@thesku11s Actually despite what most people will tell you it is NOT due to an increase in organ size. Their internal organs due increase but if it was to the extent of a distended gut their small intestines would be constricting them self and every pro with a distended gut wouldn't live for more than a couple of hours. It's actually caused by extremely thick abdominal muscles but very weak and underdeveloped transverse and inverse abdominals. Pros back in the day use to due exercise that targ
eted the entire core and minimized their waist appearance while also working the abdominals. The majority of pros target only the rectus abdominals and external obliques, not the underlying tissues. What this causes is thicker abs and a distended look because the inverse and transverse abdominals cannot fully "hold in" the visceral body fat.
Go Victor!
Hope he does well this year at the MR.O :)
Victor should place in the top 5 easily at every Olympia with his size and proportions. He just needs to come in better conditioned and it's automatic
@LBB988 this is like 4 weeks out now? i really hope he comes in some good condition this year...
this is really well choreographed... but if my friends or family saw me watching this they would think im gay
Are big guts in BBers caused my immenseley thick ab muscles or actual enlargement of internal organs due to HGH etc?
@WHOLETTHECATSOUTMEOW thats actually the opposite, the smaller the gyno, the smaller the incision meaning not as as noticable of a scar.
@thesku11s Actually despite what most people will tell you it is NOT due to an increase in organ size. Their internal organs due increase but if it was to the extent of a distended gut their small intestines would be constricting them self and every pro with a distended gut wouldn't live for more than a couple of hours. It's actually caused by extremely thick abdominal muscles but very weak and underdeveloped transverse and inverse abdominals. Pros back in the day use to due exercise that targ
is he going to the O?
legs are back up!
eted the entire core and minimized their waist appearance while also working the abdominals. The majority of pros target only the rectus abdominals and external obliques, not the underlying tissues. What this causes is thicker abs and a distended look because the inverse and transverse abdominals cannot fully "hold in" the visceral body fat.
how much conditioning can he do in the 4 weeks until the olympia? other than that his chest is ridiculous and that freaky back
He is going to the O.... but top 5... I dont think so. lower back, hams and glutes look too sloppy.
will he get on time for Mr.O?... Looks far away from stage condition