Cheezuk Emumah: Yeshua belittler of Chazal? - answer to Rabbi Yaron Reuven

  • Опубликовано: 14 сен 2017
  • Did Yeshua truly rejected the Perushim? Rabbi Yaron Reuven makes makes a strong claims against Yeshua. Are these claims true? Tune in for the answer by R' Itzhak Shapira the founder of Ahavat Ammi Ministries . To support us go to

Комментарии • 77

  • @talithakroon5215
    @talithakroon5215 6 лет назад +10

    Thank you for standing with Yeshua thank you for being a servant like He was

  • @daniellopez4003
    @daniellopez4003 6 лет назад +5

    Whenever someone has no argument they resolve to childish insults. Ha Shem bless you Rabbi Shapira for standing for the truth.

  • @carolindalancaster3934
    @carolindalancaster3934 6 лет назад +5

    I ordered your book and am studying this diligently, learning so much from this as well as all your teachings....Abundant blessings on you, your family, your staff and ministries....

  • @pamelawarwick1071
    @pamelawarwick1071 6 лет назад +3

    You gave a very good response to this issue. Congratulations, I am a follower of your teaching, thank you for your honesty and sincerity. Shalom.

  • @ryanmatuzelski124
    @ryanmatuzelski124 6 лет назад +2

    This is why Rabbi Shapira is a true Sent one of our Great Rebbe Yeshua. He is truly taking on the role of being sent with the mission of Yeshua to bring the kingdom of heaven. This man has many of the qualities of our Rebbe Yeshua, may HaShem bless him and keep him.

  • @Eli-Eizen
    @Eli-Eizen 6 лет назад +2

    thank you Rav Shapira. My respect. Shabbat Shalom

  • @lovedbythealmightygodofhea3358
    @lovedbythealmightygodofhea3358 6 лет назад +1

    Torah is very new to me; I must becareful what Rabbi I listen to. I believe with all my heart the teachings of Rabbi Shapira... Thank you.. they are so many of us with only you on internate to teach us the way !

  • @AndreWidodo
    @AndreWidodo 6 лет назад +3

    Amein, Rabbi Shapira. Kol ha'kavod. You're bringing ahavat chinam to cure sinat chinam. ב״ה

  • @titicoqui
    @titicoqui 6 лет назад +1

    God Bless you by their fruits you shall know them

  • @jolynabuccatcalub2166
    @jolynabuccatcalub2166 4 года назад +1

    May your ministry prosper, Rabbi Yitchak... And may you be blessed... U" Brakoth from Nathan and Jolyna Alcantara... B'SHEM YESHUA...

  • @desert_iron_123
    @desert_iron_123 2 года назад +3

    I stopped watching Yaron Reuven and Yosef Mizrachi after I saw this video. Thanks Rabbi!

  • @carolindalancaster3934
    @carolindalancaster3934 6 лет назад +2

    Todah Rabah Rabbi Messer for being such a humble, godly u

    • @carolindalancaster3934
      @carolindalancaster3934 6 лет назад

      Sorry but I inadvertently pressed the wrong button and did not finish my first comment. Yes, thank you very much Rabbi Shapir! for being such a good example to us, being so humble and godly, leading us into the light, grace, truth of the Torah, Tanach and the Brit Chadashah as well, above all, for the love in your heart for us all....

  • @schalkloots6988
    @schalkloots6988 6 лет назад +2

    This is openly lashon hara against Rabbi Shapira. We all stand with you, Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira. Thank you what you do to restore the true Mashiach.

    • @zenart7
      @zenart7 2 года назад

      No it is not. Yaron publicly made statements and R. Shapira is publicly addressing those statements.

  • @blancabellizia4691
    @blancabellizia4691 6 лет назад +2

    Bless you Rabbi Shapira

  • @bjj2132010
    @bjj2132010 6 лет назад +1

    Praying for hearts to be softened and eyes opened. Only HaShem can perform this miracle. Because Yeshua was persecuted, His followers are also targets, especially Jewish followers who share truth in such a historically and Biblically correct context like you do, Rabbi Shapira. Thank you for using your awesome intellect and knowledge to speak into lives and lead your talmidem by modeling a righteous life.

  • @Canada4Israel
    @Canada4Israel 6 лет назад +1

    Love is not easy but ......WINS
    Truth ALWAYS wins
    Yeshua is the only Truth, Life and only Way
    HaShem Yeshua

  • @blancabellizia4691
    @blancabellizia4691 6 лет назад +2

    I have made several comments to this slanderer on his thread, I pray HaShem touches his heart and he does Teshuva

  • @1964rhondaz
    @1964rhondaz 6 лет назад +2

    Pray that he comes to understand the Meaning of the saying “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.Light exposes what is hidden in the Darkness...What's hidden there will come out to be exposed and ofcourse it comes out angry because it's hiding place is taken away. This Rabbi Yaron Reuven is one who shouldn't be a teacher. He speaks Strife... People who know their God Hashem should Know who Hashem authorizes to speak for him. This Rabbi Yaron Reuven speaks for the other side of the Light. Remeber Matthew 10: 12 When you enter someone’s household, say, ‘Shalom aleikhem!’ 13 If the home deserves it, let your shalom rest on it; if not, let your shalom return to you. 14 But if the people of a house or town will not welcome you or listen to you, leave it and shake its dust from your feet! 15 Yes, I tell you, it will be more tolerable on the Day of Judgment for the people of S’dom and ‘Amora than for that town! ~ He is One person I wouldn't Give my time of day...I wouldn't waste my time and Energy on. Take care of your people ...The ones who Love God , His Word and His Yeshuah.Hashem will worry about Him. Don't give him your energy. You need it to Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

    • @1964rhondaz
      @1964rhondaz 6 лет назад +1

      Genesis 3I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed.Revelation 12:16But the earth helped the woman and opened its mouth to swallow up the river that had poured from the dragon’s mouth. 17And the dragon was enraged at the woman, and went to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Yeshua . And the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore.{ I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Genesis 28:14"Your descendants will also be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 32:12"For You said, 'I will surely prosper you and make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which is too great to be numbered.'"

  • @holyarmor578
    @holyarmor578 2 года назад +2

    He seems very similar to an muslim mufti behavior. Btw I think you may be related to Adam Sandler.

  • @Bei-Abedan
    @Bei-Abedan 2 года назад +1

    There is no way that Yeshua Mintzaret is Yeshu HaNotzri

  • @fredestherflorida7942
    @fredestherflorida7942 6 лет назад +1

    Where in Boca Raton is his congregation?

  • @cydmarantis
    @cydmarantis 6 лет назад +1

    I pray some day soon the Jewish people will forgive the scattered tribes for not clearing up this case of mistaken identity centuries ago. The Jesus Christ created after Constantine is not the same as Yeshuah the Messiah of the First Century. Christians should be likened to the Israel of Ezekiel 20:31-33. Those who keep the Words of the Torah and believe Yeshuah is the Resurrected Messiah, that He kept Torah perfectly are not Christians, they are Israel who keep Torah like the tribe of Judah through the lens of the Messiah. Yoseph wasn't recognized by his brothers while he was in Egypt like today...his brothers presented him as dead like today...Moshe was raised by Egypt before he returned to rescue the Hebrews and we await this 3rd day for the return of the Pasach Lamb as the Lion of Judah. Bless Judah for their zealous hearts, I know we will embrace as family again - the stick of Judah and the stick of Ephraim will join together again!

  • @PerthesExercises
    @PerthesExercises 6 лет назад +4

    Baruch Hashem Rabbi Shapira, you have the truth of the Torah and Yeshua on your side.

  • @jmririzarry8354
    @jmririzarry8354 6 лет назад

    This made me cry. We need to be united in peace.

  • @elizabethann8939
    @elizabethann8939 6 лет назад +6

    I'm sorry my friend. Yeshua bless you for standing up for Him

  • @dvorahcalic1670
    @dvorahcalic1670 6 лет назад +1

    B"H you brought honor back to the Name of Hashem and Messiah Yeshua. I am so proud to be your talmidah and thank you for standing up for the blessed name of our Rebbe! I am praying for Rabbi Yaron Reuven that Hashem will touch him and open his eyes to HaDerech, HaEmet ve HaNehora!!! You are the answer to my prayers for an authentic Jew who knows Yeshua and can teach HaEmet and who loves and honors the Chazal of blessed memory. I pray Rabbi Reuven will listen and see that you are not teaching Jews to leave Judaism and become Christians -- that you are doing the exact opposite and calling Christians to return to authentic faith based on the Torah!

  • @betzalelbenavraham2357
    @betzalelbenavraham2357 6 лет назад +2

    Ani ma'amin,
    Be'emuna shelema
    Beviat hamashiach ani ma'amin
    Beviat hamashiach, ma'amin
    Beviat hamashiach ani ma'amin
    Beviat hamashiach, ma'amin
    Veaf al pi sheyitmahmeha
    Im kol zeh, achake loh
    Veaf al pi sheyitmahmeha
    Im kol zeh, achake loh
    Im kol zeh, im kol zeh, achake loh
    Achake bechol yom sheyavoh
    Im kol zeh, im kol zeh, achake loh
    Achake bechol yom sheyavoh
    Ani ma'amin

  • @aivanlevy
    @aivanlevy 6 лет назад +2

    sorry a dog is smarte that you.

  • @hebrewgreek7420
    @hebrewgreek7420 6 лет назад

    :( Wow, such lashon ha-ra` from that rabbi. Yes, he made a mistake, a blatantly false historical mistake.

  • @tigerhorse2patriot21
    @tigerhorse2patriot21 6 лет назад +1

    As a talmidim of Rabbi Shapira, We agree Jesus, the Greek is not the Messiah. We follow Yeshua the Messiah who lived as a kosher Jewish Rabbi.

    • @Amioran
      @Amioran 6 лет назад

      Who is "Jesus the Greek"? Do you know that the New Testament is written in Greek and not in Hebrew, do you? There's only one Jesus and "Christians" is the name that the apostles themselves gave to the congregation. This separation of Jews and Gentiles is completely against the Gospel and I really don't know what kind of heresy you people follow but it's clearly NOT what Jesus taught (Yeshua was His name, but, yet again, the New Testament is written in Greek and hence His name, as reported in the literature is Iesus and not Yeshua).

  • @catefrese7092
    @catefrese7092 6 лет назад +1

    How can a Jewish rabbi like Rabbi Yaron Reuven speak such words and attack another rabbi personally? Even including Rabbi Shapira's wife and children? How can he do this? This is slander--> Lashon Hara to the highest degree and he did this during this season of Teshuvah: Elul - just before Yom Kippur. The spirit behind this slander is not from Hashem. Breaks my heart. May Hashem have mercy on him. My tefillot goes to you, Rabbi Shapira. May Hashem continue to protect you and your family from people like this and may Hashem's favor be upon you Rabbi Shapira. Shalom, Shalom!

    • @legoabrahamman567_YT
      @legoabrahamman567_YT Год назад

      Not Lashon hara if it is against idol worship

    • @catefrese7092
      @catefrese7092 Год назад

      @@legoabrahamman567_YT Lashon Hara is Lashon Hara! However you want to put it. Confront the persons involved personally and don't go to social media or public platforms and slander someone. Above all, a Jew must not speak evil towards another Jew. That is why we went into Galut becasue of Sinat Chinam. Have none of you learned a lesson? It's been thousands of years...

    • @legoabrahamman567_YT
      @legoabrahamman567_YT Год назад

      @@catefrese7092 did you ever learn Chofetz Chaim?

    • @MinisterRedPill
      @MinisterRedPill 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@legoabrahamman567_YTis it idol worship if you don't worship or idolize Yeshua? 😂

  • @bassboostbeats9392
    @bassboostbeats9392 3 года назад +1

    Jesus is not G-d or a prophet he is flesh and blood! Check out Rabbi Tovia Singer he destroyed this idolatry.

  • @HG-eu8hx
    @HG-eu8hx 2 года назад

    It's actually a mitzvah to talk against Rashaim He knows, it's not about broken English it's about you Spreading idolatry.

  • @yochananbenavraham9332
    @yochananbenavraham9332 6 лет назад +1

    Mr Reuven name calling is a sign of insecurity, quite childish for a man of your caliber. Brother Shapira you should try turning the other cheek. May יהוה bless you and may the world come to the knowledge of Yeshua.

  • @aivanlevy
    @aivanlevy 6 лет назад +2

    you are wrong , yeshu and you are wrong, be carefor cause you do lashon hara.

  • @MedicareTexasSeniorSource
    @MedicareTexasSeniorSource 6 лет назад +1

    So sad a Rabbi with scales on his eyes would speak lashon hara to Rabbi differ is OK, to debate is 'yeshiva" but to speak lashon hara without even knowing R Shapira...some people have to make themselves taller by cutting off the knees of others...praying for you Rabbi that those scales fall and your eyes open to Yeshua the Messiah...he loves you and gave his life for you.

  • @utube143ful
    @utube143ful 2 года назад

    This guy is full of chutzpah and sinat chinam! He can’t even face those whom he opposes to. Tsktsk

  • @vinodkurian6635
    @vinodkurian6635 6 лет назад +2

    The Orthodox Rabbi is truly slandering against my Rabbi Shapira.

  • @Aegris-Somnia
    @Aegris-Somnia 6 лет назад

    Cursed is Jc penny Yeshu forever. You are preaching this false message of some guy who broke Shabbat and claimed to be divine. Return to HaShem King of Yisrael and to His Torah the true Way.
    Just say no to yeshu

  • @shaundevoy9307
    @shaundevoy9307 6 лет назад

    That Orthodox Rabbi is slandering, it isn't right at all, 1 of the Abominations

  • @aivanlevy
    @aivanlevy 6 лет назад

    you are worring mr yeshu and a liar. you are doing llashon hara.

  • @MK-db6dj
    @MK-db6dj 6 лет назад

    You said Rabbi Reuven has no respect for Rabbis?
    You follow J.C. who disrespected his own Rabbi, Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Parachya.
    Also, what about what Rambam that says if someone is killed they cannot be the Moshiach?

    • @AhavatAmmi
      @AhavatAmmi  6 лет назад +1

      what an idiotic comment. R' Yehosha Ben Parachya lived 175 years before Yeshua. Learn Jewish history before making such an idiotic comment.

    • @MK-db6dj
      @MK-db6dj 6 лет назад

      Ahavat Ammi
      Even if I am wrong, what about what I mentioned in Rambam?
      Read it before criticising.

    • @AhavatAmmi
      @AhavatAmmi  6 лет назад +2

      "Even if I am wrong"? What a fool you are. YOU JUST DISCREDITED YOURSELF . You are clueless on Judaism, Jewish history, and I suggest that you leave before you make further Joke out of yourself. Go make a Teshuvah and pray for your soul for believing such a lies . You have no clue who I am, what I follow, and what I believe. So please for the last time I am asking you to leave peacefully.

    • @MK-db6dj
      @MK-db6dj 6 лет назад

      Ahavat Ammi
      I want you to give me an answer about Rambam

    • @AhavatAmmi
      @AhavatAmmi  6 лет назад +2

      you don't deserve answer or a second of my time. First APOLOGIZE in PUBLIC for your lies, then approach me properly, then I might consider giving you a second of my time. Don't post again. Final warning. Shame on you.

  • @allwyn3054
    @allwyn3054 6 лет назад +2

    Oh shut! Moses himself spoke even harder than Rav Reuven. If Moses was alive, I don`t think any shul would let him speak. Jesus is not the messiah. He wasn`t even from the line of David. Wake up!

    • @BillMoshe
      @BillMoshe 6 лет назад

      Allwyn lol, love it 1/2 truth!

    • @allwyn3054
      @allwyn3054 6 лет назад

      +Bill ביל Moshe משה
      Nah 1001% the truth. Being a former messianic, I KNOW it is a lie.

    • @BillMoshe
      @BillMoshe 6 лет назад

      ...tell me more ? did you believe that Jesus was The CREATOR ?

    • @allwyn3054
      @allwyn3054 6 лет назад

      Na...That he was the messiah....Out right false.

    • @BillMoshe
      @BillMoshe 6 лет назад

      ...for how long were you deceived ?

  • @hebrewgreek7420
    @hebrewgreek7420 6 лет назад

    :( Wow, such lashon ha-ra` from that rabbi. Yes, he made a mistake, a blatantly false historical mistake.

  • @hebrewgreek7420
    @hebrewgreek7420 6 лет назад

    :( Wow, such lashon ha-ra` from that rabbi. Yes, he made a mistake, a blatantly false historical mistake.