Aurora is a captivating and enigmatic princess, possessing a beguiling charm that masks her manipulative tendencies. Despite her royal status, she is drawn to the allure of adventure, yearning for the excitement that lies beyond the confines of her palace walls. With an innate talent for observation, she possesses a keen eye for the minutiae of life, delighting in the discovery of small details that others often overlook. A dreamer at heart, Aurora's imagination knows no bounds, and she eagerly embraces the fantastical realms that her mind conjures. Her romantic inclinations are ignited by the presence of Viscount H. Lockwood, a tall and strikingly handsome lord, whose brown hair and sprinkling of freckles only serve to deepen her infatuation. Physically, Aurora is adorned with locks of dirty blonde hair that cascade in loose waves around her shoulders, framing features that exude both grace and intelligence. Despite her affinity for the ethereal, she possesses a pragmatic side, displaying a remarkable aptitude for the sciences and the art of crafts, a testament to her multifaceted nature. (The character I made
It looks like A royal castle I should be living like a Princess 👸🏽💗
I will and will always give anything for a life like this
Aurora is a captivating and enigmatic princess, possessing a beguiling charm that masks her manipulative tendencies. Despite her royal status, she is drawn to the allure of adventure, yearning for the excitement that lies beyond the confines of her palace walls. With an innate talent for observation, she possesses a keen eye for the minutiae of life, delighting in the discovery of small details that others often overlook.
A dreamer at heart, Aurora's imagination knows no bounds, and she eagerly embraces the fantastical realms that her mind conjures. Her romantic inclinations are ignited by the presence of Viscount H. Lockwood, a tall and strikingly handsome lord, whose brown hair and sprinkling of freckles only serve to deepen her infatuation.
Physically, Aurora is adorned with locks of dirty blonde hair that cascade in loose waves around her shoulders, framing features that exude both grace and intelligence. Despite her affinity for the ethereal, she possesses a pragmatic side, displaying a remarkable aptitude for the sciences and the art of crafts, a testament to her multifaceted nature. (The character I made
0:20 what version of merry go round of life is this
0:20 That’s literally my aesthetic!!!!!!!!
im too poor to have an aesthetic 😭🤚
0:37 I can't- 🤣😂😭
5:35 the pain when you make an oc that isn't human but you also haven't given a name of the species/too lazy to:
So beautiful 😍 🤩
0:36 Magnus Archive reference!
Please post more Royalcore, old money and the Beige aesthetic tiktok compilations ?
Old money is the best aesthetic. Change my mind
1000th like
Whats the third audio
First song?
The swan