There are 750,000 homeless people in USA. There are 73,654 people died from a fentanyl overdose in the US last year. 15% (1.5 in 10 people) of americans are on anti-depressants. Statistic don't lie, bro. If my kids born there, there's a chance that they become 1 of them.
@scl3686 350 million / 18 million~= 20 times 750,000 homeless/20 ~= 37500 homeless 73654 died by fentanyl / 20 ~= 3682 the problem is: តា ជែម សុខ អត់ដែល review តួរលេខទាំងអស់នោះទេ។
@CamboXchange Nah bro, you brought money from Cambodia and used those to buy a house in America. If you're born to a regular black family, you won't be where you are right now. If you watch the local news, you'll know what I mean. In cambodia, one traffic accident turned into breaking news by those local small interviewers. For a regular black person, there are many cases that they got shot by police and never appear in the news. There's also a case where an employee die on their desk for 4 full days before the death body was found. Family cultures in America are really dead. There are a lot more negative if we want to talk about. You're just an outsider who not understand their way of living yet. Same thing for those foreigner living in Thailand. They just don't understand the local news. That why they love traveling to Thailand.
correct bong
Yes that right bong
You right
Sad but true
បើនៅខាងរដ្ឋ California មិនបានទេប្អូនសូម្បីតែបងប្អូនក៍មិនអាចធ្វើការជាមួយគ្នាបានដែររឺក៍ប្ដីប្រពន្ធមិនអាចតែម្ដង
I got u point, my sister used to have quarrels with lots of asian or khmer co-workers too!!! so sad but so true!!!😝😝😝😇😇😇😰😰😰😓😥😓🫣🫣🫣🤪🤪🤪
I agree
So true
America is the land of opportunity, however 61% of American adults are living paycheck to paycheck! In Canada, it is even worse!
that's why people need to work harder
ត្រូវហើយខ្ញុំជួបផ្ទាល់ហើយពួក Mexico Muslin ពួកវាខូចណាស់ តែខ្ញុំមិនខ្លាចទេ ត្រូវហើយពីព្រោះខ្ញុំចេះការងាច្រើនជាងពួកៗ ប៉ែងជើងខ្ញុំរាលពេលតែវាធ្វើមិនបាន
There are 750,000 homeless people in USA. There are 73,654 people died from a fentanyl overdose in the US last year. 15% (1.5 in 10 people) of americans are on anti-depressants.
Statistic don't lie, bro. If my kids born there, there's a chance that they become 1 of them.
Current US population is 341 million.
350 million / 18 million~= 20 times
750,000 homeless/20 ~= 37500 homeless
73654 died by fentanyl / 20 ~= 3682
the problem is: តា ជែម សុខ អត់ដែល review តួរលេខទាំងអស់នោះទេ។
work hard, stress, lonely, depression... but still America better than hundred of countries over the world. Justics really existed in United State
@CamboXchange Nah bro, you brought money from Cambodia and used those to buy a house in America. If you're born to a regular black family, you won't be where you are right now. If you watch the local news, you'll know what I mean. In cambodia, one traffic accident turned into breaking news by those local small interviewers. For a regular black person, there are many cases that they got shot by police and never appear in the news. There's also a case where an employee die on their desk for 4 full days before the death body was found. Family cultures in America are really dead. There are a lot more negative if we want to talk about. You're just an outsider who not understand their way of living yet. Same thing for those foreigner living in Thailand. They just don't understand the local news. That why they love traveling to Thailand.