Top 10 SCARIEST Hidden Lore in Video Games

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 214

  • @spugnoxngubcux9801
    @spugnoxngubcux9801 10 месяцев назад +325

    Fun fact: In real life, cordyceps doesn't interact with the nervous system at all. It instead controls the muscles directly, without the nervous system acting as a middleman.

    • @JohnJohnson-dc9yv
      @JohnJohnson-dc9yv 10 месяцев назад

      So then, if it WERE to make the jump from ant to human, it would look pretty damn similar to what was described in the video. A fungus that hijacks our muscles, but leaves our nervous system intact such that we're aware of all our senses (so they can feel you pumping rounds into them, see you look on at them in horror, smell their flesh being dissolved and digested from the fungus). That's terrifying.

    • @AoiLucine
      @AoiLucine 10 месяцев назад +29

      A fascinating fact and even more terrifying.

    • @fabrizioart1928
      @fabrizioart1928 10 месяцев назад +1

      How does it do that without nerves? Does it physically activate the insect's idraulics with its filaments?

    • @SuperMaster000X
      @SuperMaster000X 10 месяцев назад +1

      It creates its own nervous system?

    • @shawnfields2369
      @shawnfields2369 10 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@_MythicalWolfWhile it's definitely NOT fun, it's most certainly...a fact.

  • @TheDavidVAs
    @TheDavidVAs 10 месяцев назад +161

    You know what the truly messed up part of Paz having a bomb in her body is? The fact that her Spirit in Smash Ultimate makes REFERENCE TO THAT!! If you equip the spirit, you start the battle with a Bob-omb. Sakurai, what the heck m'dude?

    • @shawnfields2369
      @shawnfields2369 10 месяцев назад +9

      Wait, SERIOUSLY?!? That's WHY if equip her Spirit, you just start with a Bob-Omb? That's insanely messed up, like failing to try and save her wasn't already bad enough? Or finding out that the Big Boss you're playing as in Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain wasn't even the REAL Big Boss, but just a skilled medic who felt so guilt-ridden for not being able to save a patient, that he felt like he had to throw away his own life, and BECOME Big Boss; the legendary solider himself?!? What the hell? I know it's MGS; and insanity is usually how playing those games works, but how can you deal with not even playing as THE Big Boss? You're just a random guy pretending to be Snake/Big Boss(not Solid Snake, that's one of his sons). As much as I like the reference to MGS5,( in some weird and messed up way), being unable to save Paz, is a much worse burden to have, because Big Boss is just that great of a leader. He magically knows how and what to say to get everyone and anyone on his side; even when he's NOT actually there! Thats just because Big Boss is the best. At least, until Solid Snake got there. Then, he was the best. And since Big Boss dies at the very end of MGS4, it's up to Solid Snake to be the best; like his "father" Big Boss was. Even though Snake himself also dies too, offscreen, as Old Snake. But he's back to being Solid Snake in Smash Ultimate, though. Confusing; but it's nice to be able to be Solid Snake again, even if it's just a crossover game.

    • @ArceusDX
      @ArceusDX 10 месяцев назад

      People say that, but that's not actually the case, her spirit in Smash is based on her appearance in Peace Walker, where there was no bomb placed inside her

    • @shawnfields2369
      @shawnfields2369 9 месяцев назад

      @@ArceusDX Yeah; I know. You can tell, from the appearance, and the fact that it says what game she's from; and that it's NOT Phantom Pain(the sequel to Ground Zeroes), but it is a dark joke to put in Smash Bros. though, giving you a Bob-omb, with the Paz sticker...also, Paz is played by Tara Strong in Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain, Tara Strong being the voice of Timmy Turner from the Fairly Oddparents, a kids show on Nickelodeon; and was one of my favorite shows growing up. To be fair, she did a good job as Paz, the double agent, who betrays you in Ground Zeroes, causing the events of Ground Zeroes to even happen, in the first place, exploding the entire base; and then, has the nerve to ask for your help afterwards; and then, JUMPS out of the plane, and blows herself up, taking the bomb with her, which rocks the plane; and causes the prologue of Phantom Pain, and you don't even play as Big Boss, just a solider who was given the assets of Big Boss, but was never REALLY Big Boss. So basically, Phantom Pain, was redoing the entire plot of the 90s Nicolas Cage/John Travolta film; "Face/Off" (And FYI, that's a great movie), and for the first time, we got to see Nicolas Cage's underacting, and a lot more of John Travolta's overacting. But I gave up on Phantom Pain, boring for me, and also, I literally got stuck on one part, and had the story and plot ruined for me, so I gave up. Which was a shame; because I love Metal Gear Solid, as a franchise, but like the rest of the world, I absolutely LOATHE and DESPISE konami. And I'm glad Kojima got out when he did. And Solid Snake's one of my favorite characters in Smash Ultimate; along with Ike and Mario. Because I beat any level CPU with them; and because I grew up with Mario, and the n64, but I've never played Fire Emblem before, but playing as Ike in Brawl, was great, because of how powerful he is, despite his slowness, and Snake, I just love the MGS games, except for the original Metal Gear Solid; I've beaten almost every other MGS game, except for Phantom Pain and maybe Peace Walker? But Peace Walker is a decade after Snake Eater, or the events of Operation Snake Eater, to be more accurate. And Big Boss decides to accept his name of Big Boss during the events of Peace Walker; which is set during the 70's. Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain are during the 80's. Which is why they both had 80s songs during the trailers, and had that one 80s song; to represent who Big Boss basically was; the man who sold the world, or something like that. But he was betrayed by the government, like his mentor, The Boss was, and also, The Boss was Revolver Ocelot's mother; and another thing, Revolver Ocelot was the American agent Naked Snake was supposed to meet with during the Virtuous Mission/Operation Snake Eater, not Eva, but she eventually does decide to join Big Boss's cause, anyways. She's basically the Ada Wong of MGS, a secret spy, who's working with the bad guys during the first game, but decides to help the good guys eventually. And another thing, EVA; is also Big Mama from MGS4: Guns of The Patriots, who dies protecting what she THOUGHT was Big Boss's corpse. It's confusing, but Major Zero and Big Boss had an interpersonal war, with each other, which is why the events of the original Metal Gear/Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake games even happened, because of their connections to The Boss. Because neither of them could decide how to interpret The Boss's will into the world, they fought against each other, with Big Boss finally realizing that both of them were wrong about it, and that neither of them found the right way about The Boss's will, and with Big Boss killing both himself and Major Zero at the end of MGS4, and them both dying in front of The Boss's gravestone, where Old Snake/Solid Snake, was going to kill himself. But when Big Boss appears, he explains the plot of every other MGS game; in depth, and how the whole series has just been Big Boss vs Major Zero, this whole time, and how there weren't any winners, just losers, this entire time. And then before dying, he tells Snake that he loves him, (like a real father loves his son, that's what he tells Snake), and that his "ticking time bomb", won't go off anymore, and that he's free to live out the rest of his life, before killing himself and Zero. With Snake leaving, and giving Big Boss a salute, he dies sometime later, offscreen, but then, comes back for Smash Ultimate; but Raiden, goes back to being a cyborg ninja man, to help out his family, and with this, Solid Snake's story is completed; and thus we got Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, which is canonically set AFTER MGS4. And Snake can finally retire from the world of conflict, and live out his life: as a human, not as a solider. (And probably why he went back to Smash Bros, I mean, I would).

  • @claytonrios1
    @claytonrios1 10 месяцев назад +141

    The Cordyceps zombies of The Last Of Us are made all the more terrifying when you realize the enemies are essentially normal people who probably won't want to kill you but they're being forced to do so. That's diabolical!

    • @antonakesson
      @antonakesson 10 месяцев назад +13

      Like headcrab zombies in Half-Life. One of the most disturbing hidden details in gaming, in my opinion, are their sounds reversed and you can actually hear them pleading for help. Love it for the horror.

    • @hernandez4856
      @hernandez4856 9 месяцев назад

      not really

  • @davidgeorge1943
    @davidgeorge1943 10 месяцев назад +74

    Something else disturbing about Portal's time lapse is that Glados was programmed to be forced to relive her dying moments so that whenever she was recovered, it could be analyzed. At least Chell was asleep that whole time.

  • @ronnieedge2236
    @ronnieedge2236 10 месяцев назад +91

    Okay, the Amoongus thing is good, but either it's Scarlet or Violet pokedex (not sure which one, haven't played em yet) says that the spored that they give off can cause pokeball mushrooms to sprout on any, _ANY_ surface... Like even human skin, for example. So the joke about the Last of Us zombies may not be a million miles off.

  • @deazee2288
    @deazee2288 10 месяцев назад +24

    I think that PNF404's humans ended by nuclear means because in the 1st game your Geiger counter can't stop reacting, and Geiger counters are used to measure radiation

  • @starbit5065
    @starbit5065 10 месяцев назад +147

    Something about Celeste’s monument in particular is that unlike the rest of the entries on the list is that when you piece together the hidden meaning behind it, rather than just being an additional piece of world building in the game, it instead reveals an unfortunate and scary truth about real life. It’s a monument for the people in real life who were sadly unable to overcome the struggles they may have faced both internally and externally. Just another reason why the messaging and themes of that game resonates so well with so many people, myself included.

  • @dervonnebenan8527
    @dervonnebenan8527 10 месяцев назад +17

    when you began talking about Zelda, I would have expected the implied gerudo genocide in twilight princess.

    • @lukeroberson2115
      @lukeroberson2115 5 месяцев назад

      He already talked about that one, though he did leave it ambiguous if it was the Gerudo or the Twilight connected to the Arbiter's Grounds. I believe it was the Gerudo, given that the Arbiter's Grounds shows up again in BOTW in the Gerudo desert.

  • @PansexualPancakes2
    @PansexualPancakes2 10 месяцев назад +29

    Aww, I actually chose Nastuki to be my friend in DDLC. It was so nice to see her getting attention and being loved just as a person. I personally felt she deserved it (even needed it) more than Yuri or Sayori. Although... seeing Sayori and Yuri's deaths makes me glad that Natsuki got such a quick, clean death with no suffering.
    I'm glad I spent my time with her. I hope her cupcakes are good.

  • @Skipatronic
    @Skipatronic 10 месяцев назад +20

    Splatoon has some absurdly dark lore if you read the Sunken Scrolls. Also I felt that Octo Expansion could be looked at as an allegory for Hell and following the words of a false prophet. Splatoon 3's story mode also follows a similar theme but you find out much more about what happened to humanity and honestly it's really bleak and depressing.

  • @jaggidfire
    @jaggidfire 10 месяцев назад +17

    don't worry, the humans in Pikmin just went out for milk

  • @CrazeeAdam
    @CrazeeAdam 10 месяцев назад +26

    One that is somewhat like Pikmin is Bug Fables. The Paper Mario like Bug game... in later chapters.. does a pretty good job at saying something very very wrong happened to humanity overall.. and yeah, it's pretty creppy.

    • @purplemist7
      @purplemist7 9 месяцев назад


    • @kaistephens2694
      @kaistephens2694 Месяц назад

      The "Dead Landers" especially, and ESPECIALLY Dead Lander Omega, who the devs have described as a being even the other Dead Landers fear. The other Dead Landers being monstrously powerful abominations that are as strong as chapter bosses, with bloated health and disgusting attack stats.

  • @bluestreaker9242
    @bluestreaker9242 10 месяцев назад +18

    I think the idea of the Foongus line looking like a Poke Ball isn't INTENDED to be camouflage, but instead to be what's referred to be the near-polar-opposite, aposematism: the evolutionary trait in animals to advertise themselves with bright colors to signify that they are dangerously inedible for predators. Amoongus' aggressive tendencies and their penchant for poison and the fact Poke Balls being red and white would make them eye-catching to humans would go some way to support this notion. Definitely scary when you start thinking about it: a Pokemon that evolved in such a way to actively discourage capture...goes some way to suggest that some Pokemon just want to be left alone...can't say I blame them, tbh. XD

    • @arikaaa69
      @arikaaa69 9 месяцев назад

      This gets even better when you consider Brute Bonnet, the ancient paradox form of Amoongus. A when professor threw pokeballs through the time machine to capture ancient Pokemon, all the ancient Pokemon would see is a red and white ball seemingly devouring other creatures fast before disappearing, so Brute Bonnet and later Foongus adopted that coloration to ward off predators.
      Thought the professor is mainly seen using master balls and only shiny Brute Bonnet adopts the purple color

    • @bluestreaker9242
      @bluestreaker9242 9 месяцев назад

      @@arikaaa69 Interesting :O

  • @crcoghill
    @crcoghill 10 месяцев назад +54

    Personally feel Phantump and Trevenant would have have been better Pokemon since it is an endless cycle of 10 years Olds getting lost in the woods, dying, becoming Phantumps, evolving, and then causing wondering people to get lost in their endless, ever moving woods, thus creating more of the wood wondering souls.
    I know we give ghost Pokemon the most when it comes to the horror of Pokemon's universe, but we overlook this line for some odd reason, and it's both sad and terrifying.

    • @0megaWarrior
      @0megaWarrior 10 месяцев назад +4

      I mean honestly all of the ghost Pokémon have some sort of horror-esque or downright evil backstories to them. You've got the ones you mentioned but there's also the infamous Drifloon and Drifblim dragging children to hell essentially, Mimikyu "cuddling" people who get too close forever which essentially tortures their souls, the Gastly line licking you steals a bit of your soul every time they do, and so on and so forth. Pokémon may be for kids, but the lore behind Pokémon sometimes doesn't always seem to be!

  • @nuggs5509
    @nuggs5509 10 месяцев назад +40

    Man.... I forgot about that memorial on Celeste. I would watch my bro play and now it hit very hard 😔😔

  • @red5158077
    @red5158077 10 месяцев назад +5

    I'd say Sly 4 has a literal lore secret.
    In some levels, you can find an owl just... there. And if you're a Sly Cooper fan, you already know who I'm referring to.
    It's been stated that he's been spying on the Cooper family for centuries. In Sly 4, you can see him just there. He doesn't actually do anything, but it is very unsettling to see the very villain Sly struggled to get rid of in the first 2 games doing exactly what he's been said to do from the beginning.

  • @emerfirek
    @emerfirek 10 месяцев назад +6

    I existed when Fridge Horror was a moderately more talked about trope. Of course, I'm pretty sure that was just b/c my friend group actually knew what tvtropes was and got lost down those various rabbit holes just like me, lol.

  • @hagridisbeautiful1781
    @hagridisbeautiful1781 10 месяцев назад +17

    Out of anything I expected the last game to be, Celeste was the last thing I had on my mind, considering it’s one of my favourite games ever. Somehow what was mentioned never occurred to me, considering I’ve seen that screen quite a few times. The worst part is how realistic it is about the real world. Suddenly Maddie is more of a genius than I had realised.

  • @ProfessionalNamielleLewder69
    @ProfessionalNamielleLewder69 10 месяцев назад +4

    Also another thing regarding Animal Crossing is Wisp. Actually, just a simple question:
    "How did he die?"

  • @celebisonm4271
    @celebisonm4271 10 месяцев назад +11

    Pre-watch Calling it now: kirby will be on this list

  • @CakeoftheMews
    @CakeoftheMews 10 месяцев назад +64

    I appreciate you directly bringing up the trans allegory Celeste has. I relate to the game for the general themes of depression, but even as a cis person I recognize the extra layer the story has. And now that you've pointed it out, that monument at the beginning is utterly haunting.

  • @meikahidenori
    @meikahidenori 10 месяцев назад +4

    The fact the first part of the map in 3 showing bits of Australia mashed into another continent was a dead give away something happened with the tectonic plates of earth.

  • @LadyLeomon
    @LadyLeomon 10 месяцев назад +40

    A perfect video for tonight of all nights, can’t wait to see which Lore is then scariest 😄😄😄
    Thanks for the new video RabbidLuigi and hug your furbabies all 💙🐱💙
    (Hope you all have a Spoopy Halloween! But not too spoopy, just right!)

    • @PrideEepy64
      @PrideEepy64 10 месяцев назад +1

      I’m surprised I know all this franchises in the top 10

  • @ProfessionalNamielleLewder69
    @ProfessionalNamielleLewder69 10 месяцев назад +6

    I legitimately thought at the start you were sponsored by Disney! Fucking hell!

  • @awesomeness1122
    @awesomeness1122 10 месяцев назад +6

    Why are people assuming the pikmin world had ended? It's very possible that it's only a coincidence that you never run into a human.

    • @Chaos89P
      @Chaos89P 10 месяцев назад

      That's what's going through my head, too. There doesn't seem to be any structural damage in Hero's Hideaway, or whatever it's called.

    • @PikaLink91
      @PikaLink91 10 месяцев назад +1

      My fragile heart's headcanon is always that if it ain't explicitly stated or shown, then everyone just evacuated or went on holiday or whatever. Same with deaths, if you didn't see it or the death is confirmed in one way or another, then they are just knocked out. I just don't like death, is that so wrong?

    • @Chaos89P
      @Chaos89P 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@PikaLink91 No, it is not wrong.

  • @vreschen939
    @vreschen939 10 месяцев назад +11

    I have been following your content to some degree since 2013, Rabbid, and you never disappoint. Keep being fantastic.

  • @teammartin95
    @teammartin95 10 месяцев назад +2

    Learning that the Sheikah and the Royal Family set up the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well almost forever ruined Ocarina of Time for me

  • @ShennaTheShinyEevee
    @ShennaTheShinyEevee 10 месяцев назад +30

    it's hard to believe it's over, isn't it?
    funny how we get attached to the struggle...
    sometimes I have to remind myself Celeste isn't just "that one game I love because I adore precision platformers", but "that one game I adore because it made me realise who I am, and I connected with on a deep personal level"
    I'm replaying Celeste for maybe the nineth time now, fifth time getting 100% collectables (except golden berries because I'm bad at the game), and some dialogue still hits as hard as it did on the first run through.
    and I somehow didn't put 2 and 2 together. What that memorial truly meant. And the fact that chapter 2 starts as a nightmare while sleeping next to it, it really does remind me of my own experience having vivid nightmares after thinking about that topic.
    On a lighter note, at least the game helped me trans my gender. Truly one of the least original jokes, but not any less real.
    We're all mountain climbers, even if *part of you* tells you otherwise! You can do it!

  • @EntityofDarkness696
    @EntityofDarkness696 10 месяцев назад +4

    The real scary thing in Portal 2 is that Wheatley probably planned everything. There are two levels in the game, after Wheatley gets crushed but before he reveals he's still alive (pun intended) where you can actually see him watching you.

  • @ivanbluecool
    @ivanbluecool 10 месяцев назад +6

    Tales of series has some incredible hidden lore that makes the game so much darker. Especially when you consider everything is a bad end world where we already Destroyed ourselves
    We hear how the replicas get treated with immediate hate in abyss but the deeper lore on the replicas eating monsters to survive and throwing away failure clones into the mountains to die is pretty dark.
    Fe games it's all dark. 3 houses how the ladies and even some men are treated to only continue the crest system. The history cover ups and even jow many actually died in brutal ways it's quite scary.

  • @Madam_StarFall
    @Madam_StarFall 10 месяцев назад +4

    O_O Holy fuck....the #1 entry hit me a lot harder than expected

  • @MegaWTFgamer
    @MegaWTFgamer 10 месяцев назад +18

    Not gonna lie, that stuff about Celeste has left me breathless. Scariest hidden lore, and saddest in equal measure.

  • @animefanrk2k
    @animefanrk2k 10 месяцев назад +18

    None of these really scared me, but number tugged at my heart strings. I hope more of you succeed in your climbs.

  • @BigBoss15310
    @BigBoss15310 10 месяцев назад +5

    rabbidluigi on a Tuesday?? Let's GO!

  • @AidanWR
    @AidanWR 10 месяцев назад +2

    I feel like it goes even deeper with the stalkers in TLoU. They are the weird stage that really isn't a stage, but is at the same time. They have the cunning of a human, but still have the same bloodlust. Almost like the human is in control, but not at the same time

  • @shelbybayer200
    @shelbybayer200 10 месяцев назад +3

    The Information you have to activate Events to get for the Cursed Sword Gehaburn in the HyperDimension Neptunia series is pretty Disturbing especially when you do the Conquest Ending and you get the following Line from Histoire
    "The sword will only gain power by taking the life of a CPU."

  • @meliasnahtony2951
    @meliasnahtony2951 10 месяцев назад +1

    Who says that humanity is actually dead in the new Pikmin game?
    For all we know, we're just breaking and entering a house that's in the middle of the extinction event.

  • @chloekatrielle498
    @chloekatrielle498 10 месяцев назад +5

    Really appreciate your words on Celeste ❤

  • @Depressed_Spider
    @Depressed_Spider 10 месяцев назад +3

    Amoongus is probably just a natural predator of humans or something.

  • @joeykeilholz925
    @joeykeilholz925 10 месяцев назад +2

    A 9-5 is the real sleep deprivation torture sesh

  • @NikoKuehne
    @NikoKuehne 7 месяцев назад +1

    i completely forgot about kirby 64 since i played it on the 25th anniversary edition for the wii. and before you even talked about the funny dancing ff cactus things in animal crossing, i kinda made a guess that they had souls in them

  • @jlev1028
    @jlev1028 10 месяцев назад +4

    Thank G-d you didn't put FNAF on here.

  • @emberfist8347
    @emberfist8347 10 месяцев назад +2

    For some dark fridge horror moments from games I played.
    Halo: Combat Evolved: the tie-in novel Halo: The Flood reveals that Private Wallace Jenkins, who was infected by the Flood early on in the game is still conscious despite the same book implying the infection leave little of the host’s body left (the novel has a scene where Sniper Rifle does little damage to a Combat Form because internal organs were liquified) where the fridge comes in is that Carrier Forms are stated in the lore to be Combat Forms which are too old to be used in combat and are now portable incubators pods for infection forms. They might be sentient too despite the fact there is little of the host body that is recognizable anymore.
    Second is from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. The entirety of the Imperial Felucia level is fridge horror at its finest. The lore behind this level is kept in databank entires of defeated and enemies and it emphasizes that everything in this level is the player’s fault. The premise is that you are trying to rescue Bail Organa to form the Rebel Alliance. Why is he in Felucia? Because Jedi Master Shaak Ti who died after fighting the player on their first visit, was there and Bail doesn’t know she is dead and wanted to recruit her to rescue Leia from the Empire (unlike the idiotic Kenobi series, Leia’s capture is more Palpatine going “it would be a shame if our Imperial troops on Kashyyyk failed to save your daughter from a escaped Wookiee”) Bail got captured by Shaak Ti’s apprentice Mariss Brood who was corrupted by the dark side. But she isn’t the only one who was, the native Felucians are all force-sensitive and without Shaak Ti keeping them in check, they feel too and have been physically and mentally corrupted by the dark side. And worse still, The Empire, as the name of the level suggests is now on Felucia attempting a genocide campaign against the force-sensitive natives.

  • @PegasusBrill
    @PegasusBrill 10 месяцев назад +2

    I always look that the "gyroids is grave robbing" thing and I always ask. Gyroids appear in the ground after it rains, so who the hell is going around burying bodies and giving them proper rituals each and every time it rains in otherwise unmarked graves in the middle of a village?

    • @themostinteresting99
      @themostinteresting99 9 месяцев назад +1

      I think it's rather that the village is built on a mass grave, with rain causing more soil erosion and revealing more of the gyroids buried years ago.

  • @fluffdafire157
    @fluffdafire157 10 месяцев назад +1

    A few I thought of for fridge horror were
    -Kingdom hearts 1 and the end of worlds and the realization that all worlds will end up there
    -monster hunter and the multiple ruins of ancient civilizations that litter the old world
    -legend of mana and the mage wars which caused to the near extinction of the Jumi people which was started just because mages thought there souls( represented by gems) were magically imbued

  • @Ricvictors
    @Ricvictors 10 месяцев назад +16

    Started the video: “Oh yeah! A spoopy halloween video!”
    Finished the video: *Uncontrolably sobbing over the struggles of transgender people*

  • @Venom87542
    @Venom87542 10 месяцев назад +4

    The Pokémon one always reminds just how terrifying Malamar is. According to the Pokédex, it says it’s hypnosis is stronger than anything else in the world. That means it could make Hypnos follow it and it has those yellow and black eyes that just stare into your soul.

    • @nicholasfarrell5981
      @nicholasfarrell5981 10 месяцев назад +2

      I can't imagine that's more terrifying than how Malamar was used in the anime, where there was a recurring group of them on a take-over-the-world kick.

    • @Venom87542
      @Venom87542 10 месяцев назад

      @@nicholasfarrell5981 It's why it's my favorite Psychic type lol

  • @mxtomituck
    @mxtomituck 10 месяцев назад +2

    Funny to see Disney try to counteract the boycott...! I've never seen them advertise through RUclipsrs before.

    • @Zepimo123
      @Zepimo123 10 месяцев назад +5

      especially advertising that they eat orphans, very interesting new direction of them being up front about it now too

  • @Omeganed0
    @Omeganed0 10 месяцев назад +1

    As someone who hasn't played it, I actually forget the Last of Us has zombies in it sometimes. Funny.

  • @shadowlinkbds
    @shadowlinkbds 10 месяцев назад +4

    Lore in video games can be interesting to uncover and learn. Unless when it comes to lore that gives you night terrors and a creepy feeling. Makes you wish you didn't uncover it at all.

  • @humbleebumblee
    @humbleebumblee 10 месяцев назад

    love the subtitles call Doki Doki "hear doy DOI" lmao

  • @yoshitotem
    @yoshitotem 10 месяцев назад +2

    in my opinion, Foongus and Amoongus aren't scary or nightmarish at all. Now if you want a mushroom-based pokemon thats ACTUALLY nightmare inducing and FULL of fridge horror, i know the perfect one. Parasect.
    Now, i know that the cute looking mushroom-crab may not look frightening, but there are plenty of clues in the lore of both Parasect and its prevo Paras that make it horrifying. Firstly, the mushroom on Paras' back? Its called a Tochukaso, a type of mushroom the lore of the pokemon world EXPLICIDLY states is of the Parasitic variety. On top of that, the huge ones present on Parasects are implied to have some degree of sentience. Not horrifying enough? Many of the dex entries state that the Tochukaso basically forces Paras to drain nutrients from trees, which it then drains from the Paras, on top of that, as the Paras grows, so too to the Tochukaso. So what is Parasect then? Parasect is basically the result of the Tochukaso taking over its host. To put it bluntly, the full grown Tochukaso KILLS Paras and then proceeds to use the corpse like a puppet, thus we get Parasect, a walking corpse.

    • @Chaos89P
      @Chaos89P 10 месяцев назад

      I don't think the cicada-crab part of Paras was EVER in control. You're always commanding the mushroom. Maybe that's why I always named my Paras "Tochukaso"?

  • @rachelstout6186
    @rachelstout6186 10 месяцев назад +1

    I wouldn't say depression as much as I would say Depression onset by Dysphoria

  • @MCDexpo
    @MCDexpo 10 месяцев назад +2

    I actually thought you were sponsored by Disney for real

  • @tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard32
    @tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard32 9 месяцев назад

    7:38 i keep wondering this to myself especially considering there are literal houses which have _survived_ destruction which means nuclear fallout, meteorites, and the ice age are completely out of the order.
    ...which means the only possible candidate left i can think of is that they left off planet... and died in outer space

  • @ddjsoyenby
    @ddjsoyenby 10 месяцев назад +3

    perfect video for spooky season.

  • @blockeontheleafeon
    @blockeontheleafeon 10 месяцев назад +1

    Natsuki's home life is NOTHING compared to the OTHER secret in DDLC they don't want you to find.

    • @WeGottaGrowUp
      @WeGottaGrowUp 10 месяцев назад +1

      what is it?

    • @blockeontheleafeon
      @blockeontheleafeon 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@WeGottaGrowUp There's an ARG named "Project Libatina" and it hints at a possible new game Dan Salvato is working on, and you also get some pretty dark Lore along the way.

  • @cheesewizard3965
    @cheesewizard3965 10 месяцев назад

    Honestly I’m surprised that when you brought up Kirby64 you talked about 02’s bandaid and not how Shiver Star is Earth but frozen over and everyone’s gone

  • @EugeneGM1
    @EugeneGM1 10 месяцев назад +3

    Last factoid made me cry. Good vid yo. Good vid.

  • @turtersvongenbu
    @turtersvongenbu 10 месяцев назад +1

    Honestly I feel more disturbed by Galarian Stunfisk than other Pokeball mimics. It's mouth specifically resembles an item ball, so there is no doubt they target humans. The whole bear trap thing seems far more violent the angry mushroom but not comical in the way that Voltorb explosions have often been depicted. Quite an escalation from its zappy whoopee cushion original.

  • @shawnheatherly
    @shawnheatherly 10 месяцев назад +1

    Perfect for the holiday. Many thanks for getting this out in time.

  • @Sgt-Wolf
    @Sgt-Wolf 10 месяцев назад +3

    Yeah that last one hit very close and very broad.
    Can we go back to talking about fictional horrors now?

  • @hankhill4101
    @hankhill4101 10 месяцев назад +1

    Woo! I loved your last video on this! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

  • @Erik-fn7kj
    @Erik-fn7kj 10 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you so much for talking about Celeste!

  • @Rujewitblood
    @Rujewitblood 9 месяцев назад

    wouldn't pokemons just be scared of pokeballs, because they have the power to imprison them? That's how I understand the mushroom pokemon camouflage works

  • @AluminumFusion22
    @AluminumFusion22 10 месяцев назад

    There's a good bit of Fridge Horror in MOTHER 3, most notably in New Pork City.
    Most of the denizens are brainwashed to live in and love the metropolis and the "pretty waitresses" that run the restaurants are robots designed to look like Porky's mother from EarthBound, so it's possible Porky may have an Oedipus complex. The White Ship lore also has some grim implications about the nature of the people that live in Tazmily Village, that their altruistic nature may have resulted from selfishness so terrible that it nearly destroyed the world, and so they fled the previous civilization to rebuild.

  • @s.p.d.magentaranger1822
    @s.p.d.magentaranger1822 10 месяцев назад +11

    The Celeste one really messed me up...I'm not Trans myself, but to all those who are, keep climbing. You'll get up that mountain one day. ❤

  • @annarenfold438
    @annarenfold438 10 месяцев назад

    Whenever a videogame has some sort of modern or ancient civilization that has been lost either before you start or during your adventure it gives me an uneasy feeling. Sometimes, the reasons are simple and explained early, but other times it's just a thing that happened. Some characters may try to piece together what happened, but in the end it's just an entire group of people, culture and history that disappears. There are plenty of games that do this, and it's scary to think that it has happened in human history.

  • @amdraglover
    @amdraglover 9 месяцев назад

    Random fact, my job recently started selling cordyceps gummies for energy and stuff. When I saw it my first thought was “no thanks, I’ve seen people play last of us. I know about cordyceps and I’m not taking the chance” 😂😂 even though I know it wouldn’t do anything cause it’s so processed.

  • @noobkilerv2
    @noobkilerv2 10 месяцев назад +1

    Bug Fables. Leif. That's all I'm going to say.

  • @Ashtarte3D
    @Ashtarte3D 9 месяцев назад

    So incase you never realized RL, but Natsuki is also a bulimic. That's why her scene if you choose her does not have her self terminate but instead violently throw-up. It also explains some of the lines in the poem you noted such as "I like when Daddy has food in the house." She has serious issues with food and it's somewhat implied that her father drove her to her bulimia as well.

  • @ErosXCaos
    @ErosXCaos 10 месяцев назад

    Top 5 paid DLC in a competitive multiplayer game that make you worse off. (Like Dead By Daylight’s garishly bright costumes or weapons that make it easy to spot you).

  • @Adventist1997
    @Adventist1997 10 месяцев назад

    Sometimes, I want to give up on climbing. I don't have a goal or desire to reach the top. I'm just told I should strive to get there and all my hard work will pay off. I could even start a family along the way, and it'll all be with it in the end. But why? Everything on the climb up just seems like a pain. I just want to cut the rope and give up.

  • @yutuberocks22
    @yutuberocks22 10 месяцев назад

    Ahhhh, another entry to the collection! Your Halloween episodes are always a traditional watch for me around this time of year, and luckily I caught this one before midnight hit. Here's looking forward to plenty more in the future!

  • @bsgfan1
    @bsgfan1 10 месяцев назад

    The entire Pokemon series is literally nothing but super dark lore hidden behind a cute facade. Here’s a few examples off the top of my head:
    -Paras isn’t the crab, it’s the parasitic fungus growing on top of it. Basically Cordyceps. In terms of TLOU, Paras are runners. It’s “evolved” form, Parasect is when the fungus has killed its host, (hence why Parasect’s eyes have no pupils) and is now controlling a dead body.
    -Yamask isn’t just a pokemon, it’s _a human soul._ The mask it carries is an effigy of its face when it was still human. And yes, they do remember their human lives. The Pokédex specifically says they sometimes look at their mask (their human face) and cry. Oh, and their evolved form, Cofagrigus, is a Yamask that’s been on Earth so long, it’s forgotten its human self. Cofagrigus is also one of the few Pokémon confirmed to prey on humans.
    -Spoink must keep bouncing because the motion is how it pumps its heart. If it stops bouncing, it dies.
    -Drifloon is drawn to children and will try and carry them straight to the afterlife if they get the chance.
    -Alakazam is actually more intelligent than humans. Its brain is so dense and heavy that its neck literally can’t support its own head. It has to float everywhere using its psychic powers because it physically cannot move any other way.

  • @Beeyo176
    @Beeyo176 10 месяцев назад

    Sunny seems pretty well adjusted

  • @S1eepingBearu
    @S1eepingBearu 10 месяцев назад +1

    It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one of your vids thanks for the upload

  • @koopaking6148
    @koopaking6148 10 месяцев назад

    Fridge horror sounds similar to psychological horror... It's just hidden in the background instead of right out in the open...

  • @catlover5998
    @catlover5998 9 месяцев назад

    Stardew Valley the war you know by Kent two hearts event that he has ptsd but later on in just normal talk he will mention that he was a prisoner of war in the enemy camp and if you give him items he hates he will say the enemy used to give me that.

  • @acemcwolf5445
    @acemcwolf5445 10 месяцев назад +5

    #9 spoilers
    The ending of portal 2 always... Never sat right with me.
    It was weird, This big field of tall grass. Considering the end of 1 seemed to be in a parking lot and might have been close to civilisation. I don't know.
    And with this bit of fridge horror.
    The idea that *50 fucking millennia* could of passed.
    That ending seems... Almost like you've stepped in to a world after the apocalypse. Not *during,* After. Like the world has fixed itself and the world that was just... disappeared.
    And all you have for your troubles is a charred box with hearts on it.
    It was probably better to of just stayed in the lab with the homicidal robot overseer.

    • @FrahdChikun
      @FrahdChikun 10 месяцев назад +2

      Considering the wheat field seems to be thriving, it's possible there's someone who has been taking care of it. It's very well possible that the time gap wasn't 50,000 years if there's still people out there who are farming.
      Plus, this is also technically the Half-Life universe. If Aperture is in Michigan, which in Half-Life 2 is pretty much a biohazard zone alongside all of America, then the fact that this field has healthy wheat growing means that humanity was able to defeat the Combine and restore the majority of Earth to a habitable environment!

  • @symantares9171
    @symantares9171 10 месяцев назад

    Here's a thought: Pikmin and Kirby are in the same universe, and PNF-404 is also the Forgotten Land

  • @mrorange8576
    @mrorange8576 10 месяцев назад +7

    That memorial in Celeste is one of the few things in gaming that has just hit me like a truck and made me cry. It's a beautiful and painful little bit of lore. Especially for those who have lost someone due to mental health struggles or targeted hate-filled violence or have come close to it themselves

  • @DJB0X3R
    @DJB0X3R 10 месяцев назад

    There’s a Pokémon: Paras and its evolution Parasect that’s affected by cordyceps.

  • @winterfuze
    @winterfuze 9 месяцев назад

    i feel like if using the last of us would of been in here then dying light should to because the virals in it still scream out for you to help them and stuff which turns out that they can see everything they do but cant control it either

  • @DJB0X3R
    @DJB0X3R 10 месяцев назад

    I have a question: In Thousand Year Door why doesn’t the toad want you read his diary?

    • @shawnfields2369
      @shawnfields2369 9 месяцев назад

      Because if you do read it, it says something embarrassing, oh and also, if you DO read it, you INSTANTLY die and get a freakin' GAMEOVER. So, look, my dude, if you're curious about what the diary says, and also, if you've ever played Thousand Year Door; just trust me and do NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, read the Ghost T. 's diary(yes, the toads name is Ghost T., get it? Like either Ghostly or Ghost Toad?) But seriously, dude, DON'T read his diary. It's a really bad idea, and not even really worth the trouble. I did it once, and it wasn't...really all that interesting honestly. Very boring and droll. But Thousand Year Door is still the best Paper Mario game; out of the whole Paper Mario series. But you should really play the first 3 Paper Mario RPG's: Paper Mario(N64), Thousand Year Door(GCN), and Super Paper Mario(Wii). And also, play Super Mario RPG(SNES). Because it's awesome, has a great story even for a Mario game, shows Princess Peach, Bowser, and Mario teaming up for the first time(years before Super Paper Mario did it), and has a whole bunch of original party members that are never seen again after this game, but still join Mario, Peach; and Bowser. Paper Mario also carries these types of party members, well, the first 2 did; but for some reason, SPM didn't? But the game's still good though, I swear, I'm not making that up. The story's the darkest that Paper Mario has ever gotten, but Thousand Year Door comes to a VERY close second, but SPM's story is straight out of a Zelda game, "dealing with the inevitabilty of the apocalypse!" (Quoting RabbidLuigi himself there), but I don't mean that in a bad way, because I love the Legend of Zelda series.

  • @BloodyN1nja
    @BloodyN1nja 10 месяцев назад

    What makes Amoongus so special anyway. I mean, Voltorb has been a pokeball since gen 1

  • @shamusmcreary9748
    @shamusmcreary9748 9 месяцев назад

    Coz of your name I'm surprised you didn't mention the blocks in Mario games are toads kind, so each time you break a block your killing them

  • @QuintonRe2s
    @QuintonRe2s 10 месяцев назад

    This is how I found out that there is a Pokemon called Amoonguss

  • @grapesoftime
    @grapesoftime 9 месяцев назад

    If you thought the Last of Us zombies were dark, Half Life 2 has... the entire game world I mean.. lol but especially the zombies

  • @mangomage33
    @mangomage33 10 месяцев назад +13

    So first I was really excited you revisited this, since the og hidden lore video is my favorite of yours.
    Then I got to #1 and it hit way too personally, as a trans person who had a long fight against depression and ideations for a huge chunk of my life, especially at the time the first video came out.
    But boy was it a relief to finally reach the summit. 🏳️‍⚧️

  • @smac646
    @smac646 10 месяцев назад

    oh hes still going

  • @mr.e9502
    @mr.e9502 10 месяцев назад

    Thinking on that ordeal with Foongus and Amoongus, what about Voltorb? You know, the Pokemon that literally LOOKS like a Pokeball, as well as how it tends to use Self-Destruct at some point? With evolution being the focal point of the whole series, it kinda makes me wonder why it turned into something that can easily be mistaken for a common item?

  • @illdoittomorrow2368
    @illdoittomorrow2368 10 месяцев назад

    What if foonguss and amoonguss are like the poisonous frogs from the rain forest? They just have a noticable color that screams don't touch me. And then human looked at it and said to themselves: Yeah, this will be fun for kids to throw around.

  • @SolstaceWinters
    @SolstaceWinters 10 месяцев назад +4

    Here I was looking forward to some spooky discussion about horror games, and DAMMIT RABBIDLOOGI, you had to go and remind that I STILL haven't beaten Celeste's Chapter 9. It's the Jellyfish, man! I can get to the room with the White Crystal Heart, but I just can't reach the damn thing! AAAGH!

  • @PikaLink91
    @PikaLink91 10 месяцев назад

    I don't understand the concept of sleep deprivation as a form of torture. The body is a machine, and without sleep to recharge it cannot function. At some point it is gonna run out of gas if it doesn't get said sleep, so wouldn't you just reach a point where your body is so fatiqued that it just shuts down regardless how much they try to keep you awake?

    • @Ekeu
      @Ekeu 10 месяцев назад

      It's partly because when you're forced to stay awake, your body becomes DESPERATE. It's like being severely dehydrated and you know you'll die if you don't get water. Now imagine being tied down and the water is just out of reach, in order to taunt you. It makes you even more desperate because it's right there and your mind says you need to get it to survive. That's sleep deprivation, except sleep is ALWAYS present, your torturers just won't let you.
      If you look into more of it, they use tactics like repeating notoriously annoying songs on loop and high volume (think Nyan Cat blasting at 100% in your ears 24/7). Your body can pass out but because of interruptions, you can't enter REM, therefore you do not actually sleep. It's scary to think about how your body will shut itself down but it's all in vain.

    • @PikaLink91
      @PikaLink91 10 месяцев назад

      @@Ekeu Humans are horrible.

  • @brianpguil
    @brianpguil 10 месяцев назад +1

    Happy Halloween Rabbidluigi!

  • @Grey_Warden_Invasion
    @Grey_Warden_Invasion 9 месяцев назад +1

    Celeste is less scary and more saddening

  • @StylusShade
    @StylusShade 10 месяцев назад

    The MG Phantom Pain one reminds me a lot of the hallucination in that "Fall" movie from last year. That fucked me up.

  • @coulditbethejulia
    @coulditbethejulia 10 месяцев назад +10

    As a transgender girl, I still remember when my mom told me to be careful how I talk to the transphobic kids at my school because their parents might have guns. That was a moment of fear that I cannot really describe properly.

    • @Chaos89P
      @Chaos89P 10 месяцев назад

      As far as I know, most transphobes wouldn't attack a transgender that way except in self-defense, preferring what I'm gonna call "psychological weaponry." But in every group, there's always at least one person who needs to be put in a straitjacket lest they physically harm others over something or someone they just don't like.

  • @flyingfist4203
    @flyingfist4203 10 месяцев назад +1

    Happy Halloween rabbidluigi!