"Tattva Bodha - Day 09 / 10" Talk in English by Swami Aparajitananda, Chinmaya Mission Mangaluru.

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Hari Om!
    Bhagavān Shankarāchārya jī's enquiry into the Truth reaches a climax with analysis of Mahāvākya "Tat tvam asi" (Chhāndogya Upanishad). He also introduces concept of Jīvanmukta stating that He becomes free from all bondages of all karmas.
    Swāmi Aparājitānanda jī's telescopic explanations make the understanding of final aspects of above Mahāvākya, of how to solve the implied equation and of how to interpret vāchyārtha and lākshyārtha (ample examples) the most wonderful and joyous experience. The most eloquent equation quoted is that of Hanumān with Lord Rāma.
    Swāmijī also makes the phrase "You are God" relatable for us by interpreting it to mean "I am never away from God; He is always there with me as the very Consciousness in me."
    Swāmijī further simplifies concepts of Jīvanmukta, his convictions and sādhanā, the three types of knowledge. It is stated that "crossing over" by Jīvanmukta is only one of the the many benefits of this Knowledge.
    Precious gems not to be missed:
    • What are jīva, Brahman and Ishvara and their conditioning and properties?
    • Convex and concave mirror example to understand jīva and Īshvara
    • "We don't need anyone to see the difference between jīva and Īshvara. To see the oneness in jīva and Īshvara, we need the Guru and scriptures ."
    • "As long as you consider God as different from you, there is no moksha for you." - Why?
    • What is the only remedy to break free from the birth death cycle?
    • What is the doubt expressed by the student on the Mahāvākya "Tat Tvam Asi"?
    • What do vāchyārthaha and lakshyārthaha mean?
    • What are the vāchyārthaha and lakshyārthaha of tvam pada?
    • What are the vāchyārthaha and lakshyārthaha of tat pada?
    • What is meaning of Samādhi?
    • What is the meaning of upādhi?
    • What is the meaning of bādhaka abhāvaha?
    • What is jīva- Īshvara aikya?
    • How does Hanumānjī relate himself to Bhagāvān?
    • What is Mahāvākya shodhanam?
    • Is Mahāvākya to be understood literally or impliedly?
    • Who are Jīvanmuktas? What are their convictions?
    • What is jīvabuddhi and Brahmabuddhi?
    • How is a person's nature determined?
    • Why is Ātmā compared to space and light?
    • What is the etymological meaning of ākāsha?
    • Example of nātaka dīpa from Panchadashi
    • What are pratyaksha jñāna, paroksha jñāna and aparoksha jñāna?
    • What are the advantages of living a spiritual life and gaining Self Knowledge?
    • What is the true meaning of Spirituality?
    • What is true transformation?
    • What are the connotations of karma?
    • What are the types of actions?
    (Tattvabodha - Talk 9 of 10)

Комментарии • 29