Good idea. Most people eat bananas raw right after they peel them and don't realize how much sugar they contain. But once a peeled banana is frozen and then thawed, it releases its sugar into a very sweet syrup. So frozen/thawed bananas can be used to sweeten any dish (like pudding) or baked goods like muffins, breads and pies. I also use them added to a peanut butter/tahini/cocoa powder mixture as a snack And they do well as a sweetener for pumpkin.
Yes a banana contains lots of fruit sugar which could make people fat. So a better title of that vid would have been: no additional sugar. If a banana is still green it has starch instead of sugar. That might be an option if mixed gently, but of course the sweetness is missing.
Yes bananas do have significant sugar. They also have fiber though, which helps the sugar absorb more slowly into the bloodstream. This prevents the severe insulin response that results from a large amount of sugar introduced into the blood quickly.
@KN Yes, eating bananas in moderation is fine. I buy the small one's meant for children's lunch boxes. No fruit is "bad" , you just need to research sugars in fruit, and I found it helpful to keep a fruit diary to note how the fruit affected my sugars and myself in general.
I'll be biggest banana buyer in the country after seeing this! Peanut butter, blueberries, mango , pistachios...endless possibilities. Thank you for inspiration
There is still fructose in it and fructose is no better than normal sugar, it just depends on the amount. Sometimes I wish you would all take a course on nutrition. The only thing that makes a difference here are the additional vitamins, but your body reacts to fructose in the same way as normal, so there is absolutely no difference in the sugar content.
Meine Schwiegertochter ist Veganerin es freut mich sehr, dass ich ihr nun so tolle Nachtische bereiten kann und uns wird er bestimmt auch sehr gut schmecken, da wir uns vegetarisch ernähren. Bin sehr gespannt sie alle auszuprobieren 😅 Dankeschön
Sharon Hermes don't fool yourself do you not know that BANANAS are full of sugar to be exact 1 banana = 15 grams sugar ! FYI : 1 teaspoon has 4 grams of sugar so as you can see 1 BANANA contains almost 4 teaspoons of sugar. If you eat this so called no sugar ice cream sooner of later you will end up having DIABETIES and overweight.
There is still fructose in it and fructose is no better than normal sugar, it just depends on the amount. Sometimes I wish you would all take a course on nutrition. The only thing that makes a difference here are the additional vitamins, but your body reacts to fructose in the same way as normal, so there is absolutely no difference in the sugar content.
The important part is that the banana has to be frozen to get that creamy consistency, it won´t work the other way round. You can mix it with whatever you like, not only (fresh or frozen) berries but also stuff like cacoa. 😋
Hi , you can increase the other ingredients and won’t taste banana. I make berry ice cream, other fruits and the organic cacao powder tastes like the old fashioned super chocolate ice cream I had as a child. It made me not want the other ice creams because it just tasted so good. Hope you enjoy 😀🍨
Me encanto estas recetas de helados muy naturales libres de aditivos y de azucares, gracias por enseñarnos.. siempre siga así enseñándonos recetas todo natural.. desde Perú, saludos
The cocoa and blueberry recipe especially are what I would like. But I think I'll try them all! I love how creative the lime mint is infused, Id call that a mojito flavor here in California. 😉
it's frozen purée fruit using frozen banana as a base because it is the consistency of cream and a medium banana contains approximately 5.72 g of fructose, a common sugar found in many fruits
I don’t speak your language, but I love your recipes , I’ve tried some of them and they are really great , thank you for sharing , Sherry from Louisiana 👍
Amei 💓,eu fazia essas misturas pra dar de papinha para as minhas crianças quando eram bebês, mas o que eles amavam era abacate amassado com açúcar,ou vitamina de abacate banana e açúcar,fica maravilhoso 😍 bjos do Brasil 🇧🇷
@@pcmasterracetechgod5660 Cukor v surovom ovocí tvorí s ostatnými zložkami biologicky aktívny komplex, nie je izolovaný. V prirodzenej forme ako súčasť ovocia je prospešný a má dokonca očistný účinok - či na úrovni buniek alebo tráviaceho taktu.
@pcmasterracetechgod5660 It’s fruit sugar. It’s natural sugar. Foods containing natural sugars offer nutrients that keep your body healthy, provide fast yet stable energy, and keep your metabolism stable. Fruits, for instance, offer essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C and folate. Added refined sugars, on the other hand, are harmful in large quantities.
@@NailHeavenAshford I agree. I lost 4 stone in weight mainly by eating bananas when I felt hungry and cutting out crisps and bread. And further to this my Doctor was amazed when my blood sugars evened out and went down to what they should be from 45 down to 37. My blood pressure dropped from being high down to a much better around 90/60. I gave up sugary foods and drinks, stopped alcohol and got much healthier. All after having a heart attack (I know) but I'm still here and much healthier so I'll never understand why people say not to eat fruit. Just eat it in place of the bad foods you normally have.
There is just something about frozen blueberries that hits different! I always freeze mine and all my strawberries & cherries together and then poor a bit of unsweetened heavy whipping cream over them for my treat. It freezes the cream layer and then they slowly thaw as I eat them and the liquid at the end is heavenly!
@@laudeciraguimaraes8113 Fiz hoje, com banana prata e uva sem semente. Ficou uma delícia. Não vai açúcar, nem leite, só as frutas. Muito cremoso e saboroso. As bananas não ficaram escuras. Usei duas bananas prata tamanho médio e umas dez uvas. Deu para duas pessoas uma dose razoável de sorvete.
Die sehen sehr gut aus. Die Vorbereitung sehr einfach. Die Frage ist ob die auch wie richtiges Eis schmecken. Gerade versuche ich von zucker anzukommen und ich liebe Eis. Ich probiere es auf jeden Fall. Danke 😊
La verdad me encantó la idea de hacer helado con frutas y hacerlo con cualquiera de las frutas muchas gracias x las resetas mi pregunta es se pueden refrigerar felicitaciones y bendiciones ❤❤😊😊
Thank you so much for this recipe!! This will be fantastic year-round, but especially in the summer heat! So many possibilities too! Raspberry, apricot, chocolate, vanilla bean, mango, dragon fruit, passion fruit.. the possibilities are endless!
@@josepasqualetti5302 You are definitely right about that Jose. I've made frozen fruit. Banana, Strawberries, Blueberries, Cinnamon, tsp Vanilla, Maple Syrup. Change the fruit up. All of it freezes. Peaches, Pears, Kiwi, Cherries etc. BUTTT it's NOT ice cream. You can't compare.
Love the glass ice cream cones, so frozen bananas and another fruit of choice eh...yep gotta try now :) ...thanks edit: I just used ice cubes and bananas and strawberry's and a little sugar and milk, it was great in a blender, as a smoothie drink, gotta to have frozen to make your ice cream, but will give it a go
Как же аппетитно выглядит☺️👍 Интересно наблюдать за процессом приготовления изумительных рецептов шикарного мужчины🤗 Аккуратно и красиво делает свою работу 👏 Рецепты простые, доступные, а главное- не вредят здоровью ☝️ Продукты, содержащие витамины и фитонутриенты полезны для организма. И никакой химии👍 Круто ✌️ Благодарю автора за прекрасные рецепты. Хочу себе такого повара🧑🍳💚
Excelente Idea !!! Muchas Gracias!! Soy diabética y no había encontrado una opción ... Incluso compré una máquina para helados pero igual necesita Leche o crema para batir así que no me sirvió 😢 Pero ahora con esto has resuelto mi dilema!!!! ❤
Excelente! Me has inspirado, nunca sabemos qué hacer con las bananas que se maduren muy pronto en nuestro clima tropical, aquí el helado se disfruta muchísimo!
Super! Habe gerade keine Rezepte gesucht, aber dieses angezeigt bekommen. Im Tiefkühlschrank schlummern Heidelbeeren und Bananenscheiben für Eis und da wir gerade auf Milchprodukte und Industriezucker verzichten, hatte ich überlegt wie ich da jetzt am besten Eis draus machen kann. So einfach, vielen Dank!
That's how I make mine😁 It's satisfying, delicious and nutritious! Popsicles are great too. I use talents containers for extra for later. It does harden that way though. Greek yogurt added is nice too.
It’s basically what we now call smoothie bowl 😂 but i love these recipes and will definitely try them :3 the strawberry and the cocoa ones are my favorites
@I'll Destroy U if U Come At Me! actually no, but it taste better and healthier It’s lighter than ice cream and you don’t HAVE to add a banana but it just holds the texture longer
Ich bin begeistert von deine Rezepten🙏🥰vor allem weil sind leicht zum selber machen und Rezepten mit Obst lieben wir zuhause weil wir haben übersiedeln nach Argentinische Patagonia 🇦🇷❤️mit meine Familie und hier gibt so viel Gemüse und Obst das deine guten Ideen sind ideal! 🍷🙋🏻♀️
Frozen bananas, almond milk, plus a touch of maple syrup for a delicious shake. Also, the simple combination of frozen bananas and strawberries, with perhaps a touch of sugar is really tasty!
Don't you just love how no baby cows were separated from their mothers and vice versa for this? I love how no cows were used, abused and murdered for this!
@@audio-tech-fil2287 попробовал. Ничего особенного, если честно. На вкус не как мороженое, а как замороженное фруктовое пюре.))) Мороженое нежно тает, а эта штука нет.
Mega, so mache ich auch schon lang. Da ich selber 4 Jahre in eisdiele gearbeitet und auch Eis produziert, da habe ich festgestellt dass Konsistenz von Bananeneis ist sehr creamig, hab auch verschiedene sorten ausprobiert zuhause mit bananenmasse. Da weisst man sicher was drinn ist 😊. Minimal und nur Obst. Auch sehr schnell zubereitet. Sehr lecker. Vielen Dank für tolles Video, Zuschauer werden sich bestimmt auch sehr freuen ❤❤❤.
I feel certain that is the food chopper attachment for his immersion blender. He also uses the whisk attachment on the immersion blender in some videos.
@@pureplantgoodness Ah. Obrigada por essa dica tbem. Uso o liquidificador, mas é muito grande, por isso vou seguir tua dica do processador. Muito grata. Deus abençoe 🙏
Se ven muy ricoooos, se me hizo agua la boca. Yo tengo una máquina para hacer helados, pero la suya es más rápido, porque se echan todos los sabores al mismo tiempo. Gracias gracias gracias, en realidad son más saludables y quedan muy ricos sin añadir azúcar blanca que es veneno. Que siga preparando y mostrando muchas mas ricas recetas. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
Nunca había visto una receta más práctica y saludable de preparar helados. Mi salud te lo agradece profundamente, ahora si podré disfrutarlos sin arrepentimientos. 😂😂
Me encantó... Bien natural... Se ve muy exquisito... El q más me gusta es el de banana con chocolate... Se le puede agregar dulce de leche también‼️... Sí no es diabético todo va a estar bien❣️🙋
Good idea. Most people eat bananas raw right after they peel them and don't realize how much sugar they contain. But once a peeled banana is frozen and then thawed, it releases its sugar into a very sweet syrup. So frozen/thawed bananas can be used to sweeten any dish (like pudding) or baked goods like muffins, breads and pies. I also use them added to a peanut butter/tahini/cocoa powder mixture as a snack And they do well as a sweetener for pumpkin.
Is it better frozen?
Yes a banana contains lots of fruit sugar which could make people fat. So a better title of that vid would have been: no additional sugar.
If a banana is still green it has starch instead of sugar. That might be an option if mixed gently, but of course the sweetness is missing.
Yes bananas do have significant sugar. They also have fiber though, which helps the sugar absorb more slowly into the bloodstream. This prevents the severe insulin response that results from a large amount of sugar introduced into the blood quickly.
Is it okay for someone with diabetes to eat it?
@KN Yes, eating bananas in moderation is fine. I buy the small one's meant for children's lunch boxes. No fruit is "bad" , you just need to research sugars in fruit, and I found it helpful to keep a fruit diary to note how the fruit affected my sugars and myself in general.
I'll be biggest banana buyer in the country after seeing this! Peanut butter, blueberries, mango , pistachios...endless possibilities. Thank you for inspiration
😂ok👍. And I will be the biggest banana buyer .
@@iulianini3893 No! I will be the biggest banana buyer! 🙂
Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today. 🎶
All very natural. Not loaded with sugar! Just delicious fruit. I like all of them!!
There is still fructose in it and fructose is no better than normal sugar, it just depends on the amount. Sometimes I wish you would all take a course on nutrition. The only thing that makes a difference here are the additional vitamins, but your body reacts to fructose in the same way as normal, so there is absolutely no difference in the sugar content.
@@schmalootenso I can not eat it ( diabetic)
Meine Schwiegertochter ist Veganerin es freut mich sehr, dass ich ihr nun so tolle Nachtische bereiten kann und uns wird er bestimmt auch sehr gut schmecken, da wir uns vegetarisch ernähren. Bin sehr gespannt sie alle auszuprobieren 😅 Dankeschön
J'aime que vous soyez végétarien
C'est super
Riquísimos . Todos se ven deliiii
I’ve made this with banana and frozen blueberries and it’s pure magic!
What did you use to blend the ingredients?
@@theresaharvey2424 I just use my small food processor…works great! Hope you try it.
Se ven deliciosos y nutritivos
Felicitaciones. Gracias
Благодарю Вас за рецепты!🙏♥️☀️
Нравятся все!👌🔥💞💞💞
Мир Вашему дому и всего-всего самого желанного!💞🕊️☘️♥️☀️🙏
Frozen bananas is how I make my ice cream all the time. I love it. Thanks for sharing.🥰😋😋😋😋
Love the fact that it's all natural ingredients without added sugar, keep up the good work finding new recipes.😊
I totally agree, so much better than the dairy free ice creams you can buy full of rubbish 💚🍦
Sharon Hermes don't fool yourself do you not know that BANANAS are full of sugar to be exact 1 banana = 15 grams sugar !
FYI : 1 teaspoon has 4 grams of sugar so as you can see 1 BANANA contains almost 4 teaspoons of sugar. If you eat this so called no sugar ice cream sooner of later you will end up having DIABETIES and overweight.
What is the machine called?
Por favor como se llamael blender que usa para hacer los helados ? El nombre como buscarlo para comprarlo??? Gracias
So, I guess this can be made with any frozen fruit. Will try. Thanks for posting ❤
Mejor versión de hacer helado que he visto hasta ahora.
100% saludable.
Sin grasa ni azúcar.
Bravo !!!
There is still fructose in it and fructose is no better than normal sugar, it just depends on the amount. Sometimes I wish you would all take a course on nutrition. The only thing that makes a difference here are the additional vitamins, but your body reacts to fructose in the same way as normal, so there is absolutely no difference in the sugar content.
The important part is that the banana has to be frozen to get that creamy consistency, it won´t work the other way round. You can mix it with whatever you like, not only (fresh or frozen) berries but also stuff like cacoa. 😋
How much can you taste the banana? I don't really like bananas, but this looks like a grate idea.
Strawberries N bananas and of course top Ruth a little whipped cream
Hi , you can increase the other ingredients and won’t taste banana. I make berry ice cream, other fruits and the organic cacao powder tastes like the old fashioned super chocolate ice cream I had as a child. It made me not want the other ice creams because it just tasted so good. Hope you enjoy 😀🍨
@@kerrygearin3910 Awesome! Thank you so much!
What type of machine are u using?
Me encanto estas recetas de helados muy naturales libres de aditivos y de azucares, gracias por enseñarnos.. siempre siga así enseñándonos recetas todo natural.. desde Perú, saludos
I love this! Going to make for my grandbabies one is allergic to dairy! Thank you!❤
I'm allergic to dairy too. I have been all of my life.
Fabelhafte Ideen, besonders für Veganer! Wunderbare KOmbinationen! Danke! Viele Grüsse aus Sofia!
Fiz o de hortelã, ficou delicioso o de manga também. Parabéns. Eleide, Aracaju/SE, Brasil
The cocoa and blueberry recipe especially are what I would like. But I think I'll try them all! I love how creative the lime mint is infused, Id call that a mojito flavor here in California. 😉
Hello ji
Lovely!! I love that no baby cows were separated from their mothers and vice versa. I love that no cows were used, abused and murdered for this.
Как всё аппетитно и вкусно выглядит. Спасибо вам большое за рецепты. 👍💐
Выглядит это конечно красиво, согласна, интересно какое оно на вкус.
it's frozen purée fruit using frozen banana as a base because it is the consistency of cream and a medium banana contains approximately 5.72 g of fructose, a common sugar found in many fruits
I don’t speak your language, but I love your recipes , I’ve tried some of them and they are really great , thank you for sharing , Sherry from Louisiana 👍
Siento que mi vida acaba de dar un giro con estás recetas. Muchas gracias ❤
Все рецепты понравились , круто ! ❤
Qué pinta tienen!!! Parece que están riquísimos!!!😋😋😋
Amei 💓,eu fazia essas misturas pra dar de papinha para as minhas crianças quando eram bebês, mas o que eles amavam era abacate amassado com açúcar,ou vitamina de abacate banana e açúcar,fica maravilhoso 😍 bjos do Brasil 🇧🇷
Hello ji
a banana é o açúcar do sorvete.
Я люблю клубнику и банан. Очень классное сочетание! Попробуйте. Обязательно понравится!)
Всем МИРА!!!❤❤❤
@@НадеждаПричентовская gracias por la recomendación lo haré! ❤️🤠
They all look delicious!🥰I love mango and blueberries but the lime mint one sounds good too! I can’t decide😁 thanks for sharing the video!
They look great but there is a lot of sugar in fruits, so the title is slightly misleading
@@pcmasterracetechgod5660 Cukor v surovom ovocí tvorí s ostatnými zložkami biologicky aktívny komplex, nie je izolovaný. V prirodzenej forme ako súčasť ovocia je prospešný a má dokonca očistný účinok - či na úrovni buniek alebo tráviaceho taktu.
It’s fruit sugar. It’s natural sugar.
Foods containing natural sugars offer nutrients that keep your body healthy, provide fast yet stable energy, and keep your metabolism stable. Fruits, for instance, offer essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C and folate. Added refined sugars, on the other hand, are harmful in large quantities.
@@NailHeavenAshford I agree. I lost 4 stone in weight mainly by eating bananas when I felt hungry and cutting out crisps and bread. And further to this my Doctor was amazed when my blood sugars evened out and went down to what they should be from 45 down to 37. My blood pressure dropped from being high down to a much better around 90/60. I gave up sugary foods and drinks, stopped alcohol and got much healthier. All after having a heart attack (I know) but I'm still here and much healthier so I'll never understand why people say not to eat fruit. Just eat it in place of the bad foods you normally have.
Чудовий рецепт!Таке заспокійливе відео. У нас наразі тропічна спека у місті. Приємно буде покуштувати таке морозиво.Дякую!
There is just something about frozen blueberries that hits different! I always freeze mine and all my strawberries & cherries together and then poor a bit of unsweetened heavy whipping cream over them for my treat. It freezes the cream layer and then they slowly thaw as I eat them and the liquid at the end is heavenly!
And there is the funny part about saying "without sugar" ... because there is sugar once you do that with bananas. lol
В бананах есть фруктоза, она вредна не менее, чем сахар
@@Nimoot I still prefer fruit sugar over the factory one
This feels more like sherbet rather than ice cream.
How abut trying coconut cream instead of dairy cream?
I used to do this for my boys when they were babies. I'm going to start back doing this! Thanks
As bananas não ficam escuras?
@@laudeciraguimaraes8113 Fiz hoje, com banana prata e uva sem semente. Ficou uma delícia. Não vai açúcar, nem leite, só as frutas. Muito cremoso e saboroso. As bananas não ficaram escuras.
Usei duas bananas prata tamanho médio e umas dez uvas. Deu para duas pessoas uma dose razoável de sorvete.
aqui em casa é sucesso. banana com manga, com cacau e com pasta de amendoim. ficam perfeitos
Die sehen sehr gut aus.
Die Vorbereitung sehr einfach.
Die Frage ist ob die auch wie richtiges Eis schmecken.
Gerade versuche ich von zucker anzukommen und ich liebe Eis.
Ich probiere es auf jeden Fall. Danke 😊
Adoro sorvete e assim natural deve ficar melhor ainda!! adorei parabéns😊
WOW! I never knew you could make healthy ice cream! This is AMAZING! Thank you!
Maravilloso, me encantan tus recetas, tu calma y buena vibra. Mil gracias y felicitaciones y mucha prosperidad. Gracias.
¡Hola! Me encantaría que también pudieras ver mis videos. ¡Muchas gracias y cielos en paz para todos nosotros!
La verdad me encantó la idea de hacer helado con frutas y hacerlo con cualquiera de las frutas muchas gracias x las resetas mi pregunta es se pueden refrigerar felicitaciones y bendiciones ❤❤😊😊
Thank you so much for this recipe!! This will be fantastic year-round, but especially in the summer heat! So many possibilities too! Raspberry, apricot, chocolate, vanilla bean, mango, dragon fruit, passion fruit.. the possibilities are endless!
Hello ji
Me encantó la de mangos y arándanos la voy a probar, gracias
They all look absolutely wonderful but my favourite to try first is the lime & mint followed a close second by the cocoa. Many thanks for sharing.
Dziękuję za super przepisy, pozdrawiam z Polski 👍👍👍
Cześć! Będzie mi miło, jeśli zerkniesz również na moje filmy. Wielkie dzięki i spokojnego nieba dla nas wszystkich!
Muss ich unbedingt nachmachen super
Questo non è gelato ma frutta congelata frullata……. Mi dispiace sicuramente e buona ma fare il gelato e tutta un’altra cosa
@@josepasqualetti5302 You are definitely right about that Jose. I've made frozen fruit. Banana, Strawberries, Blueberries, Cinnamon, tsp Vanilla, Maple Syrup. Change the fruit up. All of it freezes. Peaches, Pears, Kiwi, Cherries etc. BUTTT it's NOT ice cream. You can't compare.
@@janice369 well iam sure in summertime it will refresh evenly
Порадовали сегодня бабушку.!!! Очень признательна. 😊 Благодарю.!!!😊
Es wird nicht geredet,das ist sehr angenehm und entspannend! Bitte weiter so und nur aufs Wesentliche konzentrieren!😊👍
Me encantó ,lo de los helados ,los haré gracias ❤
No lo puedo hacer no tengo para procesar gracias
Amei 😂
Выглядит очень вкусно, попробую сделать😊
Love the glass ice cream cones, so frozen bananas and another fruit of choice eh...yep gotta try now :) ...thanks
edit: I just used ice cubes and bananas and strawberry's and a little sugar and milk, it was great in a blender, as a smoothie drink, gotta to have frozen to make your ice cream, but will give it a go
Me encanta, muy util y facil para este calor ♥
Как же аппетитно выглядит☺️👍
Интересно наблюдать за процессом приготовления изумительных рецептов шикарного мужчины🤗
Аккуратно и красиво делает свою работу 👏
Рецепты простые, доступные, а главное- не вредят здоровью ☝️
Продукты, содержащие витамины и фитонутриенты полезны для организма. И никакой химии👍
Круто ✌️
Благодарю автора за прекрасные рецепты.
Хочу себе такого повара🧑🍳💚
Todos exquisitos, muchas gracias por mostrarnos sus recetas!!!!😋😋
Excelente Idea !!!
Muchas Gracias!!
Soy diabética y no había encontrado una opción ... Incluso compré una máquina para helados pero igual necesita Leche o crema para batir así que no me sirvió 😢
Pero ahora con esto has resuelto mi dilema!!!! ❤
Be careful. Bananas are full of sugar and this will put your sugar levels up.
Tellement délicieux, c'est génial. Je l'aime. 🤩😋
I’ve been making nice cream for years, it’s amazing. Haven’t tried with chocolate but will do so next!
Excelentes recetas, gracias, amo el helado todo el año. Gran solución para evitar el azúcar. Saludos desde Argentina
N'oubliez pas que tous les fruits contiennent du sucre même les pommes amicalement
I've made this ice cream severally using frozen bananas and strawberries in my nutribullrt blender. The outcome is the same. Very nice in summer
Do you freeze first? Or mix then freeze?
Sieht Suuuuper lecker 😋 aus 👍. Da läuft einen das Wasser im Mund zusammen. Einen schönen Abend. Gruß Hr.Rother
Excelente! Me has inspirado, nunca sabemos qué hacer con las bananas que se maduren muy pronto en nuestro clima tropical, aquí el helado se disfruta muchísimo!
Adorei todas sorvetes de frutas e maravilhoso parabéns
Por aqui usamos em sorvetes e também para adoçar bolos e biscoitos.
@@lesliemaialopesfreire7244 pode usar qualquer tipo de banana?
@@neymaalnajmah2436 maduras porque si estan verdes se siente el sabor de la banana
Quanto rimangono in frizzer?
Как легко и красиво,полезно!!!
Спасибо, теперь только так буду готовить мороженое!
Se ven deliciosos, cremosos, y muy saludables. Me encantan, voy a prepararlos. Muchas gracias por compartir.
Wow! without all sugar and all flavor! Congrats!
Thank you very much for the recipe it looks delicious and very healthy 😋😋😋
Can you please provide the link for the equipment you used to make the ice cream. Thank you!.
Banana cream
yes, where do you get the equipment to make the ice cream?
Blender, stick blender or a food processor - anything that can smash and puree frozen fruits.
É difícil escolher 1 sabor, porque eu gosto de todos.☺
Obrigada pela receita!
Hello ji
Donde lo encuentro ese artículo xf
Super! Habe gerade keine Rezepte gesucht, aber dieses angezeigt bekommen. Im Tiefkühlschrank schlummern Heidelbeeren und Bananenscheiben für Eis und da wir gerade auf Milchprodukte und Industriezucker verzichten, hatte ich überlegt wie ich da jetzt am besten Eis draus machen kann. So einfach, vielen Dank!
That's how I make mine😁 It's satisfying, delicious and nutritious! Popsicles are great too. I use talents containers for extra for later. It does harden that way though. Greek yogurt added is nice too.
شكرا لك
It’s basically what we now call smoothie bowl 😂 but i love these recipes and will definitely try them :3 the strawberry and the cocoa ones are my favorites
@I'll Destroy U if U Come At Me! actually no, but it taste better and healthier
It’s lighter than ice cream and you don’t HAVE to add a banana but it just holds the texture longer
Se ve muy Rico y nutritivo gracias por compartirnos tú receta
Все гениальное просто! Я в восторге! Представляю, как это вкусно, обязательно попробую приготовить!
O segredo é deixar as bananas bem madurinhas,assim o sorvete fica doce,se não estiverem maduras não fica tão bom o gosto do sorvete.🤝
Eu gosto maduro normal ou quase maduro. Não gosto do sabor forte da frutose, nem de açúcar nenhum. Já me livrei do vício do açúcar. 😅
É ótima essas receitas naturais, principalmente para as pessoas que estão em tratamento de quimioterapia como eu.
Hello ji
@@msolangem2519 boa recuperação
Хотела глянуть и пройти мимо. Но залипла и смотрела до конца. Обязательно попробую, выглядит невероятно вкусно. Ну и полезно!)
ALLE Rezepte ☀️☀️☀️ sind TOLL ☀️☀️- SEHR GEFALLEN 🎆 !!! EINFACH ☀️, GESUND ☀️ und LECKER ☀️!!! DANKE für diese SÜSSEN ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ IDEEN !!! ❤️
Ich bin begeistert von deine Rezepten🙏🥰vor allem weil sind leicht zum selber machen und Rezepten mit Obst lieben wir zuhause weil wir haben übersiedeln nach Argentinische Patagonia 🇦🇷❤️mit meine Familie und hier gibt so viel Gemüse und Obst das deine guten Ideen sind ideal! 🍷🙋🏻♀️
Frozen bananas, almond milk, plus a touch of maple syrup for a delicious shake. Also, the simple combination of frozen bananas and strawberries, with perhaps a touch of sugar is really tasty!
Hello ji
Don't you just love how no baby cows were separated from their mothers and vice versa for this? I love how no cows were used, abused and murdered for this!
I know many dairy farmers snd their cows are treated very well. Not all dairy farmers are bad. Most aren’t, I’d even say.
@@pittsfieldbeast Or if you don't have that much time right now, watch a 5 minute video called "Dairy is scary" here on youtube. Good luck ^^
Oh yum! Must make soon. I can no longer eat ice thanks for the great ideas.😊 the berries ones would be my favorites.
Que fáciles los helados. Se ven muy ricos y saludables. Gracias. Dios la bendiga 🙏🙏
Спасибо большое, вам за ваши вкусные рецепты мороженое! Очень нравится!!!😋😍👍🔥🎉🌅 Удачи вам и процветания вашему каналу!!!🌎🌿🌴🌴🌴🍍♥️♥️♥️
Потрясающе!!! Никогда бы не подумал, что можно сделать мороженое из банана. Спасибо большое, обязательно попробую! Выглядит очень вкусно!
Попробовала? И как?
@@audio-tech-fil2287 попробовал. Ничего особенного, если честно. На вкус не как мороженое, а как замороженное фруктовое пюре.)))
Мороженое нежно тает, а эта штука нет.
@@Veronika8300 Спасибо!
Вы меня покорили и вдохновили сделать эту вкуснятину !!! Благодарю за Вашу изобритательность . Мороженое моя слабость !
Это не мороженное, а замороженная смесь фруктов. Последний вариант - вообще отстой. Зря потратите продукты. Не благодарите.
Пардон, 4-ый вариант, который с какао.
Mega, so mache ich auch schon lang. Da ich selber 4 Jahre in eisdiele gearbeitet und auch Eis produziert, da habe ich festgestellt dass Konsistenz von Bananeneis ist sehr creamig, hab auch verschiedene sorten ausprobiert zuhause mit bananenmasse. Da weisst man sicher was drinn ist 😊. Minimal und nur Obst. Auch sehr schnell zubereitet. Sehr lecker. Vielen Dank für tolles Video, Zuschauer werden sich bestimmt auch sehr freuen ❤❤❤.
Auf diese hier gezeigte Art kristallisiert die Masse. Das hat nichts mit Eiscreme zu tun.
Bei mir kristallisiert nicht.. Für Sie empfele ich dann lieber mit bananenmasse Eis machen. Konsistenz mit bananen viel cremiger.
What is the mixer/ blender called and where can I purchase ?? You’re wonderful Thank you for sharing recipes and your time!!!!❤😊
That's a small food processor 😊
I love the Cuisinart brand personally
I feel certain that is the food chopper attachment for his immersion blender. He also uses the whisk attachment on the immersion blender in some videos.
It's marked "Bosch" and "800w", so you should be able to find it online.
I've done this once before but this is a whole new incentive.. I want to try them all 🤣 thanks 👍🏼😊
Is it a simple or portable blender as ice cream maker? Where to purchase it?
Once your fruit is frozen you just need to blend it. I use my food processor as my blender isn't powerful enough x
@@pureplantgoodness Ah. Obrigada por essa dica tbem. Uso o liquidificador, mas é muito grande, por isso vou seguir tua dica do processador. Muito grata.
Deus abençoe 🙏
Love the music, beautiful and relaxing
Браво Александр. Фруктовое мороженое супер. Так держать
Gracias. No consumo lacteos y esto me cayo perfecto! 🙏
Que legal!!! Banana e morango deve ficar ótimo 😋😋😋
Schmeckt super. Ich nehme gefrorene Erdbeeren und frische Bananen. Ur lecker
Foi o que pensei!
Sim. Strawberry banana!!! O dunkin donuts americano vende. 🎉
@@dagmarp3268 mmmmh, good ideas
Спасибо за прекрасный рецепт . Приятного аппетита
Se ven muy ricoooos, se me hizo agua la boca. Yo tengo una máquina para hacer helados, pero la suya es más rápido, porque se echan todos los sabores al mismo tiempo.
Gracias gracias gracias, en realidad son más saludables y quedan muy ricos sin añadir azúcar blanca que es veneno.
Que siga preparando y mostrando muchas mas ricas recetas. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
I LOVE the food processor you’re using! What brand is it? Great recipes. Thank you 🙏
Nunca había visto una receta más práctica y saludable de preparar helados. Mi salud te lo agradece profundamente, ahora si podré disfrutarlos sin arrepentimientos. 😂😂
Спасибо за вкусные, интересные рецепты!❤
Люди часто не знают, какой вкусной может быть веганская пища.
So simple and yummy ❤ 8:03
Todas práticas e deliciosas!
Foi uma grata surpresa cair aqui e estas receitas era o que estava procurando algo assim mesmo: sem açúcar. Obrigada !
Every one of them looks yummy! The mint and lime is especially appealing! Thank you
C'est super ces recettes 👍Merci. Les glaces vendues dans le commerce sont trop grasses et trop sucrées.
They all look so delicious. I will definitely make them this summer
Молодец, легко и просто!!! Спасибо!!!❤❤❤👍
Meu sonho de consumo é poder produzir sorvetes assim!!...sou intolerante a lactose e sofro d+ com o consumo do sorvete tradicional!!...
It's so hard being lactose intolerant since most recipes have milk, cream, cheese or some other kind of dairy.
Banana congelada faz milagres hoje em dia.
Pode fazer, fica ó fiz vom coco em fruts tbm....
What kind of machine are you using?
Eu não conheço esse aparelho , mas vc faz o mesmo com a sorveteira yonanas
Отличные рецепты👍👍👍 Делала с клубникой. Получилось!
These recipes are great, thank you! Can you share the brand of the food processor please? I don’t have one but like the one used in this video.
❤ love all the flavours, what is the mixer you are using? Can I use my food processor instead? Thank you for These great ideas.
Gostei de todas. Sem açúcar, tudo ao natural e só dois ingredientes!!!! São deliciosamente fantásticas e saudáveis. Parabéns
Realmente muito bom
Me encantó... Bien natural... Se ve muy exquisito... El q más me gusta es el de banana con chocolate... Se le puede agregar dulce de leche también‼️... Sí no es diabético todo va a estar bien❣️🙋
Thanks for giving me some great ideas for making vegan ice cream. I have a Yonana put my frozen bananas into which comes out like soft serve.