Keep in mind that you're probably a privi person because that's probably NOT the kind of contemplation that ordinary people all over the world have time for.
Actually, there are many times when Anton claims that something is mysterious - but when one looks into the actual scientific research he is reporting on, it's not mysterious at all, or only a little bit. Anton often uses such phrases and titles for clickbait, unfortunately. :(
Due to our location within the disc of the Milky Way, we have to look 'sideways' through the ridiculously large and incredibly densely packed space between us and the and galactic centre. There is so much matter in the way, and anything we 'see' from there is over 26,000 years old. Has what we see been unaffected in that time, over that distance and with all the conceivable interactions? We have no idea what preceded our first observations, our galaxy is billions of years old, so much of the evidence has come and gone. It's like sampling the water at estuary of the Amazon river today, and trying to determine what the water at the river's source was like a decade before.
While what you say is true regarding our galaxy, we are beginning to collect data from millions upon millions of other galaxies. That certainly gives us the ability. to calculate data about our own.
@@nightheron5892 the point of us looking back an not knowing whats going on this moment? Other then that you made no statement, we realize this, so, the point?
This may be a good way to map the spacetime distortion around a black hole if it is deformations in the spacetime surrounding it that's causing the changes observed in the magnetic field.
never ever stop wondering and collecting data. it's essential for humanity to relearn how to think on their own. PS. (never trust researchers or statistics blindly)
No idea....but didn't he just say in a recent video that ultraviolet light/heat radiation from Wolf Rya Stars cause dust to glow? So if these black holes radiate out or produce Ultraviolet light or infrared... Then yes the dust/has would glow.
Considering interaction with another magnetic field, and thus drawing in electrons, its not a real wild guess for blackhole lightning to be present somewhere.
Makes me wonder that if we had more visual clarity if it would look like the chaotic swirls we see with something like cream being mixed into coffee, or inks and paints mixing with a chaotic flow. I tend to think "everything" has flows like this - including things like high energy particles across large areas, magnetic fields, gas and dust clouds, we are just unable to observe the structures in high enough fidelity to see. The universe looks dark but it's a constant infinitely complex chaotic motion of matter and electromagnetism interacting. We are living in a giant slow motion (to our scale) explosion of energy, at least that's what it seems like
Wonderful Anton, I hav got maybe a strange thing to remark, maybe not and I am one of many. Anyway; Whenever you show a picture of the front of a paper I feel like being flashed by light. The contrast switcing to a bright white background in an instant even shocks me sometimes. I'm a bit light sensitive Do you think you could solve that bit of data transfer in a slightly different manner? Sime fading maybe, or picture in picture against a non-bright backdrop. That would really make watching your content even more wonderful I think. 🎉
It seems the magnetic forces are stronger than the gravitational forces of the black hole. Caused by electrons rubbing against one another in the accretion disk?
The gravity of black holes may slingshot rays of light in any direction giving a distorted impression, direction and size of the cosmos. Several black holes a great distance from one another may even slingshot light from distant stars several times before it reaches us, the observers. Or even return ancient light on a roundtrip that originated in our own galaxy.
There are some old illustrations of the supposed inhabitants of the various heavenly bodies, including the sun. Some talented artist should do an illustration of the inhabitants of Sagittarius A* and the strange world they live in/on.
He's got access to a website where those (peer reviewed) papers are published. Some sites have freely accessible papers but those offer an incomplete library.
Why are people freaked if Anton refers to the black hole SgrA* by reading it aloud as "Sagittarius A Star?" That's exactly how it reads. Should he say "Sagittarius A Asterisk" just for you? Got some STUPID commenters out there.
Is the 'A' even necessary? We know it's not a star but a black hole so why name it like a planetary system? It could be just "Sagitarius".. or you could replace the asterix with a 'o' to signify its a black hole. :). Point is perhaps we should look at the naming system itself rather than pick on Anton for his choice of symantics.
Hey @Cereal.interface, I'm sure there are reasons beyond my knowledge and understanding 🙂. And yes everybody does call it that, and yes (to others) English English (not American) would dictate that it pronounced Sag Asterix even tho u, in my experience, rightly claim everyone calls it that. But to us common lay folk, do we care about over or underlying intricacies that excite the states of various particles? Science becomes more accessible to lay people when put in terms they can understand or even relate to. I image this is partly why so many planetary object are named after mythological figures. Semantics, naming etc. are important, but that importance differs between then perspectives of a lay person to and that of thise with relevant knowledge and education. I think right now the world could use more lay people engaging in critical thought. Keeping the naming simple helps to increase engagement. Those in the know will understand the simplification. Any way, I'll step down from the soap box now 🙂. I do appreciate the comment and reasoning tho thx!
The electric universe is an attempt to re explain physics absent of gravity by over applying the electromagnetic force It fails to explain observations and lacks any institutional weight as no proponent of it can survive peer review due to a drought of experimental evidence Science cannot lend the electric universe credit because the electric universe is not science
"Hot gas escaping from bizarre tunnels" is either an alternate definition for "politician" or a great but long band name. Maybe instead the name of the first album.
@JZsBFF I don't know I guess it's one of those things if you see it you see it.I wonder where super nova's go to die after they went bang to many times.
@ That's a pity. I hoped that someone finally figured out what's in a black hole. As for supernova's (supernova is more of a phase/condition of a sun than anything else), there's a lot which we know about and there's plenty of videos on the subject, some better than others. Btw I could be wrong but I think that they only go bang once but it's a different bang for each depending on their mass.
Blackholes don't exist, according to Albert Einstein.... I love pretending they do though, a singularity actually existing is fascinating and mind blowing, love this channel!!!
Discoveries like these makes me wonder if we are correctly calculating just how much intergalactic matter there really is. Perhaps what we think is dark matter is just really cold gas and dust that isn't reacting with light?
We seem to have a perception that all of "dark matter" is one thing. I'm thinking that rather, there are many factors contributing to "dark matter/energy" that we are only beginning to understand the basics of. Dark matter and energy can both be affected by the recent time-scape model, while neither phenomenon can be completely described by it. Frame-dragging is a known phenomenon, but we haven't fully explored the relation of that inertial FoR to our own.
@@kalyasaify that was probably one of the scientist not being able to comprehend what she saw, and then labeling something as “impossible”. While even the old arabs text successfully explains how, then start a research, and guess what, write over that ancient text, and publish that, to claim the topic was solved by completely themself. Its that, or its the one who studies the obvious, like claiming that poop does smell bad…..
Trying to imagine these giant galactic sized MRI machines is a ton of fun and mind boggling. The one video, did I hear 100kTesla? If 3Tesla gets beautiful images of the human body, imagine 100kTesla! We could images the entire universe.
Hyperluminal speeds are pretty fast. Hypertachyonic speeds are super fast. But nothing is faster than stupid fast velocities. Hyperidiotic velocities are so fast that nobody knows how fast this fast really is. The speeds bend time such that the object goes backward in time so far that it passes before all the time in the universe, then this then spawns the start of the universe until it occurs again, which is pretty stupid.
I asked ChatGPT 4o which was faster. … Here’s a ranking of your speed terms from fastest to slowest (or at least in a sensible order): 1. Hypertachyonic speed - If we assume “tachyonic” refers to tachyons, which are hypothetical particles that always move faster than light, “hypertachyonic” would imply an even greater speed beyond that. 2. Hyperluminal speed - This suggests speeds beyond the speed of light, possibly using some exotic physics like wormholes or warp drives. 3. Ludicrous speed - As per Spaceballs, this is faster than light, since it makes you “go to plaid.” 4. Hyperidiotic speed - This is probably faster than Ludicrous speed but involves a level of recklessness or stupidity that defies physical reality. 5. Fast-fast speed - This is ambiguously fast but might not necessarily exceed light speed. 6. The speed of light (c) - The well-defined speed limit of 299,792,458 meters per second in vacuum. 7. The speed of magnetism - In classical physics, changes in a magnetic field propagate at the speed of light, so it’s tied with light speed in most cases. So, by purely fictional standards, Hypertachyonic speed would win-unless Hyperidiotic speed breaks all logic and transcends into something even dumber.
Anton I have a question. What's the difference between a Neutron star and a Black hole? And a question about Neuron stars. What happened to the Protons?
A neutron star is formed from a lower mass star at the end of it's life ( 1.4-8ish solar masses iirc), and a black hole is anything heavier that fully collapses to a black hole. A neutron star is super dense, but stabilized by the repulsive force of the neutrons themselves. The protons don't really go anywhere, they're converted into neutrons or blasted away when the star goes supernova and collapses.
So, not ridiculously powerful jets spanning 1000's of light years as per usual, cool. Edit oh no it's worse 'magnetic lines' which obviously don't exist have 'reconnected' SMH.
Not Birkeland currents, which only exist in planetary magnetospheres. And you cannot have 'more' evidence for something that has zero evidenc,e and is scientifically impossible pseudoscience to boot. Apart from that.....yeah, stick to the day job.
Throwing this out there. I wonder if some dark matter is the effect of supermassive black hole magnetic field. Maybe we underestimate the power and importance of supermassive black hole magnetic field over it's galaxy? Love me some Anton!
The strength of magnetic fields falls of rapidly with distances, much more rapidly than the strength of gravity. So it's not probable at all that the magnetic field of the SMBH has any effects on the outer regions of the Milky Way, about 50,000 light years away. Further, the SMBH in the Milky Way is rather small, e. g. the one in the Andromeda galaxy is at least 30 times heavier. So if the effects attributed to dark matter actually come from the magnetic fields of the SMBH, the effects in the Andromeda galaxy should be about 30 times greater than in the Milky Way. But they aren't.
People came up with magnetic models to explain dark matter observations in the 80s-90s, iirc. They failed, because they cannot explain how such a puny galactic field would accelerate ~ charge neutral stars around a galaxy. Once it became apparent that stars were on the same flat rotation curves as the gas and plasma, those models died a death.
miniature black hole, antimatter injectors, synchrotron stabilizers, and several tons of gas and dust. half a package of cigarettes. we can make chicago by morning.
Time... Still not accounting for time pressure on extremely dense matter to move forward into greater states of entropy through the time dimension. To sum it up in short any density of matter great enough to bend time will feel the pressure of time to move forward into the future i.e. the now of the extent that time has currently expanded
Tace a look in the sharings wat we heve deglacted with pressure and princeble fieldflow there graventational countering of the shaped plasmafilemental and how the manivest ciclesematics inbetween tham 😍
I wil make tomoro new playlist for you our tace a look in share backs to dairy events worldwide 😍 in there it is olso several times explained😍when I dit go mi fome was out and i olrady had 20 m video reactions and the playtime is 4.57 minnits😅 I tace the time tomoror to make it a litle shorther and directer And than mabey tomorrow otherwise Sunday you can look for it and understand . \\/ 🌐💢
We are within the whormhole behavieures of the inerhelio deflector aray 😍 look tomoro whay saturnes is so bright in the skay these days😍 Cosmic lencing where space behaves as a whormhole on demand of the troyans ophone the kometbeld behavieures so this interactions acts like a directional releay organs of the fermibuble her princeple behavior 😍💜😍
Yeb see simular as you say on eurth polar refursal onley there is not radiation traiflng to here these ace thentional diverentional displasmends/phocused defusional translations/lesser thentional diverentional translations and directional fieldflows behavieures and debiation potentional behavieures that the outcome over here ()()()🌀☪️💢🌐💢🌐💢☪️and you masher radiation
O yes 7 poor years in summerr we passed the Justinian troyans 7 riche years we pased the Justinian troyans in winter🤣 Latley it is o ley 12 and somting eurthyears 😍 antropy and lowering inerhelio thention and kuiperpull thention ophone the troyans and the troyans becomes smaler Bit next month i go a feuw days to reiks acedemie whenwe are welcome And coing to lolk withs artist working on the middship and look if we can team up for a week And develop the directional wheter predictor anticerum meganism😍🛸😍 and bring ik to knmi de bild🌱 If we make this than the wheter prodiction and desasters can be match easeyer prodicted bi thame Without actual aparatus mashermends 😍 But for nou i am actually 2 wheaks of for own things and to ad to the brainpart as that i have delayed time after time do to other manners became match more eurtgend. Yed in the last part last weak(video imige youtube ceribelum we could eaven show clearley how aids came in to beïng bi atomic boms experimends And more than normal poseble in phili misbehaving red air jellyfish plasma discharges on demand of plasmaphilemental disorders triggered bi led and particle spraying in the air and more fluxtube behavieures do to the resistance its conductivetys and copasetys of the space debris🌱
Seems you are describing the actions and product of spiralling Birkeland Currents. Meanwhile it gets to look likely that black holes suposedly destroying galaxies from their core are actually Plasmoids building and powering galaxies from their core.
@@ThePowerLover only in the sense that there are magnetic fields. There are no galaxy wide electric currents, and they haven't detected any near the core either. If there were, charged and uncharged particles would behave wildly differently, and they don't appear to in any but the most discrete circumstances where the standard model already predicts them. You can't just say Birkeland currents every time someone mentions magnetic fields and make plasma cosmology or EU any more correct. It just doesn't work at any large scale.
@@jameshall1300there are galaxy wide electric currents, where magnetic fields interact, a electron stream will accour, aka a current. We have massive evidence of galaxies merging, or interacting with their magnetic properties, and this would evidence you have galaxy wide electric currents. Even the spirals of spiral galaxies confirms the present if those currents, if they wont be there, all would be just clustered as a disc, and not as spiral arms..
I've always imagine blackholes as the trash compactors of the galaxy. Squeezing all the matter it can capture into a singular point or tumbling it around inside like a laundry machine does to clothing. It 'powers' the galaxy in that as explained here, gas and matter escapes or is expelled in all directions, fueling, changing or interrupting the processes happening around it. Blackholes eat 'what is' to make 'what will be' .
You could almost imagine Vincent van Gogh could see those magnetic lines too....that one picture looks just like how he painted in later periods. Maybe he was a undercover pigeon?
Anyone ever have an emission from their own black hole? I had beans Monday night, boy let me tell you about gas emitter. My black hole was rotting something bad. King of gas hole right here.
As someone who loves astronomy -- this is a wonderful time to be alive -- thanks Anton
America, "Hold on to your butts..."
@@OctopusWithNoFriendsDude .. Americans have to hold each other's Butts , in fact, its normally a three Man job .
Keep in mind that you're probably a privi person because that's probably NOT the kind of contemplation that ordinary people all over the world have time for.
Yeah. Like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, we're producing the sweetest science, just as we are wiping ourselves out.
Hello wonderful time to be alive!
When wonderful professor Anton says "It's a bit of a mystery", you know it is a pretty serious 'bit'.
Actually, there are many times when Anton claims that something is mysterious - but when one looks into the actual scientific research he is reporting on, it's not mysterious at all, or only a little bit. Anton often uses such phrases and titles for clickbait, unfortunately. :(
@@bjornfeuerbacher5514You're right, nothing is mysterious.
I guess a SMBH, an accretion disc no matter how small or big and a magnetic field is inevitable...
It's a WOW Anton, thank you.
He's such a wonderful person.
I'm keeping in mind here that Sagittarius A* is rotating at close to the maximum the models permit, with considerable frame dragging.
Due to our location within the disc of the Milky Way, we have to look 'sideways' through the ridiculously large and incredibly densely packed space between us and the and galactic centre. There is so much matter in the way, and anything we 'see' from there is over 26,000 years old. Has what we see been unaffected in that time, over that distance and with all the conceivable interactions? We have no idea what preceded our first observations, our galaxy is billions of years old, so much of the evidence has come and gone. It's like sampling the water at estuary of the Amazon river today, and trying to determine what the water at the river's source was like a decade before.
The point?
@@ClosestNearUtopiait is a rhetorical point, part awe, part horror
While what you say is true regarding our galaxy, we are beginning to collect data from millions upon millions of other galaxies. That certainly gives us the ability. to calculate data about our own.
The space between us and the galactic center is not "incredibly densely packed". Space is mostly empty.
@@nightheron5892 the point of us looking back an not knowing whats going on this moment? Other then that you made no statement, we realize this, so, the point?
Great video, interesting explanations, thanks Anton👍❤
Looking good today, Anton! 👌 😎
_Black Hole Flare ♪_
_Don’t you dare ♪_
_To hurl away the mass ♪_
This may be a good way to map the spacetime distortion around a black hole if it is deformations in the spacetime surrounding it that's causing the changes observed in the magnetic field.
I wonder if black hole lightning could be a thing in the densest parts of the accretion disc
I would imagine that level of extreme friction could cause it, but we would never be able to see it due to the insane heat.
never ever stop wondering and collecting data. it's essential for humanity to relearn how to think on their own. PS. (never trust researchers or statistics blindly)
No idea....but didn't he just say in a recent video that ultraviolet light/heat radiation from Wolf Rya Stars cause dust to glow? So if these black holes radiate out or produce Ultraviolet light or infrared... Then yes the dust/has would glow.
Considering interaction with another magnetic field, and thus drawing in electrons, its not a real wild guess for blackhole lightning to be present somewhere.
Wow a bit hard to follow but a packed explanation of cool black hole discovery... thanks
Man poor Anton always gets hit with bots whenever he uploads a video
What do you mean?
Maybe he thinks he's a bot? 😂
It's because of all his extreme political positions. 😐
@@ironrex6979Phishing bots and scammers, they are rather quickly removed nowadays though
Makes me wonder that if we had more visual clarity if it would look like the chaotic swirls we see with something like cream being mixed into coffee, or inks and paints mixing with a chaotic flow. I tend to think "everything" has flows like this - including things like high energy particles across large areas, magnetic fields, gas and dust clouds, we are just unable to observe the structures in high enough fidelity to see. The universe looks dark but it's a constant infinitely complex chaotic motion of matter and electromagnetism interacting. We are living in a giant slow motion (to our scale) explosion of energy, at least that's what it seems like
Electric universe people are yelling at their screens telling you they’ve been ahead of the game for years.
"Its a bit of a mystery."
Hello Anton!
Wonderful person!
I love the wonderful people ❤
Wonderful Anton, I hav got maybe a strange thing to remark, maybe not and I am one of many. Anyway;
Whenever you show a picture of the front of a paper I feel like being flashed by light. The contrast switcing to a bright white background in an instant even shocks me sometimes. I'm a bit light sensitive
Do you think you could solve that bit of data transfer in a slightly different manner? Sime fading maybe, or picture in picture against a non-bright backdrop.
That would really make watching your content even more wonderful I think.
Hi, wonderful Anton. This is a person watching your videos.
🙋🏽♀️anton everyday
It seems the magnetic forces are stronger than the gravitational forces of the black hole. Caused by electrons rubbing against one another in the accretion disk?
No, caused by the magnetic field.
@ well, what is the source of the magnetic fields?
@@nellyjohnson7316 Read the literature. A seed field likely caused by a current somewhere, somewhen, possibly before the galaxy even formed.
@@davejones7632 Gibberish.
The gravity of black holes may slingshot rays of light in any direction giving a distorted impression, direction and size of the cosmos. Several black holes a great distance from one another may even slingshot light from distant stars several times before it reaches us, the observers. Or even return ancient light on a roundtrip that originated in our own galaxy.
1:18 The universe is winking at us.
We are bugs.
It noticed us noticing it lol.
The Universe is doing it's physics thing and it's better not to be in the way of some events because we don't really matter.
Hahaha i noticed that too! 😂😉
There are some old illustrations of the supposed inhabitants of the various heavenly bodies, including the sun. Some talented artist should do an illustration of the inhabitants of Sagittarius A* and the strange world they live in/on.
How does Anton find something interesting to talk about EVERY DAY?
He's got access to a website where those (peer reviewed) papers are published.
Some sites have freely accessible papers but those offer an incomplete library.
ya got the white balance and contrast.....luv ya
Why are people freaked if Anton refers to the black hole SgrA* by reading it aloud as "Sagittarius A Star?" That's exactly how it reads. Should he say "Sagittarius A Asterisk" just for you? Got some STUPID commenters out there.
Is the 'A' even necessary? We know it's not a star but a black hole so why name it like a planetary system? It could be just "Sagitarius".. or you could replace the asterix with a 'o' to signify its a black hole. :). Point is perhaps we should look at the naming system itself rather than pick on Anton for his choice of symantics.
IBM jargon: Sagittarius A Splat.
@@Jarakem it has overlapping sub components which cause state excitation denoted by the asterisk. everyone calls it what anton calls it.
Hey @Cereal.interface, I'm sure there are reasons beyond my knowledge and understanding 🙂. And yes everybody does call it that, and yes (to others) English English (not American) would dictate that it pronounced Sag Asterix even tho u, in my experience, rightly claim everyone calls it that. But to us common lay folk, do we care about over or underlying intricacies that excite the states of various particles? Science becomes more accessible to lay people when put in terms they can understand or even relate to. I image this is partly why so many planetary object are named after mythological figures. Semantics, naming etc. are important, but that importance differs between then perspectives of a lay person to and that of thise with relevant knowledge and education. I think right now the world could use more lay people engaging in critical thought. Keeping the naming simple helps to increase engagement. Those in the know will understand the simplification. Any way, I'll step down from the soap box now 🙂. I do appreciate the comment and reasoning tho thx!
They should rename it to the eye of terror
0:56 We stared into the void... And it... It made a pass at us.😊😘
I'm hearing Electric Universe all over the place. Can mainstream science give a little credit?
The electric universe is an attempt to re explain physics absent of gravity by over applying the electromagnetic force
It fails to explain observations and lacks any institutional weight as no proponent of it can survive peer review due to a drought of experimental evidence
Science cannot lend the electric universe credit because the electric universe is not science
"Hot gas escaping from bizarre tunnels" is either an alternate definition for "politician" or a great but long band name. Maybe instead the name of the first album.
I mean, they have to describe a post Taco Bell meal in some way. 😉
also certain experiences in certain saunas
its called a fart
Nappies and politicians should be changed regularly...and for the same reasons.
Mark Twain
9:45 Jet flame at a different scale. Looks hot.
Aight, I like how reasonably priced your merch is. I'mma have to bite sometime soon.
That black hole is made out of the best stuff galaxies have to offer.
Please elaborate.
@JZsBFF I don't know I guess it's one of those things if you see it you see it.I wonder where super nova's go to die after they went bang to many times.
@ That's a pity. I hoped that someone finally figured out what's in a black hole. As for supernova's (supernova is more of a phase/condition of a sun than anything else), there's a lot which we know about and there's plenty of videos on the subject, some better than others. Btw I could be wrong but I think that they only go bang once but it's a different bang for each depending on their mass.
how does this aperture synthesis work? thats some powerful compute.
Hey, Anton! Could you please cover the news about asteroid Bennu?
Anton, have you seen what University of Michigan is doing with Quantum Computing to see what is inside a black hole?
Blackholes don't exist, according to Albert Einstein.... I love pretending they do though, a singularity actually existing is fascinating and mind blowing, love this channel!!!
Wonderful as always Anton. Thank you. 🙂👍
That’s so cool!!! 😊
Thanks, Anton! Study after study reveals more and more data. The center of a galaxy is really wierd!
It most certainly is.
I've been randomly thinking about this black hole recently.
Ive been thinking of the sweet and sour chicken with egg fried rice in my freezer recently .
Yes we all have fond memories of our formers lovers
Share some of these thoughts with us. Who knows there may be some original and interesting ideas among them but spare us the goofy ones.
there's lore about bots complimenting anton? I think he is worthy
„Dieser Fall hat mich wirklich betroffen. 😢💔“
I'm not an expert on gas clouds but that one at 0:56 is definitely looking like an alience face type gas cloud
I have a lot of unknow gas being violently ejected from my black hole too, this as well is a bit of a mystery.
Hello Wonderful Anton, here comes a Wonderful like from your Wonderful subscriber!
Discoveries like these makes me wonder if we are correctly calculating just how much intergalactic matter there really is. Perhaps what we think is dark matter is just really cold gas and dust that isn't reacting with light?
@@kalyasaifyWhat 🤦🏻♀️
@@Nefertiti0403Either they are a bot or an idiot, I wouldn't engage. Probably someone training an AI on RUclips data.
@@Nefertiti0403Or a scammer.
We seem to have a perception that all of "dark matter" is one thing. I'm thinking that rather, there are many factors contributing to "dark matter/energy" that we are only beginning to understand the basics of. Dark matter and energy can both be affected by the recent time-scape model, while neither phenomenon can be completely described by it. Frame-dragging is a known phenomenon, but we haven't fully explored the relation of that inertial FoR to our own.
@@kalyasaify that was probably one of the scientist not being able to comprehend what she saw, and then labeling something as “impossible”. While even the old arabs text successfully explains how, then start a research, and guess what, write over that ancient text, and publish that, to claim the topic was solved by completely themself.
Its that, or its the one who studies the obvious, like claiming that poop does smell bad…..
Acceleration is a Dielectric Field Vector.
How much red shift would visible light experience in climbing away from Sagitarius A?
We only seen it now, but when this event actually happened?
I'm a simple nerd, I see Sagittarius A star, I hit like.
I'm a complicated nerd but I know the impulse.
Trying to imagine these giant galactic sized MRI machines is a ton of fun and mind boggling. The one video, did I hear 100kTesla? If 3Tesla gets beautiful images of the human body, imagine 100kTesla! We could images the entire universe.
Hey, it’s the “Deadlands” lights from IT
But yeah, I see the resemblance for sure.
I read that and though IT mean Information Technology.
Is he talking about The IT Crowd?
Looks like someone needs lots of power or something? Interesting that side effects of galaxy churning events give lots of power.
Hello wonderful Anton! Another excellent show!!
1.4 M subscribers should thank you....I do
my ? do blackhole magnetic poles flip like the suns or plantes 😅
What is the speed of magnetism?
Above ludicrous speed.
@ that’s too fast
Hyperluminal speeds are pretty fast. Hypertachyonic speeds are super fast.
But nothing is faster than stupid fast velocities.
Hyperidiotic velocities are so fast that nobody knows how fast this fast really is. The speeds bend time such that the object goes backward in time so far that it passes before all the time in the universe, then this then spawns the start of the universe until it occurs again, which is pretty stupid.
I asked ChatGPT 4o which was faster. …
Here’s a ranking of your speed terms from fastest to slowest (or at least in a sensible order):
1. Hypertachyonic speed - If we assume “tachyonic” refers to tachyons, which are hypothetical particles that always move faster than light, “hypertachyonic” would imply an even greater speed beyond that.
2. Hyperluminal speed - This suggests speeds beyond the speed of light, possibly using some exotic physics like wormholes or warp drives.
3. Ludicrous speed - As per Spaceballs, this is faster than light, since it makes you “go to plaid.”
4. Hyperidiotic speed - This is probably faster than Ludicrous speed but involves a level of recklessness or stupidity that defies physical reality.
5. Fast-fast speed - This is ambiguously fast but might not necessarily exceed light speed.
6. The speed of light (c) - The well-defined speed limit of 299,792,458 meters per second in vacuum.
7. The speed of magnetism - In classical physics, changes in a magnetic field propagate at the speed of light, so it’s tied with light speed in most cases.
So, by purely fictional standards, Hypertachyonic speed would win-unless Hyperidiotic speed breaks all logic and transcends into something even dumber.
I listen to your stuff while im working in a steel mill. Anyway you can get the audio louder?
Scale invariance?
Thanks Anton. 🙂👍
Black hole flares caused by ABBA stars.
Wooo!! Go science!!!
We’re going to A*
The "chimneys" sound a lot like torsional hyperfolds.
2:34 (great band, btw.)
Awesome video as always
Magnetic Links no comparison to "The Missing Link!"
We all have issues with major emissions, don't we?
I ate some frozen burritos later in the evening and later that night I had violent eruption of gas and in the morning.
Anton I have a question. What's the difference between a Neutron star and a Black hole? And a question about Neuron stars. What happened to the Protons?
A neutron star is formed from a lower mass star at the end of it's life ( 1.4-8ish solar masses iirc), and a black hole is anything heavier that fully collapses to a black hole. A neutron star is super dense, but stabilized by the repulsive force of the neutrons themselves. The protons don't really go anywhere, they're converted into neutrons or blasted away when the star goes supernova and collapses.
Birkeland currents lighting up in X-rays, more evidence for an electric universe. Thanks Anton! Love your videos!
So, not ridiculously powerful jets spanning 1000's of light years as per usual, cool. Edit oh no it's worse 'magnetic lines' which obviously don't exist have 'reconnected' SMH.
@@digbysirchickentf2315😂 indeed
Not Birkeland currents, which only exist in planetary magnetospheres. And you cannot have 'more' evidence for something that has zero evidenc,e and is scientifically impossible pseudoscience to boot. Apart from that.....yeah, stick to the day job.
Throwing this out there. I wonder if some dark matter is the effect of supermassive black hole magnetic field. Maybe we underestimate the power and importance of supermassive black hole magnetic field over it's galaxy? Love me some Anton!
The strength of magnetic fields falls of rapidly with distances, much more rapidly than the strength of gravity. So it's not probable at all that the magnetic field of the SMBH has any effects on the outer regions of the Milky Way, about 50,000 light years away.
Further, the SMBH in the Milky Way is rather small, e. g. the one in the Andromeda galaxy is at least 30 times heavier. So if the effects attributed to dark matter actually come from the magnetic fields of the SMBH, the effects in the Andromeda galaxy should be about 30 times greater than in the Milky Way. But they aren't.
People came up with magnetic models to explain dark matter observations in the 80s-90s, iirc. They failed, because they cannot explain how such a puny galactic field would accelerate ~ charge neutral stars around a galaxy. Once it became apparent that stars were on the same flat rotation curves as the gas and plasma, those models died a death.
Good points ty .
Interesting but not unexpected
So how do we copy this mechanism to make a propulsion system for spacecraft?
miniature black hole, antimatter injectors, synchrotron stabilizers, and several tons of gas and dust. half a package of cigarettes.
we can make chicago by morning.
lack of gas in our solar system, characterizes our solar system somehow
Let's face it - Sagittarius A* is alive and has tentacles. 🤐
It's the God of Sha Ka Ree. "What does God need with a starship?"
What did Sybok say? Your pain runs deep, share it with me....
"Then here is the proof you seek (electric bitchslap)"
I don't want my pain taken away, I need my pain!
I don't want my pain taken away, I need my pain!
Perhaps there are huge chunks of gas.
Time... Still not accounting for time pressure on extremely dense matter to move forward into greater states of entropy through the time dimension. To sum it up in short any density of matter great enough to bend time will feel the pressure of time to move forward into the future i.e. the now of the extent that time has currently expanded
Tace a look in the sharings wat we heve deglacted with pressure and princeble fieldflow there graventational countering of the shaped plasmafilemental and how the manivest ciclesematics inbetween tham 😍
I wil make tomoro new playlist for you our tace a look in share backs to dairy events worldwide 😍 in there it is olso several times explained😍when I dit go mi fome was out and i olrady had 20 m video reactions and the playtime is 4.57 minnits😅
I tace the time tomoror to make it a litle shorther and directer
And than mabey tomorrow otherwise Sunday you can look for it and understand
. \\/
We are within the whormhole behavieures of the inerhelio deflector aray 😍 look tomoro whay saturnes is so bright in the skay these days😍
Cosmic lencing where space behaves as a whormhole on demand of the troyans ophone the kometbeld behavieures so this interactions acts like a directional releay organs of the fermibuble her princeple behavior 😍💜😍
Yeb see simular as you say on eurth polar refursal onley there is not radiation traiflng to here these ace thentional diverentional displasmends/phocused defusional translations/lesser thentional diverentional translations and directional fieldflows behavieures and debiation potentional behavieures that the outcome over here ()()()🌀☪️💢🌐💢🌐💢☪️and you masher radiation
Cosmic influx towart radiation
When we look from elswere to eurth with deep eurthqueakes we olso overthere experience eurth ejacting radiation🤣💜
O yes 7 poor years in summerr we passed the Justinian troyans
7 riche years we pased the Justinian troyans in winter🤣
Latley it is o ley 12 and somting eurthyears 😍 antropy and lowering inerhelio thention and kuiperpull thention ophone the troyans and the troyans becomes smaler
Bit next month i go a feuw days to reiks acedemie whenwe are welcome
And coing to lolk withs artist working on the middship and look if we can team up for a week
And develop the directional wheter predictor anticerum meganism😍🛸😍 and bring ik to knmi de bild🌱
If we make this than the wheter prodiction and desasters can be match easeyer prodicted bi thame
Without actual aparatus mashermends 😍
But for nou i am actually 2 wheaks of for own things and to ad to the brainpart as that i have delayed time after time do to other manners became match more eurtgend.
Yed in the last part last weak(video imige youtube ceribelum we could eaven show clearley how aids came in to beïng bi atomic boms experimends
And more than normal poseble in phili misbehaving red air jellyfish plasma discharges on demand of plasmaphilemental disorders triggered bi led and particle spraying in the air and more fluxtube behavieures do to the resistance its conductivetys and copasetys of the space debris🌱
My IQ increases 5 percent every time i watch one of Antons videos
What if that jet of gas is actually from a spacewhale swimming and eating stars and leaving planets. Makes sense no?
How long before andromeda pulls the gas from our galaxy?
Seems you are describing the actions and product of spiralling Birkeland Currents. Meanwhile it gets to look likely that black holes suposedly destroying galaxies from their core are actually Plasmoids building and powering galaxies from their core.
No, it's not likely it's a plasmoid. Quit spouting EU nonsense.
@@jameshall1300 But the Birkeland Currents thing seems to be correct.
@@ThePowerLover only in the sense that there are magnetic fields. There are no galaxy wide electric currents, and they haven't detected any near the core either. If there were, charged and uncharged particles would behave wildly differently, and they don't appear to in any but the most discrete circumstances where the standard model already predicts them. You can't just say Birkeland currents every time someone mentions magnetic fields and make plasma cosmology or EU any more correct. It just doesn't work at any large scale.
@@jameshall1300there are galaxy wide electric currents, where magnetic fields interact, a electron stream will accour, aka a current. We have massive evidence of galaxies merging, or interacting with their magnetic properties, and this would evidence you have galaxy wide electric currents. Even the spirals of spiral galaxies confirms the present if those currents, if they wont be there, all would be just clustered as a disc, and not as spiral arms..
I've always imagine blackholes as the trash compactors of the galaxy. Squeezing all the matter it can capture into a singular point or tumbling it around inside like a laundry machine does to clothing.
It 'powers' the galaxy in that as explained here, gas and matter escapes or is expelled in all directions, fueling, changing or interrupting the processes happening around it.
Blackholes eat 'what is' to make 'what will be' .
Hot gas... 🙄 Don't be afraid of the word "plasma"!
We knew this many years ago. Looks like the EU is comming back.
Great video but tomatoes booooooo
If you think in slow motion, in the sense videos of fire in slow motion.
I think you could get a better idea of what is going on here.
: []
I no bot 😢
You could almost imagine Vincent van Gogh could see those magnetic lines too....that one picture looks just like how he painted in later periods.
Maybe he was a undercover pigeon?
10:42 Look at that cutie patootie.
Anyone ever have an emission from their own black hole? I had beans Monday night, boy let me tell you about gas emitter. My black hole was rotting something bad. King of gas hole right here.
Blackhole is a Dielectric "sink" and the Magnetic Field is a modality field of the Dielectric like Ice is a modality field of water. Hello.
@@davejones7632 Absurd fallacy foolish parrot.
@@davejones7632 Absurd fallacy foolish parrot.