Certainly! For new construction, I try to give as much info on price ranges as possible, but the actual prices of the homes can vary depending on design center upgrades, lot locations, lot sizes, etc. If you're curious on any of the particulars, send me an email at nicholas.bowen@exprealty.com and I can get you the most up to date information.
Great tour! That house is crispy🔥🔥
Thank you for another great tour brother. All the floor plans were put together really well. Looking forward to the next Plan.🤙
Video shea home lot 1 plan b8 exterior and interior please 🙏
I like your videos but can you please mention the prices of the houses. Thank you
Certainly! For new construction, I try to give as much info on price ranges as possible, but the actual prices of the homes can vary depending on design center upgrades, lot locations, lot sizes, etc. If you're curious on any of the particulars, send me an email at nicholas.bowen@exprealty.com and I can get you the most up to date information.