"Introducing an Orthodox Worldview" - Lecture 2 of the Intro to Orthodoxy Series

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 33

  • @johnaschenbrenner3993
    @johnaschenbrenner3993 Год назад +8

    Thank you Father Justin. I grew up in a Baptist household and became Pentecostal in my early twenties. As a young child I felt that there was a certain magic and mystery to the world that was rapidly escaping from my grasp. I have spent my whole life searching for it. I believe that the Baptist and Pentecostal scratch the surface of it but it is like reading a book about driving a car without ever getting in one. I recently started attending an OCA church near me and have begun to experience the fullness of which you speak. I am so thankful that I have finally found that magic that I have been looking for my whole life and am now for the first time in the vehicle with all the church and the saints, experiencing instead of reading about it. Thank God for you and what you are doing and thank God for the Holy Orthodox Church.

    • @sherileepoetcmt
      @sherileepoetcmt Год назад

      Nice way of putting my similar experience, John!

  • @DenitaArnold
    @DenitaArnold 2 года назад +4

    As someone who grew up among charismatic churches, who became Catholic as an adult, I find this talk
    enlightening. And I am like Kung Fu Panda

  • @justinw947
    @justinw947 Год назад +2

    This one spoke to me. Im struggling with commiting to a church its all new to me. Cant control everything

  • @elfprincessplume2515
    @elfprincessplume2515 8 месяцев назад

    Just curious why do the women in your parish not veil? I noticed in quite a few of the photos you presented that women were in church with their heads uncovered.

  • @GFSHS3
    @GFSHS3 Год назад

    13:00 worldviews

  • @saintsword23
    @saintsword23 Год назад +1

    I turned this off the moment I saw Nietzsche being presented as a Nihilist/Hedonist. The man literally was the first spokesperson AGAINST nihilism. That was his entire thing! It's so annoying to see folks get this so wrong and it instantly screams at me that I have nothing to learn here and should move on.

    • @ChristianLogos
      @ChristianLogos Год назад

      you have no idea what you’re talking about

    • @saintsword23
      @saintsword23 Год назад

      @@ChristianLogos Uh...what? Nietzsche's entire point was that we're falling into an age of Nihilism and we need a defense against it, to which he came up with his Ubermensch idea.
      This is like saying that Marx was a capitalist...Nietzsche's entire philosophy was against nihilism!

    • @ChristianLogos
      @ChristianLogos Год назад

      @@saintsword23 Marx was for capitalism lol it’s called Fabianism and it’s socialism mixed with capitalism. The deeper works of Marx are not against capitalism. These are heavily debated and deep topics and you’re just listing out the average layman view of these people and I don’t think you’ve really read their works for yourself because it’s not about if these people say they are for or against stuff, it depends on the logical conclusions of their philosophies and Nietzsche’s is a very broken system that eventually drove himself mad literally. He attempted to hand the power to man to give himself meaning and it fails miserably. Idk what really could be more nihilistic. We can appreciate aspects of his philosophy such as his critique of the West and of Christianity at that point sure. But that’s now where even close to the context of the orthodox and just based on what you’ve said again I think you should do more research on these topics before making extreme conclusions.

    • @saintsword23
      @saintsword23 Год назад

      @@ChristianLogos I want you to consider that you're incorrect on these points. It seems to me that you've been misinformed, and your information is biased because you've gotten it from Christian sources with a vested interest in disparaging Nietzsche:
      1. Nietzsche's philosophy did not drive him mad. This seems to be a common lie that I only really ever hear from Christians. He contracted neurosyphilis and this is what drove him mad.
      2. I only used Marx as an analogy and can admit that I don't know the specifics of Marx. I suspect there's some word games being played here though when you say he advocated for capitalism. It doesn't matter though, as this is besides the main point.
      3. Redefining a nihilist as "someone who wants to put the power in meaning-creation into the hands of humans rather than God" and then calling Nietzsche a nihilist accordingly is definitely Christians playing word games in a very biased way. That is not what a nihilist is. A nihilist is someone who believes, regardless of their source, that values are all meaningless and baseless. By this definition Nietzsche was most certainly not a nihilist, and in fact sees himself as someone trying to save the western world from falling into a mass nihilism.
      Consider strongly the third point: that Christians have redefined nihilism to suit a very biased point of view, rather than addressing Nietzsche for what he had to actually say, effectively setting up a straw man.

    • @ChristianLogos
      @ChristianLogos Год назад

      @@saintsword23 I’m not trying to redefine anything here that’s just the logical out workings of that system. That’s my point, and epistemology is very clear that all views are biased in some way or another as transcendental categories are assumed in just basic perception. There is no “objective” view of reality these are theory laden topics that biases (including yours) will show through as part of your paradigm of the world so regardless of whether you consider me using biased word games so are you. That’s reality

  • @franciscafazzo3460
    @franciscafazzo3460 Год назад

    The priesthood is destroyed