Good points, this is a difficult subject. People should know that ammonia causes irreparable damage to fish gills. Definitely adding a sponge or filter media from an up and running filter works.
Good suggestions. I am new to fish keeping. Started in August. Learned a lot. Lost two fish due to circumstances out of my control. I am always trying to learn more. Thanks
I set up a 10 gallon a week ago. Put used poly fill from another tank,added Dr Tims ammonia and Fritz 7. Will monitor for a couple of weeks before adding neon tetras, which is to quarantine til I put in main community tank.
The fish store owner recommended me Dr. Tim’s all in one and he said I could add fight right after. I had my tank and filter going two days prior with that PH control thing, so I added the all in one, waited 24 hours and went back and purchased 6 guppies. They are happy and thriving! Two days later I added 3 Corydoras and all are happy tbh! They aren’t shy, and it’s weird cuz they actually come to the glass I think they know I feed them lol But I just did a 30-40% water change and I hope I didn’t mess up! But I did add a cap and a half of prime, half to the tank and a fill cap to the tap water. But I only cycled 3 days and 1 with Dr Tim’s all in one! Just add fish slowly like they mentioned here. Fish store told me the same so the ammonia don’t spike
I've been keeping fish since the '70s, fresh and salt, breeding, and I've NEVER done a 50% water change. Maybe 20% at most. Smaller changes more often. My favorite is doing a half gallon a day continuously, because it's so easy.
All I wanted to know is that I have a 3 ft tank, after 5 days I put 2 Cherry Barbs in, a week later 5 more. When do I do a 20 or 25% water change? The fish are happy and the PH still looks neutral.
Ok, understood. I only have the PH kit that just reads Acid to Alkaline, so far so good, I just need to get the other one that reads Ammonia and Nitrate.
So I recently set up a 75 gallon with a new fluval 407 canister. My brother in law had a 60 gallon sponge in a tank running for years so I threw that in my tank to help worked out beautifully. Kept the sponge for 2 weeks and gave it back. added fish and no problems. Then I had a massive issue.....ICH!!! One of the Electric Blue Acara I bought had ICH from the store and since im new I had no idea what it brother in law said what to look for and boom...first fish in my new tank had ich so the next 7 fish I added all got the ICH as well. you know when you treat ICH they call for water change after 2 days then treat then water change again so I had to do this to my newly established tank. I got lucky and all the fish survived and I cured the ICH as well. My tank has been running for 2 months now, fish about 2 to 3 inches roughly all healthy..... 2 electric blue acrara, 2 Geophagus Tapajos, 2 Geophagus Red Line, and 2 Albino Threadfin Hecklii.....I love it but it wasnt easy. If not for chanels like yours I wouldve lost them. Oh btw, yes I squeezed all my brother in laws filters into a bucket and poured it into my tank as well in the beginning. The Red Line Geo's were mislabeled as Tapajos but are suriname so they get to about a foot, looks like I will have to donate them when they reach about 6", tanks just not big enough for them.
Just set up a new 100 gal acrylic tank.put 30 lbs of new sand in and took my old tank 60 gal sand and rocks , put on top. My old filters 2- 406's transfered to the new tank. Also my plastic plants kept in water till transfer. Added my fish, with this I had one day of semi clouded water and over night it cleared completely! Didn't put in any additives. Just shows keeping as much bacteria alive started my cycle quicker and safer!
I watch a lot of fish youtubers and this is the first one I have seen point out if you use bottled bacteria to make sure your water is conditioned and pure first so as not to kill the bacteria.... I wouldn't have thought of that myself but now it is pointed out to me it really is very intelligent advice.
The rep from Fritz enlightened me on this point. We were talking about the main reasons why bacteria in a bottle wouldn’t work: 1) Bottle past expired date and 2) adding bacteria into unconditioned tank water 😲😀👍🏻
This was very helpfull for me since i started new aquarium with one Fightning fish and 5 smaller fish.. and the bacteria treatmemr.. tought it would be time to change some water (already added 100ml bacteria out of required 150 in 3 weeks) maybe i wait couple of weeks more, fish seems to do okey, littlebit shy bit getting to know👍
I have set up a new tank using established media from other tanks like sponge filters, or sponges out of Hobs and actually squeezing the sponges into the new tank of treated water. But what I don't understand is why the big RUclips guys like yourself, the king of DIY, aquarium Co-op, don't talk about fishless cycling using pure ammonia. Which I have also done in the past with great success.
I plan on getting 2 ranchus for my 60 gallon laguna basin tub pond. I will be getting 2 co-op sponge filters and 1 moving bed filter. How many months should I keep the filters running until I introduce one or 2 fish? 🤔
You are just so helpful. I posted on a separate video that I'm following your advice. So, with my new 65 gal I started with fritzzyme 7 & 6 tetras. After a while, I added 4 platys. My water parameters are holding steady at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5ppm nitrate. Is there such a thing a "too low of a nitrate" level? I have lots of plants, so I know that is keeping it lower. I haven't changed out any water.
@Ben Ochart to follow up, if I maintain no water change ( just topping off for evaporation &water tests), should I continue to do so until I see a higher nitrate level? I do plan to add a catfish family at some point. Thank you so much for your advice. I'm happy with the gradual approach and thriving fish during cycling!
Thank you so much !!!!! I just setup a 20g and curently have 2 african cichlids.. total how many can I keep ? Each of mine are about 2inches long so far. Great video I hope this helps out some one else as well 😀 👍
Thank you for the education. I’m getting back into the hobby after several years and set up a 10 gallon aquarium that my daughter got me I have added the water conditioner then beneficial bacteria in the bottle. I have some pathos in a plant holder with their roots in the water. In your video you say to go a month. What I’m trying to understand is what will those beneficial bacteria that are building up eat? They need ammonia in order to eat in order to multiply, correct? How will they do that? If I go a month without adding a fish? Should I add some fish flakes?
So true. In order to keep fish you first need to learn how to keep water. The bacteria is just important as the fish and thats why it is just as important to feed them as it is to feed your fish. Unfortunately they need fish poop to survive.
I AM experiencing a situation were my fish show signs of distress After a 70 % treated water change. I don't understand how this happens Nitrates go from 80 down to 40 And the fish are gasping at the surface for about an hour
i am making AQUARIUM BACK GROUNDS... they will trap alot of water causing the trapped water to not circulate at all.. is this stagnated water actually good for your Aquarium or must it be periodically drained out ?
I've been really patient I've got for small tectras been in my new biord nearly 2 weeks now theu seem happy....did you say leave water change for a month with new tank
Best to let it "cycle" without messing much. But the beneficial bacteria you are hoping to promote are not in the water column much at all, so a small water change will not interrupt things too much.
Hello, I have a question. My son got a new 10 gallon fish tank with glofish. We got 3, and they all died. 2 weeks later, 1 day apart. They had red on top of their heads, and they eyes looked like they were popping out,we took the water to get tested, and it was fine,I don't know why they keep dying,can you please help me with some advice.
They might have already been sick when you bought them. Put 2 or 3 tetras in there and see what happens. Black Skirt tetras would be best. And do water tests making sure to do a 50% water change if there’s the slightest amount of ammonia.
Bennnnn... please help. So we wanted to start keeping fish, 3 gold fish, 120 l tank. Went that the cycle. Got nitrite low. Added 3 fish. All seemed well. Water changes every week (30 l) with a clean up we found that nitrite shot up. One of the fish got white spots. Treated it. Every one got well and happy. The treatment said replace water after treatment cycle. So we did 50%. Everything seemed okay. It feels like the nitrites are going up again. It is less than the o.1%. So everyone is still safe, but I’m stressing out. What can I do. Our tank have real plants and the algae balls that are supposed to help against nitrite. Please help Ben. 🙏🏻 I think we shouldn’t hav changed the water. But now that it is done. What do we do to keep the nitrites in check? I don’t want my fish to die. Do you think I’m stressing too much? May be it,k come back down by itself?
All I wanted to know is that I have a 3 ft tank, after 5 days I put 2 Cherry Barbs in, a week later 5 more. When do I do a 20 or 25% water change? The fish are happy and the PH still looks neutral.
The key is what are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings? That will tell you how the cycling of the tank is going. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and a reasonable amount of nitrate, like 10-40ppm, and you’re good to go. I’d continue adding small groups like you’ve been doing. This gives the tank a chance to catch up.
Hi. Great video. I just started a fish tank and used bottled beneficial bacteria to get it started for 3 days… then today on the fourth day I added a few small fish (neon tetras) but no BB…Should I add more bottled beneficial bacteria? Or wait and see how it goes first? I’m a bit confused.
Keep an eye on things. The BB needs food (ammonia) so adding some fish right away is vital. Two biggest mistakes people make (according to Fritz) when using bottled BB: 1) Didn’t condition water before adding BB and 2) didn’t notice that the bottle of BB was expired, and I’d add a 3rd one: didn’t add a BB food source (fish or ammonia) fast enough.
I'm new. I set up a 10 gallon planted tank no fish yet it's been about a week my Nitrates is at 50, Nitrite 5 and 0 Ammonia, my water was conditioned when I added the beneficial bacteria when I set it up. I have done no water changes. Probably a stupid question but Why are my Nitrates high when I have no fish in the tank yet?
My aquarium was always crystal clear before but recently after a water change, my tank was cloudy as hell. Never happened to me before. I think its because I kinda did a 90% water change which possibly killed the beneficial bacteria that was on the tank and canister filter. Its frustrating looking at my tank like this but it is what it is. Just want to know what's the fastest way to make water clear again.
@ 5:43 Yes I did this into my Brand new FX2 from a Sponge filter, dropped in an airstone and filled with water, left for three days then installed it....was already "dirty" .. So far so good, still using Sponge filter in tandem just to be safe......90 gallon looking good so far
Once again Ben, a ton of information I was looking for. Just wanted to make sure I got this right, I conditioned my water as I filled my tank which I bought off someone and got their decorations and canister filter I told you about in your other canister video. So I've got the filter running didn't clean any media and added the fritz zyme 7 last night. Your saying I can add fish already and still don't do water changes for atleast a month? It's a 60 gallon tank with aqueon 300 filter if that helps with ur answer
A few fish at a time should be fine after conditioned and FritzZyme 7 added. Did media from an established tank come with the canister filter? Certainly do water tests and if after adding fish you notice even a slight amount of ammonia or nitrites, add water conditioner, do a water change hit with another dose of FritzZyme.
@Ben Ochart currently just have a pleco and a baby angel fish we just got last weekend so we're going to take it slow. And yes it has 2 trays, bottom tray has sponge and what I believe is a bag of charcoal, top tray has bio balls and the white cylinders. I took a handful of the cylinders and put them at the bottom of my canister too like I saw in one of your videos. All media came with from his prior set up
@Ben Ochart I put the angel and pleco in about 30 mins ago, they both sat still for a little while and our angel is now swimming all over she loves it but the pleco hasn't budged. Should I be worried? I know he's mostly sitting still anyways in the smaller tank but I just hope I'm over thinking it and he's okay
Hi Ben how are you I just found the best tool for cleaning algae off of hard-to-reach small places I have an old electric toothbrush that I am using for cleaning algae off of small things it works better than anything I have ever used before be sure to use your wife's toothbrush and not your own she'll never know LOL
Stop right now with the Prime or any other conditioner that has any form of ammonia binder, nitrite or nitrate binders, also know as highly concentrated. These conditioners don’t belong anywhere near a cycling tank and are only good for emergencies to do house moves or prevent a tank crash dew to power outages. Ben this is very important you stop promoting Prime and similar products as routine maintenance usage. I hope this information starts getting the traction needed, Tetra TapSafe and the Fluval Aquaplus are the regular maintenance safe conditioners people should be using as they only tackle harmful heavy metals chlorine and chloramine and add some helpful supplements. Products that are similar in chemicals to Prime can stall or restart a tank cycle as they bind the steps beneficial bacteria need to feed and multiply from.. I’m not throwing shade at Prime as it should be in your arsenal to prevent mistakes or accident but I will throw shade at a person who is actively telling people starting out to use a product that is not helping a healthy tank cycle or a healthy maintenance program.. I hope you read and fully understand where I’m coming from Ben, take care and please stop promoting products like Prime for regular maintenance.
Matt, All I can say is I’ve used it for years and had nothing but success with both Prime and Safe and more recently with Fritz Complete 🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️
@@BenOchart just because you haven’t had problems that doesn’t mean it’s not safe.. the US has more lax regulations on chemicals than most other countries, you only have to look at the fact Americans can walk into a shop and buy over the counter antibiotics for fish. At some point you’ll ask yourself should I be putting this much chemicals in my aquarium. Like I wrote it’s perfectly fine using these products in a jam or when moving house, but they shouldn’t be used as part of everyday routine maintenance. The important part you also seem to be missing is testing your aquariums/fishroom water the test will lie to you as you have all those binding agents masking the true results of anything bad happening, another factor to think about is long term use may influence your livestock immunity. I feel very strongly about this issue, maybe you should involve this topic in your livestream..
@@mattphillips6714 "If Prime® is removing ammonia from the system, won’t that starve the beneficial bacteria? A: Prime® does not remove ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate from the system. It simply binds with those compounds making them harmless to the inhabitants and still bioavailable to the beneficial bacteria." Wtf are you talking about? 😂😂😂
@@stevenfletcher888 can you read English... I wrote it binds.. and doesn't remove. I said it can stall and possibly restart a cycle because it binds Ammonia everything I have written has truths to it. People are starting to rely on products that mask bad husbandry I wrote they have there place but not everyday. What's next oh I don't have to do waterchanges because I could just use water conditioner as it makes my poor water chemistry safe.. if your going to try and throw shade at my post at least read what I've put.. my post is about using water conditioner to make tap water safe not mask the problems a new tank may have..
@@mattphillips6714 Yeah I read your post. At no point did you prove that it stalls or "restarts" the cycle. If you "could read English," you'd see that my reply was directly aimed at that and you are continuing to spiral on about nonsense for no reason.
Good points, this is a difficult subject. People should know that ammonia causes irreparable damage to fish gills. Definitely adding a sponge or filter media from an up and running filter works.
Good suggestions. I am new to fish keeping. Started in August. Learned a lot. Lost two fish due to circumstances out of my control. I am always trying to learn more. Thanks
The learning never ends, it's part of the fun of this hobby. Thanks for watching!
Thanks Ben. I set up a 2nd tank just the way you taught us in previous videos and it worked! thanks so much!
I set up a 10 gallon a week ago. Put used poly fill from another tank,added Dr Tims ammonia and Fritz 7. Will monitor for a couple of weeks before adding neon tetras, which is to quarantine til I put in main community tank.
The fish store owner recommended me Dr. Tim’s all in one and he said I could add fight right after.
I had my tank and filter going two days prior with that PH control thing, so I added the all in one, waited 24 hours and went back and purchased 6 guppies. They are happy and thriving! Two days later I added 3 Corydoras and all are happy tbh!
They aren’t shy, and it’s weird cuz they actually come to the glass I think they know I feed them lol
But I just did a 30-40% water change and I hope I didn’t mess up! But I did add a cap and a half of prime, half to the tank and a fill cap to the tap water.
But I only cycled 3 days and 1 with Dr Tim’s all in one! Just add fish slowly like they mentioned here. Fish store told me the same so the ammonia don’t spike
I've been keeping fish since the '70s, fresh and salt, breeding, and I've NEVER done a 50% water change. Maybe 20% at most. Smaller changes more often. My favorite is doing a half gallon a day continuously, because it's so easy.
All I wanted to know is that I have a 3 ft tank, after 5 days I put 2 Cherry Barbs in, a week later 5 more. When do I do a 20 or 25% water change? The fish are happy and the PH still looks neutral.
Ok, understood. I only have the PH kit that just reads Acid to Alkaline, so far so good, I just need to get the other one that reads Ammonia and Nitrate.
@@bguen1234 so for a 29 gallon tank with about 18 total tetras and guppies how often you think I should do the small chamge
you come in clutch allllll the time Ben, I just started my new 200 gallon and was wondering when to chance the water today.
So I recently set up a 75 gallon with a new fluval 407 canister. My brother in law had a 60 gallon sponge in a tank running for years so I threw that in my tank to help worked out beautifully. Kept the sponge for 2 weeks and gave it back. added fish and no problems. Then I had a massive issue.....ICH!!! One of the Electric Blue Acara I bought had ICH from the store and since im new I had no idea what it brother in law said what to look for and boom...first fish in my new tank had ich so the next 7 fish I added all got the ICH as well. you know when you treat ICH they call for water change after 2 days then treat then water change again so I had to do this to my newly established tank. I got lucky and all the fish survived and I cured the ICH as well. My tank has been running for 2 months now, fish about 2 to 3 inches roughly all healthy..... 2 electric blue acrara, 2 Geophagus Tapajos, 2 Geophagus Red Line, and 2 Albino Threadfin Hecklii.....I love it but it wasnt easy. If not for chanels like yours I wouldve lost them. Oh btw, yes I squeezed all my brother in laws filters into a bucket and poured it into my tank as well in the beginning. The Red Line Geo's were mislabeled as Tapajos but are suriname so they get to about a foot, looks like I will have to donate them when they reach about 6", tanks just not big enough for them.
Just set up a new 100 gal acrylic tank.put 30 lbs of new sand in and took my old tank 60 gal sand and rocks , put on top. My old filters 2- 406's transfered to the new tank. Also my plastic plants kept in water till transfer. Added my fish, with this I had one day of semi clouded water and over night it cleared completely! Didn't put in any additives. Just shows keeping as much bacteria alive started my cycle quicker and safer!
No conditioner for the new water added to get from 60 to 100?
Great video Ben, it's good to see some confirmation. Cheers 👍
I watch a lot of fish youtubers and this is the first one I have seen point out if you use bottled bacteria to make sure your water is conditioned and pure first so as not to kill the bacteria.... I wouldn't have thought of that myself but now it is pointed out to me it really is very intelligent advice.
The rep from Fritz enlightened me on this point. We were talking about the main reasons why bacteria in a bottle wouldn’t work: 1) Bottle past expired date and 2) adding bacteria into unconditioned tank water 😲😀👍🏻
Sound advice !! Thanks again Ben !!
This was very helpfull for me since i started new aquarium with one Fightning fish and 5 smaller fish.. and the bacteria treatmemr.. tought it would be time to change some water (already added 100ml bacteria out of required 150 in 3 weeks) maybe i wait couple of weeks more, fish seems to do okey, littlebit shy bit getting to know👍
You have a lot of great videos. Thank you!
Glad you like them!
I just set up a new 75gallon 2 days ago. Buying a water pump to fill best investment
I have set up a new tank using established media from other tanks like sponge filters, or sponges out of Hobs and actually squeezing the sponges into the new tank of treated water.
But what I don't understand is why the big RUclips guys like yourself, the king of DIY, aquarium Co-op, don't talk about fishless cycling using pure ammonia. Which I have also done in the past with great success.
Great content. Makes a lot of sense.
Another great one Ben!
I plan on getting 2 ranchus for my 60 gallon laguna basin tub pond. I will be getting 2 co-op sponge filters and 1 moving bed filter. How many months should I keep the filters running until I introduce one or 2 fish? 🤔
Life saving tips thanks Ben
You are just so helpful. I posted on a separate video that I'm following your advice. So, with my new 65 gal I started with fritzzyme 7 & 6 tetras. After a while, I added 4 platys. My water parameters are holding steady at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5ppm nitrate. Is there such a thing a "too low of a nitrate" level? I have lots of plants, so I know that is keeping it lower. I haven't changed out any water.
A low nitrate level is a good sign. The plants are certainly helping. Great job!
@Ben Ochart to follow up, if I maintain no water change ( just topping off for evaporation &water tests), should I continue to do so until I see a higher nitrate level? I do plan to add a catfish family at some point. Thank you so much for your advice. I'm happy with the gradual approach and thriving fish during cycling!
Thank you so much for this, Golden saved my life.❤️❤️
You are welcome 😀👍🏻
Thank you so much !!!!! I just setup a 20g and curently have 2 african cichlids.. total how many can I keep ? Each of mine are about 2inches long so far. Great video I hope this helps out some one else as well 😀 👍
I’m glad you found it helpful 😀👍🏻
🐠 Best way to keep your fish healthy 🐠 This is vital information 😎
Thank you for the education. I’m getting back into the hobby after several years and set up a 10 gallon aquarium that my daughter got me I have added the water conditioner then beneficial bacteria in the bottle. I have some pathos in a plant holder with their roots in the water. In your video you say to go a month. What I’m trying to understand is what will those beneficial bacteria that are building up eat? They need ammonia in order to eat in order to multiply, correct? How will they do that? If I go a month without adding a fish? Should I add some fish flakes?
If you’re using bacteria in a bottle you can start adding small numbers of fish right away.
@@louisguagenti6600Just start with a couple of small fish. See how they
get on.
Thank you! you saved me from a vicious cycle
Great to hear!
Good morning Ben from south Florida. 🙏for sharing
Ahh the free state! Jealous from California!
So true. In order to keep fish you first need to learn how to keep water. The bacteria is just important as the fish and thats why it is just as important to feed them as it is to feed your fish. Unfortunately they need fish poop to survive.
It's even safe to use on the silicone edges inside the tank
Great advice 👍
Almost at 45k ! Congrats...
Only 290,000 to catch Dawang the dog!
Good morning Ben!
I AM experiencing a situation were my fish show signs of distress
After a 70 % treated water change.
I don't understand how this happens
Nitrates go from 80
down to 40
And the fish are gasping at the surface for about an hour
Excellent! I don't ever do water changes and feed only 2-3 times a week. Loving this hobby!
Thanks for this
i am making AQUARIUM BACK GROUNDS... they will trap alot of water causing the trapped water to not circulate at all.. is this stagnated water actually good for your Aquarium or must it be periodically drained out ?
Does the addition of Products like API Ammo Lock hinder the formation of beneficial bacteria like the water changes?
I’m not familiar with the Ammo Lock product 🤷🏼♂️. I always condition water added during water changes and the BB does fine.
I've been really patient I've got for small tectras been in my new biord nearly 2 weeks now theu seem happy....did you say leave water change for a month with new tank
Best to let it "cycle" without messing much. But the beneficial bacteria you are hoping to promote are not in the water column much at all, so a small water change will not interrupt things too much.
Hello, I have a question. My son got a new 10 gallon fish tank with glofish. We got 3, and they all died. 2 weeks later, 1 day apart. They had red on top of their heads, and they eyes looked like they were popping out,we took the water to get tested, and it was fine,I don't know why they keep dying,can you please help me with some advice.
They might have already been sick when you bought them. Put 2 or 3 tetras in there and see what happens. Black Skirt tetras would be best. And do water tests making sure to do a 50% water change if there’s the slightest amount of ammonia.
Bennnnn... please help. So we wanted to start keeping fish, 3 gold fish, 120 l tank. Went that the cycle. Got nitrite low. Added 3 fish. All seemed well. Water changes every week (30 l) with a clean up we found that nitrite shot up. One of the fish got white spots. Treated it. Every one got well and happy. The treatment said replace water after treatment cycle. So we did 50%. Everything seemed okay. It feels like the nitrites are going up again. It is less than the o.1%. So everyone is still safe, but I’m stressing out. What can I do. Our tank have real plants and the algae balls that are supposed to help against nitrite. Please help Ben. 🙏🏻 I think we shouldn’t hav changed the water. But now that it is done. What do we do to keep the nitrites in check? I don’t want my fish to die. Do you think I’m stressing too much? May be it,k come back down by itself?
Nitrite should be zero. Don’t stress over nitrate unless it’s over 80ppm.
How much are you feeding? Feed very sparingly. The fish won't starve!
All I wanted to know is that I have a 3 ft tank, after 5 days I put 2 Cherry Barbs in, a week later 5 more. When do I do a 20 or 25% water change? The fish are happy and the PH still looks neutral.
The key is what are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings? That will tell you how the cycling of the tank is going. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and a reasonable amount of nitrate, like 10-40ppm, and you’re good to go. I’d continue adding small groups like you’ve been doing. This gives the tank a chance to catch up.
When I put in 5 new fish, in my 55, how soon should I change water, n how much?
Hi. Great video. I just started a fish tank and used bottled beneficial bacteria to get it started for 3 days… then today on the fourth day I added a few small fish (neon tetras) but no BB…Should I add more bottled beneficial bacteria? Or wait and see how it goes first? I’m a bit confused.
Keep an eye on things. The BB needs food (ammonia) so adding some fish right away is vital. Two biggest mistakes people make (according to Fritz) when using bottled BB: 1) Didn’t condition water before adding BB and 2) didn’t notice that the bottle of BB was expired, and I’d add a 3rd one: didn’t add a BB food source (fish or ammonia) fast enough.
I'm new. I set up a 10 gallon planted tank no fish yet it's been about a week my Nitrates is at 50, Nitrite 5 and 0 Ammonia, my water was conditioned when I added the beneficial bacteria when I set it up. I have done no water changes. Probably a stupid question but Why are my Nitrates high when I have no fish in the tank yet?
Not stupid at all. Most fishkeepers aren't actually chemists.
My aquarium was always crystal clear before but recently after a water change, my tank was cloudy as hell. Never happened to me before. I think its because I kinda did a 90% water change which possibly killed the beneficial bacteria that was on the tank and canister filter. Its frustrating looking at my tank like this but it is what it is. Just want to know what's the fastest way to make water clear again.
A water change will never affect your beneficial bacteria.
Great content that is informative, as always. Thanks!
your speaking voice reminded me of Kenny Rogers
I’ve heard that before. I liked Kenny, so thank you😀👍🏻
@ 5:43 Yes I did this into my Brand new FX2 from a Sponge filter, dropped in an airstone and filled with water, left for three days then installed it....was already "dirty" .. So far so good, still using Sponge filter in tandem just to be safe......90 gallon looking good so far
How often when your tank looks good?
Water can look crystal clear and be deadly to our fish. I change water at a minimum every two weeks.
exactly what i needed!!!!
Once again Ben, a ton of information I was looking for. Just wanted to make sure I got this right, I conditioned my water as I filled my tank which I bought off someone and got their decorations and canister filter I told you about in your other canister video. So I've got the filter running didn't clean any media and added the fritz zyme 7 last night. Your saying I can add fish already and still don't do water changes for atleast a month? It's a 60 gallon tank with aqueon 300 filter if that helps with ur answer
A few fish at a time should be fine after conditioned and FritzZyme 7 added. Did media from an established tank come with the canister filter?
Certainly do water tests and if after adding fish you notice even a slight amount of ammonia or nitrites, add water conditioner, do a water change hit with another dose of FritzZyme.
@Ben Ochart currently just have a pleco and a baby angel fish we just got last weekend so we're going to take it slow. And yes it has 2 trays, bottom tray has sponge and what I believe is a bag of charcoal, top tray has bio balls and the white cylinders. I took a handful of the cylinders and put them at the bottom of my canister too like I saw in one of your videos. All media came with from his prior set up
@Ben Ochart I put the angel and pleco in about 30 mins ago, they both sat still for a little while and our angel is now swimming all over she loves it but the pleco hasn't budged. Should I be worried? I know he's mostly sitting still anyways in the smaller tank but I just hope I'm over thinking it and he's okay
The more harmful nitrate! I’m just you’r typical internet troll all in good fun and good spirits you are doing good work!!
☕️ ☕️ ☕️
Yeah aquariums are not meant to be 100% clean
Hi Ben how are you I just found the best tool for cleaning algae off of hard-to-reach small places I have an old electric toothbrush that I am using for cleaning algae off of small things it works better than anything I have ever used before be sure to use your wife's toothbrush and not your own she'll never know LOL
Beautiful fish, and good advice as always! BTW will you marry me? 😘💛😊
Stop right now with the Prime or any other conditioner that has any form of ammonia binder, nitrite or nitrate binders, also know as highly concentrated. These conditioners don’t belong anywhere near a cycling tank and are only good for emergencies to do house moves or prevent a tank crash dew to power outages. Ben this is very important you stop promoting Prime and similar products as routine maintenance usage. I hope this information starts getting the traction needed, Tetra TapSafe and the Fluval Aquaplus are the regular maintenance safe conditioners people should be using as they only tackle harmful heavy metals chlorine and chloramine and add some helpful supplements. Products that are similar in chemicals to Prime can stall or restart a tank cycle as they bind the steps beneficial bacteria need to feed and multiply from.. I’m not throwing shade at Prime as it should be in your arsenal to prevent mistakes or accident but I will throw shade at a person who is actively telling people starting out to use a product that is not helping a healthy tank cycle or a healthy maintenance program.. I hope you read and fully understand where I’m coming from Ben, take care and please stop promoting products like Prime for regular maintenance.
Matt, All I can say is I’ve used it for years and had nothing but success with both Prime and Safe and more recently with Fritz Complete 🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️
@@BenOchart just because you haven’t had problems that doesn’t mean it’s not safe.. the US has more lax regulations on chemicals than most other countries, you only have to look at the fact Americans can walk into a shop and buy over the counter antibiotics for fish. At some point you’ll ask yourself should I be putting this much chemicals in my aquarium. Like I wrote it’s perfectly fine using these products in a jam or when moving house, but they shouldn’t be used as part of everyday routine maintenance. The important part you also seem to be missing is testing your aquariums/fishroom water the test will lie to you as you have all those binding agents masking the true results of anything bad happening, another factor to think about is long term use may influence your livestock immunity. I feel very strongly about this issue, maybe you should involve this topic in your livestream..
@@mattphillips6714 "If Prime® is removing ammonia from the system, won’t that starve the beneficial bacteria?
A: Prime® does not remove ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate from the system. It simply binds with those compounds making them harmless to the inhabitants and still bioavailable to the beneficial bacteria."
Wtf are you talking about? 😂😂😂
@@stevenfletcher888 can you read English... I wrote it binds.. and doesn't remove. I said it can stall and possibly restart a cycle because it binds Ammonia everything I have written has truths to it. People are starting to rely on products that mask bad husbandry I wrote they have there place but not everyday. What's next oh I don't have to do waterchanges because I could just use water conditioner as it makes my poor water chemistry safe.. if your going to try and throw shade at my post at least read what I've put.. my post is about using water conditioner to make tap water safe not mask the problems a new tank may have..
@@mattphillips6714 Yeah I read your post. At no point did you prove that it stalls or "restarts" the cycle. If you "could read English," you'd see that my reply was directly aimed at that and you are continuing to spiral on about nonsense for no reason.