Henry Wallace, after his visit to the important Komsomolsk aircraft plant, commented as follows during the second world war:"The aircraft factory in Komsomolsk where Stormovik bombers were build, owed both it's existence and it's production to the United States. All the machine tools and all the aluminum came from America...it looks like the old Boeing plant at Seattle". Book reference: National Suicide by Antony C. Sutton.
Henry Wallace, after his visit to the important Komsomolsk aircraft plant, commented as follows during the second world war:"The aircraft factory in Komsomolsk where Stormovik bombers were build, owed both it's existence and it's production to the United States. All the machine tools and all the aluminum came from America...it looks like the old Boeing plant at Seattle".
Book reference:
National Suicide by Antony C. Sutton.
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