Tab target in new world may be GG for me too mate. It was the combat that allowed me to play this long. It's funny how we all think the same. True pvp players love the outskill mechanics. Once the skill ceiling falls we lose interest.
atlas 😢 u fkn legend, it kinda really sucks brother. I'll miss the game if they leave it like that, been a lotta fun but that's past the line for me on 'dumbing it down'
The game died because of exploits and bugs everywhere, what was left is a few pvp players, the only reason the game is getting a second chance is because of the PVE and the new pve features its bringing, pvp will not save this game.
if new players haven't been checking out twitch or any discords, they probably don't even realize what they're playing against.. there's nothing fun about getting aimbotted
@@PJsurely anyone that has done an OPR in the last year knows that feeling lol looks like BowPR is gonna be back and even worse. Its a shame people are so desperate for a good game they will over look something broken just because its got a new name.
I've managed to ignore a lotta sht as far as bugs, exploits, and just wildly unbalanced nonsense to enjoy the game thus far, but this one is too much even for me
So what exactly don’t you like about the lock on? I’m kinda neutral about the situation. The way I look at it, melee is getting a crazy buff so range people won’t be able to get away like the current build. And I feel like this lock on will only be effect up close which is also melee range so you just might get clapped if you try to lock on too close. I’m fine with whatever decision they go with tbh
you're only imagining 1v1 brother, imagine you're trading with a melee only the ground and there's 17 ranged shooting at you from the ramparts like always, difference is now they literally never miss.. you just insta-die, ggs, no counter, not even an attempt. it's removes all skill from the game, if I wanted to play tab target, I would've picked one of the other hundred that exist. there aren't that many action combat games with pvp and new world is definitely towards the better end. if they throw that away I just won't have any interest in playing. n I'm not sure what you mean by "ranged won't get away anymore" part but the lock on doesn't really help with that.
@@PJsurely melee is getting buffed so any staggers is going to prevent people from rolling. Thats what I mean by they won’t be able to get away. Bows and fire staffs have so much aoe anyways it dont even matter if they are on target or not😂
you realize ranged weapons have staggers as well right my man? stopping power into powder burn will basically be a death sentence.. you're free to disagree, I just very strongly think this is a terrible change
@@PJsurely idk maybe I was fight noobs in the beta but I wasn’t having any problems ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess we will have to see, I know personally I’m not gonna be cycling through 10 targets to find the right one in the heat of a fight, im just gonna aim myself😂
I'm surprised how many people in the comments think this is only a bug. They must be new around here. Plus, just use common sense. Aimbot mode in PvP isn't something that could be easily missed by QA. Aimbot mode could easily be disabled in PvP. Put those together and the fact it's present most likely means AGS wants it that way.
the dead giveaway that it was intentional for me was that the ui is different when u target lock in pvp and pve.. if it's a bug why did they give it its own unique look lul
The only real good thing i can say about it is that it helps with balance since now everyone is pretty much guaranteed to land their shots which allows them to balance weapons on face value instead of questioning if a weapon is bad or if the player base has a skill issue. I never tried the system so I don't know how horrible it is to play against or play with however
i try not to stress too much about balance personally, they'll never be able to really achieve good balance since the data they look at doesn't consider what people are gemming against. example being musket didn't look that dominant so they buffed it without considering most people are around 20% thrust resist because they hate getting shot by muskets.. if they decide to keep it i hope they disable it for kbm and just tone it down to basically a soft aim for controller. Just my opinion but I could live with that outcome and play around it
It doesn’t help with balance espionage when the game isn’t build around tap target. The only way to have an actual “balanced” game is for everyone to literally have the exact same everything. It’s a pipe dream.
Digging ur content , can you make a meta list with the best pvp weapons/combos ? For the 15th october release ? Is Hatchet/Gs still the best or what is better ? :) Cheers
thank you brother 🤝 hatchet/gs isn't even the best right now haha it's just more fun to me than being another dex rat. if u want the most kills with the least effort you just play dex rat.
@@PJsurely Cheers and for 1v1 and 1vX potential ? Still dex rat ? Or ? Haven't played since early launch brother and i'm gonna be back on the fresh servers :D
ayy welcome back my man. in that case 1v1 still tank, 1vX gonna change a lil bit next season but I'd argue for medium melee or med mage, pvp island gonna be mostly dex rats I imagine. next season I'm playing a pretty obnoxious tank build if they don't remove aimbot lul
nah I hear you. but if they do decide to do the right thing, I can't recommend this game enough honestly. I been playing the same 20v20 map for 3 years and I still have fun. might sound dumb but the combat right now without that nonsense is addicting
Same for me. I'm not a very skilled PVP player in NW, mainly played some OPR just for fun. But it's just so frustrating, ranged and especially Musket just snipe me from somewhere, I can only hide or hope for a pocket healer, or not sure what to do. For the moment I'm having fun messing around finding new builds to use here and there, mostly on PVE. Not sure if I will play PVP again, and especially going to the pvp island.
@@Zombrex669 Yea but it takes a lot of skill and practice to land every shoot with bow/mushet when u play on pc, its nowhere close to a fucking aimbot what are u talking about
they could give controller soft aim (basically aim assist on steroids) and give pc nothing and I'd be fine with it, this is moronic tho. u don't need aimbot for melee, they've dumbed it down to the lowest level possible
It's all business, they care nothing for the actual player, all these businesses care for is juicing something as long as possible. Funny thing is, if devs actually thought outside the box, like they did with older games, they could get a consistent flow of $. This game was made mainly as a PvP game, as time went by, they changed it to favor the PvE'ers and even then, they didn't do that well while ignoring PvP. If they do LOTR, it'll be the same thing, hype up the game, make a few years of content, then release on console for a bit of extra profit, just one big scam imo and us as older MMO addicts fall for it, every time :(
right, problem is they also said 'won't work in pvp but may in the future' and that was like half a year ago.. so until they say it's unintentional, I'm not going to be very hopeful
Aim Assist aka Tab TArget kills any enjoyment i have as a melee player. It was so much fun to outmove/outplay your enemys and its a riddle to me how AGS kills the best Part of this game wich was the Combat
The controller also has a larger hitbox than M&K with range weapons like the bow. If I shoot just past the opponent with the mouse, the shot misses and with the controller it hits in the same position
Oh ... I thought this game was dead already .... lol. The game was terrible, still terrible, and I am honest when I said I thought this game was sunsetting already. I just found out it's coming, or is now on consoles? Amazingly pointless .... The combat they had initially was what we were all sold on, and they did the bait and switch and literally changed the game style in the last 6 months of it's launch. They are just using this as a testing ground for their other supposed MMO's ... I promise you that. This is the beta grounds for their other 2 projects. Mainly the LOTR MMO. The combat in this has always been horrible. The initial idea of zone control was awesome, and they literally broke that , and made it a ticket system (Who thought that was a good idea?) and a timed "use it or lose it" gimmick. And forcing pvp'ers to do pve content, is .... yeah it never ends well.... I was so hopeful for this game on launch, and it was such a HUGE let down.
They prob will lower down that global aim assist, i think they did it right in giving everyone the assist, better then people crying that controller is overpowered like in cod etc.
I have no problem with aim assist (I know what ur gettin at tho a lotta ppl cry about it) but they could make aim assist so strong that it's basically soft aim and give pc nothing imo and I'd be more happy with that than giving everyone actual aimbot..
the funniest part of the whole thing is the target lock is better on kbm than it is on roller because it's way easier to target swap.. yet I have console andies in here arguing with me that it's good for the game and they've never played an opr match. literally shooting their own leg and telling me not to put a tourniquet on it.. crazy sht
yes, they are. that's why if you ask even people that routinely shittalk the game about it they'll usually say "at least the combat is good" because it's unique. the action combat is what makes the game fun..
Saw this coming from miles when they announced controller support, it was obvious that they would inplement it in this lazy aim lock way instead of any other way they could do it, NW devs have always been like this in everything in this dog shit game. Good lcuk for people that is still hopeful for this game to be fixed and good after all this years!
they dont care about the PC playas.. so it only makes sence that they would give the console playas "cheats" basically.. and ruin the one good thing they had with NW.. never ceases to bring a new low of stupid.. in years, game companies should study this case, how not to do..
well.. remember that kbm gets it too and it's way easier for us to target swap.. so would you rather everyone have aimbot or them do like every other game and leave kbm alone and give controller aim assist?
@@PJsurely when there's no aim assist, it's always in favor of PC kbm, the aim assist puts the controller and the kbm on the same level. Not everyone agrees with me, and I can understand, but I personally hate games where you have to aim, so for me, tab targeting is much more fun.
brother I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. I'm in favor of controller having aim assist and kbm being left to skill only, we're on the same side there. on the beta they're giving target lock to everyone
@@PJsurely oh, okay, I'm just giving my opinion on the controller, but I don't really have an opinion on the kbm. But if controller players get the aim assist and PC players don't, I can feel hundreds of videos coming out asking for a controller nerf, how it's not fair etc, I don't know.
do you think you could make a pve oriented video talking about meta stuff? coming back for the crossplay servers but haven't played since brimstone sands and most of the sources i used don't seem to be getting updated. Ik most stuff is probably still viable but i just enjoy doing tons of damage and stuff :p
i avoid pve like the plague brother haha but I could share what I use for my solo build and what I use for mutations just to get artifacts and named pieces n whatnot
What has been beyond stupid is the fact that for 3 years, light armor and medium armor can just jump through shit with shirking heals, shirking fort, every 7 seconds
ayy let's go welcome brother 🤝 pvp is a lotta fun. I'm obviously biased towards my own build but one of the best things about new world is you can farm with any weapon or armor weight class, so it just comes down to what you enjoy the most imo. I love medium armor hatchet with greatsword or spear but mage goes kinda crazy too if you like ranged
I Agree Pvp will be pointless with those idiot aim assisst and console players will be bragging so much because of the game giving them that auto aim assisst. Pvp will be ruined and the game will be ruined, Imagine in War you can no longer Eye Fram the dodgeable skills or attacks.
@@PJsurely Scot Lane is doing everything in his power to ruin the game, proved time and time again when his team never listened to players, just added systems and features nobody asked for.
brother I've ignored as many bugs and exploits as possible, just tried to enjoy my time on the game, but this is a punch in the face for seemingly no good reason
Well, until the actual AGS team has changed or another studio take care of NW, this wonderfull game has no chance to grow up. Maybe time to move on. Lets see how Throne goes in october. Thanks for the vid and keep ya head up. We will find a new game. :-)
ahh there's no way I'm goin throne brother it's the same tab target nonsense haha I'll basically stare at a wall til november for poe2 n grind that til chrono odyssey
This will make or break the game for me. Revert combat mechanics immediately I’ll will never touch new world again. In game hr7000+. It’s time to go back to FPS
For years, cac has had an assist, so it's normal for range to have an assist too, isn't it? when people auto-attack with an ahtchet, you can see that there's a little assist, it's just the developers who are stupid, their combat system is based on assists.
they toned it down a bit since this video but it's completely unnecessary for kbm imo. got no problem with roller having aim assist but a lotta roller players aren't even using the lock on, it's mostly kbm veteran players just abusing it with certain weapons
I quit about 8 months ago , glad I did, but I was hoping I might be able to come back and try the pvp island and aim lock stole that opportunity for me
ye it kinda blows. last thing they said on the matter was "they have nothing to share on it right now" so, not looking great. I've decided I'm just gonna play heavy and bully people anyway
u realize how fucking annoying ranged players are right now in PvP? And that’s without lock on, a musket player doesn’t even need to worry about aiming, they can just powder burn to slow you down then just basic attack with no aim
brother even the melee has lock-on. you can't even dodge behind somebody anymore. ranged having aimbot would be enough for me to call it after 3 years yeah absolutely but they even gave it to melee. there's zero skill required left
They are definitely orienting this game to console players and ignoring PC. If the tab target system persists on the final release might have been the final nail in the coffin for me too.
nah the last update was a year ago, everybody been max gear for a long time haha most people just build with max damage in mind. I prio self-sustain and tankiness over damage. I still take sht loads of damage my hp just fluctuates a lot because of the self-healing
nah it was great when we were getting regular updates.. several opr matches going at the same time, arena Q instantly popped n not with the same people every time.. good times
So many posts on the official discord asking to remove target lock and change it to a more traditional aim assist. Still some pushback from a few vocal minorities wanting to keep the current version of target lock. I just can't get my head around it.
yeah it doesn't make sense brother. the people that want the aimbot because they can't aim don't realize it being used against them is going to be even worse than not having it..
Don't know if you played the Alpha back in the days , but we had stagger on light and heavy attacks, they changed that after asmonbald and his hivemind army complained , it was the most liked and commented post on the offical forums to bring stagger back and they ignored it and released the game without it which led to huge balance issues and an overall lackluster experience. I simply don't think ASG is capable at doing things right they just want to appeal to as many players as they can wich in return leads to a shit show for the actual core playerbase the PvPers.
So there is aim assist on console? Back in day on PC launch I quit cause of lack of aim assists. (Was playing mage type) Now considering buying on xbox, cause aim/combat was things why I left.
it still doesn't have aim assist like cod/apex if that's what you're looking for, they enabled target lock in pvp tho. it did get toned down some this vid
that's kinda my point, I specifically enjoy new world because it's not tab target.. the action combat is fun, the game playing for you isn't fun for me
Hopefully they remove the target lock in PvP, if not it will be the final nail in the coffin. I really enjoyed the beta this weekend overall, but the aim bot has to go.
nah that seems to be the consensus, lotta people saying they were happy with performance and most changes aside from the aimbot. hope they listen to us brother
They said that it won't be implemented in pvp and they were just testing it out on the beta. I know melee always has had aim assist/tracking but yeah I agree, ranged should not be able to lock on in pvp.
they said that since the beta went live? haven't seen anything still. I feel like it's bad even in melee, completely removes being able to get behind someone
@PJsurely yeah man after more testing today the lock on should just be removed entirely from pvp at least. It's crazy and destroys what makes New world unique.
ye, not too happy about it. but they did say today that "they heard the feedback and they're making changes to it" so maybe it's getting toned down to a "not aimbot" level. I'm gonna try some pvp without it and see if it feels like cancer to go against or playable.
I still have fun with it, all that matters to me. I won't if they move on with this tho, that's the difference, lotta people drew their line in the sand a lot earlier
@@PJsurely Yea, props to the people still carrying this game but they don't seem to care much about yall, it sounds like they're trying to dumb PvP down to the point where anyone can get in and disregard prediction and trajectory mechanics, which is a shame.
are you talking about the new stam/stagger thing? they haven't said anything about changing that back either as far as I've seen, but it's not stagger on any regular hit, it'll be weird but I can at least play around that
it's not a stagger, the slow is like .3s just so if you immediately try to roll n run it decreases the roll distance. only affects light anyway, had basically zero effect on the game after they reduced the duration
yep.. combat was super fun (aside from bugs and exploits that turn up then get patched out) but this is flat out awful. really hope they listen to the feedback, nobody wants aimbot
I'm assuming you mean if you keep playing on your legacy server character? you keep all your artifacts but you have to upgrade them again for 725, if you want to craft and choose your perks for new 725 gear you basically have to do the new raid or just do what I was going to do and just get rng 700+ gear from the pvp island system til I was pretty happy with my perks. getting bis won't be anywhere near as easy as it is now so I imagine most people will be slightly over 700gs for a decent amount of time and just let gs upscaling in pvp take care of the rest
All lot of mmos have tap target but they have lower damage and counters to it like an evasion stat personally I think just fix the damage numbers and add a few counters
@@PJsurelyi played eso for a long time i played melee and ranged build it was never this aggressive of an aim assist they definitely should tune it down a lot
ye the lock on is nutty and im praying it's not in pvp when the live version drops. new worlds combat is what separates it from the rest and actually has skill expression. to remove said expression your basically throwing away your games biggest selling point. surely they aren't that dented right? 😬
hey graves 👋 I'm very afraid they may in fact be that dented brother hahah the combat is literally the only part of the game that's fun for me. if that goes away, I do too, ez 🤝
hey vavi 👋 haha I know it might look like a cf for everybody else but it's actually kinda important for the way I play that the numbers are right in my face, I need to know when my shirking heals or defy death procs so I'm more cautious. gotta stare at enemy health/stam bars for the same reasons mostly. non floating puts my own stuff down at the bottom of the screen and overwritten instantly
you might be new so I'll cut u some slack, but typically whatever is on the test server is what's going to live. we've reported ridiculous bugs in the past and they send it anyway and then we just have to play with the bug for weeks until they fix it. this is a mechanic that they had a full year to decide whether to include or not, I'm not hopeful on them changing their minds last minute
think we cracked 30k on the beta I'd imagine actual launch cracks 50 probably after seeing that, but if this goes live I won't be one of them so won't matter anymore ez 🤝
@@PJsurely 11k. You can search "New World beta Steam DB" and see the stats. Peaked on Sept 13 and been falling off ever since. 8k on the 14th and 7k on the 15th. Looks like half the people installed it and uninstalled it within 2 days. lol
@@PJsurelyeso is a great game. Admittedly, it has its bugs and broken components, but the combat system is very fun. Check out my page if you wanna see some 1vX content
haha sry brother, my plan was to put the new penetrating crits perk on it instead of fireball and gem would either be an onyx or emerald, probably onyx for me
@@PJsurely Yea they are hiding and probably discussing with their atrocious PR team. What is the best possible least offensive way to say that it was intended.. This studio man...
@@PJsurely tell me about it...will they listen to EVERYONE not liking it? I think they will take the nerf path and that is still terrible. There should be none
I'd say the ratio is roughly 999:1 random dkhead that says it's good for the game they've never played.. nw discord was pretty funny when I checked in, people are taking it as well as you'd expect lol
I played 1k hrs if they ganna add auto lock on then give us dark souls rolling hahahaah...... what a joke auto lock on.....................................................
@@PJsurely Nope. 100% serious. The Devs have stated on several occasions that NW:A is an action RPG with optional group content. Adding to that, none of the trailers mention pvp or wars.
the game has already been out for 3 years my man.. it's an mmo haha just because they change a label for better seo on console doesn't change anything. it's literally the exact same game but they added a raid and a free for all pvp island. I couldn't care less what they do with pve, but pvp is mentioned all over the damn place so I donno what ur on about.. it didn't go away, my point is adding aimbot to it ruins the experience
@@johndiaz1963 That's just marketing talk. As far as I am aware the only way you can 725 gear is PvP or the new raid. Group content doesn't sound very optional to me.
Only reason NW had a player base at all was cus pvp is fun unlike tab target snoozefest, if NW had a good launch and didn’t kill their game from the start it’d be a huge MMO
brother you really think I wouldn't be watching for that? people been hammering the discord since the beta asking if it was going to go into live and all lydia has said so far is "I don't have anything to share about that right now".. don't spread misinformation they never once said it was a bug
Tab target in new world may be GG for me too mate. It was the combat that allowed me to play this long. It's funny how we all think the same. True pvp players love the outskill mechanics. Once the skill ceiling falls we lose interest.
atlas 😢 u fkn legend, it kinda really sucks brother. I'll miss the game if they leave it like that, been a lotta fun but that's past the line for me on 'dumbing it down'
i was really thinking about returning, lock on target will push me away from returning
100% my man, I hope they do the right thing
I'm happy with this change I can't wait to play it full time
The game died because of exploits and bugs everywhere, what was left is a few pvp players, the only reason the game is getting a second chance is because of the PVE and the new pve features its bringing, pvp will not save this game.
How are the NW devs unable to make any good decisions, that's really embarrassing.
Well that is one way to keep people from aim botting.. just implement it yourself.
sadly the closest thing I've heard to a valid argument for why they would choose to do this to us lol couldn't get an anti-cheat that worked
The ones not happy are mainly pc players which AGS has already showed they dont give a shit about.
if new players haven't been checking out twitch or any discords, they probably don't even realize what they're playing against.. there's nothing fun about getting aimbotted
@@PJsurely anyone that has done an OPR in the last year knows that feeling lol looks like BowPR is gonna be back and even worse. Its a shame people are so desperate for a good game they will over look something broken just because its got a new name.
I've managed to ignore a lotta sht as far as bugs, exploits, and just wildly unbalanced nonsense to enjoy the game thus far, but this one is too much even for me
@@PJsurely I have over 6k hours so I feel you.
@@Omfgmaybe ok summry. You dont know what your talking about.
So what exactly don’t you like about the lock on? I’m kinda neutral about the situation. The way I look at it, melee is getting a crazy buff so range people won’t be able to get away like the current build. And I feel like this lock on will only be effect up close which is also melee range so you just might get clapped if you try to lock on too close. I’m fine with whatever decision they go with tbh
you're only imagining 1v1 brother, imagine you're trading with a melee only the ground and there's 17 ranged shooting at you from the ramparts like always, difference is now they literally never miss.. you just insta-die, ggs, no counter, not even an attempt. it's removes all skill from the game, if I wanted to play tab target, I would've picked one of the other hundred that exist. there aren't that many action combat games with pvp and new world is definitely towards the better end. if they throw that away I just won't have any interest in playing. n I'm not sure what you mean by "ranged won't get away anymore" part but the lock on doesn't really help with that.
@@PJsurely melee is getting buffed so any staggers is going to prevent people from rolling. Thats what I mean by they won’t be able to get away. Bows and fire staffs have so much aoe anyways it dont even matter if they are on target or not😂
you realize ranged weapons have staggers as well right my man? stopping power into powder burn will basically be a death sentence.. you're free to disagree, I just very strongly think this is a terrible change
@@PJsurely idk maybe I was fight noobs in the beta but I wasn’t having any problems ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess we will have to see, I know personally I’m not gonna be cycling through 10 targets to find the right one in the heat of a fight, im just gonna aim myself😂
sad, just sad...
truly, brother. I hope they listen
This will 100% alone kill the game, it takes all skill aspect away from pvp. fuck this shit.
I'm surprised how many people in the comments think this is only a bug. They must be new around here. Plus, just use common sense. Aimbot mode in PvP isn't something that could be easily missed by QA. Aimbot mode could easily be disabled in PvP. Put those together and the fact it's present most likely means AGS wants it that way.
the dead giveaway that it was intentional for me was that the ui is different when u target lock in pvp and pve.. if it's a bug why did they give it its own unique look lul
The only real good thing i can say about it is that it helps with balance since now everyone is pretty much guaranteed to land their shots which allows them to balance weapons on face value instead of questioning if a weapon is bad or if the player base has a skill issue. I never tried the system so I don't know how horrible it is to play against or play with however
i try not to stress too much about balance personally, they'll never be able to really achieve good balance since the data they look at doesn't consider what people are gemming against. example being musket didn't look that dominant so they buffed it without considering most people are around 20% thrust resist because they hate getting shot by muskets.. if they decide to keep it i hope they disable it for kbm and just tone it down to basically a soft aim for controller. Just my opinion but I could live with that outcome and play around it
It doesn’t help with balance espionage when the game isn’t build around tap target. The only way to have an actual “balanced” game is for everyone to literally have the exact same everything. It’s a pipe dream.
Digging ur content , can you make a meta list with the best pvp weapons/combos ? For the 15th october release ? Is Hatchet/Gs still the best or what is better ? :) Cheers
thank you brother 🤝 hatchet/gs isn't even the best right now haha it's just more fun to me than being another dex rat. if u want the most kills with the least effort you just play dex rat.
@@PJsurely Cheers and for 1v1 and 1vX potential ? Still dex rat ? Or ? Haven't played since early launch brother and i'm gonna be back on the fresh servers :D
ayy welcome back my man. in that case 1v1 still tank, 1vX gonna change a lil bit next season but I'd argue for medium melee or med mage, pvp island gonna be mostly dex rats I imagine. next season I'm playing a pretty obnoxious tank build if they don't remove aimbot lul
I’m glad I caught this before buying for ps5. I’ll be completely skipping this now. Thanks for the heads up 👍🏻
I'm still holding out a little hope they'll make the right choice but we're down to about 3 weeks to go now and still no word sadly
@@PJsurely yes this is enough for me not to buy. PvP is what keeps me playing and I can’t deal with this kinda bs lol
nah I hear you. but if they do decide to do the right thing, I can't recommend this game enough honestly. I been playing the same 20v20 map for 3 years and I still have fun. might sound dumb but the combat right now without that nonsense is addicting
Same for me. I'm not a very skilled PVP player in NW, mainly played some OPR just for fun. But it's just so frustrating, ranged and especially Musket just snipe me from somewhere, I can only hide or hope for a pocket healer, or not sure what to do. For the moment I'm having fun messing around finding new builds to use here and there, mostly on PVE. Not sure if I will play PVP again, and especially going to the pvp island.
Best change ever
@@PJsurely yea I think it’s hella nice. Make it fair to face against people with keyboard and mouse.
Don’t get me wrong I played on pc and sometimes i played against ppl who seem like they had auto aim so i don’t see the difference
@@Zombrex669 Yea but it takes a lot of skill and practice to land every shoot with bow/mushet when u play on pc, its nowhere close to a fucking aimbot what are u talking about
they could give controller soft aim (basically aim assist on steroids) and give pc nothing and I'd be fine with it, this is moronic tho. u don't need aimbot for melee, they've dumbed it down to the lowest level possible
It's all business, they care nothing for the actual player, all these businesses care for is juicing something as long as possible. Funny thing is, if devs actually thought outside the box, like they did with older games, they could get a consistent flow of $.
This game was made mainly as a PvP game, as time went by, they changed it to favor the PvE'ers and even then, they didn't do that well while ignoring PvP.
If they do LOTR, it'll be the same thing, hype up the game, make a few years of content, then release on console for a bit of extra profit, just one big scam imo and us as older MMO addicts fall for it, every time :(
There is only few buttons in this game, so AIM was a big part of combat, but lol, now it's looks funny...
The lock on is for PvE only, it’s a bug that it’s working in PvP at all. It’s supposed to be removed
I haven't seen anything from ags saying that, but I'll be incredibly happy if you're correct
@@ManskiTheRed Source?
It's been stated before aim lock was supposed to lock on pve but not PVP hoping it's a bug who knows
They have stated it before in a QnA and also posted it a while back in discord before they deleted everything
right, problem is they also said 'won't work in pvp but may in the future' and that was like half a year ago.. so until they say it's unintentional, I'm not going to be very hopeful
Aim Assist aka Tab TArget kills any enjoyment i have as a melee player.
It was so much fun to outmove/outplay your enemys and its a riddle to me how AGS kills the best Part of this game wich was the Combat
The controller also has a larger hitbox than M&K with range weapons like the bow. If I shoot just past the opponent with the mouse, the shot misses and with the controller it hits in the same position
that's a joke right?
Nope. I tested it with every weapon in Pvp duell
that's fkn comedy
@@burstmachine1372 yeah tested it too its so stupid these buffs alone are enough for controller players, the aim assist is too much
yeah it's definitely overkill..
Oh ... I thought this game was dead already .... lol. The game was terrible, still terrible, and I am honest when I said I thought this game was sunsetting already. I just found out it's coming, or is now on consoles? Amazingly pointless ....
The combat they had initially was what we were all sold on, and they did the bait and switch and literally changed the game style in the last 6 months of it's launch. They are just using this as a testing ground for their other supposed MMO's ... I promise you that. This is the beta grounds for their other 2 projects. Mainly the LOTR MMO.
The combat in this has always been horrible. The initial idea of zone control was awesome, and they literally broke that , and made it a ticket system (Who thought that was a good idea?) and a timed "use it or lose it" gimmick.
And forcing pvp'ers to do pve content, is .... yeah it never ends well....
I was so hopeful for this game on launch, and it was such a HUGE let down.
They prob will lower down that global aim assist, i think they did it right in giving everyone the assist, better then people crying that controller is overpowered like in cod etc.
I have no problem with aim assist (I know what ur gettin at tho a lotta ppl cry about it) but they could make aim assist so strong that it's basically soft aim and give pc nothing imo and I'd be more happy with that than giving everyone actual aimbot..
you dont know AGS
Me, an old school archer build, expecting you to be exaggerating: oh hell no that sucks
lol I don't really do the 'clickbait' thing, I was genuinely pissed when I saw this haha
@@PJsurely I can appreciate that. It's a rarity.
I can’t imagine playing counter strike with target lock.. fark AGS, they are fully abandon PC players and just focusing console players.
the funniest part of the whole thing is the target lock is better on kbm than it is on roller because it's way easier to target swap.. yet I have console andies in here arguing with me that it's good for the game and they've never played an opr match. literally shooting their own leg and telling me not to put a tourniquet on it.. crazy sht
Arent most MMO pvp lock on??? I dont understand as a new player how this can be a bad thing? Dont you have to get put of LOS to avoid damage?
yes, they are. that's why if you ask even people that routinely shittalk the game about it they'll usually say "at least the combat is good" because it's unique. the action combat is what makes the game fun..
Saw this coming from miles when they announced controller support, it was obvious that they would inplement it in this lazy aim lock way instead of any other way they could do it, NW devs have always been like this in everything in this dog shit game.
Good lcuk for people that is still hopeful for this game to be fixed and good after all this years!
Everytime i was posting a video about this i got a lot of hate but at the end its just true XD. Good content dude keep it up!
I get hate all the time brother, just block them from commenting lul there's no reason to deal with that
they dont care about the PC playas.. so it only makes sence that they would give the console playas "cheats" basically.. and ruin the one good thing they had with NW.. never ceases to bring a new low of stupid.. in years, game companies should study this case, how not to do..
i hope they keep the tab target i have 700 hours on the game and i cant pvp for crap cause my ping is 200.
As an xbox gamer, i love the tab target for the controller. I'd hate to play with the controller without it.
well.. remember that kbm gets it too and it's way easier for us to target swap.. so would you rather everyone have aimbot or them do like every other game and leave kbm alone and give controller aim assist?
@@PJsurely when there's no aim assist, it's always in favor of PC kbm, the aim assist puts the controller and the kbm on the same level.
Not everyone agrees with me, and I can understand, but I personally hate games where you have to aim, so for me, tab targeting is much more fun.
brother I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. I'm in favor of controller having aim assist and kbm being left to skill only, we're on the same side there. on the beta they're giving target lock to everyone
@@PJsurely oh, okay, I'm just giving my opinion on the controller, but I don't really have an opinion on the kbm. But if controller players get the aim assist and PC players don't, I can feel hundreds of videos coming out asking for a controller nerf, how it's not fair etc, I don't know.
@@lapin487pc players can be with controller and console can play with kbm what is your point
do you think you could make a pve oriented video talking about meta stuff? coming back for the crossplay servers but haven't played since brimstone sands and most of the sources i used don't seem to be getting updated. Ik most stuff is probably still viable but i just enjoy doing tons of damage and stuff :p
i avoid pve like the plague brother haha but I could share what I use for my solo build and what I use for mutations just to get artifacts and named pieces n whatnot
@@PJsurely ahh i see and yeah that'd be nice to see
What has been beyond stupid is the fact that for 3 years, light armor and medium armor can just jump through shit with shirking heals, shirking fort, every 7 seconds
what... there are so many things wrong with that statement I don't even know where to start so I'm just not gonna bother 🤝 ggs nt tho
Never played NW. Grabbing it for console on release 10/15. I want to absolutely slap kids in pvp day 1. What class/ build should i go for?
ayy let's go welcome brother 🤝 pvp is a lotta fun. I'm obviously biased towards my own build but one of the best things about new world is you can farm with any weapon or armor weight class, so it just comes down to what you enjoy the most imo. I love medium armor hatchet with greatsword or spear but mage goes kinda crazy too if you like ranged
I Agree Pvp will be pointless with those idiot aim assisst and console players will be bragging so much because of the game giving them that auto aim assisst. Pvp will be ruined and the game will be ruined, Imagine in War you can no longer Eye Fram the dodgeable skills or attacks.
Yup this is going to destroy the game
yeah.. zero people asked for this. nobody is happy about it. if they let it get to live it's purely stubbornness
@@PJsurely Scot Lane is doing everything in his power to ruin the game, proved time and time again when his team never listened to players, just added systems and features nobody asked for.
brother I've ignored as many bugs and exploits as possible, just tried to enjoy my time on the game, but this is a punch in the face for seemingly no good reason
But will we able to turn it off?
what is dead may never die
AGS's lack of ability to understand its community is unbelievable..... #fireAGSdevs autoaim it s a joke!
Well, until the actual AGS team has changed or another studio take care of NW, this wonderfull game has no chance to grow up. Maybe time to move on. Lets see how Throne goes in october. Thanks for the vid and keep ya head up. We will find a new game. :-)
ahh there's no way I'm goin throne brother it's the same tab target nonsense haha I'll basically stare at a wall til november for poe2 n grind that til chrono odyssey
This will make or break the game for me. Revert combat mechanics immediately I’ll will never touch new world again. In game hr7000+. It’s time to go back to FPS
right there with u brother
For years, cac has had an assist, so it's normal for range to have an assist too, isn't it? when people auto-attack with an ahtchet, you can see that there's a little assist, it's just the developers who are stupid, their combat system is based on assists.
they toned it down a bit since this video but it's completely unnecessary for kbm imo. got no problem with roller having aim assist but a lotta roller players aren't even using the lock on, it's mostly kbm veteran players just abusing it with certain weapons
The ONE thing they did right and they f it up.
ye.. was holding out some slight hope for a while they'd take it back but it's not lookin good brother
I quit about 8 months ago , glad I did, but I was hoping I might be able to come back and try the pvp island and aim lock stole that opportunity for me
ye it kinda blows. last thing they said on the matter was "they have nothing to share on it right now" so, not looking great. I've decided I'm just gonna play heavy and bully people anyway
So you are gonna quit the game because...bows and musket lock? So thats all you see in pvp?
u realize how fucking annoying ranged players are right now in PvP? And that’s without lock on, a musket player doesn’t even need to worry about aiming, they can just powder burn to slow you down then just basic attack with no aim
brother even the melee has lock-on. you can't even dodge behind somebody anymore. ranged having aimbot would be enough for me to call it after 3 years yeah absolutely but they even gave it to melee. there's zero skill required left
what this man said too ^ the meta is already 95% ranged players
They are definitely orienting this game to console players and ignoring PC. If the tab target system persists on the final release might have been the final nail in the coffin for me too.
I honestly think it's worse for controller than it is for kbm, but it's a bad call for everybody overall
This had more to do with people complaining about console aim assist then anything
aim assist is fine imo, they can make that sht as strong as they want. this is just a bad call
its been a long time since i played but how are you healing so much and taking like 0 dmg are you just way more geared?
nah the last update was a year ago, everybody been max gear for a long time haha most people just build with max damage in mind. I prio self-sustain and tankiness over damage. I still take sht loads of damage my hp just fluctuates a lot because of the self-healing
Soooo .... tab target? LOL
yep.. such a waste
How can it be ruined when it was never alive=
nah it was great when we were getting regular updates.. several opr matches going at the same time, arena Q instantly popped n not with the same people every time.. good times
did you mean FLOAT ON THE WATER?
So many posts on the official discord asking to remove target lock and change it to a more traditional aim assist. Still some pushback from a few vocal minorities wanting to keep the current version of target lock. I just can't get my head around it.
yeah it doesn't make sense brother. the people that want the aimbot because they can't aim don't realize it being used against them is going to be even worse than not having it..
Don't know if you played the Alpha back in the days , but we had stagger on light and heavy attacks, they changed that after asmonbald and his hivemind army complained , it was the most liked and commented post on the offical forums to bring stagger back and they ignored it and released the game without it which led to huge balance issues and an overall lackluster experience.
I simply don't think ASG is capable at doing things right they just want to appeal to as many players as they can wich in return leads to a shit show for the actual core playerbase the PvPers.
ye trying to tailor the game to people that won't be playing the month after launch doesn't really make sense to me either my man
So there is aim assist on console? Back in day on PC launch I quit cause of lack of aim assists. (Was playing mage type) Now considering buying on xbox, cause aim/combat was things why I left.
it still doesn't have aim assist like cod/apex if that's what you're looking for, they enabled target lock in pvp tho. it did get toned down some this vid
oh its ruined alright. was excited to come back but no way in hell.
I'm holding out the slightest bit of hope that they'll see the response it got from the majority of people and do the right thing
@@PJsurely i hope so because the combat is the best part of nw.
100% brother 🤝
SURELY they are NOT going to release this into the game, right?
Theres still hope.
Tag me in 2 weeks, I guess?
it's not lookin good..
I completely agree with you the combat is fun so if they do the tab target it will be hella lame. Im hoping they dont go that route!
yeah it'll completely ruin the game for me if this makes it to live my man
But all other games are tab target… so it won’t affect anything. People will just adapt because it’s the same model as every other game
that's kinda my point, I specifically enjoy new world because it's not tab target.. the action combat is fun, the game playing for you isn't fun for me
Hopefully they remove the target lock in PvP, if not it will be the final nail in the coffin. I really enjoyed the beta this weekend overall, but the aim bot has to go.
nah that seems to be the consensus, lotta people saying they were happy with performance and most changes aside from the aimbot. hope they listen to us brother
They said that it won't be implemented in pvp and they were just testing it out on the beta. I know melee always has had aim assist/tracking but yeah I agree, ranged should not be able to lock on in pvp.
they said that since the beta went live? haven't seen anything still. I feel like it's bad even in melee, completely removes being able to get behind someone
@PJsurely yeah man after more testing today the lock on should just be removed entirely from pvp at least. It's crazy and destroys what makes New world unique.
glad you're on board brother 🤝 welcome. we riot soon lul
@@ChipsFPS u were saying?
I was excited to get back to NW after all the changes but with that aimbot added, i'm def gonna pass, I had enough already with Apex
ye, not too happy about it. but they did say today that "they heard the feedback and they're making changes to it" so maybe it's getting toned down to a "not aimbot" level. I'm gonna try some pvp without it and see if it feels like cancer to go against or playable.
Oh yea *this* was the killer of the game, years after it killed itself.
I still have fun with it, all that matters to me. I won't if they move on with this tho, that's the difference, lotta people drew their line in the sand a lot earlier
@@PJsurely Yea, props to the people still carrying this game but they don't seem to care much about yall, it sounds like they're trying to dumb PvP down to the point where anyone can get in and disregard prediction and trajectory mechanics, which is a shame.
'dumb pvp down' is exactly how it feels brother. they coulda gave controller soft aim n I woulda been vibing, this just idiotic tho
Did they remove the staggering when you get hit?
are you talking about the new stam/stagger thing? they haven't said anything about changing that back either as far as I've seen, but it's not stagger on any regular hit, it'll be weird but I can at least play around that
they aded slow on every hit to melee for some reason like 1-2 years ago
so light players couldn't infinite run away, didn't change anything anyway
@@PJsurely slow/stagger on every melee hit is just insanely bad balance
it's not a stagger, the slow is like .3s just so if you immediately try to roll n run it decreases the roll distance. only affects light anyway, had basically zero effect on the game after they reduced the duration
If youre still playing this game you need to get a therapist....
I enjoy pvp in it's current state, not really bothered by the 'dead game lul' andies. but aimbot.. I just simply won't play anymore
We pvp players are always the last thing in their list.
well I kinda wish they left us off the list rn and kept this sht in pve lol
Thats crazy dnt know im new and on console i was dueling sum1 i was outplaying them put they was not missing and doing full 360 quickscoop lol
yep.. combat was super fun (aside from bugs and exploits that turn up then get patched out) but this is flat out awful. really hope they listen to the feedback, nobody wants aimbot
Ok so do we have to grind all artifacts and new gear 725 to get Bis gear ?
I'm assuming you mean if you keep playing on your legacy server character? you keep all your artifacts but you have to upgrade them again for 725, if you want to craft and choose your perks for new 725 gear you basically have to do the new raid or just do what I was going to do and just get rng 700+ gear from the pvp island system til I was pretty happy with my perks. getting bis won't be anywhere near as easy as it is now so I imagine most people will be slightly over 700gs for a decent amount of time and just let gs upscaling in pvp take care of the rest
i still hope they will turn down the tab target,,... loew aim assist is tolerable but not tab tartget
that's pretty much where I'm at brother
All lot of mmos have tap target but they have lower damage and counters to it like an evasion stat personally I think just fix the damage numbers and add a few counters
why remove the only thing that makes it unique tho.. that's what new world is basically known for at this point, action combat
@@PJsurely honestly think games mmorpgs with pvp need things like especially ones with ranged options in order to be successful in pve and pvp
@@PJsurely I also think an evasion stat is very important
@@PJsurelyi played eso for a long time i played melee and ranged build it was never this aggressive of an aim assist they definitely should tune it down a lot
ye the lock on is nutty and im praying it's not in pvp when the live version drops. new worlds combat is what separates it from the rest and actually has skill expression. to remove said expression your basically throwing away your games biggest selling point. surely they aren't that dented right? 😬
hey graves 👋 I'm very afraid they may in fact be that dented brother hahah the combat is literally the only part of the game that's fun for me. if that goes away, I do too, ez 🤝
Dude you would benefit so much from non floating numbers because damage taken and dots do not show in the center of the screen
hey vavi 👋 haha I know it might look like a cf for everybody else but it's actually kinda important for the way I play that the numbers are right in my face, I need to know when my shirking heals or defy death procs so I'm more cautious. gotta stare at enemy health/stam bars for the same reasons mostly. non floating puts my own stuff down at the bottom of the screen and overwritten instantly
its on the test server still. chill
you might be new so I'll cut u some slack, but typically whatever is on the test server is what's going to live. we've reported ridiculous bugs in the past and they send it anyway and then we just have to play with the bug for weeks until they fix it. this is a mechanic that they had a full year to decide whether to include or not, I'm not hopeful on them changing their minds last minute
Def launching with the full game so.
you mean the update? it appears that way
Might be... Lol there are like 5,000 concurrent players still playing that game every day.
think we cracked 30k on the beta I'd imagine actual launch cracks 50 probably after seeing that, but if this goes live I won't be one of them so won't matter anymore ez 🤝
@@PJsurely 11k. You can search "New World beta Steam DB" and see the stats. Peaked on Sept 13 and been falling off ever since. 8k on the 14th and 7k on the 15th. Looks like half the people installed it and uninstalled it within 2 days. lol
Play teso if you like non tab tagetting games
thought about trying some other old stuff but i think if this makes nw unplayable for me I'm just gonna wait for a couple new games comin soon
@@PJsurely poe 2!
you already know lol poe2 looks so good man. hyped for chrono odyssey too but that might be more than a year away
@@PJsurelyeso is a great game. Admittedly, it has its bugs and broken components, but the combat system is very fun.
Check out my page if you wanna see some 1vX content
Thats not rly aim assist, its tab target aimbot ftw ^^
I hope not see you on pvp hahahaha
lmao appreciate u watchin til the end brother haha
Didn't mention your plans with Inferno now that it has a gem socket D:
haha sry brother, my plan was to put the new penetrating crits perk on it instead of fireball and gem would either be an onyx or emerald, probably onyx for me
@@PJsurely hell yeah, I was waiting on anticipation since the NDA haha
Don’t make me cry
OKB! lol shhh we simply do a lil cyber bullying so they don't ruin our favorite game 🤝
Yea I think this closes the book on NW. rip it has suffered enough abuse lol
not lookin good.. still no word from them if it's gonna stay in for live version
@@PJsurely Yea they are hiding and probably discussing with their atrocious PR team. What is the best possible least offensive way to say that it was intended..
This studio man...
I think Auto lock is OK and makes it playable for console. Dont be a doomer
or.. hear me out... it's trash 🤝 aim assist is plenty for any other game, they can give them actual soft aim n I wouldn't care. but locking is moronic
I did notice that bow players were NOT missing. Like never
that's how I feel against mooskets 😉 haha but nah this shts terrible my man
@@PJsurely tell me about it...will they listen to EVERYONE not liking it? I think they will take the nerf path and that is still terrible. There should be none
I'd say the ratio is roughly 999:1 random dkhead that says it's good for the game they've never played.. nw discord was pretty funny when I checked in, people are taking it as well as you'd expect lol
@@PJsurely of course because it just made it so easy for all the noobs that couldn't do PVP and now "IT WORKS, I AM GOOD AT THE GAME ACTUALLY" 🫠🤦💆😭
New world is a team full of girls that never PvPed lmao
u mean the dev team?
I played 1k hrs if they ganna add auto lock on then give us dark souls rolling hahahaah...... what a joke auto lock on.....................................................
Light armour does gove you ds rolling
(I agree man) I hope that aim assist is only assist not auto lock
yep. aim assist, no problem. aimbot, problem haha
NW:A is an action RPG, hack and slash think later type, not an mmo/pvp game.
I can't tell if ur trolling honestly, I feel like ur messin but u never know haha
@@PJsurely Nope. 100% serious. The Devs have stated on several occasions that NW:A is an action RPG with optional group content. Adding to that, none of the trailers mention pvp or wars.
the game has already been out for 3 years my man.. it's an mmo haha just because they change a label for better seo on console doesn't change anything. it's literally the exact same game but they added a raid and a free for all pvp island. I couldn't care less what they do with pve, but pvp is mentioned all over the damn place so I donno what ur on about.. it didn't go away, my point is adding aimbot to it ruins the experience
@@johndiaz1963 That's just marketing talk. As far as I am aware the only way you can 725 gear is PvP or the new raid. Group content doesn't sound very optional to me.
@@PJsurely It’s more about the direction they’re trying to take the game.
If this isn't a bug, this is the type of shit that makes people lose trust in AGS
yeah man, donno who thought this was a good idea but they don't pvp
Tab target mmo are more popular.
and there are tons of them.. seems not great to give up their one edge
Only reason NW had a player base at all was cus pvp is fun unlike tab target snoozefest, if NW had a good launch and didn’t kill their game from the start it’d be a huge MMO
Pve yea pvp wtf
been a bit since the beta, they said on discord they're going to adjust it before launch in some way but haven't specified how yet
They already said that pvp lock on was a bug...
brother you really think I wouldn't be watching for that? people been hammering the discord since the beta asking if it was going to go into live and all lydia has said so far is "I don't have anything to share about that right now".. don't spread misinformation they never once said it was a bug
this will be it for all of us i belive if it makes it to live . if console are crying they can go and play on a server only for them
brother I honestly can't believe I have comments arguing FOR this change.. I guess it's their game now ggs fk it we go next