I love how Ellecee is enjoying her childhood instead of wishing to become a teenager! Kass is the best sister ever! PresLee has a really good singing voice!❤
Ellecee is such a great sport!!! Almost every time Kass wanted to try a product on Preslee, and she had some excuse as to why she couldn't do it, Ellecee stepped right up and had no problem being the guinea pig! Love you sweet girl Ellecee, you're so awesome ♥️
@randomvids4u12Preslee and paslee just like skincare and makeup more than some of her other siblings and kass videos are about skin care and makeup so ya I hope I covered everything
@@totallynotme1099idk how u think she doesn’t… she buys all this stuff and she loves to film with them. I see how she laughs with them and dances with them on shorts. She is great❤
Nelson’s, Y’all are my ALL TIME FAVORITE youtube family and RUclipsrs. Y’all have have such different personalities and I love that. I’m a beginner with makeup so this is really helping me. Praying for you Kass and your pregnancy journey! Love you all!
@@JUSTKASS i just wanna say Kass you are the best i wish u well and you are such a good role model to ur siblings, I know they love u and are so happy to be with u!!!❤❤❤
Hi Kass l am a huge fan l love your video's my favourite is the dumpster diving one .❤ I wish you would reply and congratulations on 3 million 🎉🎉can't wait to see This video when l watch your videos it makes my day
Kass ur such a good big sister like u hang with ur siblings almost everyday and buy whatever they want, ur soo sweet I can’t belive how spoiled preslee is when she’s 10 and I’m 14 this year and don’t have half of the stuff she has lol she’s too lucky 😂😂 love yal ❤
I love you Kass your family is so great together even though you guys fight it still means you guys are sisters I live your videos you showed me I don’t always have to wear makeup, your my favorite RUclipsr
No hate or anything but why is preslee in EVERY skincare/makeup video I know kass try’s to give her other chances to be apart of them but preslee is just in EVERY SINGLE VIDEO 😅 again no hate but I’m just saying
I own tubing mascara and it works SO well! It’s so convenient and easier to remove than regular mascara. I would definitely recommend trying tubing mascara!
Hi Kass, PresLee, and Elcee! I’m sorry if I spelled Elcee’s name wrong. But I am the biggest fan of your family in the world!! I love you guys so much! 🩷
Hi Kass I don’t know what to say but I love how you always do fun things with your siblings I wish I have a sister like you I hope that you and your siblings have going to have a great time together forever ♾️ I love you and your family ❤❤🎉❤🎉❤❤🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤i wish you could like this comment but this isn’t going to happen 😢
Congratulations on 3 million I wish you nothing but the best now let’s pray that you get 5 million wish you nothing but the best I love you and your family ❤
I’ve got a similar version of that glitter so de Janeiro but it’s a glitter face mist and it’s from Claire’s it’s silver glitter ✨ and it’s a roller, I’ll give you a haul on RUclips shorts!!!
Love you so so much kass i look up to you as the prettiest princess your sister's are so cute and brothers I am praying for you to have a beautiful boy and girl and also don't let people hate you because your amazing ,pretty,gorgeous,nice,kind,thoughtful,love you kass love phoebe💗💗💗💗💗
Ellcee’s smile lights up the whole room
Yesss and her hair is stunning
@@Sara_noraddinfr thoo 😭
Do does her butt chin
God made her! ❤❤
I love how Ellecee is enjoying her childhood instead of wishing to become a teenager!
Kass is the best sister ever!
PresLee has a really good singing voice!❤
I agree!
I agree
I agree!
I agree yessss
Ellecee is such a great sport!!! Almost every time Kass wanted to try a product on Preslee, and she had some excuse as to why she couldn't do it, Ellecee stepped right up and had no problem being the guinea pig! Love you sweet girl Ellecee, you're so awesome ♥️
So true i was watching kass and she was not including Ellecee as much as she was including Pressle
@@KadiraAbrahambro Elle we don’t know nothing about makeup
Elle we know nothing that’s why
@randomvids4u12Preslee and paslee just like skincare and makeup more than some of her other siblings and kass videos are about skin care and makeup so ya I hope I covered everything
Can we all agree how Kass is the best big sister EVER? She cares about her family soo much❤
@@totallynotme1099idk how u think she doesn’t… she buys all this stuff and she loves to film with them. I see how she laughs with them and dances with them on shorts. She is great❤
@@totallynotme1099 idk what you are talking about but she’s like literally the best and nicest older sister!
I agree 💯
Seeing how excited PressLee was about the Milk makeup jelly blushes makes me just want to go and buy all of them!!
I NEED a vanity tour of preslee’s vanity sooo bad and Haircare routine
Girl yesssss
Me too!😊
100% yes ❤❤❤
I agree
Congrats on 3mil Kass!🎉❤
This sibling trio >>>>>>
I know
trio* ?!
The amount of fun ElleCee had with the whipped product was so heartwarming!!! ❤️🩹😊
@@Thetokuguy5070it’s yea or yeah
Finally elcee gets some attention!!
Early! I’m so excited! Congratulations on 3 Million Kass! You’re the best Big Sister to all the siblings! 💜💚🌟🥳
Wow you’re very ewrly
That’s so nice
I see you everywhere
Don't you think Preslee is in every single one of kass's Sephora videos like bro chill
Happy birthday kass wish you the best bday ever
Paul 😊
it was so cute when elecee was laughing and she goes i look like santa claus! 🥰
Ikr I love elecees whol personality!
Y’all are my ALL TIME FAVORITE youtube family and RUclipsrs. Y’all have have such different personalities and I love that. I’m a beginner with makeup so this is really helping me. Praying for you Kass and your pregnancy journey! Love you all!
She is also my favourite
I agree this family always cheer me up and Kass would be an amazing mom
i love love kass and her family so mach
Boñgèr Kamosa va?
People who wants Kass as a sister❤
Awe! I love all of my internet little sisters 🩷🩷🥹
@@JUSTKASS LOL I HAVE a sister yayyy
omg kass just replied to me omg omg @@JUSTKASS
@@JUSTKASSomg ilysm
@@JUSTKASS i just wanna say Kass you are the best i wish u well and you are such a good role model to ur siblings, I know they love u and are so happy to be with u!!!❤❤❤
Who's here while Kass is pregnant?! LUV YA KASS, YOUR GURL WILL BE GREAT!
Love nail art😊
5:50 ellecees laughter is so cute!!!
Yess def
You are so right! I love ellecee so much! She’s gorgeous too!
i love kass she is the best her family is so nice and pretty and amazing love yall❤❤❤
Who else just gets so exited when kass posted❤❤
Omg yay i can't wait foe this video i love satisfying things 🤩❤
what is your guys favorite shade of the patrick ta blush?
The NeN fam is literally my fav yt family
8:14 the fact she Said 15 dollars but it Said $1😂
Ik I saw that too itvwas wierd
@@nintendotwins2384yeah, i subbed to you!
She probably got a discount
@@JULIANA_CHEERS idk maybe but They could have gotten it wrong
@@JULIANA_CHEERSthe editor spelt it wrong
Hi Kass l am a huge fan l love your video's my favourite is the dumpster diving one .❤ I wish you would reply and congratulations on 3 million 🎉🎉can't wait to see This video when l watch your videos it makes my day
Kass: brunette
Preslee: blonde
Elcee: redhead
Best trio ever ❤
Ņaviase 😀
They’re all so pretty❤👩🏼🦱
Came here from hally
I love how kass is so fun and supportive she would be the best older sister ❤❤❤❤
I've been watching you for 4 years and I'm not even a decade old. I 💖 you guys
I already know this video is going to be so good❤❤❤and can’t wait to watch it obsessed 😍 with your videos kass❤❤❤
Kass is like the older sister that we all dream of having , your sisters are lucky to have such an amazing older sister.
Early!!!! So excited! You are an awesome sister to them! Congratulations on 3 million Kass!❤
Preslee's eyes are sooooo beautiful ✨💗
I ķonkow !!
Where did u get those colorful makeup brushes? so cute!
Congratulations so much on 3 million! You are my favorite RUclipsr! You are so kind!
I love you girls so much❤❤ Presley should be a model when she’s older. Her skin is so perfect and pretty❤❤❤❤ But I totally love all of you❤❤❤❤❤
Her skin is probably gonna be ruined by all those toxic products she uses 🤭
@@-Art.by.Kay- exactly 🤭🤭
Hey Kass, do you think that you could do a video copying Ellecee's morning routine pretty please?? Love Stella💖
I know
Kass ur such a good big sister like u hang with ur siblings almost everyday and buy whatever they want, ur soo sweet I can’t belive how spoiled preslee is when she’s 10 and I’m 14 this year and don’t have half of the stuff she has lol she’s too lucky 😂😂 love yal ❤
I can’t believe how much you’ve grown over the years but you deserve nothing but the best same for your family
I loved how the SDJ glitter hack added a marble looking effect to the perfume so pretty!!! ❤❤❤
This comment won’t get more that 30 likes. OMG I cant wait! Love you guys
I love you Kass your family is so great together even though you guys fight it still means you guys are sisters I live your videos you showed me I don’t always have to wear makeup, your my favorite RUclipsr
Kass I just wish I could meet you in person and your family I had tears when I found out you liked my comment
No hate or anything but why is preslee in EVERY skincare/makeup video I know kass try’s to give her other chances to be apart of them but preslee is just in EVERY SINGLE VIDEO 😅 again no hate but I’m just saying
Real I want to see saidee and liliee and delaynee and nayvee in some and also Luke in other non makeup videos
And some more paislee
I know
Presley can you please do a hair care routine
Omigosh YES!!!
Yessss she should!
Next time put a light concealer on the freckles! Maybe it’ll make it lighter? HAPPY LATE B DAY I COMMENTED ON INSTAGRAM LOVE YOU KASS!!!
EllCee is just the sweetest 🫶
Yes she is❤
EllCee,Presley,and Paisley Are my fav
Kasss I’m your bigesttt fan🎉🎉your so preppy🎉🎉🎉🎉
does even someone know that it is kass birthday
happy birthday kass love you
I love when you 3 sisters be together I love you guys so much you are the best 😍🥰
Who’s still praying for Kass’ rainbow baby?
I own tubing mascara and it works SO well! It’s so convenient and easier to remove than regular mascara. I would definitely recommend trying tubing mascara!
OMG CONGRATS ON 3 mil!!!!💕💕
OMG CONGRATS on 3 million subs. You deserve it 🎉❤
Congrats on 3M im soooooooo happy for u,u have worked so hared for this and i love watching ur video
At 6:21 the way how ElCee said “Yup I’m washing my face “ got me cracking up
Who else
No one sorry
So negative
@@FlowerHannah4567 I’m sorry
@@FlowerHannah4567 I thought it was funny.🤣😂😆
Thank you so much 😊
Never gotten this many likes 😊
Kass you’re such a nice sister I love how you can be creative and fun keep up the good work I ❤ you
Hi Kass, PresLee, and Elcee! I’m sorry if I spelled Elcee’s name wrong. But I am the biggest fan of your family in the world!! I love you guys so much! 🩷
Congrats on 3 million Kass! I love your family so much and your such a good.big sister!
Hey kass! I was wondering if we could have an updated pregnancy journey?! I just wanted to let u know I’m praying for u
She’s not prego
@@EbonyDennis I know :) just asking if she can maybe tell us how the appointments have been going :)
@@EDENSL4Y what appointments?
@@EbonyDennis the ones about if she can get pregnant or not and all that stuff that she was telling us! :)
Just Kass is the best RUclipsr
I love yall so much ❤ big fan
I'm so excited to watch the video and by the way you all are beautiful no matter what I love you guys so much ❤❤❤
❤ if your waiting
ABC if you LOVVVE justkass
Preslee every time she gets excited- 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
(No hate)
for real!
Elecees smile makes my day
kass i love youre videos so much can you do another sephora video🥰👠💄
Kass I can’t believe kenadee is giving birth and your an aunt congratulations!!🎉
Congrats u will have a baby one day xxxx
Hi Kass I don’t know what to say but I love how you always do fun things with your siblings I wish I have a sister like you I hope that you and your siblings have going to have a great time together forever ♾️ I love you and your family ❤❤🎉❤🎉❤❤🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤i wish you could like this comment but this isn’t going to happen 😢
Congratulations on 3 million I wish you nothing but the best now let’s pray that you get 5 million wish you nothing but the best I love you and your family ❤
PresLee is adorable
I’ve got a similar version of that glitter so de Janeiro but it’s a glitter face mist and it’s from Claire’s it’s silver glitter ✨ and it’s a roller, I’ll give you a haul on RUclips shorts!!!
Why is nobody talking about kass nails omg in love ❤
Thank you!! ❤❤
@@JUSTKASS omg kass u comment on this ur joking ur amazing my dreams came true
I love 😅this video 😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Congrats on 3 million kass! Love you!
16:10 Can ElleCee choose her make up shade for once? It’s sad that only Preslee can do what she wants without correcting her behavior..
Fr I feel bad for ElleCee
fr she is so spoiled
@@hey.itsmorganshe act drives me insane
@@Layklovespups no act same
Real fans of kass can like and comment
❤❤meeeeee 6:27
@@UNICORN_livi thank you for commenting 😊😊😊
Meeeeer ❤❤
@@keithhagan1973 welcome
We love kass
I like kass so much I Watch ver 24/7
Who loves kassss because
I do if you like kassss like this comment❤❤
1:09 it looks like ElleCee made bronzing drops lol
Nobody knows how much like this get 😊
Stop begging plzzzz
@@BryleighthompsonSTOP being rude if u don't like it don't comment
@@Bryleighthompson I am not trying to be rude but I am making my own Business
@@Bryleighthompson I am not begging 🙄 no hate 🩷
People that caught when she said the price of the freckle maker she said she spent $15 and it showed on the screen $1😂
Only real kass fans can like this ❤❤
Kass you are so kind and sweet and I think you are so pretty.you are a great sister and I bet all of your siblings are so lucky to have you ❤😊
“Hey you guys shouldent be kissing at all, only I can” 😂 love you Kass you always brighten my day ! 2:30
This comment won’t get more that 10 likes NO fighting please
I was the tenth!❤
❤Edit: OMG guys I don’t want to be THAT person but.. this is the most likes I have EVER gotten!😮😮
EDIT: 🎉🎉🎉BRROOO…. 101 LIKES!!!!!😅😅
I made it 13 😎
It’s 14
@@2ubduhd 15
Kass makes the best video's
i think the glitter highlighter could’ve worked on the camera if it was in the dark and had flash on
Wassup NeN Fam happy birthday to you 😮😮😮😮😮😮😘🎂🥳🥳🥳🥳
$1 $15? am i the only one who noticed that? it was with the freckles thing, when they said the price for it, and put it on the screen.
I thought I was the only one 😂
@@ashlyn.711 ahaha
So I’m not the only one 😅
Love you so so much kass i look up to you as the prettiest princess your sister's are so cute and brothers I am praying for you to have a beautiful boy and girl and also don't let people hate you because your amazing ,pretty,gorgeous,nice,kind,thoughtful,love you kass love phoebe💗💗💗💗💗
did anyone else's on the freckle one when she said it was $15 it showed $1?
You should do a full face of Dollar tree make up❤❤❤❤
I love ellceee so much she’s so cute I wish she was my friend ❤
IKR! I'm turning 12 in may!!
No need to comment age
@@HelloIamNary no it’s just in case they think I’m being weird by wanting to be friend w someone that liek 10ish
If you think Kass and Preclee are the ultimate duo
out of the milk blushes my favorites were 4 and 1
All of you are gorgeous ❤❤❤❤️☀️🌸🥥🎀