Every year, but you forgot to mention: every year at a SUBSTANTIALLY higher interest rate of the Rus central bank (now at a crippling 21%!!!).... THAT"S THE RUS PROBLEM!!!
I'm Filipino married to a beautiful and loving Russian woman. Worked in California for 20 years and retired last year and now living with my wife in Russia. I laugh when my family and friends get alarmed and call me because they've heard on the mainstream news in the US that Russia's economy is now collapsing and people are panicking. I told them gas here is about 2.25 USD per gallon. The groceries are full of people. You can buy fresh bread cheese eggs butter milk for a dollar. And no GMO foods are allowed here. No beggars, no homeless people, and you can walk the streets at 1am without having to look over your shoulder for fear of getting robbed or killed. Can you say the same thing for america? Absolutely not. There's a reason my wife and I decided to live here and raise our 3 year old boy and not in the US. Yes the ruble has gone down vs the USD. But so did all other currecies including the Euro. That doesn't mean the russian economy is collapsing, it just means the USD has become stronger probably because businesses are now more confident about a Trump presidency. I told my friends and family to stop watching fake news and propaganda from mainstream media already. WTH are they still eatching regular TV and cable anyway? That's so yesterday 😂😂😂
I am living in South Africa, and I also have a loving Russian wife. All Russian women outclass all Western women by miles. These are real women, and if I had children, I would also move to Russia. 😂😂Poor EU woman loose out on good men.
Sending out an S.O.S: Dear people of the world: Help! The Russian economy is totally collapsing! We are becoming desperate. Ever since McDonalds and KFC pulled out, there's been nothing to eat here in Moscow but non-GMO food, fresh vegetables, grass-fed beef, and caviar. You cannot imagine our suffering. If any of you can send over to Russia some US junk food, it would be much appreciated. Thank you. I hope that someone gets my message in a (champagne) bottle.
Currently, there are a third of countries under US Sanctions. WHERE is the respective Political Leadership going to turn ? WHICH "Block" will they go to for help ?
The west claims that they are neutering Russia while they are busy stabbing themselves in the crotch. The "gang who couldn't shoot straight". Its actually hilarious to watch western incompetence.
@@FunnyBunny-pd5xx There have only been two attempts to establish a New World Order in the world in the last 100 years. One was American, the other was... German. And for some weird reason, people don't want to live in either one.
Well, I am an Italian citizen. In 4 years, from 2020 to today, all major consumer products have increased in price by 80% and I'm talking about food, electricity payments, gas, garbage, sewage... while salaries have grown by 10%. % in 4 years. What the hell inflation and economic crisis do we want to talk about for Russia?. The truth is that unemployment and the impoverishment of the middle and lower class of the European population is a hell of a problem...this is a really big problem!.
@@tonidimitrova6078 The spike in grocery prices is insane. I spend about twice what I did in 2020. Whoever says inflation is below 3 % is out of their mind. When I was in college from 2008 to 2012 I paid $600 per month for a single bedroom apartment. My friend told me that his son pays $1800 for a single bedroom apartment in the same town.
In Germany soup went from 0.49€ to 1.20€ with wages being stagnant. They like to talk about Russia who is also in a deep s*it in order to avoid talking about domestic massive problems. Its basically "look they are doing worse" argument.
@@mistermaster4495 There has been a continuous US Military presence in Germany since 1945. The US largest overseas Base is located at Bavarian Garrison at Grafenwohr. Recently reported, For Germany to return to pre 24 February 2022, number of tanks, it will take until 2066.
@@chelmano0 Germany is The Power House of Europe. IF Germany collapses, it could bring down The European Union. The German Rightwing Political Party, AfD (Alternative for Deutschland) is gaining increasing popularity with Members of The German Electorate. Their latest Policy, "Germany to leave The EU"
The loonie goes up and down with the price of commodities since the Canadian economy is driven by commodity exports. Commodities are down so the loonie will be down. Wouldn't worry about it too much.
@@ardour1587If I had the money I would move today from Canada to Russia. But I’m over 65 and living on a small budget. I would love to travel all over Russia and to get to know the people, language and way of life. At least I have books that I read concerning Russia. May Russia grow strong, healthy and wise. Here in the west there are far too many fat, stupid people that are ignorant and deceived by many different things. May the new year of 2025 be very good for Russia and her people ❤
As always, thanks for the explanations, this is not the first time I understand better what is happening in my own country thanks to you. Greetings from St. Petersburg
The video discusses recent fluctuations in the Russian ruble, explaining seasonal factors, sanctions on Gazprombank, and global economic trends affecting its value. It argues that despite temporary weakening, Russia's economy remains fundamentally strong, with high trade surpluses and reduced dollar dependence.
What? Neither of them have been right, not even once. You know that old saying about a broken clock? In their case the hands fell off and it doesn't indicate any time by which to be right twice a day. They are Kremlin stooges.
22-24 October 2024. The BR*CS Summit held in Kazan. From my understanding, President Erdogan has expressed an interest, for Turkiye to become a Member Country. For a country to gain Membership, there has to be an unanimous consent vote, from Member Countries, at the time of joining. Turkey has been a NATO Member State since the 1950's. Syria. NOW President Erdogan has gone up against President Putin. 7 October Atrocities. Immediately afterwards, President Erdogan was calling Members of Hxmxs "Freedom Fxghtxrs" President Erdogan has a good relationship with PM Viktor Orban of Hungary. An EU Member State. ONE DAY President Erdogan WILL have to decide, which side he is on, his country is on !
Russians spend about 4times the percentage of their salary on food, energy and gasoline are more expensive than in western europe realtive to income, cars erc are waay more expensive relative to income
Transparency of Foreign Influence passed by the Georgian Parliament in May, requiring non-commercial entities and media outlets to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. They don't want to be another Ukraine.
The comparison between inflated economies such as those in the West and real economies such as the Russian one is interesting. We in Sweden know all about inflated economy, as we get it worse every year.
Since we in Sweden is both in the EU and NATO nowadays, we inherit some of their downturn. The food inflation was high a while, until a year ago, but that was our most serious issue, and it has now abated. Trade with Germany will be hurt by that country's deap downturn, and we will suffer from the EU's clash with China. The next year, we can also expect that trade with the US will drop, especially with the USD being much too high. We aren't independent of our environment! But still, we have only 1/10 of the government debt per capita of what the US has, and very limited deficit spending. If we just can continue to keep out of the Euro, and have our own currency, we might continue to be all right. I worry much more about the rest of Europe!
@@jasonhallock3773 but you are paying back that and more.. cos they only pay back the interest of that debt... and the American government takes your taxes, which should go towards hospitals, roads, schools and infrastructure yet, they instead spend it on war and vaccines and banking bailouts, and debt interest, and coups, and many other dodgy things
@@flamintasty How many times has the ruble been “revalued” over the last 35 years? Someone is clueless here. I recommend you consult a mirror to find out who.
@@lynnekirk4820 Imagine that stock exchanges and trading platforms do not work on weekends and holidays, and not only in Russia this is so... AT LEAST SOMETIMES LEAVE THE ECHO CHAMBER
Osnova manipulacije je prilično jednostavna - EU zemlje i SAD stalno potcjenjuju inflaciju... Ako potcijeniš inflaciju, onda ne koriguješ GDP u dovoljnoj mjeri da bi eliminisao uticaj rasta cijena na rast GDP-ija. Dakle, to je osnovni problem. Drugi oblici manipulacije se uglavnom odnosi na to šta se sve računa u GDP jer rast svakog oblika potrošnje ne doprinosi blagostanju zemlje. Npr. pojedine zemlje proizvoljno određuju visinu crne ekonomije (kriminal) i računaju je u GDP. Takođe npr. rast izdataka za zdravstvenu zaštitu (što je posljedica generalno lošijeg zdravlja ili veće prosječne starosti stanovništva) utiče na rast GDP-ija... Zatim, konstantno dolazi do rasta potrošnje sektora države na razne projekte koji ne doprinose blagostanju naroda (npr. vojna potrošnja). Konačno, veliko je pitanje kako se raspoređuje taj GDP koji se proizvede. Sve je veći stepen nejednakosti u raspodjeli.
Russia's economy is heating up because businesses have exploded, unemployment is reaching zero, and this is creating inflation and a decline in the ruble. But all are under control because the government and the National Bank have multiple control levers.
It’s not just the dollar, against every currency the rouble has collapsed, China and India won’t accept roubles in payment, 25% interest rates, 30% mortgages, Moscow housing sector prices have collapsed, the difference between 1 rouble and 1 Euro is one Euro. Butter and potatoes up 50%, Gazprom is bankrupt, Russias bad debt through the roof. The national bank doesn’t have the money to support it anymore
На самом деле, единственное, что страдает при повышении курса доллара и ослаблении рубля, это импорт из стран, в которых приходится покупать товары за доллары. Вообще, это довольно распространенная ошибка считать, что ослабление курса сильно влияет на экономику в целом, так как многие ориентируются на популярные товары типа iPhone, машин известных марок и так далее, по факту же большинство товаров повседневного потребления, то есть еда и коммунальные платежи, не дорожают относительно курса, на них влияет инфляция, которая связана с другими вещами. Что же касается курса рубля, то они абсолютно правы, что каждый год в конце года курс доллара и евро относительно рубля растет, потом немного падает и в течение года практически не меняется. По поводу санкций на «Газпром» от США. Еще раз повторю, так как комментировал это не раз, все санкции, связанные с энергоресурсами в отношении России, в первую очередь наносят ущерб экономике Европы, а не России. Выгода США в этом довольно проста, они, создавая дефицит на рынке Европы, увеличивают стоимость, потом поставляют собственный газ по цене в 3-5 раз дороже, чем он стоит в самих США, чем делают неконкурентоспособной промышленность Европы, которой ничего не остается, как переехать туда, где стоимость энергоресурсов ниже. Конечно, по сути у европейской промышленности есть выбор, куда перевозить производство, например в Россию, Китай, Индию или в США. Как вы понимаете, политика США направлена на то, чтобы сузить этот выбор до одной страны - США! Россия под жесткими санкциями, Китай на пороге санкций от США, плюс объявленная тарифная война Трампа, плюс законы США по снижению «инфляции», все это неминуемо приводит к тому, что у Европы просто не будет выбора, кроме как перенести свою промышленность в США. Так что «разрушение» экономики ждет не Россию, это даже временными трудностями сложно назвать, так как санкции отчасти помогают России сделать то, что собирается сделать Трамп, то есть вернуть производство в свою страну, чем Россия сейчас активно и занимается. Единственное, что меня все еще удивляет, это недальновидность европейских политиков, а точнее, какая-то зависимость или страх, что они подменяют интересы собственных стран интересами США. Просто я не мог себе даже представить, что у Европы настолько отсутствует суверенитет на принятие решений, выгодных для своих стран. По поводу экономики России и когда она «рухнет». Дело в том, что после распада СССР у власти были «либералы», концепцией которых было все раздать в коммерческое пользование, а «свободный» рынок должен был сам все наладить. Через какое-то время стало понятно, что так это не работает по простой причине, во-первых, на рынок России зашли крупные западные игроки с огромными ресурсами в виде неограниченных денег, демпингом и опытом жесткой конкуренции, что мало оставляло шансов местным производителям. Во-вторых, стратегией эксплуатации от Запада, когда от страны, особенно России, требовались только дешевые поставки ресурсов, а не производных от этих ресурсов, у которых есть добавочная стоимость. В-третьих, за счет занятия больших долей рынка западными компаниями был большой отток капитала и реинвестирование в российскую экономику было крайне низким. Все это поддерживало мнение либеральной власти того времени, что мы продадим много нефти, газа и остальных ресурсов, а на эти деньги купим все остальное, машины, самолеты, мясо, овощи, фрукты, одежду и все остальное. И только с пришествием Путина постепенно это пытались исправить, но сделать это было практически невозможно. И санкции, которые ввели западные страны, конечно, немного испортили получение прибыли за счет продажи ресурсов, но открыли огромное окно возможностей исправить эту зависимость и вернуть промышленность и производство в Россию. Так что на вопрос «когда экономика России рухнет» вы можете ответить сами)) На мой личный взгляд, когда к власти придут такие же «лидеры», как сейчас в Европе, и я искренне надеюсь, что такого не будет никогда))))
Exactly...the booking industries in Russia would never happen the way they are withOUT the sanctions. Russia is WAAAAY more stronger. If I was Putin...I would already be thinking abou what happens when there is a potential decrease of sanctions after the war ends. If EU or west lowers sanctions wouldn't it be prudentfor Russia to put up big tariffs to keep the new Russian domestic industry thriving? Otherwise would sectors collapse? I think so. You can't just open up it would expose the industries to collapse plus make dependent on foriegn products and be less stable indepeendlty because it's only a matter of time before the west would do the same thing and try to bring russia down. That will NEVER end. I believe russia needs these sanctions to thrive as they have. Imagine the irony in that!!!!! Go bless Russia and Putin! Oh and I forgot to mention it is 100% in Russia's interest that EU go down the drain, as they are. These sanctions are killing Germany and the EU. This is huge geopilitical economic benefit. Another reason to take your time with the war....... and when it ends, do not send oil directly back to EU.
When the sanctions were first implemented, Putin welcomed them. He stated that the Russian economy was too dependent on the energy industry because the returns were so attractive. Putin wanted to diversify the economy and the sanctions facilitated that.
Not that simple. Dollar is used as a benchmark. The world economy is highly connected. Russian Ruble has weakened against USD, EUR, INR and CNY. CNY is used in trade with China, INR for India. So this is general weakening right now. Also honestly one should say that since 2014 Ruble has been steadily weakening agains all these currencies. But that indeed does not mean collapse, it is just the way Russian economy work already for at least 10 years.
@@izzyrov5814 what I'm saying Ruble is low relative to all these currencies independent of their fluctuations relative to each other. Had to look the Yen up, yes, Ruble weakened against Yen as well.
Какой смысл обсуждать курс рубля? Снижение курса рубля, это как зима... она всегда приходит. Ну да, зимой купаться холодно, по крайней мере для большинства людей(даже русских). Зато можно кататься на лыжах. Но в последнее время появилась что-то новое... Доллар достиг критически важной отметки - большинству людей в России, стало похрен(безразлично) сколько стоит доллар.
Budget surplus is the answer. Ruble is easily pushed around by Russian government. It needs money to fill its pockets for various things, then the Ruble is weakened, budget gets more money and that's it. But it boosts inflation greatly, so it's bad for the economy in the end. But will it break us? The answer is No.
I just got off the phone to Biden and he said he will pardon the ruble. 🤣 Someone in the room with him however, was heard to say F the EU. The voice sounded like a woman, but it could have been Blinken ? 🤷♂
Perhaps 'Russian Economy is Tanking' videos are here there & everywhere because Joe's $160 billion dollar propaganda Fund only has another month to run?
Thanks for the update, Yes I am one of the idiots who need you to do this on an annual basis as our news outlets tend to push the typical doomsday scenario on Russia economy
Ha ha Ha ha You are the best too to See Teal Politics we are In and You are able to see New Hitler Is KAPUT and NATO All Western Alliance are Going to BEG Russia 🇷🇺 for Russian 🇷🇺 HELP Ha Ha Ha I love this News Amen 🙏
This is another reason why Turkey pushed into Syria. They thought of Syria fell. Russia would fall, and the money they owe for gas going through the Turk stream wouldn’t be repaid.
The dollar is strengthening because of increased demand. Why is there increased demand? Every nation or company which has dollar denominated debt and wants to get out of that trap needs dollars to pay their debt. As those countries and companies are racing to get out of the dollar - it will increase the value of the dollar globally. As those same dollars return to the US - inflation inside the US will explode.
Russia doesn't need to utilize the Ruble or Dollars to trade. So I would mostly ignore fluctuation in their exchange rates. As an important exporter of oil, gas, and minerals, they get enough currency of other kinds to trade with those outside of the dollar system. We all know that, so what's all the fuss about?
Sweden did this whenever we wanted to export more and get more money into economy, lowering the value of the currency is a very easy way to solve the problem
Black Sea holds recoverable reserves of ten billion barrels of crude oil and two trillion cubic meters of natural gas. The war in Ukraine has in reality been a fight over who controls those massive amounts of crude oil and natural gas in my opinion. I find it more than strange that the direct link between the war in Ukraine and the enormous Black Sea oil and gas reserves has not been presented better by any major media or by any major political leader.
I had a look at the Great Western Liberal Media yesterday (my country just had a general general election and I wanted the numbers.) My God, they are spinning a totally different worldview regarding Ukraine and Syria.
Surely the weak Rubble means when Russia sells in US Dollars it gets more Rubbles for those Dollars. The Euro has a lot further to fall against the US Dollar. The currency to look at is the Swiss Franc and the Singapore Dollar and of course gold.
Economies are based on supply and demand. What does Russia have that is in big demand? Energy ( oil/natural gas), raw commodities ( minerals and timber) and food production (40% of global wheat). What are we looking at here? Well, a massive producer of raw materials and a highly educated people.
I watched ur program last night, Alexander, but I didn't wake till late this morning. Was a very good program again, thanks, man. Thanks to the Duran as well for all the tip-top programs and the information provided. Peace ✌️ 😎.
Please join us on LOCALS: theduran.locals.com
Bs as never seen 😂😂
Same thing is happening in Brazil, the dollar always gains value as we approach xmas.
Every year, but you forgot to mention: every year at a SUBSTANTIALLY higher interest rate of the Rus central bank (now at a crippling 21%!!!).... THAT"S THE RUS PROBLEM!!!
Wo kann man The Duran auf deutsch empfangen?
🕊️🕊️🇩🇪🇷🇺🕊️🕊️ Druschba
I'm Filipino married to a beautiful and loving Russian woman. Worked in California for 20 years and retired last year and now living with my wife in Russia. I laugh when my family and friends get alarmed and call me because they've heard on the mainstream news in the US that Russia's economy is now collapsing and people are panicking. I told them gas here is about 2.25 USD per gallon. The groceries are full of people. You can buy fresh bread cheese eggs butter milk for a dollar. And no GMO foods are allowed here. No beggars, no homeless people, and you can walk the streets at 1am without having to look over your shoulder for fear of getting robbed or killed. Can you say the same thing for america? Absolutely not. There's a reason my wife and I decided to live here and raise our 3 year old boy and not in the US. Yes the ruble has gone down vs the USD. But so did all other currecies including the Euro. That doesn't mean the russian economy is collapsing, it just means the USD has become stronger probably because businesses are now more confident about a Trump presidency. I told my friends and family to stop watching fake news and propaganda from mainstream media already. WTH are they still eatching regular TV and cable anyway? That's so yesterday 😂😂😂
I am living in South Africa, and I also have a loving Russian wife. All Russian women outclass all Western women by miles. These are real women, and if I had children, I would also move to Russia. 😂😂Poor EU woman loose out on good men.
Russia is nothing like the West says. Just saying
TV Dinners+TV Data = what happens. All the best.
Winnie the Gay 🌈 Pooh ✨ Bear 🐨😂😂😂
Sending out an S.O.S: Dear people of the world: Help! The Russian economy is totally collapsing! We are becoming desperate. Ever since McDonalds and KFC pulled out, there's been nothing to eat here in Moscow but non-GMO food, fresh vegetables, grass-fed beef, and caviar. You cannot imagine our suffering. If any of you can send over to Russia some US junk food, it would be much appreciated. Thank you. I hope that someone gets my message in a (champagne) bottle.
Very funny. Greetings from Sydney 🇦🇺
@@roslyntchakedjian927 Thank you. Greetings to you from Moscow.
I could send you some Haggis from Scotland if you let me know your address ?
Best wishes from Perth Western Australia
Russia is doing fine! Shoppingcentra are full of buyers, new Chinese cars everywhere,people look good, no beggars on the streets .
I can confirm😁
@@d3vodestroyer519так и есть он прав привет из Казани
Absolutely booming here in the shops in Kazan.
I’d love to visit Russia, I follow many families on YT who have moved to there and it looks lovely, so much history
This doesn't mean the Russian economy has collapsed, the US led sanctions has done more damage to the economies of the US, UK and collective West.
Just another excuse to claim “the Ruble is rubble.” 😂
@@davidlazarus67 That's all they can come up with.
there are a third of countries under US Sanctions.
is the respective Political Leadership
going to turn ?
WHICH "Block" will they go to for help ?
The west claims that they are neutering Russia while they are busy stabbing themselves in the crotch. The "gang who couldn't shoot straight". Its actually hilarious to watch western incompetence.
@@FunnyBunny-pd5xx There have only been two attempts to establish a New World Order in the world in the last 100 years. One was American, the other was... German. And for some weird reason, people don't want to live in either one.
Well, I am an Italian citizen. In 4 years, from 2020 to today, all major consumer products have increased in price by 80% and I'm talking about food, electricity payments, gas, garbage, sewage... while salaries have grown by 10%. % in 4 years. What the hell inflation and economic crisis do we want to talk about for Russia?. The truth is that unemployment and the impoverishment of the middle and lower class of the European population is a hell of a problem...this is a really big problem!.
Sorry to hear that you are Italian. I suppose you had no choice when born.
Same in the USA. And we have a debt we can barely service not pay off but hey, we gave Ukraine some more of the money we don't have
@@tonidimitrova6078 The spike in grocery prices is insane. I spend about twice what I did in 2020. Whoever says inflation is below 3 % is out of their mind. When I was in college from 2008 to 2012 I paid $600 per month for a single bedroom apartment.
My friend told me that his son pays $1800 for a single bedroom apartment in the same town.
The same here in England.
I bought some sunflower oil yesterday. 80% increase from last year. Everything else is up. 5% salary increase.
In Germany soup went from 0.49€ to 1.20€ with wages being stagnant. They like to talk about Russia who is also in a deep s*it in order to avoid talking about domestic massive problems. Its basically "look they are doing worse" argument.
The whole world is LAUGHING at Germany.
We are funny people. :)
Carefull....last time world laughed at Germany, they made 2 world events 🤓
@@mistermaster4495 Last time somebody gave a $hit about Germany. This time nobody does.
There has been a continuous US Military presence in Germany since 1945.
The US largest overseas Base is located at
Bavarian Garrison at Grafenwohr.
Recently reported,
For Germany to return to pre 24 February 2022,
number of tanks,
it will take until 2066.
Germany is The Power House of Europe.
IF Germany collapses, it could bring down
The European Union.
The German Rightwing Political Party,
(Alternative for Deutschland)
is gaining increasing popularity with
Members of The German Electorate.
Their latest Policy,
"Germany to leave The EU"
It’s amazing to see what Germany has done to itself. Their politicians have wrecked their economy.
I'm in Canada, yes our dollar & economy is collapsing.
The loonie goes up and down with the price of commodities since the Canadian economy is driven by commodity exports. Commodities are down so the loonie will be down. Wouldn't worry about it too much.
Come to Russia. We dont have enough people! 🙂
@@ardour1587If I had the money I would move today from Canada to Russia. But I’m over 65 and living on a small budget. I would love to travel all over Russia and to get to know the people, language and way of life. At least I have books that I read concerning Russia. May Russia grow strong, healthy and wise. Here in the west there are far too many fat, stupid people that are ignorant and deceived by many different things. May the new year of 2025 be very good for Russia and her people ❤
@ardour1587 Find me a job as an industrial electrician. Mines, oil and gas, power generation ect. I'll come. Lol
@@ardour1587lol….you mean not enough low skilled labourers? Or not enough educated (drs, lawyers 🤢, engineers etc)?
I have no idea. I in Canada.
Gazprombank sanctions are serious, but they are hurting Europe big time and eventually will hurt the US itself.
As always, thanks for the explanations, this is not the first time I understand better what is happening in my own country thanks to you. Greetings from St. Petersburg
The video discusses recent fluctuations in the Russian ruble, explaining seasonal factors, sanctions on Gazprombank, and global economic trends affecting its value. It argues that despite temporary weakening, Russia's economy remains fundamentally strong, with high trade surpluses and reduced dollar dependence.
Living in Kazan the economy smells like it's very buoyant, pre Christmas New Year but consumers are very active.
Hello. My name is Gilligan. Is this the annual tatters and shovels gas station party ?
You have to bring a washing machine in order to attend
What a brilliant understanding of the situation I always learn so much from your great program Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou
What? Neither of them have been right, not even once. You know that old saying about a broken clock? In their case the hands fell off and it doesn't indicate any time by which to be right twice a day. They are Kremlin stooges.
These two men are stars in a world full of lying press
Mercouris continues to dissemble.
Erdogan asking Putin for help while fighting against Russia + Syria. Did I get something wrong? Erdogan is definitely unique.
Erdogan=Turkish for back stabber
The voice of reason as always. Thanks guys. 🇨🇦
Such a great discussion. You're great guys, the two Alexanders/Alex's. This is great news about Russia. 🎉 From South Africa.
Erdogan who just sided with Israel 🇮🇱 and Israelistan against Syria. Given the clips I've seen Erdogan is on borrowed time.
22-24 October 2024.
The BR*CS Summit held in Kazan.
From my understanding,
President Erdogan has expressed an interest,
for Turkiye to become a Member Country.
For a country to gain Membership,
there has to be an unanimous consent vote,
from Member Countries, at the time of joining.
Turkey has been a NATO Member State
since the 1950's.
President Erdogan has gone up against
President Putin.
7 October Atrocities.
Immediately afterwards,
President Erdogan was calling
Members of Hxmxs "Freedom Fxghtxrs"
President Erdogan has a good relationship
PM Viktor Orban of Hungary.
An EU Member State.
President Erdogan WILL have to decide,
which side he is on,
his country is on !
Erdogan needs to go asap he's nothing but a liar and can't be taken seriously
Iraq is joining Syria. Egypt and Algeria are also pissed off with Erdogan. Erdogan has turned the Arab Street against him.
I would sooner have the Russian problems than the European wide, UK issues. Standard of living in Russia is way better than Europe.
25% interest rates, 30% mortgages, 40% drop in house prices in Moscow? Good is it?😂😂
Russians spend about 4times the percentage of their salary on food, energy and gasoline are more expensive than in western europe realtive to income, cars erc are waay more expensive relative to income
@@andrew30mI’m Chinese living in Moscow, in fact the situation is quite okay for common people
@@xintian8009 on what planet is 25% interest rates,30 mortgage rates and spiralling taxes OK for ordinary people 🤣🤣
Transparency of Foreign Influence passed by the Georgian Parliament in May, requiring non-commercial entities and media outlets to register as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. They don't want to be another Ukraine.
Ukraine has sold out to the West, Georgia wants to be independent
Again, just shared your video on Trump’s Truth Social. I love you guys! ❤
The comparison between inflated economies such as those in the West and real economies such as the Russian one is interesting. We in Sweden know all about inflated economy, as we get it worse every year.
Since we in Sweden is both in the EU and NATO nowadays, we inherit some of their downturn. The food inflation was high a while, until a year ago, but that was our most serious issue, and it has now abated.
Trade with Germany will be hurt by that country's deap downturn, and we will suffer from the EU's clash with China. The next year, we can also expect that trade with the US will drop, especially with the USD being much too high. We aren't independent of our environment!
But still, we have only 1/10 of the government debt per capita of what the US has, and very limited deficit spending.
If we just can continue to keep out of the Euro, and have our own currency, we might continue to be all right.
I worry much more about the rest of Europe!
To be an ennemi of the US is dangerous but a friend is fatal
Kissenger quote? 😅
$36,110,000,000,000 Total US Debt
334,900,000 People in US
$107,823.23 Money owed by each American
Maths is raycyst!!!!
The average American has about $400 emergency money. We ain’t paying back $107000 No way.
@@jasonhallock3773 but you are paying back that and more.. cos they only pay back the interest of that debt... and the American government takes your taxes, which should go towards hospitals, roads, schools and infrastructure yet, they instead spend it on war and vaccines and banking bailouts, and debt interest, and coups, and many other dodgy things
Ruble being cheaper means one thing, you will be richer in Russia if you convert all of your assets into Rubles before moving there.
Then poorer as the ruble becomes even more completely worthless.
@@knightman7617 Clueless NAFO bot 🙄
@@flamintasty How many times has the ruble been “revalued” over the last 35 years? Someone is clueless here. I recommend you consult a mirror to find out who.
But u cant move your money there due to sanctions 😂😂😂
I have so many russian relatives in russia..life is so difficult in russia bcs of salary low and things are so expensive
The Ruble is already stabilising:
On Thursday 28th November it hit 113 to the US dollar. Today 2nd December it’s at 106.
Reason foreign exchange market has been closed 😅😅
@@lynnekirk4820 Imagine that stock exchanges and trading platforms do not work on weekends and holidays, and not only in Russia this is so... AT LEAST SOMETIMES LEAVE THE ECHO CHAMBER
Deja Vu, indeed. I can't believe its been a year since we last went through this. 😊
What a joy to listen to you both I learn so much from you both even at my old age (75) thankyou
Alex, I didn't see your video today, glad to see you here
Thanks Guys , Hope you guys Will make a video on how US & EU manipulate ther numbers to look better then what truly they are 😅😊
Osnova manipulacije je prilično jednostavna - EU zemlje i SAD stalno potcjenjuju inflaciju... Ako potcijeniš inflaciju, onda ne koriguješ GDP u dovoljnoj mjeri da bi eliminisao uticaj rasta cijena na rast GDP-ija. Dakle, to je osnovni problem. Drugi oblici manipulacije se uglavnom odnosi na to šta se sve računa u GDP jer rast svakog oblika potrošnje ne doprinosi blagostanju zemlje. Npr. pojedine zemlje proizvoljno određuju visinu crne ekonomije (kriminal) i računaju je u GDP. Takođe npr. rast izdataka za zdravstvenu zaštitu (što je posljedica generalno lošijeg zdravlja ili veće prosječne starosti stanovništva) utiče na rast GDP-ija... Zatim, konstantno dolazi do rasta potrošnje sektora države na razne projekte koji ne doprinose blagostanju naroda (npr. vojna potrošnja). Konačno, veliko je pitanje kako se raspoređuje taj GDP koji se proizvede. Sve je veći stepen nejednakosti u raspodjeli.
Thank you, Duran…for cutting through the bs. 👍👍
The Duran Russian economy lessons👏👏👏
Thank you Alexander & Alex excellent as always. Good Day 🇦🇺🙏
Tatters, Tatters, TAATTEEEEEERRRRRSSS!!!!!!
Sorry ^^
😁 !!! No apology needed.😂 🤗
Find a Turkish couch to relax on
Russia's economy is heating up because businesses have exploded, unemployment is reaching zero, and this is creating inflation and a decline in the ruble.
But all are under control because the government and the National Bank have multiple control levers.
It’s not just the dollar, against every currency the rouble has collapsed, China and India won’t accept roubles in payment, 25% interest rates, 30% mortgages, Moscow housing sector prices have collapsed, the difference between 1 rouble and 1 Euro is one Euro.
Butter and potatoes up 50%, Gazprom is bankrupt, Russias bad debt through the roof.
The national bank doesn’t have the money to support it anymore
@@andrew30m My advice: stop drinking.😂
all any global leader has to do is remember Kissingers quote that ends with "to be a friend of America is fatal"
The most honest thing he ever said?
Europe is learning this as we speak.
Thank you both for the video
Rachel from Accounts & Diane Abacus have done the math & everything is rosy in the UK 😂
Goooood Monday morning, gentlemen ❤☕️
You two are the best, thanks for all you do !!
На самом деле, единственное, что страдает при повышении курса доллара и ослаблении рубля, это импорт из стран, в которых приходится покупать товары за доллары. Вообще, это довольно распространенная ошибка считать, что ослабление курса сильно влияет на экономику в целом, так как многие ориентируются на популярные товары типа iPhone, машин известных марок и так далее, по факту же большинство товаров повседневного потребления, то есть еда и коммунальные платежи, не дорожают относительно курса, на них влияет инфляция, которая связана с другими вещами. Что же касается курса рубля, то они абсолютно правы, что каждый год в конце года курс доллара и евро относительно рубля растет, потом немного падает и в течение года практически не меняется.
По поводу санкций на «Газпром» от США. Еще раз повторю, так как комментировал это не раз, все санкции, связанные с энергоресурсами в отношении России, в первую очередь наносят ущерб экономике Европы, а не России. Выгода США в этом довольно проста, они, создавая дефицит на рынке Европы, увеличивают стоимость, потом поставляют собственный газ по цене в 3-5 раз дороже, чем он стоит в самих США, чем делают неконкурентоспособной промышленность Европы, которой ничего не остается, как переехать туда, где стоимость энергоресурсов ниже. Конечно, по сути у европейской промышленности есть выбор, куда перевозить производство, например в Россию, Китай, Индию или в США. Как вы понимаете, политика США направлена на то, чтобы сузить этот выбор до одной страны - США! Россия под жесткими санкциями, Китай на пороге санкций от США, плюс объявленная тарифная война Трампа, плюс законы США по снижению «инфляции», все это неминуемо приводит к тому, что у Европы просто не будет выбора, кроме как перенести свою промышленность в США. Так что «разрушение» экономики ждет не Россию, это даже временными трудностями сложно назвать, так как санкции отчасти помогают России сделать то, что собирается сделать Трамп, то есть вернуть производство в свою страну, чем Россия сейчас активно и занимается. Единственное, что меня все еще удивляет, это недальновидность европейских политиков, а точнее, какая-то зависимость или страх, что они подменяют интересы собственных стран интересами США. Просто я не мог себе даже представить, что у Европы настолько отсутствует суверенитет на принятие решений, выгодных для своих стран.
По поводу экономики России и когда она «рухнет». Дело в том, что после распада СССР у власти были «либералы», концепцией которых было все раздать в коммерческое пользование, а «свободный» рынок должен был сам все наладить. Через какое-то время стало понятно, что так это не работает по простой причине, во-первых, на рынок России зашли крупные западные игроки с огромными ресурсами в виде неограниченных денег, демпингом и опытом жесткой конкуренции, что мало оставляло шансов местным производителям. Во-вторых, стратегией эксплуатации от Запада, когда от страны, особенно России, требовались только дешевые поставки ресурсов, а не производных от этих ресурсов, у которых есть добавочная стоимость. В-третьих, за счет занятия больших долей рынка западными компаниями был большой отток капитала и реинвестирование в российскую экономику было крайне низким. Все это поддерживало мнение либеральной власти того времени, что мы продадим много нефти, газа и остальных ресурсов, а на эти деньги купим все остальное, машины, самолеты, мясо, овощи, фрукты, одежду и все остальное. И только с пришествием Путина постепенно это пытались исправить, но сделать это было практически невозможно. И санкции, которые ввели западные страны, конечно, немного испортили получение прибыли за счет продажи ресурсов, но открыли огромное окно возможностей исправить эту зависимость и вернуть промышленность и производство в Россию. Так что на вопрос «когда экономика России рухнет» вы можете ответить сами)) На мой личный взгляд, когда к власти придут такие же «лидеры», как сейчас в Европе, и я искренне надеюсь, что такого не будет никогда))))
Exactly...the booking industries in Russia would never happen the way they are withOUT the sanctions. Russia is WAAAAY more stronger. If I was Putin...I would already be thinking abou what happens when there is a potential decrease of sanctions after the war ends. If EU or west lowers sanctions wouldn't it be prudentfor Russia to put up big tariffs to keep the new Russian domestic industry thriving? Otherwise would sectors collapse? I think so. You can't just open up it would expose the industries to collapse plus make dependent on foriegn products and be less stable indepeendlty because it's only a matter of time before the west would do the same thing and try to bring russia down. That will NEVER end. I believe russia needs these sanctions to thrive as they have. Imagine the irony in that!!!!! Go bless Russia and Putin! Oh and I forgot to mention it is 100% in Russia's interest that EU go down the drain, as they are. These sanctions are killing Germany and the EU. This is huge geopilitical economic benefit. Another reason to take your time with the war....... and when it ends, do not send oil directly back to EU.
When the sanctions were first implemented, Putin welcomed them. He stated that the Russian economy was too dependent on the energy industry because the returns were so attractive. Putin wanted to diversify the economy and the sanctions facilitated that.
Prices here in the U.K. are soaring……
Same in New Zealand and Australia...
It’s all part of the plan.
Same in the U. S. Grocery store prices are through the roof.....
Same in Canada.
Thankyou Gentleman. A good Monday to you both and everyone here.
Alexander's point about the Euro flowing to the US dollar is very important.
Good morning The Duran
On RUclips I follow a young couple who moved to Russia from Canada. They are countryside acres. They are thoroughly enjoying it.
Me too , but appretiate how dedicate is Arden on building his house and working every day ! He is a great motivation for any normal human.
@LorimaRBG he sure is and their children are amazing
You know, I listened to your show, again, and I was thinking how Putin wanted to continue business with Western Europe. He never wanted this outcome.
True story. At every turn of Russia, we request to become closer to Europe. They were pushed away. That's democracy? 😂
@@alrent2992Forget Europe. It's unquestionably in decline and as condescending and is racist towards Russia as the Nazis were/are.
Thanks, guys!
Brilliant analysis 👍👍👍
Yes, I remember the video last year. Wow, was that really a year. So, no rubble yet then?
Thanks for a comprehensible explanation, Gentlemen.
Thanks for addressing this issue.
Because of the sactions Russians can't buy from the US anyway, so the weakening of the ruble against the dollar will have zero effect.
Not that simple. Dollar is used as a benchmark. The world economy is highly connected. Russian Ruble has weakened against USD, EUR, INR and CNY. CNY is used in trade with China, INR for India. So this is general weakening right now. Also honestly one should say that since 2014 Ruble has been steadily weakening agains all these currencies. But that indeed does not mean collapse, it is just the way Russian economy work already for at least 10 years.
@@FedorBP Yen is also low, and they're not even at war
@@izzyrov5814 what I'm saying Ruble is low relative to all these currencies independent of their fluctuations relative to each other. Had to look the Yen up, yes, Ruble weakened against Yen as well.
Because of sanction India and China no longer accept roubles as payment they are a barter society.
Greetings from Australia
let me guess, sydney or melbourne, its never qld
Какой смысл обсуждать курс рубля? Снижение курса рубля, это как зима... она всегда приходит. Ну да, зимой купаться холодно, по крайней мере для большинства людей(даже русских). Зато можно кататься на лыжах. Но в последнее время появилась что-то новое... Доллар достиг критически важной отметки - большинству людей в России, стало похрен(безразлично) сколько стоит доллар.
Да вернется курс, на 70-80, потом может и ниже, все эти скачки выше 100 это временно
The Rupee is at all time low against the USD . More problematic. India just forced a big short on the USD.
Budget surplus is the answer. Ruble is easily pushed around by Russian government. It needs money to fill its pockets for various things, then the Ruble is weakened, budget gets more money and that's it. But it boosts inflation greatly, so it's bad for the economy in the end. But will it break us? The answer is No.
Detractors continually forget about Russia’s gold reserves, not to mention other strategic metals.
I just got off the phone to Biden and he said he will pardon the ruble. 🤣
Someone in the room with him however, was heard to say F the EU. The voice sounded like a woman, but it could have been Blinken ? 🤷♂
Thank you Gentlemen. Your videos are always excellent. Much appreciated 💫.
Thank you ❤
Perhaps 'Russian Economy is Tanking' videos are here there & everywhere because Joe's $160 billion dollar propaganda Fund only has another month to run?
Thanks for the update, Yes I am one of the idiots who need you to do this on an annual basis as our news outlets tend to push the typical doomsday scenario on Russia economy
Russia has passed a Defence Budget of $145 Billion next year, an increase of 28% over this year.
As it has decreased spending on social welfare, education, and infrastructure, all to spend money on an investment with a guaranteed no return.
Would have been mad not to given the West's war-making plans.
Это хорошо для граждан работающих в оборонной промышленности. Есть государственные заказы, есть зарплата и развитие в регионах😊
The Duran excellent
Can not believe the European's irrational behaviour toward Russia and energy.
Too bad so sad, feel no sympathy at all!
Si viviese en Europa lo comprendería ya que tenemos una MAFIA DIRIGENTE en Bruselas.
Ha ha Ha ha You are the best too to See Teal Politics we are In and You are able to see New Hitler Is KAPUT and NATO All Western Alliance are Going to BEG Russia 🇷🇺 for Russian 🇷🇺 HELP
Ha Ha Ha I love this News
Amen 🙏
They are simply Kremlin stooges.
This is another reason why Turkey pushed into Syria. They thought of Syria fell. Russia would fall, and the money they owe for gas going through the Turk stream wouldn’t be repaid.
No Turkiye wants Aleppo.
This way they can send the 7million Syrian refugees in Türkiye back
And all those payments the US will not be able to view now because they won’t pass through swift. The stupidity just keeps compounding 😂😂
The dollar is strengthening because of increased demand. Why is there increased demand? Every nation or company which has dollar denominated debt and wants to get out of that trap needs dollars to pay their debt. As those countries and companies are racing to get out of the dollar - it will increase the value of the dollar globally. As those same dollars return to the US - inflation inside the US will explode.
Ruble = *Z* 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 !!!
Good afternoon gentlemen analysts 😁👋🇿🇦
Good morning boys, no video yesterday Alex ?
I missed him ....
Russia doesn't need to utilize the Ruble or Dollars to trade. So I would mostly ignore fluctuation in their exchange rates.
As an important exporter of oil, gas, and minerals, they get enough currency of other kinds to trade with those outside of the dollar system.
We all know that, so what's all the fuss about?
The BUTTER price in rubble says Vanya , as is the Ruble , as is their economy in tatters .
To deal with inflation Russia should deal with the supply side of goods and services. That may mean becoming more productive.
Not the first time. Meh. We'll deal with it as always
Really, thanks we would not of notice otherwise and furthermore is it legal to tent on sidewalks in L.A.
"Tatters " I tell you.....😂
Sweden did this whenever we wanted to export more and get more money into economy, lowering the value of the currency is a very easy way to solve the problem
Black Sea holds recoverable reserves of ten billion barrels of crude oil and two trillion cubic meters of natural gas. The war in Ukraine has in reality been a fight over who controls those massive amounts of crude oil and natural gas in my opinion. I find it more than strange that the direct link between the war in Ukraine and the enormous Black Sea oil and gas reserves has not been presented better by any major media or by any major political leader.
Clearly 😊
@@Ged-v8imost people realize it's about BlackRock/the sale of Ukraine by the green T-Shit
@@benetfernandezvalles847 Denmark just started to tax cows because they produce gas metano. This is a 100% true story. lol
@@lennarthallberg9918 LA MAFIA DE BRUSELAS hará pagar un canon por emitir metano a toda la ciudadanía europea por CAGAR ¡¡¡¡
I had a look at the Great Western Liberal Media yesterday (my country just had a general general election and I wanted the numbers.)
My God, they are spinning a totally different worldview regarding Ukraine and Syria.
37 Trillion in debt is a good economy ???
Wonderful, apparently ...
Surely the weak Rubble means when Russia sells in US Dollars it gets more Rubbles for those Dollars.
The Euro has a lot further to fall against the US Dollar.
The currency to look at is the Swiss Franc and the Singapore Dollar and of course gold.
The answer as to why they are like this is only going to be found outside the box.
It's intentional.
It’s that Fortune article
The amount of people that have pointed to that one article as evidence that Russia is about to collapse
Economies are based on supply and demand. What does Russia have that is in big demand?
Energy ( oil/natural gas), raw commodities ( minerals and timber) and food production (40% of global wheat). What are we looking at here? Well, a massive producer of raw materials and a highly educated people.
Thank you. I know someone, who is gleefully watching the fall of the ruble..... I'm so glad to hear your commentary. Excellent analysis.
No economy is collapsing here in Russia People buying everywhere Shops and markets are busy as usual
Ah "Panic" buying or there were great bargains on offer at the black friday sales? 🙃
Of course everybody is buying what they can get. Would you like to hold rubles?
I watched ur program last night, Alexander, but I didn't wake till late this morning. Was a very good program again, thanks, man. Thanks to the Duran as well for all the tip-top programs and the information provided. Peace ✌️ 😎.