The 3 Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2012
  • Discover the 10 unconventional laws that all extraordinary people live by in Vishen Lakhiani's new book, "The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms". You can get access to the book and additional bonus content here:
    In this video, we are going to change the way you think about goal setting. We are going to present to you the 3 most important questions to ask yourself. You can learn more from Vishen in his Consciousness Engineering program:
    Over the years, I've come to stop believing in goal setting. Why? Because goal setting, or at least the way most of us are trained to do it, actually gets us to be obsessed about the how of attaining our goals, rather than the passion, the vision, and the beauty of the goal itself. In short, we get obsessed with the 'means', rather than the 'end'.
    And this is why so many of us wake up at the age of 40 one day, dreading going to work because we were forced to pick a career before we could legally buy a beer.
    If everyone asked themselves these questions at the age of 18, we believe the world would be a much happier place. But no matter how old you are, it's not too late.
    This exercise will change the way you plan your life and see your goals. It'll change the way you see your career, mission, and life purpose unfolding. The intro to the exercise takes no more than 5 minutes, and the exercise itself takes 7 minutes. This could be one of the most important 12 minutes of your life.
    Download the PDF on the link below, print it out, and click play to get started.
    Also, if you want to learn more about creating the reality YOU have always dreamed of, check out my program Consciousness Engineering

Комментарии • 791

  • @riajacinto3425
    @riajacinto3425 8 лет назад +20

    I did this exercise last year in 2015, and I recently reviewed my responses and I accomplished so many of the things I wrote down that I thought I would never be able to do! Here I am in 2016, writing down new goals and experiences for myself. Thank you Vishen!!

  • @jamalali0
    @jamalali0 8 лет назад +8

    i have the vision of standing between the tables serving food at my own place, hearing jokes jumping from one table to another one and the big fat laughters following. the place where people feel accepted, loved, respected and where they feel themselves beautiful. i am struggling with my own shyness sometimes, not being able to push hard enough to achieve a goal, kind of mostly waiting for the things to happen themselves. just recently i understood that the table i am sitting at - someone really made it. thank you for the motivation.
    also i had a vision once that never leaves: i saw some kind of epic movement of people from one side of the valley to another one, some kind of big shift happening with humanity. i was just standing on the top of the hill with my daughter on my shoulders and watching it with euphoric calmness.

  • @merryalexander9618
    @merryalexander9618 8 лет назад +57

    At 69 this was a great exercise! Not only enjoyed it but had some interesting things "show up." One of the motto's I live by is: "The Best Is Yet To Come." Your questions helped to confirm that! Thank you!

    • @marysmith523
      @marysmith523 8 лет назад +2

      +Merry Alexander
      Merry, my maiden name was Mary Alexander! Now I am Mary Smith but my teacher calls me Merry! I too am in my 60s and loved this exercise. Fun to "introduce" myself to you!

  • @wwpoovando
    @wwpoovando 9 лет назад +6

    Every 12 years or so I get into this "I need to search my purpose in life" mode and it's happening now. This video came in at the right time. I strongly advice to follow Vishal's cue on the video and do the exercise. Surprisingly most of the things I wrote were stuff I already know but these were jumbled up in my mind. Now it's well organised. Time to work on them.
    Thank you again.. May need to revisit this in 12 years time. :-)

  • @coachreneeofqe3inspire
    @coachreneeofqe3inspire 6 лет назад +1

    I want to experience connecting with people all over the world communicating messages of LOVE, Power & Hope thru singing, speaking, writing, acting and service. I want to grow thru becoming fluent in Spanish, French & Italian and creating interaction to people thru these languages. I want to contribute to the world by overhauling what we call education, especially as it relates to the underprivileged, "at-risk" and others who do not have opportunities because of high aptitudes, excellent grades and other accepted models of scholastic achievement.

  • @cynthiacraft1056
    @cynthiacraft1056 8 лет назад +12

    What a great exercise, even if it's played as a parlor game among friends and family. The timer puts everything in perspective -- if it didn't make my list in the allotted time, it did not rank very high in value. Nowhere did my answers mention anything about financial rewards; I believe those come with positive affirmation, energetic action, a drive to contribute to others through my own success. For example, many of my answers yielded clues that I deeply desire return to Peru to find the humble, welcoming, wonderful silver-working family who brought my designs to life when I lived and worked there for three years. It's been 10 years since then, and I'm ready to dive energetically back into creative pursuits that helped others besides myself -- ready to start my business up again, only this time for real. Thank you for helping me reveal to myself what's important: my own growth, success, fulfillment and happiness -- if it's also tied to others' growth, success, fulfillment and happiness.

  • @johnrainsman6650
    @johnrainsman6650 Год назад +1

    I asked myself some important questions, and It made me realize that I partly treated a caterer unfairly. I’m a high-ranking chef at a university and I was told by a student employee that her coworker (let’s call him Terry) had been touching crew members too much. Not _that_ type of touch, just casual ones, like on arms or shoulders. He was always very outgoing and tactile at work. Still, I took him to my colleague’s office for a chat and told him he shouldn't touch anyone without consent. Just handshakes. I said we needed the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment, that he pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school. How he shouldn't tell his stories because they may be inappropriate to some degree to the other workers; funny to him only. I think he’s about 25, give or take. He seemed pretty quiet and uncomfortable during my speech. Answered a question or two with a nod and headshake. The only question he had for me was if anyone reported his touching; I said, "It doesn't matter." Maybe that was a bit rude.
    That day after work, I saw him being pulled out of the lake--with his eyes closed. I was so horrified. I could only hope he was unconscious. Some woman, who was being held in place by two strong people, was excitedly yelling, "Is he dead?! Is he dead?!" Turns out _she_ pushed him in the lake. Now, I _really_ don't want to go into detail, so I'm just gonna say she injured him in specific ways so that he couldn't swim back to the surface. According to the news, she tried to drown him because she hated his personality and unfiltered jokes and thought people's lives would be better without him. She even told him that before she pushed him in the water, so that he knew he was getting what he "deserved." Thankfully he was given CPR and taken to the hospital for treatment; he's gonna be okay. And that's just it. What if he hadn't? What if my last moment with him was in the office. I realized I may have gone a little too far too. Yeah, I was right about how he should be more filtered at work, and that the touching needed to be restricted for his coworkers’ comfort (and for him to be successful), but I should _not_ have spoken to him the way I did. I should _not_ have said to his boss (who was in the room with us too), “is there anything you want to add?” That was insensitive. I should _not_ have restricted him to handshakes and work/school conversations only. All or nothing isn't fair. I should _not_ have taken him to the office for a formal lecture. He didn't deserve that. He probably felt like a criminal in an interrogation room. Terry never meant any discomfort or harm. He only meant to joke around and have fun with his coworkers, not "make" them his "objects". I should’ve shown more patience and understanding and only given him a very brief and gentle talk in the hall---just me. Besides, it's perfectly natural to causally touch or tap people *without* it being creepy; maybe Terry deserved a right like that, within reason and limits so he didn't go over them and discomfort anyone. He is not like Dan Schneider...but I guess I treated him like the guy. When he recovers, I'm gonna tell him I'm sorry for being a bit too tough on him. That I mishandled the situation and could've done better. I was a jerk.

  • @r2dege
    @r2dege 10 лет назад +17

    Thank you. I'm about to retire from teaching. Going to live as an artist...write, illustrate, paint and record music. You've enabled me make my approach more positive. Thank you!

  • @krishnakapoor9409
    @krishnakapoor9409 8 лет назад +3

    Hi Vishen, I would like to share this that you are currently living my exact dream life...calm compose financially free and most importantly touching peoples life spiritually, emotionally, financially and socially. Thank you for your contribution the the world.
    What would I like to experience in life
    1) Underwater diving
    2) Hug mom and dad tightly
    3) Kiss someone special passionately
    4) Make parents proud
    5) Make my grandfather free of all the financial barriers
    6) Travel the world
    7) How grateful does it feel to be to inspire someone’s life.
    How would I like to grow
    1) Entrepreneurial skills
    2) Language- French
    3) Leader
    4) Marketing professional
    5) Reiki
    6) Crystal energy
    7) Neuro Linguistic Programmin
    8) Hypnosis
    9) Meditation
    10) Connect with the higher self
    11) basic fitness workout and healthy food.
    Contribute to world
    1) Financially
    2) Donating food clothing shelter
    3) Training the trainers
    4) Life Coach
    5) Spread love and compassion
    6) Contribute to entrepreneurs

  • @SonaalShandilya
    @SonaalShandilya 9 лет назад +5

    Thank you Niiraj R Shah for sharing this...
    Following is what I came up with..
    1. Live in a serene & clean mansion
    2. indulge in Spa therapies
    3. Enjoy Rich Nature views
    4. Bungee Jump
    5. To 25 Pull-up on bar
    6. Get a hug everyday
    1. Learn to speak French
    2. Bend Spoon using my mind powers
    3. Study and master psychology
    4. refine my style to sharp business looks
    5. Participate in advance programs of vipassana
    6. Weight - 65 kilos (90 kilos as on 15th July 2015)
    1. Create a business that would provide for a 100 households
    2.Give my sister a break in her professional career
    3. Make a feature film
    4. Write a book
    5. Sponsor 1 child's 10th std education every year.

  • @Tkb_Art
    @Tkb_Art 11 лет назад +1

    Contribution: to see happiness in people, to teach as a mechanical engineer, passing messages through paintings such as protectin nature/sharing feelings..etc and helping my parents, family and freinds. some of my thoughts i wanted to share and thanks again to vishen. now i know what i need to do

  • @davekestler9777
    @davekestler9777 11 лет назад +1

    Hello Blyani. I am 50 and work at three different Jobs. None of them can support my bills and food needs. But I am learning, I have learned that the old way of doing things does not work no more. I have not worked out how to get what I want yet but looking at things on paper helps us learn about ourselfs. I just did this and I found out I still want to fly planes, travel the world, own homes in different countries and a few other things. I relearned if you will things I desire in life.

  • @shevyshevTV
    @shevyshevTV 9 лет назад +13

    My first shot. I look forward to taking some time to really think on this.
    -Create music that others feel with their entire body
    -Act in film
    -Travel the world
    -Experience incredible sex
    -Surround myself with people I can love completely
    -Become an expert in music production
    -Master singing, guitar and piano
    -Become fluent in speaking Spanish, French and Mandarin (Russian too)
    -Become someone that inspires others to live positively
    -Never falter from positive flow
    -Become better with organizing my personal spaces and life
    -Sleep healthy, eat healthy
    -Explore more of the outdoors
    -Create music that changes lives
    -Show younger people a healthy path and help them avoid traps of insecurity
    -Allow my parents to live with true freedom for the rest of their lives
    -Spread love and positivity
    -Do away with the "masculine" bullshit that confined myself and so many others
    -Open minds at all times

    • @mummyjohn
      @mummyjohn 7 лет назад +1

      Right there with you on this

    • @ParfaitOfficial
      @ParfaitOfficial 5 лет назад

      Lot of similarities with mine !! Crazy haha

    • @Warrucks
      @Warrucks 4 года назад

      Everything from learning french, spanish and russian down I want to experience as well.

  • @CindyAlexius
    @CindyAlexius 3 года назад

    1. I want to experience total freedom and allow life to lead me in any direction, domestically, internationally, and interplanetary. The ultimate is to experience life outside of earth.
    2. I want to grow as a deep thinker and motivator internationally, speak another language, and improved health and fitness.
    3. I want to contribute to the elevation of my cultures communities by starting initiatives to improve self love and relationships, speak to mindset shifting, and create generational wealth within my family.
    Excellent video. Thanks Vishen! #MindValleyIsLifeAltering

  • @avikmitra8409
    @avikmitra8409 8 лет назад +1

    VishenJi ,Have encountered Experiences that will make me Happy,Healthy,Be in Good Relationship ,motivated to be One to Our World ,to love where it is abundant ,free from any barriers.2)Growth-want to grow up as a reliable Son ,be graduate in life , get to learn things ,to travel where our mind and Soul wants to be ,be honest ,confident to tackle most embracing moments to most Success Path to mine Life..3)Contribute-To Love to Be One ,Peace,Happiness ,Clean Mind ,Educate Others who are downTrodden to fight for their Rights for They are entitled to Get , and last but not the least that to be Self Assured that what I am doing I am doing for Good and that I Can Do It...

  • @MikeKollin
    @MikeKollin 10 лет назад +69

    This truly turned out to be something very meaningful…
    By the time I got to contributions I began to cry…

    • @milissaclaire
      @milissaclaire 10 лет назад +3

      haha same effect. blesings.

    • @d.i.a.5392
      @d.i.a.5392 4 года назад

      Out of curiosity, how much of your 3 lists did you complete? Thank you!

    • @MikeKollin
      @MikeKollin 4 года назад +1

      @@d.i.a.5392 Wow this was 5 years ago... I would have to watch this video again...

    • @MikeKollin
      @MikeKollin 4 года назад +1

      @@d.i.a.5392 You mean compared to the time limit he sets? I just stopped it and added more if there were more...
      but I really didn't need much time... I figure if I wanted to do more down the road I will add it... etc...

    • @d.i.a.5392
      @d.i.a.5392 4 года назад

      @@MikeKollin I wanted to know if you were able to achieve all your goals using this. I found this video through another website. I will try a cumulative approach. I hope it will work for me.

  • @The1TheOnlyK
    @The1TheOnlyK 10 лет назад +8

    Experiences: I wish to visit every country. To be in a Korean pop band. To go to the beaches in every country.
    Growth: I wish to master witchcraft (nothing with black magick though). To learn and speak Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and German perfectly. To gain confidence and get rid of my fear of public speaking. To become more friendly and caring.
    Contributions: I wish to have a Doctorate in Forensic Chemistry, to have a good job so I can help my parents financially. I wish to donate to charities and do volunteer work. To create my own foundation for helping ALL animals in the universe. To petition for laws that give harsher punishments to animal abusers. I wish to help my family in Ecuador have the life they so deserve.

    • @nicolesczekan4337
      @nicolesczekan4337 5 лет назад


    • @JadeAzar
      @JadeAzar 5 лет назад

      How's this journey going so far, fellow light worker?? **Reminding you to follow your truest dreams.

  • @ginamstenback
    @ginamstenback 10 лет назад +1

    Thank you Vishen and Mindvalley, this is an awesome tool.
    Feel vibrant, healthy and achieve a level of wellbeing that allows me to live the active lifestyle I desire; hike, ski, paddleboard, surf, teach yoga. Reach a state of freedom where I can travel, work from anywhere and experience the world without constraints. Grow confidence in my professional and personal life. Immerse in the study of natural practices of self healing to be an example, embody health and joy. Teach the art of gratitude and inspire people to live fuller, healthier, happier lives. I Contribute to companies / projects that distribute clean water around the world. Contribute to organizations that fight human trafficking. Continue to be a regular blood donor and contribute to organizations that work to help children with chronic and debilitating conditions.

  • @jonniearmendariz3259
    @jonniearmendariz3259 9 лет назад +4

    I did the excercize literally one minute ago and already feel a great positive vibe and mpre direction to my lifes path to love

  • @sallystafford953
    @sallystafford953 Год назад

    Always find something useful to my personal growth when Vishen Lakhiani speaks.

  • @judiecollins9258
    @judiecollins9258 9 лет назад

    Vishen, and his organization MindValley are by far my favorite company to deal with. When you purchase something from them, you have no worries that the program/product will be of poor quality, or without character. I am completely hooked on them!

  • @ExpressiveDegrees
    @ExpressiveDegrees 10 лет назад +7

    One of the most powerful meditations I've ever had. I feel true happiness and gratitude in my life. Thanks!

  • @avilevi4259
    @avilevi4259 4 года назад

    This Vishen Lakhiani is extraordinary What made him so great so early, is not simply his ambition or his thirst of power knowledge or success, it's his inextinguishable love of the others and his need to share with as many people as possible his talents, his growth and whatever God has blessed him with. He was born for America. Because, only in America, it is allowed to be as great as you can. And what makes him so loveable is his blind confidence in the others, his vulnerability and naivety which made it easy so often (for certain jealous persons) to cheat him and steal him.
    He was cheated many times but didn't become bitter or stopped trusting and loving people.
    He will never stop growing because of this very special humility and his unselfish and boundless love
    Can you hear his message "whoever I am, anyone can be, whatever I have, anyone can have" The more blessed he is the more he wants to share with others all his blessings.
    His main passion is CONTRIBUTING. The power of love, is the power of contributing.
    He thinks he has an extraordinary mind......But all I can see in him is AN EXTRAORDINARY HEART

  • @tomsej5400
    @tomsej5400 10 лет назад

    I'm 53, and I seem to recall Colonel Sanders starting Kentucky Fried Chicken at age 65. These are great questions at any age. I'm a teacher and I think I will use this video and exercise in my classes. I find it hard to do this, but I think it is great to release the shackles and do it. If we are not doing these things now, then why? Why are we not at least making the necessary baby steps or change in direction to do them. I'm asking that myself right now. We don't need to blow up our current life, we just need to take steps to get into alignment with our answers.

  • @sharonfletter5114
    @sharonfletter5114 8 лет назад +5

    What do I what to experience? Give and experience love unconditionally, Be a successful children’s author that contributes to the support and uplifting of children. Healthy and loving, nurturing people in my life. Own my own home that is welcoming to all. Be paid for being me.
    How do I want to grow? . Be /contribute highest frequency to change the planet. Grow in awareness and clarity of purpose. Be know, receive, perceive all that is possible as an infinite being.
    How do I want to contribute? Books that contribute to the awareness of possibility for children. Share insight with others that boost/support improving the lives of others through ways that come naturally to me.

  • @TheLeisureKing
    @TheLeisureKing 10 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the video~
    1. Focus in inner hapiness, not to be limited by fear, have meaningful realtionship with family, love one, friends, spend quality time in gathering.
    2. Self management, discipline, planning forward, upgrade own skills and learn new ones, learn new languages, meditate, yoga, aim for full split, participate in triathlon
    3. Have a trip with family, love one and friends at least once a year, be volunteer, write & draw to share my experiences to the world, smile

  • @neopagan1976
    @neopagan1976 9 лет назад +2

    I have just started the creative visualization program Mind Valley offers, and I have to say that so far, it's just simply amazing. The meditation exercises are truly very easy to do, especially the 3 2 1 method. Laura Silva is one of the best meditation guides that I've ever had. She explains every exorcise in such great detail that not possible to become confused and misunderstand. Their motto is if you can visualize it you can have it, and this's really the truth. I would recommend Mind Valley to anyone.

  • @anaiisnin9744
    @anaiisnin9744 10 лет назад +43

    I hope to one day be able to contribute a car or something truly needed to a family or struggling mom who is in the position that I am now...

    • @ladyjayne7586
      @ladyjayne7586 10 лет назад +5

      I love this! I want to be the person that goes to the local Wal-Mart or K-Mart and pay off a layaway at Christmas every year. Or five. Or fifty. :)

    • @JadeAzar
      @JadeAzar 5 лет назад

      And you will.

  • @HappyJazz71
    @HappyJazz71 10 лет назад

    when we give, it truly does come back to us - one thousand fold ... focus on all that you have, even if it's a little ... you'll be surprised how this will make a change in your consciousness ... beautiful!

  • @OjashShrestha95
    @OjashShrestha95 7 лет назад +1

    My first encounter to Vishen Lakhiani was through Tedx Video on meditation hack.
    Each day I feel grateful for the change I've had in my life because of MindValley.
    Thank You!

  • @mikawonderdoll
    @mikawonderdoll 9 лет назад +16

    Eliane Blanchard
    Wow, love the video. I have been trying to make my vision clearer of what I want so I can actually go towards that goal, but was too much detail oriented. That exercise helped me put down my toughts with no filter whatsoever. Here is what I got :
    Career - Create an inspiring magazine. Working in an environment of community, teamwork and creativity. Having my own studio-creative workplace. Be an entrepreneure. Write a book.
    Love and Friends - Find my true soulmate, my bestfriend and my everything. Have deep and profound relationships. Have quality time with friends, family and love. Feeling love and giving unconditionnal love. Effortless.
    Other - Travel the world and discover different cultures. Be a succesful artist, photograph and entrepreneure at the head of an awesome magazine.
    Master photography (digital,film and alternatives processes), be vegan, learn spanish, be a good communicator (especially oral), have effortless deep conversations.Read 1 book a week. Having a regular physical practise of yoga and running. I hope to have a flawless health both physical and mental and to please be rid of epilepsy.
    Inspire others with my work, photographies and my magazine. To volunteer. To travel the world to help others in need. Be vegan and help animals. Having zero garbage (not buying things that come in plastic). Be a good friend, good listener.

    • @LizeOkoh
      @LizeOkoh 9 лет назад +1

      Marie-Jeanne B That's great! Wish you the best. I want to create a magazine too :)

    • @isaakfreeman
      @isaakfreeman 8 лет назад

      +Sewa Folie Team up! ;D

    • @nicolesczekan4337
      @nicolesczekan4337 5 лет назад

      so 3 yrs out...are you on your way?

    • @JadeAzar
      @JadeAzar 5 лет назад

      Hello Eliane ! I loved your message you are an inpiration. ** Hope you get this: A reminder to follow your truest dreams, we need you to while we follow our own, it all links up in ways we can't even imagine!

  • @jillstedronsky3590
    @jillstedronsky3590 8 лет назад +1

    I love thinking about life this way. It shifted my perspective and helped undo the glue that seems to paralyze me from moving forward when I feel like I want to do so many things. It organized my thoughts and actually brought many of my goals or wishes together in a sensible way, showing me how to start. I will share this with all my 8th graders and my own children too.

  • @Tudorache70
    @Tudorache70 10 лет назад +5

    Thank you a lot Vishen, you truly make my day! You are a big man/mind, I just hope some day to tell you: hey Vishen you know, what I wish/want a long time ago it's happening right now, and I really have evverything I want!
    I hope to come faster that day.

  • @marybethdewitt1093
    @marybethdewitt1093 3 года назад

    Thank you so much for this "3 Most important questions exercise". It truly forced me to unblock the standard "make money" to get to the heart of what will fulfill my soul.

  • @stevesmith2619
    @stevesmith2619 10 лет назад +14

    I could not disagree with you more if you feel you are too old. I am 53 years old and I have been frustrated with my life for most of my adult life. I have had several books, both fiction and non-fiction, published, helmed successful companies, but only recently did I realize I was stuck in the "means" goals mode. I am more interested now, and more focused, than ever on the end goals. This was an excellent exercise, albeit brief. But if it gets your mind thinking, then embrace it.

    • @milissaclaire
      @milissaclaire 10 лет назад +1

      Have you ever heard the story of Louise Hay.. her success began at 40!!! Cool for u. :)

    • @Chrissy4605
      @Chrissy4605 10 лет назад

      Steve welcome to the life of living. I have heard of Louise Hay. She is an amazing person of wealth. I am going to be there and not too long from now either.

  • @flamencoartsandmusic4487
    @flamencoartsandmusic4487 4 года назад

    So happy and grateful to have found you, Vishen. I never thought of looking at things in this way. This is very helpful. You've shifted my perceptions. I feel different already just by listening to you and doing this exercise. It's my very first draft. I am asking my heart to answer these questions for me. You are the TRANSFORMER the world needs today. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Blessings to you. Thank You, Namaste!

  • @sunceraysalazar1120
    @sunceraysalazar1120 5 лет назад

    I will just share one part of what I wrote, mine was two pages long front and back of each. But this one part kind of covers the majority of it all.
    How do I want to grow?
    Wealthy and Rich in God, wisdom, intelligence, Love, Health, drive, money, Joy, beauty, Honesty, Loyalty, Integrity, Family, friends, Grand Deeds, influence, Amazing wonderful gifts from God, strength of self-mind and body. Overwhelmed in the amazing Grand Beauty that has become my life.
    I would like to say thank you. I was really having problems envisioning my future life, I stopped letting my self want for anything for so many years. And now I feel it might be possible for me to actually have something I want so I am going to reach for God with all I have and see how close to him I land.

  • @Harragan
    @Harragan 7 лет назад

    I've noticed that in mine Traveling, Helping others grow, and Connecting with Universe (aka God) seem to be most prominent. I also found importance in giving lectures or somehow being on stage making people laugh, meditating, writing and other artistic stuff also come to play. I can also see myself as part of RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) reporting dangerous weather saving lives doing it. (already working on an armature radio license and have skywarn certification.
    I often imagine myself living in a dream house getting up in the morning going outside to a beautiful garden and meditating. Opening my eyes and seeing others sitting there on mats mediating waiting for me to speak. Then after a very inspirational speech telling them that the cooks have prepared a delicious meal for us. All of us going to a buffet style restaurant with healthy food. People coming up to me asking questions and interested in what I have to say. All this the morning after returning from a lecture I did in another state.

  • @JelimoChelagat
    @JelimoChelagat 9 лет назад +8

    This has got to be one of the most enlightening videos I have come across. I'm excited that this comes at the end of 2014. It gives me new insights as I plan for the year to come. Thank you Vishen Lakhian & Mind Valley!

  • @asman.5678
    @asman.5678 8 лет назад

    I find it refreshing to reset myself, as in a state of rediscovering what is deep inside me and was hidden somewhere as life went by. I feel I become a child again and think that everything is possible just by writing down what I want. It is a truly good thing to do.
    This excercice should be taught from the childhood. I see it is a good way for example when someone becomes a highschooler to go back at what he or she wrote at age 5 then when becomes a university student go back to what was written in highschool. We lack self-awareness in the way we are educated in my home country at least. So, I see it is always great to keep track of intrinsic and spontaneaous motives because they reveal what will make us happy in the end.

  • @FictionCautious
    @FictionCautious 9 лет назад +6

    Whatever you do, don't forget to love and live!

  • @envirocammy
    @envirocammy 11 лет назад

    Thank You so very much! I am 26 and I am a person who trust my own instincts and avoid getting influenced by the standards laid down by the society. I can so connect with whatever you have mentioned here. It has been a complete emotional roller coaster ride for me. I was so sure about two things in life...that i wanted to do something i love and i wanted to be true to myself to the fullest....i was always guided n instinctively knew abt all 3 questions. Your video brot me clarity. M grateful !

  • @alexxaquarterman3240
    @alexxaquarterman3240 4 года назад

    Within this video I was able to open and unlock my reason for Be-ing. I am grateful. Open up and unlock what's already been there from day one. Thank you mindvalley!

  • @shirmusic134
    @shirmusic134 8 лет назад +3

    Experiences - What experiences out of life do i want out of life befor I kick the bucket
    - find people to love and love me back
    be around my loved ones, do silly things with my loved ones
    - find someone to commit to
    - run around joke around, laugh, be idle
    - not be idle, do challenges together with people
    - spend holidays in latin america, go to strange places
    - create something - videos online, invent something, create solutions to world problems.
    Growth - What do I want to grow?
    - be good at IT
    -learn spanish
    - be a leader
    - be a confidant
    - be liked.
    - be inspiring, be empowering
    - be calm, be happy, release, be free and confident, self trusting. Not be self conscious, do not hold back, do not care
    - lose weight
    - reasonable enjoyable exercise
    -be near the water
    Contribution - What do I want to contribute to the planet?
    -make people happy and feel loved
    - protect the world
    - inspire efficiency, create dialogue and inspire someone's mind
    - give art, give creativity
    - make the world a more diverse place
    - kindness

  • @ashishgautam368
    @ashishgautam368 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for helping through this.
    At the beginning I thought I would write nothing, but with your guidance, I wrote my heart out.
    Truly admire all of your work sir. You're an incredible human being

  • @kershneegovender4932
    @kershneegovender4932 Год назад +1

    I watched this video ten years ago and I have achieved so many of those goals. Then randomly four day i found that page that I had wrote all my goals and I was amazed at how much I had accomplished. Today I watched the video again and did the simple task of writing my goals down again. Can't wait to achieve them.

  • @SacredInnerChi333
    @SacredInnerChi333 8 лет назад +31

    Experiences: Travel(all continents), Create organization for orphans and homeless, Base jump, Teach and help many many people, own a hot air balloon, own lots of land
    Growth: meditation, learn; italian, french, Portuguese, be one with the universe, gentle humble nature, garden, no sugar, hiking, and running a 5k marathon
    Contribution: End hungar, leave a legacy for my family to follow in my footsteps, create an orphanage awakening mindfulness school for orphans, own a studio to revolutionize mainstream music, give away 1 million $$$

    • @patternsmashing
      @patternsmashing 8 лет назад +3

      I admire your goals Susana.

    • @a.m.karthick629
      @a.m.karthick629 5 лет назад

      Have you started doing these things or these are still just a comment in RUclips, please I like to know.

  • @MelissaColleret
    @MelissaColleret 10 лет назад +5

    Just re-watched this & love it even more than the first time! Thanks for the inspiration! I will be sending this with my clients! You are amazing Vishen!

  • @NtathuAllen
    @NtathuAllen 8 лет назад +4

    Thank you. The meditation made me realise how much I wish to grow and develop myself and my business with meditation at the core and make sure the experiences of rest, travel and being there (emotional, physically and financially) for friends and family are part of how I live. Am emotionally and physically there for family friends and wish to extend this to offer financial stabily for self and others. And add "rest" and "travel" into mix. Thank you xx

  • @elenamichaelson
    @elenamichaelson 7 лет назад

    Love you, Vishen! Thank you for "going for it!" in your life so we could be inspired to do the same.

  • @ashvedlochun8240
    @ashvedlochun8240 9 лет назад +10

    I'm actually facing family problems they keep on bringing me down in my studies my manners although i do everything they say..but after viewing this video i have realised what i need to do in my life to become a great man and a great leader in the future . Thank you :)

  • @dawnmader7792
    @dawnmader7792 10 лет назад

    Thank you for that amazing exercise. I'm an artist and I currently teach Intuitive, Mandala and instruction to women/men and corporations. You reminded me to create ART for Awareness. ART to bring people together, to learn compassion. Art for the Bigger Picture. I always encourage my students to "tell a story, be it theirs or an emotion they would like to portray" For me, my purpose has always been about talking with my paintings/drawings. Best to you and keep up the amazing work. Our young minds are our future.

  • @aleciahoup4500
    @aleciahoup4500 8 лет назад

    I absolutely loved this video. The "Three Questions" made me realize that I need to make changes in the way I live now so that I can truly be honest to my "SELF.". I have the real desire to contribute to the planet by helping people realize that the way we treat the animals who share this planet with us needs to be "re-evaluated." I want to lead by example, so I have to look at the way I live and make the changes in my lifestyle so that I will truly "walk the walk" and not just "talk the talk." My "calling" is animal advocacy and I want to be a part of improving the planet by improving the way animals are perceived by our culture.
    When I answered the "Three Questions" what I need to do was apparent. I need to stop being a hypocrite and start eating "right" and in doing so I will finally find the peace and joy that have eluded me because of my "eating habits" and get healthy in the process.
    Thank you, Vishen and Mindvalley for all that you do to help us truly "actualize" ourselves.

  • @KyleMcHattie
    @KyleMcHattie 9 лет назад +3

    You are just great, Vishen. I love your business model and who you are personally in the world. This video is a fantastic tool for people to realize what is important to them. Thanks for sharing this.

  • @AlstonHanleyOfficial
    @AlstonHanleyOfficial 10 лет назад +8

    Wow! This process is one that I will adapt in my life. Going for the End Goal is what really elevates you. I just went through this simple exercise and was blown away by what I wrote on a piece of paper. My passion and dreams just spilled out and literally came to life in front my eyes as I read my thoughts aloud.
    Thanks for exposing me to this Mind Valley.

    • @JadeAzar
      @JadeAzar 5 лет назад

      Goosebumps just reading your message! Thanks for sharing

  • @Tkb_Art
    @Tkb_Art 11 лет назад

    i never thought that there will be that much of ideas flowing. it really helped me...
    Experience: feel free, a simple and beautiful house, true love not just pretending to love, success..etc
    Growth: to learn more and become and engineer, confident in everything i do, am an artist too and someday i want to become as the great Leonardo Da Vinci, dealing with any difficult situation, to have a healthy life....

  • @dceyce
    @dceyce 11 лет назад

    I have a clear vision now, it was so fuzzy before. Today I know what my goals are and how to reach them through the means goals. Photography. I wanted to heal folk for years and I did so for many years as a 911 paramedic, I was awesome at it but it wouldn't give me my end goals. It was a means goal. Photography is part of my end goal, a great photograph can calm, soothe, uplift, change feelings make folk happy - that's what I need to focus on. and I will. THANK YOU sooooo much.

  • @oliviamercado
    @oliviamercado 9 лет назад +1

    Thanks Vishen for the inspiration. I, too, believe that when we allow the creative, right-brain to express, we come a step closer to fulfilling our dreams and stepping more into our authentic selves. Amongst the experiences I want to have in life are to work at MV as I see and understand what it's all about! So, I've applied! I believe that DREAMS DO COME TRUE, but it takes awareness, discipline and purpose for it to happen. I'll gladly spread the love, reposting this video. Muchas gracias, again! See you soon.

  • @wishforluckable
    @wishforluckable 7 лет назад

    Well, it was fun to do it! One of my expierence items on the list are: to meet a lot of people, to go everywhere, where I want to go, to drive in a beautiful BMW, to be together with a lover. One of my growth items are: to improve my skills of FL Studio, I would love to speak english, french and german fluently, I would also love to speak (learn first) italian, I see myself in a better body and non-smoking anymore ever again! My big contribution item is: to help the world a better place to live in, through my passion. Even if I would have a small fraction of influence. But small things might become bigger! What my personal passion is, I'd rather keep for myself, but I've written it down here on the list... So, some fragments of my blueprint. Enjoy! And I am curious about, what the course will bring. I think it has a lot of quality. I will commit myself to it, and hope for the best! Thank you!

  • @Arclite720
    @Arclite720 9 лет назад

    Man I wish that this was around when I was growing up. I sit here, just pondering where I would have been if this was available to me earlier. I have a job that I really could care less about, with folks that really have not much in common with me. I, like many folks have fallen victim to the "Societal Rules" got a good job, house blah, blah...Still wasn't happy. Went thru a "Get Real Challenge"!!!! The lights came on and my eyes hurt...because it was the FIRST time I ever looked thru them!!! Started to study some things to liberate my mind from the "box" it was in. This exercise confirms things I was thinking all along and just didn't know how to act on them.
    Thanks and the journey continues!!!!!!!!

  • @alexandraspinner6906
    @alexandraspinner6906 10 лет назад +1

    As a professional fitness trainer and coach I have recently enrolled in your online Mindvalley workshop 3/12/14 6pm pst and very excited and compelled to learn and grow in new ways! Thank you for your deep candor and honesty amid so many "coaches" out there. Best regards!

  • @dajanytish
    @dajanytish 6 лет назад

    I am VP Talent Management in AIESEC and I loved it soo much that I am going to empower all my team leaders to follow this guidline while developing members. And that wall... It is amazing.

  • @teaonenergy8556
    @teaonenergy8556 7 лет назад

    Thank you Vishen for this amazing video. I just recently started watching Mind Valley. My Experience, Growth and contribution are Living a life of abundance and clarity with a loving partner who loves me for who I am and loves himself first. My contribution to this planet is continuing to love and share my positive energy to everything in this universe and being a vegetarian. This exercise gave me better clarity to what me life will be. Thank you for reading everyone.

  • @ryojusen7
    @ryojusen7 11 лет назад +1

    Very, very powerful perspective, Vishen. This is how I've been feeling lately, and I couldn't finds the words to express those feelings in complete thoughts; because of that, I am feeling "stuck" and I couldn't figure out how to move forward. I am very thankful for your sharing this life-changing presentation. I am finally "unstuck" and set in motion in a new journey.

  • @jyotikarajput3786
    @jyotikarajput3786 8 лет назад +11

    Dear Vishen, it's an absolute pleasure to come across this video and actually know about you and mindvalley! What a wonderful exercise you have suggested here. It's really of great benefit to each one of us. Indeed, the truth is "life is all about inspiring and getting inspired". :) I seriously feel that parents and teachers should make a constant endeavour of letting the young ones learn about these aspects much early in life, the consequence of which would be a brilliantly positive and strong society.

    • @nicestuff8755
      @nicestuff8755 6 лет назад

      Jyotika Rajput your welcome, keep up the good work

  • @nishashah1278
    @nishashah1278 6 лет назад

    Influenced by this video so much that I started offering Vision Board workshops at the Youth Shelters and Youth Mental
    health centers in my area to youth who are suicidal or have lost hope.

  • @jacquelinetees4572
    @jacquelinetees4572 7 лет назад

    After some intense meditation and affirming I was guided here. Very helpful short video on concentrated focus. Thank you Vishen and thank you God. Love and blessings to all.

  • @cyndirymer7068
    @cyndirymer7068 8 лет назад +29

    I thought this might be hard to do, I can be so indecisive. Instead, it was really easy and fun! It is great to have a list to remember and draw from as top desires. Thank You!

  • @nadinerees-harris2078
    @nadinerees-harris2078 8 лет назад

    Vishen thank you for that! I brought Becoming Limitless a short while ago but have only just decided to use it?! So glad I have!! I've realized that some of the things you are teaching (and a few others) I learned years ago but there was no movement of any kind in the area of self-development so I've just been marking time until the last 5 years really and of course I needed to be totally open to what the Universe wants for me. My dreams are big, I was just about to get caught up in creating a business but not where I really wanna be or what I want to be doing-I want End Goal living! I want to be mixing with all the top Teachers and leaders because that's why I'm here. At the moment it seems the Universe has me doing preparation for this next chapter of my life and your teachings are really helping me so thank you!! I would love to come and work at Mindvalley?! It would move me forward no end and I have so much I could give back to all of you!! Time will tell eh? Thank you again, sending you all lots of love! xx

  • @ImTheaura
    @ImTheaura 8 лет назад +1

    I am older than most people who do this...but I am always in that category, so that's fine. I want to change my life to something entirely different in the realm of experiences and accomplishments. I have accomplished some interesting things in my life, but they are still not making me feel that I have achieved the things that will satisfy my "core" happiness...the "me" that I am when I am alone, and wondering why I am in this big world. I am looking forward to a new path of successes that will nourish the artist, the poet and the romantic inside of me that are desperate to blossom and come forward into the world as the rest of the "real" me!

  • @RT-rm3du
    @RT-rm3du 7 лет назад +2

    That was some divine timing at work, my friend JUST sent this to me on the day after I decided to start life coaching (which was induced by me having anxiety about turning 40 next year and feeling stuck).

  • @jobyjohny
    @jobyjohny 8 лет назад

    Thanks Vishen ..

  • @angelalawsonspiritualreadi2010
    @angelalawsonspiritualreadi2010 8 лет назад

    Love this video! My Contribution Dream - help bring more equality to the world through awareness and love resulting in reductions of war, poverty and hate. Increase love in the world through stories that inspire compassion and connection. Break down barriers and bring more unity.

  • @benjaminvalerio839
    @benjaminvalerio839 8 лет назад +26

    I want to be the best I can be, but not to show off but so that other people see me and say if he can do it what's stopping me.

  • @SergeSergiou
    @SergeSergiou 10 лет назад

    So inspiring. To be allowed to dream, to even be encouraged to dream, instead of just be 'Practical' and get a job to just pay the bills. So freeing. Thank you Vishen.

  • @lindsaybrill3600
    @lindsaybrill3600 7 лет назад +1

    I've been focusing on this so much, at least I've been trying... trying to heal. I know I'm not going anywhere until I heal what's wrong inside. It's much harder than it sounds.. but I appreciate the thinkers like Vishen and Mindvalley.

  • @RachelGogos
    @RachelGogos 11 лет назад +2

    This is GREAT Vishen. Love it, did it and will pass it on. I'm also going to start incorporating it with family, friends, colleagues and clients! Wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  • @AdrianDavisPS
    @AdrianDavisPS 11 лет назад

    Wow! Thank you for this. I have just written a book entitled, Human-to-Human Selling and you have captured very articulately how I see the world of sales changing. In the Industrial Age we were taught to sell to pain. Pain is short-term and the process is manipulative. What if we could sell to the higher, nobler purposes of our customers? What if we see ourselves as enabling agents in the lives of others as they pursue their heart-felt purposes. This simple exercise sets us on the right path!

  • @kimOMG3516
    @kimOMG3516 8 лет назад +1

    It was simple exercise! No need to think thoroughly, just let it flow the ideas that pop-up my mind. You did a great job, Vishen Lakhiani!

  • @clemenciastaffanell5335
    @clemenciastaffanell5335 6 лет назад

    I am in awe of all the wonderful things you are prompting me to be aware of to transform my life. I am planning on leaving at least 30 to 40 more years, and I was wondering how! Now that I found you, Vishen, I know that my next 40 years are going to be extraordinary awesome!! I'm just 76.

  • @MyLwp
    @MyLwp 4 года назад

    THIS needs to be re-visited often in our lives..Children and teens should be introduced to it early. Putting my Vision Board in front of me each day. The to-do list can then follow and not overwhelm what truly matters in the long run.

  • @maryrophael3997
    @maryrophael3997 9 лет назад

    Thank you Vishen. Great advice. Teaching this in schools is a must. I'm one of those forty somethings that has awakened to fulfilling my soul purpose. Took a while, but blessed I've awakened. To really set these goals we need confidence and empowerment through self love. Thank you for the continual inspiration and amazing work. YOU are a wonderful contributor making the world a better place and stirring up our souls. Love and blessings, Mary.

  • @walksfarwoman5
    @walksfarwoman5 4 года назад

    Thank you Vishen for your generosity in sharing your work . . .

  • @ceciant
    @ceciant 8 лет назад +2

    fly in a baloon, glider- direct,coordinate communitity theater with teens and adults, travel around the world: mexico, cuba, brazil, thailand, india, china, africa egypt, travel with my sons, find a new love, have closeness experiences with family, friends, live in an ecological house
    learn portuguese and italian, learn at least one musical instrument: harmonica, piano, dance rock tanto salsa, meditate daily, do thai chi daily, be in a healthy weight and physically fit, go rowing, climb the Lanin (volcano) do trapeze
    help others see the best in themselves, be an example of happiness, write plays and stage them, help homeless and those deprived of opportunities

  • @johannliffey596
    @johannliffey596 8 лет назад

    I always had a hunch that a thinking strategy like this had never been taught to me, and that my decision making was flawed as to how my lives career would be created. Looking forward instead now I can influence my decisions in my future albeit my path has lead me to where I am now without this hindsight. Thank you Vishen for your simple clarity on the subject. ECG!!!For reg heart/soul Experience Contribution and Growth!

  • @Bullybob77
    @Bullybob77 Год назад

    the 3 most important things
    what do you want to experience
    -often retreats/events-big houses, bubbly drinks and fun tabletop games all weekend long
    -more carnival cruises
    -family trips to theme parks are common
    -a private chef for healthy and delicious diet
    how do you want to grow
    -fitness - become physically attractive, strong
    -fix my posture
    -become a person of expertise and respect
    -become exclusive
    -grow my family's strengths and skills in their preferred interests
    how do you want to contribute
    -turn massive vessels into stronger winds to have more propulsion
    -to provide better environments and financial benefits to those in or affected by the vessels i turn
    -inspire others to find strength by poetry
    -inspire others to have more respect and demonstrate more respect for others

  • @RobinJongerden
    @RobinJongerden 12 лет назад

    Great video! Thanks a lot! Some things I wrote down: Experience: Getting better in Filmmaking and Art Making, See all the beatifull places in the World. Growth: Be myself and always be relaxed. Contribute: Live greener, helping disabled people, share green-projects with the world!

  • @brendaelassal9115
    @brendaelassal9115 5 лет назад

    All my life this has been my belief system..I always thought outside the box in a very conservative family..I admire your "breaking free" & forming a company that will prove that this is the future...and our societies..will benefit from your daring to be different. .I listen to you as much as I can because im inspired!!

  • @marciakixx
    @marciakixx 8 лет назад +1

    Thank you Vishen for all that you do.
    Experience: attend Academy Awards as a nominee for Best Original Screenplay
    Growth: attend meditation retreat
    Contribution: write a novel/book that changes people's lives for the better

  • @nickbachur8475
    @nickbachur8475 8 лет назад

    Love this video Vishen. The process is refreshing. You know, 90 seconds isn't that long to fit an entire future into. Even though I'm getting up there in age. There are just so many more things to Experience, plant for Growth, and Contribute in gratitude. I'll be writing a best selling book and screenplay. Starting a new business to provide growth for others (like Mindvalley). Invent a fast-as-light propulsion system, matter - antimatter energy source, and epigenetic mental illness interventions. I'll continue my travels and exploration around the world and U.S. in my private jet and helicopter. I already have the licenses. 50 pound curls will be like lifting donuts and mental calmness will occur spontaneously due to long standing meditation practice. Buy a new car once a year. I'll immediately calm individuals and groups that are agitated with hypnotic skill. Teaching through public speaking engagements will occur with extemporaneous spontaneity while capturing my audiences and improving their lives. Financial, physical, and supportive gifts to family, friends, causes, communities around my many homes will be well received and executed in positive benefits. All this, all this, is just a start with the 90 seconds that you provided and there is much more if I could write faster. Oh. That's right. And while all this is going on I'll retain my well known humility. Thanks!

  • @S3lsimon
    @S3lsimon 9 лет назад

    I truly appreciated this exercise. Like so many people, I over complicate the meaning of my life, become frustrated or depressed over lack of achievement. Keeping it simple, having a vision board and not being so hard on myself is a tough yet do-able way of life. I always get so much out of your exercises, Vishen. I just need to be consistent in how I follow through. Hasn't been so easy with a lot of very upsetting events in the last few years, but I need to heal within, and your exercises are so very helpful! Thx so much!

  • @donnatreby8122
    @donnatreby8122 9 лет назад +2

    thank you Vishan, I hope I can make my visions real.
    1) experience great love in every aspect of my life.
    2) advance my spirituality through daily meditation and yoga.
    3) contribute and help young (and young at heart) woman to realise their true potential with joy while hugging and kissing as many babies that I can. at the same time find my genius as an environmental scientist.

  • @artdelavaux
    @artdelavaux 11 лет назад

    I received an email from MindValley asking me to answer one question about a program I bought (before my life turned upside down yesterday). I followed the link, answered the question and somehow ended up here. I answered the 3 questions Vishen asks in the video and I know what to do now. This video has given me insight and direction. Thank so very much!!

  • @saurabh1921
    @saurabh1921 8 лет назад +1

    Thanks.....Awesome excercise....Sharing my answers below.
    What Experiences i want to have
    • love
    • connnection with god
    • a perfect health
    How do you want to grow
    • By reading spiritual text of BK
    • learn more about religion
    • learn more about positive psychology
    • Reach an enlightened state of mind where my positivity
    • Perfect health
    • Running a cyclathon
    How would i like to Contribute to the society
    • Help all souls to grow spiritually
    • Be a more useful citizen and more useful child of god
    • spread positivity everywhere i go

  • @the_soulway-coaching
    @the_soulway-coaching Год назад

    I’m a practicing a coach and I ask living in Japan. I want to help kids with somatic diseases , which caused by their parents way of thinking such as asthma, allergies, etc ( there are 7 or even 8 as a cancer was added).
    There’s a direct connection between the way of thinking and the type of disease. And the culture in Japan makes more Japanese kids struggling with asthma and allergies. And I know it comes from parents who should keep their emotions inside and as well as follow their parents “mean goals “ earning asthma as a somatic response to “not realising their own desires or “end-goals “

  • @attyninigarado818
    @attyninigarado818 2 года назад +1

    - Travel anywhere, anytime
    - Live wherever I want.
    - Love freely and openly with no fear.
    - Have amazing, beautiful connections.
    - Taste different food from all over the world.
    - Develop my singing voice further.
    - Write more songs
    - Write books.
    - Be more open, loving, and expressive.
    - Slim, fit, and healthier body.
    - Learn French.
    - Learn to play the piano.
    - Feel absolutely beautiful, confident, and magnetic.
    - Sharper mind and memory.
    - Help people find their voice.
    - Be an advocate for the oppressed and abused.
    - Help financially strapped families find food security.
    - Help people find justice.
    - Education/ Help people realize their full potential
    - Help my entire family and friends out of poverty

  • @MatiurBhuiyan
    @MatiurBhuiyan 7 лет назад

    I am totally agreed with Tony Robbin's findings: "deep down inside we have two great spiritual needs. the need to grow ourselves and the need to contribute. True fulfillment comes from growth and contribution."
    and I believe Mindvalley's Way of goal setting is extraordinary. I appreciate it. I am trying my level best to use this goal setting process in my company. Thanks a lot Vishen for presenting this dimensional way of goal setting.

  • @haemusic1
    @haemusic1 2 года назад

    Always find a way to give. This is one of my personal aphorisms and the daily mantra playing in my head as I went from losing everything to making more than twice my income than before. I would wake each morning with one question. Who can I help today. This one powerful question lead me to opportunities every day without fail. All three of these questions mentioned in this video are truly powerful. But as I tell people who have had serious misfortune during this unprecedented time in history, and have lost work, it is not about what you get it is about what you give.
    3. In what ways can you contribute to others and the world as a whole? Very powerful!

  • @thatmidlifeguy
    @thatmidlifeguy 11 лет назад

    Love this , such a simple task we over look in our busy lives and yet so powerful . At the same time we uncover desires that have lay dormant , over looked or deemed not achievable submitting to the general populous. A wake up call that we all have a limited amount of time and that's what makes it so precious. Love and Peace

  • @juliagriess5860
    @juliagriess5860 10 лет назад +1

    Experiences, Growth and enlightening, simple and mind expanding. Without limitations of money and time the ideas are endless! Thanks for opening up my ability to dream again!! Sincere thanks!