[free] swapa + tana + akachi + sxprano type beat - "streami" w/ near4k
- Опубликовано: 11 фев 2025
- idk
if you wanna get a lease or buy exclusive hit my instagram @tainiykick. my beats are not free for profit. if you use any of my beats you must credit me.
mail: tainiykick2@gmail.com
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summrs type beat
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Dopest producer in the game
wow 😯
can you tell what that sound is at the start of the beat, it plays like every 4 bars
electrostats one shot in venexi 3k kit
@@tainiykick or electrostar in zenology lol
@@TravisB72924tysm for pmo been looking for this sound
where can I find that wobble sound??
search up venexxi kits
I jus dmed u on IG
heyyzahr - 392