Nice to see you back FMO. Seems like Vortix avoided bringing out the spears fearing the English longbows which Wam avoided entirely and then failed to adapt when they didn't appear.
ok soo I'm no expert but this is definitely not how one should play with Delhi's army against English like the army comp is just wrong Delhi should never lose to knights because you have the elephants and Delhi has some of the best man at arms in the game way better than the English counterpart Delhi has near to none bonuses for their archers besides half a range from pikes and lancers are a harass unit for Delhi not their main tank that would be the elephants and man at arms job hell even tower elephants tank better than lancers while providing the dps of nearly 5 archers again no offence I'm just a Delhi main who thinks this match up should've ended the moment white tower went down
It's nice to see you back!! I always visit your page for new updates and now I'm glad to see new contents! Stay well and more power sir!!
Thanks! great to have ya here 💙
Brilliant game. Welcome back. BTW Wam only had three tree lines while Vortix had six!
Great game, was in the balance for such a long time !
Nice to see you back FMO. Seems like Vortix avoided bringing out the spears fearing the English longbows which Wam avoided entirely and then failed to adapt when they didn't appear.
Thanks dude! Its great to be back, the break did me some good, hoping that we get that new DLC soon 😃😃Great to have ya here
great to see you back!
Cheers dude! its great to have ya here
1 elephant would of ended this game at 20min mark
ok soo I'm no expert but this is definitely not how one should play with Delhi's army against English like the army comp is just wrong Delhi should never lose to knights because you have the elephants and Delhi has some of the best man at arms in the game way better than the English counterpart Delhi has near to none bonuses for their archers besides half a range from pikes and lancers are a harass unit for Delhi not their main tank that would be the elephants and man at arms job hell even tower elephants tank better than lancers while providing the dps of nearly 5 archers again no offence I'm just a Delhi main who thinks this match up should've ended the moment white tower went down