heard of SSHL in the medical community! Its like, oh, you lost your hearing. Nothing we can do about it....
I am dealing with the same issue. How are your symptoms now?
@@Alfred323 There is no change. Still deaf on my right hand side.
I lost hearing In my left ear after years of tinnitus. I was diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss. At first I was given cortisone then an MRI for possible tumour. Then checked d’or Meunières disease. Eventually told nothing can be done.
Same diagnose when I went to see specialist in Cuba.
Overtime I’ve withdrawn socially as dining in restaurants or being with more than two people were difficult due to inability to follow conversations. I need to have the captions on TV and I can’t follow conversations with any background noise.
People who mumble or have heavy accents are difficult to follow.
I’m actually preferring my isolation.
I’ve had sshl to my right ear for 3 weeks. Finished Oral steroids, and now on 2nd ear injection. I would like to know , how many people here with sshl have high cholesterol? I’m just curious.
Hi! I am in treatment at about where you were when you posted this (but only with moderate loss). What was the final result? Did you get any hearing back?
I got this exact type of sudden hearing loss (not full hearing loss, just around 6000+ hz ) about 7 weeks ago and wasn’t able to get a proper diagnosis until this week from an ENT. He said nothing could be done at this time. Is that true? Can nothing really be done to restore all or at least almost all of my hearing?
did u hear anything else man?
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I'm.just 19 and I got hearing loss problem in my right ear I got no pain soo its lyk more I don't kno I'm.lyk deppresed tensed my doctor said me there's no treatment for it and that let me more down ....feel.low loneliness please help me I want to be normal.I can go through any pain to get rid of it ...I'm.from.nepal..please suggest me ...
nzita Malla same with me and I'm from Nepal KTM
@@godvegito1128 same with me😐
nzita Malla I am 18, and my right ear goes deaf out of nowhere in the morning and none of my doctors are taking me seriously, I need help too 😢
@@winterangel7747 same
How are you people?
Happened to me 2 months ago, I woke up with severe tinnitus dizziness and vomiting, no hearing on right ear. Then it lasted a few days really bad. Then symptoms slowly faded away but hearing did not return. Just got a diagnosis yesterday from ENT; labirynthitis caused by virus, hearing nerve damaged. Even hearing aid wont really help..
Anyone reversed hearing loss later?
I need do the same thing like you i keep praying for lord. I want to my improve some of my 👂 hearing man
did the lord listened?
Are you cured now
Lord never help us🥺🥺
I get sudden pressure than high pitch ring lasts 5 seconds
A few times a month
i had audiologist report do said admixture hearing loss i had another done there was slight improvement i said any is better than none last test was done this month if you had email i could show you them thanks
+Andrew Norris You can reach us by email at scheduling@azhear.com. I'll be sure to pass along your information to our providers and see if we can offer some advice!
+Arizona Hearing Center hi. I'm from Argentina and I have chronic otitis media in both ears. I'd like to know if having chronic otitis media makes me more prone to suffering damage to the inner ears. even though I have middle ear problems my biggest fear is to suffer from some damage to the inner ears. by the way, I have non suppurative chronic otitis media. I haven't had an infection in 3 years.
How long did it take when you get your hearing back?
I got sudden deafness 2 weaks ago. And get vertigo too. But my my doctor did not give steroids through the ear but through the blood. is there the same?
Hello! I am dealing with the same type of issue but with no vertigo. How are you now?
@@Alfred323 iam with vertigo. So what has the doctor given to you?
@@ojodumeh3063 hello! I was given oral steroids but that didn't help. I have been using the supplement ginkgo. That helps me with ringing in ears and has been shown to help with vertigo.
@@Alfred323 what do you mean oral steroid? what steroids are put in your ear?
@@ojodumeh3063 no sorry I mean an oral steroid called Prednisone. It is designed as far as I know to help with conditions In the ear that cause hearing issues and help elevate the symptoms. The supplement ginkgo I find effective for tinnitus and vertigo.
Sir m 29 years old my lost right ear loss before 8 years sudden with swimming
Any solution please help me
@@funshanpunjabivideo8957 I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.ask me ok
@@sathyaray4878 sir Acawu and Abime what is this can you send pics to me my whtsaap number 917908364229
@@funshanpunjabivideo8957 If you surfing from tinnitus hearing Ringing use this
1, ginkgo biloba
2,black cohosh( root)
3,lesser periwinkle
4.acawu abime you can consult Dr oboh you can order the treatment from him directly(+2348083114591)
I can hear mine just feels clogged and I have a cold
That's called a sinus infection, not sudden loss of hearing...
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
Hello lost both 4he cause is cause is covid is there hope will come back normal?
Can we contact if someone come up with this issue?
I can a hear tiny bit of my voice 😥😥😭😭😭😭 i need Tremanet as. Soon a s possible
Frequency Terapeutics Fx-322 e Astellas God speed cure hearing loss
I get the panic.. I don’t have money to get help.. it’s pretty embarrassing for me.. I’ll make it through I bet👍
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
So easier to say and beautiful to listen but reality is hell out there,,
I m just 46 yrs tinnutus in right ear only if that bustard evil not enough then tingling on face n head n pain , I m dealing everyday with this hell , I wish I m long dead pray I die n end this all torcher,
So if you have above problem n pain n fukin ringing ear how can you fight this inner fight everyday, tingling on face , head ringing ear have encountered that's worst it even takes out emotion to feel normal makes paralysis, someone here with this kind if mind problem living a happy life Then inspire me
But above motivation is for others weak chickens not for ppl like us
Hi did you get any vertigo attack ?
i did, please share what happened
@@rrsf4i I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
You are very lucky😊
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok
I went deaf in my left ear four years ago today. I woke up at 530am, fell on my face, I yelled to my boyfriend and said i couldn't walk or hear... he thought I was joking. I couldn't walk, I was spinning, I started puking. He rushed me to ER. They thought i had an ear infection. I couldn't walk, eat, shower myself, feed myself, go to restroom .... they tried steroids, then sent me to an ENT, did steroid injections... nothing...I still couldn't walk, lift my head.. they sent me to a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.... for 30 days. Nothing. Im 100% deaf in my left ear, they referred me to UofM Ann arbor hospital, I go through vestibular therapy for my balance every 3 weeks. They made me a cross fit hearing aide. People talk in my left hearing aide, I hear everything in my right hearing aide which is the transmitter. I developed tinnitus in my deaf ear, it rings all day all night, loud loud. UofM said I had a rare virus called "labrynthitis." But through much research, it does not add up. I know it was a sensionneural hearing loss..... but labrynthitis? They said this virus happens to 4% of US a year. I was never sick, I never felt anything until this morning I woke up and couldn't walk. I have balance issues, and my immune system has been horrible since...
Amber Demars i have total hearing loss in my left ear and struggle with balance as well and I have Cerebellar Ataxia.
@@Louie200Seven cerebellar ataxia? What's that? I struggle with balance. Was it sudden?
@@Louie200Seven did you get tinnitus also?
Amber Demars mine was from a seizure, iwent to emergency room and it was a small cyst/tumor on stem of cerebellum.i had emergency surgery to remove it. Now I’m learning to walk again and have hearing aids prescribed for me
Amber Demars and yes I get tinnitus in my left ear (where I am totally deaf) sometimes. I don’t know what triggers it
Hello sir I have sensorineural ear desease 1 & half month ago started. Is there any permanent solution for this & I have tinnitus also. Plz could you suggest
Sathish Yalla -I am in the same situation as you are. There are tinnitus solutions online, but no cure for sensorineural hearing loss. Sorry.
I have also same problem.. please suggest me
For my SHL and tinnitus, treatment was hearing aids. Since then I've had 15 decibel extra sudden loss more in one ear and after testing had to adjust the aids to compensate, 2 weeks too late for steroids.
The issue with hearing loss is atrophy of brain and possible precursor to dementia. The tinnitus is the way the brain deals with the loss of hearing.
All rather interesting albeit frustrating.
I just had a steroid shot injected into my left ear 5 days ago and taking steroid pills everyday but still no progress... sigh.
How are you now?
@@TONYGTONYG My ears are back to 90% better now after having two corticosteroid shots and a 10 day prescription of corticosteroid. I'm blessed that I can hear again!
Happy to hear that you have improvement. How many days took for you to recover your hearing loss?
@@najeebkr within 10 days after my 1st shot and taking those oral pills my ears were 70% better. Then I had my 2nd shot but no more pills....my hearing gradually improved over a month period and now its about 85-90% back to normal.
One week ago when I woke up. I lost my hearing. Same day I rush to doctor. He did his normal treatment and given steroid to eat. Aftet 4 days no effect. Than again I went and he send me for hearing test. Its showing that I have lost around 80 - 90 %.. Doc told me to continue with the same med. But no diff. I am 29 years old. Feeling so depreased. Its really effecting my personal and professional life. Feeling like loosing my confidence. Still hoping Good from GOD.
I have had SHL since late jan do you think its too late ?
+Andrew Norris We're very sorry to hear of your experience. Since a few months have passed, we believe a series of transtympanic infusions would not benefit your situation however, unless you have a comprehensive exam and determine the severity, it's unfair to diagnose you online without concrete details to support said diagnosis.
You can visit azhear.com and learn more about sudden hearing loss, or give us a call and discuss your situation at 602.313.1367. One thing to remember: it's NEVER too late to do anything. Stay positive, and know you're not alone. We hope the best for you and your journey!
Root canals
I'm too deaf for 10 years .
Even God cannot cure this or He doesn't take responsibility of any mechanical diffect in your later life.
He is only for punish us and put on to hell.
That's all about His role .
Thank you
I can recommend a powerful treatment for you . get lime orange Acawu abime and cotton wool.then you mix the lime orange Acawu abime together and use cotton wool to apply it to your ear morning and evening twice a day before you know it it will decrease and you finally get rid of it and if you need any assistance.let me know drop your WhatsApp number ok