Best Dancing With the Stars Winners [Seasons 1-32]

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @mlchc9004
    @mlchc9004 Год назад +16

    overall DWTS winner in terms of entire season, not just finale Xochitl to me is #1! No dance experience she was sensational, with natural grace, her every dance had a story line with spectacular & breathtaking performances.
    This is what DWTS is all about, right? Starting out with minimal to no dance experience & dancing their way to win as the season’s best

    • @misaelpuente5828
      @misaelpuente5828 Год назад +1

      Omg you MUST be kidding

    • @mlchc9004
      @mlchc9004 Год назад +2

      Never been more serious but u don’t have to agree

    • @Nicklaus234
      @Nicklaus234 11 месяцев назад +1

      I kind of agree. She legit had no dance background everyone in the top has some dance experience. I think Val and Xochitl had a great bond similar to gabby which got her the win with her ability to learn choreo quickly

    • @sumoclift
      @sumoclift Месяц назад

      If you know and watch DWTS since early seasons you know for a fact she’s not the best 😅

  • @barunde1117
    @barunde1117 Год назад +9

    Dwts season 34 cast : meg donnelly , melissa benoist , tom holland , chance perez , kevin jonas , joe jonas , Issac ryan brown , sofia Wylie , Becky g , maia Mitchell , ella balinska , karan brar , lucas grabeel , ashley tisdale , angelina jolie and Pearce joza.

    • @dtifirefits
      @dtifirefits Год назад

      Is this fake?!

    • @barunde1117
      @barunde1117 Год назад +1

      @@dtifirefits no, it's real

    • @loopedmusica
      @loopedmusica Год назад

      this is obvo not the cast. there are too many well known people for dwts be fr

    • @barunde1117
      @barunde1117 Год назад +1

      @@loopedmusica shut up u fool 🤐

    • @barunde1117
      @barunde1117 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@loopedmusica shut up

  • @giaptheson
    @giaptheson 14 дней назад +1

    7:55 [Charli D'Amelio remains the top points at all times]

  • @monkeygirl1057
    @monkeygirl1057 Год назад +2

    The cast for season 33 hasn't been announced yet and wont be until it gets closer to the premiere day

  • @tammylynnbeatricedoyle4500
    @tammylynnbeatricedoyle4500 Год назад +8

    Great Top 10 🎉 my faves were Iman and Daniella ❤

  • @cecilialaborde-z9g
    @cecilialaborde-z9g Год назад +8

    I actually agree on the top 10! No matter what people say about charli, I was very much against her for many reasons and she won me over with how hard she works and the quality of her dances… she really is the best dancer the show has had and probably will ever have (I think Riker and Jordan are #2)

    • @user-iq6br5or7t
      @user-iq6br5or7t Год назад +2

      Kristi, Meryl, and Nicole could give her a run for her money.

    • @cecilialaborde-z9g
      @cecilialaborde-z9g 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@user-iq6br5or7t I think those three are amazing dancers and were incredible in their seasons! I think Meryl certainly could and I would die for an all star season with her back!!

  • @zaccacal2335
    @zaccacal2335 Год назад +7

    You should do this, but with the runners-up!

  • @rachelfarekas2096
    @rachelfarekas2096 Год назад +2

    How are you defining "best"? Is it just your favorites? Or best technical dancer? Or maybe has the most memorable routines?

    • @dwtsglee
      @dwtsglee  Год назад +1

      the overall package. it mainly comes down to the best dancing, but also their journey, their story, their deservedness of the win, etc.

  • @trevorwinship1246
    @trevorwinship1246 Год назад +6

    Personally, I'd beg to say Meryl Davis is the best winner of all time. But I do think Charli is up there in the top 3.

  • @courtneydavis8089
    @courtneydavis8089 Год назад +4

    my top 5 favorite winners: jordan fisher, meryl davis, alfonzo ribeiro, iman shumpert, and amber riley

  • @516tigergirl
    @516tigergirl Год назад +5

    Why is Nyle DiMarco so low on your list? He deserved to be top 10 at best

    • @dwtsglee
      @dwtsglee  Год назад +2

      because A) he wasn’t the best dancer B) I don’t believe he deserved to win his season personally and C) there are much better winners

    • @misaelpuente5828
      @misaelpuente5828 Год назад +1

      And Xchotil at 9, SHE MUST be kidding

    • @dwtsglee
      @dwtsglee  Год назад +1

      @@misaelpuente5828 don’t see what’s wrong with that 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @trentbritton9499
    @trentbritton9499 Год назад +2

    Have you ever thought about ranking all the gymnasts or NFL players or all the contestants in another category (reality stars, singers, etc,)

  • @MarinaGoligorsky
    @MarinaGoligorsky 11 месяцев назад

    32 Bobby bones season 27
    31 kelly Monaco season 1
    30 Donny osmond season 9
    29 drew lachey season 2
    28 Adam rippon season 26
    27 Emmitt smith season 3
    26 Hines ward season 12
    25 Helio Castroneves season 5
    24 Hannah brown season 29
    23 Apollo oh no season 4
    22 Kaitlyn bristowe season 29
    21 J.R Martinez season 13
    20 Rashad Jennings season 24
    19 Bindi Irwin season 21
    18 Iman Shumpert season 30
    17 Brooke Burke season 7
    16 Nyle di Marco season 22
    15 Xochitl Gomez season 32
    14 Kristi yamaguchi season 6
    13 Rumer Willis season 20
    12 Amber Riley season 17
    11 Nicole Scherzinger season 10
    10 Alfonso ribeiro season 19
    9 Laurie Hernandez season 23
    8 Jordan Fisher season 25
    7 Charli season 31
    6 Kellie Pickler season 16
    5 Shawn Johnson season 8
    4 Meryl Davis season 18
    3 Donald driver season 14

  • @mimigasper6345
    @mimigasper6345 2 месяца назад +1

    Always a charli fan but iman is in my top 3 for sureeeeee

  • @notinspect
    @notinspect 2 месяца назад

    laurie xochitl and fisher will always be my top 3. i love them all som much i cant pick.

  • @SamBryans128
    @SamBryans128 Год назад

    I stopped watching when Tyra Banks became host (not because of her just other reasons) but been meaning to catch up but I love most of your choices. Top 4 for me would be Laurie, Meryl, Kristi, and Shawn. Bobby Bones definitely belongs at the bottom but I might put Emmitt Smith right down there with him though.

  • @charlestoti2252
    @charlestoti2252 Год назад +1

    Apolo is a better dancer than the two Bachelorettes girls (Hannah, Kaitlyn) and Rumer

    • @dwtsglee
      @dwtsglee  Год назад

      i believe he wasn’t as good in his original season as he was in all stars which effects his ranking.

    • @lidiabenavente351
      @lidiabenavente351 Месяц назад

      @@dwtsgleethat shouldn't have affected his ranking he was still amazing in the original

    • @dwtsglee
      @dwtsglee  Месяц назад

      @@lidiabenavente351 i disagree. i don’t think he should have won his season.

  • @allison3852
    @allison3852 11 месяцев назад

    Are you shock of any of the winners
    Im happy Jordan fisher Alfonso and Charli won

  • @lidiabenavente351
    @lidiabenavente351 Месяц назад

    Maryl and charli should've switched places

  • @jennahotz8755
    @jennahotz8755 Год назад

    Kyle deserved to be higher. Kellie should be lower.

  • @jennahotz8755
    @jennahotz8755 Год назад

    Rumer should be lower as well.

    • @alymitch8263
      @alymitch8263 Месяц назад

      She was amazing I think she should be a little higher actually. I mistake her for professional dancer.