I think Miss Hon might have some misunderstanding of 'whatever you can teach' in Canada. The education department and school board has a whole set of school curriculum for teacher to follow. Students are not required to purchase the textbook and to memorize the contents of the books, but they are provided textbooks in class for reference. For children with special needed, An Individual Education plan is designed in the beginning of the term, review and follow through the year. For children of Autism, Most center are using Ablls as the guidebook to teach and evaluate the progress of the child.
if for Instructor therapist , the market price range now starts from C$20.00/hour and up. just a head warning here. The learning centre usually employ them as contractor, so their paid cheque wont be deducted income taxes and EI. so they usually do not enjoy unemployment benefit.
Hong Kong may pay teacher more for entry level, but they are not able to afford to rent a decent place or they have to save most of their money in order to buy an apartment. At the end, Canadian teacher may have more money to spend on leisure than Hong Kong people after renting a decent place in Canada.
Not quite. Did you check the rent In Toronto or Vancouver recently? Canada is becoming just as unaffordable if not more, considering the pay gap, as Hong Kong
好informative! 多謝你!加油!
Miss Hon口齒伶俐,咬字清晰,又靚女,祝你一切順利💪🏻多謝Nigel!講解香港人過加拿大搵工作嘅過程,除咗睇你介紹樓,我都好鍾意睇你其他唔同嘅片,祝你同太太身體健康,工作愉快!
嘩 Nigel 你年輕又有正能量 前途無限
多謝Nigel訪問Miss Hon,亦都衷心多謝Miss Hon願意分享咁多有用訊息,睇得出Nigel好用心去準備每一個訪問,你哋兩位都加油,同時比啲掌聲自己,欣賞自己❤祝你哋在加生活一切順利!越嚟越好👍🏻
我都有follow Tohonto 的 channel. 你們兩位都好正面面對新環境新挑戰,是一個真香港人。So proud.
All the best to u guys 香港人、有種精神、叫堅持!
I think Miss Hon might have some misunderstanding of 'whatever you can teach' in Canada. The education department and school board has a whole set of school curriculum for teacher to follow. Students are not required to purchase the textbook and to memorize the contents of the books, but they are provided textbooks in class for reference. For children with special needed, An Individual Education plan is designed in the beginning of the term, review and follow through the year. For children of Autism, Most center are using Ablls as the guidebook to teach and evaluate the progress of the child.
There is bench marks and standards…
Miss Hon有第一份本地工經驗,後面會更有競爭力的。加油!
"一對一"是learning centre ,不是公費。政府只provid limited funding to the 合資格的學童家庭,而且有waiting list 。
I feel like I need to take her class.
多謝Nigel 邀請Miss Hon分享經驗!支持你開心事台!💪💪💪
Very informative, very encouraging and positive attitude. You will success in every venue you pursue.
pandemic 後,好多老師退左休,應該有多些空位。加油。
I subscribed Miss Hon's channel as well. Love Miss Hon's positive attitude and well prepared before her migration to here. Add Oil.
香港需要家庭每年支付買教科書費用。加拿大唔可行,因為咁樣會 marginalize low-income families。令到收入少嘅家庭更難接受教育。中學學校會借教科書俾學生。官立大學會係自付或上網下載🙃,但係大多數prof 都會選擇免費教材,因為同樣原因。專科除外。
29/1/2024 , 5:46 Salary
多謝分享,希望可以帶給想黎加拿大的朋友一些正面的訊息,miss hon 咁靚女咁叻我都想分租比佢啦😂
轉牌真係容易嗎?我之前係中學老師,宜家做EA.我local d同事,佢Alberta teaching degree, 佢話由Alberta 轉嚟Ontaria,OCT要佢讀番哂兩年full time teaching degree 。佢真係唯有讀。所以我諗緊申唔申請轉牌。
if for Instructor therapist , the market price range now starts from C$20.00/hour and up. just a head warning here. The learning centre usually employ them as contractor, so their paid cheque wont be deducted income taxes and EI. so they usually do not enjoy unemployment benefit.
i believe Miss Hon's job title in English should be " Instructor therapist".
BCBA not only require a master degree in applied behaviour analysis but also 3000 hours practical supervised by a psychologist.
😂😂住香港嘅人係冇可能想像得到間屋係乜, 住五個人重有好大私人空間. 香港人对住嘅觀念就係20O尺, 有$$佬住100O尺. 我係度住屋, 兩個人二千五百尺, 己經係唔算大屋
教師有個好大嘅工会, 可能係全世界最有$$嘅工会. 淨係睇下工会会資擁有嘅 Cadillac Fairview 就知喇. 因為工会有$$, 退休條件亦👍.
有教師剛讀完話可能揾唔到工著, most likely 係因為位揾工教師想方便自己, 只係某個區做教師.
工会制度係有要排(年)資論輩, 即係話如果某学校有空缺, 会由年資高嘅申請先. 所以新人揀好同方便嘅區会難啲. 新人如果去新開法區或其它地區城市, 快揾到工機會大好多.
Petit potato😂
It’s just impossible to make 37000 HKD or 6500 cad per month as a teacher In Canada. The pay gap is even larger after tax.
Hong Kong may pay teacher more for entry level, but they are not able to afford to rent a decent place or they have to save most of their money in order to buy an apartment. At the end, Canadian teacher may have more money to spend on leisure than Hong Kong people after renting a decent place in Canada.
@@argel5025 我住喺北美超過30年
Not quite. Did you check the rent In Toronto or Vancouver recently? Canada is becoming just as unaffordable if not more, considering the pay gap, as Hong Kong
@@在港陆人看世界 indeed. 20 years ago the quality of life was way better(I am in vancouver), now I would say HK is actually better for me :-)
21元你都肯做,做babysitting 都高過你,悲哀
俾個戶口我過俾你 🥲🥲
衰格 !出片不要講粗口!