Muy buena charla sobre la inmortalidad digital y su paralelismo con series como Upload. Los temas éticos que abordaron son esenciales a medida que avanzamos en estas tecnologías.
This episode was an eye-opener! It’s amazing how Eternum is turning science fiction into reality. The discussion on neuroscience, AI, and VR was particularly intriguing
I think most people would love to have a record like this of some of their family members, we tend to forget things overtime and it would be nice to be able to go back and have a conversation with someone you loved, even if its just by a digital representation.
To me this is just the evolution from static pictures and stories told mouth to mouth to a more technological option which only makes sense as humans we are evolving through technology.
Muy buena charla sobre la inmortalidad digital y su paralelismo con
series como Upload. Los temas éticos que abordaron son esenciales a
medida que avanzamos en estas tecnologías.
Eternum’s approach to digital consciousness. It’s exciting to think
about the possibilities for emotional interaction and AI integration
This episode was an eye-opener! It’s amazing how Eternum is turning
science fiction into reality. The discussion on neuroscience, AI, and VR
was particularly intriguing
Gran discusión sobre cómo la Trascendencia y ella han influido
I think most people would love to have a record like this of some of
their family members, we tend to forget things overtime and it would
be nice to be able to go back and have a conversation with someone
you loved, even if its just by a digital representation.
Si revivo a madre estaria orgullosa de mis logros
To me this is just the evolution from static pictures and stories told
mouth to mouth to a more technological option which only makes
sense as humans we are evolving through technology.
Se lo mostré a mi padre y me dijo que pagaría lo que sea por un día
mas con mi vieja. Lloro
Tambien se puede crear tu avatar estando en vida, acá comienza la
vida infinita
La que se viene mamitaaaaa
Suena bien si todo el mundo tuviera una ética y una moral decentes, por desgracia, nosotros no las tenemos