Creon Levit: NASA, Early Life, Molecular Machines, AI, COVID, Blockchain, Planet Labs, Speech

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @jonboycat3513
    @jonboycat3513 Год назад +2

    such a brilliant talk outstanding

  • @twinpeaksfanclub5493
    @twinpeaksfanclub5493 Год назад

    OK, I'm halfway through this podcast, and Creon kind of touched a nerve with me here about the Science Groupthink going on. I'm going to say a number of topics here and string a bunch of seemingly unrelated stuff together, so this is going to be kind of long. Please bear with me.
    About me: I'm a white american living in the US and I'm a podcast addict. Like you mentioned at the beginning of this program, and I also listen to the Weinsteins, both Bret AND Eric. This is the first time I have heard of this Creon guy. But before I get into the meat of this, I want to mention about your Ethiopian background, why it's exciting to see an Ethiopian touch upon these subjects because...
    I also been following geopolitics in general and I have been predicting, for a LONG time, that Africa is going to be a rising industrial and economic power base further into this century, like Asia has become, and, with a projected population of 4.5 billion people by the middle of this century..., and with the fastest growing population of young..., that's a lot of talent and mind power and creativity that could go into advancing these technologies. So if there are any people on the continent listening to you broach these subjects, of heretical science, fusion research, UAP propulsion, metamaterials...
    This is what NEEDS to happen to inspire a lot of young and future thinkers getting involved in this work. On Facebook I interact with Kenyan permaculture farmers living in and around Lake Victoria, trying to feed communities. There is a huge problem with drought there. My intuition tells me that some of these technologies, that Jack Sarfatti and Creon is talking about, may be useful also in soil regeneration and weather modification to increase rainfall, de-desertification, and increasing crop yields. Particularly nano-technological processes and cold fusion to purify and/or desalinate water. Not to mention low energy Antigravity being put to use to increase transportation and commerce to landlocked countries like Mali, leveling the geopolitical playing field which has heretofore been dominated by maritime powers like Britain.
    That being said, I am eternally frustrated by the stagnation and knee-jerk skepticism and censorship in Western science toward any new ideas like: Antigravity, Cold Fusion, and other concepts like that. I feel that it is a part of a broad conspiracy by elite controllers, mainly derived from the British Empire and the Davos Crowd that wants to tell us we can't have abundance and that we have to get used to scarcity and expect nothing but doom and gloom, "climate emergency" and so on. Then when you talk about ideas that will create abundance, and how they are being suppressed, they call you a "conspiracy theorist" or a "fringe nut" or, even worse, maybe a Racist. Because you embrace ideas outside of the mainstream National Security Corporate State.
    I feel like they are pushing us toward a Medieval Feudal existence, and are using "Science" to push it. They are happy to talk about how Religion created a feudal backward society but rush to the defense of their "Science" which is biased toward statistical modeling, empiricism, and Darwinian Gradualism. Not to mention their belief that the Universe itself is a dying, Closed System winding down to Thermodynamic Heat Death, rather than a living universe governed by harmonies and anti-entropic systems of self-organization. This Thermodynamic Heat Death view of the Universe promotes a belief in scarcity as being real, rather than artificial, thus engenders the belief that nothing can be done about it. Then, this becomes a platform for control and limiting of population living at a high standard, creating poverty. So what happens is you get this Science-Humanities alliance in Academia, Media, and Government that shouts "Anti Racism" from the rooftops and shames people from abundant countries, yet at the same time ENFORCES the very kind of racist power structure that they claim to fight against. When you look at how Russia and China are trying to work with African countries to build partnerships for development, nuclear energy, high speed rail, thorium power, and so on, and you look at how Woke Liberals in the West continually condemn Russia...And how they call anyone who raises these issues a "Putin Apologist" (which is tantamount to calling someone a Racist or a Male Chauvinist...) These are often the VERY SAME people who will call you a "fringe nut" if you embrace ideas like cold fusion., zero point energy, antigravity, or faster than light travel,..saying it's all just a pipe dream. It's like they are INSISTENT on throwing a wet blanket on all your aspirations for growth. Just get used to living with windmills and solar cells in medieval, low-tech, low abundance, hand to mouth Hunger Games kind of existence, they tell you.
    Meanwhile, the very people that are most zealous about calling everybody "racists" and "white supremacists" "deplorables" and so on are the VERY same ones who will do things like: Regime Change Libya, causing every other country around there like Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger to become inundated with radical militants destabilizing their nations as well. They seem intent on sabotaging Africa's development at every turn.
    I don't know...What do you think of all this? Have you noticed this? I know it's a lot of concepts strung together. What do you think of China in Africa? Good Guy? Bad Guy? Lesser of Two Evils? I'm curious. What do you think of the BRICS thing?
    At any rate, what is really pissing me off the most about the West right now is its rigid, closed-minded Science paradigm.

    • @danieldemissie
      @danieldemissie  Год назад +1

      @twinpeaksfanclub5493 First of all, I'd like to say I couldn't be more honored that you took the time to write such a thoughtful and extremely insightful comment. You mentioned Kenya, and I actually spent a lot of my early life there and visited Lake Victoria with my family. So, Kenya has a very special place in my heart.
      Onto your points. I share your enthusiasm about Africa being a rising economic and technological power. Africa's rapidly growing young population has a massive potential to be a hub of innovation, especially in the areas you mentioned-fusion research, UAP propulsion, and metamaterials.
      Your idea about applying these cutting-edge technologies for soil regeneration, weather modification, and desalinization is nothing short of groundbreaking. I too believe that the Western scientific community often exhibits a sort of tunnel vision. It's sometimes almost a cult of skepticism, heavily resistant to new ideas that don't fit the established paradigm but unfortunately I must say we can be even worse in Africa. This, I agree, is to humanity's detriment.
      I get your frustration with the Western narrative that promotes doom and gloom and stifles ideas that aim to bring about abundance. The contradictory actions of so-called 'woke liberals' in geopolitics do often work against the very principles they claim to uphold. Take, for instance, your example of regime change in Libya and its destabilizing impact on neighboring countries. These are, as you said, often the same people who scoff at the ideas of cold fusion or antigravity, choking humanity's progress under the guise of realism.
      As for China in Africa, it's a complex issue. On one hand, China's investments are aiding infrastructure development and economic growth. On the other, there's valid concern about a new form of colonialism, with China exerting excessive influence. So, perhaps, it's a 'lesser of two evils' situation at the moment.
      Regarding the BRICS alliance, it's an exciting geopolitical shift, but it's not without its challenges. The nations involved have their own agendas and conflicting interests, which could undermine the potential benefits of the coalition.
      To conclude, your point about the West's rigid, closed-minded science paradigm resonates deeply with me. It's a systemic issue that needs to be addressed for the greater good, not just for Africa but for humanity as a whole.
      Thanks once again for your comment. Your voice adds a necessary perspective to this conversation, and I look forward to hearing more from you and I really enjoyed reading what you wrote, it made my day.

    • @twinpeaksfanclub5493
      @twinpeaksfanclub5493 Год назад

      @@danieldemissie Thank you for saying that and for your wonderful comments! Yes, Lesser of Two Evils, I'm with you on that, with regard to China. And I do agree with your points about infrastructure and development too.
      Too many people see things as "us vs them" either/or where either we succeed or ____ country succeeds. But we all, all of humanity, black white mexican, asian, oceanian, all can benefit from Africa or India or South America advancing and to have as many countries advance as possible. Because it's a Win-Win cooperation, as new technologies and innovations come online.
      When I reincarnate, I want to wake up in a Star Trek or Star Wars kind of civilization, visiting and exploring all these exciting exoplanets. I don't want to wake up in some backward, ignorant, medieval world of low population and hoe and plow...where you don't get to travel more than 25 miles outside of your feudal estate. This is what I see our leaders trying to herd us into, and it burns me up, when we could accomplish so much more, as a Humanity.
      That's where I'm coming from...That's my motivation. I know warp drive and interstellar travel probably will not come in my lifetime and that's why I hope to reincarnate -- if there's such a thing -- into a world of interstellar travel and other advancements. But, with what Jack Sarfatti is saying, if it's true, then warp drive could probably come in about 100 years. Hopefully if we discover aliens on our travels out there, we won't repeat the same mistakes Humanity has done with each other, like colonialism and genocide and conquest and all that bad stuff. Hopefully it will be coexistence and mutual discovery.

  • @JackSarfatti
    @JackSarfatti Год назад +2

    Lawrence Livermore is testing my equation.

    • @danieldemissie
      @danieldemissie  Год назад

      Jack ur one of the most important people in this conversation